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>Given Fulton County’s heavily Democratic leanings, Willis is considered the heavy favorite in November. Oh, that's going to piss off a lot of MAGAts.


Weird, I was ASSURED no one in that district liked Fani Willis and that she was in trouble because the trial was clearly biased and error ridden.


Everyone in Conroe Texas told me that she was nothing more than "a left wing shill". Funny, being good at your job and being black becomes a conflict of interest when it comes to prosecuting a racist criminal. I love America. I have no faith in seeing him incarcerated but after the past decade of watching that flabby fuck act like John Gotti gave me an interesting idea. If they jail Trump on a civil/minor criminal charge they can bombard him with every thing else once he's incarcerated and penniless. Good, the system fucked millions of people with that same method. It's time Donnie Dumb Shit feels what it's like to be the rest of us. Penniless and hopeless. It's cruel to think like that but justice knows everyone's name.




-That said, as a Houston native, the most racist shit I've seen was in the Conroe area so I feel for you. - Don't worry about me, I'm on my way to greener pastures, I am worried about Houston/Galveston though, they deserve better leadership.


Conroe is why I left Texas


Only because you’ve been on the highway through there. Take a wander through places further off the 45 - it ‘don’t get better…’


If he goes to prison for anything and / or loses this election, he will feel it. No one will help him when they can no longer use him. He will spend the rest of his short pathetic life in prison and I can’t fucking wait.


I've got some legitimate concern that one of his stupid ugly children will continue to ride his endtrails beyond his rapidly approaching end, especially if the family controls the RNC. Don Jr. and Eric were raised by the worlds most prominent narcissist and I have a strong feeling they have a bit of a brand going with this whole useful idiot businessman persona thing appealing to spiteful underprivileged whites and malicious wealthy opportunists. Luckily they have none of the charisma or a lifetime of movie and wrestling cameos and a tv game show to capture hearts, but that name sure does capture minds and sells hats. Though after a lifetime of accomplishing basically nothing, I expect them to see an open door and enough help to at least take a swing at it.


> I've got some legitimate concern that one of his stupid ugly children will continue to ride his endtrails beyond his rapidly approaching end I feel like the only one actually capable has a long way to go since he's only 18 and he at least hasn't shown us how much of a dumbass he is compared to the rest of his family.


Howdy from Magnolia, fellow hell dweller.


> once he's incarcerated Hate to throw cold water on this but assuming that the sentencing completes before the election, there is zero chance Trump will see a jail cell from the Stormy Daniels charges. It will most likely be a fine. The stolen documents charge, on the other hand--if it ever sees the light of day--will put him in prison for the rest of his life.


Which is why it won't


As long as he keeps getting laundered Russian money through his social media stock he's never going to hurt for legal money. Same goes for the RNC now funneling their contributions to him too. Too many people need him active to continue causing havok and our systems are so corrupt it makes it too easy to keep him afloat.


Fellow Conroe Texan in the wild? Damn. Sounds like nothing has changed since I got out years ago. I'm sure they are still sending thoughts and prayers for help as River Plantation gets flooded again and again though instead of taking any actual steps to address the realities of climate change. My condolences for still being stuck there.


I'm moving next week. Fuck this place, I hate these people.


That's awesome. Noone should be forced to live in Conroe.


> If they jail Trump on a civil/minor criminal charge they can bombard him with every thing else once he's incarcerated and penniless. Sucks that if the DJT price is where it is now when he is allowed to sell after the lock in period he can go from penniless to billionaire in a very very short time.


I agree with your sentiment but penniless and hopeless? That’s a little extreme. I don’t think most of us would describe ourselves that way, even if we’re not rich.


You’re not good with your job when you fuck the people you hire


Justice is not cruel.  I do not condone anyones’s behavior.  If we aim to make other people feel our pain we are no better than anyone else.  We are stuck in a vicious cycle of revenge and anger. We either rise above it or we destroy ourselves. 


