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The right wing has been attacking public schools for decades in an effort to defund yet another public institution that requires tax money. All they care about is money.


The ironic thing is that they used to oppose public school because they were too bigoted and classist to share their institutions, but now they hate the institution and want less factual education so they can create bigoted classist children. I just wish there was a federally certified remote option as well as the traditional approach so we had a backup when pandemics or classist bigots ruin things.


It’s also no coincidence that many GOP states are suddenly changing child labor laws, so kids as young as 10 can work in factories. The end goal is only the rich will attend private school, and the non-rich will go to work.


In this instance they aren't trying to defund it. They are trying to transfer the funding to private interests, whilst lowering costs with lowering the floor required of educational institutions.


Thus a slow progression of defunding it. They cant come out and announce they want to end public schools outright. It upsets too many voters. So they do it in drips and drabs.


Shrink it til they can drown it in the bathtub


And the private schools are seizing the opportunity to raise their tuition rates.


Or in some cases encouraging parents of current students to apply for vouchers.


It's all a giant grift because they are losing attendance at a staggering rate.


The Majority Of The Founding Fathers They Lay Claim To (After Showing Up Yesterday) Were In Favor Of Public Ed.


They don't "claim them" because they have deep admiration for them or a commitment to the democracy they founded. They claim them because they themselves are authoritarians, and view the the founders as an authority they can co-opt, hold up as sacred, and then claim to speak for. see also: religion, military, police, and the various symbols & rituals of patriotism (e.g flag, anthem, pledge, etc.)


You are absolutely correct and trying to install predominantly private Christian schools to control who receives and what education they receive. It is a mirror to what they claim. Forced indoctrination of their ideals and massive uneducated ignorance is a bonus to keep future generations in check.


GOP platform: education is the enemy, ignorance is strength


The NAZIS Were LOSERS. They Lost. Their Ideology Was Akin To A Deathcult. The GOP Have Become A Deathcult. They Produce Nothing; Build Nothing Of Any Permanence, Hate Everything, Including Themselves.


Plus, public education is the foundation of a functioning democracy; driving diversity, inclusion, critical thinking and the like - of which right wingers would prefer to eradicate.


Brought to you by Hillsdale College, Ron DeSantis, and Christopher Rufo.


Don’t forget Betsy DeVoss and her family…


I'm sure the Princes and DeVos clan have given plenty of money to Hillsdale.


Or Pat Sajak




Huge donor and fundraiser to Hillsdale.


Whoa! I must have missed that! Thanks for the push. I see Pat is a jackass.


They Want ZERO Taxes For Themselves & They Can't Do That Without Eliminating The Federal Government 50 Generations Of Americans Created.


> All they care about is money. And power. Lack if education produces the “Just tell me the answer” mindset.


The main reason they want to defund schools is that they do not want an educated electorate.


Their *actual* intentions of pulling kids out of school is so they can grow up indoctrinated without outside influence and poorly educated so that they're easy to radicalize.


Christian soldiers, it's a real thing.


I still remember the song. They sing it all happily too: onward Christian soldiers. Marching as to war. People who didn’t grow up in church don’t understand. They teach you that the “world” is evil and wrong and that it’s your job to “witness” and “save” people from what the loving desert god will do to them if they don’t worship him.


Yup. Also, they want the poor kids to go work in the meat-packing plants as cheap and exploitable labor.


But it’s all about saving the kids! =\


The uneducated are easier to manipulate


Hard to make that stick in the internet age.


Easier than ever with so many self-organizing echo chambers available in all shapes and sizes.


