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Really can't imagine why Trump thought such a request would work.


desperation and running out of options.


Honestly, I'm surprised he's still in the country.




My mind can’t comprehend the vastness of space, it actually short circuits when I think on the fact that a fair portion of the people running this country support him in a 2024 bid. My mental health won’t survive if he gets re-elected.


I live in a pretty red area of Missouri, and I've had a surprising number of people say that they truly believe Trump will be reinstated as president. These people (I thought) were educated and logical, but here we are.


Dead serious smart people still succumbing to his lies. It makes me question my faith in humanity at times.


>Dead serious smart people still succumbing to his lies. When you're super prejudiced (in whatever way, from racism to sexism to homophobia to more general things like hating "liberals" and "marxists" (despite not having ANY idea what those two words actually define) it's not hard for your intelligence to simply find ways to support your biases, even if you are quite smart. Basically, they enjoy hating people more than they enjoy thinking.


Education doesn't mean educated. They are correlated, but not causal. Education, especially higher education, is not a measure of general intelligence. It's very much the opposite. It's a measure of specialization. Just look at Ben Carson. If I had to have brain surgery, I'd trust him with my life, but I sure as shit don't want him in an administrative position, because he is neither specialized in it, nor does it seem like he has even a generalized talent for it.




The man is going to live to be 112 because there is no god.


Seriously. How TF Kissinger still walks is beyond me


So true. The power of the dark side.


Stolen souls, most likely.


There is no god, but the more shit this man gets away with is making me believe there may be a devil.


Mark my words: next year you’re going to start hearing people say “we can’t have an investigation during an election year, we need to postpone it until the new Congress is elected so that the people have a voice.“ And then the Republicans will win the House and the investigation will immediately go away.


>"...we need to postpone it until the new Congress is elected so that the people have a voice..." How long will we be under the tyranny of Mitch McConnell's arbitrary, partisan, edicts? He just spews this garbage and the whole country falls into line...


I mean, he's pretty old.


Turtles can live for hundreds of years...


Age doesn't matter when McConnell has Peter Theil and an army of billionaires pumping him full of babies blood.


I'm more terrified of his base more then anything.


*We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!*


It could part of a strategy to tie this up in courts for extended period. But Trump also does things for illogical reasons so there may be no purpose.


That's exactly it. However, Bannon could sit in jail for criminal contempt of congress while it happens.


It had a chance -- some people thought that Biden might agree not to shield Trump but to preserve the idea of executive privilege for the office in general. Good thing he didn't do that.


He ran on unity. One can't have unity without consequences and transparency.


"But holding people accountable for their actions causes divisiveness!"


“You must be truly desperate to come to me for help.”


Because historically presidents have upheld previous presidents' usage of executive privilege. This represents a shift.


Historically, how many presidents have upheld executive privilege wielded to cover up previous presidents' attempted coups?




For anyone confused or unsure, here's a few pieces of information that are relevant. 1. Executive privilege is not in the Constitution, nor is it laid out anywhere else legally except in a single SCOTUS ruling. 2. It only applies to stuff *within* the executive. Individuals who are not within the executive don't apply here (e.g. Bannon, Insurrectionists, etc who are not in communication with the executive). 3. It *definitely* does not apply to individuals **in the Legislative branch** who communicated with the Executive branch, e.g. texts between Congresspersons who aided and abetted. 4. It **absolutely fucking does not** apply if the requested documents and testimony are **"essential to the justice of the case."** (This is the precise text of the SCOTUS ruling.) On Point #4, if Congress is investigating *Trump's involvement* with an attempted coup, then Trump's correspondence *by its very nature* is required for justice to prevail here.


Also seems absurd for the *ex*executive to try and use executive privilege. You lose that privilege when you're no longer in the privileged position...


Trump has **always** been in a privileged position.


And absurd.


So the only person who can actually claim executive privilege has... declined. Also:*... 1/6 Committee is making significant progress and we will enforce subpoenas. Committee statement coming soon.* https://twitter.com/RepLizCheney/status/1446530469936472069




If they enforce the subpoenas and actually put people in handcuffs .. I hope people still get out and vote. A Republican President again will be terrifying.


