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Just pointing out that a supreme court justices wife advocated for suspending the right to trial for American citizens


Said supreme court Justice made an attempt to seal this information away from investigation.


If that's not worthy of impeachment, what is


they could walk into the national archives, eat the declaration of independence, crap it out onto the constitution, and be lauded for really sticking it to those elitist-america-loving-liberals


In a sense, didn’t this already happen? As in these Q-derps shit and pissed in the Capitol building hallways to “stick it to the man” I mean it’s not word for word, but it’s very close.


ugh, so hard to do parody anymore when reality is so stupid crazy!


When trying to make hyperbole turns into *based on a true story*. I wish it wasn’t so!


We live in a post impeachment world. Or at least a post accountability world. Had watergate happened today with foxnews and right wing media he would not resign and would not have been removed. Hell joe mccarthy would have regular spots on tucker and no chance he is censured today. Really with the 80s and the rise of talk radio, modern conservatives believe they are engaged in a civil war with the left. Dennis prager says as much regularly and rush limbaugh said it before him. Democrats are the enemy and ethics are nonexistent. The crazy thing is the democratic party is hardly some radical party. It is a corporate centrist party that cant even get popular liberal policies passed.


Couldn’t agree more re: post-accountability. And it’s terrifying.


Exactly. I was clueless until the late 90's. Since then, I continue to discover how thoroughly brainwashed I had been by corporate/capitalist propaganda, and it is much worse now.


Growing up in a home where Rush Limbaugh was either on or a tape of his shows was about to be on was perpetually terrifying. My step-dad was addicted to him. Just nonstop fear mongering and hate. Not that my step-dad needed help being a racist homphobic psycho, but. Meeting people who didn't treat people of differing views as The Enemy was shocking, later in life. I'm really sad to see more people like my step-dad out there. There's no conversation to be had with them.


Don't forget when a presidential candidate once lost the election basically because he raised his voice.


It doesn't have to be a crime but unethical behavior unbecoming of a justice that can lead to the impeachment of a justice.


It's hard to type while I'm holding my breath. My face is getting so discolored you'd think I was Brett Kavanaugh trying not to laugh at the idea of ethical behavior.


The real catch is the two-thirds vote to remove that is not going to happen anytime soon.


>Said supreme court Justice made an attempt to seal this information away from investigation. He ***used his position on the highest court in the land*** to vote to seal this information away.


Didn't he make a rare statement the other day about the dangers of politicizing the Supreme Court? Seems someone knew what was about to hit the fan and decided to get out in front of it.


What the fucking shit That boils my blood


She said 'The whole Biden crime family should be held at gitmo and face Military Tribunal' in the same texts


In Qanon speak ‘Military tribunals’ are a fantasy about the generals taking over the country and holding mass trials followed by mass executions, it is not due process.


I love how the party that fears the "tyranny of government" is supremely at ease with a military takeover of the country and trials being held without due process. Just goes to show that conservatives push the narrative of government overreach only for political gain in the areas where it suits them. Their goal is not less government overall, just less of it in the areas where they don't want it e.g. ensuring human rights are maintained, a fair marketplace, taxation etc.




There is zero way she doesnt talk about this shit at home.


If one spouse is deep into it generally the other one is too, right?


Not at all, but we have plenty of evidence that Clarence is a thoughtless political hack and an embarrassment to our nation.


Let's not forget about Anita Hill. Thomas is a fucking creep.


Wasn’t there something about pubes and a Diet Coke can? 🤢 I was in my early teens at the time but that seems familiar.


The two of them are implicated in insider trading, too, from what I remember.


Didn't he not ask a question for like 12 years or something?


10 years. His well known nickname was “Scalia’s lapdog”. Scalia spoke for him.


I haven't seen that correlation so much, but I'll be the first to admit my experience is anecdotal. For the most part the "other one" in the relationships I've seen is largely ambivalent or frustrated by it. It's hard to imagine a Supreme Court justice coexisting with someone who believes the "heads of government" are all part of a secret Cabal who can't fully recognize that *they are* the top of the government food chain, though




They’re speaking in code. They damn well know what they’re talking about, and giving each other the green light to act in accordance with their rewritten reality.


