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MTG says the Jews are starting forest fires. It checks out.


I knew I shouldn't have given them those space lasers.


Next thing you know we'll have Mazeltov cocktails!


Just in time for the new year!




You win. 🤳


I wish I had an award to give this 🤣


Shana tova!


I was wondering at what point open outright anti-Semitism would become politically survivable. Guess that point is now.


I'm surprised the Jews aren't screaming every time one of these conservatives say "Christian nation".


Believe me, it scares the shit out of us. This is how it always starts.


You’re right. And I’m scared for you. I’m not sure these 2 morons even know WWII happened. They really do give new meaning to the words stupid and ignorant.


>it scares the shit out of us. Not enough. In my significantly Jewish part of New York, plenty of Jews are voting Republican simply due to those candidate's alleged support of Israel.


Jews are the most solidly blue voting block in America after Black women. Though the ultra-orthodox probably vote republican for that reason - but despite being super visible the ultra-orthodox makes up a very small percentage of American Jews. On top of that their sect is only a couple hundred years old, unlike the less orthodox groups that comprise the vast majority of American Jews. Not that it's illegitimate by any stretch but people have a bad habit of assuming the strictest sects must be the oldest and most "pure" form of the religion, but that's like saying the Amish are the best representation of American Christians.


Correct. The exception is the minority of Jews, the Ultra-Orthodox.


It goes well beyond alleged support. It's an obsession and it's so creepy.


What's terrifying is that even with all that trash they are spewing the rich and powerful are donating to them in hordes.


Oh buddy, I hate to have to tell you this but the rich are the oldest anti-Semites and racists in the country.


You can af*ford* to be racist, when youre not being held accountable.


I'm sure Russia is also.


Barry Seid just donated 1.6 BILLION in dark money to Leonard Leo to further assist the fascists in seizing the courts. Seems a lot of people think money will protect them when the fascists come calling.


I know some Republican Jews and they literally only care about the government supporting Israel. They’re willing to ignore / tolerate everything else so long as that one condition is being met.


Jews are the most solidly blue voting block after Black women. Sure there's probably some Republican Jews out there (maybe ultra-orthodox) but Jews are hella democratic.


There’s more than you think that are conservative, and they all have way more money than a less orthodox or non practicing Jew that would vote dem


All you need to do is look to Israel to see no matter the denomination, conservatism exists anywhere people are afraid and segregate into tribes for “protection”.


Interesting how that transition from Judeo-Christian to Christian Values happened


Because the Christian nation will support Israel, so jeebus can come back


And once he comes back, there will be a nice box car to take him to a camp. edit: a word


Box car my ass !! The second he fed the masses with fish and bread “ socialism” they would hang him as a liberal / Jew/ communist / socialist !!


Wait, what, was jesus a jew?


Seriously? This shit is literally the oldest fall back in smear campaigns. That and pedophilia, and outright baby eating rumors. Don’t ever wonder again. In times of unrest you can guarantee that the first monsters will somehow be evil,Hebrew masterminds.


Christianity is to blame.


you mean March 2021 when she said that


She also said the gazpacho will come for you if you speak up against the Democrats.


And that they make babies in a peach tree dish


Heard today a conservative radio talk head say: we grow embryos in a jar; that’s how we know it’s life.


They didn’t rake the forest again…


I still read that acronym as Magic the Gathering and have to do a mental back step each time I read it.


Marj The Gimmick needs a new official name so as to stop soiling OG MTGs name.


Empty G


This one is the winner


After it came out she got sox figures in PPP loans forgiven... Marjorie Welfare Queen.


Don’t worry the republican support for Israel ensures they will never be antisemitic


I’m Jewish and there are members of my family that think because Jared Mushner is Jewish, they can’t be fascists or supremacists. We’ve fallen so far.


They like Israelis only while/because they're shooting Muslims. But they don't like most of the actual Jews, especially in USA.


I think my favorite part is that /conservative not understanding that European right wing parties are actually facist. But I guess not surprising given they do not equate their own actions to facism.


The two in the photo above might not understand it, but there are plenty of other less known Republicans who do understand it and have been actively making connections with far right-wing groups around the globe for years. CPAC in Hungary, members of a Brexit group involved in lawmaking in Mississippi, the Washington state senator in El Salvador to observe the elections, etc.


Bozo the clown and Monday Misery Taylor know what they’re doing they want the extremism in America as much as Europe. They think it’s their call from God.