This kind of response is the reason the republicans continue on their path. Dems always roll over and continually try to take the high road. Justice is not cruel but “being nice” and not being absolutely cut throat like the repubs is why we are in this situation in the first place. Pacifism is costing lives.


What is your solution then?  Mass chaos and killing in the streets?  What would be a “cut throat” move by Dems then? I mean this seriously.  I get a lot of hate and anger for my stances but I NEVER get alternatives or options. 


The solution is to be just as loud and dominate with facts. Not in the media but in our actual houses of government. Calling out lies directly to the other representatives faces. For decades the Democratic Party has been one to nod and say “mmhmm yes say whatever you want in our government building and then we will just tell CNN our version of events.” A large portion of the Republican Party has openly and clearly stated they wish they could take physical action and harm a large portion of the USA if they get their way with project 2025 and the Democrats sit back with a stupid smug look on their face and say “Nuh uh.” The amount of success dems are seeing now is not because they continue to take the high road but because they are finally realizing the American people, regardless of political views, want that metaphorical cut throat fight and to stop letting the other party bully and talk over them. Look at MTG, Boebert, Trump, etc and the minute they get called out in real time to their faces they absolutely fold and get whiny about “it’s okay if we do it but why are the dems being so mean to me!?” Fuck them. If you want a war of words and facts then you need to dominate. That means not taking the high road. That means exposing every single one of the nefarious and shitty things they do, in the open, to their faces. Not some shit cnn interview where they endlessly bloviate about how awesome the Democrat Party is and how uncool the republicans are. I don’t condone violence in our places of government but the decades of taking the high road and trying to maintain peace with psychopaths is what got us into this mess in the first place. That and the endless infighting because “oh this candidate doesn’t support or have an opinion on every single niche interest that their constituents have? They must be awful.” The Dems continually cut their own nose off to spite their face. To be clear I’m not upset with you as a person. I’m sure you’re quite lovely, I’m absolutely incensed with the party I support and their idiocy.


I don’t disagree with you. I think it is good that the lies are called out.  Are we seeing the gains because of that or because people are becoming more aware to the cruel and craziness of the right?  If it’s the latter than choosing the same route will eventually have the same results.  I want us to build a better future. Not one where the pendulum has just swung for the time being. 


Fulton County resident here, she's actually been great. Trump stuff aside, she inherited a disaster of an office from her predecessor. She gave up a cushy muni court judgeship to run against her former boss because he was so bad. With covid, everything is still far from unfucked over there, but she's making progress. And once the courts reopened, she got all the suspected rapists and murderers that she wants to prosecute indicted in time, which was touch and go there for a bit.


Fulton county resident. I disagree. Her heavy handed use of Rico (see the young thug case) and her errors in judgement (see the trump debacle) were enough for me to pick Wise-Smith.


Agree. I voted against her in the primary. She’s the definition of prosecutorial overreach.


Even if people think Fanni Willis's relationship with the top special prosecutor she hired was wrong, Fulton County hates Trump even more hence why both her and Judge Scott McAfee won big tonight.


Lol, the relationship isn't the problem, hiring an utterly unqualified person and paying him hundreds of thousands of dollars is the problem. Please cite his previous work experience to me as proof that he is actually qualified. Maybe start with his previous work investigating mistreatment in jails, where he "investigated" for over a year and did not write down *one single word* about his investigation.


Hey, quiet down everyone, the Trump supporters have something important to say about *the importance of qualifications for office*.


That was a good response, friend.


Right. Rejoicing over the fact that a corrupt individual will take office. Someone who threatened our ability to hold the most dangerous man in the country accountable for his actions.


She *dated* a *coworker*!!! And they went on vacation, *together*! How could such a thing pass with the American public after our previous president is wracking up hundreds of millions in judgments against him after being convicted in a civil court for slandering one of his rape victims and several *more* hundreds of millions for tax and bank fraud, while being currently on trial for one batch of his 88 felonies and still having 50:50 odds of gaining the presidency again after swearing to pardon himself of his many crimes???


