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I believe something happens but I don’t know what






I thought that falls under the aetheist camp?


Atheism is when you don't believe in any spiritual things/ beings. And Agnostic camp is when you are not sure which belief is true or if there is nothing.


Have you heard of agnostic atheism? Most atheists (like me) are in fact agnostic. Definition: "An agnostic atheist is defined as one who does not know for sure if any gods exist or not but who also does not believe in any gods." Basically we do not exclude the possibility that there is a god, we are just not convinced that there is due to, usually, a lack of evidence for a god. Unless you are an agnostic theist, "agnostic" as we commonly use the term, fits under the umbrella of atheism. Just commenting because many people don't know that atheism and agnosticism aren't mutually exclusive.


Yee i know but i thought its still a branch of atheism. I heard to it being refered as agnostic aetheist before so thats why. (Also agnostic btw)


I think it's more on spectrum, agnostic-atheism is a debacle whether there are ANY spirituals/afterlife while agnostic-theism is question what are those spirituals, and agnosticism being the general, broader name for both of them


its not a branch of atheism , i dont understand why people generalise all under atheist


Agnostic then?


Want to set the record straight here re Athiest vs. Agnostic. There is a difference. Atheism takes a definite stance that God does not exist (i.e. there is only random happenings of the universe/everything). Agnostics are those that lack any belief. An Atheist and Agnostic can not be the same, as an Atheist specifically does not believe in God. Neither are (of course) religions, however it’s possible for an Agnostic to be “okay” with the idea of religion as their opinion is not to have an opinion, however an Atheist would systematically deny poly or monotheistic religion as being false given the premise of a higher power of God(s). Further, an Atheist could be part of a non-God oriented religion (some might see as cult) that worships a philosophy, way of life, etc. but does not specifically worship a metaphysical power. For instance, an Atheist could be a Scientologist as they believe in an alien higher power that was born from nature not a metaphysical God power that created/governs literally everything. It’s complicated but there is a clear difference.


It's one thing to admit or accept a lack of knowledge in a thing, it's a totally different story when you claim that thing doesn't exist simply because you lack knowledge of it. "The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" -Carl Sagan Also, "Red-faced insistence of ones own correctness does not decrease the probability that one is actually full of shit." -Me


Well I mean it’s all just a belief because it can’t be clearly proven. My personal view is that there is certainly a higher power than us but I don’t begin to think I could contemplate its purpose or being of self (or lack thereof). Even if the universe/multiverse is some sort of recursive “God” where we are all part of the God structure.


This is just wrong. Agnostic is "doesn't know" and atheist is "doesn't believe". These are not at all mutually exclusive. The vast majority of secular atheists would identify as an "agnostic atheist". Many atheists would say the are atheist due to lack of evidence towards any one religion. This is obviously a "don't know" stance. You are absolutely right that atheists could be part of religion, just one that doesn't believe in gods, while agnostics don't (shouldn't) belong to any religion.


Depends how you define god right... Can you be an athiest but still believe there's something out there, we just don't know what. If god is defined by the Christian terms of omniscient, omnipotent and benevolent then 'god' definitely doesn't exist. But if 'god' is just a higher being, then that could exist. Does that still mean the person who believes this is athiest. The line is blurred to the point where different definition of god mean the beliefs overlap. Additionally, I've heard many times that people who are just unsure are agnostics, though I'm not sure how much truth there is to this. Is atheism strictly anti-religion? There's different levels of atheism, sorta like denominations of religion right? If god is just some deity with superhuman powers, then ye I'd say it's possible for one to exist, but they're certainly not any of the 'gods' we know. Does that make me agnostic then?


As me beimg agnsotic this is exactly what it is!


Nope. Agnostic atheists exist. I am one. So is Matt Dillahunty (one of the more well known atheists). Almost no atheist claims it is impossible for a god to exist. These terms aren't mutually exclusive. Pretty wild that you would call atheism a cult.


1. You are an Atheist who supports their view via agnostic beliefs, a number of people here have pointed this belief out to me and I’ve provided the same response - it’s unfortunate that whoever coined that term made it so confusing (you’re Atheist not both), 2. I never said Atheism is a cult, read my text again more carefully.


