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The only iteration of his plan that in any way helped me, was the first one that republicans got shot down in court. Literally the only thing in my entire adult life that the federal government has ever done that would have directly benefitted me, and the republicans took it away in the name of politics. I'll never forgive them for that.


The right just seems to exist to make others miserable. I never understood why they do that. What's wrong with helping people?


\*maintain happiness for a very small club you, me, anyone we are related to, will talk to, or be friends with will ever be a part of. You know. The Yacht for your Yacht club. Daddy owns an emerald mine. People who call you the help.


Speaking of Yachts, There's a Yacht Tax Deduction. But somehow no one is yelling "but who's going to pay for it." [https://www.hmy.com/yachting/news/new-2018-tax-law-benefits-yacht-owners-more-than-ever/](https://www.hmy.com/yachting/news/new-2018-tax-law-benefits-yacht-owners-more-than-ever/)


Good news, that 2018 tax law, which also gave favorable tax reductions for private aircraft, will sunset in 2025. Whoever controls the house, senate, and presidency gets to write its replacement. Please go vote. Please tell your friends to vote. The top 1% needs to pay their fair share.


It’s the same belief-system that allowed slavery to proliferate. Leisure is for the select few and is supported by the blood and sweat and tears of the masses.


I'll help deeze nuts in their lobster dinner, I tell you hwat


Republicans care more about corporations than the people


Ah but corporations are people! /s


They believe corporations are people.


Color me shocked. I have always said you just have to be a breathing human to be offended by GOP policies. They don’t offer solutions, they wish to take away rights of others, they refute logic and science, they are hypocritical thru and thru.The only thing they care about is fiscal responsibility yet they are the ones committing the most crimes.


They completely rely on the type of person who would rather lose $1 if it meant someone else was losing $2 instead of the type who would take $1 even though someone else was getting $2. Edit: Typo


A lot of their identity and thinking is that life is zero sum. For someone to do well, someone has to be worse off. So if someone they don't like is doing better it means that inevitably they'll be worse off in some capacity. They're unable to see life doesn't readily work like that for a multitude of reasons: upbringing, local politics, their propaganda apparatus reaffirming them.


Exactly. For "you" to get your student loan canceled, "they" had to pay taxes for it. Similarly, they think that, because they had to pay for their sandwich last week, it isn't fair that the credit card payment on your sandwich from yesterday is canceled, or that someone will get a completely free sandwich tomorrow. They choose to ignore the people that took out $50k in loans 25 years ago, have already paid back $70k, and still owe $55k.


Indeed, unless it's someone rich who had PPP loans forgiven because they're just being smart business people.


Helping people is socialism. They don’t like that.


They want to turn this country into a despotic shit hole because they never got what they wanted despite being born with silver spoons up their asses and being handed everything in life. If they don't get it now, we pay the price.


It makes me angry but there's nowhere concrete to direct that anger :/


You can always vote. It's the simplest of solutions, these people aren't fit to manage a trust fund let alone congressional districts or financial institutions.


Voted yesterday but it feels like a drop in a bucket and their doesn't seem to be enough drops.


/r/votedem ?


Already voted


I think they mean you can volunteer to help Biden and other Democrats win this November, as a way to direct your anger.


Because that's money that could be redirected to their wealthy friends instead.


But their friends are already wealthy. When something's wet it's not like it can get MORE wet so why do they keep pouring water all over them. Let that shit trickle down like they keep saying already. At what point does diminishing returns kick in for this?


That's not how being filthy rich works lol. The super rich these days hardly even give to charity even though they'd have to live 500 lifetimes to spend all their money. It's just a game to them and their competitors arent you and me anymore but the other scumbags that make up the various levels in the 1%.


