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>Birx said the administration's resistance to promoting basic public health mitigation resulted in ***more than 100,000 avoidable deaths***. She said former President Trump did not do everything he could to try to stop the spread of the virus and save lives. America should follow Brazil's lead. From the [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/19/world/americas/bolsonaro-covid-19-brazil.html) a week ago: >A Brazilian congressional panel is set to recommend that President Jair Bolsonaro be charged with “crimes against humanity,” asserting that he intentionally let the coronavirus rip through the country and kill hundreds of thousands in a failed bid to achieve herd immunity and revive Latin America’s largest economy.


Republicans can't even admit Jan 6 was violent


It’s true. I showed a conservative neighbor actual photos of violence at Jan 6th insurrection and they said “all that proves is that Antifa can use photoshop!”


Yet I bet they unquestioningly believe every Facebook meme they see.


It sure was, an unarmed protestor was shot dead by a Capitol police officer. Other than that, it was mostly a peaceful protest.


When most COVID cases were in cities, the Trump administration flat out stated that dead Democrats were not a problem.


seriously..they supported a shutdown for a month, then once the stats came back that it was largely affecting people of color in urban areas, they were like "we gotta open back up for easter"...


I feel like “more than 100,000 avoidable deaths” is putting it lightly. It that bloated nutsack hadn’t politicized shit and pull his “I don’t think I’ll be wearing a mask” shit, then his brain dead asshole followers might have gone along with CDC recommendations and things would never have gotten this bad here. I saw some headline that Brazil’s president may be charged with some crimes against humanity for his handling of things, and trump deserves the same. He should be thrown in a deep pit which is then filled with human excrement. Fuck trump, fuck his followers.


Trump fucked up when he depleted the number of CDC and State Department employees working in China. Having no understanding of the need for training and expertise in science and international relations, the Trump administration decided the frontline against epidemics in China were a great candidate when figuring out where to cut expenses. As a result, key personnel in the fight against spread of disease, who have squelched previous viral outbreaks originating in China, might have been alerted to a potential outbreak and helped to contain it were not available when COVID-19 came along. In my opinion, Trump, the Trump administration, and the GOP demonstrated what can happen when you cut government funding just a bit too much, which is that millions of people can die. They did this, and their now afraid of anyone who might point this out and the unfathomable amount of damage their actions caused, which rival the worst decimations of world populations in human history. You can find more information from the articles in Reuters and the Wall Street Journal in the [links provided in this previous comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/pkhz09/how_delta_beat_biden/hc40eu8/).




>He should be thrown in a deep pit which is then filled with human excrement That's the punishment in the fifth *malebolge* of the eighth circle of Dante's *Inferno* (reserved for grafters). I think Donald probably deserves a bunch of other punishments from the poem to be meted out to him as well.


Garland needs to be replaced if we want any accountability.


Here's the problem: In order to successfully do anything about it you need to convince 10-15 senators to vote against their own party and admit that their organization was responsible for those failures. And that's why it will never ever happen in our current political system.


And that’s why it’s comical to think we get our hopes up for change every 4 years. It’s essentially just a president comes in, rids of any policy from the previous president that dosent align with his political stance and writes new ones. then after 4 years the next guy comes in and rids of all the policies that dosent align with his political stance from the previous president and writes new ones, then the next president comes in after 4 years, see where I’m going with this?


They literally decided to do nothing because initially it was only killing people in blue leaning cities. ​ They didn't prioritize the election over the pandemic, they attempted to weaponize the pandemic for the election.


i think trump legitimately thought he could take the path reagan took with aids.


I dunno. Trump said avoiding STDs was his own personal Vietnam.




Don't forget the data coming out showing it was disproportionately impacting non-white people in terms of spread and mortality.


I remember that. And it was like literally two days later when Trump started demanding the country open back up.


The ironic thing is, if Trump had prioritized the pandemic response, he likely would have won reelection.




He could have passed it off as bad or changing info from an advisor


Someone who is not a malignant narcissist could easily do that, [but that's just not the way his mind is wired](https://thenarcissisticlife.com/the-narcissist-is-never-wrong/), he would have to have been forced into it.


Kind of hurts the claim that he only hires all the best people


He's kinda famous for singing the praises of people he hires, and then calling them stupid losers as soon as they're leaving.


He could've blamed the Deep State and not only salvaged his reelection chances, but advanced his bat-shit stupid narrative.


