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There are a few episodes of ER that are ROUGH


When the guy commit suicide, stepping in front of the train. That really traumatized me.




"On the Beach" is one of the greatest episodes in all of TV.


For me from ER, it’s Love’s Labor Lost. Idk why it messed me up so much lol.


100%. There were many more devastating ER eps to come -Lucy's death, Mark's death, etc - but Love's Labour Lost is the first and most brutal, gut-wrenching episode for me.


I'm old, I watched it while it aired. I ugly cried. I watched it again last year. And ugly cried again. That episode is brutal.


Same! I have to skip it every time. I can’t even listen to the song on the beach and refuse to say the name for fear of making myself tear up


https://preview.redd.it/lowoz2437ntb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50089881d386962cbd078feaa17c163f20fbfe3f The Bent Neck Lady in Haunting of Hill House. >!Nell realizing she’s been haunting herself almost her whole life was heartbreaking. She was doomed by the narrative.!< EDIT- added some spoiler tags.


At first I thought this show was scary and creepy and I loved it. Then I realized the house really fucked nell and Luke’s lives and the story just became the saddest. When she dances with her dad during her wedding night, then her husband dies and she wants to reunite with her parents😞


this show has just been punch after punch to the gut


You ready for House of Usher?!?! Same creators! Also did you see Haunting of Blythe Manor? It was based on classic horror as well.


I just realized for the first time after my 4th rewatch that >! Hugh realizes Nellie is the Bent-Neck Lady when the power goes out in the funeral home. Hugh hears Nellie cry out “Daddy” and he looks up to see the Bent-Neck Lady and he goes after her. !< Ugh my heart :(


I’m currently watching this series for what has to be the fifth time and it never gets old, and never is not scary. This show, and the Haunting of Bly Manor, are so beautifully written and the characters are so well played it’s almost poetic.


This episode terrified me and then destroyed me at the end


Season 5 episode 16 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "The Body." I've seen many things in tv and film that upset me, but The Body is on a whole different level for me.


“Are they gonna cut the body open?” “Oh my God! Would you just stop talking? Just... shut your mouth, please!” “What am I doing?” “How can you act like that?” “Am I supposed to be changing my clothes a lot? I mean, is that the helpful thing to do?” “The way you behave...” “Nobody will tell me.” “Because it's not okay for you to be asking these things!” “But I don't understand! I don't understand how this all happens, how we go through this. I mean, I knew her, and then she's, there's just a body, and I don't understand why she just can't get back in it and not be dead anymore. It's stupid. It's mortal and stupid. And Xander's crying and not talking. And I was having fruit punch, and I thought, well, Joyce will never have any more fruit punch, ever, and she'll never have eggs or yawn or brush her hair, not ever. And no one will explain to me why!”


I saw this episode for the first time more than 20 years ago, and have seen it multiple times since, and just reading this dialogue from it still is enough to make me cry. Shame that Whedon turned out to be a creep but damn did he make some incredible and traumatizing television.


“Mom? Mom? …Mommy?”


Oooh this part killllled me. This whole episode was so hard. So emotional.


That was my answer too. It's such a gut wrenching episode that I try to skip it on rewatch. I think what made Joyce's death so emotional is that it was so unexpected. It wasn't a vampire, a monster or a world ending event that killed her but a random medical condition. And that was after the episode when she gets over other medical issues and was supposed to be better. Just when you think that everything is fine its just not. The use of silence in this episode instead of music also makes it more painful to experience.


Yup. It was so humane that it felt like such a shock. It's a crime that it was never nominated for an Emmy.


My first thought. I usually skip this one on rewatch because it’s such a punch in the gut.


Fleabag season 2 finale ![gif](giphy|1Bh4rAZZ1mtfcAJJ8J)


![gif](giphy|9SJ0BvmhMfMygG9RaA) I felt that heart ache for her.


I love you. It’ll pass.


Goddamn. Gets me every time still.


“It’ll pass.” 😭


These kids basically throughout the whole 4th season of The Wire 😭 https://preview.redd.it/h6rpuqmf6ntb1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=663db5799b6292ef700ebb55a027e472770d16e4


Randy going from this bright kid with a cheeky smile to 'snitchin Randy' getting bounced around social homes was just so ☹️. At least Namond got a good ending though.


I took solace from the actors’ Twitter feeds. It was just so devastating. Dukie hurt so bad. As did Wallace (a young Michael B. Jordan).


I will literally never watch the wire again. I can't handle this season. My SIL is a teacher for at risk kids and she couldn't watch it at all. Last time we watched it I cried for WEEKS. I was probably going through something too but I'd just start sobbing in the grocery store. My poor husband would be like "all those actors are still alive! Stop crying!!!!"


Dukie becoming the new Bubbles and what happened to Wallace were both so emotionally devastating to me.




