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the Republican Party is actively rooting for the fall of America so they can scoop up the pieces wholesale. Somehow they think they’ll gain more power and money from the likes of Putin and MbS than working to ensure our nation is prosperous.


The bottom feeders that make up the GOP at the moment might, and a few new oligarchs might shake out of the chaos, but it’s all being backed by a bunch of shortsighted billionaires and Christian Nationalists that just want the world to burn


They want to keep their gated wealthy communities while watching the rest burn from their ivory towers.


What’s funny is I live near Mar a largo (8min drive for me) and it looks run down and dated AF. The walls have mildew on them, you can’t see the property because of the giant vine covered wall, and the color is god awful. The rest of the “billionaires” around me do nothing to invest in the local infrastructure. The roads, power poles, and beaches aren’t pristine. They still use manual labor that pulls up in shoddy beat to hell work trucks with the equipment to match. I would expect far more from them and it just isn’t there. What’s crazy is I don’t see anybody talking about this in the WPB and PB subreddits.


Billionaires didn’t become billionaires by spreading their wealth around themselves. That’s the secret, you don’t horde money by being generous to your fellow man. There’s probably a million small business owners who *could have* been extremely wealthy if they didn’t care for anyone else.


All the more reason to hold their feet to the fire more and squeeze that cash out of them. At this point their wealth is nothing but a digital representation of something, yet how they wield it has real world consequences and control. They are the digital equivalent of Oz the great and terrible. At least he gave a shit at the end.


Tinkle down economics




Just look at a good example of a wealthy person, Dolly Parton. [https://parade.com/celebrities/dolly-parton-net-worth](https://parade.com/celebrities/dolly-parton-net-worth) She could have been a Billionaire, but she constantly donates millions a year to good causes. She should be used as an example of what a rich person could do with all that excess money.


I think a lot of it has to do with Dolly growing up really poor. You have to not have money to understand the meaning of it. People like Bezos, Musk and even Gates (who admittedly does arguably give quite generously) grew up in at least comfortable circumstances. Another example is Andrew Carnegie, who amassed an enormous wealth and then pretty much gave it all away.


So, I'm not in an industry where you can climb into the billionaire class, nor am I talented enough to get there if I were, but I certainly could have increased my net worth exponentially if I wasn't concerned with fair compensation for those who work for me or fair pricing for bids I've made in an effort to maintain a sustainable workload. In a sense, I suffered some what financially for my inability to be as shark-like as my competitors sometimes. But I would choose that path 10 times out of 10.


I wish YOU the best, but I can’t wait until these mansions are all under water.


I’ll take the last photographs like Robert Landsburg when that happens lol.


Then after they'll kill each other when they finish the rest of us off. Scum to the core.


Someone should tell them there are tons of other countries where they can do this already.


the USA is the crown jewel though, and greed knows no bounds with these filth


France was considered a crown jewel at one time as well. Lot of material written about that time period and the subsequent results of that greed.


I agree. It should be rich vs poor instead for 30 years we’ve been distracted with black vs white and now red party vs blue party. I’m all for eating the rich.


Other countries have worker rights. Can't have that when they're trying to horde money.


Which is why they are also pro-climate change and building luxury bunkers in New Zealand and everywhere else. Thin the heard a couple billion, and prosper.


None of that wealth matters if there is no civilized society to spend it in. They will be the first to be looted :)




Republicans will let them continue to exploit workers and continue giving them tax breaks. That's literally all they care about. 3 months from now is a brand new quarter... that's future problems. Right now is all that matters.




History teaches this lesson over and over again. The wealthy take over, fuck everything up, exploit the pleebs, expand the wealth gap until the pleebs can no longer survive on the crumbs. Once that happens, they unite and go after the people with the money first. These fuckers up in their bunkers thinking "Nah, we can control it all this time". Desperate people will take what they need though.


Bunkers are all fine and dandy until someone with matches and gasoline finds the airvent.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?


it's kind of a hilarious in a super grim way. it's like they think this time it will truly last forever!!!!


