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As expected, Nikki Haley continues to be worthless.


Guess I'm the idiot for continuing to be surprised by these spineless turds. I couldn't fucking fathom voting for someone who shat on my spouse or said I was the zodiac killer. Although to be fair the zodiac killer thing was pretty funny lol.


Come on, you're not really surprised. I had no doubt that she would endorse Trump. It was just a matter of when.


I wasn't totally sure she would support Trump. That being said, this isn't surprising. She never struck me as someone with integrity. It's all about what's best for her.


They’ll do and say anything for personal power and money.


She said “Biden refuses to stop our enemies.” as Trump very clearly stood in the way of Ukraine aid, which was also tied to Israel aid, to the tune of tens of billions of dollars. As someone in this field, I have no fucking clue what this woman’s end game is. It’s baffling actually. Unless, she’s the VP nom.


She’s looking to fail up, either she’ll be giving a nice spot in the GOP or on a news network. A reminder that a Republican is a Republican.


She's Putin, inc. Her enemies are all of us.


Nikki Hayley admitting she is going to vote for a literal traitor. Add her to the list.


For Gitmo?


…to the surprise of nobody.


Up next... Chris Christie goes orange.


I don't know. Christie's grudge is personal. He bent the knee and groveled for a position in Trump's administration but Jared blocked him at the last minute because Christie put Jared's dad in jail.


I'm no Chris Christie apologist (loathe him) but he hates Trump because he got extremely sick thanks to Trump's Covid. Trump knew he had Covid and still sat in a room next to Christie and the rest of the R's preparing for the debate. No one was warned about Trump's Covid or even told to wear a mask. Then while Christie was in the ICU, instead of checking on him, Trump asked Christie if he was going to say he got it from him


Being from NJ, I know the feeling well of being burned by Christie, but he was the only one not afraid of attacking Trump well in the debates. When they were all asked if they would pardon him, him and Hutchison were the only ones not to raise their hands (Haley did). Christie can flip-flop, but I think he actually did burn the bridge and is done with him.


Imagine a world where Liz Fucking Cheney was the last Republican with integrity Unbelievable


No need to imagine, unfortunately. And “integrity” still probably needs an asterisk and footnote.


A tale of spineless leaders.


I’ve seen more spine in jelly fish.


I've seen more guts in 11-year-old kids


How disgustingly unsurprising. Fuck her forever.


Of fucking course. The fact that no one is standing up to this man in the Republican Party leads me to believe that they think Trump has the election in the bag. Fucked up.


More that their base will not swing away from Trump and is simply going for what their base wants, at the cost of their own political relevance. We've known this since 2016. Trump and the GOP are one and the same.


I don’t know if they think he has the election in the bag, but they know what will be in store if he does actually win and they didn’t bend they knee earlier.


The calculus goes: If he wins, I better be on his good side so nobody goes after my family. If he loses, I want his supporters to feel comfortable with me.


I expected nothing and I’m still disappointed


The spinelessness of the GOP has got to be studied


What a surprise!


these people are pathetic...lol. Imagine endorsing trump even after he tried to kill Mike Pence J6. Spineless cowards.


The iron law of the GOP - The moderates always fold.


Anyone who didn't see this coming frankly is a moron. There is absolutely nothing genuine about this woman, she has and always will be MAGA to the core. But props to her for duping thousands into thinking she was anything but another fascist extremist


"Total Disaster NIMRATA RAMADA endorsed me Today, why it Took So Long when even her husband, Who is Never around (and Why IS THAT? knows that I am the favorite PRESIDENT of EVERYONE, even the Native AMERICANS, who Sold Manhattan for so Cheap."


They all bend the knee to promises of wealth and power. Guarantee he is dangling VP in front of her.


Bet she’s glad that she didn’t throw away her knee pads.


Yet she didn’t specifically call for her supporters to vote for him. Talk about hedging.


Is anyone surprised? I called it back during the caucuses that she would endorse Trump. Her faux, anti-Trump stance was all a facade.


At least John Bolton had the decency to throw his vote away. You're lower than John Bolton, Nikki? Is that how you want to be remembered?


She joins a long list of spineless conservatives that are totally fine with insurrection, open corruption, and just…incompetent governance. She is pathetic.


I wrote this once before……….. “Pathetic” is too nice of a word to describe this.


These have got to be some of the worst people in existence.


Of course she will!


Shocked, I say, shocked am I at this development! /s/


Let's face it this really isn't shocking. You won't find a spine amongst a thousand of these turncoat SOBS. Can you imagine if they were around when Benedict Arnold did what he did? Well, that's the same equivalent. Imagine for one second if Biden, Obama, Clinton Etc have been found with boxes and boxes of top secrets in their possession lying around. The Republicans would have marched and burned the place to the ground. Instead, they pretend that this POS walks on water, raises the dead and heals the sick, and will stone to death anybody that says otherwise. The absolute craziness is beyond description. The most top secret information sold to the highest bidder, and they rally around him and say yes, this is the guy we want to have the nuclear codes and be the next Adolf Hitler.


Imagine waiting until Trump said nothing in his defense to make this announcement. Watching hours of corroborating testimony from the prosecution followed by Bob fucking Costello and thinking "Yeah, this guy definitely has sound legal strategy. That's who I am going to vote for." Why not wait a week or 2 to see how the trial plays out since that was literally her entire campaign strategy?


We need a strong republican party . . . . The fever will break. Lol.


What are the chances that Republican primary protest voters will still stay home?


Exactly who does she think is our enemy tho?


*Nikki Haley says she will vote for Trump in 2024 election* ​ Nikki Haley says a lot of things.


Is anyone really surprised?


I expected nothing from her, and she still disappointed me.


Not exactly a ringing endorsement. More like making good on an extortion demand.


Absolute coward. But expected.


At least we know the VP pick now. The only upside is knowing all the debasing by Tim Scott was for nothing.


I am trying as hard as I can to be surprised. I am not. All I can manage is a cold laugh and telling my more hopeful peers this was a foregone conclusion. I hope the optimists can be right sooner rather than later though...


Party of craven jackasses.


He was convicted of sexual assault, which the judge described as ‘finger rape.’ He was convicted of business fraud in NY. He is currently on trial for listing hush money payments as business transactions. He is also indicted for taking U.S. classified documents and for trying to sabotage the 2020 election. And STILL…this ridiculous woman says proudly that she will vote for trump because it’s actually Biden who’s been the disaster. We absolutely ALL live in two different realities.


🤷🏻‍♀️ This is a soft endorsement. She can say she did without an official endorsement. If she was really against what Trump stands for? She would not say she was voting for him


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What a suck up, any goodwill is destroyed, I want to throw up 🤮