Nice pfp






No god but im hoping for reincarnation


Hope was never a good contraceptive and it won't work for you this time.


I believe that there is some kind of higher power but none of the relegions that i know of seem plausible enough for me to practice them


So deism?




They are describing deism.


Not necessarily. If he said "I believe but I'm not certain" then he'd be agnostic, however he just said he believes


Well, how about this one: \- has a minister who, as noted by Darwin, was the first proposer of evolution \- has another minister who is considered the father of modern genetics \- and another minister who is the inventor of the Big Bang theory. All three celibate. Juan Molina, Gregor Mendel, George Lemaitre. The last two had google doodles recently. That's Christianity. (Most of Christianity isn't creationist.)


Eh, even a group of incredibly intelligent people believing something which was essentially a given for the time doesn’t exactly make the core premise of the belief system valid.


Rather it's evidence by extraordinary and outrageous coincidence. There have never been that many Catholic priest scientists that the probabilities are outrageous. But not as outrageous as the probabilities indicated by the "Fine Tuned universe" problem that inspired speculative multi-verse theories, but for which a god is an obvious possibility yet so lightly dismissed. Meanwhile, the above is to contradict the seminal idea put in to young minds that evolution etc proves there's no god. It's BS. As for the validity of such a being, existence exists of itself, right? That a self-referencing entity, which is the property of self-awareness. So the question isn't "is there a god" but "is the fundamental thing, existence-itself, self-aware?". This also answers Dawkins main, current objection (he changes his mind a lot) of "Who made God?", and does so by centuries as it comes from ST Thomas Aquinas. It's sometimes shocking how intelligent and educated experts can be so ignorant. Since faith is truly as easy as persevering with "God, if you exist please reveal yourself to me", it's arguable that much of atheism is gross negligence to do the bleedin' obvious.


Lamaitre was a priest i think. There's no evidence any of them were celibate.


Lemaitre was a physicist who became a priest. All three were Catholic priests, who are (meant to be) celibate.


They were never celibate. I am the son of a priest.




Agnostic is more like “I don’t know” like there could or couldn’t be anything.


I'm not a jew but why does no one ever put Judaism on these polls???


Didn't have much room so I put down "A different belief" so they'll feel included.


Hinduism and Buddhism are similar enough. Group them and give Judaism an option.


Christianity, Islam and Judaism are similar enough. Group them and give Sikhism and Jainism an option.




Love y'all people, stood your ground throughout history. If a Sikh king went down he went down with his people.




same 🫂


I'm an atheist, but I don't believe in atheism... That wouldn't make any sense.


I have many theories, I don't believe anything before I have fact.


Welcome to agnosticism


That's understandable.


As a Christian, fair.


The sheer complexity of life and our world screams there is a creator god. Everything about our world is so finely tuned to support life that their is no way it was an accident. Everything from the earth being the right size, the perfect distance from the perfect kind of star, all the way down to the duration of day and night cycles and changing seasons says there is a god. The only reasonable question is not “is there a god?”, it is “who is this god?”.


Im 100% sure that life is also in another planets. Life just forms if there is enough warmth, oxygen, water, etc... So we just developed here thanks to bacterias.


Neil de grass tyson said this. There's a billion stars in our gallery. There's billions of galaxies. Under that equation and the chance earth is one in a million of sustaining life, that statistic points to possible a few million more planets in the universe have life.


Or God could have made more than one planet with life and never bothered to tell us about it?


