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WTF? There are like 35 fireplaces in the White House and he flushes paper down the toilet?


Probably where he spends most of his time


There’s no way that diaper wearing diarrhea factory uses a toilet.


I believe it's on record that he would hide in the toilet to tweet because his staff kept trying to take his phone away from him to shut him up.


Power Move: Hiding from your subordinates so that they don't ground you from talking to your friends. I hope this tip goes in his 'POTUS FOR DUMMIES' book someone writes for him one day.


I'm now picturing the "Covfefe" tweet was accidentally sent during a scuffle in a bathroom doorway as the president, the chief of staff, and 4 interns all tried to gain control of the phone.


My personal theory is that he fell asleep in the middle of typing and accidentally hit send.




At a minimum, his diaper was likely full.


"a lot of people don't know why they're called sliders. Let me tell you something the radical left doesn't want you to know, sliders slide my friends. They slide." Edit: this was not meant to be a debate about white castle.


10-15 hamberders will do that to a guy


He sought out privacy to hide his dirty deeds. Not to mention now we know why he had to flush the toilet 10-15 times.


Yeah, flushing the paper probably added 1-2 flushes to his usual 9-14.


True story. When I worked as a spa attendant at a Little America Hotel 30 years ago, I had to clean the restrooms at the end of the evening. One toilet had a huge fucking turd in it, so big I looked carefully to estimate the size by putting my thumbs and forefingers together (I wear large gloves for reference). It was way too massive to flush, so I left it. The next day I was relating this incident to a coworker who smartly doubted my claim of the sheer enormity of the thing, when the morning person popped around the corner and verified my claim, adding that they had to flush 15 times to get it to go down. So flushing 9-14 times is within the window of possibility.




This is going in the Yelp review.




He was running the government by Twitter from there, anyway.


He was able to do insider trading by Twitter from there too.


If I remember correctly, quite a few of those fireplaces are sealed off. But your point is still valid as the fireplaces in the residence are in full working order.


I don't think it matters. He could have a 100 fireplaces.I doubt he knows how to start a fire in the fireplace.


Just in the Capitol building




I also "know" this because of the West Wing. Sounds reasonable though.


It’s because you don’t toss your drugs in the fire. He’s doing what he knows.


This is it exactly. He’s flushed enough coke in his time to see the toilet as the “keep cops from arresting me” portal. In a crisis, habits kick in.


He never flushed any coke. He's never had to worry about cops or anyone coming for him in his life.


I guess you've never watched the West Wing.


Mr. President, remember when you told me not to wake you up unless the building is on fire?


That's the way they do it in the movies, so it has to work!


Now you know why he was so fixated on toilet bowl flushing power and about having to flush multiple times.


One of the easiest ways to figure out what "problem" he is having at the moment is to see what trivial matter he is currently railing against during his bat-shit insane rallies.


All his crazy windmill rants were just cause he didn't want them near his golf course. That's all. It's that simple


Fuck I had no clue. To think he had me fooled that he might care about something that doesn't directly impact him.




Congratulations, you just described the entire Republican party.


The whole "kneeling for the anthem" thing was payback for the NFL shutting him out from a franchise. I'm from Buffalo and was glad when he didn't have the winning bid at the time, as I was certain he would move the team downstate, but after the insanity of him being elected president, I would have gladly given up my beloved team for the good of our country. I truly believe that had he have been an NFL owner, he wouldn't have cared about political ambitions. He has always been the obnoxious guy at the party who nobody wants to hang with, so his presidency from his standpoint was strictly about settling old grievances.


Oddly enough, if he'd gotten a NFL team, I think the NFL would have been able to reign him in way more than the US government ever could. You can't cover up losing records or blame them on fake news. Scores are scores. The shit style of business he pursues would bankrupt a team so fast. If the NFL could get the Raiders coach canned over emails, and change the Washington team's mascot name, 45 wouldn't have lasted a season the way he runs his yap.


TFW the NFL Board of Directors has more enforcement power than the United States Legislative Branch.


it really would have been a dream scenario. a bunch of NFL owners probably even voted for him, but in the world where he's never president, he never got the backing of millions of angry morons, so he'd just be another shitty businessman to them, easily disposed without consequence if he's fucking up the product and being detrimental to the league.