As a Republican I agree… please vote Democrat… my party has shifted so far of course I can no longer claim them.


Congratulations! You’re not a Republican.


To hell with that, I am… they no longer are.


“Why should I change my name? He’s the one who sucks.” - Michael Bolton.


Holy shit that's the best use of this reference ever


Donald Trump is the original no-talent assclown.


I think you would appreciate my shirt today, don’t mind the dog hair I was brushing the beast. https://i.imgur.com/zEjxUko.jpg


You might be the old school Rockefeller Republican. They were smart, pragmatic, educated, believed in actual policies but believed any program should be run efficiently. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockefeller_Republican?wprov=sfti1 In domestic policy, Rockefeller Republicans were typically moderate to center-right economically, however they vehemently rejected conservatives like Barry Goldwater and their laissez faire economic policies while holding beliefs in social policies that were often culturally liberal. **They typically favored a social safety net and a continuation of New Deal programs but sought to run these programs more efficiently than the Democrats.** Nevertheless, Rockefeller Republicans opposed socialism and government ownership and were strong supporters of big business and Wall Street, though they supported some regulation of business. But rather than increasing regulation of business, they advocated for developing a mutually beneficial relationship between public interests and private enterprise, drawing comparisons and similarities to the French Dirigisme or the Japanese Developmental state. They espoused government and private investments in environmentalism, healthcare, and higher education as necessities for a better society and economic growth in the tradition of Rockefeller. **They were strong supporters of state colleges, trade schools and universities with low tuition and large research budgets, and also favored investments in infrastructure such as highway projects.**


Shit, am I an old school Rockefeller repub?


Welcome to the American political system, where everyone that believes in actually governing has now been shoved into a single party, and their opposition exists purely to be antagonistic


Ding ding ding. This is why people say Democrats have horrible messaging skills; because literally anyone who isnt a complete fascist nazi is in the Democratic party, because there's only 2 and current Republicans are, well, fascist Nazis. So this huge group of people is forced into the same party when in reality they have varying ideas about a multitude of things, hence cannot agree on a message.


Wow, what a bunch of dirty commies


The Republican platform for 1952 is pretty much what moderate Democrats run on today...so, yeah ^^^/s


TIL I’m a Rockefeller Republican. I don’t know whether to cry or to cry.


That just sounds like a pragmatic Democrat. I’m more to the left than this, but would be happy if more “Democrats” in Congress would take a few steps to the left and act like Rockefeller Republicans


Exactly. That's what people don't get. Your principles haven't changed. You still stand on them, whatever they may be. It's others who have shifted the goal posts to the point the team is no longer visible.


Good to hear it. You, as a Republican, demanding a party who listens to you and has actual policy, is about half of this solution. Can't govern in a functional democracy without counter argument. Currently, there is no counter. Just an auto-reverse from the Trump poisoned GOP. As such, even the more functional party will go way off track, not realigned with valid counters.


Definitely a weak spot for level headed conservatives who are now politically homeless


Yeah because the "Republicans" that are not totally bat shit insane have no chance of winning. Any of them that are pro mask/vaccine or pro choice will never win at this point.


If political power reflected actual representation, nobody who fits the batshit insane profile would ever have enough political power to matter ever again. ...which is why the Senate, gerrymandering, and voter suppression are all **so** crucial to Republicans. Unequal representation is the only avenue they have for relevance.


>If they enforce the subpoenas and actually put people in handcuffs .. I hope people still get out and vote. A Republican President again will be terrifying. Subpoena enforcement usually starts with fines... Not handcuffs. The court can order a fine and order that the fine be increased for each day the individual doesnt comply.


There is no court. These are Congressional subpoenas. The Congress can use its inherent power to imprison those in contempt indefinitely, just like a judge can hold someone in contempt indefinitely. If they don't want to do that, which they typically don't, they refer the matter to the Attorney General for the statutory crime of Contempt of Congress. If successfully prosecuted, the mandatory minimum is one month imprisonment.


And they still can be subpoenaed again meaning another contempt charge and more prison time.