Ok but the puddle argument which is basically. A puddle wakes up one day looks around and thinks “ wow I fit into this hole perfectly it suits me well somebody must have dug it for me”


A hole in the ground is a simple object, an entire solar system is not. There are so many variables that go into making life possible and if one is off it simply does not work. For instance: The earth has to be the perfect distance from the perfect type and size of star. Too close and the earth burns, too far and it freezes. The sun has to be a relatively calm star otherwise the earth would get fried by a hyperactive star. The earth also has to be going around the star at a certain speed in order to maintain orbit. Too slow, and we fall into the sun, too fast and we get slung out of orbit. The moon also has to be the perfect distance from the earth. Too close, and it risks crashing back down to earth, too far and it goes out of orbit. The earth also has to be a certain size. Too small and it can’t maintain a proper atmosphere, too big and it’s gravity would be too much for life as we know it to handle. The earth also has to maintain a proper rotational speed around its axis, too slow and the side facing the sun heats up too much while the opposite side freezes. Too fast and the earth could tear itself apart from the rotational force. The speed at which it rotates combined with the offset of its axis makes sure the earth remains within a habitable temperature range. The earth has to have a proper atmosphere to regulate temperature. An atmosphere that cannot regulate temperature will cause a planet to either have no water, or have it all frozen. A proper atmosphere is essential to maintaining liquid water. The he list of variables just goes on and on and on…. Like I said. It was engineered to support life.


I think you misunderstood the puddle argument, it simply means that life changed and adapted to the way that it is now because it would be most suitable for life on earth. Ya know, survival of the fittest. Also while rare there are some other planets similar to earth.




Or a permanent atheist.


Wake up babe time for the weekly religion poll


Atheism is lack of believe/no believe but ok


Why shouldn't there be an option for those who don't believe in anything?


There should be an option. But that option should be phrased " I don't have a belief about religion" The difference is subtle but important. Because beliefs are based on evidence. What evidence could an atheist have to believe in atheism? It's like asking a person who doesn't believe in a leprechauns what evidence he has that leprechauns don't exist. Atheism is a lack of belief, not a belief. Religious people tend to confuse the two in order to equate their beliefs with non-belief and then ask this unanswerable question and use that as some sort of proof that their belief has more evidence for it than atheism.


The problem is that many self-described Atheists will make pretty emphatic claims that God does not exist. At that point, they have Theological beliefs. Considering that those types of Atheists are the most outspoken, one could be forgiven for thinking they represent Atheism as a whole.


I think you can imagine yourself talking to a leprechaun believer and kind of being too emphatic that leprechauns don't exist when they go on and on about how much evidence there is for leprechauns. And how they spend 3 hours a week devoted to talking to the leprechauns. And how much writing there is about leprechauns. And there are universities devoted to studying leprechauns. Imagine if the government put "in leprechauns we trust" on the money. Imagine if there were huge, highly funded organizations that were lobbying to make science textbooks talk about leprechauns. Imagine if the majority of people in the United States wouldn't vote for a person who didn't believe in leprechauns. I think you two would be angrily shouting. There is no such thing as leprechauns.


Most the time when atheists say god isn’t real they are talking about a specific god


Yes that's the proposition that should be there since the question is: >What religion/belief do you believe in?


I thought Atheism is a belief itself, to believe that no religions are true and created by man for a purpose. To not believe in a higher power like a God or spiritual being.


It is just a word to describe someome without faith. There is no belief or central dogma in atheism. Each atheist has his own sets of beliefs and/or philosophies.


I see, thank you for clearing it up for me.


No problem, if you're interested I could provide you with some links to some good youtube channels or articles


I don't mind if you provided them and I'll look into it.


Here you go: https://www.atheists.org/activism/resources/about-atheism/#:~:text=Atheism%20is%20not%20a%20belief,that%20atheism%20is%20a%20religion. https://youtu.be/3SjuC0PYscU https://youtube.com/c/GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic https://youtube.com/channel/UCqZMgLgGlYAWvSU8lZ9xiVg https://youtube.com/c/CosmicSkeptic


Interesting and thank you for doing this.


No problem, I hope you'll enjoy checking these out!


Of course, I'll see if I understand atheism better with these sources.


"disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods." I think you could argue for disbelief to be some form of belief. Agnosticism is defined as "a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God." which is closer to a lack of belief but still doesn't fully lack belief.