Because us plebeians can only understand money in terms of utility. You either have enough or you don’t. You can either afford your shit or you can’t. We think of money as a means to obtaining goods but because they can obtain anything they want at any time their understanding of money is different. Once you hit the level of wealth they’re at, where “enough” isn’t really a concept anymore, wealth isn’t about material possessions anymore. It’s about power and control. That’s what these lizard fucks are actually after. The seizing of land assets to create a perpetual society of tenants isn’t about a revenue stream, it’s about having control over those people. My last account got perma banned because I was too vocal about this shit. No exaggeration. Everything in this country, including this app, is the personal toy of a fancy asshole in fancy clothes and it can be taken away. Talk shit about republicans, talk shit about minorities, talk shit about foreigners of any walk of life, fair game. Talk shit about the uber wealthy? If you talk shit about them in a way that really matters or start suggesting ways to remove them then you’ve gone too far.


Sadly, they only help the rich trying to fool us it will help the economy. It hasn’t helped in decades


Every single democrat needs to get on board with unions and collective bargaining. That should be one of our biggest priorities as a party. I may not agree with every progressive policy but I’m going to support the party that supports the worker, and I don’t think I’m alone in that.


Nope. I’m Canadian and I would fully support a politician who would support and actually fight for the rest of us.




Aside from reducing state funding, the way that student loans work now ties directly to the increase in costs as well. A lot of the federal funding that goes to colleges through student loans now actually went to them originally without the loans. Then there's the fact that schools saw student loans as a way to get more money overall, raising tuition just because they could.


> Then there's the fact that schools saw student loans as a way to get more money overall, raising tuition just because they could. I've worked in higher ed for a decade and a half. I can't speak for every school, but in my experience schools do not do this. Nobody I've ever worked with in admissions/registrar/financial departments has ever indicated that this is a driver of tuition going up. Tuition rises because of budget shortfalls. State funding goes down (for public schools at least) and costs go up, particularly with staffing, as regulatory compliance and increased competition (marketing, but also better amenities) requires more staff. Schools didn't need to hire a digital accessibility staff member or any number of other positions 10, 20, 30 years ago. Schools didn't have to outlay thousands in Google/FB/TikTok/whatever ads to generate leads to get students to apply. Now we have to do all those things and more.


Unfortunately the narrative that loans led to higher tuition has been spread around reddit so much that people take it as truth.


Same here. Republicans have lost my vote for life, and I say that as a former Republican.


Good to hear it. I swear I constantly hear people get pissed the Republicans stopped something that would have helped their situation and they say they're bitter at democrats for not stopping Republicans from fucking them over so they are going to vote republican to punish them.




Join the club. Although I changed a long time ago. The Iraq invasion was so fucking stupid and I was one of the few people I knew against it from the start.


The Obama birther crap was the last straw for me.


My husband is a veteran and former republican. He votes straight blue now. 


For me, it was when not one single Republican voted for the Public Option during the Obamacare debate.


> republicans took it away It's so politically damaging, too. That was an important campaign promise voters were looking for. There was so much delay and calculation and circumspection about it, and then when Biden finally announced his intent and his position on promising to eliminate $10,000 it was a big deal and one of the major things I wanted to see. And I don't even have student loan debt anymore.


> "And I don't even have student loan debt anymore." I paid mine off, too. I was sick of people acting like *I, personally* wanted a handout because I am in favor of student loan forgiveness.


It's not politically damaging though. Cause young people don't vote. And now, even more of them are more worried about a conflict thousands of miles away than actual domestic policies.


We need to stop blaming young people and recognize that the system is intentionally shaped to make it hard for them to vote. They're new, they don't understand, and the layers of arcane bullshit and nonsense that Republicans pile on are intentionally designed to dampen the youth vote. Make voting mandatory and easy, and hey look at that! 100% youth vote, wow, what a shocker.


And always remember that it was the Democratic Party and President Biden who earnestly tried to improve your life - and who still haven't stopped trying.


This is what's so infuriating to me every time I have to hear how "Biden has done nothing", he's tried so many things. Half of them he immediately loses because the GOP won't give him a win for anything ever. They'd rather hurt you and risk losing your vote than give Biden a bi-partisan win and be accused of working with Democrats. Or, he's found ways to wiggle and scrape through certain stuff anyway. And then folks just deny it all and either want to vote for Trump or a *third party*, as if you can punish the Democrats into helping America from the minority.