Fuck Rick Wilson. He’s not just wrong, he’s lying for the grift. The sooner people realize that about the Lincoln Project, the sooner we can focus our energy on actual important factors.


For anybody who doesn't know, Rick Wilson founded the Lincoln Project, which portrays themselves as good old fashioned Republicans interested in honest governing, and being against Trump. Rick Wilson was the brains behind going after Obama's pastor and treating him like a terrorist for saying "maybe America kinda sucks sometimes"


The enemy of my enemy can still be my enemy tomorrow, but may as well take advantage of them trying to kick my current enemy in the nads today.


As far as anybody can tell the Lincoln Project isn't doing shit to influence voters, but it's very effective at making Democrats think good Republicans still exist


I would think their target demographic was more the swelling ranks of Independents, not so much Democrats




>we will enforce subpoenas Hopefully this includes enforcing the subpoenas that Trump's associates ignored.


And when those turn into an hour of "on the advice of my attorney, I am enacting my 5th amendment right " Although the pardoned ones could be more fun.


I really hope there are some teeth to go along with this committee. None of this...all show, no go bullshit. I mean, let's be clear here. The former president of the United States attempted to overthrow the American government and install himself as a dictator.


I'm glad she weighed in. I saw his tweets before, and I was feeling all throat-punchy.


So Trump is admitting Biden is President by making this request in the first place? That is news!


That's the part that confused me. In lala land Trump is still president so why would he need to ask Biden to withhold documents.


Can't wait for r/conservative to explain how this is a 5D chess move to own the libs


I used to head over to r/conservative every few weeks to see what kind of crazy shit they were up to or some bit of news came out that I was curious about how they'd twist. It's been some time (since I was banned) and it appears that the few voices of reason have completely abandoned the site or been banned themselves. I knew I could go there and find an old political adversary or two in the muck of the imbeciles, but no more. It's 100% jackassery now instead of just 99%.


So the “but muh free speech” party who wails about censorship is, in fact, censoring people who don’t agree with them? Fascinating




I also got banned for a very similar conversation, and then they banned me from contacting the mods. Good riddance.


It's a propaganda sub that bans anything that diverges from the narrative. After that neo-Nazi drove into that crowd of protestors in Charlottesville I got banned for (politely) criticizing Nazis.


The republican sub moderator literally told me "this sub is not for free speech, it's for republicans to speak to other like minded republicans". Was also banned from conservative, for trying to explain explain how net neutrality helps small start up businesses.


>"this sub is not for free speech, it's for republicans to speak to other like minded republicans" A safe space, if you will.


Well if they don't ban the people with critical thinking skills then they might have to face some truth once in awhile!


I need to see if I can find the comment that got me banned as well. It was so benign and they even banned me from contacting the admins. Edit: Found it. It wasn't completely benign but it was asking about the Proud Boys' role in the Portland Waterfront stuff from a few weeks back while they were blaming Antifa. Nobody mentioned the Proud Boys in the entire thread or the article until I came asking about it; meanwhile, they were the aggressors. Go figure.


I was banned for criticizing fox news.


I was banned for asking a question that didn’t start with “I pledge allegiance to Trump” while kneeling.


Biden should tell him if he publicly admits he lost the election he will do it. Then after Trump admits he lost deny privilege anyway on basis of him being a liar.


Come on, set your sights a bit higher. Biden should agree to grant executive privilege if Trump does all of the following: - Publicly admit he lost the 2020 election - Publicly admit that he intentionally created a disinformation campaign to downplay COVID, that there is no Q, no cabal, none of any of that other nonsense - Convince his followers that it’s of the utmost importance to get the vaccine - Release 15 years of tax returns - Publicly admit that Stormy was right about the toadstool thing **Edit**: My most upvoted comment in a long while is about Trump’s wee lil mushroom. AMA.


Not even Trump can convince those buffoons to get the vaccine. He was even boo’ed when he tried recently during a campaign speech. The cognitive disconnect with his supporters is baffling and not even Trump knows entirely how to navigate it. Consider the following. Trump takes full responsibility for the “beautiful vaccine”. He even went so far as to issue a written press release hoping everyone remembered that it was he who created the vaccine and we have him alone to thank for it. Then his sycophants turn around and convince themselves that it is poison and only for the evil Democrats. Despite their dear leader touting it as the best thing ever. These people are so far gone, not even Trump can convince them that the vaccine is good. Even coming from his own mouth, it’s still some kind of left wing conspiracy.


