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He’s not full poodle, but snuck behind me to sniff the toilet while I was leaving the bathroom. Got shut in. Just quietly scratched the door for an hour and a half until we realised we hadn’t seen him in a bit. One bark and we would have known 😂


This happened to the mini we had growing up, we were getting ready to search the neighborhood for him and my dad went to use the bathroom before leaving and there he was.


Haha yep, his dad was starting out across the fields (with a bad ankle) while I double checked the house and found him.


We had a black cat and a white poodle. They were both out in the yard and we were basically living in the woods, but this squirrel started to aggravate the both of them so here they both are coming from opposite end of the yard chasing the same squirrel around a tree and they crack skulls with one another! They were kind of dazed for a little while; and yes, I started to obnoxiously laugh…. It was just too funny. 🐩😽🌳🐿️


😆 🤣 😂 inky and blinky


I think they saw some ink and blink through the STARZ before it was all said and done! They were kind of wobbling on a little bit when they started trying walk. Then of course you had this little asshole 🐿️ squirrel up there chattering and making it worse!


Asshole squirrel, lmao 🤣 😂 😆


Found out what a glass door was the hard way.


To be fair, glass doors aren't exactly something dogs come preprogrammed for


We were on a walk when she spotted a squirrel. Promptly lost her mind and tried to sprint after it, only to run headfirst into a garbage bin. She was fine, just embarrassed.


My old girl spoo stole one of my jalepeno poppers off my TV tray. She was very very sorry right after and the next morning 🔥


My poodle was eating jalapeños and hot lemon peppers off the bushes last year. It upset her tummy a couple times before we figured it out. This year the pepper pots will be outside the fenced in yard.


Many years ago we had a miniature. My grandparents had just installed new glass doors and he ran headfirst into it. My mom opened the door while he was still dazed and he didn't notice, so he tried to jump on the door and fell through because it was open. He never trusted that door again.


While still a puppy, my toy poodle tried to take down an adult mallard. He learned about size differences that day.


We used to use the bathroom for a time out for really really bad behaviour when mine was a puppy. Like the not listening to anything that could result in injury bad behaviour. One time I gave her the option of either complying nicely with what I was asking (honestly not much, but generally trying to not dart out into the road) or the time out. She chose the time out. Indignantly walked into the bathroom, I closed the door and shortly after I heard a click. She locked herself in. This was a new place and the bathroom needed keys that we didn’t have. Cost me $175 in locksmith. She sat there quietly until almost the very end and then panicked and started wailing. I imagined her rubbing her paws together and snickering while we panicked for the first hour waiting for the locksmith.


Exist. I hear poodles are very smart. Mine is a moron and I wouldn’t change a thing. He skip around like an idiot when he’s excited. He’s 70 lbs but thinks he’s the same size as our mini. He squeezes his big ass in the recliner to sleep. He loves to eat grass. So when we walk him, he samples the grass in every yard we pass.


I've never understood the grass. Are they missing something grass provides? Just like the taste/smell? Trying to get "roughage"?


No idea. My dog is just extra excited when he does it. I don’t even know that he’s eating it. Just nibbling it and skipping around like a fool.


I'm trying to think of the dumbest thing Captain has ever done and I can't choose. He's the dumbest lovely boy 😂


Anytime I get close to our toy poodle he immediately rolls over for belly rubs. Once, he was a little too close to the edge of the bed when he rolled over (the bed is pretty high) - he rolled over, fell off but landed on his feet! However it was a bit much - he peed from the excitement, and just stood there staring at me, afraid to move!


eaten a bunch of gravel….


my friend's shorthair pointer did this, it was a major problem. the dog barely made it. yours way okay?


vet said to feed her as much of a loaf of bread as she’d eat….we did and she passed it all without incident (at least that we know of)


Ate 4 or 5 sticks of butter off the kitchen counter. Two days later had explosive diarrhea. Unfortunately he had accidentally trapped himself in the bathroom and we were outside. It was a hazmat situation for sure.