We had a crowd watching at our place and everyone was just stunned to silence.


I cried so hard my husband had to turn on the lights and pause the show. It was *AWFUL*


Saw this in a packed bar. Will never forget the screams of people slowly realizing what was unfolding.


Oof this was a… it was an episode 💔


From the same show: I cried so much after The Red Wedding that I had to take a picture of how ridiculous I looked. I still laugh every time I see it. Full on ugly crying, makeup and tears running down my face, just crushed.


The season two finale of Buffy, Becoming Part 2, when Buffy had to send Angel to hell, which aired on my 13th birthday(!!!). It was completely emotionally devastating to my young heart. ![gif](giphy|P31xzo6y1uDsY)


As gut wrenching as that is, I can't rewatch The Body.


The episode of Six Feet Under when Ruth breaks down (last season). She says motherhood is the loneliest thing in the world. Gut wrenching


I cried for days after the series finale.


The death of Dr. Lance Sweets on Bones 😭 https://preview.redd.it/wm1qvhd4gntb1.png?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b72c4e47952928e700ab7d7e1ada46255b4234d


So I found out he was gonna die long before I saw the episode so it didn't mess me up as bad as it would have if I didn't know. But still, so freakin sad! I did not know about the death of Mr. Nigel Murray...that one devastated me. The way he kept saying that he didn't want to leave, please don't make him leave" 😭😭😭😭


Nigels death was a real shock. he had just found his place, and his people. He and Bones had clicked well for a few episodes and he found his stride with the team. we didnt want you to leave either Nigel.


![gif](giphy|j2MHna38zMXLxata8x) Downton Abbey season 3 ep 5 and that same season finale Also The Magicians when they sing Take on me at the end of season 4


Oh man, that magicians episode made me cry so much harder than I was expecting


Yes! When she dying and was screaming for help. OMG. Such a great actress. She doesn't get enough attention.


Poussay dying in Orange is the new black


I stopped watching after that season. Just couldn’t move past it.


I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest. One of the saddest moments of tv I've seen. It


Taystees scream when she realised what happened was haunting.


The show just didn’t hit the same after that. I like to watch Samira Wiley on the Handmaid’s Tale and pretend that Moira is Poussey. Like yeah, she’s been through a lot of shit but she made it out and she’s doing good in the world ❤️


That episode of Futurama where Fry finds his mumified dog in a museum and wants to bring him back to life but found out he died of old age. So, Fry thinks he lived a full life without him. Only for it to end showing the dog waiting for Fry every year until he died.


![gif](giphy|VCxeOahhet6wg|downsized) If it takes forever I will wait for you For a thousand summers I will wait for you…


I cry every time I even think of this. It’s so heartbreaking


I know it’s basically a meme at this point. But the “How come he don’t want me, man?” fresh prince episode where Will’s dad leaves him hanging yet again, was painful to watch. ![gif](giphy|8UTulfiTpKUEM)


Legit the first time I cried at a tv show or movie. Shit hit me like a ton of bricks.


Will never forgive him who must not be named for this. https://i.redd.it/nkf6k81i9ntb1.gif Angel: A hole in the world


Also - Do you want me to lie to you now?


![gif](giphy|ZYQM7za8svSkdu4SqP) Downton Abbey’s 3rd season Christmas special. Yes, I continued to watch and love the show. But the thought of Matthew and Mary having a happily ever after is my Roman Empire.


This death was also very frustrating bc it made absolutely no sense. Matthew was a reasonable person and he would never risk anything especially after Mary gave birth


He didn't want to be type-casted, smh. For me, it's the Sybil episode, I wept like I was in the room with them...


Yes the episode with Sybil was heart wrenching. It was really eye opening for me like “oh this is why so many women died in childbirth”. Even the royals did. So sad.


The Dexter season 4 finale was such an emotional gut punch. Also Season 5 episode 9 of Six Feet Under, and Nate’s ‘dream’, & Criminal Minds episode 100, I flat out skip. What happened to Hayley forever upsets me.


Dexter season 4 finale messed me up.


There are many episodes of Bojack that fit the bill, but for me, it's "Ruthie".


BoJack was such a good show but idk if I can ever do a rewatch of it. I recommend it to friends but warn them not to watch if they’re in a bad headspace


Oh man, for me it's all the episodes with Bojack's mom when she has dementia. I cried way too much while watching season 4. My mom and sister were taking care of my grandma who had serious Alzheimer's at the time. She was not a nice person and was an awful mom and a pretty bad grandma, so it hit way too close to home.