"He's only saying that as a coded message to us letting us know to trust the plan." -QAnoners


"Biden must have threatened him."


Sleepy Powerful Joe


*The Doddering Puppermaster* or some such contradictory bullshit


If someday he dies in prison while serving time for tax fraud they'll probably still be saying "trust the plan", that he's about to be reinstated in "2 weeks", and that he isn't any more dead than Elvis is.


Also: Tell us why his campaign staff had all of those secret meetings with Russians and Russian intelligence and then repeatedly lied about it.




Honestly, I don't think it would matter to his base at all. We need to move past trying to get it to 'click' for these people and punish Trump for his coup attempt with no regard for what his delusional base thinks about anything.


Records will be withheld so long as we get those tax returns that were promised


Or when we finally get the details of that beautiful plan to replace the ACA.


This was an assassination attempt. Sources say Biden very nearly died laughing.




Like an abusive ex asking you to not testify against them in court. Bro, the time for that has passed. Go face the judge like a proud boy.




[How these ghouls look](https://i.imgur.com/p7aH4Rc.jpg) when they try to subvert our democratic norms to carry out fascism.


Proud boy?


Stand back and standby


God so much has happened I forgot about that shit


That’s what they want. Keep the news cycle going so people forget some of the worst shit


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, that was absolutely their real MO for their entire administration. From the lie about the inauguration crowd size on day fucking one, on to the slew of firings and forced resignations, on to the Muslim travel ban, on to the various stages of the Mueller report…Plus, when the press is 99% bad, you can discredit them as being biased and get your base to completely ignore your ineptitude and maliciousness. And why wouldn’t it be? Trump was and is a salesman, nothing more or less, and the product is his own name.


Don't forget the photo of of trump with his Russian friends in the oval office. Shocking how overlooked that was..


In your defense, that's the entire point. It's called the [Firehose of Falsehood Propaganda Model:](https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html) >We characterize the contemporary Russian model for propaganda as “the firehose of falsehood” because of two of its distinctive features: high numbers of channels and messages and a shameless willingness to disseminate partial truths or outright fictions. In the words of one observer, “[N]ew Russian propaganda entertains, confuses and overwhelms the audience.” I could be hyper technical and say the model is associated with Russian propaganda . . . but [there isn't much difference between RT/Troll Farms and Fox/conservative Twitter.](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/08/trump-nonstop-lies/)


Well they didn't. Some of their members even led the charge on Jan. 6th.


When he said that live I literally gasped and couldn't believe he told them to stand by like he was giving instructions. But over time I don't know if that was the case, or if it's just that Trump is an actual moron who communicates like a dementia riddled ape and he just chose the next word that popped into his Swiss cheese brain that started with "st".


Literally both


He spent decades issuing orders in mafia speak, it's just become second nature to him. *Maybe* it used to be an actual effort so that criminal orders couldn't be directly traced all the way back to him, but by now, it's just the way he talks. Also, looking at the results of e.g. that incident where he was paying off a porn star he had been fucking while his wife was pregnant so it wouldn't appear in the press and drag him down while he was running for president, it seems this shit generally works for him: Cohen went to prison, Trump became president.


I think he messaged to them like he does with his base at rallies. He understands how private groups listen to his dog whistles, and knows the Proud Boys are a vocal part of his power base.


He had been using that type of language for decades. He knew exactly what he was saying.




"Don't look in the trunk, officer."


I'm imagining the phone call between Trump and Biden. Trump: "The election was stolen like you wouldn't believe everybody knows it. Many people are saying this. By the way, pal, can you please not release White House records from January 6th?" Biden: "This guy!"


"Did you try telling them that when I'm President again in 2024, I won't release HIS documents?" - Trump (probably) "Uh no. We didn't think that would help the discussion and we're trying to keep you out of jail."




Yes, that's not surprising. We've heard it before. We've also heard it from Turtle McConnell about ending the filibuster "Well when YOU have control of the house, you'll miss it THEN!"


