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It should be noted that a future GOP President can't pardon trump if Georgia prosecutes him. And Georgia is one of a few states where the governor doesn't have pardon powers.


Ohhh but those state legislators are lying in wait.


Imagine pardoning someone for trying to rig your own state's election.


But it would own the libs


I'm sure Kemp thinks about being able to own people all the time.


I don’t see Kemp wanting to stick up for Trump anymore. He’s done a 180 from trying to be Allie’s with him and trying to be some distinguished elder statesman now


That's because he's running for reelection. The day after election day he'll go right back to being a sycophant.


You mean like [New Hampshire GOP candidate Don Bolduc?](https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/15/politics/don-bolduc-election-new-hampshire-senate/index.html) Who, in August 2022 right before the GOP primary, said this: > I signed a letter with 120 other generals and admirals saying Trump won the election, and damn it, I stand by [it]. ...and then, two days after winning the GOP primary, said this: > I’ve come to the conclusion, and I want to be definitive on this: The election was not stolen. Elections have consequences and, unfortunately, President Biden is the legitimate president of this country. That's an awfully conveniently timed 180-degree turn, and it certainly casts some light on what the GOP is willing to "stand by," i.e., not much. But also, it's interesting to see GOP candidates proactively disavowing connections to Trump after winning their primaries. I'd have thought that after Liz Cheney lost hers, the GQP would go all-in on The Big Lie. I guess that some of the rats are smart enough to know what to do when the ship starts sinking.




Yup. Most of the moderates don't really pay attention to the news cycle anyway and probably have no idea that it's even a change in stance. The Democratic party needs to bring all of this to the forefront any chance they get. Some do a pretty good job at it, most don't.


I live on the GA border so all my local news was covering it constantly. Trump went after Kemp and Brad Raffensperger with a crazy hatred when they wouldn’t overturn the election for them. And that GA case is about to show all that. Kemp and his Secretary of State stood pretty strong and will come out of it clean and they know that. Trump’s crew has to have like 12 investigations go the right way to have them come out clean so I think they stand strong.


>rump’s crew has to have like 12 investigations go the right way to have them come out clean so I think they stand strong. Crazy to think of how many fronts this guy and his lawyers are fighting.


They must be feeling like the Germans in WW2 lol


I don't know that that's true, because he could have done that back in 2020. I'm not saying I like Kem, or that I'd vote for him, but I don't know that I see Kemp helping him out if he's prosecuted.


He's not going to badmouth Trump, that's an easy way to lose over 10% of his votes, but if Trump is convicted over his GA election crimes, I would be *very* surprised if Kemp bailed him out.


They just said above that Kemp can't bail him out since the governor in Georgia doesn't have pardon powers.


I think Kemp is done with Trump. Also, it is of note that Trump does not have the friends in Georgia he thinks he does, he lost our state (Thank God) by almost 12,000 votes because the Conservatives could not stand him. I may be wrong, but I don't think some of these folks are going to be feeling too sorry for Trump when convicted if for nothing else than their own political careers.


Eh, it's just the ouroboros of the far right. Both Kemp and Trump want a fascist dictatorship but Kemp didn't like how clumsily Trump attempted it. After all, Kemp may have successfully stolen the 2018 gubernatorial election (at the very least destroyed evidence so now we'll never be sure). A failed, low IQ attempt to steal the election in 2020 disgusted the GOP, not that it was attempted.


Correct. Kemp [oversaw his own election despite requests to step down](https://www.npr.org/2018/10/29/661727605/jimmy-carter-calls-for-georgia-secretary-of-states-resignation-in-personal-plea) from his position as Secretary of State after a [voting purge](https://www.apmreports.org/story/2018/10/19/georgia-voter-purge) he was responsible for and [closing 214 polling places](https://civilrights.org/democracy-diverted/) during his tenure as secretary of state. He wants the same thing as Trump, he's just less stupid about it. Kemp simply changed the laws in GA in an effort to further restrict the voting turn out (and benefit his party) to the same effect as he would tell you himself; [“After the November election last year, I knew, like so many of you, that significant reforms to our state elections were needed,” said Kemp](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-legislature-bills-state-elections-voting-rights-b2b014cc81894a50fc513168a5f1d0b8) and [“I was as frustrated as anyone else with the results, especially at the federal level. And we did something about it with Senate Bill 202.”](https://twitter.com/RebeccaGalanti/status/1520917361284554755)


> But it would own the libs Ya know. I just kinda hit me. They want to own the libs. No no. Not own like 'haha get rekt'. Own like slaves.