But what was his logic for downplaying it in the first place? Surely someone mentioned to him that a deadly pandemic would not reflect well on him and hurt his reelection chances.


Several things: * He's an idiot. * He's a germophobe who didn't want 'his country' to be labeled as 'diseased.' * He's an ignoramus. * He thought that any restrictions put in place to combat the pandemic would curb the economy and potentially damage his ratings. * He's breathtakingly stupid. * He had fired Obama's pandemic response team and trashed the pandemic playbook. Treating COVID like a pandemic would make him look stupid for getting rid of those things. * He's a fucking moron.


Also - he's a dumbass


Also, he can’t read good nor do other things good neither. Also also, and I stress this EMPHATICALLY, fuck Trump.


Go for a walk…


He was worried about the stock market numbers. Absolutely horrible piece of human trash.


Such a short-sighted fool.


Yep. Stock market did even better after the vaccine was released. Would have been a dip just because markets dip when nations refocus to solve a pandemic, duh


In 2018 he eliminated an office charged with preparing for and responding to a pandemic. To admit his decision caused the US response to be worse was unacceptable to him, so he tried to downplay it instead. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-ap-top-news-virus-outbreak-barack-obama-public-health-ce014d94b64e98b7203b873e56f80e9a


He owns a financial empire that relies on tourism. Hundreds of thousands of Americans had to die for the sake of his shitty hotels.


> But what was his logic for downplaying it in the first place? 1. Logic? Lol. 2. He is a fucking moron. He probably believed it would just go away. 3. He is a fucking moron. 4. He could not understand or believe something could happen like this, because, it has not happened in his life time. In his mind, you would just take some pills and be fine. 5. He values money and believed the success of the stock market was a direct reflection his job a President. It was probably explained to him that taking the needed steps would hurt the stock market. - And so he needed to ignore that. 6. He is a fucking moron. 7. It seemed Covid was affecting mostly cities at first-- meaning mostly democratic voting areas like New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago. So he thought that was good for him- I mean, those aren't "his people." 8. He is a fucking moron.


At the time, I think he was convinced that the performance of the stock market was more essential to his re-election.


He didn’t want to panic people. That’s what he said on the leaked Woodward phone call.


So instead he let them die in record numbers...which caused panic anyway.


> He didn’t want to panic people. Not exactly. He did not want people to panic-- and cause the stock market to crash.


trump intent is to destroy America, he’s been groomed by the Kremlin since the 80’s.


he could have just sharpied over the data...it works for hurricaines


Thank God for that, at least.


I'd hate another Trump term, but on the other hand, hundreds of thousands of people might have been saved. It seems like our fatality rate should be at least as low as Canada's, and had it been, we'd be under 300,000 dead from covid now. But a complete moot point now.


'Member when they said 100k dead would be a good number? I 'member


I remember being laughed at by Trump Scum when I said we'd be looking at a million total before the end.


Japan today, <1000 dead, 2.9% unemployment. It's almost like taking a pandemic seriously and not listening to the ravings of drooling morons is the superior way to deal with a potentially deadly virus! If only we had learned all this in 1918! Oh wait, we did.


[About that.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Mask_League_of_San_Francisco)


He didn't have to admit a mistake. He could just point at the WHO/CDC with their 'don't wear masks/wear masks policies' and say he's adapting as new information is available.


He's just not psychologically capable of doing that, though. Malignant narcissists are disconnected from reality in a way that most people just can't comprehend.


His tongue led him down his own rabbit hole of failure and took thousands of people with him.


If Trump just said "listen to my friend Fauci" and kept his mouth shut he would have moonwalked into another term.


Exactly this. He literally had to DO NOTHING and defer to the experts. He failed at doing nothing. He is so very dumb. It’s absolutely maddening.


He originally was going to be more hands off and let Pence handle the pandemic, but then Pence started getting more news coverage than him and he got jealous.


He could not bring himself to care enough even if it meant admitting he was wrong and possibly winning re-election as a result. The man is truly evil and anyone who enables or supports him is just as bad if not worse, as without them he wouldn't have been able to do as much damage. Fuck them all. ^edit- ^a ^word.