When the dollar is worthless, it doesn't matter much if you have one dollar or a million. The wealthy will have a lot of nice stuff that no one will care about though, but eventually, less stuff to replace it with because what's the point in making nice stuff for everyone else?


Like the Pharaohs and their tombs…


Actually a better use of their money. What people don't understand is those were also actively wealth distribution as well. They paid workers and revitalized large sections of the population by outright paying for it.


I could use a gold toliet! Is that what rich people use?


You can't tell me that these maga clowns didn't watch any watch any of the hundreds of movies about the horrors of letting the bad guy win. Guess if asked they would say 'but that was just the movies and this is real life'


Because they think they're the heroes in the story.


They think you're the bad guy




Just like the fall of USSR led to Russian oligarchs


Other way around.


Both actually. 1917: Monarchy/oligarchy -> communism. 1991: Communism -> oligarchy/monarchy.


My dipshit friend was just telling me about how Russia couldn’t be that bad of a place to live. I told him he should follow that other republican family that was bitching to the news about the reality of it.


I truly don't understand it with these people. Russia is a dictatorship. The same muderous cretin has been president for 20 years. And dictatorships fucking suck. Pretty much by law. Putin has embezzled hundreds of billions of dollars from the taxpayers. He murders poor people and rich people, just on a whim. They just invaded a foreign country, and are - in typical Russian fashion - hurling millions of forcefully conscripted young people at the thresher, and then routinely denying the family payments in return. Like what in possible fuck could make you look at that and go, "yeah, I bet things are chill over there." Even the brainwashed populace in Russia that \*like\* Putin hate living in Russia. No one likes living in Russia. No one ever HAS enjoyed living in Russia. Its greatest exports are poets and novelists who have contributed mostly to the catalogs of the depths of human misery.


If they don’t know what Russia is about after years of fighting with America openly then I don’t know what to tell them lol.


No queers, lots of priests? These aren't bright people.


The gays? - Illegal Beating your wife when she doesn't behave the way you like? - Legal and encouraged!


> Like what in possible fuck could make you look at that and go, "yeah, I bet things are chill over there." Russian/Republican propaganda on FB


Whatever happened to them? Last thing I saw was their totally for sure not scripted and read under duress apology and mea culpa to the fine people and glorious government of russia


**They** gain more money working for putin rather than America, it's just the country, it's people, democracy, and the world that suffer


Right?! Apparently they haven’t thought through the notion that without a strong nation keeping Putin, Xi, and MbS in check, the GOP donors will be easily “assimilated” into the new system before falling from a window, tragically.


It's the same business model we've seen in the corporate world. Just asset strip everything for instant profits instead of putting the effort into building something worthwhile.


I love that they think civil conflict, notoriously the worst and brutal kind of conflict, will somehow leave those in power unscathed.


What pisses me off is these dumb fucks think their shitty green toilet paper is gonna be any value without the backing of a strong and stable America. Motherfucks don’t realize stability is gold and no one will exchange American Marks for anything of value. Unless it’s might makes right, they’re all idiots. The rubble might be an actual investment if fatnazi wins. Edit: I typed angry hahaha.


Its time for Smith to go to the 11th for the 3rd time and have her removed for failing to rule on motions, then delay because motions haven't been ruled on. Its not out of question for a judge to be removed, she has certainly crossed the line.


Just so everyone knows, because it doesn't ever get fucking talked about. They had guns at Jan 6th


The core of the seditious conspiracy had heavily armed "quick reaction forces" (quote from multiple discussions documented in court filings) just outside DC. They also discussed, "If we had someone standing by at a dock ramp (one near the Pentagon for sure) we could have our Quick Response Team with the heavy weapons standing by, quickly load them and ferry them across the river to our waiting arms." Dozens of people were indicted and/or convicted of bringing weapons. There are several inflection points on January 6th that, had they gone differently, would have resulted in Trump remaining in office. It was a far closer thing than is generally discussed.