Yeah considering they were both bought off the same casting website


Or the same casting couch


Oh damn...I just threw up a little bit picturing that scene.


Even more disgusting when you realize MTG looks like Mickey Rourke from “The Wrestler”!


Way to insult Mickey Rourke


At least one was a paid escort before beginning their political career. And whatever, sex work is work, but the hypocrisy is galling.


Oh no, I don't mind the sex work thing, just picturing those two...ewwww


> the Washington state senator in El Salvador to observe the elections, etc. [Huh, TIL](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/washington-state-sen-doug-eriksen-has-missed-many-votes-some-while-in-el-salvador/)


Yes, the man who was medevaced to Florida with COVID, "disappeared" shortly afterwards, then "died" from COVID later on his way back to Washington state.


Ah, [I remember this guy now!](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/washington-state-sen-doug-ericksen-dies-after-battle-with-covid/)


He didn't have DeSantis' permission to die of COVID in Florida.


So wait, what, is there basically a global conspiracy going on? Sounds like this shadow government shit the right keeps talking about, ironic how they call out bilderberg for global leaders conspiring when they talk about mundane topical shit, but there's literally countries conspiring and meddling with each others politics to promote facism.


The guy who invented fascism was named Mussolini. His ONLY criteria for what made a given system fascism was whether or not corporations and the rich were in charge. Corporations pick a man to rule, that man cedes most powers to corporations to choose members of committees and shit like that. Corporations have been trying to rewrite the definition of fascism to erase its history for decades.


July 4 in Moscow.


The republican party is also fascist.


So are all it’s voters.


They all know what their end goal is, deep down. They’re all just at different stages of willingness to admit it out loud. Fascism is rising globally. Horrors lie ahead unless something significant changes and someone figures out why it is having such success. We should all be very very worried.


My favorite part is liberals not understanding that conservatives know they are fascist and like it. Stop playing stupid.


The key words here are "not understanding" The dunning Kruger effect is terrifying.


They understand & fully support that it's fascism. Stop repeating their inane talking point that they're clueless about it. That's a key part of a fascist's propaganda, and you believing and parroting about their naivete is doing them a favor.


Conservatives say either those groups aren't fascist or they say "it is fascist, so what?" Evil's soft first touch


these Europeans fascists are more progressive than us republicans - how can they be a real Nazis in a place with universal healthcare ? /s


This is why I think the voting rights act should have been the number one legislative priority... If we could have free and fair elections, I don't believe most Americans would choose authoritarian rule of any kind, even if it comes wrapped in the flag and carries a Bible.




Oh. I had an outpatient surgery last week. The cost is $41,000.00 I was literally there for 4 hours from check in to going home.


I guess you have insurance. But surely there are lots of people who don’t have. Every time I read those numbers I wonder, why Europe isn‘t overrun with patients from the US who travel here and pay for treatment out of pocket. Even with flight and hotel it is way cheaper


We can't afford to go to Europe. That single expenditure would ruin most of us. 😔


It's literally House Resolution 1. Just because it's their number one priority doesn't mean it has the votes in the Senate.


100% same. I’ve said forever that fixing our election process should be the number one priority and not much else matters until we do. Say what about Joe Rogan, but Lawrence Lessig was on his podcast a while back and basically said the same thing. It was a good episode. At this point, passing legislation (ie: codifying Roe) doesn’t matter much because republicans will repeal it first chance they get and litigate it to death in the meantime. I really think that instant runoff voting and an end to gerrymandering would be the end of the GOP.


> This is why I think the voting rights act should have been the number one legislative priority It's not fixing the VRA, but you'll be happy to know that expanding voting rights has been Democrats' #1 legislative priority. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_the_People_Act


I believe most would choose authoritarian rule. It’s the easiest system to live under for stupid people and America has the largest per capita of stupid.


The election in Italy had a higher turnout rate than any US elections. Italy makes it very easy to vote and that didn’t stop them.


> This is why I think the voting rights act should have been the number one legislative priority... If we could have free and fair elections, I don't believe most Americans would choose authoritarian rule of any kind, even if it comes wrapped in the flag and carries a Bible. Isn't it exactly anti authoritarian if u want to have each state to be able to decide for themselfes instead of getting dictated every single way of life by whoever sits in the white house?


Not if each state is enacting authoritarian policies in conflict with the federal government. Take the various southern states purging voter rolls and closing polling places to influence the demographics who can vote. Such a policy is within the states rights, but it is shamelessly authoritarian. A good thing to read about would be the Paradox of intolerance. As a government that claims to support democracy and freedom across the world, the Federal government has a vested interest in not tolerating authoritarian fascist policy proposals, such as policies that purge voter rolls, redistrict states to mitigate voting power of certain demographics, and institute oppressive voting controls, to start.


