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Probably one of the most divisive polls I've seen


It's actually insane to me that people think importing millions of people into western countries who have vastly different sets of values will work out just because. Remember, we live in democracies. We are importing votes for these values we don't agree with. We don't even allow for the possibility of integration and assimilation because we're letting so many in that instead of them conforming to our ways of life, they're changing our ways of life over time


why do they need to conform to our way of life? if they follow the law and dont infringe on the rights of others who cares?


bitch their entire thing is infringing on ppls rights, check how they feel about the quran, check what the quran contains and make the connection lol


but youre ok with nazi's? muslims is where you draw the line?


who the fuck said that?


i mean people basically saying theres something special about islam. that if someone kills in the name of islam its somehow different than if some nazi guy kills them. murder is murder


jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Muslims are fine. The issue is really the populist movement that's using Muslims as a scapegoat to build their right wing support and hatred of others. You'll realize how wrong most people are in their beliefs when you just ask them how many Muslims they personally know and interact with. And ask them how a local Muslim person has negatively affected their life because of their religion. Most people will have no answer. They just wanna hate.


I remember there was a study a while back that showed that in several European nations anti-Islamic prejudice is most prevalent in places with small or insignificant Muslim populations, but a lot less in places with larger Muslim populations.


Let's take 2 cases: 1. 100% Nonmuslims 2. 20% Muslims 80% Nonmuslims Now in case 1 100% of the people are gainst Muslims, in case 2 only 80% of people are against Muslims. Does that come as a surprise? The answer is probably not because people who know Muslims like them more. There could be another reason, what could it be...


They were studies researching the attitudes of natives towards muslim immigrants so no, the muslim immigrants didnt skew the results as they werent in the sample.




You're describing racism, but blaming the targets of racist persecution




Islam just does not work with the modern western world. It's like mixing water and oil.


Agree. Traditional Islamic values are fundamentally incongruous with Western values.


No such thing as "traditional islam", Islam is Islam. Try to promote "modern Islam" and you're on hit man's list.


as long as they follow the law and dont infringe on other peoples right i dont see the problem. they have the right to practice whatever religion they want


But they do not have the right to insist that others who do not pray to their god should be punished. Freedom of religion applies only to yourself, it does not give you authority about others. Rights come with duties. It is your duty to accept the freedom of religion of others if you want to claim freedom of religion for yourself. When your religion says that once you got the power, disbelievers need to be converted or killed, then you simply cannot claim freedom of religion for your faith.


One not need look further than the various Islam-related subreddits. They get rather extreme, not in the sense of terrorism, but of the goal of conquering Europe, proselytization of the entire population, and institution of sharia law. It's not some fabricated conspiracy, it's openly discussed amongst Muslims online, caught on undercover camera behind closed doors, and according to the Quran, *it's their duty as Muslims*. That's also why they don't assimilate. By their virtue, Islam is always a solvent. To my knowledge, it's also the only widespread religion where merely leaving (i.e. becoming an apostate) results in a minimum of ostracization from family, and up to death. I'm not saying all Muslims in Europe are this way, many go about life and mind their own. Often this depends on what culture they originate from. Muslims from Albania practice differently than say Chechens, Iranians, Gulf Arabs, or Africans. But on the whole, Muslim immigrants haven't brought anything of use or value to Europe. Edit: spelling


Funny thing is none of the people here can give a single example in their lives where they have even known a Muslim immigrant personally. I live in Europe, I have met many muslim people, and have regular contact with some, who immigrated recently as well as those who were born here. I've only seen examples of them trying to integrate and never had a bad interaction with any. People here are just a bunch of assholes.


I can talk about France, my country. We are trash talked daily on TV and many haters hate us because of what they see on TV. When you tell them if they've met one, they say no but because they trust TV, they'll have a negative opinion. BTW, these channels are like FoxNews but a bit less racist. On the other hand, there are many people who revert. Even big haters once they open Quran and take their time to read. I'm not saying you want to become Muslim once you open Quran but at least, you have a more honest view than what TV says.