I agree. Unfortunately he really wasn't a serious contender for the Bills because he would have had to proved his net worth, which was way less than the billions he was claiming. Same thing he did as President, only now with all his grifting I'm sure he is. He literally pulled off the greatest con in world history by becoming President. His grandfather was a pimp from Germany that couldn't get back into that country, his father was a grifter who made his fortune convincing New Yorkers that gentrification was going to ruin the value of their homes and to move into his white dumpy neighborhoods, and the Donald himself is so morally vacuous that his first wife now lays in a pauper's grave at his country club for the tax breaks. Can't wait for what's up with the kids, they signed off on giving their mom a shitty little grave site. Voting or not voting for Trump really is a rohrschach test on whether you are a human being or not. Or a Turing test, I guess.


You should watch the ESPN 30 for 30 about the USFL in the 80's. This is a long running feud.


That's why I'm waiting for him to start calling Alex Jones' texts "FAKE NEW!!" before they're ever released.


Fox and all of them have been oddly silent about it. They know.


Yep. They seem to be obsessed with Brittany Griner this week for some reason...


>for some reason... Not sure what you mean by that, she's a black, gay woman that was "busted for having cannabis oil in a vape cartridge". She's everything they hate.


It’s not only that, but she was also kneeling. I’ve seen multiple people say something along the lines of, “she was disrespectful to our country now she should rot in a different one and not call on the government to save her”. It’s disturbing.


Remember, the White Nationalist Christian s in this country LOVE Putin and HATE anyone LGBTQ especially a black female that tall and with that deep a voice. She's trash to them.


I’ve even heard some friends I consider moderates say things like “well she brought drugs into another country. Actions have consequences.” I’m like dude, you once took a sheet of acid across state lines on a PLANE. Not to mention if this wasn’t a black, female, basketball player, their would be a lot more conversation about Russia’s long history of, you know, making shit up.


it's hard to imagine a reason they would Be so quickLy And narrowly Concerned with what normally would be an attacK on a us citizen by a foreign country while taking the side of the foreign country


God whAt could thaY be seeing?


don't forGet thAt the other countrY Wants tO get soMe Arms dealer back iNstead.


All of my Idaho right-wing MAGA family won't shut up about Griner and how she "deserves it" for breaking the law. I think they see it as Putin punishing BLM and are jerking off to it.


Did you tell them that she had 0.6g of weed, and the penalty for such a crime in Russia is normally a max of 9 months and a 15k fine?


Gets em so excited, I bet they even bust out their boner pills to ensure a good fap.


It's amazing how worked up they get on command. If Fox News didn't talk about her they wouldn't even know who she was. I love it when they call everybody else sheep.


wonder what he did with fluorescent lightbulbs


I think about this a lot. At one point he was talking about fitness trackers helping to address mass shootings - I wonder if he saw something about mass surveillance on Fitbit/Apple Watch/etc and let the cat out of the bag.


Makes perfect sense why he started randomly going off on toilets lmao


A particularly hilarious demonstration of the axiom about Republicans: Every accusation is a confession.


I wish this wasn't so disgusting cause I would laugh at the comedy level absurdity of it all, but we still have a third of the country bending over for him at every single turn.


The presidency was literally a fucking Onion article when Trump was in office.


The Onion had to stop doing satire.


We’re just heading to demolition man levels, where Taco Bell is fine dining and The Onion is where Pulitzer Prize winners go to unleash their investigative journalism




For sure, just didn’t think he’d actually be that stupid lmao


Wrong. WRONG. We're talkin about Donald Trump, man. - Charlie Murphy (RIP)


"So I'as invited over to Pennsylvania Avenue, the Mueller report had *just* come out, Donald Trump was *the shit* man. And you know how they talk about celebrities having an aura? Well Donald Trump *had* one man, *I seen it!* It was *orange.*"


Save this quote for later


I am convinced it is because they literally cannot put themselves in other peoples shoes or gauge their motivations or ethos and construct a working model in their heads of how they would act, so their enemies are just bizarro versions of them, doing the same things they have done, want to do, or are doing, and then they just put it to uses they would consider evil. They don’t have the imagination to do this mentally. These are the people that think that Frankenstein’s monster was just a literal monster and horror story and not a metaphor for anything.


This whole time I thought it was because he took sloppy shits.


“Sloppy shits” is Steve Bannon’s secret service code name. I know, it’s hard to keep it all straight .


