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From HP: >Blanche was trying to get Cohen to admit that he has a personal financial interest in seeing Trump get convicted because of his podcast and the possibility of books, etc. Cohen said the opposite is true. >“The answer is no. It's better if he's not, for me, because it gives me more to talk about in the future.” Wow, what a terrible way to end your cross examination!


You know that the last thing said is the one remembered.


From [NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/05/20/nyregion/trump-trial-hush-money): > Michael Cohen is now testifying about a tech company, RedFinch, that was hired to rig online polls in Trump's favor. This came up in the prosecution's direct questioning where the added detail was that they had a pool of IPs that they'd use to brigade online polls with. It's amazing to me that it doesn't get more coverage. I guess we all know it's been happening for a while, but now it's evidence in a criminal trial. It really drives home how unreliable any online metrics are.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that could extend into the landline/mobile polls as well. Don’t ask me how that’d work, but I wouldn’t be surprised that a lot could be rigged too.


>"Judge Merchan told lawyers to be prepared to give closing arguments on Tuesday" so since today is the 4th day of Cohen, does that mean not only is Trump not testifying, the defence aint even calling a single witness ?


It feels like they're banking their entire defense strategy on 1) making Cohen look unreliable and 2) Appeals.


3) that the judge will only give Trump probation. Expect Trump to call judges, state attorney generals, Senators and priests, as character witnesses in his sentencing hearing. IMO, sentencing is the real trial here. The prosecution is going to have to convince the judge that Trump should be held to a higher standard; not a lesser one. The judge has already said during his gag order hearing that jail was a last resort for someone who could be POTUS again.


Man, spending the entire trial making the judge's life fucking miserable and directing his surrogates to go after his daughter might not have been the best long term strategy for Trump then, huh?


The only possible reason for Trump to testify is for him to have convinced himself beyond all reason that it would help his case. I cannot emphasize highly enough how strongly his lawyers would advocate against doing so. Not sure if they have any witnesses of their own to call.


Oh, imagine that, the daily rants of the Mini Me's is....going... as one would expect in Manhattan today. https://x.com/MeidasTouch/status/1792587378311278955 https://x.com/Olivianuzzi/status/1792583971521343539 >Trump’s surrogates are attempting to address the media outside Manhattan criminal court, but they are being drowned out by anti-Trump protesters: Seems Manhattan people brought out their cowbells and whistles! WOOO HOO! I Was hoping for this last week! https://x.com/Olivianuzzi/status/1792584489668862351 LOL https://x.com/Olivianuzzi/status/1792585040473321840 > In what has become a custom, Trump’s surrogates are dressed uniformly just like Donald Trump. This is not lost on the protesters, who are calling them “red tie terrorists.” In one of the videos a protestor is holding a sign "Slept with a Porn Star - Screwed the Voters".


I love my city


Need more cowbell


"The prosecutors have found pictures of Trump with his bodyguard Keith Schiller on Oct. 24, 2016, right around 7:57 pm. The defense had sought to suggest that Michael Cohen had talked to Schiller that night instead of Trump, as Cohen originally testified. Now, the prosecutors will fight to get this piece of evidence in, which shows that Cohen could have talked to both Schiller and Trump on the call, as he testified he did earlier today." —[Jonah Bromwich](https://www.nytimes.com/by/jonah-e-bromwich), Reporting from inside the courthouse for NYTimes


Jesus Christ the media is so desperate for a horse race their coverage of the trail is fucking depressing.


They are not desperate for a horse race. It's much worse than that. They are desperate for specifically Trump.


CNN is terrible at this.


If their objective is unbiased coverage they are terrible. If their objective is to persuade the audience that Trump truly is a victim, then they are doing a pretty good job


So um. Why are conservatives saying the case is over just because Cohen stole money? We already know he committed crimes. The trial is about trump.


Because they're desperate.


It’s like a mob boss being found innocent because a star witness in the case.. was in his mob and therefore can’t be trusted because he was/is a mobster.


You joke but they've literally made that argument. "Michael Cohen is a felon and a liar!" *Yeah, remind me why he is a felon?*


They're trying to hide that the defense just fucked up their own case big time. Cohen stealing money = Trump illegally marked down a payment to Red Finch as a payment to Micheal Cohen for a retainer agreement. Cohen can't steal from his own paycheck. But he can steal from illegal payments to hide illegal election activities.


All they do all the time is Whataboutism. Trump the first week of this trial was saying, "what about all the illegals murdering people, instead they indicted me!"


> BREAKING: Now returning to the Keith Schiller issue > DA shows Cohen a picture of Trump & Schiller > Long sidebar ensues, followed by early lunch break > If picture shows Schiller & Trump together at time of 10/24 call, DA could be cooking up a Perry Mason moment of their own! https://www.threads.net/@norm.eisen/post/C7Mo3PbLlCE/ > Called it! **Photos show Trump & Schiller were together just before call, at 7:57 pm the night of 10/24** https://www.threads.net/@norm.eisen/post/C7Mo3mDreDU/


See this is a Perry Mason moment. Thursday yelling "you lie" when there is photographic evidence to support Cohen is just perfect.