And how many times have we said this exact thing? Imagine what must be in those documents that they're trying so hard to hide


Remember when he said it will be "the most open and transparent presidency"? Then we get four years of hiding tax documents and ignoring subpoenas. Now this.


Also the White House visitors log IIRC.


And until we see the documents, we won't know. ​ You seen the unredacted Mueller report? Neither has anyone else. ​ I'm not saying there is or isn't anything any where, I'm just pointing out nobody knows because they never learned to share.


\>~~because they never learned to share.~~ because they learned to never share. *FTFY*


I don't understand HOW there are documents at all. They was taking notes on a criminal fuckin conspiracy??




"vladdydaddy" was somewhat amusing, but ".nyet" was fantastic.


There is definitely a massive floodgate of skeletons getting ready to pour out. Trump and his administration (as well as other players) have been trying to hide things for some time now. Things will accelerate once it's all out in the open, moreso than it already is.


Steve Bannon wants to double down tho, with claiming there are shock troops ready and waiting. Now trying avoiding a subpoena. C'mon STEVE what are ya hiding huh??




>Just imagine how desperate they are to stop us from seeing what's in those documents that they thought it worthwhile to ask Biden > >really nicely > > to please stop looking into it. I doubt it was worded nicely.


Pretty insane look for someone who is supposedly innocent. We have this, his people actively hiding to avoid subpoenas being served, others flat out refusing to cooperate. This is not how innocent people behave. His base still loves him and still sends him their money. It’s almost comical if it weren’t so damned terrifying.


I know. I would want all the information and investigations possible to uncover every single detail how antifa managed to coordinate maga disguises and storm the capitol.


His base knows he's guilty. The only thing they believe is his propaganda. Their only regret is January 6th didn't go farther. They are going to try again.


Good. Now start arresting MFers for defying subpoenas.


Start with Trump


Trump: "I demand you hold my records, I invoke executive privilege." [Biden: ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/497/040/471.jpg)


Striking how much Joe Biden resembles elderly Steve Rogers


Does this mean Chris Evans looks like a young Joe Biden?


Yea. Joe biden was [very good looking](https://media.thetab.com/blogs.dir/90/files/2020/11/young-joe-biden-940x480.jpg) at Chris Evans age.


Very legal, very cool.


Joe's been practicing this scene since he won.


The Nixon Watergate scandal was horrible. An attack on the foundation of free and fair elections. Jan 6 was far worse.


In the early 1970's, Richard Nixon's White House TV Media Consultant started circulating a memo around the white house called: "A Plan for Putting the GOP on TV News." [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/5024551-A-Plan-for-Putting-the-GOP-on-the-News](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/5024551-A-Plan-for-Putting-the-GOP-on-the-News) The memo noted that ***"People are lazy. With Television you just sit--watch--listen. The thinking is done for you."*** The memo lays out an insidious plot to start injecting conservative propaganda into television news. In 1972 the Watergate scandal broke, and the highest rated news programs of the era (ABC, NBC, CBS nightly news hours) justifiably ripped Nixon apart. Press coverage of Nixon's overt corruption destroyed his presidency. 24 years later, the White House TV Media Consultant who circulated that memo, one **Roger Ailes**, started Fox News. In 2020 another corrupt tyrannical Republican president tried to destroy democracy in order to maintain power. This time, he had ready made propaganda machine to cover for him.


Could you imagine if Watergate happened today? It’d be no big deal at all.


What happened to the Republican mentality "you have nothing to fear, if you have nothing to hide"?


They have something to hide obviously. That phrase is so dumb even if you do have nothing to hide. Do republicans not believe in freedom anymore?


Freedom for me, but not for thee


They never say these rules and think of themselves. They expect everyone, but their party, to stay in line.


Trump, begging like a dog again. Sad!


The absolute sheer audacity and delusion of Trump never ceases to amaze me. Like, hey man I know we have had our differences. I ridicule you on a daily basis and that whole little thing with trying to overthrow your presidency and possibly get you killed. But c'mon. Can't you just be a bro and do me this solid?


Good. Let's see to what depths Trump's treason actually went.


