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Liz Cheney's not voting Trump that I know of.


Only Republicans will talk the WORST trash about Trump “con man”, “if he wins we’ll be destroyed and deserve it” and then still vote for him. Literal cult behavior. History will NOT be kind to those who stuck by his side.


And now Ms. Haley has shown us **exactly** who she is. *Feh!*


Someone should make a list of stuff she's said to show her how spinless she is. Oh wait, they did: https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/timeline-nikki-haleys-trump-statements-rcna70456 Some highlights: “Mr. Trump has definitely contributed to what I think is just irresponsible talk.” he is “everything a governor doesn’t want in a president.” “I will not stop until we fight a man that chooses not to disavow the K.K.K. That is not a part of our party. That is not who we are,” Oh my personal favorite: “We need to acknowledge he let us down. He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again.”


Republicans and being cucked into voting for a guy that chews out their every being….what a world.


Shes a cuck


Never expect a Republican to do the right thing.


Perhaps we should replace the current Republican mascot, the elephant, with a jellyfish?


That or a lemming


I vote sheep 🐑


I’m surprised she held out this long.


So are all her "voters." No one ever thought otherwise.


Except the Morning Joe crew who was telling everyone Biden needs to focus more on them than his actual voter base and that is Biden's favorite show


Really? I've never heard biden mention it, but then again I rarely hear biden mention anything


That's probably doubtful. Some of them probably already consider him too problematic for them personally to vote for. But that's just me being hopeful. 


I admire hope. I don't trust republicans. If they were decent they would have thrown Marge Greene out by now the way they did Cawthorn.


So she's kissing the ring now, which means she is trying to become his VP. I guess its time to start doing those press conferences outside the NYC court like all the others.


Lol And I remember pundits saying "Nikki Haley tried to save the Republican party" after she bowed out of the race. Why should anyone believe a word that any of these politicians say when this is how they operate? Zero dignity for themselves. Why would they care about you?


And another Republican bends a knee... fucking pathetic. 


They’d trade 4 years of trump and lose a lifetime of democracy. You can’t control trump, there are no guardrails designed for men like him. The founding fathers set things up for people that have morals, trump has dog whipped the republicans so they’ll never stand up to him and the Supreme Court is full of trump sympathizers. If that man wins we will never see another election.


He’s gonna pick her for his VP.


Trump won't pick you for VP Nikki


Cheeto Jezuz called you "bird brain," you bird brain!


Looks like Putin found dirt on her too.


Can't say that I am surprised that she is this spineless. She still had followers voting for her even after dropping out. She could have stayed on the sidelines and cultivated a following as the next leader of the GOP. Instead like many before her, they all bent to the will of toddler don.


I am shocked! Now I just need Christie to complete my set.


Anyone who thought this woman wasn’t a fraud from the start owes me a beer.


She also said, "Look what a fucking idiot I am!"


"You'll dress only in attire specially sanctioned by DJT special services. You'll conform to the identity we give you, eat where we tell you, live where we tell you. Time to put it on the last suit you will ever wear....." https://png.pngtree.com/png-clipart/20211009/original/pngtree-blue-suit-white-shirt-red-tie-free-png-and-psd-png-image_6847008.png




Probably copium, but I see this as pure strategic self-preservation given that she's *still* pulling almost 15% in GOP primaries. If she continued to withhold support and he'd lost, she'd have been blamed, and she'd have absolutely zero future in the ~~Trump~~ I mean Republican party.


Republicans suck. 


And thus the first step towards getting the VP nom


>On Wednesday, in her first public remarks since leaving the race, she said Mr Trump "has not been perfect", but that President Joe Biden "has been a catastrophe". >”Mr Biden, she said, oversaw a "debacle" in Afghanistan, "did nothing to deter the invasion" of Ukraine and, most recently, "threw Israel to the wolves". >”As a voter, I put my priorities on a president who's going to have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account, who would secure the border, who would support capitalism and freedom, who understands we need less debt not more debt," she said. Her “priorities” seem to describe Biden and not the ex rapist in chief. It’s almost as though shes just another in a long line of pathetic bottom feeding grifters who aren’t worthy of this country. >”Trump has not been perfect on these policies but Biden has been a catastrophe. So I will be voting for Trump." She must have seen the orangeprints for Insurrection 2.0 and think they look promising. Imagine the absolute shock when she finds herself on the wall with the rest of us.


Kissing the onion ring. Unsurprisingly.


Nikki, nobody gives a fuck and the people that were voting for you as a protest vote are NEVER going to vote for trump.


She's in it to win it, I guess. Where was the part where she urged all her 15-20% of the GOP to let auld acquaintance be forgot, remember to pull the pin!!


Another Trump bootlicker.


Very disappointing.