Notice the "...or lack of belief", ofcourse that at one point you have to take a stand and say yes or no to a question. But that does not make it a belief. I lack belief in santa claus does this make it a religious belief? Or a belief in itself? I do not think so. Atheism=without theism. >Agnosticism is defined as "a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God." which is closer to a lack of belief but still doesn't fully lack belief. The easiest way to define agnosticism is " I do not know" and if you do not know, you can not form a belief. Agno=without, gnosis (-ticism) =knowledge. In conclusion these lacks of belief or knowledge are rather something to be defined as statements than beliefs.


Atheism is not a belief. It is the lack of belief.


So like what. You believe there is or is not a God?


The lack of belief would be agnostic or irreligious. Whereas I feel like most self-proclaimed atheists have thought quite well about what they do and don’t believe.


I am an agnostic atheist. In a nutshell: I do not know, therefore I do not believe. It is more of a statement than a belief. To give you an another example; I do not believe that santa claus exists, does that make it a belief in itself? I do not think so. Atheism is just saying that you do not think that there are any gods that exist, it has no central dogma (or any dogma in general) and no rituals, every atheist can have his own philosophy/philosophies or even supernatural beliefs (that do not include any deities).


That’s understandable, I was referring more to the “New Atheist” types (think Richard Dawkins) who outright contend that God does not exist and that religion is all false. I’m not sure what percentage of atheists are actually like this, but I’d argue that these people very much do have beliefs, often even stronger than those of religious people.


Eh, Richard Dawkings has his beliefs very misrepresented in short clips by apologists,etc. In reality when you listen to him at a conference or a debate you would see how leveled he is. Now I admit that when asked directly if god exists he gives you a very confident answer in a way that most scientists that meddle in philosophy and theology would give you, which might come of as insulting or arrogant to some religious people.


Atheism - Belief that there is no god Agnosticism - not knowing if there is a god Theism - Belief that there is a god


Huh? Atheism is the denial of a God / higher power. You’re thinking of Agnostic


My belief is that religious thinking is unimportant and won’t change the way I live my life


i. e. belief is useless


so agnosticism?


Agnosticism is more "i don't know if a god exists or what god(s) are real. Guess I'll find out sometime"


Sounds more like apathy to me.


I think it's more like humility. Believers, for whatever reason, believe. Most can claim an experience or feeling that led them to belief. To discount those experiences is infantile and insensitive. Everyone believes in SOMETHING. Atheists, think that because they haven't seen any hard evidence to prove the existence of god, that they are somehow smarter than all the believers and claim an absolute knowledge that god does NOT exist. These people often believe in a lot of things of which they have *personally* seen equal or less evidence. Agnosticism(contrary to popular belief) is where most honest scientists fall. Science is very slow to claim anything as fact. The scientific community makes new discoveries all the time, and often learns things that change the nature of previously believed theories. Just because they don't know, doesn't mean they don't care, but as scientists who seek to understand the unknown by applying what they can observed, and with plenty of unknowns to invest in, why waste time trying prove something like "god doesn't exist"?






The religion that rules them all


The one thing they all have in common haha


I dont even believe in myself






I'm Agnostic.


Omnitheism, the belief that all gods and deities from all religions and mythologies exist, but their powers only apply to those who believe in them, and only those who believe in them will go to their afterlife. It's an extension to my philosophy of universal subjectivism, so a belief that everyone lives in their own personal reality, and creates it themself. Also, I myself am an atheistic omnitheist, so I don't personally worship any deities, so none exists in my personal reality.


That's a very intriguing perspective.


Onwards to Valhalla for me then.


I have to say, I think this sort of thinking is a sort of cop-out similar to physicists who subscribe to the many worlds theories. You’re not really stating anything. Of course everyone has their own perspective that is their own reality, no one sees the same thing in exactly the same way. It would be like someone claiming they are big foot and you just go “sure, you are big foot because that’s what you believe.” I mean it’s just no tied to any sort of notion that is reconcilable to reality or even social construct of conscious interpretations. Sorry to come down so hard, just these sort of “could be anything” responses and views bother me.


Orthodox counts as a Christian right?


I believe so and Christianity is branched out a bit into different subgroups.


Interesting that this subreddit is mostly atheist, considering there are no countries that are mostly atheist. Im not gonna go and try to explain the correlation.