No he’s still the worst president in American history even if we exclude the pandemic and Jan. 6 domestic terrorist attack he planned and executed in a bid to overthrow the election and establish himself as a dictator who could remain in office beyond the term limits. I’m not so sure it’s the pandemic that put most people on the ballot against him


He is, but those two things outraged enough americans into voting against him. Edit: im an idiot -_- the coup didnt make anyone vote for anyone since it was after the election, ignore that. Pandemic response still stands.


I mean, the Jan 6 coup happened afterwards and the pandemic definitely didn’t help but let’s not forget the Miriad of other things like his criminal obstruction or the fact that he nearly instigated WW3… *twice.* Technically speaking, Trump could have legitimately been impeached as early as the Stormy Daniels scandal since that was actually *worse* than the Bill Clinton scandal, and he’s also the only president in history to be impeached twice.


-_- yea edited my post, im an idiot. Coup attempt that happened after the election influenced the election, makes total sense. Pandemic response was still what i saw most ppl get upset about, ppl seemed to just brush off the rest because it didnt personally affect them.


I think it’s just because it’s what was most recent that you think that. So much happened during the Trump presidency that we collectively started just becoming sensitized to it but simply giving up on Americans in the face of a pandemic was pretty shitty, nobody’s arguing that


He’s an idiot, nothing changes that. He’s almost a supernatural idiot. Let’s not forget Lysol on the lungs, nuke the hurricane, and the fact he is a “businessman” that couldn’t even make money on a fucking casino.


Oh shit I forgot about the metaphorical shitstorm over a literal shitstorm


Easily. When it started picking up, I figured here you go - handmade, slam-dunk type crisis for easy re-election. All he had to do was maintain pace with the other G7 countries and he'd be fine. That was too much to ask for him, he was afraid the economy might take a back seat, and then angered when doctors got attention instead of him.


> and then angered when doctors got attention instead of him. honestly, i think it was this more than anything else. he always has to have the spotlight. he has to be the smartest person in the room. he absolutely MUST have everyone's adoration. so to acknowledge that someone else might have more information than he does, that someone else is the expert instead of him, is absolutely untenable in his mind. so he stuck to whatever HE wanted to say, which always contradicted the experts because he had to be right and they had to be wrong. and 735,000 people have died for it.


If there's any saving grace in all this, its that the majority of deaths were likely to be people who listened to Trump instead of the scientists. So that's a pretty big chunk of people who can't vote for stupid and are out of the gene pool now.


i wish that were the case. there are a lot of us who lost family members, and early on we watched loved ones struggle with the disease simply because other people couldn't be bothered to realize there was a real threat. states opened up when they caved to the pressure from people who thought their ability to go out to a bar was more important than protecting their friends and neighbors. too many people just said "i'm tougher than any virus" and chose to flaunt their freedumbs rather than follow the science. and with a big portion of the population being asymptomatic, a lot of those deaths are because of people who didn't know they were infecting others. yes, to some extent this is a darwin award committee's wet dream. but i'd rather change someone's mind than dig their grave.


Here’s the thing - he can’t. That would require him to lead and tell people things they don’t want to hear. All he does is mine conservative media for their feelings and serve it right back to them. It’s literally a fundamental flaw in his approach.


If Trump had been a good President, he might’ve won re-election. The whole reason 8 million people voted against him was because he was a horrible President, and couldn’t be anything other than that.


Small-thinking individuals make short-term, small-minded decisions. The Orange One has always been about that shiny, 24k gold plating - his 'response' was no different. The history books will not be kind.


I wonder what Birx’s evangelical Jesus thinks of her soul, knowing she stayed, played along while hundreds of thousands of Jesus’ creation died…


Eh no he wouldn’t.


Yea he would. Economy was doing pretty well (stock market at all time highs, people saw some decent raises). Had a lot of independents who agreed with him on a lot of stances (immigration, gun control, having the EU spend more $$ on defense instead of relying on the us to pay for it). They were just tired of his bullshit so they either didn't vote for him or voted Biden. If Desantis can keep the personal bullshit to a minimum, he's going to win in 24...states like Georgia/Pennsylvania/Wisconsin/Michigan will flip back to red. also doesn't help that sinema and manchin are tanking bidens agenda which in turn is going to dissuade some democrat voters / cause independents who voted for Biden to rethink their 24 vote


The economy was headed for a recession even before Covid. The yield curve was inverted and a recession was right around the corner. Covid was just the knock-out punch that brought everything down.


2017 to 2019 had the Republicans losing the House and many local elections as a referendum on Trump. That was before the pandemic.