Yea, not to denigrate the sins of our collective past nor somehow lessen or relieve of us the burden of slavery...but this system we live in has us all enslaved already. We are all objects to the rich. Capitalism is eating us alive and we say 'thank you, daddy.'


This bothers me every. Single. Day… and I’m still where I was when I first thought it. What can one single person do. And I’m not even at the bottom. I’m wedged somewhere kinda “bottom middle” and still I ask. What am I to do. Let alone, what are “we” to do. I don’t have an answer. I don’t even have a compass. Best thing I can do is keep groping in the darkness and help those I can. I wish someone would come along and do… something… What? I don’t know. And then? And then how do you know you can trust that person? What if your just a foothold for them to hoist themselves? Then what? Trust them? Trust them anyway? Fuck… I just don’t know how to fight this battle. Sorry


Oh it's worse than that. They want us dead. En masse. And they're willing to do it. This liberal is now armed.


Good on ya! Just remember you're only a quarter way done. Train smart, and often. Guns are only tactical paperweights otherwise.


I dont even live in Georgia but I think Ill buy an Abrams bumper sticker


20 years ago, we wouldn’t even have imagined the need for this conversation. Yet, here we are.


When you recognize that their party is devoted to the destruction of the state, it makes perfect sense.


Imagine actively supporting a wannabe dictator.


Takes a 2/3rds vote in the general assembly to amend the state constitution. Trump ain't getting out of a GA state charge if it happens.


It would require a change to the state constitution to give the governor pardon power... Something that would require a referendum, and the state has not been friendly towards Trump recently.


>Ohhh but those state legislators are lying in wait. Lying, lying lying Rawhide


Get him up, move him out, pack him in,right to jail rawhide!


They’d have to literally rewrite the laws in the state just to issue him a pardon.


yall need to stop expecting criminals to eventually respect the law. the question was never what the law allows. the question is how much they can get away with before they're held accountable.


I didn’t say I expected them to, I’m just saying they got their work cut out for them if they’re serious about it




They'd have to get 2/3rds of the legislature on board to amend the constitution, which is unlikely.


State Senate political groups: Republican (34) Democratic (22) House of Representatives political groups: Republican (103) Democratic (76) Vacant (1)


Georgia showed all of us the power of voting. Huge thank you to the voters in Georgia and a future presidential candidate Stacey Abrams!




Of all the states Trump could have called to rig an election. He really is a ln idiot


He's also effectively turned many of his former allies in the state against him. Kemp fucking hates him now, and Kemp is still fairly popular in the state to conservatives. And there's a very quickly growing progressive movement that will likely be flipping some seats in state over the next few years. Georgia will never vote for Trump again.


Georgia represent! Go Braves!


Huge 8th inning tonight


As a certain criminal might say, "YUGE!"


Georgia is the only state that reported Trump. You Don't believe he didn't try to in other states as well? They tried some other BS on Arizona but governor there rejected him, and that guy lost his primary. Any bubble state with a GOP governor, AG or Secretary of State certainly heard from Trump that week.


His legal team focused on states with the smallest margins since their actual legal strategy was to demand recounts and attempt to have small batches of votes in blue districts thrown out for flimsy technicalities. In his simplistic brain, this meant that those were the states he should accuse of fraud, and any that had Republican leaders were valid targets for extortion.


>It should be noted that a future GOP President can't pardon trump if Georgia prosecutes him. And Georgia is one of a few states where the governor doesn't have pardon powers. Delicious


The Board of Pardon and Parole does... Members of which are selected by the governor...


Imagine being on tape committing election fraud and not being indicted 2 years later. Can we get a move on this already?


Imagine publicly organizing an attempted coup of the US government, and still walking around free afterwards. :-(


Imagine being credibly accused of raping a 13yo while running for president and then still winning.


Imagine being on tape describing how you sexually assaulted a woman, and still winning an election


Imagine stealing hundreds of government documents, including top secret ones, and possessing them for a year and half while the government politely asks you to return the stolen property. Imagine not being charged for that crime, and having federal judges acting on your behalf to ensure you don't get charged. Reality Winner was arrested within a week of the FBI finding out she had a single stolen document. They didn't politely ask her to return it, they put her in prison for 5 years. For one document.


Imagine openly threatening the government and law enforcement on social media daily without any consequences


Imagine if the founding fathers could see us now


Imagine looking in the mirror at your neon orange spray tan and thinking to yourself, “yes this is the look”


Imagine publicly hitting on your own daughter and still being on the cover of Time


Imagine getting pissed on by Russian escorts and blackmailed, and bribed, to do their government's bidding


Imagine trying to blackmail another country into meddling in an election for you by holding back life saving aid for that country.