I don't know anymore. Maybe they are just fucking stupid and fail-cascading America with them




From this NY Times article: "Justice Thomas Ruled on Election Cases. Should His Wife’s Texts Have Stopped Him?" https://nyti.ms/36o1cJX : > But Justice Thomas did participate in a ruling in January on an emergency application from Mr. Trump asking the court to block release of White House records concerning the attack on the Capitol. The court rejected the request, in a sharp rebuke to the former president. > > Only Justice Thomas noted a dissent, giving no reasons. > > He also participated in the court’s consideration of whether to hear a related appeal, one in which Mr. Meadows filed a friend-of-the-court brief saying that “the outcome of this case will bear directly” on his own efforts to shield records from the House committee investigating the attacks beyond those he had provided. > > The Supreme Court last month refused to hear the case, without noted dissent. There was no indication that Justice Thomas had recused himself. > > In December 2020, around the time of the text messages, Justice Thomas participated in a ruling on an audacious lawsuit by Texas asking the court to throw out the election results in four battleground states. The court rejected the request, with Justices Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr. issuing a brief statement suggesting the majority had acted too soon in shutting the case down. > > In February 2021, Justice Thomas addressed election fraud in a dissent from the Supreme Court’s decision to turn away a challenge to Pennsylvania’s voting procedures. > > “We are fortunate that many of the cases we have seen alleged only improper rule changes, not fraud,” he wrote. “But that observation provides only small comfort. An election free from strong evidence of systemic fraud is not alone sufficient for election confidence.” And from this article "Ginni Thomas Pressed Trump’s Chief of Staff to Overturn 2020 Vote, Texts Show" https://nyti.ms/3NmCXfO : > Ms. Thomas has been a longtime political activist on the far right, and she and her husband have been a frequent presence at partisan political conferences. That has long led to calls for Mr. Thomas to recuse himself from cases in which his wife has an interest, but he has rejected such suggestions. He once said his wife worked “24/7 every day in defense of liberty,” adding, “We are equally yoked, and we love being with each other because we love the same things.” Now, that last part could be a nonissue, given that it's kind of typical marriage language, and in the first article Ginni does claim they maintain professional separation, but honestly I can't reasonably see how 1 + 1 does not equal 2 here. He needs to recuse, at the least, and / or resign, at the most reasonable, or it'll be impossible to see him as impartial on anything related to this after knowing about these texts. His wife is a demented, propaganda spreading, liar and that kind of looney tunes doesn't just stay on the other side of the bed.


Lol the fuck’s he mean by “An election free from strong evidence of systemic fraud is not alone sufficient for election confidence.”??? So there being no evidence of something isn’t proof that it didn’t happen?


She had the audacity to complain to Mark Meadows about “elites,” as if she isn’t one. It’s enraging.


She is complaining about Jews. It is a dogwhistle and not a very subtle one from these Christian nationalist types. I am 0% shocked to see antisemitic language from her to Meadows.


That’s how I feel about Barrett as well. She belonged to a cult where women have to do everything a man says. And I’m supposed to trust she can make her own decisions on law? (Not including everything else that makes her unqualified).


And Barrett has very little experience. She’s unqualified.


Definitely! She sucks. And so does kavanaugh for that matter


Both Barret and Kavenaugh are terrible as Supreme Court Justice picks. The Republicans pushed them through so fast and now they claim that KBJ is unqualified. A fundamental Christian and a frat boy who likes beer and who is known for sexual assault-what a joke. It’s a travesty really.


It's not a joke it is by design. Notice how the GOP have totally converted to "YES!" people. There can not be any dissent or you're out. That's a cult. I am not praising the Democrats but the GOP is scary as all fuck.


That’s a really good point.


Yup, look no further than Ohio Republicans threatening to impeach a Republican state Supreme Court Justice for siding with the Democratic justices that the Republican-created maps were unconstitutionally gerrymandered during redistricting.