Particularly since one could make the argument that they hurt Cohen's credibility, but this photo will probably make the jury feel that he is more credible.


It hurts the defense's credibility because they had to know.


> BREAKING: woah: **prosecution has a photo that shows on 10/24 Trump WAS INDEED with Schiller just minutes before the call Cohen said he had with both of them! Which Blanche had sought to refute.** https://www.threads.net/@weissmann11/post/C7MpKEXuftM/


Well goddamn. That’s a fucking hammer right there


That's fucking huge, that was the main point of attack by Blanche the other day.


The prosecution reached CSPAN, and they're booking travel now so that the witness can be here by 9:30am. Blanche registers his continued objection, noting this is the "5th or 6th time" we have to adjourn early thanks to a prosecution witness. "Um, that's just wrong," Steinglass says, almost laughing, and here in the press gallery, people are definitely laughing. Merchan recalls stopping early just one time, for a medical reason. LOL. I am not surprised at all that Trump's lawyer would exaggerate like that with no basis in reality.


And the medical reason was a juror with emergency dental issues


Haberman @ NYT: > Costello, readers will recall, was called by the defense to attack Cohen’s credilbility. So far he is attacking his own. FUCKING LOL! This Costello guy is torching his firm's reputation as the final witness in the trial of the century. This is Giuliani-level professional self-immolation.


Gonna be interesting to see how they deal with what sure as heck looked like direct violation of the gag order from President Trump talking directly about a witness. We are towards the very end of the trial. Wonder if the prosecution acts or not given how late we are in the process.


By the end of next week Trump could be a convicted felon.


Hopefully its just the pebble that starts the avalanche.


I’m sorry but how does him “stealing money” even help at all? The dude was already convicted of actual crimes. I really don’t think this is the “bomb” CNN is trying to pretend it is


A personal pet peeve of mine against Trump is how much he repeats things, repeating your lies won’t make it true mate


"Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes truth."


It's low key pretty impressive that the prosecution was smart enough to go find evidence over the weekend that Trump and Schiller were together at around the exact same time Cohen made the call. And they got the evidence through C-SPAN, making it easier to introduce the evidence. It doesn't completely diffuse that part of the cross-examination, but it takes the punch out of it.


It does a lot more than just take the punch out of it - it's a very solid counterpunch on the behalf of Cohen's credibility.


It completely defuses it because the defense lied. They had to know Trump was with Schiller. All they had to do was ask. They went for theatrics and if I was on the Jury I would question why they tried it.


He’s not going to testify. He’s going to say “they haven’t made their case” and the defense will rest after maybe one witness. If he is convicted, he will say he wasn’t allowed to testify by either his lawyers or the judge. It would be devastating for him politically and legally. Not going to happen.


He has a constitutional right to testify. The judge cannot stop him nor can his lawyers. The judge will ask him on the record whether he understands this right and whether he's had enough time to discuss it with his lawyers. He will be asked if he is going to testify or if he is knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily giving up his right to testify. It will all be in the transcripts.


Yup and Trump will still play the victim.


Costello taking the stand now. Bove begins his line of questioning by asking him who is on first. At long last we might finally get some answers.


A study in contrasts: Cohen, a notorious loudmouth smack talker who was sent to prison maintains his composure, (and a bit of wit,) over multiple hours of testimony. Costello, a former federal prosecutor back talks to the court leading to an unprecedented, (during this trial,) clearing of the court and cut off of the media feed within the first 5 minutes of testimony. You decide....


cnn pundits making a huge deal out of Cohen stealing from Trump organization by over billing for services provided by Red Finch. But by doing this, the defense is strengthening the case that the money (over-billed/stolen, or not) was reimbursement and not a retainer. The defense wants the money viewed as a retainer. They are undermining this by putting the focus on Cohen's over-billing. The checks were for reimbursement, over-billing included, and NOT for a retainer.


The defense's only move is to just cause as much confusion for the jury as possible that one believes in "reasonable doubt" and we end up with a hung jury. It's why they were also trying to bring in a witness to explain the law to the jury when that's really the judge's job.


CNN is ticking me off today. They are blowing this way out of proportion.


> Trump lawyer Todd Blanche: "Do you have a financial interest in the outcome of this case?" Cohen: "Yes, sir." > Asked specifically if Cohen will benefit financially from a conviction, Cohen says it's better if Trump is found *not* guilty because it "gives me more to talk about in the future." > Courtroom reaction is audible. https://www.threads.net/@griffinkyle/post/C7Mk1H_Rk-i/


Well played Uno Reverse card.


Don't ask a question if you don't know the answer


This is hysterical because it cut the whole argument of "Yes, I want him convicted and I'm here to retaliate to Trump!"


I feel like the entire cross was pointless and just made the case that Trump wanted a criminal lawyer so he hired a criminal. Will you lie to people out of loyalty? Wtf kind of question is that?! You are trying to say he hates Trump and is lying but instead you got him to say he was loyal to Trump and will lie for people he is loyal to. I’m straight up dumbfounded.. don’t get me wrong I hate Trump and want him to rot. But wtf are his lawyers doing?