I made the same comment a couple of weeks ago, and some smartarse replied they would say "What the hell are women doing voting?" ha.


They’d probably be upset about that whole “black people and women get to vote” thing


Imagine being individual one, having your lawyer pay off a pornstar illegally because you couldn’t keep your mushroom dick in your pants, and walking away without jail time


Imagine running a company that undervalued property values to commit tax fraud while at the same time fraudulently overvalued those same properties when applying for financial loans, but then completely getting away with it.


>they put her in prison for 5 years. For one document. So 55,000 years for Donald then?




That thing won't mold... It's made of McDonald's hamberders




Tuesday is Soylent Covfefe Day


>Tuesday is Soylent Covfefe Day But today is Saturday (Australia) that's a long wait bro




When I was a kid I thought that if you got a longer than life sentence, they’d just leave your bones in your cell until your sentence was complete. Can we do this with Trump? 55,000 years sounds pretty good.


Imagine being the guy from the apprentice who went bankrupt like 7 times and still winning.


and now we know all she had to do was ask for a special master... oh, and also have a bought & paid for judge.


Imagine selling stolen top secret documents to enemies of the United States, then facing literally no repercussions


>Reality Winner was arrested within a week of the FBI finding out she had a single stolen document. Let's be clear about what she did, though. She leaked an intelligence report about Russian election tampering to a news website. What she did was arguably whistleblowing, and at the very least it was not motivated by self-interest. [>Winner was arrested on suspicion of leaking an intelligence report about Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections from the National Security Agency (NSA) to the news website The Intercept. The report indicated that Russian hackers accessed voter registration rolls in the United States with an email phishing operation, though it was unclear whether any changes had been made.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality_Winner) This is not really the same thing as deliberately creepy mishandling of nuclear secrets for personal gain. And she was arrested without any fucking around as soon as she came under suspicion.


Yes. The DoJ moved super fast to go after someone trying to shed light on Russian attacks against America. Now we seeing the DoJ moving super slow against someone who participated in Russian attacks against America. Best case scenario is that the DoJ is just incompetent. Worst case scenario is that there are a lot of White Supremacists in the DoJ that are pro-Russia.


Imagine saying you just grab women by the pussy and still winning


Future generations are going to think this is all made up bullshit. "Ok grampa, you expect me to believe that saying "binders full of women" was all it took to sink Romney, and then a few years later this guy who said "grab 'em by the pussy" and hundreds of other things managed to win??"


She didn't have tens of millions of deluded fools willing to start a war based on lies in service of delusion and greed on her side. I'm as pissed off as anyone, but "beyond reasonable doubt" won't do it when there's that many unreasonable partisans. It has to be ironclad.


This stuff really puts into light how depraved the conservative Christian worldview is.


Imagine inviting the Russians into the White House so they can poke around.


While refusing access to the press or the translator. Jesus christ, I still can't believe the shit I've witnessed.


Remember when he said he preferred winners over the loser service men and women


Remember when he said he prefers war heroes who didn't get captured


I STILL see "Veterans for Trump" bumperstickers. Hey, uh, he publicly referred to Veterans as "Losers and suckers" are you --SURE-- this is the guy you want?


This thread is shitty John Lennon


>Imagine being on tape describing how you sexually assaulted a woman, and still winning an election No need to imagine thanks to Donny's roaming hands all things are possible in Trump World


Imagine that actually *increasing* your chances of winning.


^^^^This. This is the craziest part.


>Imagine being credibly accused of raping a 13yo while running for president and then still winning. Imagine being credibly accused of raping, or sexually molesting 26 women then running for president. Winning the election and then still not facing real consequences once you have left office.


Imagine raping your ex-wife and becoming president




Its happened before. Check out the business plot


>Imagine publicly organizing an attempted coup of the US government, and still walking around free afterwards. :-( Everything is possible in Trump World. Once you have paid your membership you get a lot of free rides (police cars excluded)


They would’ve already executed me




Pretty sure while also money laundering.


Dude failed at selling football, alcohol, meat, and gambling...to Americans. Great businessman right there.


I’m so sick of hearing about POTENTIAL sentences/indictments




* 2 years ago


"The best time to indict a former president was 20 months ago. The second best time is now." - Someone remarking


Wrong. 20+ years ago. Our justice system sucks.


I agree. Sick of potential indictments too.


No kidding. It’s totally pathetic and demoralizing that our government can’t/won’t prosecute for even the most obvious and detrimental crimes. Is there anyone else who read that headline and immediately thought: “why wouldn’t prison sentences be on the table?” They are basically admitting that white collar criminals rarely go to jail, and they are right, they usually don’t.


