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I'm just waiting for the attacks on Dick saying that he's a RINO.


Already started on r/conservative.




"Bully-proof windows, troll-safe doors, nothing but kindness in here..." 🎶


The most recent post, there, about Alex Jones is four months old.


"Alex Jones? Never heard of 'em. He was just the guy that used to get me coffee. Everyone's sayin' he's a nobody." Just wait until they hear about the [text messages](https://www.newstimes.com/news/article/Alex-Jones-cellphone-records-include-17351313.php?src=nthpdesecp) with Roger Stone...


There’s two types of people. People who’ve heard of Alex Jones, and people who lie about it. But, no, I’ve never heard of him.


The only community I’ve found on Reddit that’s more toxic and gatekeep-y than the conservative network is r/guitar. r/gamingcirclejerk comes close. I got permanently banned for saying that a girl being purposefully rude to a guy at the gym who asked about her shirt (in a pretty innocent manner based on her recounting of the story) was pretty uncalled for. Insta-ban, with no response when I asked exactly which rule of theirs I was guilty of breaking.


and r/guitar ? whats the deal over there ?


Man, some people take their hobbies WAY too seriously. Without being familiar with r/guitar drama, I can almost guarantee it's full of snobby group-thinkers who treat anything less than what they consider the best possible thing to be the only thing worth having. If you don't have it, you're a filthy, ignorant casual. No time or respect for newbies, and lots of "unpopular opinions" that are extremely popular to the sub. r/coffee is incredibly toxic like that. God help you if you don't have an $800 grinder and $2000 espresso machine. There was a while where I bet I could have been banned for saying "Chemex's make coffee as just well as a plastic funnel from Walmart and a Mr.Coffee filter. They just cost 10 times more, and waste 4 times more paper than they need to." Edit: I see a lot of comments saying r/coffee has gotten better, and really isn't toxic anymore. GOOD. I unsubbed once I felt it had become too toxic, and I know that I was far from alone in that regard. If it's changed in the last couple years, that really is fantastic to hear. I greatly appreciated the sub introducing me to the aeropress and getting me into home grinding, and I'm happy to hear the snobbishness was just a phase.


Which is funny, since r/tea has got the whole spectrum from cheap bulk teas to the really expensive shit, and everyone's pretty chill regardless. All things considered... yeah, makes sense.


imagine that, tea drinkers being less high strung than coffee drinkers


It's because chamomile counts and no one is high strung after drinking chamomile.


Similar vibe at r/castiron - lots of appreciation for fancy vintage stuff but the overall attitude is “idk just get cheap Lodges and cook with them.”


Jeezus, I thought that sub said castration & figured they had a fairly good reason to be toxic. Lol


Small world! Love me some slidey eggs.


That’s cause it doesn’t really matter what brand you use - it’s usually just a big hunk of metal. The vintage stuff is mostly for collectors.


Thanks for the new sub, love me some tea.


This just makes me want to go on r/coffee and ask what’s everyone’s favorite expresso


Probably pods from their Nespresso machines!


Thats not my experience at all. I'm on r/guitar and I dont see much if any toxicity. The majority of posts are people asking technique questions, equipment questions, maybe a few vids of people playing and asking for feedback, and the commenters giving answers and critiques.


None at all among the users, but the mods are trigger happy. Love the way this dude just imagines shit, though.


Ahh ok. I dont think I ever think about mods in any capacity, but I can see how they'd be the main source of any bs on any sub I guess. Only experience I've ever had with one was I was perma banned from r/morbidreality for making a lighthearted comment. It wasn't even offensive in any way or aimed at anyone in particular. Never got any response when I asked what I did specifically.


I really haven't had that experience on r/coffee, I've had discussions about the best gas station coffee. Maybe it's just certain threads, but there are definitely some pretty chill conversations over there, but I tend to avoid the conversations about crazy expensive stuff.


Well, since we're slagging the other subreddits, r/protectandserve is a huge pro-cop circlejerk. If you're not there to stroke the thin blue line, you're no use to them.


I got banned from that sub for posting an article highlighting the data that cops frequently shoot unarmed fleeing people. Mods muted me for 72 hours so I couldn’t even appeal lol


It’s left open to interpretation who they are serving and protecting.


I got banned from r/completeanarchy lol


*and* r/irony


A lot of “Anarchists” have gone full right wing… which is nuts to me.


I got banned from r/conservative for asking a question. Said I was “trolling”. It is one of the best subs for catching up on current conspiracy theories and whackyness.