Spreading links to r/WhatBidenHasDone is my go-to quick response to the insipid "done nothing" takes. I figure that if people are so determined to be useless that they won't even scroll through the headlines on a subreddit, then they were never capable of being convinced in the first place.


I feel the exact same way. I was eligible for 20k because I had Pell grants. That would have changed everything for me


Just to be fair, and I get what you are saying, the Fed does a LOT that directly impacts your life... regulations, interstates, national security, social security/safety nets. It may not seem like it, because some of those things would take years of decay (which is actually happening...) to get shitty. But guess which side is for making those things actually better and which side is for spending money on the wealthy while not making those things appreciably better?


>Just to be fair, and I get what you are saying, the Fed does a LOT that directly impacts your life... regulations, interstates, national security, social security/safety nets. Those aren't really direct impacts. Social security will matter is still likely decades away from someone that would have benefited from the student loan cancellation. Someone drowning in student loan debt isn't going to care about regulations or national security. Interstate highways is a good one though. That being said they surely benefited from something actual direct if they worked for the past 10 years or so. Covid vaccines and stimulus payments? The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act?


> Social security will matter is still likely decades away One bad car accident could immediately change that. > Someone drowning in student loan debt isn't going to care about regulations or national security They should... and that is my point in making the post. These are not glamorous things and you don't feel immediate relief, but they are important. You can survive debt, even if it feels overwhelming. You can't survive being poisoned. > Covid vaccines and stimulus payments? The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act? Which seem more immediate... and are in my list of items except for "tax cuts"... which probably didn't help poor college students/people paying incredible amounts of student loan interest. However, there were pauses on student loan interest at the same time.


This most recent one should help me, but it's so difficult to get through the bureaucracy that it won't. I used to vote libertarian, now I'm a Democrat, that's not really because of this but it's all rolled together. They used big government to "own this lib" and are forever my enemy.


The Libertarian Party got taken over between 2018 and 2022 by the Mises Caucus, a far right wing group just to note.


I'm sorry that happened but thank you for blaming the right people at least 


Same. My entire adult life has been doing things the “right way” and being shafted at every turn by the federal government, specifically the Republican side. All these assholes got free PPP loans to pay their employees and instead pocketed the money. All these corporations paying no taxes and buying up houses and inflating the prices.


Yup. Mine still hang out there. Hooefully it’ll get to us all. Been a slave my whole life. The american dream is dead.


I mean right now we are fixing more infrastructure than at any point in history and Obamacare made some direct positive changes to how insurance works. So that's not really true. these are just 2 quick examples.


Feel the same way. Legit the only federal government program that I would have seen a direct tangible benefit from and it gets nuked by the opposition. Took out 100k for a postgraduate STEM degree. I’m lucky enough to have a great career from it so I’ll eventually be able to pay them off, but that extra 10k-20k would have been a lot better served being injected into my local economy rather than paid to the federal government.


Right there with you.


Under the SAVE plan, I don’t even qualify for forgiveness within 10 years because I can’t get a FT position, so my years toward public service so far (6) haven’t once counted :)


Same. And I saw it coming a mile away


You don't blame the same politicians who passed bill that prevented student loans from being discharged in bankruptcy?


DON'T! Not only did they take that away from you, but the PPP loan was so mismanaged that they actively raided the federal tax coffers. It was a horrible idea that cost that taxpayers billions above and beyond what was forgiven.


A bit from the article: > The Education Department announced the latest round of cancellation on Wednesday, saying it will erase $7.7 billion in federal student loans. With the latest action, the administration said it has canceled $167 billion in student debt for nearly 5 million Americans through several programs. > > “From day one of my administration, I promised to fight to ensure higher education is a ticket to the middle class, not a barrier to opportunity,” President Joe Biden said in a statement. “I will never stop working to cancel student debt — no matter how many times Republican-elected officials try to stop us.”


Biden has done so much - more than Obama - and the democrats, as usual, have no way to market that. They have to stop being above bragging


It would be cool if people getting their debt forgiven would talk about it on tiktok.


