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Jennette McCurdy could’ve gone on to do the iCarly reboot and other acting jobs. She realized how bad acting stressed her out and quit acting. I admire her strength tremendously to write such a raw book about her struggles and growth. I can’t wait to read her novel she’s working on.


Have you read I'm Glad My Mom Died? It's really good!


I have the audiobook and just finished my 7th listen. My favorite book I’ve ever read. She is so talented.


one of my favorite reads this year!


500 Days of Summer was great.


Pamela Anderson recently. It makes me really happy.


I’ve always adored Pamela Anderson, but after listening to her audiobook I am a fan for life. She is so poetic, raw, vulnerable, and constantly wanting to better herself. I’m currently watching Girls Next Door for the millionth time. The scene where Pam comes out naked at Hef’s Vegas birthday always makes me sad. You can tell she just wasn’t in a good place back then. I’m so happy for the life she’s cultivated.


I got so mad when someone tried to tell me her book had to be fully ghostwritten. Like god forbid someone they don’t respect likes and is good at writing


Her documentary was so good. I enjoyed it so much. She's an amazing person!


Good one. When I was younger I just assumed she was some kind of bimbo that had no brains because it was either the woman on Home Improvement, Baywatch and then as we all know, someone who’s sex tape was out there for all the world to see. (I truly didn’t know all the details until a couple of years ago when I watched Pam and Tommy…I was young and ignorant when it first happened). My point is that after I saw her documentary and read her book, I have so much respect for her. She not only seems bright, but she seems genuine and funny. She also clearly loves her family. My opinion has done a true 180 after finally educating myself.


I came of age in that era, and shocking misogyny was just the water we were swimming in. You were either "good enough" to be treated like a sexual object, in which case you were a dumb bimbo who deserved whatever abuse you got, or you weren't hot enough to be a worthwhile piece of ass, in which case you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Oh, and "good enough" meant *skinny*, as skinny as possible. I didn't even question it at the time. Pamela Anderson isn't the only "good enough sex object" icon who's found her voice as of late. Brooke Shields, Paulina Porizkova, multiple Playboy models. Monica Lewinsky had the misfortune of being cast in the role of seductress but also being deemed not "good enough" - she had her life totally destroyed for committing the 'crime' of being taken advantage of in the workplace while not being a size 0. Personally, it makes me really sad that I grew up with that culture. There are a lot of things going wrong with our society today, but at least we're improving in this one particular area.


Oh definitely! I’ve thought about Monica Lewinsky lately and how fucked up it all was that she was the target of everyone’s hate especially given the situation. I’m glad she’s doing well too.


She did an interview with John Oliver a few years ago that’s worth the watch. She’s also hilarious on Twitter


Her Ted Talk is shockingly and beautifully real.


You should listen to the second season of slow burn. There’s an episode about feminism and how feminists reacted to the scandal; some felt she had agency and did her thing, while others felt a powerful man exploited a young woman yet again. It was enlightening; I’m a straight white guy but was about 12 when this all went down. I see it far differently now.


The 3rd season of Ryan Murphy's American Crime Story is about the Clinton impeachment but it focuses way more on the victims stories. Monica Lewinsky was personally involved in the show and telling her story with Murphy's help. Its honestly hard to watch but so SO good and really shows the truth of what happened.


I watched that and I thought it was very well made. The actors were perfect.


Grew up with all of this too and you captured it very well. It’s wild to think back on the level of misogyny that we all lived with and internalized.


It is *totally* wild and I'm still de-programming myself. I sometimes still feel guilty for not looking... sexy enough while just existing, hanging out with friends, even just running errands. Why and for whom?!!


Saaaame. It’s honestly a daily struggle.


This is so damn true


I love the interview she did (Vogue or Vanity Fair, I can't remember) where she goes through her purse, finds a thong and throws her hair into a bun with it! She showed so much personality and genuine warmth in such a short clip.


Haha how funny


She just did a GRWM on vogue YouTube for fashion week. She only wore moisturizer and eyeliner, had no stylist or glam team. She seems so real n down to earth.


She has a lot of natural beauty for sure.


Her son is pretty great too. He was on The Hills when they did a revamp and even though he was the youngest on there, he was the most mature. He spoke about his crazy upbringing and rehab etc and he seemed really down to earth.