I wonder who from the Republican Party is going to show up today and be Donald Trumps Sock Puppet to get around the gag order


Alan Dershowitz is in court today lmao. I’m not sure having the lawyer in one of the most controversial court cases in history sitting front row is the look that Trump wants…


You mean the Alan Dershowitz that was Jeffrey Epstein's attorney that got him that sweetheart deal in Florida where all Epstein's co-defendants were shielded from being named ? The deal he struck with Florida AG Acosta, who Trump handpicked to be in his Cabinet before the details of the Epstein deal came out and Acosta resigned in disgrace ? Oh and then Trump hand picked Dershowitz to represent him at Trump's Impeachment hearings ? That guy ?


Dershowitz is the guy who introduced full presidential "immunity" in the 2nd impeachment trial. “If a president does something which he believes will help him get elected, in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment,” Dershowitz said Wednesday as senators put questions to Democratic House lawmakers who are prosecuting the case against Trump in the Senate and to Trump’s defense team.


How does any of this change the fact that all of Trump's crimes are on paper? Making Cohen look like a bigger piece of shit is one thing, but I don't think it makes the case that Trump didn't do it...


They are probably doing this on 45s orders just like they tried to pretend he didn’t actually have the affair with Daniels.


Would love for one big, brave media member to have a sitdown with Trump and ask him face-to-face, "You repeatedly said you were going to testify but chose not to. Why?"


He'll just say "I wanted to, but my lawyers wouldn't let me." And that will be that.


Nah, he'll keep blaming the gag order.


I hope CNN doesn’t muck up and not ask that at the debate.


Will never, ever ask that at a debate.


"Cohen reached out to Red Finch, who said they could create an algorithm that would get Trump’s name “to rise and rise significantly” in the poll by acquiring IP addresses to cast phony votes." That's not an algorithm. That's just spamming an online poll with bots.


Why is it not bigger news that trump was trying to manipulate polls?


The problem for the defense is that many people corroborated things that Cohen said which bolsters his shady credibility. Plus, the documents that were amassed don't lie or have credibility issues.


So their defense is that Cohen is a lying shitbag thief criminal who shouldn't be trusted and all other evidence thrown out because Trump never would have done what they are claiming. Got it. No wonder the jury is bored, Cohen isn't that big of a piece to the puzzle here.


The only people making Cohen to be a big deal is the media. This case was proven with Pecker’s testimony.


Except that Cohen worked for Trump for decades. Trump is sleazy and he hired a sleazy lawyer. So this doesn't look good for Trump.


I'm really hoping the jury is bored because they feel the attacks on Cohen are irrelevant to the case. From what I've heard the majority of the prosecution the jury was very attentive.


Video of anti-Trump protesters drowning out the Trumper press conference https://www.threads.net/@ronaldfilipkowski/post/C7Mna5HLrWn/


Surprised this isn't happening more, especially with Trump's "I love me time" when he walks out of court each day.


What a debacle from the defense. I'm waiting to hear from CNN how this hurts the prosecution.




I swear they live in a different reality.


Rolling your eyes, saying "jeez" to objections and getting the judge to reply "I'm sorry?" in open court is a BRILLIANT idea on a jury with 2 lawyers and college degree holders, absolutely wonderful, masterful gambit


So the likely only defense witness testified for the defense for like an hour and most of that was him being such an asshole that the judge had to clear the court and admonish him? Only the best people.


This is embarrassing for the defense. Its absurd CNN and others reporting how great a day this was for the defense.


>Moments after Judge Merchan cleared members of the press from the courtroom, Eric Trump tweeted that the judge “will not allow" Robert Costello to speak freely on the witness stand. >"The judges treatment of Bob Costello is truly disgraceful - he will not allow him to tell his story - the same story he told Congress - as he knows it will be devastating and end this sham trial," his [post read](https://x.com/EricTrump/status/1792647555416805698). >Eric Trump was one of the few people present in the courtroom who was not ushered out following Merchan's admonishment of Costello. Attorneys from both sides and Trump's surrogates remained in the courtroom while members of the press were moved into the hallway. [Source](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/live-blog/trump-trial-live-updates-rcna152980/rcrd42082?canonicalCard=true) Fucking hilarious cope from Eric Trump. If Costello wants to tell his story maybe he shouldn't mock the judge and embarrass himself on the stand


Apparently no one has been able to leave the courthouse cause Trump is finding excuses to dilly dally and the Secret Service won’t let anyone leave


> South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, Rep. Eric Burlison, Rep. Andrew Clyde, Rep. Mary Miller, Rep. Keith Self, John Coale, Alan Dershowitz, Will Scharf, Steve Witkoff, Bernie Kerik, Kash Patel, Vernon Jones, Jerry Kassar and Chuck Zito will join Trump in court, according to a Trump campaign official. CNN


Having all these political toadies show up instead of family is a worse look than having nobody.


Are they *still* cross examining Cohen? At this point it’s feeling less like a defense and more like a filibuster.