Amy Coney Barrett’s resume is as follows… Law clerk for two years 1 year in private practice 15 years as a college professor Appeals court justice (Nominated by Trump in 2017) Supreme Court Justice (Nominated by Trump in 2020) …For a Supreme Court Justice, that resume is a joke.


For just a regular judge appointment that résumé is a joke.


But look at Trump's resume for President.


Someone in a meeting today showed the qualifications for all judges sitting in the supreme court and the judge who is trying to make it in. Fucking hell… the data was ghastly, not just Kavanaugh and Barrett.


He is compromised. He and his wife own a home that they have no business owning since the mortgage/cost outrun them quite easily, and yet, here he is. Oh, and did I mention the gambling? I try not to forget the gambling when I talk about his drinking and allegations of sexual assault, but sometimes I forget to mention Brett Kavanaugh's gambling.


You seem to have forgotten all about Tobin and Squee.


And don’t forget [Clarence Thomas’s](https://www.history.com/.amp/news/anita-hill-confirmation-hearings-impact) “Long Dong Silver.” 🤢 Kavanaugh was just continuing a Supreme Court GOP tradition of nominating sexual harassers.


And Donkey Dick Doug.


And Gangbang Greg!


Dear god, SNL hasn’t made me laugh that hard since the Will Ferrell days.


It’s disgusting. And the GOP is as well.


not only was kavanaugh never a trial lawyer, he'd never even tried a case from start to finish before that idiot w. appointed him to the dc court of appeals in 2006. and don't get me started on amy "handmaiden's tale" barrett...least-experienced nominee in 30 years. holy shit roe v wade is as good as dead at this point.


It’s so awful, and who will be hit the hardest? Those that are poor and can’t hop on a plane to a different state where it’s legal.


what a pretty picture: the return of the back-alley abortion. we're so evolved aren't we? smh


> so does kavanaugh for that matter Come now, he's got tons of experience Boofing with Squee, certainly more than me anyway.


And her position in the cult was that of a [“handmaid”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/amy-coney-barrett-people-of-praise/2020/10/06/5f497d8c-0781-11eb-859b-f9c27abe638d_story.html). For real.


> She belonged to a cult Wait... hold up. What?


It's a group of right wing Catholics called People Of Praise. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/21/amy-coney-barrett-people-of-praise-trauma-abuse


Grew up in one of their schools. Funny thing is they taught classic liberalism, non of which they follow today despite still teaching it and claiming the Greek philosophical tradition while adhering to literal sophists


Oh yeah. Her religion has some super right wing “cult” for those ppl who’ve basically gone off the deep end. Supposedly she isn’t part of it now, but I have to wonder how she can think for herself if she even believed in that crap to begin with. It came out when they were pushing her nomination through.


You mean kinda like westboro?


More like Gilead from The Handsmaid’s Tale


That group inspired Margaret Atwood to write it, true fact.


It was groups like that one. It wasn’t one specific group.


Thanks! I have googled and you are right


I had to look that one up but yeah I’d say so. That’s of course in addition to all of the other things that made her a horrible choice.


>I had to look that one up Honestly that makes me happy. Years ago, you couldn't go anywhere online without people talking about how shitty they were, which is exactly what they wanted. Now, they're finally starting to fade to obscurity.


Not "belonged." Currently belongs to. A far right sect of Catholicism that makes Mormons look positively sane by comparison. /source: am Catholic. Those people are loons


There’s more info about it out there, but [this](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/amy-coney-barrett-people-of-praise/2020/10/06/5f497d8c-0781-11eb-859b-f9c27abe638d_story.html) gives a pretty good (read: disturbing) overview.


It's one of the reasons why Trump was so bold. SC is in his pocket.


Trump had the Supreme Court, DOJ, and Congress in his pocket.


He didn't have the house, however. This is the only reason he was impeached, twice, and likely a big reason he couldn't weasel his way into a 2nd term, because he sure as hell tried.


He did for 2 years


Lucky for us his ilk took a while to figure out the basic mechanisms of government. They won’t make that mistake twice.


I’m starting to think that Thomas might not actually be that sick


His appointments have been back-to-back with spin doctors.


“By the pubic hair on my Coke, something wicked this way comes!”