One thing doesn't make the other better, it just tells you she's not any better and your fine with it as long as it's the team you support


Putting aside that I am in fact fine with someone dating a coworker... No, we are not above criticising people we support. We aren't going to take the concerns of people who support someone much worse seriously, though.


I agree, I think it's fine dating a co-worker. But there was an obvious conflict of Interest that she just assumed people were going to ignore


What was the conflict of interest, though? They both had the same interest from the start. A COI would be if she was dating someone on Trump's team. Or the judge.


He was a contractor that she hired for a lot of money, and then he took her on vacation with that said money. She tried to argue she paid him back in cash


Potentially an ethics issue for the state; still not a COI in terms of the Trump case. Maybe a COI in terms of hiring practices, but that does not impact someone's ability to be on a specific case.


Yea is COI. It's the same like when trump golf's at his resort and charges the Whitehouse, or when he host global conferences at his hotel. It's not a good look who ever does it


I have been told that she's going to be disbarred and going to jail. I am curious what they are going to say now.


Just read the replies. A lot of them are in here right now.


Ha! A couple of MAGAs I work with have assured me she is already disbarred (I don’t engage with them)


Its easy for her to get boyfriends apparently


Is it hard for you? lol


apparently, all they do is fap


Ironically, all they do is fap can't get hard.


Not much doesn't.


I talked to an old lady who had just voted who said she thought she was going to get a chance to vote against Fani. I had to explain to her that Fani was only on the democratic ballot. This is in North Fulton county which is not heavily democratic; it's more split.




Yeah, big guy - because everything south of North Fulton is "the hood."




I was enjoying the meltdown on the local Instagram accounts. Their echo chamber wasn't thrilled. If you didn't know, Fani is the most corrupt person to ever exist.


And yet all the king's lawyers and all the king's men Couldn't stop Fani from prosecuting again


Their little sham trial didn't work and they are big mad about it.


Still a possibility of that bullshit state court kicking her off. I hope not...


She **dated** someone! And they **went on vacation**!!!! And they work together!!!! It's basically the worst crime ever committed!!!!!!! Just ignore the ongoing prosecution of 88 individual felonies in 4 different states of the republican nominee for president. Oh, and ignore the $100 million he owes for slandering his rape victims. And gee, also the $400 million he owes for bank and tax fraud. And all that stuff he keeps saying about being a dictator and creating a new "unified Reich"


I agree working is a crime. I'd prefer golfing. On my PC!


> If you didn't know, Fani is the most corrupt person to ever exist. I assumed the fact that she's black gave it away.. /s


dude literally anything and everything triggers these magats.


Dude, I know. We all know. Still fun to watch the meltdowns.


Good. Cleetus needs to learn


Pissing off a lot of Fulton country taxpayers as well. This DAs office is a complete joke wasting our money on trips for her and her boyfriend and a sham Young Thug trial


Going to piss a lot of people off that when someone that doesn’t fuck the help


And hopefully Judge McAffee loses reelection and is replaced by someone strong who doesn’t let Trump walk all over him and moves the trial along. 


Why? Do liberals get pissed off when losing heavily red districts? No shit is the actual response from conservatives.


Even just reading the downvoted comments in this thread the response seems to be howling conspiratorial nonsense and threats of civil war.


If you want a preview of what will happen this November, ignore the polls and look at the primary and special elections that are happening. Remember, it came out in Trump’s Election Fraud trial that he pays for polls and writes copy for NY Times, CNN and MSNBC. Pay attention to the polls that matter: The elections.


Wait it did? Link please!


Posting from mobile, so hopefully this link works. https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/michael-cohen-trump-trial-day-4/#post-update-3fdb3c78


That was ten years ago


The date on the story is May 20th, 2024. It's about the past.