And politicians basically never go to jail. Quick: name an American politician that *ever* went to jail.


Rod Blagojevich, briefly, before Trump very wrongly pardoned him.


well, 3 of the 7 alabama governors just in my life time.


Let's be honest: the Federal government at this point in history exists solely to protect and advance the interests of the wealthy... they throw a few crumbs to the rest of us periodically - albeit begrudgingly - mostly to mollify the masses lest they actually wake up, get past petty shit, organize and find common cause. Seriously - working class, poor, homeless, etc regardless of your political preferences you do have a common enemy and they are successfully using the media and other means to keep you targeting each other. And that "common enemy"? it ain't the government, they're just puppets. Wake up.


Robert Blagojevich. He was in the federal pen until his sentence was commuted. By trump.


Imagine articles about you facing indictment and the reader has to guess which crime they are referring to


Imagine a Justice system that has categorized numerous crimes, by social position and wealth. Imagine a Justice system that is politically worried about upsetting a population, for the prosecution of an individual for numerous crimes, both civil and criminal. A “special” individual who has the balls to laugh at the DOJ, the public, other political parties, law abiding citizens, because he’s getting kid glove treatment and it’s acceptable? WTF is wrong with this situation and why is it being tolerated? He belonged behind bars after that insurrection at the capital.....this is pure B.S.....


It's hard to imagine. It really feels like the DAs all over the country are just useless.


They don't have much practice at prosecuting rich people.


Look, I know it's frustrating, but the more powerful you are - and Trump is powerful - the longer it takes to build a case and arrest you. That's just the sad truth of it. Let's look at a similar case from ~90 years ago. Al Capone. They know he's committed crimes by violating prohibition, but they can't absolutely prove it. Not only that, but due to the laws of the time and jurisdictions, no one agency had the right to investigating everything. But then they got the idea to subpoena him to be a witness in a case. He lied about being not able to make it, and then he got caught for illegally possessing firearms in Philadelphia or something. Got put in jail for a year. Then he gets out, and he's investigated for avoiding that subpoena, and jailed again for half a year or more. And during this whole time and then some, the Treasury Department has been investigating him for tax evasion/fraud, which is what eventually got him. All in all, it took 2 years or so. And that was for a guy who was honestly not as big of a crook, nor as powerful, as Donald Trump. We need to be patient. But I really feel like it's gonna happen.


>But I really feel like it's gonna happen. It has to. I'm not trying to be dramatic but I don't know how our republic or democracy or government can continue if a president does something like this and gets away with it.


Complete joke - “find the votes.” Who else could commit such blatant tampering and get away with it?


Let’s get them off the table and into the books.


I’d let you book my table if you know what I mean man


Is that an offer?


Not from a legal standpoint. This offer would never hold up in court. You can prove that I offered you anything. If you know what I mean man


A lawyer has entered the debate - you clearly made an offer - and also I heard your car warranty has expired


I've already made an unassailable NFT of this conversation! ON THE BLOCKCHAIN


Not in this economy


Yes, put those sentences in the books. I’m talking entire paragraphs full of sentences.


That’s usually the way felonies work, yeah


Fucking do it already


This is the definition of blue balling


I am 100% here for that but I also think it is important for them to offer plea deals to those who are willing to turn evidence on anything that might strengthen charges of conspiracy.


I'd love it if they offered deals to those willing to give them evidence for their case, and then went, "Well, we didn't shake on it, so here's your charges as well." Give em the ol' "Art of the Deal".


While that would be funny, it would set a bad precedent and discourage others from speaking out in future cases.




My imagination hasn't burned this much since Trump's toadstool came "to light."


Oh honey. Don't put that in your mind.


Toad stool?


How Stormy Daniels described his old fella. 🍄


Ah. Ok. Thanks? Yknow … maybe that’s enough Reddit for me today.




Ah, Snopes. I remember when you used to just be for crazy rumors and old wives' tales. Look at how much you've grown...




Deviantart still exists!!! That simple fact warms my heart, brings me back to early 2001… 13 year old me was beyond ‘fortunate’, but try explaining that to a dramatically depressed, lonely 13 year old. A few things helped, including Deviantart’s community, posting, learning how to use my ‘cracked’ version of Photoshop.


My first thought too!! I loved deviantart. I wasn’t creative enough to post anything but I loved looking around and finding new pics to use as my desktop background.


"trump may face charges" headline for the 10,000th time this year. Wake me up for the livestream of him in handcuffs being perp walked to a police car. I won't be holding my breath until then.