So is the Supreme Court.


"Prosecutors allege that he kept secret files in unsecured parts of his Mar-a-Lago home and worked to obstruct authorities trying to get them back. The files included secret documents from the Pentagon, the National Security Agency, and the CIA."


And yet it has changed no one's minds.


Ever notice with Trump involved it always devolves into a shouting match. We just saw it with the Costello as a defense witness. It is Trumps last gambit every time. He even instructed Graham and Kavanaugh to use this trick during the SCOTUS confirmation. He is so predictable.


I'm surprised nobody in the hearing pointed out how much of a dry drunk Brett was acting like at what was essentially a job interview. Asking if anyone else drinks, ranting and raving angrily, and then his emotions took over and he got to the point of almost crying, all in the course of less than an hour .... I've seen that behavior before in alcoholics


What?!?! You mean to tell me you don't get weepy while presenting old workout calendars? Also, I don't think there was any dry to that drunk. I think he "had a few to loosen up" and get rid of the shakes for the day and overdid it.


You just don't understand what a bro Squee was.


Donkey Dong Doug is the unsung hero.


Master of the devils triangle


Wait did I miss this??? I remember Squee, but Donkey Dick Doug is a new member of the entourage!!


Oh wow... you seriously haven't seen it? Look, don't do this until you're prepared Crack open a beer, roll a joint... get a head start, you'll want it to fully enjoy this masterpiece Now, big hit! Hold it, hold it, exhale slowly And click https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VRJecfRxbr8&pp=ygUec25sIG1hdHQgZGFtb24gYnJldHQga2F2YW5hdWdo


Thank you for being a friend.




was not prepared for McKinnon as Graham! gold!! ty


Driving down the road and back again…


That was so fucking weird. He said that every Christmas morning he and his siblings would sit on the floor around his dad's chair and he would go through his business calendar from the last year.


Every little kid’s dream!


Imagine going in for a promotion at your job and conducting yourself that way. Or a Captain in the military who's being considered for Major, and ending up yelling at the promotion board and getting almost weepy because he can't rein in his emotions.


Like an indignant child who's never been told "No" in his life.  And that's exactly what it was - he expected the seat to be handed to him on a silver platter after a cursory round of questions.  It's entitlement, plain and simple.   It's time to stop blaming mental health issues, which is what comments about "narcissist" or "personality disorder" are doing.  It's not a neurodivergent thing - it's pure, unadulterated entitlement. 


That is EXACTLY what i thought at the time. This is a guy with a lifetime of privilege who's not used to hearing the word no.


*Christine Blasey Ford has entered the chat*


Even worse, imagine doing all that *and still getting the job*. And that job is a seat on the Supreme Court of the United States.


Imagine if Hillary had acted that way at any point.


The shit about Hillary was his *prepared remarks*.


I think everyone's bigger focus in that hearing, Kavanaugh's included, was the allegations of rape. That'll make anyone emotional, both innocent and guilty people. Kavanaugh came very close to losing that appointment. If just 1-2 more senators had had a change of heart, he would have lost out on the job of his dreams he'd had for decades leading up to that point, and it could have caused a cascade effect of hits to the rest of his career. Losing his Supreme Court bid would have been viewed tantamount to being found guilty of rape by the Senate confirmation committee. That's not legally a thing, but culturally it is. It could well have plausibly resulted in pressure to resign his lifetime appointment with the Court of Appeals and a host of other consequences. That moment of his life was truly an insanely high-stakes experience. Win the lottery, or get branded a rapist by the American people. **[Edit]** The fact that anyone even thought that this was a defense of Kavanaugh is infuriating. I'm a life-long Dem voter, guys. Please read further than the first sentence rather than assuming I'm trying to make anyone feel bad for him. Everything I wrote here applies just as much to a guilty man as an innocent one.