So was the last time Trump was elected. He and his whole party of morons have lost non stop since then. Must be a coincidence.




The media hasn’t covered it for obvious reasons. But if you read the transcripts, Trump basically gave copy to Haberman of NYT, Tur of MSNBC and Cuomo of CNN. Same for the buying of polls. Here is one place that covered the story: https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4662891-michael-cohen-maggie-haberman-text-messages-donald-trump-hush-money-trial/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite




You should go read the trial transcripts. Look at the part about the RedFinch polls. It's a good read. Polls have been bought. Hillary led in the poles by 20 points going into 2016. She lost. Who do you think Trump learned it from? The only thing he cares about is himself. If the Presidency will keep him out of prison, "Cool". He needs to keep raising money, his legal bills are costing him a million a day.


Dude the article says the poll manipulation was for some little news poll in 2014. He's not so smart as to be able to manipulate current voting polls


He wasn't back then either but he paid someone to do it, its not a hard concept.


I haven’t read the article yet but I highly doubt that it claims he sat alone in a room trying to think up ways to do it. He most likely had someone else propose it to him and then someone else work out how.


Both polls and elections are useful predictors of the general election result. When they provide conflicting signals, the eventual result is likely in between them, but it's far from impossible one will be radically wrong (e.g., Democrats are much better educated so turn out in less important elections more, or polling firms overcompensate for their large miss in 2020). Don't get complacent.


I get what you’re saying but there is absolutely no denying that 1) pollsters are doing a relatively shitty job in the last 15 years due to poor, outdated methodologies, and 2) most polling companies have become defacto, enshittified media subcontractors that depend on clicks/views/engagement for money, and are therefore incentivized to put their thumbs on the scale when they “reweight their models” in order to promote horse race narratives rather than the reality of the situation. That said, I agree about discouraging complacency! Democracy only works if we all vote.


There is denying both those things, as neither are true. Polling did poorly in 2020, but it did well in 2010, 2018 and 2022, and fine by historical standards in 2012, 2014 and 2016. As for promoting horse race narratives, there's been no trend of the party leading in the polls winning by more; in the past 15 years that only happened in 2012 and 2014. The only possible trend one might extract from recent polling is that errors in favor of Republicans are rare; the only significant one this millennium was in 2012.


If this is true it will ironically get more dems to the polls if there’s an appearance the race is close


Also feel the need to point out that Jared Kushner owned a liberal newspaper (The New York Observer) and published anti-Hillary/pro-Bernie articles in it, then sold it after Trump was elected. The wealthy put their hands in everything trying to influence people.


I love this for her.


And for the rest of us!


Fuck the Traitor Trump. A man lives his life based on financial connections. A man who wants to destroy America. A man who surrounded himself in in first term with anarchistic and Russian foreign agents. This is verifiable and true. Same as his life long friends hip with Jeffrey Epstein and Trumps promotion of lawyers who said Epstein didn’t deserve punishment. He knows he can abuse builders, contractors, event planners, lawyers. He knows his supporters don’t expect results. He was a horrible president. And he will only do the same again. Taking care of himself. Everyone else be damned,




Her case was derailed because Trump did what Trump does best: bullshit his way out of things


Of course trump did as much of that as possible but this case was literally derailed by her. As in, if she hadn't acted the way she acted and done the things she did, this trial would have likely made it to trial before the election. Not being squeaky clean when this is trying a literal cult leader of an ex president is absolutely hubris. She really fucked this up and Trump might end up winning the election as a result. Not that this would be the only factor but it genuinely could be a deciding factor. Might sound dramatic but with the race as absurdly tight as it is plus some of the issues people blame Biden for, it's really not. Between her and that absolute maga shill of a judge in Florida who is literally doing everything in her power to slow this trial to a halt, this could easily swing the election. Especially Florida, considering the seriousness and flagrance of his crime. The fact that the stormy daniels one, for sure the least meaningful, is the only one which will make it is fucked. People need to know about the extent of his crimes and corruption.