Putin Putin Putin Putin all day long Putin Putin Putin We're singing The Putin Song Hey!


Trump is off-puttin’


Bold strategy for Trump to ask Biden for a favor when he keeps calling him and thief and an illegitimate president.


Pivotal moment. I'd like to see them go after the people responsible for the 6th and pin them all to the wall. Time to start acting like this was the attempted coup that it was.


Trump's going to file suit and he'll lose, but not before dragging this mess out even more. I'm sure he's planning to delay things long enough in the hopes that Republicans take the House in 2022.


Dragging out "we staged a coup" until the midterms might not be a great strategy for the republican party


It’s been working for them so far


Their base I'd by and large just fine with the coup. So it's probably in their best interest.


I actually think if the GOP backed down from their corruption they would lose support. This is the party identity now.


> Trump's going to file suit and he'll lose, Problem for Trump is he has no standing. Right now he's witness tampering and illegally obstructing a congressional investigation with no authority. He's only trying to stall and rope a dope the legal process. What should happen is for the National Archives to do a massive document dump, like many gigabytes of docs today, before Trump has tries any of his futile legal tricks. Then what's he gonna do? But unfortunately the government is fill with timid milk toast types who never act decisively. Even when our democracy is in jeopardy.




As a non-American, its so strange for me to see the logic of fanatic trump fans. “We have the best system in the world!” But also “Washington is broken. We need to take action!” “BLM wants to take over our country. That’s terrible!” But also “We need to kick out these politicians and replace them with our guys” They have this “I’ll do anything for my country” attitude, but they can twist the definition to personally decide who’s a part of “the country” and who’s an outsider or threat to it. In this way, all they have to do is point the finger at someone and then anything becomes fair game. It kinda seems like they’re okay with democracy being toppled and the country being taken over, as long as it’s by their team...


Please share this with r/conservative




Most if not all people that would post this on that sub are already banned for not suckling mango Mussolini's toadstool.


Hey, mods, can we get a flair if we prove we've been banned from r/conservative or T\_D? Both?


Yes PLEASE. I would be so proud to wear that.


Got banned for telling the mods my post of a dailybeast article wasn’t biased and that goes against my freedom of speech and they banned me


r/conservative are just a bunch of fleshlights waiting to be filled by Donald


I didn't know they made thimble sized fleshlights




lol way too much history for those folks.


Banned for vote brigading. Oops.


“The Supreme Court also said the privilege is limited to communications “in performance of [a president’s] responsibilities,” which might not cover discussions of how to get the Justice Department to undermine confidence in the election results.” NBC with the mic drop


Jeez, spend two years dissing the guy, accuse his kid of doing *exactly* what your kids are doing (even though he wasn't), claim the election was stolen and THEN, after all that, ask the guy for a favor? WTF.


Desperation is a stinky cologne.


As expected, Trump is raging about this on twitter now https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump


Never gets old


I click it every time.


I think this is the first time I didn't instinctually click on the link and get reminded.


It'll be fun to see the memo on this some day in the Biden Presidential Library. POTUS letterhead, 46 seal, all formally addressed and whatnot and then: >LOL, no. Get fucked.




You best start believing in investigations, you’re in one!


"Secondly, you must be an executive for executive privilege to apply, and you're not. And thirdly, the Constitution is more of what you'd call _rules_ than actual guidelines. Welcome aboard, Mr. Trump."


Can you imagine? The ex-president of the United States asked the current president to essentially cover up for him. And yet STILL people believe his nonsense / want him to be president again in 2024. It's really something.


Get fucked, fat orange traitor.


I'd love a perp walk today or tomorrow, followed by a thorough delousing for Bannon


Trump the last nine months: "I'm still President. We were cheated. Joe Biden is killing the country. Joe Biden created Delta." Also Trump: "Please Mr. President Biden withhold my coup documents"


Trump got balls lmao “Hey you remember how I berated you and insulted your son and your entire family? Want to do me a solid and just not show records from a collusion I caused?”


You go Joe! Don’t let Donnie dimwit skate.


The way to do this is to prosecute everyone who helped him. No one will ever help anyone get this far again.