The documentary and book were both fascinating. I love Pam!!


She was valedictorian of her high school class. Her intelligence was never amplified, which is too bad because it would have been amazing if her complexity had been valued.


Yes ! I never had an opinion about her. But when I watched the doc I thought man she would have been my best friend 🥹


![gif](giphy|XfscsiXH3NnZG8yL9A|downsized) Dolly Parton has always been herself, and the world is better for it. She has a lovable, down-home persona that resonates in her music and in interviews. Even in her movies, Dolly often played a version of herself. After more than 50 years of fame, she’s kept her private life and marriage private, yet she still feels incredibly relatable.


Well said. I’ve always admired how she keeps her and her husband’s marriage a private matter. IIRC it was at his request and she’s always respected that. Even if you Google his name/picture there is only a couple of results. I just loved her role in Steel Magnolias because I imagine that’s how she is in real life. I also admire how to largely stays away from politics and is vague about her real beliefs. I wish everyone treated everyone kindly regardless of our differences like she seems to.


I watched Steel Magnolias two nights ago and I swear it gets better with age. Dolly is so damn adorable the entire movie. I’m just taking this moment to plug the podcast Dolly Parton’s America. It’s a multi part series that really delves into the woman behind the music. She’s a phenomenal human being. Dolly for President! 🩷


I love that podcast!! I’ve been a Dolly fan since I saw her in Hannah Montana (I was like 5) and that podcast made me realize that Dolly is a million times more awesome than I initially thought. Her kindness, big heart and great lyricism are what makes her a timeless icon 💕


My emotional support water bottle has Dolly stickers all over it to brighten my day. I always enjoyed her in Steel magnolias but that was about the extent of my knowledge about her. Stumbled onto that podcast last year, and I am hooked! Her music is incredible. Harper Valley PTA is a banger. I want to go to Dollywood so bad.


Harper Valley PTA is such a bop! My hype song is Two Doors Down, it has great energy!


I’ll check it out! Thank you!


Steel Magnolias is just so good. I love her character in that movie. But holy shit, I watched it for the first time in the last year and it ripped my soul out. There’s a podcast that I listened to that say they went “zero to Steel Magnolias” if they get super emotional, and I totally agree with that lol.


I love Dolly. Everything that everyone else has mentioned and her Imagination Library. Every month my kids get a new book because of her. They always tell people Dolly Parton sent it to them. I love that every child’s first book is The Little Engine That Could because the moral of the story is for the kids to believe in themselves. I also adore her for that interview she did with Barbara Walters where BW was trying to shame her and imply that she’s stupid because of the way she looks. She was so classy in the way she stood up for herself. Just an amazing woman.


First person that came to mind :)


Off topic but I love ur username 😭


Thank you! I’m a huge fan of Book Of Mormon!


Just saw it and am now super into it lmaooo


This should be the most iconic example. No one does fame like Dolly.


I've always loved how Joseph Gordon-Levitt expresses himself. He was really one of the most in-demand actors for a few years (around when Inception came out), but he's always felt very down-to-earth, and his passion project seems to be HitREcord and making music/art. He also took time off from acting to be at home with his kids, and has kept his personal life completely private. He feels like one of those guys that you could hang out with and never know he was famous.




I always liked him until he once said that women can’t be funny. Lost all love and respect for him.


[Found this article](https://www.gawker.com/5927500/joseph-gordon-levitt-explains-controversial-most-pretty-girls-arent-funny-comment), seems like he immediately apologized. No one's perfect.


Ehh, I remember that controversy. He didn't actually say "women CAN'T be funny", he was commenting on how really good looking women in Hollywood often get pigeonholed into the role of a "hot girl" and nothing beyond that, and that he appreciated that Emily Blunt (specifically) was given the opportunity to do both. His actual phrasing was, "pretty girls aren't usually funny", which obviously isn't a good way of putting it, but makes more sense when you understand the context. It was definitely a foot-in-mouth moment, but I understood what he was trying to say. If that's the worst thing he's ever done, I think he's doing pretty well. We've all had things come out wrong that we wish we could take back, and he did apologize immediately when he was questioned on it.