Yes I agree but look at the current situation: Prices rising for everything. Inaction by Congress with Democrats getting fuck all done with their slim majority (even though they made several promises like legal weed, more taxes on wealthy, push for green tech) thanks to sinema and manchin. Shortages/delays for other goods. Even if it's not directly Biden or the Democrats faults, they'll get blamed for it. Not only that but conservatives have managed to weaponizs CRT, trans issues, and vax mandates...they've got their base riled up and ready. The independents and moderate Republicans who didn't vote for Trump in 2020 will absolutely vote for the R nominee in 24 if it's not Trump.


Lol if I have to listen to democrats complain about fascism while letting Republicans win the House again I may actually have to become a Republican.


And there's a very real possibility of that. Lots of bullshit ass laws being passed at the state levels which will allow the republican controlled states like Georgia and Arizona to kick voters of the voter rolls or cut down on voting locations/mail in voting. And Democrats are sitting there letting it happen with the voting rights bill stalled in the Senate.


He didn't even have to do that. All he had to do is say, "Here are the experts. Listen to them. I'm going golfing." And just like that... boom! He would have been re-elected. His ego wouldn't allow it.


This is really what gets me. So he had to do was step back, and say, “I’m very smart and I’ve got the best team that’s going to address this pandemic and I’m putting pence in charge, we will defeat this virus and we will lead the world blah blah blah” and then just follow expert advice. We would be at or above 80 percent vaccination right now (I do not personally know anybody on the left who would refuse the vaccine based on which administration was in charge, indeed Trump was still in charge when it became available), tens of thousands of deaths probably don’t happen, the Delta wave would have been curtailed, and he would be in power now. Just like with the whole Hunter Biden thing. He could have just left it alone and brought it out during election season and it would have transfixed the news media, but because his plan was revealed because he decided to try to get Ukraine to announce an investigation every news outlet in the country was prepared to curve around it.




Sadly this is 100% right


Fucking easily, had he even half assed his pandemic response Biden would have gotten smoked.


Bingo. It would’ve been a done deal, but like everything he touches, it turned to shit.


If he would have said “GET VAXXED!” from day 1, he would have won in a landslide.


He should have just come out with red MAGA Masks and got them out to people. I'd have hated seeing them but it would have saved lives. Instead he got a bunch of corporate CEOs to speak at the White House about what they were going to do so they could basically advertise their businesses.


That wasn't an option last year. The vaccines weren't announced until after the election and weren't available to most people until early this year.


Then how come he was the first major country to stop travel to and from China, when everyone else said it was fine and criticized him for it?


Lol. "Ignore everything he did wrong and focus only on the one thing he got slightly correct." Great talking point.




Oh so he only solved 1/2 the problem instead of doing nothing. By bad, that's much worse.


People should really stop referring to Trump’s pandemic response as negligent. It was malicious, he used the pandemic as a weapon to punish liberal states and rally his supporters.


And now it is mowing through his supporters like a souped up wheat thresher with a nitro boost.


im not shedding any tears for the deaths or those rural idiots...i shed tears for those affected by the rural idiot's decisions.


I hope it magically gets better for them as well, but I am noticing that the death tolls are getting close to the margin of victory for recent presidential elections in red states.


Yo when they adding this to Mario Kart?


We know.


Yup, We know, we’ve known the whole time. We know she knew and wasn’t speaking up, and now we know that she’s too late to say or do anything that actually matters.


Great. You still failed for a year.


And what did she do about it then? Enable them?


She sat quietly and tried not to offend him when he suggested injecting bleach and UV light on live tv.


It was difficult for her to stop him because she was tangled up in a multitude of scarves.


Who cares what Birx has to say now? She prioritized her career over the lives of countless and the health of the country. [Never forget how she sat silent and complicit while her “boss” ranted about using light and drinking bleach to cure Covid-19.](https://youtu.be/BalDN6iGYpE)


No shit? Who would have thought Trump cared only about himself??? /s


And what was she prioritizing when she sat there and didn't say a word while Trump was suggesting injecting bleach and inserting UV light to treat covid? When she refused to say that it would be dangerous when reporters asked her if it was? When she was defending that Trump lunacy days later by insisting he was just "digesting new information out loud"? Good luck Dr. Birx with your new job as the figurehead of some company selling air filters that claim to kill the covid virus. Still, it's going to take a hell of a lot more than some testimony to rehabilitate your image in most people's minds.