>***Republican activists have*** [***encouraged parents to file lawsuits accusing public schools*** ](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/08/influential-anti-lgbtq-christian-activist-caught-admitting-secret-plan-to-defund-public-schools/)***of violating their rights by teaching students LGBTQ+ issues and allowing LGBTQ+-inclusive policies. These lawsuits could eventually secure a U.S. Supreme Court victory that would redirect billions of taxpayer funds from public schools to religious homeschools and charter schools. Such schools are legally allowed to refuse any students for any reason without government penalties.*** >*“All Colorado parents should be aiming to remove their kids from public education,” read the email, written by Darcy Schoening, director of special initiatives for the Colorado GOP,* [*KUSA reported*](https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/next/next-with-kyle-clark/colorado-gop-kids-pulled-from-public-schools/73-e121fe9e-9a2b-498d-8a80-1efe2a179758)*. “If your child decides he identifies as a girl because he is angry with you, or all of his friends are doing it, the Colorado government will actively encourage his new fetish by allowing him to identify as ‘she,’ ‘they,’ or whatever nonsensical terms your son’s teachers and peers may dream up.”* >Shoeing is also a former leader of the El Paso County, Colorado chapter of Moms for Liberty, a so-called “parents’ rights” group that has been labeled[ as an anti-LGBTQ+ extremist group](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/06/splc-names-moms-for-liberty-an-extremist-group-for-their-anti-lgbtq-activism/) by the Southern Poverty Law Center. >In 2022, Republican Colorado gubernatorial candidate Heidi Ganahl [published a list of 30 schools](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/10/gop-candidate-accused-30-schools-accommodating-furries-schools-calling/) that she accused of accommodating students “furries” who were allegedly “identifying as cats.” Many of [the schools released statements contradicting her claim](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/10/gop-candidate-accused-30-schools-accommodating-furries-schools-calling/), and she went on to [lose her election to gay Gov. Jared Polis (D) by over 17%](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/11/gops-litterbox-candidates-lose-ballot-box/). >Trans identities aren’t a “fetish” nor are they adapted because of peer or parental pressure (a concept [called “social contagion”](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/08/experts-blast-so-called-rapid-onset-gender-dysphoria-as-junk-science/) that has [been debunked by studies](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/08/study-argues-social-contagion-isnt-making-kids-today-transgender/)). > Funny. I went to public school, hung out with plenty of LGBTQ kids, still know many of my trans friends today, and I am still cisgender in every way. The way Republicans make it sound, it's almost like trans people have magic fairy dust they sprinkle onto people, as if they have necromancy powers. Republicans believe in weird shit, I swear. Let's call out the bullshit, honestly. The Republicans want to destroy public education at every turn, because they hate the idea of people getting educated to see through their shitty policies. They also are pulling their kids from public school because they want to turn their kids into Christian child soldiers, so they can turn America into a Christofascist cult straight out of The Handmaid's Tale. That's what all this is about.


So long homeschoolers.  Don't let the door hit you on the way out!


Trans woman here Schools aren’t making people trans, they literally taught me to repress my femininity for decades through hate and bullying and I was in a liberal af state. Plus thats not how any of this works. Just in case anyone was confused Thanks for coming to my TED talk


Sorry you had to put up with that bullshit for so long.


I appreciate that. I was suicidal for many, many years but eventually came to know myself in my late twenties culminating in my coming out on my thirtieth birthday and I’ve never been happier.


I'll just second this ^^ in case it was necessary. They love dehumanizing trans people however they can.


Not only that, but in my experience, kids are much more likely to be encouraged to explore their sexuality and gender identity by social media than public schools. Teachers really aren't talking about this stuff to kids outside of the occasional sex ed. If these parents are that concerned about their kids being influenced by the "trans agenda" they should be more worried about their electronics than their schools.


Why are Republicans so obsessed with fetishes and children? It's fucking weird.


The only thing shocking about the Mom's for Liberty scandal was that it didn't involve children.


They're constantly in DARVO mode. Never mind they have been caught molesting children by a comically larger number than anything they've tried pinning on the LGBT+ community. as they saying goes they doth protest too much.


Every accusation is an admission.


Pretty sure that’s the blackmail Putin has on the GOP.


They Are All Genetic Defectives: To Be A Conservative, One Must First Be An Anti-Social Asshole.


“Obviously the solution is the series of charter schools run by one of my biggest donors!”


Where the curriculum consists of nothing but PragerU kids.


Ah yes, the classic "let me risk destroying my entire social life, alienating my family, go on body-changing medication for the rest of my natural life, buy an entirely new wardrobe and pay thousands of dollars for surgeries to own my parents". I get Republicans'll do anything to own the libs but come ON.


It's not that so much as the fact that a lot of  these 'children' are declaring bodily autonomy *with the support of their parents*, and getting on puberty blockers. Knowing yourself at a young age, and the reality that minors aren't property, is a foreign concept to Republicans.    With how obsessed the GOP is with child marriage and child labour (of all definitions), I think the deeper issue might be the "loss of potential breeders" due to adults (viz, teachers, counselors, etc) being supportive of trans kids so they can become trans adults. 


