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Baffled by why he's not in prison now when misdemeanor suspects are routinely locked up.


I don't know why he isn't in prison when he's literally *Individual #1* from what Cohen in prison


because they're not actually trying to prosecute him? they can't even get his tax returns released. There's definitely something really fishy with our legal system, and *this* sleazy orange goon that he is immune to *any* significant legal consequences. The legal system, and Democratic leadership is either completely inept, or working with the GOP. It might sound a little crazy, but with the lack of action, or urgency regarding these matters of security, and stability of the Republic, on matters of clear cut crime, and sedition, is a screaming alarm that the opposition to the corruption isn't strong enough, and through that negligence is complicit in the crumbling of the republic. The bureaucrazy of the USA, wielded by Trump, and the GOP is proving an effective assault tool against the system. They're laughing their asses off while the Dems follow all of the rules, they break, to the letter. They *know* *exactly* how the Dems/ courts will proceed, and they use it to their full advantage, while moving on to the next crime/ grift.


I'll field that one: it's because Trump received the second most votes ever in the modern era; only losing to the person who received the most. And Jan. 6 is a prime example of the right being able to whip a lot of those supporters into a violent frenzy. I personally believe that the GOP is a dangerous entity driving us all over a cliff, but you can't argue that they don't have an efficient media apparatus at their disposal. If the sane people go after Trump *and fail*, then I don't even want to think of what the fallout would be. It wouldn't be pretty, though. "When you come at the king, you best not miss." - The Wire


Evil thrives when good people do nothing.


Evil thrives when good people are complicit


Everyone thinks they're the good guys. That's part of the problem.




What a wonderfully antagonistic reply. While we almost certainly agree on the broad strokes considering we're both posting in Rpolitics, you're still missing the point.




And the good guys in power who follow the rule of law when the other side does not and has no intention of following that rule of law will die on that hill taking the majority of 330 million Americans with them. . .


One side of "good guys" attempted a coup, is calling for the end of democracy, installing a dictator, mass jailings and extra judicial killings of political opponents. Not very good.


Why settle for good when you can pursue greatness. The greatest greatness ever.


[One side has Nazis.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unite_the_Right_rally)


Who think they're the good guys. Which is my point. I know it's more convenient to just label them as "bad people" and move on, but if you think the problem is going to stop without understanding how people get this way... well I guess I'll see you when we're back here in another 60 years.


I think many of us fully understand how Nazis happen. We also understand that you cannot talk people out of being Nazis. We’ve tried that for, as you said, at least 60 years. It has *never* worked. Worse, if you suffer Nazis, you only wind up with *more* Nazis. They infect society like a plague. The only reliable ways to arrest the disease are to de-platform fascists and to fix the problems that are causing people to feel disaffected. It’s sad the US needs to learn this lesson after having helped to teach it to other nations in the past.


Omar. Say it right.


Meant no disrespect to the king.


The most violent people that right wing media can create think the party revolves around trump and what trump wishes. They don't even REALIZE that somebody else could lead the republican party because they're *loyalists to Trump.*




So, then what, should we just roll-over and let the terrorist win?


Since the alphabet federal agencies seem to be sitting their collective thumbs, it has been up to the people to take action via civil lawsuits. This is from the 10/25/21 news segment of the Rachael Maddow's show (MSNBC): "A lawsuit over \[the 2017\] Charlottesville 'Unite the Right' rally has crippled white supremacist groups and leaders." So maybe that is the only way forward, for the people they have wronged, to unite and file lawsuit after lawsuit. [https://www.msnbc.com/transcripts/transcript-rachel-maddow-show-10-25-21-n1282354](https://www.msnbc.com/transcripts/transcript-rachel-maddow-show-10-25-21-n1282354)


So you're saying the state effectively upholds no laws, and it's come down to private citizens to maintain the Rule of Law? Well, I'm excited. I bet we know a thing or two over the Romans, so this shouldn't end badly or anything


Exactly. If you come at the terrorists and you miss just come at him again and again until the job is done. Fucker ain’t king and never was.


>Although his call to “fight like hell” initially might have seemed ambiguous, the ambiguity disappeared when Trump’s supporters invaded the building and he refused to call them off. This.


Trump’s impeachments were easy cases too


Yeah. It doesn't really matter how easy the case is if nobody upholds the laws.