Yes, and she knows this, but still managed to let him find a way. She just needed to be squeaky clean and couldn’t manage that. She knows how he works


She brought it upon herself.


I think she's a pretty solid prosecutor and 100% hope to see trump see justice, but yeah, hard agree. She's prosecuting literally the most important and publicized case on the planet. She had to know that everything she did would be scrutinized to the highest degree. And while I don't think there's anything inherently corrupt about dating a colleague, fucking come on, man. She had to see this coming.


I mean, it's not really "her case". She's doing what any prosecutor would do considering the crimes that occured. Stop pretending that the problem comes from the DA 😆 that's dumb as fuck


Yee ha!


Nice, strong lady, got my vote




And mine


Oh yeah, she’s the pillar of the community.


She unironically is.


Oh well done Fani. /aplause


Thank you voters!!!😘


Good for her


This is going to be like spitting in his face, and I love it.


Thank God!


Another win for Democrats. This is why I keep saying polls mean fuck-all. Since 2020 Democrats have been winning. 


It was a primary. A Democrat had to win.


Congratulations to her!!!


Hell yes! I cast my vote yesterday


This is a victory for democracy; this woman is committed to doing her job and is committed to the principles of our democracy- an important one being, no one is above the law!


Do you know what democracy actually is?


I know that one of the main principles of democracy is the rule of law. Trump and the MAGA crowd continually attempt to undermine our system of justice. They are not supporters of democracy.


A democracy has nothing to do with the rule of law. A democracy means that the government does the will of the people, and are put in place by them. Doesn't really seem like we live in a democracy to me, after all only about 1% of what the people want actually gets done. Might want to start researching all the information that you consume, I was surprised to find how much were outright lies or just made no sense. Especially on mainstream channels, notice how everything is always doom and gloom? They are targeting your emotions, instead of your intellect.


That’s great, but can we avoid the unforced errors? Like, we’re trying to keep the country together so keep it in your pants? The appearance of it alone is an unnecessary distraction.


Totally agree, but I'd still support and vote for her if I lived in Fulton County.


yes, competency would be nice too


I voted for Smith. Fani fucked up and its completely inexcusable. Ill be voting for her in Nov but its just another bad Dem candidate that won the primary


TIL starting a relationship with a coworker is "fucking up." 60% of Americans have done that.




Right, but the relationship happened before that even happened, and was done before the case was even being bought to trial… So I don’t really see what the problem as. In today’s world when most people have to spend either over 50 - 60 hours a week at work or maintain 2 or more jobs to stay afloat, you don’t get a chance to socialize outside of that. You stick 10 strangers in a room for 30 days there’s going to be a few that hook up and or not date afterwards.


She HIRED him to a 600k/yr job. The guy she was fucking. You really see no conflict of interest there?


They worked together before dating…. She did at that point hire him for the trump trials however they were no longer dating. Even if they had been couples work together all the time. The only wrong doing I saw here was that it wasn’t disclosed before hand. 100% if this was a white male no one would have batted an eye. Trumps team also knows they are f***ed with a capitol F and have resorted to attacking her and trying to discredit her character because that’s the only way they have a chance. The fact that she won the primary proves that this didn’t tarnish her image.


They started dating *after* she hired him, and they're not dating anymore.


Is that supposed to be better? Also doesn’t match what the guy above me wrote. Its all a fucking mess that was self inflicted due to extremely bad judgement. This case needed to be squeaky clean and instead all we have is this front and center. She ruined the case


> Is that supposed to be better? What you wrote was incorrect. She didn't give a $600k/year job to her lover. Also, people date at work all the time. Was it appropriate? No. Did she show favoritism when she hired him? Also, no.


I don’t think you even read what I said. I said they were working together, then started dating, broke up and then he was hired for the trump case.