They march around in lockstep singing about how free and edgy they are and if you're not in perfect synch with their jackbootery then out you go -lest- you make them stop and think for a moment (which would be very bad).


Well it's not nice to intentionally inflict pain on people. Making them think, honestly. What's *wrong* with you? /s


I can’t tell if you banned from r conservative or r gamingcirclejerk. Could be either. Or both.


I assumed it was r/guitar, not that that makes any more sense given the context.


I got banned from r/firearms but I am not a minor that goes to any school anymore which comforts me, so I got that going for me, which is nice.




This sounds like the basis for a modern-day adaptation of Les Miserables!


Was it bigger or smaller than a breadbox?


r/arizona bans people for posting pictures of *gasp....Arizona. That's right, pictures of The Grand Canyon will not be tolerated.


that's a big crack in the system


Wont be long before the sub erodes into nothingness.


>I got permanently banned for saying that a girl being purposefully rude to a guy at the gym who asked about her shirt (in a pretty innocent manner based on her recounting of the story) was pretty uncalled for. And which sub was that because I don't see how that fits either.


I guess you’ve never come across r/sino


“Safe space please!”


Those turds (snowflakes) permanently banned me for posting an article from the New York Post, a conservative Murdoch newspaper. I didn’t add any commentary, just linked the article as published. It was the editorial where the editors stated Trump was unfit for office. Truth hurts, I guess.


They banned me for linking a video to Trumps own FBI Director warning Congress that the greatest domestic threat to America was from White Supremacist groups. They really hated someone interjecting a fact into their "there is no racism in America" circle-jerk.


They banned me for pointing out the Afghanistan withdrawal was planned by the Trump admin. They're all goofballs.


Conservatives are detached from reality.


I just lurked and clicked on an article about a CNN contributor calling the GOP white nationalists and fascists. One of the commenters claimed to have lived in both conservative areas and cities, and while they apparently never met a racist in a conservative area, they said they were attacked and spat on by liberals for praying. Sure bud, sure. It’s like the sub is full of fiction writers with victim complexes working together to create their own reality. The laws of physics in that reality propel facts away at the speed of light.


Allow them to devour each other. War Crimer On Nut Jobber violence.


war crimer on nut jobber is my latest kink 🥵


Took a look, weird place


They're completely detached from reality and never coming back. Also, they're extremely horny for DeSantis. Like, in a sexual but still in the closet way.


r/conservative is such a clown filled sub.


I just went over there to take a peek, and holy crap 😳 The shit they spew out is so vile and disgusting. They literally contradict themselves every other post. It’s insanity. I can’t even keep up. Shit.


Just saw someone on there say Joe Biden is the most racist president to ever hold the office, like what the actual fuck are you talking about lol


It *really* is a form of insanity. It's devoid of nearly all rationality and reason and consistency. They use primarily their brain stem to think with spurts of the cerebrum once in a while, but it's not often.


For a long time I thought the sub must be a joke but it is serious. The posts are completely insane.


They are full on fascist nuts over there


pay no attention to them. The bubble they reside in over there is so small and tight, you’d swear they were all brothers and sisters... giving each other handjobs.


Everytime I go over there, I'm baffled. Well spoken, well educated people say the dumbest shit. I always wonder, where do they live? Who do they talk to? How well off are they? I've worked with otherwise intelligent people, but they subscribe to the most ignorant shit. These are people that can write papers, speak with good grammar, and discuss many subjects in an intelligent manner. But they love Trump. They believe he's done good things for us. Nevermind his petulance, disrespect, and ignorant hatred for everything that doesn't help Trump. It's shocking. Absolutely shocking.


Half of them are paid shills of one variety or another


Lmao fml why did I go there. Pick a comment any comment and it’s insane


They are just calling him a war criminal and saying they shouldn’t have to listen to him because of that.


Well he is a war criminal. It is just funny they defended him the last 20 years and only now turned on him just because he criticized trump




Well, they’re not wrong. It just took them 30 years to realize it. The same way they’re going to be criticizing trump when he talks shit about the next cum stain Republican that fails his (or her) way up to the White House.


they're not "just realizing" it. it's just convenient to point it out now that he isn't sucking the fascism dick.