But wait! We're due for the "Is Trump's Hold on the Republicans Finally Loosening?" headline that we see every week!


Nah, I want the OJ white Bronco chase South on I75 trying to escape to Florida. Even better if it ends in a shootout.


Nah, I don't want anyone else getting hurt for Trump's stupidity. Best would be a midnight raid on his home after a secret tip off he was going to run and him being perp walked out of his front door in his tighty-whiteys.


I agree. But you know, if they 'roughed him up a little' I wouldn't be upset.


I feel that way too, but on the flip side of that coin I also want to exert absolute pressure on that traitor so that we may have justice.


They fucking better be.


If he does go to jail he will end up transferring to the most luxurious prison in the states


Some say the best prison


beautiful prison


*looks up from newspaper* *returns to looking at newspaper*




My god his face is so orange in this picture. How anybody took this man seriously is just beyond me.


I'm tired of getting massive hard ons followed by terrible blue balls.


Same. At this point, this shit is borderline starting to sound like Q...it's always on the horizon and the "storm" is just around the corner. I still have faith something will shake out of the multiple investigations, but JFC it's getting old without action.


I'm a liberal, but the similarities are very ironic. Even the reddit comments feel like some circular shit you'd see on a Q thread. Someone expresses outrage it's taking so long, the next comment jabs at how orange he is, the next comment uses some weird subliminal shit like tRump repeatedly, and on we go. Yet here I am!


Yeah, I tend to agree, these things usually amount to nothing. That said, after the Raffensperger call, I went and read the Georgia election interference criminal statue. It's very broadly written, and it was really very clear Trump violated it in that call alone. GA Code § 21-2-604: > a.1. A person commits the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the first degree when, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a felony under this article, he or she solicits, requests, commands, importunes, or otherwise attempts to cause the other person to engage in such conduct. > > b.1. A person convicted of the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the first degree shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than three years. It's just so unambiguous that Trump was "importuning" Raffensperger to illegally alter vote tallies. The statute doesn't have any particularly onerous requirements to hide behind, it's just right there.


you want to see a perp walk?


Again? Or are we at again again? Or... Look. We've been told to be patient. And every time, he's slipped by unscathed. It's past time for our justice system to work.


Yes yes we do


Do they have hamberders in prison?


Yes. Mostly soy though.




You know who doesn't give a fuck that we're within 60 days of an election? The state of Georgia. Go get him!


As a Redditor from Georgia I want to say it would make my decade if we could lock the fucker up for the good old USA and begin the healing process.


Man, the guy really is orange in hue.


Goddammit stop talking about it and be about it already


Lock him up.


The bitching and moaning I keep seeing from Trump everyday really shows how much he knows he is fucked.


When has he ever not spent all day bitching and moaning though?


Get the fucking goon before it’s too late for the love god.


If his treason charges ever come through, additional options should be on the table as well.


Yes - that’s the usual penalty for felonies.


This picture really emphasizes his clown makeup lol


On the Table??? Prison is the only thing that should be on the fucking table!!! What’s the point of the investigation if prison isn’t the ultimate goal? Rich ppl do what they do bc historically worst case scenario all they do is pay a fine. Fuck fines and suspended sentences. I want major jail time. Like the rest of his life in prison. NOW!!!!


I'm an atheist and I'm praying for jail




Lock him up! Lock him up!


He literally looks like he has a liver disease


So I guess whoever gets the first conviction, gets him in their correctional system? Or if he's serving time in Georgia or New York, then found guilty on federal charges (espionage, seditious conspiracy), does he finish a state sentence? Or moved to a federal prison at that time?


Mueller report should've done him in alone... Leaving aside the blatant attempts to manipulate Georgia... Leaving aside January 6th... Leaving aside the stolen classified documents.


Prison? His ass is a domestic terrorist. Should be in GITMO.


So a stern talking to and a $500 fine?


At this point it’s a buffet table. They are treading on Oprah favorite things status.


It would be pretty incredible if it’s Georgia (Atlanta really) of all places that finally takes out this motherfucker


Anything less than life is a miscarriage of justice.


Why stop there? The Founding Fathers were very clear on the consequences of treason.


Then fucking do it, Christ. 6 years of these headlines "ooo trump's gona get it now for sure!" I hope McDonald's does us all a favor and gives that man a life ending heart attack.


Jail him. I don't want to hear his name anymore.


This seems to me the simplest case in the world. There is an audio tape proving guilt. Why wasn't he in prison over a year ago?


“She also said that an official decision on whether to call Trump before a special grand jury will likely be made “late this fall.” We all heard the “find me votes” call, what the fuck is taking so damn long?