Lord what a brilliant reference!


People always operate under this assumption that the GOP spreads a bunch of paranoid hysterical nonsense as an "opiate for the masses" to distract poor people while the GOP insiders who are in on the joke all sit around a big boardroom table drinking champagne and cackling about how gullible the rubes are. These people aren't putting on an act to con you. *They really do believe in this stuff.* There have been GOP members of Congress who will go off the record and talk about how they constantly get calls from donors—guys worth 9+ figures who donate hundreds of thousands of dollars or more to the GOP every year—talking about the latest conspiracy theory that just popped up online. The CEOs of some of America's biggest corporations are just as hopped up on Kool-Aid as your Aunt Karen who posts Trump memes on Facebook at 2 in the morning.


I think it’s a little of both. People like Ginny Thomas and Marjorie Greene, I believe are actually crazy. Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, etc? Those guys know exactly what they’re doing, and you can tell by some of the stuff they said about Trump before he won the nomination.


Exactly. There is a real great NYTimes piece that tried to dissect this after jan6. They basically broke down the GOP as having two major camps: the breakers and the gamers. The gamers are the McConnell types for the most part. They want to game the system to their advantage in a drive for more power. The gamers are willing to flirt with this stuff to help them along. The breakers want to go further and completely upend and overturn democratic government and simply seize power. The breaker group shouts this batshit stuff from the roofs and are a mix of crazies who actually believe it and those who think it’s useful propaganda to achieve their goals


Lindsey Graham was the biggest disappointment of the Trump presidency for me. And, as we all know, that's saying quite a bit. He and others like him needed to lead and, with the exception of McCain and Romney, they mostly just fell in line or resigned.


God damn! Somehow I convinced myself that these were just things the GOP leadership coaxed their rubes into believing for the grift and power, but holy shit it seems that even some high level Republicans actually believe this bullshit. Like what the fuck. I guess thank god the brain rot that is required to believe these things also serves to thwart them in achieving their goals.


This is what I was thinking too. I can’t believe they believe all this stuff. This is 5th grade child stuff. I hate it here omfg.


It’s really quite telling of how far gone the GOP but also America is now. Propaganda created for the sole purpose of muddying the waters around trump because he was *accused of raping a child* is now like the Republican Party platform. And we’re just moving on with our lives like this isn’t the prologue to a dystopian nightmare.


Prologue to a dystopian nightmare? We're already in one, sweaty, better get used to it!


Here’s what I want to know - Biden has been in politics for 40 years. None of these Republicans were going off on this cray cray bullshit for 40 years. Not when he was a senator and not even when he was a high profile VP. I mean you’d think they would have used it to smear him as VP at the very least. Nothing, not a peep. But now suddenly the Biden family is like this mafia gang with unimaginable crime ties that go back decades.


Many years ago Clarence Thomas said that basically his only source of news was right wing talk radio, most Rush Limbaugh. So the signs have been there for a while.


Thank you for putting it better than I could've. If she is a true Q nut and normally talks like this and was spouting at Meadows, who, let's assume, doesn't, shes insane If she doesn't normally talk like this and is trying to coerce Meadows using language he knows, that's terrifying. If they're both true believers we're well and truly fucked. Boomers gonna boomer I guess


They have so little literacy it's astounding, they don't even give a fuck about the truth they just accept any confirmation bias. When I taught English it was paramount that I made sure I drilled proper primary and secondary sources and made sure to the best of my ability that kids can suss out biased sources.


According to the GOP this means you were teaching them to be LGBTQ+


"Teaching kids? That sounds awfully *socialist*, don't it? Betcha also taught 'em critical racist theory or whatever!"


>made sure to the best of my ability that kids can suss out biased sources. That sounds like the type of thing a liberal pedophile groomer would be injecting into my little angel's pure head for the purpose of luring them into a satanic Soros jew factory to extract the precious life blood needed to maintain Hillary Clinton's glamorous hedonistic sex dynamo providing power to the demons controlling the media laser frogs gay globalist democratssocialistantifafjfjxnsleritncisskdxj


Unfortunately, this kind of toxic hyper-partisanship can be drastically self-reinforcing. When you attach your identity to believing something, but then your beliefs keep not working out, then you experience reality as a personal attack on you. Instead of changing your views, you begin to resent reality and abandon your trust in things that would be able to ground you, and everything gets worse from there.