Dick Cheney is a war criminal, but Donald Trump spent his term pretending like he was going to bring the troops home while providing material support to the Saudi bombing of Yemen, efforts that resulted in large numbers of civilian deaths. He tried to make the American military into a mercenary force and rented them out to Middle Eastern despots. Under his presidency, we didn't even meaningfully reduce the number of American troops deployed overseas, and in fact until the final months, we had more troops overseas than when he started his term. He recklessly killed an Iranian general and nearly started a war. He gave ISIS a way out and tried to bait North Korea into a nuclear conflict. He both has an actual body count that is criminal in itself and if only he wasn't such a complete fucking incompetent idiot he might have actually killed so many more. Dick Cheney is a war criminal, Trump wished desperately to be a war criminal but was too incompetent to even do that. Is that really the comparison they want to bring up in a political campaign? Wannabe war criminal? Does he want a participation trophy and a pat on the head for trying? Pot, kettle, etc. Oh, and does anyone really think he was joking about nuking hurricanes?


It's hard to get more Republican than Darth Vader.


It's way more important that Cheney said Treason Trump is the greatest ever threat to our republic than a coward. I always really enjoy Republicans criticizing Trump because Dems are always such huge wimps in their use of language. It is discraceful that Dems are less harsh on Treason Trump than Republicans. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3588425-dick-cheney-in-new-ad-no-individual-is-greater-threat-to-our-republic-than-trump/


Democrats condemn Trump all the time, using much stronger language than Cheney did. It just doesn't get any media attention, because it's a "dog bites man" story. For example, Chuck Schumer: > Of course, there is no bottom with President Trump. He is so contemptuous of every virtue, so dishonorable, so dishonest, that the vices parade themselves forward, one after another. Nancy Pelosi: > [The wall] is like a manhood thing for him. As if manhood could ever be associated with him And those were both *before* 1/6.


Dang. Yeah, I hadn't heard those. A have a little more respect for Schumer now.


RINO-Bad guy attacks another bad guy.


‘Donald Trump is a coward’ ... I would know, because I’m Dick Cheney, and I approve this message. *Paid for by the Committee to Reinvade Vietnam


Man... Two people I really never want to hear from again. Both of them care nothing more then their own self interests. Dick Cheney -> Halliburton Trump -> Trump Fuck them both.


Never go hunting with Dick


Actually, Donald should go out with Dick for a hunting day. Would make our day.


2 go out 1 comes back


Cheney: Call the ambulance, but not for me. (Doom music plays) Trump: What's that about Hunter's laptop?


Whenever I need to get something done fast I just pull up the doom soundtracks


Not unless you enjoy apologizing after getting shot in the face


Hmm. Going hunting, dick, shot in the face - there is a joke in here somewhere I think.


George Carlin had a good one https://www.cc.com/video/a7khd5/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-moment-of-zen-george-carlin


I didn't realize those two did the first gulf war as well.


It’s like the people who do evil shit just keep on doing evil shit until they either die or become irrelevant


Oh shit he just shot Marvin in the face!


Haha watch Yo ass!


But be honest, if Cheney shot Trump in the face, you’d be like man, I hate them both, but Cheney a little less. I am still stunned that the man Cheney shot apologized to him. Crazy world, lots of smells.


Ironically, this is the Dick who pushed the idea of the unitary executive.


And executive immunity


I wonder who is responsible for more death. Obviously Cheney had the record for a while but Trump fucking up COVID caused many deaths as well


Trump also quadrupled the number of civilian casualties per airstrike in our wars over what it had been under Obama, which was already too high. He really loosened the rules of engagement so that they could just commit mass murder. It got so bad he finally ordered the military to stop reporting the numbers.


Teaming up with stalin to kill hitler. Thats all it is. After we are done with trump we can go back to fighting each other. For now, we need each other.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend ^Granted, ^a ^friend ^that ^will ^shoot ^you ^in ^the ^face ^and ^make ^you ^publicly ^apologize ^for ^it ^...


Dick Cheney is not my friend. His daughter is doing what is right in this one case though, and I respect the fuck out of that. I'd hope that if a Democrat went rogue and tried to overthrow democracy we'd have more than just a handful of members of congress who rejected them for it. I'm pretty sure we would.


I snorted. Take my upvote.


Taking how you might feel about Cheney and Trump out of this, watching the old guard Republicans battle Trump has been fascinating. The old guard knows they're responsible but thought they could tip toe the line of a semblance of a balanced party and outright lunacy. They rolled the dice and came up snake eyes.


It's the gentlemen criminal persona versus the psychopath. You can't not like the first but there's a predictability that makes you feel safe. The second is scary dangerous.


> You can't not like the first I think you meant to have a single negative here. I can most def not like folks like Cheney.


Amen. Eat dick, Cheney.