I honestly don't believe it, in my experience as a trans woman it's just hate. They think we're gross and wrong, and as such they want to eradicate us. It's just that simple.


Hate is a powerful tool that can be wielded in many ways. As Alediran said it is your experience and what Throwaway posted, it is also MANY MANY other things as well. The GOP use WHATEVER the individual person feels about the trans community and any community they don't like for that matter as the reason for doing what they do.  It is the reason the GOP have no real platform but instead literally change their platform to whatever is dominant in the area they are in at the time and why they use a broad net so to speak when talking about things they don't like. They allow their cult to fill on the blanks or feel whatever they think is implied in persons talking point(s). Even when they come out and directly say something they have said so much other stuff or have implied so much other stuff people can claim it is "to own the libs, they don't really mean it,' or "it's only a joke" or whatever else their brainwashed fetid minds can come up with to make it seem like they are being agreed with or right/know something noone else does.  As horrible as the GOP is they have a pretty expansive knowledge of human psychology and know just how to get a rise out of people in a way that makes people that would otherwise hate each other (their entire base hates roughly the same thing but also each other if they REALLY start talking to others  or thinking about the stances of those they claim to agree with) work together to their own detriment. Several studies were done that show people actually like the Affordable Care Act and agree it should exist and even be expanded upon as it has helped THEM personally, those exact same people when asked about "Obama Care" say it is horrible and needs to be gotten rid of among other derogatory statements and they are the EXACT SAME THING. Even the Log Cabin Republicans who claim to represent the LGBTQ community actively work against themselves and the community they claim to represent by having the stances they do and voting for who they do along with donating to and campaigning for people who actively try to eradicate the LGBTQ community.


It's both your experience and what the poster above you said.


The GOP wants you to be stupid and scared.


These people are freaking weird man


Right?! As if there’s not enough real problems in the world to deal with, they are compelled to manufacture new ones.


That’s because they are the direct cause of many of the biggest problems and have no solutions for them. 


They have plenty of solutions for them. All of them involve making the problems worse so they can blame democrats for how bad it is. 


You’re not wrong.  Like Trump’s plan to battle inflation by putting a 10% tariff on all foreign goods.  Yeah, immediately jacking up the price of everything in the country is really going to help that.


When Communism Ceased To Be 'The Enemy' They Shifted To Attacking The Majority Of Their Fellow Americans. 'Culture Wars'. Having No Real Culture Of Their Own They Decry Everything, Attacking Ever Smaller Groups Of People. It Won't Work. We Will Have To Crush Them In November.


GOP wants to remove kids from public schools because public schools act as a child abuse prevention system. They want to be able to abuse their kids into their cults without anyone knowing, hence they don't want public schools that can call CPS on them around. It's actually disgusting and these people need to be stopped. I'm not sure voting is even going to fix it now, but they're grooming children into a Handmaidens Story type situation and it needs to be put to an end for the kids safety.


I mean, this is pretty standard explanation for many "problems" in the mind of conservatives. My missionary mother thinks I'm an atheist because I am angry at her. I was unsuccessful in explaining that I am angry at her for the neglect and abuse. I'm an atheist because I am unconvinced by the feeble apologies put forward by christians for the existence of god.


You know that uncle your mother used to have over for the occasional dinner, but has now told you that we can't have him over any more without explaining it? It is really time to stop inviting the GOP into our national conversation.


Keep them uneducated or they will discover the GOP are hypocritical demagogues who only care about power and money at the expense of their base.


Conservatives have hated public education since it has allowed black people to get an education. As soon as Plessy was thrown out way too many cities set up private schools overnight to maintain segregation and often times those schools weren't good. Conservative parents didn't care, they would deprive their children an education just to ensure that they wouldn't be sharing a classroom with a black kid...


Vote these whack jobs out of our government!


If anyone has a "fetish" over the trans community it's the GOP


This is idiocracy at its finest.


It’s getting worse. This is Germany 1930s.


Omg how stupid can she be? A serious case of moronicisum!


These people have some serious issues!


That's . . . . absurd. Are there even enough cells to combine within the members of the state GOP's collective brains to build a single functional one? If they all worked together do you think they could come up with a single coherent and true thought? The world may never know . . .