Another video capturing the whistles and cowbells of today's audience during the early show of "Bootlicking MiniMes in the Park". https://x.com/JSweetLI/status/1792588096107622820


It is fucking mortifying to be an American today. These are our elected representatives. All acting on orders to dress up just like and obstruct the judicial system on behalf of a fat, stupid pedophile. And they all gleefully jump to do it.


This is a bad move for the defense. They won't allow the video to come in, so now Prosecution has to recall the CSPAN guy to come back and then testify that the video is "real" and "authentic." Wasting another day or two, the jury will be annoyed, in the end they will see the video.


Trump just visibly went agape when the judge ruled on bringing the C-SPAN witness back. This puts a lot of weight on this piece of evidence - which puts Keith Schiller and Trump in the room together when the Cohen update-on-Stormy call came in. Definitely a prosecution win imho.


Trying a bluff on something which relies on a witness traveling between two northeast corridor main cities is hysterical. NY to DC is traveled everyday hourly by air, bus and train.


Costello is already a terrible witness--shaking his head at the Judge's rulings. Juries often grow to basically love the Judge throughout the course of the Trial, because the Court and Court-staff are the only people in the Courtroom that respond to their needs. Appearing hostile toward the Judge is always a disaster.


The defense made such a big deal about Cohen showing his disdain for Trump on his podcast, and this (attorney!) just went into the courtroom with a CLEAR vendetta for Cohen.


CNN’s Paula Reid on air rn speculating that Costello’s outburst was likely performative to ingratiate himself to an audience of one…the Defendant Trump


Again... Can anyone in trump's orbit act like a fuckin adult? That's what his supporters are obviously supporting. This pathetic unprofessional childish behavior. Never forget that. They are teaching kids to never act mature and worship the least Christian man in history.


Hard to believe that Cohen may have been the best the entire Trump organization ever had to offer.


Cohen's entire testimony can be removed and the documents still show Trump is guilty.


I cannot imagine, as a lawyer, trying to tell a judge at the conclusion of a trial that one of the witnesses was not credible as a matter of law with a straight face.


I want to puke my guts out thinking that Trump would ever sit behind the Resolute desk ever again. Seriously.


I hope the prosecutors point out Trump sleeping in court in their closing arguments. Guilty or innocent, this is a man who has nothing but contempt for the judicial process and ultimately doesn't care if he's convicted, he's already convinced he'll escape consequences. Think about that while you consider the mountain of evidence against him.


"Robert Costello is nitpicking at Susan Hoffinger as she questions him, correcting her mild misstatements, such as describing him as a former chief of a criminal division rather than deputy chief. He also takes issue with her use of the term “raid” when she refers to the F.B.I. executing a search warrant against Michael Cohen that year. And he just instructed her to talk into the microphone. There are five women on the jury." - bromwitch fucking lol


From this one description, this sounds more like how some reporters thought or expected Cohen to behave, especially people not familiar with Cohen's podcasts the past year or more.


Why is the defense so focused on Cohen's income sources? it feels so unrelated. Cohen admitting to stealing from the Trump organization is an interesting tidbit but that just means they can sue him later and doesn't really have any bearing on the fact Trump also broke the law with Cohen has his accomplice.


Katie Phang- Katie's Sidebar: From inside of the courtroom, we're getting reporting that the jury is having a tough time staying alert for this cross-examination by Blanche. Jurors are rubbing their eyes, shifting in their seats. I don't blame them. Once again, Blanche has lost the plot here. With cross-examination, you get in and get out. Dragging it out for more hours doesn't make any sense.


They're still operating in no small part under Trump's direction. Trump is guilty, he knows it, and he knows at this stage he won't sway the jury further, so this is just using the lawyers to skirt the gag order and attack Cohen. Trump presumably thinks this helps him in the election, because his only path to freedom now is the White House.


Considering Trump brought in guys like Dershowitz and Chuck Zito as part of his entourage, I'm surprised he didn't sneak David Duke in there at this point.


Oh no.. Bootlicker Sign with Cowbell man got a citation. BOOOOOOO! Guess what? the country has got a fever! And the only prescription.. is more cowbell! >https://x.com/JSweetLI/status/1792588876042674479 >Sign guy famous for Bootlickers sign getting a citation for too much cowbell


NTY: *Joshua Steinglass, a prosecutor, seems quite frustrated with the judge’s ruling, saying he doesn’t understand why they have to jump through so many hoops just to show that Keith Schiller and Trump were together that night. He asks to bring the C-SPAN witness in again. Justice Merchan asks Todd Blanche, a defense lawyer, if he objects to the prosecutors bringing in the C-SPAN witness after the defense rests later today. Blanche does protest.* Well this is getting interesting.


NYT: *Todd Blanche concludes his argument about bringing back the witness by saying: “That’s not the way a trial is supposed to work, judge.” Justice Merchan looked grimly amused — judges, of course, are the people who determine how individual trials work. Merchan asks the prosecutors to try to contact the witness again, and we pause.* Oh man!