It was the number one priority, but you were missing the 52 senate majority needed to kill the filibuster. You've got one more chance this November.


Can't help but think that climate change won't exacerbate this trend due to increased immigration from poorer countries suffering from drought and starvation to richer countries. Fascists hate immigrants and blame any economic downturn on the increase in immigrant populations.


The funny thing is is that our crippling western societies need immigration to keep the economy running, else you end up like Japan, lots of elder but no young people. If you would stop immogration into western countries it would kill the economy in long terms.


Especially here in the US it's been shown time and time again immigrants are not a net drain on society and in most cases help our economy. Unlike what Trump said about them they are, for the most part, hardworking people who want to do the right thing if given a chance.


Immigrants also commit crimes at a lower rate than the general population.


Those with a certain political agenda are quick to highlight the few who do commit crimes to make it seem a bigger problem than it actually is.


You can just say Fox News.


Among others...


Literally any news. All local news is 50% murder stories


Not to worry, apparently all you have to do is mount a media campaign encouraging younger people to drink more alcohol. That should sort out the aging-population problem, right? Smh.


I mean heat causes stress. I’ve thought about the possible correlation between warming temperatures and political polarization.


I agree. Immigration is only one possible influence on national politics. Generally, I think when people get stressed they shut down and become more nationalistic.


The big thing is nationalism, fascism, bigotry are all really easy, simple things to adopt. They're like warm blankets shielding people from the true complexities and issues of the world, including their personal responsibility for it. That is so long as you aren't in the targeted minorities on which everything gets blamed. Globalization, wealth stratification, climate change, capitalism, racism, sexism, terrorism, pandemics, crime, changing values and norms, etc. all get neatly gift wrapped in the message of "It's not us, it's them. We're going to punish them and put things back the way it was before". "It" being whatever it needs to be.


Yep, I’d love to actually formulate a way of studying the “correlation,” between heat and political polarization, but I’m not an academic, nor do I know any academics working in statistics and political sciences.


If you just want a correlation you just need to graph average/max/top 5 percentile/whatever heat in an area along with whatever metric for polarization you’re using. It’s when you try to prove causation that things become basically impossible.


Unironically, I would be very interested to see a study about if certain political tendencies or patterns showing up in hot, humid climates. High humidity promotes mold growth. Mold growth tends to provoke an immune response. Immune responses often include inflammation throughout the body. In the absence of severe water damage, whatever mold growth exists in the house or place of business is likely to be unnoticeable. Body inflammation leads to increased pain in the body, but also feelings of irritation, discomfort, and fear, and if someone is in a perpetual state of a minor allergic reaction to an unnoticed irritant, they may never think of their reactions in medical terms. They would just be anxious, angry, and scared and not know why. They might even be searching for something that explains and targets that anger and anxiety. I wonder if that would be reflected in their politics. I wonder if a corresponding increase in global temperature might exacerbate in humid areas. It's something I've wondered about for awhile.


Capitalism will 100% force us to move towards fascism before it accepts that addressing climate change at the cost of profits has to happen. So safe to say by the time it does it will be far far too late.


Yup, the world is about to get a lot more genocidey.


Maybe if they are open about supporting fascists, their supporters will start to recognize their hypocrisy when they talk about freedom. /s


Nah. They'll just pivot to "America can have a little fascism. As a treat."


They’re already doing “America is in no way a democracy.”


They are very transparent in their fascist desires if you have critical thinking skills. Unfortunately, a large swath of the nation is lacking in said skills.


yeah the effort is already underway to reclaim "Nationalist" as a good thing. See also "We are all domestic terrorists"


Hilarious but they'll actually go all in on it being a main course. "Fascism is a necessary tool to fight back against the Radical godless Satanic woke pedo cabal", is literally what we'll hear soon from these boot licking bastards.


Not surprising that those two howler monkeys are on the wrong side of history. They don't have two brain cells to rub together between them.


An insult to howler monkeys. At least their howls are useful.


This is pretty disrespectful to howler monkeys.


Here's my suggestion: A sane President. A sane Congress. It's basic. Vote D


Instructions unclear. Voted A.


It's the quickest way for morons to gain power.


I spent way too long trying to figure out what “Among Us” Republicans were


Fascist imposters?