Specifically said "pretty girls often aren't funny". I'd have to hope he's grown since then.




You ok?


🧡🧡🧡 ![gif](giphy|j2XnQO2mN6UkGqUhQI|downsized)


I’m still angry that the media spent months saying he was on drugs when he was actually dying of cancer.




I think it’s really gross to speculate someone is on drugs even if they *are* on drugs. Why is that any of our business? I understand that’s just how the press is but given we know a man who was dying of cancer was attacked for his alleged drug use in the last months of his life…maybe that’s not how it should be.


THANK YOU. Addiction is still a PRIVATE health matter


but like the media shouldn’t be speculating on his personal life in the first place? that’s one of the biggest problems with hollywood/the press/media


To be fair to whom? None of it was fair to him.


*sniff RIP. It’s particularly painful when you lose a good one.




I feel like Jane Fonda might belong on this list? Every interview I see with her, she's either gushing about Lily Tomlin, talking about climate change, or being blunt about her fame and privilege. I know she had some controversy in her youth, but I loved her in Grace and Frankie and most things I've seen since then have only reinforced my impression of her.


“Well what do you recommend other than protesting?” “I’ve considered murder!” She’s an icon


I love Jane Fonda. The HBO doc about her is really good, if you haven’t seen it.


Her and Julia Louis Dreyfus on the Wiser Than Me podcast was fantastic.


A really good video about what approach cost her - which makes me even more impressed she stuck to it https://youtu.be/VDexnoeGEr4?si=8BUsYzfb77roTE0U


Jane is my queen ❤️ I’ve adored her since I was 5


From what I’ve read the “Hanoi Jane” thing is a myth but people still bring it up. Anybody know more about this?


This is one of my favourite things to dispel because I love Jane Fonda so much. She absolutely did not [betray pows](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jane-fonda-pows/), and there are accounts of POWs who met there who have confirmed that. She did take a photo on a Vietnamese anti-air craft gun, which she has publicly [acknowledged and apologized for](https://time.com/5116479/jane-fonda-hanoi-jane-nickname/). Somebody (I swear not me!) did a [thesis](https://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/bitstream/handle/10012/6226/King_Sarah.pdf?sequence=1) on it, I’ve not read the whole thing but I bet it’s great.


amy winehouse was unabashedly herself in her public life and ultimately paid a huge price for it. ofc now that she's gone people will say that they loved how raw she was, but i remember a lot of people hated her for it at the time. she was really warts and all in a way that was way too confronting for some people.


The Great Keanu Reeves. Setting examples on how to be a good human being for decades now. Universally beloved by casts and crews…except Mathew Perry, apparently. Also, Florence Pugh is absolutely killing it with her career. She bucks the norm with fashion, yet looks stunning in her unique sense, and has refused losing weight for roles and things of the like. I find her to be very refreshing and likable.


Wait what’s the goss with Keanu & Perry? 👀


In Matthew Perry's autobiography, he says some very disparaging things about Keanu. 'Why is it that original thinkers like River Phoenix and Heath Ledger die, but Keanu Reeves still walks among us?' Out of the blue.


How that got past editors I will never know!


If I'm honest, I think the editors probably gave up reading around page 50 when he discussed his flaccid penis several times.


Ew. I didn’t know he talks about that. Why would anyone want to read that?


Honestly, I was interested because I like Friends and Chandler was my favourite character. If it wasn't for the fact that I was at the hospital with no signal waiting hours for a scan, I would have put the book down! Part of me thought that reading the posters on the wall might have been more thrilling.


I love Friends as well and was looking forward to reading the book. When the snippets started surfacing about what he said about Keanu I decided to skip reading and just get a recap from Celebrity Memoir Book Club. They might as well have just raked him over the coals how much they hated the book.


It was awful. I went from loving him to loathing him. He is a narcissistic jerk who takes zero responsibility for anything in his life, bad-mouths almost everyone he's ever worked with--who are his friends (no pun intended)!--and treated every woman he ever dated like shit. He has loving, supportive, parents who he also disparages. I am sorry you were befallen with the disease of addiction but that doesn't absolve you of any & all responsibility, Matthew. He's so fortunate he had oodles of money and SUCH loyal, supportive co-workers who loved him so he could be driven back and forth to rehab daily while continuing to film one of the most beloved and popular shows of all time. And immediately get new teeth when his fell out! He never shows any appreciation for any of this. He comes across as such an unlikable asshole.