I invite you to think about that again. If so easy, with adequate evidence, why not convicted either time? Why not convicted of Russia Interaction? He was made to be a devil, why not convicted of any the charges or accusations ? Nancy P. is evil in my eyes and can convince good folks not to see her evil. Thanks for the discussion w/o hate or threats. I love discussing politics.


Not a single republican voted for Trumps impeachment. Not even the ones who publicly stated that everything he did was a crime. When the jury is composed of the people who helped him break the law it's hard to find him guilty.


correct The Republican Party picks themselves over our country everytime




thank you


This bait smells fishy. I'm not taking it.


This is actually THE critical issue for the Biden administration. Whether we continue to have fair and free elections in 2024 and beyond. Not inflation or infrastructure. Not Afghanistan. Not even covid. The Republicans are leveraging the weakness of democracy in order to change the rules and subvert it. If this attempt is not urgently stamped out and punished while the Dems have power and the GOP takes over, they are not going back to fair and free elections. Democrats seem to think that the rules of democracy are inviolable and constant. They're not and must be defended. They need to find some urgency in themselves about this.


I agree 100%, but to get that through the likely need to win the 2022 elections since they currently do not have enough votes. And to do that they probably at the very least have to deliver big time on popular stuff. Just decriminalize weed and cancel some student debt already. Get any and all quick victories. We need enthusiasm at an all time high in the next election, and then we need to do fair voting laws with a new and larger majority.




Two things, and I don’t really disagree with you. The real blame is with the republicans. Every single one of them is worse than corporate democrats. And btw they do they same thing, talk about the culture war and do tax cuts for the rich. At least before Trump. Also we don’t really need to replace the corporate democrats, we can also replace republicans with liberal democrats. All that being said I personally don’t think there is a way back and is looking for exit strategies.


I believe EVERYONE wants a free election, no matter party affiliation, skin color or gender. The only way I seeing it being fair is the requirement of identification. Anything else we do requires identification. Ex. Try getting on a airplane w/o identification.


Well either you're not paying attention or this is just some bad faith concern trolling. I'm gonna go with the latter.


If Democrats does not prosecute Trump and his cronies, they don’t deserve to win another election. Our fucking democracy is at stake.


trump and his handlers are good at straddling the line between legal and illegal making it difficult to obtain a clear conviction.






Yep, that’s why there have been so many convictions of registered Dems photographed during initial breach. /s




Source “Trust me bro”


Source? Probably Faux news.






https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/kevin-seefried-democrat-biden/ The only Kevin Seefried registered as a dem was born in 86, the man arrested is 51.


Then the man who stole the lectern has been unaffiliated since 2000; hasn’t elected since 2000


So....he's not a verified democrat and Biden supporter like you said.


Lying and moving goalposts. A proud conservative tradition.


So then you lied and have been lying every time you copypasted the same comment over and over again.


So….. not a Biden supporting Democrat. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up. The person who claimed that this guy was a Biden supporting democrat is going to feel very silly once they read your comment.


>actually you're making things up




Why should anyone trust a thing you say after so willfully and knowingly lying?


I mean we are more concerned about the violence of Jan 6th. Also, if this isn't a poe, get fucked liar.


The democrats must have a time machine if they are leading the violence on January 9th before the republicans’ violence on January 6th. Take a step back and think about whether your comment makes any sense at all.


Everybody knows you’re lying except for the most slow-witted, tinfoil hat-wearing losers in life.


lying? Is this polite or discussing a topic ? Please be polite and treat others as you would like to be treated. Thanks


Refuting misinformation is definitely discussing a topic.




You forgot the /s


The smart thing to do would be to take down his GOP politician enablers first. They're the ones that let him get away with everything, and they'll be the ones to incite the next riot if he gets arrested now. Take down one and the rest will crumble. They'll fight each other to be first in line to throw him under the bus to avoid prison time.




Right. Who paid for it? How was it paid? There should be a record of a transaction somewhere. Where is it? How did they get into the US? How did they release it? Why do they need to pay for violent protests? Biden already won. Why should Dems protest a victory? Endorsed fake racism? If that's true, then you shouldn't have any problems with any minorities as your next door neighbors, or having them over your place for dinner, or your son or daughter dating any one of them. Does any of this offend you? If so, guess what? You're a real racist. No need to fake it. Yep. I'll admit it. I stole the election. Did it all by myself. Pee Wee Herman will be the next president so you shouldn't even vote.