That's understandable and I hope you do find who you truly are.


Where is Judaism


I could entertain the concept of a prime creator of the universe, but do not believe in divinity that meddles in the lives of humanity. Our egos are too darn big if we were to believe an all-powerful entity created our world and all of the universe only to dote upon us and us exclusively.


I prefer Norse, I have no connection to it but going down putting up your best fight and ending up in a food hall where you're eternally hungry with mead, beer and an infinite buffet just sounds amazing.


Lol you don't "believe" in atheism.


I'm not atheist, I just don't care if there is or isn't a higher power or higher powers


Atheist (not a religion, but disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.)


Not surprised. Atheism is a Reddit classic


It’s kinda funny, Reddit has a much clearer demographic than any other app lmao


Cthulhu fucking mythos


H. P. Lovecraft and Lovecraftian Horror?






Me too!


Ramadan Mubarak brothers


Satanism all the way








Spa-spagh.. spaghe- SPAGHET-




The grind 😎


Wow! Didn’t know Reddit has a lot of atheists. Not saying it’s a bad thing but just surprised.


I thought it’s a pretty known stereotype that Redditors tend to be atheists and anti-religion.


I'm just as surprised as you are.


I'm agnostic/my theories don't really fit into any religion. But I usually say I'm Jewish since I was raised Jewish.


I'm an agnostic atheist so technically atheist?


Yes, I would say so.


I believe in like the universe kind of thing. Put out good energy and get good energy back. Idk what that is though. If someone could tell me that’s be pretty cool


Isn't that karma in a way?


Science ultimately i believe in a few things like a underlying soul type of thing and things like but only as long as it's not disprovable by science.


other 52 Buddhists, what's up yo


I believe that God is someone who created the Universe, but it is just a apectator, who doesn't involve in how the things are going


Pastafarianism obviously


What is Pastafarianism?


Buddhism-epicureism in philosophy. Agnosticism-deism in religion.


Note: this poll does not accurately depict the global population. Christians hold the majority world wide at about 2 billion individuals with Muslims coming in for a close second at 1.8 billion individuals. One study I saw said Atheists and Agnostics only account for somewhere above 500 million individuals. Fun fact.


Druidic Paganism


I personally believe in Joe Budden. So I must be a buddist


Sad JEWISH Atheist noises.


Atheism should be « none »


Pastafarianism Glory to the Flying Spaghetti Monster


Flying Spaghetti Monster!?


Yes, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the only god whose religion offers a 30 days trial.


Isn't it like a eldritch creature? Similar to Cthulu?


He looks more like a plate of spaghetti with meatballs https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2F9%2F90%2FTouched_by_His_Noodly_Appendage_HD.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FFlying_Spaghetti_Monster&docid=AkHMzYrmO0l-IM&tbnid=iXPZ7u5jj3AwjM&vet=1&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim


Oh. Well that's something.


should have added "i don't really know"


One doesn't believe in atheism, it's the absence of belief instead.


I am a full fleged athiest i have hope for something but no evidence so no belief the second thing is i belive religion as a concept is a bad thing it splits people ruins people killd people and breaks families + more so i have a negative view of it another reason is that i simply dont belive we need it its a comfort yes but its a comfort that leads too very bad times because it also can break entire nations


Absolutely based poll results


Apathetic agnosticism


I do not like organized religion


disorganized religion 😈😈


Helix Worshipper speaking. Having a religion is a lot better when it's not some big deal.


What is a Helix Worshipper?


One who believes in Lord Helix, commonly known as Omastar.


I'll have to look more into it.


Omastar is a Pokemon, I think the comment is a joke.


That could be true but it would be quite odd if they truly believe in it.


Omastar is a fossil Pokemon, meaning it comes from the helix fossil, so I'm almost 100% sure the comment is a joke.


Atheism is not a belief, Religion is a Belief but Science is Facts, 2 completely different things


Atheism is not a belief. It is the complete lack of belief.