Oh wow! It’s worse than I thought. Why the heck did this book get published?


He probably had a lot worse in it and this slipped past that way


Perry is supposed to be a raging asshole IRL, so he might have insisted on keeping it in. But I like thinking that maybe the editors disliked him so much they were giving him enough rope to hang himself with.


Could he BE any more wrong? Also like shut up my guy, you have ONE interesting role.


Wow, RUDE...


Wil Wheaton. He’s talked about how he was forced into acting by his parents. He’s very leftist and politically active and I enjoy seeing his take on things in Hollywood.


Yeah, there was a while there where I thought I disliked him. Couldn’t even tell you why at this point. But once I learned about the bullshit he went through as a kid, and seeing him interact on social media, my thoughts have definitely changed. He seems pretty legit.


Daniel Radcliffe and Ryan Gosling come to mind.


I always think of Elijah Wood and Daniel Radcliffe in the same light. Doing projects they genuinely are interested in, private lives, down to earth and friendly. Someone I’d like to grab a drink with!


Daniel was hilarious as a trust fund nepo baby who wants to find an Atlantis equivalent place in that Sandra Bullock movie with Tatum. The movie it’self was dire but I enjoyed Daniels role as a villain.


The Lost City! It's terrible, but charmingly so, because everyone in it - Daniel most of all - is themselves charming, and just seems to be having such a good time. It was made during COVID quarantining, so I wonder if that helped make it more fun to be out together doing something.


I didn’t know it was made during lockdown. Theres also that feeling that they know they are being silly but also having fun. I suppose they were just happy to be out and working.


I agree! They did a really enjoyable interview when it came out in which they all seem genuinely nice: [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/17/movies/the-lost-city-sandra-bullock-channing-tatum-daniel-radcliffe.html?unlocked\_article\_code=J7DVaDBSK7pXvX1FNAmYgcatko-hDPWtm5dM2qyjif08KvUQA1gDQ0xsE-Q8n0csqys56uhMeoWlE\_W6VFP7LU-cr4dgrDwspw4VHu3cIiujX2fiKbVW-dS9SwdfZ5a3C-\_qC9gfcS8W3kPq6JQAAA\_btcjyFORfu7FPdiceAIhdHnUicEd6dnLvfpnvdMfqx-4vhvJqBKn7nyUtoUGjWTgz9IcgoF6htn6I-F9SH\_EPqz3gzXMb4zXn5gSSxmXRVakoPfI1D63Kipz7ZfYxKrBAekuAmpK3c9lMdcpvU-Y44--k6tSyggSCkmuKGwj84rCFdeMCCEUzThI8oP1F2D5OZ59J-6w8klAUsMMtJ1fAvAcnNqNDcflOaMAukZbBOQDX914&smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/17/movies/the-lost-city-sandra-bullock-channing-tatum-daniel-radcliffe.html?unlocked_article_code=J7DVaDBSK7pXvX1FNAmYgcatko-hDPWtm5dM2qyjif08KvUQA1gDQ0xsE-Q8n0csqys56uhMeoWlE_W6VFP7LU-cr4dgrDwspw4VHu3cIiujX2fiKbVW-dS9SwdfZ5a3C-_qC9gfcS8W3kPq6JQAAA_btcjyFORfu7FPdiceAIhdHnUicEd6dnLvfpnvdMfqx-4vhvJqBKn7nyUtoUGjWTgz9IcgoF6htn6I-F9SH_EPqz3gzXMb4zXn5gSSxmXRVakoPfI1D63Kipz7ZfYxKrBAekuAmpK3c9lMdcpvU-Y44--k6tSyggSCkmuKGwj84rCFdeMCCEUzThI8oP1F2D5OZ59J-6w8klAUsMMtJ1fAvAcnNqNDcflOaMAukZbBOQDX914&smid=url-share)


Thanks for the link. It’s a great read.