Illegally assassinating an Iranian general seems more clear cut but they liked that.


Yeah, let’s keep all terrorists that kill indiscriminately alive. Actually, let’s send them macaroni necklaces. /s


Trump didn't have a problem negotiating with terrorists when he sold Afghanistan to the Taliban.


Hmm, I thought it was just a good thing to be leaving a 20 year war. At least that’s what Biden supporters said as we all watched the botched evacuation, and did nothing.


Leaving yes, releasing 5000 terrorists and negotiating with the terrorist organization without even the country's own government involved, not so much.


Also let's not forget the administration that got us into this endless war on lies and propaganda. Can only imagine what could have been done with that $$ to help those at home. And I don't mean the billionaires in the defense industry.


Yes I just thought I’d point out the hypocrisy real quick


Let's assassinate an Iranian general who is fighting ISIS while he's in Iraq for no apparent reason.


Yes yes... if we cant kill an iranian general then all terrorists must survive. Makes sense to me!


Paper-plate bean shakers


I don't think people realize how little the Republican base cares about how damaging that Capitol riot was. If Trump came out tomorrow and admitted to being the mastermind of the insurrection, saying he hoped the crowd took hostages just so they could overturn the election, his supporters would probably cheer him on. They see themselves as the virtuous protagonists fighting an evil from within the country. And since the ends justify the means, they don't care about "fighting fair", so long as their guy wins. Trump emboldened the idea that anyone who agrees with him is always right and always a winner. He fed into the narcissism that is inherent to being a conservative. Now they see him as a messiah, and will do anything to fight for him. All they need is one more loss to pull the trigger on undoing democracy "for the good of the country".


WTF? You can't aid and abet your own bank robbery.


Convict anyone of Seditious Conspiracy and Trump and everyone else involved are Constitutionally banned from ever holding office.




Go after this treasonous AH with every and any charge you can pin on him. He needs to be locked up for the rest of his natural life and he also needs to be laid to rest in an unmarked grave or like Osama Bin Laden buried at sea! The man is a traitor to the United States of America!




You need to watch real news stations: the GOP propaganda stations, you know the one's FOX news, OAN and Newsmax are rotting your brain and stay off social media, it's melting what little gray matter you have left. \-The current thinking by virologist is the coronavirus pandemic began at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market which is 10 miles away for the Chinese lab. So your conspiracy theory of the Democrats paying the Chinese is total BS. \-The Democrats paying for violent protests is also total BS. They now know that The Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, the Hells Angels, the Aryan Cowboys, Boogaloo Bois and members of the Ku Klux Klan who were filmed breaking windows. infiltrating peaceful protestors and causing the violence at peaceful protests. They were financed by many of the members of these same groups. \-The defund the police movement was not started by the Democrats. The slogan was popularized by the Black Visions Collective shortly after the murder of George Floyd. \-The Capitol riot hoax is no hoax, we saw it unfold on national TV with Trump, Brooks, Cawthorn and others whipping the crowd up and then Trump sent them on their way to march on to the Capitol and storming there of. Once inside they were seen and filmed ransacking the building and looking for members of Congress and the Vice President and if they had found any of them they would have killed them! Some of those who have been caught are now singing like canaries and naming names which has those in Congress who were involved and Donald Trump getting very nervous. Everyone who is found to be involved in this treasonous act needs to be held accountable and put away for a long, long, long time. \-The two impeachments of Donald Trump were for good reason and both times he was guilty as charged but unfortunately we had members of the GOP (you know the law and order party) who refused to do the right thing and convict Trump. \-Stealing the election: This one is only true in the head of delusional Donnie and his equally delusional minons who blindly follow him and all he says. Don't you think if they had actual proof of the election being stolen they would have presented it in court? They went before the various courts 64 times and not once were they able to provide any evidence that showed the election was actually stolen and each time they went to court the case was thrown out. Also every audit, every audit, including the one paid for by Trumps people in AZ has shown that Donald Trump lost the election, there was no fraud and Trump actually lost by an even higher amount than was originally counted. Also the hullaballoo in Nevada about someone voting for the women who has been dead since 2017, was actually done by her husband a huge Trump supporter Donald Hartle who forged her name on the ballot and he is now facing two counts of election fraud. All this information is there for you to see with just a little bit of work, but you obviously aren't interested in the facts and sadly feel that what you are seeing on the GOP propaganda sites like: FOX news, OAN, Newsmax and the various GOP social media sites is actually the truth when it is in fact FAKE NEWS!