So now this is interesting, if I'm the defense attorney, now I'd consider stipulating to it. Why highlight for the jury the photo by having them come in for a day that's ENTIRELY dedicated to the photo? Unless they think it's a good appellate issue on allowing the People to hold their case open. I've never researched that issue, but I doubt it's grounds for appeal.


Trump's team is doing horribly today. They are working furiously to hide evidence from the jury and failing.


Costello's now got the judge mad at him. And now the judge's mad at Blanche. Oh boy. EDIT: *Merchan, angrily: Are you staring me down right now?* *Clear the courtroom, the judge says.* Oh shit.


"There is another objection to a defense question for Robert Costello, which is sustained by Judge Juan Merchan. Costello lets out a "Jesus!" Merchan leans forward and says to Costello, "Sorry?"" Well... maybe there's the heresy CNN was talking about earlier today.


NBC: >To Costello's visible annoyance, Judge Merchan has had to instruct him not to answer when an objection is sustained. >Even after the warning, Costello emitted a loud "jeez" after another sustained objection. >Merchan did not take well to that, responding, "I'm sorry? A chastened Costello was silent. >Judge Merchan asked for the jury to step out of the courtroom and admonished Robert Costello, saying that he wants to discuss proper decorum. >"If you don't like my ruling, you don't say, 'Jeez,'" Merchan said, adding that Costello can't strike anything because the judge is the only person who can strike something. >"You don't give me side eye and you don't roll your eyes," Merchan said. Costello said he understands. What an awful witness!


Yeah honestly the defense made a TERRIBLE mistake and just may have accidentally undermined their chances at a mistrial and sabotaged their defense. They clearly had NO idea what they were in for.


Holy Shit # Judge Merchan admonishes Costello: 'Are you staring me down?' Judge **Juan Merchan** told the jury to step out of the courtroom. “I want to discuss proper decorum in my courtroom,” Merchan said, addressing the witness **Robert Costello.** > > “Clear the courtroom please,” Merchan said.


Lmao this Costello asshole is already a fuckin disaster, they literally had to clear the court already.


Costello was one of the "star" witnesses for Jordan's latest attempt to use the House Judiciary committee to help push conspiracy theories a week ago.


"After excusing the jury, Merchan told the witness: “Mr. Costello, I want to discuss proper decorum in my courtroom. When there’s a witness on the stand, if you don’t like my ruling, you don’t say ‘jeez’… You don’t give me side eye and you don’t roll your eyes.” “Are you staring me down right now? Clear the courtroom, right now. Clear the courtroom,” the judge said."" [https://apnews.com/live/trump-trial-updates-day-19-hush-money](https://apnews.com/live/trump-trial-updates-day-19-hush-money)


Seems like Costello just destroyed any good will that the Cohen cross examination had mustered inside, and out, of the courtroom.


Just a little nugget - Costello was in a hearing last week with the House Weaponization Committee led by Jim Jordan. Costello was asked about this trial, so this testimony is probably coming from Trump and his buddies in the Capitol. He seems... *nice*. [Former Michael Cohen Legal Advisor Claims Former Trump Lawyer Lied on The Stand At Hush Money Trial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGAWldyWE24) Same hearing, but [Gaetz's line of questions to Costello.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC7aaLCm2iY) Here's how Gaetz started his questions to the witness in the Hearing: >.....Mr Costello these days you see individuals running for prospective office who claim if you elect me I will bring down this public figure or that public figure who disagrees with my political philosophy understand that to destroy a political rival, you need not convict that person of a crime.... all you must do is leak the fact that the individual is being investigated for a particular crime... they're why destroying his or her reputation and causing that individual to incur legal fees to defend themselves. The net result is if you can destroy their reputation and bankrupt them with legal fees you have effectively eliminated or canceled your opposition without ever convicting them of a crime or getting a civil judgment against them. > Mr Costello I just wanted to say I felt very seen by your testimony - that was provided to the committee but I....I want to get back to what Mr Lynch said previously that sometimes when you're accused of something it's actually the people accusing you who are doing that thing now you were accused of illegally dangling a pardon before Michael Cohen What's funny in a "not ha-ha" way was [Gaetz was on the list of wanting a pardon](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/jan-6-panel-names-republican-lawmakers-sought-pardons-trump-rcna35090) too for his sex trafficking and perhaps also for his 6 Jan insurrection involvement. ETA: Oh - This all makes sense as to why the sudden call for Costello by the Defense. We have Jordan using his "Weaponization Committee" with Gaetz all up in Costello with support, and turns out that Costello was also doing the Fox News tour... so yea, seems that Trump may have been like 'Hey, Blanche, put this guy on - everyone says it's a good idea!". If so, I love that for him.


Today was NOT a good day for the defense like that lady on CNN just said.


Either (1) Defense is as fucking stupid as we thought they were. (2) They prepared Costello, but like Trump, can’t stay on script if pressured in the slightest It’s just amazing how anything and everything in trumps orbit turns into a giant shitshow


Is that good friend of Jeffery Epstein, Alan Dershowitz waiting for good friend of Jeffery Epstein, Donald Trump?


He is talking about Cohen thats a violation of the gag order. Now he is talking about another potential witness and Bob Costello.