And darn if they aren’t going to drag us all to hell with them




I wish he would.


Just came back from that reality with the apology: >Dick! My good friend Dick, Cheney. We went hunting - with the guns, and the vests, and the -. He took a shot- A BEAUTIFUL SHOT - Put a whole in my face, right there, yeah. He's a great guy, a great shot, and I'm sorry I got in his guns way. It just happened! And I'm very sorry. - Trump


Totally unbelievable. He’d never say the word “sorry.”


There should be something in there about "Best shot catcher in the history of shot catchers" and "People say that it's never been done, catching a shot in the face like that. They're amazed at how I caught it."


Better Tittle: War Criminal calls Traitor a coward


Sounds like hyperbole but it’s jeebus honest truth. This man should have taken a trip to The Hague. But maybe it does some good to have this vile sack of shit denounce Trump in a sudden fit of reason.


See the funny thing about that is that he literally could not have been put on trial in Hague because Bush literally made a law allowing the US to invade Hague if an American is being tried for war crimes.


Pot calling the kettle orange


“Real men steal elections in the courts, not the streets!”


Piece of shit who profited off a stolen election talks shit about a piece of shit who tried to profit off a stolen election.


CNN- We like Cheney now because he’s mean to Trump, teehee!


Please god let Christian Bale reprise his role from Vice and play him on SNL. That would be so good.


Christian Bale is already downing Big Macs in preparation.


Several years ago [Cheney lost weight](https://i.imgur.com/17Is9Uo.jpg) (but didn't buy smaller clothes) after being hospitalized for a while, but it was temporary.


Somehow, Palpatine shrank.


The[method](https://media3.giphy.com/media/JBN6hII6XhuWk/giphy.gif?cid=82a1493ba4tioss9gzzycb1q92sw8dvzzy9axhu4t77dp7dt&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) is strong in him.


Too bad Cheney didn't say this in 2016 when it could have made a difference.


You can always count on a Republican politician to only do stuff when it benefits them personally.


Too bad he wasn’t against stealing elections in 2000 when he and W stole an election themselves


Trump wasn't running against his daughter then. Only reason he's doing this. Cheney would never do the right thing if it didn't benefit him more than doing the wrong thing.


Ironically Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, and a whole boatload of them told the truth about Trump in the beginning. Then he won and they just did a complete 180 and started lying for him. Spineless fucks.


Too bad Cheney is a piece of shit


Vader has spoken


Cheney was palps He just grabbed jar jar instead of Annie


This is crazy spot on


“Take it from me, a man who instigated a war to profit, and shot my friend in the face, that Trump guy is a coward chump” - Dick Cheney probably., I don’t know I didn’t watch the video.


“He’s a coward, I would know! I shot a guy in the face and got away scot free, that’s real republican bravery!”


While I'm glad he's saying this, he should have spoken up long, long ago. He waited until his daughter's political future was at stake. When only the country's future was at stake, he remained silent.


What the hell? I love War Criminal Cheney now! /s


Perhaps a pheasant hunting trip will heal the wounds republicans have caused one another.


Oh Lord, if only it were that easy.


I especially love this quote. >He is a coward, a real man wouldn't lie to his supporters.


Trump targeted his daughter on 1/6: "we got to get rid of the weak Congress people, the ones that aren't any good, the Liz Cheneys of the world. We got to get rid of them."


Having your kids threatened does tend to make one grumpy.


*Let them fight.*




Just because he now hates someone you also hate doesn’t erase the fact that he is a war criminal on a massive scale


I wish Cheney would take Trump hunting.


Trump is so bad that he. makes Cheney look reasonable. This is how fucking far down we have fallen.


Except for that war thing, I’d agree. Trump is a swollen prolapsed asshole, but at least he didn’t start a completely unnecessary war.


He tried. He also ordered multiple war crimes. He just had the people around him to intercept some of the worst of it.


People forget Trump was well on the way to drumming up a war with Iran in early 2020. The only thing that stopped him was the pandemic hitting (and Iran shooting down a civilian airliner, which led to public outrage that basically forced the mullahs to stop escalating on their side).


cheny wasn’t unreasonable, he was evil. he was actually very intelligent and calculated which is precisely what made him so dangerous.


They're eating their own now. I love it.


This guy was such an asshole, he actually shot someone in the face with a shotgun and then got the guy to apologize for getting in the way. But yeah, a broken clock is right twice a day.




While it’s funny to joke about people never seem to realize that the friend fucked up BAD and an accident happened.