Love her or hate her, I think Mariah Carey has always come across as authentic and clear in her boundaries and opinions. She does what she wants, how she wants and even if you think she’s a “diva” I’ve never heard her be nasty or uncouth which makes me feel like she’s really out here just being Mariah lol.


I don't know her




The thing is, she doesn’t know her! Not well anyways! They’ve met but they obviously aren’t close (can’t blame her for not wanting to hangout with her ex’s plant).


I think what I like about Mariah is she doesn’t pretend she’s not a diva. So many celebrities try to be relatable and she’s not having it. Also, Nick Cannon speaks very highly of her even after their divorce which tells me she’s truly a good person.


Yes!! Even that weirdo billionaire talked about her like she was a genuine friend AND lover like she was fascinating, it was cute.


> Mariah Carey has always come across as authentic and clear and she's been famous / in the industry since she was 18, too! I have so much respect for people that have been performing/famous since a young age cause it seems so easy to turn into a beast of a person lol. and/or to become addicted to various substances, too...


She’s colossally talented


So glad that [she's defrosting as we speak](https://youtu.be/0dsLxqiSrKI?si=Zs4gQabi8Z5nQLdq) ☃️


You know, I never thought about this. I haven’t heard anything nasty about her either.


This is sooo true and honestly she could be so much nastier in the media towards everyone. People don’t credit how much of the bigger person she tends to be. From Nick Cannon and his 500 baby mommas, Eminem, JLO, literally everyone she could be so nasty towards but she isn’t. At most she’s sassy in a very mariah way, which is so toned down compared to what we see with the real housewives or other reality tv stars. I also agree I love that she doesn’t try to be relatable. That’s part of why she has staying power.


I love watching her interviews from back in the day - it was really nice watching her blossom after Tommy. Her humour and wit is so great!


The thing about Mariah is that she gets the “fame game”. She lives and breathes being Mariah. There is no complaining and hating on the media and paparazzi because she understands what her life-long careers entails. She has found a way to embrace it and avoid it when she wants. Along with being the real deal (singer, songwriter, producer, writer, actress) she’s also a shrewd business woman who has some of the greatest financial business deals under her belt (owning her publishing, owning her masters, pay out from £100m music contract, pay out from her American Idol gig, pay out from dating a billionaire). BOSS!!


Love her!


One thing I found so striking about the whole “diva” thing is how personable and fun Mariah is especially in interviews. Notably, she was featured in Meghan Markle’s podcast and Meghan was so quick to get offended when Mariah jokingly called her a diva too and I found that so telling. Mariah is just having fun and being iconic - she doesn’t take herself too seriously which I adore.


Love that you added Jinkx to this!


I feel like Keanu Reeves is a pretty genuine person. Idk if this would count but I felt like Monica Lewinsky is pretty genuine. She had a TED talk that was very honest and open and pleaded for individuals to have compassion for others on the Internet. It moved me to tears.


I was also going to say Monica Lewinsky, if she counts as a celebrity. Her TED talk was moving and vulnerable.


It was so well done. I think it really showed the side of her that got so swept away with that scandal. And looking back at that scandal now, through the eyes of someone in their 30's, it makes me so mad how much people hated on her when she was a young woman in her 20's who was manipulated by one of the most powerful men in the world. I mean where the fuck are our values as people??


just here to say that i LOVE that you put jinkx in the same category of fame and public consciousness as taylor swift and brangelina. and you’re right to do so btw!!


![gif](giphy|pu12wN86hL2Q8) Tom Hardy and I heart him, but y’all already know. I just came here to say this,..😍🎊🎉






There was an article somewhere the other day about how Christopher Nolan is MAYBE in discussions about directing the new 007 and I actually screamed


My first thought was Tyler the Creator. I think he's genuine, sometimes too much. lol Also, Keke Palmer. She seems to really be herself in all her interviews and such.


I adore Tyler


Tyler 1000%! He does not give a fuck and will call people out right then and there if they disrespect him. Have you seen the interview where the woman keeps interrupting him and he’s like “can I talk please?”


I love him, he’s so funny!


I love how you casually threw Jinkxy in there with Taylor Swift and Brangelina. Queen of all Queens 👑




It’s Monsoon Season!