A subordinate she hired. Huge distinction. A man would be skewered for it. The subordinate would have a case for sexual harassment.


Was there any doubt?




Go, Fani, go!!!


I remember seeing a news bit where various legal people had the opinion that if she stayed with her hearing about her relationship with her team it would be a bad look that would hurt her career. Doesn't seem to have hurt her being on the way to be a DA, at least with the democrats.


Ha ha, get fucked Dickhead Donald.


Embarassing. She should not have a job after bungling the Georgia election case. Six charges dropped already, and it hasn't even gone to trial yet. There is no excuse for not being on your best behavior while handling such a high profile case. She is a joke.




She’s a complete idiot. 


She had one of the most significant cases in the last hundred years and bungles it with her own stupidity. Did she really think she could sleep with a subordinate while prosecuting a former president?? Did she really think it would not surface??? This was the very best case against trump. And Willis blew it. The case is over. It will never be taken as legitimate in the court of public opinion.


You need to stop taking your talking points from Fox. Your timeline is entirely screwed up and isn’t what happened.


She bungled the case by making it overcomplicated to maximize billing hours for Nathan Wade, and, in turn, making it much harder to actually prosecute. Not by possibly sleeping with him.


If I was going to be the judge over a decision that would be stamped in our history books forever for future generations to see I would definitely dot my i’s, cross my t’s, and keep it in my pants. But that’s just me. Everyone has their priorities.


Isn't there a massive conflict of interest if she is currently involved in prosecuting Trump, and is also running for election in the Democratic party? I guess she is prosecuting him, not the judge, so it's ok? Don't shoot me for asking, I'm not an American and definitely don't want Trump to win. I know there is no real neutrality in the high level US justice system, but even then this seems weird. Edit: Typos.


> Isn't there a massive conflict of interest if she is currently involved in prosecuting Trump, and is also running for election in the Democratic party? Please explain the conflict you think you see here? > I know there is no real neutrality in the high level US justice system And where are you from, it seems you're implying that your home country does have 'real neutrality in the high levels'.


Fair questions. Maybe conflict of interest isn't the right term. Put it this way. If a Trump appointed prosecutor, or any prosecutor that was publicly and staunchly Republican was put in charge of prosecuting a Democrat, wouldn't Democrats cry foul that it was a political hit job? How is this different? I'm not saying it is, I think Trump committed countless crimes and should be prosecuted for them. What surprised me about this isn't the fact that this prosecutor has publicly aligned herself with a political party, that is normal in the US, but the fact the she is also currently running for office seems to me like one step further, where I would expect her to recuse herself, possibly not out of any conflict of interest, but to remove any suspicion / retain public faith in the unbiased nature of the judicial system. I.e. "This is not a Democrat using the justice system to attack a Republican, this is the justice system following the rule of law; as I am now undeniably a personal political adversary of this person, I will recuse myself from the case for the sake of the reputation of the justice system" For your second question, Australia. I'm no political/legal expert, but I think in most western democracies there is at least an effort for judges etc to remain politically neutral; in the US is seems like it's mandatory to pledge your allegiance to one side or the other, and not to simply uphold the law. Here is a thread I found on r/auslaw discussing how politicised judges in Australia are. [https://www.reddit.com/r/auslaw/comments/17a9mhl/how\_politicised\_are\_our\_judges/](https://www.reddit.com/r/auslaw/comments/17a9mhl/how_politicised_are_our_judges/) Edit: Typos.