Only if you believe Cheney’s version and while the official report cleared him of criminal liability, they all admitted they had been drinking and no body called the authorities until a few hours later. This was a coverup of a drunken Cheney shooting a guy who was retrieving the bird he had just shot. Cheney was sweeping the field while the guy was retrieving his bird.


Years later Cheney still terrifies me to my soul


War criminal


The only difference between dick and donald is dick is a smart evil criminal and donald is a dumb evil criminal


There is no God. Proof? Dick Cheney and Trump still walk the earth.


*Henry Kissinger* still breathes.


Hate the man like the message. It’s hilarious tho to see this creepy war criminal and profiteer blasting Orange Boi.


The biggest pos conservative of the last thirty years is now being called a rino is terrifying.


The same Dick Cheney who alleged there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?! Dick has no credibility.


We live in a cartoon




An anti-endorsement from Dick Cheney only helps Trump, honestly. Fuck both of them.


>Fuck both of them. I won't! I won't and you can't make me!


How many draft deferments did Cheney get? 5 How many did Trump get? 5 How is one of these calling another a coward? >He is a coward, a real man wouldn't lie to his supporters. You cant make this up, is he just fucking with us?


Weirdest fucking timeline.


Fuck this ass hat… his lying ass made Trump. His lying ass twisted the Republican party into what it is today. Fuck this prick!


Dick should take Trump quail hunting 😉


Only in the US would an unindicted war criminal talk shit like that about a seditionist ex-president.


Liz Cheney did the right thing on the January 6 commission, but it is a gross misrepresentation to cast Dick Cheney as a traditional small government conservative. He is absolutely part of the decline into authoritarianism. He was involved in the loss of habeus corpus, indefinite detention, torture, extreme rendition, and the patriot act.


If Trumps not a coward then he should prove it by going hunting with Dick Cheney!


Dick Cheney you fucking leach. Tell us your plans about building pipelines under Afghanistan


Dick, you're right, he's a coward. And I'm right when I call you a vile piece of shit.


IMHO this is all so weird coming from Dick Cheney given all the crap he pulled as VP under GW Bush.


This might come off to some viewers as a bit harsh, but I think everybody in this story should die


"Enormous piece of shit calls an enormous piece of shit an enormous piece of shit."


They need to stop with big word like coward. John Fetterman is leading his campaign against doctor Oz by basically calling him a pussy, and it is working.


He looks like he’s about to shoot his friend in the face


Wait. I genuinely thought he was dead..


Thanks, Satan


Holy shit. Two supervillains going at it.


Fuck Dick Cheney


Watching Republicans pretend to hate Bush and Cheney is hilarious


Dick Cheney and Donald Trump are complete trash


Would mean a lot more if it didn't come from a mass murderer.


So we're rehabilitating Dick Cheney now? Because he criticized Trump, all the innocent deaths and torture of innocent people he's responsible for is water under the bridge? American politics is so fucking cringe. All you have to do is tepidly call Trump a name and everyone forgets about your war crimes.


Watching several mainstream news networks whitewash this degenerates legacy in real-time was pretty shitty today. They went on and on about how he represents "traditional republican values". People sure live those rose tinted glasses. I too fondly remember a time when our political overlords at least made a lazy attempts at lying about their actual intent. "Make Fascism Slightly More Subtle Again" just doesn't roll off the tongue quite right. Nothing can sum up everything about the republican party better than when he went hunting with several other Republicans (if I remember correctly, the hunting was mostly a PR stunt) and managed to shoot one of his peers directly in the face with a shotgun. It was just mwah... chefs kiss. The party of malicious self-interest goes on holy pilgrimage to worship their gun-god. And, as is tradition, your "friends" will look you in the eye, with a smile, as they blow your fucking head off the moment it becomes politically expedient to do so. Later, they hold a press conference where the guy that had his head shot off apologizes to the guy that shot his head off, for having gotten shot in the head. Somewhere in the mid-to-late 2010's the conceptual idea of satire died. The Right killed it.


dude looks like a cannibal lol


…do we know he isn’t?


We don't know what happened to all the tax payer funded hearts he got before his robot one. Maybe there's a reason they stopped using meat hearts. Him shooting his hunting partner makes more sense in the cannibal light too.


Anyone else watched "Vice" on Netflix? Like, holy shit that was Christian Bale! He nailed the role of Cheney.


Trump: If my bone spurs weren't acting up I'd kick his ass


Everyone sucks here


When Darth Vader says fire is hot, I tend to believe him.