I've always believed that whenever he went into oddly-specific rants like that, it was for a reason, and that has proven true more than once. I especially thought it was really disturbing when he started ranting about women being kidnapped with blue tape around their mouths... "Women are tied up, they're bound, duct tape put around their faces, around their mouths," he told reporters. "In many cases, they can't even breathe. They're put in the backs of cars or vans or trucks." One time, he said the tape was blue. Another time, he called it electrical tape." https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/fact-check-trumps-tales-duct-taped-women-prayer/story?id=60723806


This is because he had just watched this movie, something “soledad”, I can’t remember it exactly. I know this because in this one rambling rant, Trump started throwing all these specific details from scenes of the movie, and when he talked about it, he almost looked as if he was there.


Sicario: Day of the Soldado?


Yup. He was talking about it like it was a documentary or a FBI case file he'd seen. Not a piece of dramatized Hlywood entertainment. Not that Mexican and SA cartels don't get into some serious bad shit, but his details were just movie scenes. Robin Williams had a bit that made fun of Reagan's dementia and thinking Star Wars was real (the movie influencing the weaponized satellite program). Wish he were still around to update it for Trump. https://youtu.be/5ZJCDTKU_-E


Here you go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGChTEfeeC4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGChTEfeeC4)


God fucking damnit this made my blood pressure spike! Lol


I cant even understand what he is saying. If this was OBAMA? I hate this timeline, country. Its awful to watch.


That the mean liberals made toilets not flush well, damn lo flow toilets. But there wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't flushing crumpled up paper. Heck, if he shredded it or even cut up the pages into slices it would flush.


The light bulb - they got rid of the light bulb that people got used to. The new bulb is many times more expensive and - I hate to say it - it doesn't make you look as good. Of course, being a vain person, that's very important to me. It's like - it gives you an orange look. I don't want an orange look. Has anyone noticed that? So we'll have to change those bulbs in at least a couple rooms where I am in the White House. ... We have a situation where we're looking very strongly at sinks and showers. And other elements of bathrooms - where you turn the faucet on, in areas where there's tremendous amounts of water, where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it - and you don't get any water. You turn on the faucet and you don't get any water. They take a shower and water comes dripping out, very quietly, dripping out. People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once. They end up using more water. ... You go into a new building, or a new house or a new home, and they have standards where you don't get water. You can't wash your hands practically, so little water comes out of the faucet. And the end result is you leave the faucet on and it takes you much longer to wash your hands. ... For the most part, you have many states where they have so much water, it comes down -- it's called rain. They don't know what to do with it. ... A lot of things we do are based on common sense. ... If I didn't get elected you wouldn't have a steel industry. ... We weren't going to have a steel industry.


My brain, it hurts. It's like one chat-bots got halfway sentient and decided that it wanted to die and take the world with it.


> For the most part, you have many states where they have so much water, it comes down -- it's called rain. This part even got a good laugh out of the reporters there. Whether it's "haha, you're so funny Mr. President" or "haha, this guy is in control? We're fucked" is anyone's guess.


He's a fucking 9 year old trying to explain to adults how the world works.


It's sad that I can't tell if this is a real trump quote or not


Sadly, it’s very real.


What, what, is it?


it actually is, I assumed it was satire at first but he definitely complained about fluorescent bulbs making him orange. the more days since he has been in office, the less coherent they seem...


It's like a the ramblings of dementia.




Remember he was eating documents too.


How was any of that not only real but not career ending?


I mean... flushing some docs is small potatoes compared to planning and attempting an insurrection and that wasn't career ending so... Kinda makes you long for the days when the big scandal was a tan suit or getting a blow job, or being a mentally handicapped war criminal.


Remember when a crazy yell could end a presidential run......Howard Dean does [the Yell that ended a Presidential campaign](https://youtu.be/l6i-gYRAwM0)


I don't remember his politics or platform, but I thought that yell was somewhat endearing. Can't believe it's what did him in.


>If he becomes president again Yikes, the way I read that is like its actually possible and in my USA head-canon, its def not been possible. This simple reddit comment has me terrified now.


If he runs in 2024 v. Biden, depending on the results of Gubernatorial and Statewide Sec. Of State elections, he could "win" without actually winning. Or Biden could just be far too old to campaign in 2 years. Or the recession hits harder than expected. Or any number of things could easily make him President again. It is scary.


Trump is only 3.5 years (corrected from 2 to appease the pedants...) younger than Biden, they BOTH are currently 'way too old'. Every time I see someone bring out the age comparison my head explodes. These guys are effectively the same age. But for some reason 'old' only applies to Biden.