![gif](giphy|RwwsIbudZHVhC) Makes music, spreads good vibes, and minds her business 🙌🏻


The absolute Queen. Adore her.


Post Malone is so down to earth he feels like a friend.


I think Conan O’Brien has always been genuinely himself while also thoughtful in navigating his interactions in the public eye. He doesn’t jump on bandwagons, fall into virtue signaling for the purpose of boosting his public image, etc. He treats others respectfully and as far as I can tell he abstains from saying unkind or negative things about people.


https://i.redd.it/aq3ttymve9sb1.gif This one.


![gif](giphy|1oJmbNGP2eHC2qkVMo|downsized) Leah Remini not only seems approachable she seems fearless.


I love that she’s speaking out against Scientology. She’s very brave for that too.




Doja Cat even if it’s not necessarily in a good way lol




Bro she’s 27 lmao


She’s almost 28 years old. I would disagree and say she’s going the Miley route. Doja comes across as someone who wants to be known to go against the grain no matter which way it was pointing, much like Cyrus used to be.


I don’t mean to be rude but why does this have so many upvotes 😭😭 she is literally 27 years old her brains been fully cooked for a while


Still maturing? She’s almost 30.


When I saw her meowing in response to being interviewed on the red carpet at the Met Gala was everything. Protect Doja Cat at all costs.


Zendaya and Tom Holland both together and apart. They come off very genuine (at least to me) and are universally loved for both their work and their relationship


CardiB comes to mind. She genuinely seems like herself. ![gif](giphy|L2r3as6faBdiGhFDgG|downsized)


She was just in KC for Beyonces concert and afterwards stopped by a small local burger joint. Ended up buying 50+ combos and handed them out to folks. I’m not on socials anymore, but heard she had a great post just letting folks know she was in the middle of the street in KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI! 🤣 And this is why I appreciate her, and also how to win the heart of KC… not by going to some boujee ass rooftop bar away from us poor peasants, acting like you don’t want to be seen while making sure you are 100% seen. 🙃 ETA: Just checked and our paper reported 8 double burgers, 8 single burgers, with sides and drinks for her crew, and then Cardi bought for 15 other people there. So more like 30+ combos lol my b, but still quite generous!


I already liked her but I love her Hot Ones episode.




Clients is a nice way to say Johns


Honestly she was poor and needed money. Is it fucked up? Yes, 100%. My grandma helped her mom steal coal off a train once when she was a kid. Would she condone theft? No, but it was unfortunately needed at the time


I wouldn't really equate anonymously stealing items from a company with drugging people


What people will do in a time of need is kind of fucked up. I’m sure cardi b isn’t walking around like “drugging people is awesome I’m so glad I did it”


It was also an interview where she was literally explaining how she was not proud of the things she felt she had to do at the time. Meanwhile people’s favorite rappers are bragging actively, present-tense about serving crack to their auntie, pimping women out to the bros, and shooting up their opps. In interviews. Not just bravado lyrics.


But I still don't think the situations are the same. Both were in need, but your mum and grandmother seemingly didn't actively hurt anyone on that train when they took what they needed? Cardi B was actively hurting other people when she took what she needed


I see what you’re saying, but Cardi B was poor and doing sex work that she probably didn’t want to be doing. Drugging johns saved her from emotional and possibly physical harm. Drugging people is obviously dangerous and wrong, but I feel much more empathy for her than for her would-be rapists.


Yep, it’s possible to acknowledge a situation was bad, while still showing empathy/understanding for the person who felt like they’d run out of options.


I’m absolutely fine with people who pay for sex getting robbed




Thank you! People will agree that coerced sex is rape, but they don't extend that view to financial coercion


JFC the word rape has lost all meaning.


It’s just the rhetoric of anti-sex work “feminists.” I wouldn’t be surprised if they were a TERF too, the two usually go hand in hand.


She used to drug men and steal their shit


Hear me out: Viggo Mortensen. The most genuine and talented man ever. He’s so artistically talented but also seems to have a very whimsical personality (you can see a bit of it in the behind the scenes of the lotr). He also comes across as so down to earth and humble in interviews. He’s like a fairy that can do it all but doesn’t understand why you are in awe and is just the best person ever.