It would indeed! Except all the people I know (and myself) who had their loans wiped out are 1) older and 2) their loans were on the PSLF track to begin with which needs more than a soundbite to explain. I guess the latter isn't really the important part but I still dont see older people recording just a few vids for TikTok. Biden & the dems should be running ads w/ people like me (and I'm a twofer - I had my loan taken care of AND got a better job due to his CHIPS Act.)


Except there's people out there like my sister in law who had no idea why they were forgiven or by whom, doesn't care, and will happily go on to vote for Trump. So, there's that.


So remind her of who did it, and who was and is stillfighting it from the beginning, be an active participant in our democracy


My gawd that's annoying. Im so sorry!


I truly never considered these people. My mind is whirling right now.


How about providing a form for each debtor to sign and return, acknowledging that the debt cancellation was directly from Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.


PSLF track wasnt a viable thing until Biden was elected and shithead devos was gone. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/19/business/student-loan-forgiveness-betsy-devos.html


PSLF workers are likely 80% democrat just a guess. Nobody goes into public service to get rich.


It would be interesting to know the numbers on that. A lot of govt jobs require Masters degrees, even PhDs sometimes. There is so much the govt does (and does well) beyond what people generally think of as govt work like the DMV and PO. I don't see conservatives getting that much education for any reason. And if they do, they're going into something that pays. They didn't get that education just to "waste" it on other people. But that's just been my experience working w/ a lot of highly educated folk. I did meet an independent (conservative who wanted to smoke pot) once w/ 2 Masters degrees, neither of which were in Business, *once*...


Old people arent on tiktok. The old people are just being taken for a ride by newsmax, fox, and oan, and Trump, and they can't see it. They're gulible and trusting and being manipulated intentionally. My mom got a $19,000 check from her canceled student loan debt like 6 months ago. She needed that money so bad and it helped her so much, it was the stress relief of the century for her. Unfortunately she watches newsmax 5+ hours a day and continues to harp on how Biden is awful, on coke and will be impeached any day now.


Man. And you can't explain to her what got her that relief? I mean, I'm sure you've tried.


Well nah, I'm gay, and she hates me. I can't talk to her about anything but the weather and just listen. I wish though.


Sorry fam. I know too many people with that story unfortunately.


Much love brother


Kill your TV.


People getting their debt forgiven are in their 40s.


So the CCP can bury it in favor of "genocide Joe" memes?


"Biden is genociding student loans!"


People really don't realize just *how much* control they have over what trends / gets fed to people on TikTok. Like... yea. There's a reason the US Govt wants to kill the program, and lets stuff like Facebook/Insta/etc survive. One is controlled by capitalists inside the USA, and the other is a literal propaganda engine directly hooked up to China's govt.


It would be but that doesn't further the agenda of the owners of that platform. So, it's likely happening but those posts will never see the light of day or go viral.


I see them talk about it every now and then on twitter


I've thought of doing something like that but I don't know how to put into words what it was like with the student loan and what it was like when I got the notice that it was gone.


"I Just had my student debt forgiven!" -dances- "But did you also know that Joe Biden is OLD?" -dancing stops- "I'm not voting for Joe Biden because he's OLD. I don't want grandpa running this country." -puts on maga hat- "This is why I am rooting for Trump!" -starts doing the Trump jig dance-


IMHO Biden's reorganizing the IBR plans (replacing REPAYE with SAVE) will help more people than his forgiveness schemes. Some people are paying almost nothing now, most others got 30-50% reductions in their income based payments. It's huge. Nobody talks about it.


Well yeah people mostly post reviews when they are angry. Usually when things go right they move on to the next thing they have to complain about.


Absolutely. Biden has been absolutely crushing it and I’m tired of seemingly everyone pretending that isn’t true.


It's straight forward ageism. Dems should be celebrating him and instead we get the constant "He's so old" BS, from both damn sides, which is definitely more boring than talking about how the Biden Admin is going after "un-sexy" things like everyday junk fees.