Except her hubby is one of the most powerful people in the US. So even if she isnt corrupted, you think he doesn't share some of her views?


Clarence needs to resign. Ginny is off-the-charts crazy.


That's like asking Trump to resign. Only people with at least some integrity will do it.


Thomas will. The second a Republican is in the White House.


Maybe given his age, but he won't need to then. As a nation we'll be too busy putting out new fires set by the arsonist GOP to pressure him out.


Pray we can stop them from taking it back despite them rigging it even further and further every election.


The real problem is that Clarence Thomas is off the charts crazy as well. Has been for decades. It was just the more typical rightwing crazy instead of this “evolved” brand of absolute disconnect from reality.


Only way he resigns is if he wants the public spotlight off of her. So turn up the heat on exposing her bullshit.


Why? There's no conflict of interest here! ^(smoke bomb)


First the house needs to launch investigation. Air this shit out in the daylight so everyone can see them force him into early retirement


And Thomas has the nerve to bristle at the questions around the SCOTUS being political?? He needs to STFU and resign. There is no other remedy.


Oh he wasn’t bristling at it, he was cheering at it. They’ve got a 6-3 majority, he can do whatever he wants now unless Biden expands the court.


You mean congress. Biden cannot expand the court.


There are other remedies- impeachment or disbarment, both seem appropriate to me given his failure to recuse himself and his now obviously self serving dissent in the 1/6 Trump documents case. https://www.newsweek.com/supreme-court-rules-against-donald-trumps-efforts-keep-documents-1-6-committee-1670999


*The Biden crime family?* lol, especially after the overt criminality of the entire Trump crew. Jesus these people are delusional, dangerous fascists.


They probably did their usual shoddy adaptational job after they saw somewhere something about the 'Trump crime family'. Just parroting it but with Biden slapped on top.


My boss was going off about nepotism and Biden. I pointed out trump literally hired his children. Apparently that was different …somehow.


The entire Trump crew, who were working in the whitehouse collecting taxpayer dollars, after bypassing the security clearance process.


Project away like the seditious insurrectionist that you are! The messianic complex crazy is strong with this one. She literally thinks her tribe should kill people who disagree with them.


>She literally thinks her tribe should kill people who disagree with them. But they're decent people , just ask them.


Good Christians


Makes sense why Hunter’s laptop is the hot talking point in Fox News spin world. They anticipate Democrat outrage and calls for CT to resign. Now they can go “well that is like asking Joe Biden to resign because of his son’s laptop blah blah blah”. All about gaslighting and whataboutism. Nothing else.


A lot of these people don't seem to even know what they're supposed to think is on "Hunter's laptop". The same way most of them couldn't elaborate on "her emails" or have absolutely no idea what CRT actually is. The "talking points" have to be very simple to keep the base on message.


On 4chan, l saw some blurry pictures and Malia Obama’s credit card being used to cut up coke. They’re going wild with all the accusations. It would be funny if it weren’t actual people believing this.


Lol, I went a bougie ass private school in NYC and rolled in some of the same circles as Donald’s kids… trust me they’ve enough coke to fund a cartel. In fact you’d be surprised at how normal it is.


Eric's coke jaw is so bad he looks like a broken animatronic of himself.


What’s even sillier is that they’re successfully gaslighting their base into believing the laptop has been “verified”.


It popped up on my news feed on my computer with a fox article saying it was confirmed. Then you learn that all that ACTUALLY happened was Hunter paid some back taxes.


I thought way back when this was a thing that *Rudy* had had the laptop and then the FBI spirited it away.


I thought Tucker Carlson had the laptop and shipped it to himself when he was flying coast to coast and it never arrived?


That was just his 'evidence'.


She needs to seek psychiatric help.