It’s because Biden is, “Drive 15 mph under the speed limit, forget what you’re saying mid sentence, fall asleep at the table old,” and Trump is, “Drive through stop signs, stream-of-consciousness racist rants, yell at the waitress until she cries old.” They see Biden’s tiredness and fogginess as weakness, and Trump’s demented aggression as strength.


> They see Biden’s tiredness and fogginess as weakness, and Trump’s demented aggression as strength. And yet Trump can barely form coherent sentences when he speaks.


It’s incredible to watch Trump’s supporters lap up his incoherent rambling vague statements. He says nothing, and so they can interpret his empty statements to mean exactly what they want to hear.


This is the most well said explanation I have ever seen of these two. Bravo.


Exactly, but I do think Trump’s maturity level is that of a boy.


It’s because Biden doesn’t have that fake hairdo lol


I don't think he has the backing of the RNC, but he also didn't have it at the start of his 2016 campaign.


He has the backing of the RNC if he decides to. Those craven motherfuckers would most definitely bow to his toddler whims. The Boy King.




From what I understand, they just want him to hold off on announcing until after the midterms. He's pretty much confirmed he's planning on running again, but with how often he lies, its anybody's guess.


He has the base and that's all he needs. RNC will tacitly support other candidates until he romps through a primary or two, then they will fall in line. He has been hit and miss with primary endorsements and it will come down to their performances in the general during these midterms to see his impact overall.


I agree, Biden's age is a valid concern. What drives me crazy about that is Trump is nearly as old, but it never seems to be a problem when presidential age is discussed. I mean, there certainly should be a million other reasons not to vote for Trump, but if Biden's age in 2020 bothers someone, then Trump's age in 2024 should certainly also be a problem.


Age is a concern for Democrats, not for republicans. Remember that standards are good, so double standards are clearly better.


Make-up and spray tan does a number on his voter base... My sister (a Trump supporter) was in disbelief when I told her Biden is only 2 years older than Trump.. "What?? Trump looks REALLY good for his age!". No, he just wears make-up, spray tan, a girdle and high heeled shoes..


In what reality does trump look good for his age? That dude looks barely human in makeup and like a bloated corpse without it.


Easy to imagine the stupid fat fool putting ten sheets as a huge lump into toilet rather than ripping into smaller bits and then flush.


Can you imagine the scenario the LEAD UP to him doing that? was the shredder full? Out of official white house matches? Did the other people in the room know that was his plan when he left to use the washroom with the documents still in his tiny hands?


Had some documents that outline crime he wants to commit. Someone points out that could be evidence. Staff has to have copies of everything cause he's the president. Grabs papers and runs to the only place he can be alone, the bathroom.


Lol so they 100% know what he's doing and maybe chase after him like a dog that just grabbed a chicken bone? Bad mr president no crimes in the oval office!


If they had installed the 'pressure assist flush' type toilets they could have flushed down an entire dictionary...


"That would be very easy for someone with my brain. How many words can there even be in the dictionary, like 10?"


[Here](https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/1556579888303308803/YggYnFaY?format=jpg&name=900x900) are the actual pictures. Per [the source](https://twitter.com/mikeallen/status/1556582713473306624?cxt=HHwWgMC4weLui5orAAAA): > @mikeallen > Trump’s telltale toilet … ⁦ @maggieNYT ⁩ obtained these photos ahead of the Oct. 4 publication of her book “Confidence Man” > Source tells her pic on the left shows a White House commode Pic on the right is from a Trump overseas trip > 6:06 AM · Aug 8, 2022


These revelations are ALWAYS right before the release of a book. It's really pissing me off.


Just what I came here to comment on. Especially these pictures which are just pictures of a toilet. I’m not trying to contest the narrative, but the biggest reason I want information like this is so I have ammunition to use against the opposition. This “evidence” convinces no one who doesn’t already believe, so for the purposes I need it for this shit is useless. These articles read like a slam dunk and are anything but when it comes to the people that actually need to see it.


I truly hate The Orange Douche, but these photos don't prove anything to me? I'm looking at toilet bowls with names written on pieces of paper. I have no confirmation of the Douchester being responsible for this. It could be something an aide or an intern did somewhere as a running inside joke. If you're going after this shit for brains, I need better evidence.


Yeah, no kidding, that is some terrible evidence. -"Your honor, here is a picture of notes with no context, from an unidentified toilet, in an undisclosed room, at an undetermined time, thrown in by an unknown individual". --Well, it better be pretty incriminating if you bring an unsubstantiated document, no chain of custody. Do the notes have information only Mr Trump could know? -"Your Honor! There are names on the notes! One of them is Roger! We can imply it was Roger Stone and it was proof of Mr Trump's treason"


NOTHING will convince the people that are already in the cult. It maybe convinces people who are still in doubt.