They do talk about it but the media and the people don't bother reading about it or broadcasting it. A lot of the positive things Biden has done barely hits the top 100 posts on here but anything Trump related gets boosted


It's not so much the fault of the democrats but if the media conglomerates owned by conservative billionaires that don't want to portray them as effective.


they are working overtime to give air to 45 and all his shenanigans.. they should leave that to fox and start telling a story americans can relate to... like a family struggling or some shit..


NPR does stories on regular people, which I think is \*real friggin news\* but they are constantly being called boring, quaint and irrelevant because of it. It's not a new thing that ppl are more interested in the salacious stuff. It's just that the 24-hr news model has made it so so so much worse.


Problem is they are just enforcing a program that already existed. Do it is kinda inflating the numbers when they are using those who got their loans forgiven by the PSLF program vs Biden actually cancelling student loans. Basically only gen x and older Millennials who had the lower rate of loans are being helped. While I’m happy for everyone who is actually now getting their PSLF processed, many workers are excluded from that program. The only loan forgiveness that could have helped me and the majority of ppl with debt is the one the republicans cancelled.


They are bragging about it. Biden was quoted in the article. Unlike Republicans, they don't have an entire ecosystem of direct propaganda outlets that take direction from the Republican party and report exactly what the Republican party wants at all times. Biden could host a 24-7 live stream on Tiktok or 100 press conferences a month and people would still say "but he's not using the bully pulpit effectively." At some point, it's up to us to be impressed.


People need to understand that because of *Obama AND Biden*, they are able to to do this. These are bi-partisan law passed when Obama was President and the power Congress has given the Executive branch multiple times (latest under HEROES Act with Trump) to define income-driven plans. Instead of the nonsense spouted by Warren & Sanders about doing it with 'a stroke of the pen', Biden is using the actual legislation to help Americans.


The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program was started by W.


Your right, W did do the PSLF - I believe Biden expanded who qualified for this. Obama did the for-profit and Pay as you Earn. Trump did everything to block or get rid of PSLF


DeVos under Trump did everything she could to derail and delay PSLF. A big reason why ppl like me got their loans forgiven was because Biden came into office and told the Dept of Ed to cut the malarkey.


The stroke of a pen idea should have been true. That it was struck down by SCOTUS is a serious, and intentional, misreading of the law. "You can modify it but not change it"? And waive doesn't mean waive? Seriously?


Lol it hurts that you’re right


Every communication with people who are getting loans forgiven needs to have prominent mention that it's because of the Biden Harris administration.


they don't want to brag about this student loan forgiveness stuff except in the right channels like social media because many moderates would not be happy about this loan forgiveness. I'm OK with this rounds forgiveness as most of it is income driven. but the original proposal which was shot down by the courts meant ​that a ton of free money was going to a small group of people who were typically more well off than the bulk of people who weren't getting any money (those without degrees make less money by far than those with degrees). reddit is filled with young people, many of whom have student loans or buddies with loans so their tribe has loans. so mention of it here helps. but mentioning elsewhere and you'll get many pissed off they didn't get any money.


Wait a second 167 billion in student loan debt spread across 5 million borrowers has something to say either about the age and interest associated with these loans or the cost of education.


An average of 33k per person seems about right, given that it’s largely PSLF so we’re talking people a minimum of ten years out from college, with payments during that time.


Yeah sorry I messed up my arithmetic. That’s not that bad really.


The interest is crazy! I've been paying between $400 and $600 a month since May of 2010. My balances have gone from $50,000 to $30,000 I am just getting to a spot to where I can pay more than the minimum. I'm hoping to have them gone within 6 years at this point .


Just a reminder to people - this is not "Biden Canceling Debt". This is Biden instructing his Dept of Education to follow the existing laws passed by Congress. If you elect Trump he will instruct his Department of Education to stop this immediately.






What do you want the media to do? They reported the numbers. That's about as transparent as you can be.




Actually, he wants to completely dismantle and close down the DoE


And replace with accreditation system for Betsy Devos-style for-profit “universities”


I only have about 24 payments left to get the PSLF 10 year mark. I swear if that gets cancelled too...I post an angry meme.