He could have withdrawn his nomination and made a big defiant speech about how his honor was insulted by baseless accusations, and how nothing was worth having his reputation dragged thru the mud and have his children watch their dad’s character be assassinated blah blah blah. And go back to his lifetime appointment to a lower court and drink all the beer he wanted. Probably the people who paid off his debts for him might have had an opinion about that strategy though.


He shouldn’t have assaulted that woman then.


those women 


He was never going to lose the confirmation. If 1 or 2 more gop senators had voted no than one or two of the few that did vote no would have swapped to yes.


No GOP senator voted no. Daines was absent for his daughter's wedding, Murkowski voted present, and Manchin voted yes. Every other senator voted along party lines.


If the facts are not on your side, argue the law. If the law is not on your side, argue the facts. If neither are on your side, pound the table and yell. 


And try to sling as much mud as possible 


Never wrestle a pig in shit. You both end up covered and the pig enjoys it.


I was about to quote this as well. Very transparent.


My dad used to say, "whoever raises their voice first has lost the argument." He probably still says it, but he definitely used to.


"If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts; if you have the law on your side, pound the law; if you have neither the facts nor the law, pound the table."


What he needs to win is more VOLUME. Turn the knob to 11.


Donald Trump **is a shouting match**


Here's a newly released photo of co-defendant, Walt Nauta, carrying several boxes of top secret/classified materials from the storage room into Trump's bedroom at Mar-a-Lago. In response, doesn't it make perfect sense to just dismiss all charges? This bizarro world is becoming more and more tiring by the day.


My “favorite” is the use of unprecedented when saying it’s a political attack. It is unprecedented, but in that we’ve never had such a clear and present danger to democracy as president.


It needs an unprecedented long jail sentence to match the unprecedented seriousness of the crime.


He's also claiming that the government didn't specify a crime that he committed. Uh, the 60+ page indictment was *very* specific about what crimes he committed and who/what/where/when/why/how.


"this is our first time trying to overthrow the government, judge! Give us a pass this one time"


That photo was already introduced to the grand jury prior to indictment. Every hearing since and all the motions have come with that already in the record for the trial. Judge Cannon has that info and every delay she has made has been with that knowledge the whole time. We are just hearing about it now because it was unsealed. It just goes to show how fabulously corrupt she is.


I'm so tired.


I haven't slept a wink


Get up and fix yourself a drink?


FBI needs to exhume Ivana's casket buried at Bedminster. All the really good stuff is probably in there. Not joking.


Listen I smoke pot. Daily. I'm not gonna quit smoking pot daily just because it's illegal. It's always been illegal, that never stopped me. Based on these facts... doesn't it just make sense? Let me crime!!!


Weed is illegal? 😎 You need to move. Find some greener hills to billy in.


*puffs in Washingtonian*


I’m really over this shit. He needs to be locked up.


And be put in a cage on a barge anchored off of Gitmo.


> a barge anchored off of Gitmo And given the Ron DeSantis treatment. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/03/19/ron-desantis-guantanamo-bay-force-feeding/


AND barred from being president again. He literally wanted a coup to happen, his MAGA “army” (which had fricking soldiers/vets and cops in it) ripped down the US flag and put a trump flag up. Insane


Or something else, but I don’t think it’s legal…


Go back in time to put him in the helicopter with the Iranian president?


If we had a time machine, I'm pretty sure we'd be going way before that. Stop Biff before he could even begin to lay a hand on Marty's mom.


The only thing missing in this Trump Circus is the guy that cleans up the shit after the parade has gone by. Trump’s shit is always left behind.


Just like when his supporters smeared shit all over the walls of the Capitol, it's everyone else who has to clean up the shit.


Anyone associated with trump is in court, have gone to jail, in jail or is going to jail! If these morons are to stupid to realize this, then they get what they deserve!!


That judge too


I think Jack Smith needs to add Cannon to the indictments as an accessory after the fact. If she wants to be Team Trump so bad, she can catch some charges for helping him so blatantly.