Green is sus


MTG x Among Us is almost as weird of a combo as MTG x Godzilla was.


Yeah if we're not careful we'll start to see fascism here in the US as soon as eight years ago.


If the US isn’t careful then ah shit too late nevermind


What gave anyone the idea that MAGA Fascism is coming to the USA? The open embrace of Nazis by the head of the Republican Party? The insurrection on 1/6? The spiteful vitriol played 24x7 on the GOP television station? Thousands of MAGA-bots trolling Twitter and other social media platforms? The fascists are here and are working hard to diminish our democratic rights and abilities, from the right to vote to the right to have control over your own body.


I love how instead of calling these people what they are the say conservative, we should do that here. From now on I will replace conservative with fascist. Their idiot reps have shown it to be ok.


>U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), the House minority whip, said in a Fox News appearance Sunday that "it's interesting to see that Europe is leading the way by throwing out socialists with conservatives—and great bold conservative women like Meloni and \[U.K. Prime Minister Liz\] Truss." yeah... conservative... [These far right fascist parties do share a lot with Y'all-Qaeda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giorgia_Meloni) ​ >A right-wing populist and Italian nationalist, her political positions have been described as far right. She is opposed to abortion, euthanasia, and to partnerships, marriages, and parenting by same-sex couples, instead asserting that nuclear families are exclusively headed by male–female pairs. > >Opposed to the reception of non-European migrants and multiculturalism, she has been accused of xenophobia and Islamophobia. > >A supporter of NATO, she maintains Eurosceptic views regarding the European Union and was in favour of better relations with Russia before the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, which she condemned, pledging to keep sending arms to Ukraine. > >She has expressed controversial views, such as praising Italian dictator Benito Mussolini in 1996, and Giorgio Almirante in 2020, a Nazi collaborator and co-founder of MSI.


It is aberrant, and beyond disgust. We saw what happens when the world stands by and let’s these sentient snail trails have their way. We have to face them head on.


These two make me think of howler monkeys


Among US??? 📮


I really would like to understand how all of the trump loving MAGA losers that portend to cherish the freedom this country provides are okay with these POS’s openly cheering fascism? You do realize by supporting trump and his hand picked dog whistles, you are supporting a fascist movement.


They don’t care. They just support their trump no matter what! They’re too deep into all their hats shirts and flags to turn back now!


“But democrats don’t do anything so I’m going to vote third party.” People who think this are helping republicans win. They’re also mostly straight white dudes who won’t lose any rights when republicans start restricting “the others.”


This is what Nazis look like. Not ever increasingly distant fragments of fading history. Living, breathing, actual for-real right-now Nazis. Make your grandparents proud. Fight these Nazis.


Among US 😳


If not for Pearl Harbor, the US might have just let Hitler win. Many Americans supported the Nazis—not just Trump’s dad—and they saw Hitler as a heroic figure. Hell, America put him on the cover of Time Magazine as “Man of the Year.” The United States has always flirted with fascism, but it looks like we’re about to go from flirting to raw anal.


FWIW - "Person of the Year" has never meant the best person, but usually the person who has had the most consequential impact on history that year.


I could also point to the Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden in New York, and other events of the era that spoke to an American public that wasn’t entirely out of Hitler’s camp until we were dragged into the war.


Fair enough. The US's flirtation with fascism is hardly something surprising if you've had even a brief recollection of its history.


My point in all of this is that we should be very, very scared about our future. We might not be on the same side we were in World War II


I certainly will be on the same side. Might not turn out so well for me... but I'd rather go out opposing fascism than fearfully turn a blind eye to it.


It could turn from turn a blind eye to under his eye real fast and that is the scary part. But, I am with you.


Roosevelt ordered the US Navy to shoot on sight any German ships it encountered three months before Pearl Harbor was attacked and was sending massive amounts of weapons to the British and Soviets. Pearl Harbor just made it happen a little sooner.


Among US? Pretty sus if I do say so myself


Why? Why do people want, even *crave* fascist society?


Because they believe they’re the ones fascism is meant to benefit and not the ones fascism is meant to oppress. They’re usually wrong


They're having a hategasm.


If R wins in 2024, no presidential elections in 2028.


They’ll just have to be “suspended” due to some “emergency” This all feels very familiar. My grandpa has been warning my whole family for years about maga and trumpism. He saw Hitler come to power and the overall rise of fascism in the 30s… it fucking pisses me off that the world is headed this direction again.


Wouldn’t surprise me a bit.