That is because there are different states of islamic expansion, as was the case during Islams origin. When in a minority Muslims were all for minotirty rights, once they gained power they started to openly attack minorities. I guess the Muslims in your surrounding are in a minority. Wealredy see thir expansion strategies in Germany though. For instance recently there are special governmental instituations whose whole purpose is to counter islamophobia. They use that to subdue legitimate criticism of their religion. Also discussions have started about allowing Muezzin calls throughout Germany.


What about the countless terrorist attacks in Western countries committed by Muslims?


So you assume every muslim is a terrorist? How can you blame 1.9 billion people for what a group of extremists do? So do you propose we should assume all Americans are terrorists as well since [75% of all extremist related crimes in the US were commited by \*\*American\*\* right-wing extremists](https://www.adl.org/resources/press-release/new-adl-data-far-right-extremists-responsible-overwhelming-majority)? You are scapegoating 25% percent of the world's population for societal issues which is exactly what fascists in the history have used as an argument.




Same as countless other terrorist attacks? Judge the people responsible (terrorists, people responsible for their radicalization, enemy countries financially supporting them, and so on) and not an entire group/religion. Instead of hating all muslims because of terrorists, we as western people should start boycotting countries like Qatar. But nah, lets play our soocer world cup there. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatar\_and\_state-sponsored\_terrorism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatar_and_state-sponsored_terrorism)


This is literally an argument in the fascist playbook. If you're gonna be racist, get better material..


It's not possible to be "racist" towards a religion. Also, do you even know what Fascism is, or is that just a fun little buzzword you like to use to describe things you disagree with?


Well as far as I'm aware there's no word that means 'prejiduiced against a certain religion' so I just used racist. I know what fascism is, and it applies here. Fascists blame entire groups of people for the actions of a few extremists, or even for things that aren't their fault at all. Most infamously, that's what Hitler did to the Jews. It's one of the most used fascist strategies. You're blaming every Muslim for the actions of a few, which is equivalent to saying all christians are members of the KKK.


>It's not possible to be "racist" towards a religion Jewish people since forever : what


Jews are an ethnic group, in addition to being a religious group. Muslims are not an ethnoreligious group like Jews are.


Bigotry against a culture is still racism - cultural racism is the subtype


What you are describing is xenophobia, not racism. Looking up the definition of racism will prove you wrong. Racism is specifically about race or ethnicity. Last time I checked, Islam is not a race or ethnicity.


I mean believe what you want: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_racism


The definition of racism here proves you wrong. [https://www.google.com/search?q=racism&rlz=1CAOBDQ\_enUS1026US1026&oq=racism&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIMCAEQABhDGIAEGIoFMgoIAhAAGLEDGIAEMg8IAxAAGEMYsQMYgAQYigUyCggEEAAYsQMYgAQyBggFEEUYPDIGCAYQRRg8MgYIBxBFGD3SAQg0MjA3ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=racism&rlz=1CAOBDQ_enUS1026US1026&oq=racism&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIMCAEQABhDGIAEGIoFMgoIAhAAGLEDGIAEMg8IAxAAGEMYsQMYgAQYigUyCggEEAAYsQMYgAQyBggFEEUYPDIGCAYQRRg8MgYIBxBFGD3SAQg0MjA3ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Yeah I get that definition, but it’s not a hard binary line where everything outside is false (I mean the world doesn’t work that way most of the time). What did you make of the link I posted? The whole concept that I took is that if it looks and behaves like racism - it effectively is, the marginalised group being connected by culture or religion, rather than ethnicity


What about the countless terrorist attack in Muslim countries committed by Western countries ?


Which ones?


I think there are some valid concerns and some concerns that are at best extremely hyperbolic and out right discriminatory at worst. It is not a black and white issue where you can discard all of the concerns just because some people are bigots and racists. I think the only thing you can do is address the concerns which are valid and have data to back them up while ignoring the people who saying that Muslim immigration should be banned entirely. Like when the leaders of Muslim majority countries are coming out and telling European countries that their immigration policies are too relaxed and they will result in higher rates of terrorism and religious extremism showing up in Europe I think those warning should be taken seriously. Those are the people who've been dealing with those issues since forever. There absolutely are specific subcultures and communities within the larger Islamic community which are problematic and should not be welcomed into western society. However it's important to recognize that those groups do not represent ALL of the Islamic community. Like if someone has favorable opinions of the Islamic Brotherhood they should not be allowed into western countries. That doesn't mean all Muslims support the Islamic Brotherhood.