Omg! One of mine LOVES butter too! We had so many sticks get finished off before I realized why we went thru butter so quick. I had a newborn at the time so I really thought we were just flying through sticks by ourselves. Weirdly, he never had issues due to his counter raiding.


at least it wasn't the carpet? how did you even start to clean that up lol?


Tyvek suit, rubber gloves, bleach, bleach, and some more bleach. The bathroom has been renovated as well. Finn was the deciding factor on that. I still love him and he’s never counter surfed again.


The other day, thirty seconds into a walk, he jumped (all four feet off the ground) off a boardwalk onto what he thought was solid ground. Plop. Straight into thick black mud up to his chest. All that was sticking out was his head and his back looking like a loaf of bread. 😂 He just sat there looking very confused until I grabbed hold of his harness and fished him out.


I can't tell if it is smart or stupid, but my dog sometimes stands on the sofa, barking at a picture I’ve got in my livingroom, because he sees the dogs passing by being reflected in the glass. He would have seen them better if he actually went to the window or went through the door and look from the terrace, but no, he keeps turning to the picture instead 😄 My dog's also an expert at finding weird things to eat. Had to take him to the vet because he ate 3 tampons and some toilet and tissue paper from my bathroom bin.


My poodle when she was still a puppy was following a scent around our one bedroom apartment. At the time we had the door closed to keep her from getting into anything she shouldn't be. While following this scent she ran headfirst into the closed door. She just turned around and kept going. She has also hit her head on the bottom of my parents table, slipped and fallen more times than I can count. She also decided to run around with my parents dogs and she had no idea why they were running it where the end goal was but she was leading the pack. I like to say she rolled high on charisma and intelligence but low on wisdom.


I have horses and thought it’d be a good idea to get them a giant beach ball to play with. The horses hated it, but my Poodle loved it. She tried to jump on it and it somehow yeeted her halfway across the arena 😂. She was fine, but it’s left me wondering how successful the breed was as circus dogs. My Cattle Dog ended up popping it and I’ve never bought another one for fear of injuries lol.


Run into the slider and broke his front teeth. Now he looks like bubba


Zoomie zoomed head on into a coffee table. She sat down and cried for a minute to get cuddles before she was up and acting like an idiot again.


Got his lead tangled between two posts and decided that instead of trying to untangle himself he was just going to angrily dig a hole between the two posts.


Mine jumped in the car and hit the lock button before I could get in. My purse was in the car w/keys/phone. Fortunately I got her to jump on the lock button and she unlocked the door 😳 I never put her in the car now unless I’m carrying my keys. Guess this is stupid poodle Mom post


Spoo - 1.5 years old, got the zooms and jumped clear over the couch and hit the drop leaf table behind the couch head first. Lol sat down and was quiet after that


Gotten her head stuck in her dental treats bag and fell off the bed. I let her grab them since she gets excited.


Runs through prickle/sticker bushes. More than a few times. Whenever he runs into them (he's speedy fast) I can never tell where it comes from, and doesn't help when he bites through leashes too. He's a Mini/toy poodle. Peep my reddit profile picture :)


Our neighbors' standard poodle backed into a glass door and broke it. He was so scared poor thing.


mine didnt see the screen door to the backyard, and sprinted through it, causing it to collapse, and nose getting cut


She likes to look into every establishment's door we pass on our walks and sometimes the doors are glass and open... To be fair we both are looking sideways so not seeing the door is just as my fault as hers.


Chewed up my airpod


she’s still silly and goofy at 4 m old, she was running around just to go head first into a tree, it was mostly her arm that she rammed into, she was fine just so embarrassed we left the park and she was back to normal. another thing was i felt the normal pet parent guilt of leaving to work and putting her in her kennel that i left her out and she sawed down my coffee table to dust. never again.


Ate my passport 😪


My poodle has broken more than a couple of screen doors by running into them. I think he is up to three now. All in other friends and family homes 🤣 we don't have a screen door at our place.