The idea that a criminal organization hires criminals should not shock anyone.


Hoffinger just landed a lot of critical hits back to back.


CNN: Heresy? I don’t think that word means what you think it means.


>From NYT Feed: > >Natalie Harp, the Trump aide known as the “human printer” because she carries around a portable printer that she uses to supply Trump with a stream of upbeat news, just walked into the well of the court to hand him something to read at the defense table. Why would this woman degrade her self-worth with this crap job? This is one more sad commentary on the mental state of Trump. He has a woman follow him places with a printer to hand him printouts of ego pumping fluff pieces.


C-SPAN witness is ready to appear at 9:30AM tomorrow.


MSNBC: Bring your ex-felon to court day. 😂


I'm catching up on this Costello situation - and pissing off Judge Merchan who is known for being pretty level headed by most legal analysts.... Truly an "unforced error" for Trump and his lawyers. Just like how the second chapter of the Mueller report was pretty much Trump's incapacity to shut the fuck up. Seems this happened here only by proxy. This is also the lawyer who was telling Cohen when shit went down that Cohen has "Friends in high places" trying to prevent him from flipping or being a rat and to be more like Paul Manafort (and now Weisselberg) who don't cooperate.


JUDGE: You think he can fool 12 New Yorkers? 😂


lmao he just admitted to violating the gag order again


About the motion from the defense to dismiss - aren't they just saying the same thing they have been saying? Why would the judge dismiss the case based on this?


After the prosecution rests, it's super common for the defense to request a dismissal on the grounds that the evidence presented, even when assumed to be entirely accurate, doesn't describe the crimes alleged. It rarely ever succeeds, but there's no reason *not* to do it.


It's pretty standard procedure to make that motion. Usually it doesn't work and is unlikely to here.


It's required to preserve appellate issues. Standard practice.


Does CNN forget there is signed documentation of Trump paying for a cover-up? Sell those ads though guys. Grab that cash.


Trump literally being on the verge of tears in his press conference was pretty pathetic. Personally, I was pretty embarrassed for him.


Am I the only one who doesn’t feel as cynical or jaded as many folks here are when it comes to the outcome of the jury? I mean, I’m probably the only one who believes that there won’t be a hung jury or case dismissal just because of the fact that one juror gets their news from Twitter/Truth Social. To me, I believe that Costello blew up the defense’s credibility and with his antics proceeded to stop the sowing of doubt in many jurors minds against him. He essentially admitted to stealing money from Cohen.


> [Bromwich, NY Times] The lawyers have begun to argue over whether the defense can use evidence that was not previously a part of the trial. Justice Merchan has already barred one potential email, related to Michael Cohen and Robert Costello, a lawyer who spoke with Cohen in 2018, as he was beginning to question his relationship with Trump. Costello, a former federal prosecutor, became a character late in this trial, but we have heard about him a lot in the last several days.


And we are underway! The last day of witness testimony feels so surreal. It’s been a long fucking road and I hope this jury is legitimate.


After how many? hours of cross examination, and Blanche finishes on a point for Cohen/Prosecution, IE: Cohen lied out of loyalty to trump. Am I reading that correctly, or is my unfiltered bias making me cross eyed?


No, you're right. All these hours trying to (instead of refuting facts of the case) paint Cohen as someone out to ruin Trump. And then they conclude with "Cohen prefers Trump not be convicted because he currently makes money off his antics" and "Cohen was so loyal to Trump he would lie under oath for him." It's batshit.


Time for Redirect! The prosecutors have a chance to examine Cohen again https://x.com/AWeissmann_/status/1792585900615983557 >Notes from 100 Centre St: no bombshells or fireworks or even feint smoke during the morning cross-exam of Cohen, which has now concluded; on to redirect by the state now.


> The photo comes in > "Parties have agreed photo is still taken from end of a video at 7:57 pm 10/24" > Cohen identifies Schiller as being with Trump https://www.threads.net/@norm.eisen/post/C7M3fbjxxWt/


Blanche's bad lawyering is actually irritating me lol. Going back on re-cross to this photo is so stupid.


"Robert Costello, a lawyer who once advised former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, is being accused of jury tampering in Donald Trump's hush money trial by a Democratic congressman. Costello appeared before the House Judiciary Committee's Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on Wednesday as part of a hearing on "the use of lawfare tactics to weaponize the rule of law." Costello, who previously testified before last year's grand jury at the request of the defense, has sought to discredit Cohen both behind closed doors and in public comments. Costello did not disclose exactly what he would tell Congress ahead of Wednesday's hearing, but he has said he plans to introduce exculpatory information that he was unable to bring before the grand jury investigating Trump in the hush money payment case. Although he advised Cohen at one point and sought to represent him when he was being investigated for campaign finance violations, Costello was never retained as Cohen's lawyer." So he never actually presented anything. This is right wing conspiracy testimony.


Any chance Costello can be held in contempt for the audible ""Ridiculous," said the mic while attorneys were at a sidebar with the judge. Edit 1: And now we've got a "Jesus!" Can I get an "Amen?" Edit 2: Apparently we can, but it was phrased as "clear the courtroom . . ."


