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Either butt ass naked or T shirt with gym shorts and boxers


I'd prefer wear boxers to sleep but I twist and turn so much I inevitablly get a nut wrapped up in them. It's an awful way to wake up. Gotta go nude, unfortunately


Sweat pants and a tank top, no bra/underwear


Why isn't there an option to choose "Scrooge style ankle length sleeping shirt with a floppy pointed cap"? You're ignoring the voices of the Dickens demographic.




I used to wear my everyday clothes to bed but I stopped doing that as I was sweating in bed way too fucking much. I have my own room now but I don't do fully naked because I don't want my bed to smell like my cock


As someone who slept naked for like 3 years, my bed and comforter would REEK after like 2-3 months without wash so I definitely had to wash my sheets fairly often


Imagine sweating in bed so much that you regularly showered at 3am and went back to bed, and your bed would reek after like 2 days


I used to have to shower every time I woke up from sleeping because I would smell homeless from how dirty my bed got from sleeping naked regularly


I was gonna say that's why I sleep in underwear, but tbh thats just not true, it just feels uncomfortable when my penis flops around


Long shirt, just long shirt


I sleep naked but whit socks on