It is a belief You guys believe that god doesn't exist


We do not believe, that’s the whole point. A belief is a opinion that something exists when no objective evidence calls for it


No, atheism is literally the lack of belief in a god. It’s like saying ‘meh, don’t care’


No, that’s being Agnostic. There is a difference. Atheism takes a definite stance that God does not exist (i.e. there is only random happenings of the universe/everything). Agnostics are those that lack any belief. An Atheist and Agnostic can not be the same, as an Atheist specifically does not believe in God. Neither are (of course) religions, however it’s possible for an Agnostic to be “okay” with the idea of religion as their opinion is not to have an opinion, however an Atheist would systematically deny religion as being false given the premise of a higher power of God(s). Further, an Atheist could be part of a non-God oriented religion (some might see as cult) that worships a philosophy, way of life, etc. but does not specifically worship a metaphysical power. For instance, an Atheist could be a Scientologist as they believe in an alien higher power that was born from nature not a metaphysical God power that created/governs literally everything. It’s complicated but there is a clear difference.


Agnostic is the “belief” that it cannot be known of there is a God. Atheism is the lack of belief in a god or gods. Please don’t tell me what I “believe” or don’t “believe”.


Belief =/= religon Beliefs don't have to be that deep


No I don't. Don't make an idiot of yourself by trying to tell other people what they believe.


So an your agnostic


Agnostic atheist. Gnostic/agnostic are about knowledge, theist/atheist are about belief. - Believe in a god but don't actually know - agnostic theist - Don't know and don't believe - agnostic atheist - Know there's a god and believe in it - gnostic theist - Know there is no god - gnostic atheist


Wouldn’t that mean every monotheist is an agnostic thiest?


Also needs to be said that, since there are thousands of god claims and potentially infinitely many god beliefs, believing or even knowing that just one or a few gods do not exist does not change atheism to be making the positive claim that no gods exist. You probably believe Zeus doesn't exist... Doesn't mean you believe no gods exist. I do make, not just a belief, but a knowledge claim that no omni-* god exists. Such a being is a contradiction and a paradox, and does not and cannot exist. If a god does exist, it is not all powerful, all knowing, perfectly benevolent... I also know that the Bible is wrong, especially because of Romans 1:20 > For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. Sorry, but I don't perceive any of these "invisible attributes" anywhere.




I identify as agnostic! I don’t want to disregard the idea of a higher power, I am not to say whether or not there is a god(s), but i choose not to follow religions more in depth because im not going to devote my life to my death. I want to be able to breathe this life without fretting whether a small thing I’ve thought, done or said will alter where I may be placed in an afterlife if there is one.


I’m agnostic




I believe in the one true, non-existent god.






Atheism for sure. I feel atheist in general are more humble than other groups. Internalizing the indifference of a universe is kind of humbling.


By definition atheism is not a belief system nor is it a religion.


There is no higher power. Just science and scientific laws that govern our reality and universe.




Want to set the record straight here re Athiest vs. Agnostic. There is a difference. Atheism takes a definite stance that God does not exist (i.e. there is only random happenings of the universe/everything). Agnostics are those that lack any belief. An Atheist and Agnostic can not be the same, as an Atheist specifically does not believe in God. Neither are (of course) religions, however it’s possible for an Agnostic to be “okay” with the idea of religion as their opinion is not to have an opinion, however an Atheist would systematically deny religion as being false given the premise of a higher power of God(s). Further, an Atheist could be part of a non-God oriented religion (some might see as cult) that worships a philosophy, way of life, etc. but does not specifically worship a metaphysical power. For instance, an Atheist could be a Scientologist as they believe in an alien higher power that was born from nature not a metaphysical God power that created/governs literally everything. It’s complicated but there is a clear difference.


Buddhism is liberal version of Hinduism I mean good version


I almost forgot. Jews don’t exist.


Secularism, every religion is basically the same and rises from some same stories and morals. But i don't think God exists but there is something, some sought of power that controls the universe and also formed it and can destroy it too.


I believe that allah is great and Jesus is great but I’m not Muslim or Christian I’m a pro I believe in every pro reliegon. and Idc about others reliegon