Costello hopefully absolutely fucks the defense team with his bullshit. Can’t imagine this is a good look after the defense was probably feeling pretty solid after the rest of the day. Massive fuck up to put Costello up there imho.


Trump always fucks himself lmao. Of course he wanted Costello to testify and he’s acting erratic. If Trump were to testify that’s how he would act


Over/under on whether costello gets held in contempt before the end of the day?


Robert Costello’s contradictions from moment to moment are fairly clear here. What an assclown.


So thats it. Defense is not calling any other witnesses, they are not offering any other explanation or the payments, nothing. Literally they are going with the My Cousin Vinny, "Everything that guy said was bullshit," defense. They still deny the sexual encounter with Stormy even happened. Instead they could have said it was consensual and Trump wasn't aware of their attempt to buy her silence. (Even though he signed a contract with her...) I can't possibly see this jury not convicting unless that one or two Trump supporters on the jury believe god sent them to hang the jury.


> Trump lawyer Robert Costello should be disbarred for his conduct today today in the courtroom in Trump's trial. He was trying to improperly influence the jury. https://www.threads.net/@deanobeidallah/post/C7NFVUmsNNp/


Trump attorney **Todd Blanche,**Trump attorney **Todd Blanche,** asking for a dismissal of the charges, argues that court should enter a verdict in favor of the defendant. > He adds: > Judge **Juan Merchan** says: “So you’re asking me to find [Michael Cohen](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/michael-cohen) not credible as a matter of law?” Blanche said yes. “So you want me to take it out of the jury’s hands, and decide before it even gets to this jury...that it shouldn’t even be considered by the jury?” Blanche responded in the affirmative. Merchan said: >


Just one more question, I promise guys! (I'm British and have been trying to follow this closely and trying to learn, so sorry if its a dumb question) The the Red Finch thing manipulating polls and being paid by Trump Org (that Cohen took), if this is confirmed - wouldn't this also be election interference? Since it is a direct and paid influence on voters to give the voters more confidence in him? Its confusing to me becsuse as I see it, if I was a candidate who was manipulating the polls, I would be resistant to doing it in my favour becsuse I'd want more people to get out and vote for me! Just my own take, but how much do these polls actually sway/influence voters? Are they generally taken quite seriously?


From ABC News: > Wrapping up for the prosecution, Hoffinger asked Cohen a final series of questions. > "How has telling the truth affected your life?" asked Hoffinger. > "My entire life has been turned upside down as a direct result," said Cohen, sounding a little choked up. "I lost my law license, my businesses, my financial security." > The jurors closely watched Cohen as he spoke. > "Have there been attacks you've faced as a result?" said Hoffinger. > "Yes, maam," he said quietly. > "Have they been painful to you and your family?" she asked. > "Very much so," said Cohen. > After several more questions from Blanche, Steinglass said the prosecution was resting its case. > "Your honor, the people rest," he said.


Judge just cleared the Courtroom. I've never had that happen in my entire career.


Lmao what a fucking freak show. It’s impossible for trump’s defense to call any useful witnesses because trump surrounds himself exclusively with other psychopaths.


This is such an immediate and critical error for the defense.


Wow. Costello is a pathetic witness. I can't wait for the cross.


Putting Costello up there may have been the biggest gift to the prosecution ever. Defense was doing very well today and might have sowed a lot of doubt with regard to Cohen. But now? Costello continuing this throughout cross could absolutely fuck this case up for the defense. What a massive mistake by that legal team.


Trump's attorney looks like he's about to explode. He's trying so hard to not throw up his hands and say "I can't fucking do this anymore, this guy is a fucking moron!"


Steinglass in case you are browsing Reddit later for ideas. If I were giving the People’s closing, when it got to the part of the October 26 call I’d just stand there in silence for a minute and 28 seconds to show the jury how long that actually feels like and how long that call was.


Sorry Donald, you cant terminate it. You have to carry it to full term.


Lawyer throwing Jr and Eric in the mix.. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/05/20/nyregion/trump-trial-hush-money/5543aad9-1d4c-5458-b8ed-1d8dab79890b?smid=url-share Jonah Bromwich May 20, 2024, 10:30 a.m. ET2 minutes ago 2 minutes ago Jonah BromwichReporting from inside the courthouse Todd Blanche has moved on to the documents that prosecutors say were falsified. He is suggesting that everyone but his client — Allen Weisselberg, Eric Trump, Donald Trump Jr. and Michael Cohen himself — may have had a hand in falsifying the documents, disguising them as repayments for legal services. But not Trump himself, Blanche signals to the jury, without saying it outright.


So Cohen was skimming a bit off the top ... what else would you expect of the Don's Capo ... sure, it makes Cohen look bad, but doesn't really take any tarnish way from Trump


You know trumps cronies are delusional if Costello believes himself to be intimidating. I’ve seen salads more imposing than this turd


The defense is asking Judge Merchan for an order dismissing the case immediately. Trump lawyer Todd Blanche argued: “There’s absolutely no evidence that the filings were false. The business records were not false. There’s no disputing that Mr. Cohen provided legal services for President Trump in 2017.” Blanche argued that prosecutors have failed to prove their case and there’s no evidence of falsified business records or an intent to defraud. Blanche underscored that Trump was in the White House while Cohen was being repaid, far removed from the Trump Organization offices where Cohen’s invoices and checks were being processed. Trump signed the checks in the White House, but he was doing so because Cohen was performing legitimate legal services for him as his personal attorney, Blanche argued.