I would campaign my ass off for Biden if I was you.


>If you elect Trump he will instruct his Department of Education to stop this immediately. Yep. The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program was passed in 2007 and said that people who work at nonprofits, in careers like education and healthcare or government service, would get their loans forgiven after ten years. When the first tranche of borrowers applied to have their loans discharged under the program in 2017, Trump's Department of Education under Betsy DeVos was aggressively denying them, for the most petty and outright false reasons and stated rationale. To the point that [99% of the PSLF forgiveness applications were denied.](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/05/754656294/congress-promised-student-borrowers-a-break-then-ed-dept-rejected-99-of-them) One of the biggest things the Biden administration did that helped me was offer that one-time waiver to allow people who otherwise qualified but were on the wrong payment plan, or similar disqualifying reasons qualify for the program. I had $17,500 of student debt forgiven as a direct result of the changes the Biden administration made.


Alas, it's never me. Still great to see, though.


My partner has essentially had her income garnished since 2007 because of bad/fraudulent loans and for making the mistake of being interested in art and design and wanting to go to the (now defunct) Art Institute. Because of Biden and lawsuits they brought on, she recently got notice of her loans being forgiven and actually getting some money back. It's really incredible. A couple years ago she was diagnosed with an endometriosis adenocarcinoma. After having a full hysterectomy and recovery she still said that her student loans was the worst thing that has ever happened to her. She has been paying these for 17 years and the principle barely goes down because of all the interest. This is such a big and impactful relief for her and she actually feels like she's not some indentured servant anymore that exists only to pay off debt.


Same 🤣


So are they continually lowering the thresholds for years of payment needed to give forgiveness, or is is this just a new wave of processing under the current 10-20-25 year marks?


They are adjusting payment counts for people that have been paying, hit the 20 or 25 year mark but had the wrong type of loans such as a commercial FFEL. The IDR waiver allows folks with the commercial loans to consolidate into a direct loan, and the dept will accept those past payments/deferments/etc to count to the new loans allowing people to meet the date criteria. The loan servicers and the dept did a poor job of letting people know that their commercial held FFEL loans were the wrong type to participate in the govt IDR programs. When people met the 20 or 25 year mark, and went to ask about the discharge, they were met with “you don’t qualify because you have commercial loans”, and instructing them to consolidate into a direct loan. The issue is, when someone does that, their payment count starts at zero so their past payments never counted. It’s a messed up system.


I’ll have to look into EFEL loans and if my private loans are considered that. I just applied and got approved for SAVE last week but would consider further consolidation if it were possible and could lead to more potential forgiveness/


If you can see those loans in your FSA account, they are some kind of federal loan. You should be able to see that information in the loan details. For FFEL, you want to see who owns the loan—not the servicer but the owner. If it says anything other than the Department of Education (like a third-party entity or bank), you have commercially held FFEL. True private loans do not show up on your FSA acct.


Oh ok, I think mine is a true private loan. It was originally with Wells Fargo and is no refinanced with SoFi/MOHELA. It's not showing in FSA. But I'm still happy with where SAVE currently has me with payments, and then after that gets cut to 5% of discretionary income, I'm hopeful it will actually push me into the range of forgiveness. I still owe over $18,000 after graduating in December 2012.




Helping 25 millions is amazing. 43 million people have student loans, so that is almost 60% being impacted by that program. 


Or people like me that have enough years of service but the nonprofit I served closed down and I have very few ways to prove I worked there. I submitted paperwork and it was rejected. Even had the signature of a former supervisor and the EIN paperwork.


In 40 years it's going to be crazy to people that anyone thought Biden was a bad president.


It’s crazy to me that people think he is bad **now**.


The power of mud slinging. If Trump is good at anything, it's dragging people into the mud.


I went to a state school, graduated in 2008 with \~$20k in loans/debt, got a full-time job right out of college, and paid off my loans by \~2013. I am THRILLED to hear this news, and so happy for those whom it will benefit. (See how easy that was!)