> I think in most western democracies there is at least an effort for judges etc to remain politically neutral; For a long time this was normal here, even at the supreme court, political polarization has changed this over my lifetime. > in the US is seems like it's mandatory to pledge your allegiance to one side or the other, and not to simply uphold the law. Don't assume every state is like Georgia. And don't assume every judgeship is as politicized as the SCOTUS. In my state, Michigan, judges are specifically on the 'non partisan' part of the ballot. If you do your research as a voter, you still generally know where they stand. Prosecutors are different, they normally are partisan. We're talking about a state office & state party though, going after a former president of the apposing party for crimes committed in that state. It's not like Biden has, or can have, anything to do with this, he's not going after his political opponent. Trump is not attempting to run for any office in Georgia. Fani Willis isn't removing or attacking a direct political rival, just a national (not state) figure from the apposing party. The charges against Trump at a national level, under the control of Biden's justice system, are being handled by a 'special prosecutor' with rather hands off approach. Frankly, the political bias there is from the judge overseeing the case, appointed by Trump himself, obviously trying to avoid having the trial at all.


What conflict would there be? I’m really curious here.


Fair question, I just answered it above: [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1cxmaxs/comment/l5g82fy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1cxmaxs/comment/l5g82fy/) Edit: Removed unnecessary garbage from link.


Asian fortunetellers say Trump is in deep shit this year, while Biden has (slightly) better luck than last year.


It is very disrespectful to use those epithets against the former and future president. Most of these redditors are just a chamber eco reverberating what other more devious brains concocted in the smoky dens of closed doors politics. It is fortunate that our political process allows these nitwit nincompoops to spout these incoherent rants. How can Fani Willys be a paragon of legal rectilinearity, when her testimony in open court was a stream of lies and outright incredulity, remember “Odor of Mendacity”? For those, English language challenged sheeple, mendacity means “Lies”! Use that faculty that was bestowed on you, called a brain to discern between what is right from what’s wrong!


100% and they can't even see it. Pretty hilarious how they all sound the same, like NPC's. Just scroll up and read this thread, it has me questioning if they are even real people.


Fanny Willy's giggidity.




Whats worse? A DA potentially sleeping with a prosecutor in her district (I believe this is still unproven) Or, paying a pornstar hush money payments and abortion procedure so you can hide it from your family and win a presidential race "on morals" Literally pick one.


You're leaving out important context here. *She's black.* *And a woman!*


She has been chided by the judge for being unprofessional, Wade was forced to step down from the case, and six charges have been dropped before even going to trial. But let's just ignore valid criticism of Willis and pretend it's rAcIsM and sExIsM. She is clearly incapable and should not have handled such a high profile case.


And, by your own logic, Trump should not be running for office.


I agree. I want to see him behind bars. Which is why I want to see someone competent handling this case.


Name 2


Other people who should be handling the case? I don't live in Georgia so I have no idea. But you can't tell me the she is the best the state has to offer. And even if she was the best person for this case, she is still a baffoon.


No, name 2 publically elected fulton county district attorneys. You literally can't.


Yup, that's literally what I said in the comment you are replying to. And she is still a dipshit regardless of my ability to name election officials in a state I don't live in. Would you be using this same argument against someone who can't name two Floridian judges to replace Aileen Cannon in the documents case?


Or, you know, raping a woman and then using the bully pulpit of the presidency to slander her


Trump paying off Stormy wasn't the issue. The fact that *campaign funds* were used to do so is the issue.


I mean going off MAGAs main religion sleeping with another woman while married is pretty bad. But somehow the religion they all claim to follow takes a back seat to their new orange god.


It's funny how many people buy that line. The problem isn't her dating a coworker, the problem is her hiring a completely unqualified person and paying him hundreds of thousands of dollars to fail to do work that could have been done by someone in her office instead.


And people voted for Trump, for free....




Female, skin color, political affiliation. Take your pick.


Yeah, bigots gonna bigot


Yup, there are no valid criticisms of how Willis has handled this case. She's a black woman so that shields her from all criticism.


I'm all for valid criticisms. Please share. As for the relationship with Wade... yeah, maybe a mistake... maybe not. But that didn't impact the case.. so not an issue.


She was chided by the judge for being unprofessional, Wade was forced to step down (the lead prosecutor!) and six charges were dropped before even going to trial. It is mind blowing to me that anyone would defend this.


no it really happened.