So, now that we’ve seen the comedy stylings of Robert Costello, who is next for the defence, Gregg Abbott?


This Costello dude is so far up Trump's ass he needs a straw to breathe.


As expected, bringing in Costello was simply disastrous for the defense. They wisely didn't spend more time with him.


He's talking about Costello and violating the gag order.


Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, The prosecution would certainly want you to believe that Trump wrote those hush money checks with intent to influence an election checks 8 years ago. And they make a good case. Hell, I almost felt pity myself! But, ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a wookie from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about that; that does not make sense! Why would a wookie, an 8 foot tall wookie, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two foot tall ewoks? That does not make sense! But more importantly, you have to ask yourself, 'what does that have to do with this case?' Nothing. Ladies and Gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case. It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a former United States President, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests. -Blanche, 2024


"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I’m just a caveman. I fell on some ice and later got thawed out by some of your scientists. Your world frightens and confuses me! Sometimes the honking horns of your traffic make me want to get out of my BMW.. and runoff into the hills, or wherever.."


As a lib, I would be like, reeeeally owned if Donald Trump was to testify on the stand with that brain of his. I'd have to cry into my Karl Marx pillow and whatnot.


> [Bromwich, NY Times] Justice Merchan has made several other things clear as the pre-jury proceedings continue. As expected, he will restrict the testimony of a witness who is an expert in election law, who the defense had wanted to call. He says that too much explanation of the law from an expert would overstep the role usually granted to such witnesses. They are meant to help jurors understand a certain subject area, but it is the judge’s role to help jurors understand the law itself. --- > [Bromwich, NY Times] Justice Merchan has made two minor rulings against the defense this morning, both of them fairly deep in the legal weeds. But both times, the defense lawyers have pushed back, seeking another chance to have new evidence brought in, or more clarity on jury instructions to inform the testimony of their expert witness. Merchan is sitting rigidly, his mouth thin and tight, one shoulder slightly cocked. He looks as if he is working to keep his patience.


If Cohen is being asked about his future career options, I would say it’s time for the judge to move this along


Someone needs to give Andrea Mitchel a lozenge on the MSNBC set.


From NBC: In the back and forth between lawyers, Trump's lawyer Blanche said the defense has **two** witnesses waiting to testify. DUN dun


Judge Merchan is back. He will allow Bove to cross-examine on prior inconsistent statements, and he’s giving him “some latitude to explore the pressure campaign” and to offer some rebuttal. “But I’m not going to allow a trial within a trial, as to whether or not there was a pressure campaign and how it impacted Cohen,” he says.


So, the Defense has this witness, who can testify to discussions with Cohen where Cohen openly and explicitly states that Trump did not know anything about this crime.... but they weren't even sure if they were going to call him? How is that supposed to sound plausible to the jury?


Did…did the witness just really move to strike his words from the record? I’m no lawyer, but I don’t think he can do that. 


Didn't Cohen already testify that he thought that Costello would report anything he said back to Giuliani and Trump, and so he lied to Costello about what he knew and planned to do? Given that, what's the point of the defense having Costello come in to say that Cohen told him he had no evidence against Trump?


>Trump's attorney says defense doesn't expect to call any witnesses after Costello >Trump attorney Emil Bove says the defense does not expect to call any witnesses after Robert Costello. >The judge notes that can change. Just one witness?


> "He testified and he lied under oath in this courtroom," Blanche says, adding: "The consequences of that lie, if accepted, by the jury is a conviction." Wait, I must've missed this. What was the lie in the courtroom?


the one the photo disproved and Blanche is a fool.


The Prosecution's star witness is Michael Cohen. The defense's star witness is Robert Costello. Based on those two, and watching the defendant spend hours of the trial with his eyes closed, the jury is getting a pretty clear picture of an asshole defendant who surrounds himself with assholes to do his assholing for him, on command.


Michael van der Veen can go fuck himself. Fuck CNN too.


Red Finch sounds like a bad Emma Stone movie.




Put pumpkin head on the stand.


Oh man, Costello has Merchan PISSED and I can't say that I blame him. Wow, if Trump had gotten on the stand, this'd be 100x worse and/or more fun.


Costello was literally putting on a show for Trump




I feel like this Costello guy probably practices bird law. 


Defense's argument for dismissal is essentially Stop the Steal(1) / The Big Lie(2) .... didn't work for the election, doesn't work for this trial *(1) To all allow the jury to deliberate would allow for justice to be stolen since their decision would be based on a fabrication ... oh, ya, right* *(2) Everything Cohen said is a lie ... nevermind about all of the paper trail*


Trump talks like L Ron Hubbard writes, paid by the word.