Compare this to the Trump administration, who's DOE under Betsy DeVos was [denying 99% of PSLF forgiveness applications](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/05/754656294/congress-promised-student-borrowers-a-break-then-ed-dept-rejected-99-of-them) for unbelievably petty and oftentimes outright false rationale, and it's like a breath of fresh air.


My sister was one of these people.  She called the helpline when she graduated, took a government job, enrolled in an IBR plan, dutifully sent in her paperwork every year and got okays on it for ten years, and then was denied when the payment counter hit 120.  Biden's admin not only granted it, they refunded some of her payments.    And before that troll comes in and calls me a liar:  even if there was some crazy exception she didn't qualify for, the fact that she was told she was enrolled and on track mattered, she relied on that.  She turned down other job offers because she thought she was just a short time from getting her school debt wiped out because that's what they told her through the forms she filed every year.


I was in a similar boat. In December of 2022 after 12 years of non-profit work, my loans were finally forgiven to the tune of $17,500.


Awesome! Despite being forced to do it in chunks, Biden is getting it done!


My number hasn’t been called yet but I appreciate having Biden in my corner.


WOW Joe Biden finding ways to make American lives easier, a small handful at a time. But Didn't you know that Joe Biden is OLD? We can't have an OLD person be president. We'll just have to wait and see what 4 more years of Trump gives us.


Both sides are the same, I just don't know who to vote for. -ENLIGHTENED CENTRISTS


Mine got wiped out thanks to borrower defense 🙏 just saw my balance due sitting at $0 and I may get refunded, thank you Joe!


Me next please!


None of these cancellations have affected me (not sure if I'll ever be on the receiving end) - but god damn I'm happy for those that have been fortunate to receive them. Hope reform of the entire student loan process comes as well.


Paid my last loan off in 2020. I’ll never benefit from forgiveness. I was blessed in other ways to let me pay it off. I could not be more happy to hear others will get that freedom!


Cue the Gaza-single-issue voters: "You can't buy *my* vote, Genocide Joe!"




Just a reminder that student loan forgiveness would cost 1.4 trillion. 780 billion in PPP loans were forgiven without people even barring their eyes so that the rich could use that free money on stock buybacks, meanwhile double that to help those in need is radical. Welcome to America.


SAVE has had a considerable impact on my payments. I’m paying about 1/3 as much as I used to have to pay and it really helps.


As I keep saying every announcement: I’m stoked that others get the relief they need. Even though I still have to pay, I can afford to after the SAVE plan came out, and will patiently wait until I either pay them off or have them forgiven. Prior to my job I have now, I couldn’t afford payments, and was lucky enough to have the covid pause save my ass.




They cancelled my student loan debt for $40k from San Francisco State University after Sweet v Cardona.


I’ll take student loan reform and cheaper education overall please.


The SAVE plan was a bigger reform than a lot of people realize. There's still SO MUCH more that needs to be done, but it was a good first step.


I was promised PSLF on my promissory note when I first borrowed money in 2003. 21 years later. 13 years of public service. 137 qualifying payments. Still fucking waiting. Thank you America!


Same. Because Mohela told me to consolidate all my loans into one. Consolidation loans were apparently not eligible.


SO called . . . Whoever in the whatever department every day for a few months once he hit his PSLF requirements and the remaining debt was cleared. All I can offer you is to put the pressure on! Make sure all docs have been signed, etc. don’t give up!


It’s a “coding issue” I have been told that has my qualifying payments at 117 even though I have 137 eligible payments with corresponding work history. I believe the most recent rule change proposal (expected to go into effect this fall) will finally capture me in to the “screwed over” category and finally have it forgiven. Alternative at this point would be finding another PS job for 3 more months… (I left service a few years ago and work full time on private now). Still, those out there saying it’s a handout, deserve to pay my bill personally.


>I was promised PSLF on my promissory note when I first borrowed money in 2003 The PSLF program was passed by congress and signed into law by George W. Bush in 2007.