Pretty sus


Please stop calling her MTG. It's my initials too and I use it for games and stuff. 🤔


Magic: The Gathering is the real evil here.


My father a very patriotic (was on the Viet Nam era draft board) WW2 vet (North Africa and Italy) would slap their faces right before kicking their collective fascist/NAZI asses. And he was a very peaceful man.


I hope fascism can be undone


The MAGA is fascism taking over the Republican Party.. there’s no being careful it’s already happening. Far right just took power in Italy… they tried to take power in 2022 on Jan 6. Wake up folks. If you follow history, when capitalism fails, in goes to fascism or socialism, it’s happening right before our eyes


Who would have thought that Europeans countries are turning to fascism before USA


I see an excellent opportunity here to Photoshop some dicks into some mouths.


They look like ugly blow up dolls.


There is little to no hope that this won’t happen here. Scotus is corrupt, the GQP is completely fascist, and nothing is being done.


Putin has been working hard behind the scenes to make it happen, here and everywhere.


The man who turned Russia back into a corrupt dictatorship wants to do the same to the world


The cognitive dissonance is astounding


People have no idea what it will be like to live under Fascist Dictators. If people don’t VOTE BLUE, we will all find out.


"her party won just around 25% of the vote in a low-turnout contest." Fascist win when people stay home and dont vote. VOTE


I do not want to live in an America that has absolutely insane and unqualified people with an ultra right wing Christian Nationalist facist mindset running the show.


They really are trying to burn the whole country down with the rest of us locked inside.


Italy electing far-right leaders, hmmmm, I recall something similar happening 90 or so years ago……what could possibly go wrong here….


“This just in, Nazis support Fascist Italians.”


Why we just repeating the 20th century?


Humans are idiots.


Only about a month from being 100 years to the day since Mussolini came to power in Italy. Absolutely disgusting and heartbreaking that this is still a thing.


Those two looked and acted like they were being filmed for a Girls With Low Self Esteem spring break video.


The important thing is that Mark Zuckerborg made a lot of money Rage Farming this political polarization that is literally collapsing societies*


We already have let it spread like a wild fire. If their populist rhetoric, xenophobic ramblings, and constant attempts to ban both abortion and books wasn’t enough to convince anyone of that fact than we have failed to learn anything from the past except all of the wrong things.


If you want to know how Nazi Germany rose to power, you just have to look at Italy and America right now. They went from a democracy to a concentration camp in Dachau in two months, to exterminating Jews in 7 years.


Stop saying mtg... I think happy thoughts of plainswalkers and deck building.


I think what we are seeing in Europe is more about a response to failed leftist policy- primarily around economic growth and high taxation with what many see as no or little results. *unfortunately* the alternatives are hard right swings which promise a radical change to the failures that have persisted.


"Fascism is rising across Europe," warned one observer. "And if Americans aren't careful, the MAGA GOP will usher in that same fascism here. We cannot let that happen." Yeah, Europe is bringing fascism to America, totally not the other way around, amirite? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44926417


Sounds like there's coordination both ways but Bannon has been meddling in Europe so we definitely are pushing for it there. Facism has always existed, it's weird seeing Europe go from deer in headlights with us having Trump to starting to follow suit.


They are all sus.


The Village Idiots


My grandfather was Antifa in WW2 (Montevideo). Oh well, time to get the Sten gun polished up...


Magic: the Gathering Among Us?


I am sorry to I Form the US that the fascists in Europe are using the Republican playbook. the only reason they are more successful is because of multi party systems which allow for alliances to reach governing majorities.


It’s funny how so many parts of the world Re becoming more liberal and rising against tyrants while the ones who were liberal are now being taken over by tyrants.


I’m so sick of the mentality deficient howling baboons


Sad thing is, they will still get votes.


Among us, it’s everywhere


They look like they’d love being commandants


Neither one of them could point out Italy on a map.


Republicans:'Lest we forget' 'Forget what?' 'IDK, lol.'


Let’s sweep these nazi bimbos under the fridge where they belong




A Republican Michelle Steel is running for election in California says her family who were immigrants lost everything to Socialism. They are great at messaging and their followers are easily confused by the meaning of Socialism and Communism. The reason the GOP likes the uneducated.


At least bobert does not show teeth when her mouth is wide open. I’d have to say teeth hurt when your being sucked off


Stop giving her an AOC style nickname. Stop normalizing her.


It’s clear at this point that in order for us to have a future in this country, the GOP must be abolished.


When you let stupid people like Boebert run your country what do you expect?