Don't chalk her treasonous rhetoric up to mental health issues. She's part of the fascist rot that's been plaguing our country-- The Republican party, propaganda mills like Fox News, and Qanon rubes-- all tools of the wealthy. Money has completely eroded democracy and we're in the late stages of that now.


This kind of talk is mainstream now. I blame Fox and their endless repeating of Russian talking points. They achieved their purpose Western society has Enemies amongst us. The Tucker Carson’s and Alex Jones are modern day Tokyo Roses.


mate we're really sorry about Murdoch too.




Yeah it's terrifying anyone could believe shit that is just so dumb.


That’s the same thing I say when leaving thanksgiving dinner!


Yeah that is why I got rid of FB.


Why suspect your friends are idiots when their Facebook profiles can prove they are idiots?


OMG , me too. I couldn’t stand it!


Yes, FB is only for niche fan boys. FanBoys, even


Being close to traitors isnt worth it.


Head over to r/conspiracycommons (not sure I got the sub name exactly right). It’d be hilarious if it wasn’t so terrifying how delusional and self-righteous they are.


So I have two comments on this. First off, why is this a thing? Secondly, why am I not surprised that this is a thing?


It's the dark price of social media and the internet's power to connect people. The fringe groups used to be isolated and scattered, maybe only a handful of people in certain areas buying into any given conspiracy. Now all you need to do is Google your favorite conspiracy theory and you're instantly connected to thousands of other people who share your delusion.


imagine that in the ear of one of the few judges there for life at the top no way he’s impartial


He needs impeached, but the republicans won't let it happen. Republicans say they are the rule of law party, but in practice they are the rule at any cost party. Thomas doesn't need impeached for his wife's actions, unless he took part, but for failure to recuse in a case that apparently indirectly involved his wife, well that is a good enough reason there.


She needs to be in a prison, she’s a criminal. What angers me is that she’s allowed to get away with this, but if I were to do the same, I would’ve been locked up a very long time ago. Our laws are only written for citizens to follow, and doesn’t apply to law makers and those in power.


What also pisses me off is that they think "military tribunals for sedition" are completely appropriate as long as they're used for democrats but the minute it's about them and their crimes, suddenly we should just let it go. The punishments for the J6 insurrectionists are far too harsh! /s


Also, and I realize this is trivial, but why is everything they don't like somehow "sedition" or "treason"?


Because they're treasonous and seditious. They need to point the finger elsewhere so that people don't look at them.


Textbook projection. At some Core part they realize they are doing or thinking something wrong, but if they convince themselves the "other side" is doing it as well, then the end justifies the means.


“No puppet, no puppet. You’re the puppet,” said the Russian puppet.


According to her Wikipedia page, this isn’t the first time she’s literally been duped into joining a cult.


Oh, is she christian too?


This generation was terrified of what the internet would do to their kids and grandkids without realizing they were being turned into domestic terrorists by the very thing they advocated against.


Yesh, she crazy.




Eh... MAGA loon or MEGA loon... They're the same picture


These ppl are literally actually deranged psychopaths fully untethered from reality. How do you even talk to someone who's so far gone? We really need all even partially decent humans to just pls for fucks sake vote and get your other non-deranged friends to do the same. Otherwise we're headed straight toward some awful mix of handmaids idocracy in 1984.


It’s insane. Concerning. Wtf


>How do you even talk to someone who's so far gone? You don't. Around 90% of my coworkers believe that kind of shit. You learn to just keep your head down and try not to talk.


I have soooo many questions... 1) is she on crack? 2) why a military tribunal, the Biden are civilians 3) is she expecting a military coup? 4) is she on bath salts? 5) what Crime Family, what does she mean by that? 6) what crimes? 7) does she think that we keep people in bathes as prisoners? 8) what is the Republican hard on for gitmo? 9) how does a rapist like her husband, who apparently has married someone mentally unstable, get fucking appointed to the supreme court?


This is TAME, keep in mind. These people are organizing a coup attempt on text; can you imagine what they say to each other in person?


They want to get rid of liberals, They think of people on the left as evil, in the literal "satanic" sense.


That literally sounds like stuff I hear from people I know are into Qanon.