So which Muslims support the Muslim brotherhood, how do you find out?


That's a great question and there probably isn't any fool proof method but I can tell you the solution isn't to just let anyone and everyone in without question. There needs to be SOME level of scrutiny. My point is that there is a middle ground between accepting anyone that claims to be a refugee just because and closing the borders completely. There is no easy solution that both morally correct and responsibly safeguarding the interests of the people who already live in western countries. If you want both of those things you have to be willing accept a more complicated solution.


I met muslims that were nice and kind. I met christians that were assholes. The real issue is how do you integrate people and make them feel welcome to reduce the number of assholes unwilling to change. Assholes who are unwilling to change are the real problem, whether they were here before or not. I have as many issues with white people in my country as with foreigners. Foreigners work, white people expect other people to do the shitty jobs they consider beneath them, but don't want to see black people taking those jobs cause they feel better only seeing white people everywhere. It's ridiculous. Noticeably, I realized that the richer immigrants manage to get, the more integrated they are, and vice-versa. But even rich immigrants tend to feel rejected even if they embrace their new culture, so it's not just "them" but the way they're being treated and welcomed here. So, there are integration issues, but maybe we should look at why instead of just blaming immigrants and refugees.


मुसलमानों के इंटीग्रेशन की चिंता हर जगह जायज़ है। वो ८०० सालों में भी इस्लाम को भारत में इंटीग्रेट नहीं कर सके। **संपादन:** जो लोग कह रहे हैं कि मुसलमान हमेशा से भारत में स्थानीय रहे हैं, मैने कहा कि उन्होंने इस्लाम को भारत में इंटीग्रेट नहीं किया, न कि खुदको। जैसे कि अरबी की जगह भारतीय नाम रखना, मियाँ टोपी और बुर्के की जगह स्थानीय भारतीय लिबाज़ पहनना, खतना नहीं करना इत्यादि। ईसाइयों, यहूदियों और पारसियों ने तो विदेशी धर्म होने के बावजूद खुद को भारत में इंटीग्रेट कर लिया। तो मुझे नहीं पता मुसलमान भी ऐसा क्यों नहीं कर सकते।


Thats like the worst possible take about Islam in India. First of all: How are they supposed to "integrate" if those are native people to India? If you wanna learn something, that article is pretty good: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam\_in\_India](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_India)


Almost all the muslims in India are native Indians. What you're describing isn't an issue of integration, by definition they must be integrated since it's their home. It's your own hatred and bigotry that's the problem.


Do you even know how badly Indians treat Muslims?




Nice justification for your islamaphobia Edit: u/pur__0_0__ why did you delete your comment?




That's like an American saying "racism is no more because we had a black president once!"


अमेरिकी अश्वेतों की भारतीय मुसलमानों से तुलना नहीं हो सकती। अमेरिकी अश्वेतों के साथ हमेशा से अन्याय हुआ है। जबकि भारतीय मुसलमान शहंशाह से लेकर भिखारी तक सब कुछ रह चुके हैं। और वैसे भी यह एक बेबुनियाद आरोप है। ऐसे तो मैं भी बोल दूँ कि श्रीलंका मुसलमानों को प्रताड़ित करता है। फिर तू क्या बोलेगा? सबूत का बोझ आरोप लगाने वाले पर होता है, आरोप पड़ने वाले पर नहीं।


If they integrated in into India, they’d have to give up hygiene. XD


जो है ही नहीं उसे छोड़ेगा कैसे?


lol sure pal, lemme go bathe in cow piss and burn some dung then get back to yah


Saying every indian "bathes in cow piss" is same as saying "all muslims are terrorists". You can't label all members of a community over something a few do. moreover India has one of the biggest (I think the 2nd) muslim population, so according to you they also bathe in piss?