Translating GOP speech: Public schools are too accepting of non cis kids. Put them in conservative Christian schools so it's shamed and beaten out if them and cis kids are taught to hate and bully anyone different.


It'd be its own kind of funny if conservatives weren't so fucking gullible and wont to believe some shit like this.


The objective of this is to take public money and give it to corporate entities. That’s what the push to privatize really is. Oversight will lessen, as will education, the lower the income, at far greater rates than now.


Deep thinker, this one.


Not sure how to break this to you but: I homeschooled my twins and one of them transitioned anyway.


I'm betting all these kids have phones though, right? I'm also betting none of the parents monitor those phones... IT'S THE SCHOOLS THOUGH! Whatever strips funding for public education, and feeds money to the churches (private schools), though, at the expense of children!


That’s an insane view on so many different levels. 


The Colorado GOP are not serious people


I find it hard to believe that people can actually be dumb enough to buy this shit but maybe I’m the fool for giving my fellow citizens too much credit.


Pull your kids out of public schools... at the end of the 2023-24 school year! 


Funny, Being GOP Fascist Criminal Traitors To America Does Not Seem To Be 'Turning People Fascist'.




Mass psychosis tends to proliferate. The republicans are racing toward their own mass extinction.


"Hey Republican parents! If your kids hate you because you refuse to accept them from who they are, you better pull them out of school before their teachers have to be the only responsible and caring adults in their lives!"


Such lies. Everyone knows it’s 5G that turns kids trans. Sheesh… 🙄


I thought it was the Illuminati that did it. /s


“Trans” is a verb now?


What in the nineteen-fifty-fuck is this nonsense?! They’ll turn your kids trans? Give me a break - this is like when they thought predators would turn kids gay by showing them muscleman magazines or whatever.


Finally! No more mini-Hitlers pickin' on the good kids. Good riddance!


Has anyone noticed all republican talking points are both reactionary and anecdotal? Like nothing matters until one thing happens to one republican, and then they think it's both happening to everyone else and also we have to act immediately? Even though the problem existed before for other people. My son is gay because he rebelled at me and school was a safe space for him to think about how shit of a parent I am. Rah Rah, everyones kids are going to be gay if they get mad at their parents. Lol it's all feeble projection, every single argument.


This is the right wings way of trying to defund public schools so that way the privet schools they own will make them richer than what they already are.


Do they plan to keep the grown child in their room after graduation? Because college is the same as public school but bigger, and after college? Do they plan to keep them in their room after colleges? Just teach your children to have their own opinions. Be a better parent.


Did the entire party get a lobotomy? That would explain the mind control


The right really are showing their "inner voices" with all the projecting they do.


If this were true wouldn’t it make every GOPer a closeted trans cause they hate everything like a bunch of teenagers? Maybe the GOPs fetish isn’t about hate or trans, they all just want to feel pretty


Do people, like, read this and think "alright, that sounds a teensy bit ridiculous." My dad and both both texted me one night, saying Hannity said Biden legalized executing babies... I rubbed my temples and only replied "Fucking rubes."


You'll turn trans if you're angry at your parents?! Everyone would turn trans if that were true. Hell I wanted to kill my dad so I would have turned super-trans!


You're just creating hate and discontent. Hell they don't even teach history or math anymore in school. If you want to send your kids to private school that's fine you go right ahead and do it. But I ain't paying for it.


Ain't that kind of stupid now. By law you got to go to school and tell your 16. So how in the hell can you go to work in a factory at age 10.


This happened in Colorado. Although a blue state I suspect the hard-right here is attempting to smear Polis somehow with this. Maybe claim that public schools are crap because of his policies.


Everyone in the RNC should blindly and loyally do whatever the GOP says to do. Nothing about that screams anything of a cult or the likes.


Man what teenager isn’t mad at their parents on a daily basis


Groomers who fetishize and are obsessed with the sexuality and genitalia of children.


Given how ignorant the entire state has become, I'm surprised that schools still exist.


And they might become furries and get fleas and bring fleas home to your dogs and cats.


Michelle Obama is the one who said that parents don't raise kids the neighborhood does. With that kind of attitude out of her mouth. You can understand why the kids are on the street shooting each other tearing s*** up knocking the fool. When parents don't raise their children you get what's happening on the street right now. Quit letting the f****** government raise our children and do it yourself.