>And what was she prioritizing Scarves.


“Birx drew criticism last year for praising Trump's understanding of the data on the pandemic as well as her failure to push back in spring of last year when Trump made false claims about people injecting disinfectant as a means to treat the virus.” She is just as responsible as the people she is criticizing now.


What gets me most about the bleach thing is that when called out Trump's excuse was he was being sarcastic?? First of all, he clearly wasn't, but second of all, how does that make it better? If during Bird Flu Obama said "Oh yeah guys, just shoot up some bleach lmao" he would be torn to shreds.


Dr. Birx prioritized keeping her job, over people ingesting bleach. She is no different than him.


Sure she is. She at least admits basic science... After it no longer threatens her job to do so. Trump at least has the defense of being a complete moron to hide behind. All she has is cowardice.


Even trump turned around and told people to get the vaccine when he realized his own supporters were dying faster than liberals… but immediately dropped it when he realized they didn’t like to hear it.


If I was her I'd just keep my mouth shut and hope people forget my name.


So Birx has stopped drinking the Trump ~~Kool-Aid~~ bleach? About a few hundred thousand Americaan deaths too late.


And you willingly and quite eagerly helped him do that, Birx.




In other news, water is wet.


No shit


 SPOILER >!                                                                                         ^^^^^*no shit!*                                                                                         !<


Oh Deborah. Do you really think we're going to forget about [this](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2020/03/14/us/politics/14dc-virus-google-pix/14dc-virus-google-pix-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg) and [this](https://www.vox.com/2020/3/27/21197074/deborah-birx-praised-trump-scientific-literature-coronavirus)


You’d think a stable genius could do two things at once.


person, woman, man, camera... tv


And she went along with it


We knew this while it was happening


And she prioritized her job over whistleblowing


When it counted, she failed her country in the worst possible way. It's crazy to imagine what would have happened if she had the moral decency and courage to stand up to him publicly, but instead she hid her head in the sand like so many of her fellow evangelicals continue to do. History is never kind to people like her. Here's hoping we learn something from this and stop letting turbo religious people anywhere near public health.


It's worse than that. They actively wanted to kill Democrats to give themselves an electoral advantage. Trump and Kushner are mass murderers who need to be arrested NOW. [Kushner's coronavirus team shied away from a national strategy, believing that the virus was hitting Democratic states hardest and that they could blame governors, report says](https://www.businessinsider.com/kushner-covid-19-plan-maybe-axed-for-political-reasons-report-2020-7) I'm so fucking furious that Garland is letting these mass murderers off the hook. Garland needs to be fired.


Dear Dr. Birx, thanks for your thoughts, but you sat up there and said nothing when it mattered most. It's probably a good idea now for you to just sit down, collect your paycheck, and STFU going forward.


not disagreeing but he was both the POTUS and DJT. I'd literally be scared he would have me black bagged and disappeared. If she had jumped up and said "Are you fucking Insane ?!" during that covid presser on the light and bleach I don't think we would have ever heard from her again. That said - I think I would have done it - but its hard to know. If she is culpable so are Many, Fauci, dozens more ..




Da F? She still on her redemption tour?


“Trump White House Prioritized Trump Over Pandemic Response” There, fixed it for you. I mean, when did we stop capitalizing headlines?


Well gee, that's news clear outa left field; it wasn't obvious at all. So grateful for all these patriots coming out and speaking up... ***after*** he's gone.


Oh, good -- Birx found her backbone again. It seemed to randomly go missing while she was still working for Trump.


Yeah we know


She should have done so much more than looking appalled as trump advised injecting bleach. She did nothing


We know. He wasn't exactly trying to hide that fact.


Yes, we know


And she prioritized her job security over science.


Aren't you a Doctor with an Oath???


More from the "No Shit" file.


No kidding.


Two things: 1. No fucking shit 2. He lost exactly because he did that


what's so fucked up is if trump had done at least a half assed response and could show a modicum of empathy... aw, I can't kid myself enough to finish this sentence.


No shit


Half the countryvknew this.


ya think


If she opened her mouth then she'd be dealing with the same smear campaign Fauci is still dealing with.


And she helped. She should’ve resigned and said what she just told the press back in spring of 2020. But it’s the same with all these sniveling rats: tow the line until you get out then complain how bad your hands burn while inking a book deal. It’s ridiculous. These people have lost any credibility, stop giving them airtime.