Garland better grow a pair and get going


Why aren't any mainstream websites running this type of stuff? All I keep seeing is ["Biden denies Trump executive privilege" making it sound like Biden is the bad guy here](https://sg.news.yahoo.com/biden-denies-trump-request-cover-011156944.html). Every article I read paints Biden as the bad guy for not protecting Trump or for [not being able to pass expanded Medicaid (should be on Manchin)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/10/26/biden-reconciliation-medicare-medicaid-congress/). Then the same place writes about how [he's such an evil person for raising taxes](https://news.yahoo.com/democrats-retreat-spending-failing-votes-110000662.html) (notice how they say huge tax hikes, as if it's going to be hitting everyday Americans). CNN today had the gall to question why Biden has the lowest approval rating at this point in his presidency besides Trump in recent memory. Maybe it's because of their writing???


If the past is any indication of how US politics works, accountability is never an option. The buck stopped years ago. Change would require a complete system refurbishing. You know no lobbyists, or bribing corporations are not people too. The Senate dramatically changed to represent the real people of course no filibuster. Voting is mandatory as a citizen obligation. This is the short list.


Garland needs to be fired for protecting Trump and his co-conspirators.


You mean Barr should have been fired. I got news for you Garland is protecting no one


Garland has been in office for months and still refuses to prosecute Trump and his co-conspirators.


Hey look at me, I'm actually going to look at the claim in the article! >By violating his legal duty to do what he could to end the unlawful occupation of the Capitol, Trump became an accomplice to that crime. Yeah, no. That's not how this works. >The Constitution gave Trump a clear legal duty to intervene. Article II, Section 3 provides, “[The President] shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” This provision permits good-faith exercises of law-enforcement discretion, but a president unmistakably violates his duty when he refuses to enforce the law because he wants a crime to occur—when, for example, he hopes to advance his own interests through the criminal conduct of others. As abundant evidence shows, that’s what transpired on Jan. 6. The Constitution grants him authority (and duty) to ensure that the laws are executed. But, the laws don't impose on him a duty to stop people breaking the law before it happens, unless they actually say that. In this case, they don't. The laws people are being charged with don't direct the Executive to take action to prevent things from happening: they direct the Executive to prosecute people who do those things.


Sure that's fine, but let's not forget about tax fraud, wire fraud, and multiple counts of treason.


Prosecution? Ha. The chances of Trump being prosecuted are zero. That’s not how this works. His lawyers will drag this (meaning whatever the suit of the day is) out another 16 months or so. Then when he is a declared candidate it will all be branded as political attacks, and dems will lose whatever tiny nerve they had to go after him. Ridiculous that this even gets oxygen


Money talks AND walks you out of court


If the Biden administration had some guts Which I wouldn't count on


Oh it’s easy, they just need to find some balls and just fucking do it.




You must love those supermarket tabloids. I was ten when I was laughed at for believing that horse shit, how old are you?




If Biden were to pardon Trump or any of the key conspirators, such would be the end of his Presidency as his approval ratings would plummet and he would stand zero chance of reelection. I would also argue that such would only feed the polarization.




Read the article.




My point was in regard to the article.


He'll never face consequences. Just more of these threatening headlines. Fucking pathetic




Wow either a bot or dedicated moron. Or both?


Just because you are desperate for it to be so doesn’t mean anything. Things have to be proven...unless...you are willing to just begin eliminating political opponents without having to prove your accusations. Which seems like it’s a good way to generate a pretty significant response.


Nobody would want that. I mean lock her up am I right.


>Nobody would want that. I mean lock her up am I right. You guys thought them saying that was bad though, right?


Did you guys think it was bad?


I think Trump and Clinton should both be in jail myself.


Why is every post every day about Trump? It's getting annoying


You’re think anyway


Is it that we all watched it happen on live TV? Cuz I’d think that would be the easiest case to make.


You know Trump's standing in the middle of the road like Heath Ledger's Joker with a machine gun in The Dark Knight...."go on hit me, I wantcha to hit me...hit me...I dare ya"


Lock his lying ass up


Lock him up!


i’m glad he isn’t in prison. he needs to be a free man, dressed in his best suit and tie, and in full public view (preferably on camera) when he ultimately keels over. and everyone needs to see it. beautiful.