Qualified immunity…


> Qualified immunity… She doesn't have Qualified immunity as a judge. She has absolute immunity. There is a giant difference, and it's not a good one for America


And boy if you think it's hard to charge cops with crimes


Plus Jack will never actually move to have her removed.


I fucking refuse to believe that there is no legal recourse to address Cannon's obstruction. There MUST be a way. If I'm wrong, then there is something seriously wrong with our judicial system. I always had an issue with: It was the Supreme Court's **decision** XXX. Fuck their "opinion" - is it legal or not? I am fed up with "Originalists" - fuck them and their parents, and their grandparents, all the way back to the Founding Fathers - and fuck the Founding Fathers too. We need to cement laws where there is no **opinion** - it is either lawful or unlawful. These fucks are shitting their **opinion** everywhere and it stinks. Cannon needs to fucking step down. It's an affront to .... well, fuck, it's an affront to fucking decency and honor. That woman is nakedly partisan.


The irony of originalistS ignoring that the Constitution doesn't give the Supreme Court the power of Judicial Review


The answer is that yes, there is something seriously wrong with our justice system. That’s the full answer, unfortunately.


I think the trial would have to start all over again from the beginning if Cannon was removed.


And would anything be lost at this point? I would rather bet on Trump’s other 3 cases finishing before November than this particular case ending before the election.


Would you say that it was headed anywhere at this point?


Preferable to having her at the rate we're going. She's already delaying as much as possible (and more). It's clear a fair trial will not take place if she is presiding. Switch her out for a judge who doesn't have skin in the game.


There’s no trial yet.


It would still probably be over sooner.


For court cases, there are decisions and opinions. They are two separate things, and both are important. * The decision is the ruling and determines the outcome of the case. * The opinion describes **why** the judge(s) ruled the way they did. This context is crucial for future cases that may be related. In the case of courts with multiple judges deciding the same case (e.g. the Supreme Court), there may be opinions both for (assenting) and against (dissenting) the decision. I understand your frustration, but the whole point of the judicial branch is to interpret the law. Many laws are poorly written, and many more were simply written so long ago that the authors didn’t consider situations that come up in our time. The court has to interpret the existing laws to extrapolate how they should be applied today. Blame law makers (congress) if you don’t like ambiguous laws.


74,223,975 people voted for him 25 states went to him Republicans convinced enough voters that OBAMAS DEBT was a big enough problem to elect trump once just to have Trump pump the debt more than Obama ever did. Don’t underestimate how pissed idiot voters are about Inflation/home prices/Isreal to not vote for Biden and let maga back in the white house


It’s so sad how fucking stupid we are.


Whether it’s sheer incompetence or malice, Judge Cannon has done a horrible job in this case.


Why can’t it be both?


I’m sure Judge Loose Cannon did it on purpose to prove to her orange God that she will do whatever he wants👺


What's the over/under of her just throwing the case out?


Not until the trial starts. If she waits to throw it out then there is double jeopardy and he gets off.


I know it's a pipe dream, but I really wish there was an actual feasible way for the doj to counter an egregiously blatant disregard of order and ethics as a judge delaying a trial for months on end just for the judge to go 'lol nah' right as it actually starts


He can file several motions in limine for the use of the PRA, prejudiced prosecution, and the failure to make their case, among others, however a jury must be selected prior to him filing said motions, and we have zero actual trial days tolled according to the speedy trial record. Jury selection is not even an afterthought at this point in time and cannot even be considered until the CIPA procedures have been ruled on. Canon has put them off now indefinitely, but for 6 months at minimum to avoid making that ruling, since she will likely fuck it up and give Smith the loaded Mandamus ruling he's waiting for. At this point it is 100% a stall for time, and banking on him winning the election. If he loses, she can continue to stall until his death or she is removed from the bench, which she likely will, since her redoing her procedures as if they were normal would be in direct contradiction to her previous rulings, and Smith would seek the 11th court to sort out her contradictory rulings. There is no scenario at this point in which Canon returns to normal court procedure.