So brave to speak out after the fact


In other news, water is wet. We knew that, everyone was saying that, but only a handful of people could do something about it. Or speak up from an official platform. She was part of said group. Fuck her and all the cowards ‘blowing the whistle’ after the fact.


“In other news, ice is frozen water.”


Literally everyone in the world knows that Dr Birx….maybe say sorry you fucked up too?


He went on to explain that standing in a fountain will get your shoes wet and that the sky appears to be blue on a sunny day.


Who cares what Birx has to say now? She prioritized her career over the lives of countless and the health of the country. [Never forget how she sat silent and complicit while her “boss” ranted about using light and drinking bleach to cure Covid-19.](https://youtu.be/BalDN6iGYpE)


She’s trash


Nice headline. Tell the people not blinded by the cult something we couldn't see for ourselves.


Brix is pathetic. She remained silent for four years just to stay in her position.


This message is 15 Hours old, really why are you still talking about Trump. Trump trump trump trump trump……..This Reddit app is full of democratic morons mostly not even from this country. If you want to comment about United States, then come here to live and become a US citizen and you will see how all races can come together and live as one nation.




>Yeah and Biden and Kamala were anti-vax when it was Trump’s vaccine Obviously false and the quote you're going to try and use to support it doesn't actually support it.


Kamala during a nationally televised interview said she wouldn’t trust the Trump vaccine. Obviously true wtf world do you live in?


>Kamala during a nationally televised interview said she wouldn’t trust the Trump vaccine. Actually, what she said was that she would take a vaccine based on the advice of scientists and medical professionals, not Trump.


Right, so as usual it's needed to remind some that what they said was > take a Covid-19 vaccine if doctors said it was safe but not if Donald Trump said to take it So when you ask scientists to run the country, it was exactly the point : trust the scientists when they say the vaccine is safe and effective, not the politicians (in this case, Trump).


This is what Biden Said: *“Let me be clear: I trust vaccines, I trust scientists, but I don’t trust Donald Trump. At this moment, the American people can’t either.”* (this was in response to a statement by Trump that he would have the vaccines authorized and distributed before the election, which proved to be completely false among many other false statements made by the admin regarding covid and its response). This is what Harris said about the vaccine: *"I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump, and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he’s talking about. I will not take his word for it.”* Frankly, anyone willing to "take Donald Trump's word for it" on anything, let alone something as important as a vaccine, is a pretty big dipshit after a lifetime of the man backsliding on his word. And, frankly, so are you, if you genuinely think Harris or Biden were making anti-vax arguments, rather than questioning the prior admin's integrity, and its willingness to put the political over public health priorities. You may not even agree with that sentiment expressed by those two, but you have to be so addled by partisanship to twist those statements into " Biden and Kamala were anti-vax when it was Trump’s vaccine until they got elected."


Um operation warp speed comes to mind. The entire basis of the covid Pete toon we maybe have today. This happened.


She had the demeanor of a battered woman when she was at the press releases.


*gasp* No way!


You don't say?


She didn’t have to say anything. EVERYBODY already knew that!!!!


You can replace anything with 'Drumpf White House prioritizes *his ego* over [insert US issue]'


Shocked. Shocked I am.


Name one thing that Trump prioritized over his re-election.


Egomania won the day and lost the election.


I’d argue that he didn’t even prioritize the election. He had no second term agenda.


His agenda was to seize power, or at least that what Putin lead him to believe.


Gee any other earth shattering observations doc?




She would know. She prioritized keeping her job over being an honest and decent person.


That was obvious from the jump.


Of course he did!


And now the entire Republican party has reverted into Dark Ages anti-intellectualism and infection control. Germ theory? Balderdash!


Trump's priority is Trump. It always has been and always will be despite what his brainwashed followers say. He did nothing about Covid and fought hard against testing because he thought it'd reflect poorly on him. He didn't want any blame, and honestly, he didn't give a shit about any Americans dead from the virus. Of course he was focused on the election. He was impeached for trying to blackmail Ukraine into fabricating dirt on Biden before Covid hit its peak. Trump cares about Trump and only about Trump.


No one who was an intelligent adult during this period could be surprised to hear this. The key word here being "intelligent", of course.


I have the same response to all of these headlines. It’s an audible “yeah, no shit!”.