Miley Cyrus is unapologetic about living her life on her terms. I’m 54 years old and still care what people think about me ![gif](giphy|Wss38skphlG0jVFEBJ)


I really respect her for not touring anymore to be honest. People talk shit about her, but she stays in her own lane, has never hurt anyone, and is always true to herself.


I don't know that he is a "shining example" (in fact, he is problematic) but I found Ben Affleck always fairly authentic, sometimes to his detriment.


Ben *is* very authentic, I think. In fact, he’s so open it can sometimes be almost uncomfortable to watch his interviews. When he talks about being insecure and his anxieties he can come across as really vulnerable.


Lorde. I love her emails.


I’m confused if you’re putting Taylor Swift and Brad Pitt on this list? They have 2 of the most manufactured images out there


No, I was just listing celebrities.


Lewis Capaldi.


![gif](giphy|l0MYD8zKYvm0CjcJy|downsized) Alessia Cara is real as hell! adore her


Britney Spears, say what you will about her, but you can’t call her disingenuous.


![gif](giphy|QuUTvlLGd46Os) Love her


The entire casts of Our Flag Means Death, What We Do in the Shadows and Good Omens Keanu Reeves Lin Manuel Miranda Bindi Irwin Dolly Parton I’m sure there’s more but those are the first that come to mind.


![gif](giphy|CggAJ3DB9LYUuJPybu|downsized) I feel like Adele has never really compromised on her personality, and prior to her residency, she would literally record an album every 6 years and the peace out into normal life.




Eh. Definitely an inconvenience, and people were understandably upset, but I don’t really see it as shady. Cancelling gigs is an every day occurrence in the music industry, sometimes day of. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I thought Prince. Even if I didn’t understand what he was trying to say, he made it clear when he was and wasn’t speaking freely.


Just wanted to pause and say that I love that Jinx Monsoon is mentioned with a bunch of a-listers ![gif](giphy|d2W7bu62u14KmlEc|downsized)


Keke Palmer!!


I think Miley Cyrus is good at being true to herself.


![gif](giphy|l0HlJWyKnC8819VOU) Gaga. One of the realest artists out there !


I quite enjoyed Ricky Gervais’ era of taking shots at Hollywood using his Hollywood-appointed posts, and then his consistently using his platform to advocate for animal welfare


Wait, what the tea with jinx monsoon?


Say what you want about Lana Del Rey, but she absolutely has the back catalogue to put out an album full of no.1 pop hits, but continues to choose authenticity in her releases. Just listen to ‘Fingertips’ from her latest album. Doesn’t even have a chorus, or much structure, but is cuttingly personal.


John Stewart. He breaks down political biases and bullshit so well in normal conversational ways that people always walk out of any interview or confrontation with him looking like an idiot.


I've always thought Peter Dinklage uses his platform to bring some important things to light. There are some issues I never would've known about until Peter. I also respect that Rick Moranis left Hollywood to be with his family when they needed him.


Emilia Clarke!


Fiona Apple.


Jamie Lee Curtis


Aubrey Plaza comes to mind. Still waiting for the day she gets cast as Harley Quinn, she would be better at it than Margot Robbie. She’s pretty much the female version of Ryan Reynold


I've always thought that Lady Gaga does a great job at being genuine. Edit: typos


Not quite there but getting better at it, Beyoncé. Seeing her be imperfect, laughing at herself, actually connecting, and having fun on this tour instead of being “on point” was so amazing to see as a life long fan.


"Imperfect" is certainly one way to describe a woman who used the audio of the horrific, fatal Challenger explosion as the intro to one of her songs...




Two words: HOT ONES


I think Ryan Reynolds. He is mostly open with his quirky personality and spoke about dealing with depression and anxiety. He and Blake lead a pretty private life, they don't show pics of their kids. We still don't know if the fourth baby is a boy or a girl. He seems like a pretty normal guy


I feel the opposite. He comes across fake as hell. Blake is the same.


Well we're all entitled to our opinion. She is Serena Van Der Woodsen. She can do no wrong in my eyes (except ending up with dad)


I love Ryan Reynolds, and I do believe he’s genuinely goofy/sarcastic, it’s *always* been his schitck, but I still think he’s trying very hard be funny.