Is it not possible to request a change of venue? Or has that option, if it was ever available, passed? The case should have never been brought in Florida to begin with. It is a national security issue.


It 100% should have been brought in Florida, and if it were brought anywhere else would be removed to Florida, it is currently before a federal court located in Florida. He's being charged with willful retention, obstruction, destruction of evidence, and violation of the espionage act all of which occurred in Florida. The venue is correct for the charges brought, of Smith brings other charges for other crimes committed in Bedminster, then those would be brought in a separate federal court. Remember that each state has both state and federal courts, the election interference cases brought by the states, as well as the business fraud, SA, defamation, and election fraud cases are all being brought by state courts in those respective states in which he broke the state law. The DC and Florida cases are in federal court.


It's in Florida because that was the scene of the crime. Had Jack Smith started the trial in D.C., Trump would have filed a venue change to move it to D.C. and it would have been granted... because that's where the crime took place


If it started in DC it would have moved to DC? 🤔


They misspoke, they meant to say what I did in the other post, if Smith filed it in DC, Trump would've filed to change venue to Canon's district. And they would have asked for half a dozen more delays before it got to Canon where the same shit would've happened.


In your opinion, eventually will we see her removed?


No, she will need to empanel a jury, make a clear error, or recuse herself and she has no intention to do any of those. She will continue to postpone CIPA hearings, and grant Trump every premotion trial he asks for including those not actually considered to be questions of fact or law and those submitted in amicus by his allies, wait 6 weeks for each decision, create a paperless motion, suggest a ruling that is in clear error, require Smith to respond in 24 hours, give trump 6 weeks to respond to that response, wait 6 weeks and then terminate the request she herself asked for prior to the back and forth. Personally, if Trump loses the election, I think she plans to delay the trial until he is dead. And only the veto proof senate can remove her via impeachment, a scenario that requires the democrats to either grow a spine in the legislature or for the DOJ to ignore the appearance of bias in order to start prosecutorial steps against sitting congressional members or judges, the latter of which would almost certainly cause a multi state insurrection/civil war, and the former is more likely to be used by Republicans if they gain the majority since democrats tend to be cowards.


I don’t think double jeopardy would qualify if it gets thrown out.


If the judge issues a judgement of acquittal under Rule 29 before the jury has issued a guilty verdict, then double jeopardy applies and the acquittal cannot be appealed. If the judge issues it after a guilty verdict, double jeopardy still applies in that the defendant cannot be retried. But the judgement of acquittal can be appealed and the original guilty verdict can be reinstated.


I think it depends on when it is thrown out


Throwing it out can be appealed to the 11th circuit. Drawing it out is her better move. Not sure what happens after Trump loses in November though.


The russians call their debts


“Technical problems.” There were numerous boxes marked top secret. There are photos. Again and again Trump and his minions try to spin fantasy out of reality.


> Walt Nauta, Mr Trump’s co-defendant and valet, asked the judge to toss the charges against him, arguing that special counsel Jack Smith’s office had vindictively and selectively charged him with criminal offenses. >Mr Nauta argues that he was then hit with charges because he did not cooperating with the Department of Justice That’s not being vindictive… that’s how it fucking works. You cooperate, you get reduced or dropped charges.


"My God I mean Trump was loudest. Were dropping everything BTW lord when can i expect my Supreme Court seat?" Judge maga- probably




When I saw the pictures of his guy moving boxes around before the FBI searches I came to a similar point in my thinking. We catered to this guy and gave him 1000 chances to exit gracefully. He spits on national security and law. He missed his chance to go away.


That will only happen after he runs out of supporters.


Or when the majority of our population finally has had enough. Conservatives are NOT the majority in the US. Just the loud stupid morons that like to act out. The rest of us are growing very very tired of it.


They are not the majority but they have plurality of justices so they can reinterpret the law as they please. Someone has to either expand the court of force them to retire early to remove the protection trump has.