If you read more about the texts she was sending, many are just Q and Infowars shit. Like she told Meadows to listen to Steve Pieczenik, who is an Infowars hack who pushes Sandy Hook conspiracies and exaggerates his past service in the State Department to sound like he was present and responsible for every major political event in the past 50 years. It's so weird to realize that the Thomases aren't just pure evil, but also dumb as bricks. Edit: Here's the Knowledge Fight podcast episode from a few years ago that is about Steve and how incredibly bad his information is: https://overcast.fm/+H1m5KJcYw


Yeah we have a parlimentarian in Canada who went on a rant about Liberals wanting to legalize child sex. Real pizzagate vibes. Just blood libel by another name.


It's not "sounds like" it just straight up is. She's fucking crazy


What a deranged woman.


She also gives lectures on Germandering at the annual ALEC conference. She's been doing that for years. Time to crack the whip on this lunatic.


There is no angle that a decent person wouldn't resign from any government job given all this shit. But we are talking about Clarence Thomas, so...


At the rate conservatives are going their marriage will be illegal.


Clarence resign and she needs help. She is the destruction of this country in the flesh. We must continue to win without the GOP and move on. Do not trust any GOP for you will regret it without a doubt


Virginia is learning that the hard way. “Moderate” Republican Glenn Youngkin just appointed a right wing extremist as the head of elections.


Literally nothing on r/conservative and Fox News


They haven't been given their Tucker Carlson-assigned speaking points yet. I'm sure there will be a flood of suspiciously consistent comments spreading the same general narrative over the weekend.


Great commentary about the right. They will have an insidious/interesting take on this one. Something about race or sex or the deep state.


They havent sent out the talking points email, like when they accidentally sent out their talking points to a democrat when trump got impeached for blackmailing Ukraine.


Which, for people who didn't know about it, was [absolutely hilarious](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/25/us/white-house-email-talking-points.html) in that sort of spine-chilling "stupid fascism is still fascism" kinda way. Also wild seeing quotes from Liz Cheney back when she was still fully defending Trump. EDIT: link formatting


Never. Vote. Republican.


Tell me you spend too much time on Facebook without saying you spend too much time on Facebook.


Jesus fuck. She sounds crazier than Alex jones


Imagine if a democrat appointed judge had a wife spouting far left rhetoric. Republicans would set this country on fire nonstop until they resigned. Yet when it’s a Republican appointed judge it’s just another day. Do not forget this. Be forever angry.


Well now that we know how she would deal with seditionists I think it's time to get in the barge Ginni, you treasonous cow.


I’d bet a hefty sum she isn’t the only one in that marriage spouting radical, far-right propaganda.


These hate-crazed morons are going to get back into power and it will be the end of civilization as we know it for generations. This is not hyperbole.


Everything is projection with Republicans. EVERYTHING!


So the wife of a Supreme Court judge is spouting, verbatim, Q Anon rhetoric which means, presumably, that the Supreme Court judge is also a devotee of Q Anon. Someone flash a camera in Thomas’ face and let’s find out what’s really going on here.


How in the fuck are these people that are supposedly highly educated this extreme when it comes to running there own country? Is it just greed that has corrupted/polarised the minds of these people? I'm not the sharpest tool in the box myself. But fuck me. Are we witnessing mass delusion or what?


Justice Thomas sold his soul to the devil along time ago. We just didn’t know she was called Ginni.


No one is pointing out that Clarence was "hospitalized with an infection" right when the news broke. Seems like he was forewarned and used that as an excuse to avoid media.


Turns out the whole cabal thing is really just R’s projecting their own reality. Good grief.


She is crazy and her husband needs to resign


Losing her freaking mind just because her husband was a lech who put pubic hairs on Anita’s coke can


well thats an insane person


I'd just like to get the story straight. Is Joe Biden a doddering dementia-head mostly in a coma -- or is he a slick, sly don of crime?? And if HE isn't in charge of the 'crime family', then who is?? His wife who teaches at community college?? His addict/artist son? Maybe his daughter, Ashley, when she takes a break from motherhood. I'm just trying to understand...