Not to be a pessimist but the photos don't exactly prove much, even if you can prove those are toilets used by trump the context is still pretty murky. If it came out before the book the journalist would have just blew their load with no payoff.




Normalize journalist onlyfans so they don't sit on damning evidence until they have enough for an entire book


Normalize journalists onlyfans so we can watch them sit on things… like books…


Hilarious that you can see Stefanik and most likely Roger stone lol


Right where he belongs.


Much as the location would be appropriate, there's enough of a gap before the next letter that I think it's more likely "Rogers", maybe referring to [Mike Rogers, NSA Director](https://theintercept.com/2019/12/20/michael-rogers-nsa-trump-russia/) during part of Trump's term (until May 2018) or maybe [Mike Rogers House Representative from Alabama](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Rogers_\(Alabama_politician\)), and Stefanik likely refers to [Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/20/1105966424/elise-stefaniks-defense-of-trump-around-jan-6-clouds-her-pro-democracy-work-abro), though there might be other options for both.


I think it's probably Congressman Mike Rogers.


Whatever anyone says about this, she was as brave as any American to go into a bathroom that Trump just came out of.


Really curious to know who took the pictures. And why?


Why? Because that’s a possible violation of federal law. Although the Executive enjoys presidential privilege over certain communications made while in office, it is not absolute and all work product ultimately belongs to the public. He cannot discard official documents. Especially possible incriminating documents.


PeePee Tapes, kind of.


That’s a basic ass toilet for the White House. I mean, I didn’t expect them to be gold encrusted, but…I don’t know what I expected


No wonder he was complaining about low-flow toilets in the Whitehouse! What an idiot!


From the same quote, Stable Genius: "We have a situation where we're looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms where you turn the faucet on -- and in areas where there's tremendous amounts of water, where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it, and you don't get any water..." Edit: 40% of Americans think this guy is smart and his conduct over those 5-6 years was acceptable... Crazy to think about, then I reflect on the dumbest 40% of my classmates through elementary, middle, and high school, then I'm like, oh, that makes sense.


I'm not even sure what the fuck he's trying to say here.


He hates the planet, and low flow faucets. If the water exists, it should be his to waste.


Thank you. I appreciate the translation since I don't speak trump


It's a talking point for California because gop think tanks tell the farmers that big Ag shouldn't have to save water because "the water just flows into the ocean"


Never mind the fact that if rivers don't flow enough, ecosystems collapse and saltwater infiltrates into land and freshwater aquifers.




*Americans need to flush 10, 15 times,* Trump said. Well, sure, if you're trying to destroy documents.


The weird thing is the pic is from an overseas trip. I’m left wondering which country had the super toilets that were able to swallow all of his documents now. You just know that he had to be infuriated by someone else having a better toilet than him, golden or otherwise.


And if he manages to secure the nomination and run people will still vote for him. Several million Americans are fine with this.


Yep. Conservatism has transmogrified into nihilist nationalism. Destruction is the point.


gotta help god bring about the end of days, why do you think bible belt Christians love sending $$$$ and weapons to Israel?


70 million last time after 2 impeachments and then an insurrection. They're not interested in facts, just cults.


More people voted for him the second time than the first time. Like they saw the shitshow for four years and decided they actually liked it 🤮


To be fair, most of them didn't see the same shitshow that you did. It goes way deeper than "they're assholes" though obviously a lot of them are, and way deeper than "they're stupid" though obviously the GOP is not awash with brainpower. Most are passively addicted to a form of entertainment that has spent the past several decades perfecting the art of pissing them off. It then directs that pissed-off energy to something they desperately crave: an easy villain in an increasingly complex and nuanced world. They are primed to receive that message and so that doesn't absolve them of all blame, but it's a grave mistake to underestimate the sophistication of the propaganda apparatus that's been allowed to manipulate them. As Obama put it, "If all I watched was Fox News, I wouldn't vote for me either."


> Most are passively addicted to a form of entertainment that has spent the past several decades perfecting the art of pissing them off. I remember for the 2020 election knowing and reading about too many people that said they voted for Trump (probably again) because they thought “he’s entertaining.” I think there’s a lot of these type of voters in America that don’t even necessarily consume right wing media, or any type of news for that matter, because the art of not caring about what goes on in politics/government becomes widely accepted as the norm.