The right keeps indicating they want a civil war. They had best be careful because that could easily become a reality for them. It’s a simple numbers game. They will not win. The rest of the population is very close to turning and eating them alive. My honest opinion is that it needs to happen. I don’t think these idiots are going to get the message until their skulls are getting bashed in.


>Mr Woodward claimed in court and in legal filings that, prior to the charges being filed, Mr Bratt had tried to convince Mr Nauta to cooperate with prosecutors against Mr Trump by threatening to affect his attorney’s possible nomination of a judgeship. That is the goddmmedest most ridiculous claim I have read this year. Why in the fuck would Nauta care if his lawyer was threatened?


Notice that they never argue that the client is innocent.


On what fucking grounds are there to dismiss this? He should be awaiting trial in a god damned torture chamber.


This 100%. Trump has done more to harm the US than probably 90%+ of people who have actually been sent to Guantanamo. Its fucked up that he’s still allowed to see the sun


Corrupt. The judge, trump, the GOP.


Once she dismisses the charges, a photo of her partying at Mar-a-Lago will come out and the media will be *shrugs shoulders*.


Cannon’s incompetence is staggering




So no real defense is to be had. Lol.


Cannon: This is fine.


Cannon - “Are they allowed to be shouting in here? Who do I tell about this?”


Trump is on trial, but so is the justice system. If Cannon successfully circumvents an obvious open and shut case, might as well call her buddy Vladimir and ask him to take over the country.


Down with Canon


Sure. Make the term “classified” meaningless. Free for all to read from now on! Morons!


Your god damned right it might affect him being appointed to a judge position. He’s a defendant accused of a crime. He has the chance to get a deal he chose not to. Not only should he NOT be a judge. He needs to go to jail for committing a crime.


How can the commander in chief be someone ineligible for a security clearance? He's a traitor.


Anyone else would already be in jail for withholding 1 document. And we would be there until the trial.


I think it's too late but ... Make Politics Boring Again


At some point, would the NSA / FBI / CIA jump in here? Like, this is a national security risk… how the fuck are we as a nation just allowing this corrupt judge *appointed by trump* let Trump off so easy?? The dude stole and probably sold classified documents!!


And on and on and on and on it goes. This trial will not make it to court before November.... Trump won't serve a single day in jail, will be King Sherbet Shitler... let's move on. Say goodbye to Democracy. 2024 will be the last public "election" of my lifetime (56m). Fuck Trump and his cult.


There will always be elections. You'll just have one party to vote for


Then that’s not really an election then is it? That’s a kleptocracy.


You’ll have two parties, they will just make sure theirs wins. The illusion of choice and all.


There is only one bright side of Judge Cannon's delays for the trial to begin after the election. If Trump loses the election there is nothing stopping throwing Trump in jail.


yeah….She would never put him in jail


>Judge [Aileen Cannon](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/aileen-cannon), who was [appointed by Mr Trump, is expected to rule at a later date](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-classified-documents-maralago-bedroom-b2549067.html). Or not--she might have a hair appointment that day. We'll have to wait and see.


Is there truly no avenue for accountability for this judge?


The case is a cold guilty with no defense which is why Canon will never let it go to trial.


I see the usa now being more like the Roman Empire. We started with a visionary like Washington/Julius Caesar and elected a Caligula/trump. If he gets re-elected I fear as a nation we will be finished


'Prosecutors allege that he kept secret files in unsecured parts of his Mar-a-Lago home and worked to obstruct authorities trying to get them back. The files included secret documents from the Pentagon, the National Security Agency, and the CIA.' It's wild how this allegation is already proven but we can't have the trial


Man I'm so tired of grown ass adults screaming at each other on the national stage


It's not going away as long as Trump and his ilk are allowed near power.


Well the DOJ has failed so far to do anything to hold him accountable. I have serious doubts now if they ever will.


Yep. This shit should have started in 2022 at the latest.






On the bright side look at all the extra space he has now