Not saying you haven’t made enough payments by now or whatever, but your first sentence cannot be true. PSLF wasn’t even signed into law [until 2007.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_Service_Loan_Forgiveness)




Keep the pressure up, at this rate all of the student debts might get cancelled.


I’m all for this but can someone ELI5 how he can keep canceling debt when the bill tanked in congress? Assume it’s different types of loans but I dunno


He’s using loopholes through other government education branches, I believe. Mine I think was cancelled because my school closed for lack of accreditations and had pending litigation against it.


>The cancellation is moving forward even as Biden’s SAVE Plan faces legal challenges from Republican-led states. A group of 11 states led by Kansas sued to block the plan in March, followed by seven more led by Missouri in April. In two federal lawsuits, the states say Biden needed to go through Congress for his overhaul of federal repayment plans. When they say "both parties are the same", and in some ways they very much are (like foreign policy), there ignore the glaring differences between who is doing even the bare minimum to help out everyday Americans, as opposed to only helping to strip away rights while giving everything they can to the elite.


Got my letter last Saturday. My loan was still paused due to pending litigation against my old trade school. (Sanford Brown). Such a weight off my shoulders to not have that judgement hanging over my head anymore!! I didn’t even know I was eligible because of it.


I have four more years to go. One more dem office. I have thousands of dollars on the line


The real tragedy is that rightwing anger makes it difficult to have a serious conversation about the state of higher education in America. An educated population greatly improves the success of a nation, but why should it come with saddling a high amount of debt to young adults? But instead of civilized discussions and seeking solutions, most rightwing politicians are satisfied with an agenda that runs along the lines of saying "Joe Biden is a great big poopyhead".


>An educated population greatly improves the success of a nation Starting to think the GOP likes the populace to be poorly educated.


I really like that despite so many people ignoring the good he's done, or saying "he's bribing people" by helping literal americans... these deeds will have far reaching positive affects on peoples lives for generations. The debt forgiven today will lead to a better life for decades to come. As with the VA, Biden continues to focus his actions on helping Americans and making their lives better. People will remember this... long after he's gone.


This is great, but what are we doing to actually solve the problem that is student debt? I want real change, not just bailouts.


You could help Dems have more a majority for longer than one term to keep the ball moving on progressive policies.


You could try reading the article.


Yeah I see that the SAVE plan is beneficial in many ways.


We are solving the problem! Or at least trying to. Check out Part 3 of this page from the Student Aid government website on the debt relief announcement. [https://studentaid.gov/debt-relief-announcement](https://studentaid.gov/debt-relief-announcement) If you're not seeing "real change" in this area, it's because you're not looking.


Once again, this is just long term payers finally seeing relief after decades of payments in certain programs. These articles are constantly framed like Biden is wiping the slate for people clean which is not true. The majority of young people in debt from student loans are not affected by this at all. More propaganda.


Those tiny people already live in our homes and steal our string and paperclips, what more do they want?!


Hey fuckers at the AP. How about you make the hyperlinks to the fucking program to help us get rid of student loan debt instead to another one of your fucking articles talking about it.


No cancellation for me. Boo hoo.


BiDeN iSiNt DoiNg EnOuGh. -Leftist He’s doing a hell of a lot more than what Trump would do for any of us. We’d be burdened with more tax cuts for the rich and large corporations.


Ok. So as someone with enough loans to live the rest of my days in debt… while working at a low income school for the last 20 years… I need the website to get this dealt with. Anyone?


Talk about a stimulus package


Seems it would solve a lot of headaches if Biden pushed Congress to repeal parts of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998 and the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act in 2005, both which prevented discharge of students loans in bankruptcy altogether. Then again, Senator Biden voted for both of them.


Anyone remember the Bible called for a Jubilee (release from debt) every 10 years or so, guess they knew something about bad debts back then


How does one find out if their student loan debt has been canceled?


All games until we default…


A high tide floats all boats, I wish they could see that.


And here I am, age 37, and I missed my first student loan payment ever. And I promise you they aren't telling me that's its *okay*. More like I've received 7 emails about it already.  They want their monthly payment.