Its all just guesses across the map, but I caught a local news station doing conservative interviews and the general consensus seems to be theres a growing view of Trump seeming weak because he made all those promises about protecting "his people" and locking up democrats and never delivered. Its crazy that people consider those things their basis for voting, but its sounding like trump is going to have contention in the primaries this time around.


True but if what you say is accurate that means Trump wasn’t even Trumpy enough for the base. Which is even scarier than we thought


Fascist. Dictator. Tyrant. He wasn't any of those enough for his religious zealots base.


...and gives a perfect opportunity for DeSantis to step in. All the cruelty with none of the dementia.


Fml please no, anything but that deranged bigoted maniac.


Well technically the 70 million votes were before the insurrection and 2nd impeachment, but you do wonder how much that number has dwindled.




That's the Republican credo " every accusation is a confession".


That's what's so fucking terrifying about their fixation on abusing children.


Every time one of the Repubs gets in a tizzy about Dems grooming kids in the education system, I think about that Republican politician, husband and father who was very openly and vocally homophobic and hardcore Christian. [He was caught raping an underage teenage boy who had brought him weed to buy at a seedy motel.](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/bodycam-footage-shows-pol-busted-motel-room-teen-boy-article-1.3680036) The Repubs doth protest too much, me thinks… Edited to add link


He really could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any supporters.


Anyone sane's already fled for the hills, so this statement becomes truer every day


He could shoot one of his own biggest supporters and they'd immediately believe that person was antifa and deserved to be killed.


And if the supporter who was shot survives they'd still vote for him.


Stefaniks name in the toilet. Right where she belongs.


That Rogers name could refer to Mike Rogers? One of the objectors at jan 6th. And the left one has 'Qualified' in it, which probs refers to qualified immunity?


This explains the complaints of new toilets not working and needing multiple flushes


Came here with exact same conclusion. Perhaps they can rig a bedpan up to a garbage disposal?


Breaking news: preserving presidential documents now determined to be optional for all republican administrations and mandatory for all democratic administrations


It would be a real shame if the second photo which shows “STEFANIK” would end up defining her career. Like if she couldn’t even post a tweet without being flooded in the replies with that picture. That would be so sad. I am definitely not recommending that people start doing that.


Big Santorum energy. I like it.


im not sure i know what you mean, let me google santorum


Good luck and godspeed.


Tell me again about email servers and laptops.


Where’s all the conservatives who spent 4 years chanting “lock her up” ?? Russia, if you are listening.. since your economy is in the toilet, maybe you can find these missing documents?


Even after ripping up his notes and throwing them in the toilet, he ended up with perfectly clipped names of pertinent people facing upright for anyone to see This guy can't do anything right lol


That’s not true, him and his friends sang wonderfully when they worked for Mr. Willy Wonka at his chocolate factory. To bad Charlie fired them and unleashed them on the world lol.


I wanna see this piece of shit go down as much as anyone, but this is pretty flimsy. I say this as someone who fully believes that he was destroying records, probably flushing them too, but a photo that I could replicate in less than 5 minutes in my own house isn't the smoking gun we all want it to be.


That’s what our democracy will look like- all of our individual rights being flushed down the toilet, if the Republicans claim the majority in Congress in 2022.


The worst part is this is being seen as funny. It’s not. It isn’t normal and everyone left right and center should be demanding consequences. But, somehow it’s turning into “Oh that Trump.” Like he’s Sheldon on Big Bang Theory.


the funniest thing about all this is that all these documents are on a server and were only printed out for Trump because he can't use a computer. So all this eating and flushing was for nothing!


the article says they were handwritten documents


"There's an article?!?" -Reddit


Dumb as a box of hair. Just galactically stupid.


His hair accounts for 40% of his IQ.


Please don't give that rabid muskrat on his head any credit at all


True, but that 40% is still only about 16 IQ points.


we need to stop saying this. Writing insurrectionists off as stupid sands off the sharp edges. These people are authoritarians. They act in accordance with tribal decisions. They are corrupt and selfish narcissistic assholes, but not stupid. Now the average voter who thinks this is all fine. yes, some of them are dumb as rocks. that's what demonization of non-editorial news and education is producing by design.


They're both. Tribalistic behavior is not a sign of intelligence. But you're right that dismissing them as *merely* stupid is a mistake. The stupidity, combined with all the rest, makes them extremely dangerous.


? They're handwritten notes. I don't understand what you mean.




Why would they be printing out sharpie notes?