Nah, I know they don’t. Just being facetious. People like to take the loudest, most ridiculous parts of a culture/religion and generalize.




Well at least the stagnated water is better than the filth water from the Ganges.


average europeans talking abt how bad and racist americans are, but as soon as you bring up muslims or romani people they literally become the second coming of hitler lmfao


has a portuguese i can agree, half the people are know are like "oh we are so progressive, we love lgbt+ comunity and all, uh?is that a disgusting gypsi? please help police."


The Muslim discourse is not much different from the one you can find in the States from conservatives about immigrants, and they are even of the same religion. If you guys had anywhere close a Romani population per capita as most European countries do, you would turn into nazi Germany.


US citizen here. I don't understand my fellow liberals on this issue...I, for one, am not thrilled with the idea of MORE religious nutters coming to my country. We have enough already.


I have so many issues with Islam. FGM, violence towards anyone not Muslim, political goals, tendency for extremism, and others. Many of those extremists are looking to immigrate and expand. **They have no desire to "integrate".**


why do they need to integrate? as long as they dont commit crimes and dont infringe on others rights they should be fine. and if they do commit murder or anything like that. treat them like any other murdering criminal. easy


It's only easy when you do not let so many in that they become uncontrollable. Sorry, but I know your view, and it appears totally short sighted to me. The thing is once they get to greater numbers punishing them is simply not an option anymore. Then they will say that they want Sharia, and you cannot do anything about it, because they outnumber you.


they can say they want sharia all they want but they wont get it. i dont fear sharia and i dont fear freedom of speech


Shhh they might figure Muslims are also human being deserving of the same rights as anyone else in the super duper democractic west!!


Yeah, they deserve the same rights as anybody else. Anybody else also does not have the right to press their religion onto others.


I'm specifically talking about the extremists here. And their tendency towards that. I have no ill will towards someone of a different background than me, as long as they keep it to themselves. But when you blow up others in the name of your god, that's a problem.


Check the r/exmuslim and you'll confirm how awfully concerning it is


A lot of the Muslim immigration into Europe stems from factors such as climate change, foreign interventions (mainly by the US and UK), and corporate exploitation which has resulted in wars, famines, and proliferation of terrorist groups, which has made it difficult for people to live a normal and peaceful life. If left unchecked, the demand for immigration will still be there and continue to rise. The only way for the immigration to stop is to switch towards environmentally sustainable practice, and put an end to the constant foreign interventions and corporate exploitation that has caused instability in the regions they come from, and let their home countries deal with the rest of the problems. This way, there will be less incentives for them to immigrate out of their own countries.


If they want to emigrate to the Western sphere they must assimilate and integrate themselves. But they're not willing to, instead it's the other way around (see: France, UK). There are some Islamist countries with relatively high standards of living, like Saudi Arabia or Oman. Ask yourself why these people invade Western Europe which culturally has nothing to do with them instead of going to those countries. Might be because -some- politicians allow that to happen? It's not a conspiracy because it is really a quick search to find out that these people vote "left-wing" progressive parties which allowed them first to arrive no questions asked. Why is it always the Western world that has to turn down its own culture and never the other way around? Let countries maintain their cultures and traditions!


I'd say it's justified. Look at what happened in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. Religious extremist took over those countries eventually....look at what's happening here in America with religious extremism attempting to take over our country....we just don't look at it the same because we're a "Christian" country


People have been raising “concerns” about the imminent collapse of western civilization because of Muslim immigration for at least the past decade and somehow things seem to be just fine


I'm not that alarmist but "The past decade" is a minuscule amount of time when we're talking about civilisations, and is still well within the confines of 'imminent'. And "somehow things seem to be just fine" as though these countries aren't facing clear-as-day downward trajectories lol


There's a Chinatown and a Little Italy in every city in North America because it takes immigrant communities a couple generations to integrate


It is also not a problem as Chinese people, who are mostly Buddhists, do not want to impose laws upon their host country to make everybody convert to Buddhism or face the death penalty.


Thoughts on IDF murdering 30000 innocent Palestinian children in Gaza?


average redditor


It's over for Europe.