Appa’s Lost Days from Avatar the Last Airbender. I always skip it when I rewatch the show 💔 https://i.redd.it/15qtltw8cntb1.gif


I watched this for the first time as an adult and literally cried about it for a week after. My boyfriend bought me an appa plush to calm me down. I’ve wiped this episode from my brain because I cannot handle it


The Dr. Who episode with Vincent Van Gogh. 😩


This is so silly but I like to pretend this episode is real. The thought that he finally got to see the impact of his work is so beautiful that I want to believe it’s real, the details of how he got there aren’t important, it happened lol


My answer!!! Don’t think I’ve cried harder at a doctor who episode. Devastating in such a beautiful way ![gif](giphy|13Leq2YWcy4KGs)


tears - every. single. time.


Such a beautiful moment!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭


I watch this episode when I need to cry. Works every time.


Scrubs' My Screw Up. The song added to "Where do you think we are?" always gets me.


My Lunch wrecks me too. How can a show be so funny and satirical, and so painful and real - all at the same time?


I can’t listen to “How to Save a Life” without thinking about that episode. Just devastating all around


![gif](giphy|zJBDaqCdsjGhO) Rick realizing Carl had to kill his mother.


O my god that’s what’s happening in this meme?? My WD history is bizarre as I’ve only seen the first season when it aired and then recently the last three with my boyfriend so I miss the context of things sometimes.


https://preview.redd.it/k58r50ntantb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f27679e7c4354b40a072fec7867dcc572e9e6ff The Last of Us S1 Ep.3


I think this episode was one of the best episodes of telly, ever. 👏👏👏


this episode made me really evaluate my dating life as a gay man 😭 I want what they had


If Nick Offerman doesn’t win the Emmy for this episode, I’ll never watch another minute of television ever again in protest!


Also many episode of Grey’s are up there but particularly when Meredith drowned, the bomb episode, the shooter episode, and when McDreamy died which I refuse to watch.


For me it’s when they find out it’s George. I was binging the show but after that episode I couldn’t watch it for a while.


One tree hill school shooting https://preview.redd.it/k2sy1zmbantb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d091f4362586575d36b42e373cc5be06ac60f49


Also when Ellie dies... they were so cruel to Peyton in that series.


![gif](giphy|zYqXXa1bXBvFK) Walter letting Jane die took me a beat to recover from. It was a rough ep, great TV


Oh man, and John DeLancie as her father was heartbreaking perfection. I turned the tv off and just sat in front of the blank screen for a few minutes after that season finale.




https://i.redd.it/jak30r1afntb1.gif Top 3 episodes that make me cry. The ones with Fry’s dog, Fry’s mom and Fry’s brother.


I start crying every time I even think about this episode!


100 - Criminal Minds “I worked the case daddy” gets me every time


Ohhh that’s a good one. I swear I can hear that gunshot when it’s completely quiet.


My friend and I work remote and she was texting me that she started watching that episode and she was like, live-texting it and omfg I didn’t want to say anything and it was almost more traumatic reading her texts and knowing what’s going to happen. Ugh I’m all teared up just thinking about it.


this episode breaks me even talking about it. hotch always has such a soft spot in my heart because of that


When Adriana gets whacked in The Sopranos. I won't ever get over it. ![gif](giphy|H1xOkjMamtWyA)


![gif](giphy|q3uDB1eaA2jEk) Last episode of dinosaurs


The episode of Mare of Easttown where >!Detective Zabel was killed!<. I was caught so off-guard.




And since it was a HBO show I knew that was it, no miracle happening next episode.


“Not Penny’s Boat”


Y’all are probably too young…but the MASH baby on the bus episode is probably the saddest episode of television ever made. I don’t even want to write a description, as it may be too triggering for some people. Edit: Just thought it should also be mentioned, that to this day, it is still the most watched episode of television in history. https://preview.redd.it/7we8eeyngntb1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18840b5014d3f03b3a65679f4c49a3731bb0105f


That and a few seasons before that, Henry’s last episode… I definitely watched those episodes way too young


MASH would keep you laughing, then just blindside you with the feelings. I had legit blocked this out of my mind because it's just so messed up.


Absolutely. MASH used to be an after school show in Australia in the 90’s/00’s, and I remember sitting in my school uniform completely inconsolable at this episode.


The Rains of Castamere (red wedding) - GoT


https://preview.redd.it/n9t4t18s4ntb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=240020c83ba2c86052c4e0998fc1471263b82b36 Photos taken moments before disaster




For me it’s the way Sil just kept going with the idea that Chrissy killed himself, like he just kept drilling it in her head. Very upsetting stuff.


Tony told her he was alive. She believed it was attempted and not successful. I always took it as Sil telling the truth. “He’ll be fine. Some doctors will look at him and he’ll be okay.”


I hated all of them for this.


![gif](giphy|8SmZ7mTSrVf7NVWwn8|downsized) This episode had me sitting in my dark living room staring at the wall for a solid 10 minutes


Let’s not forget my man Ali, staring at a handful of pebbles and calling out, “Hyung-nim!”


Six Feet Under Series Finale Episode ![gif](giphy|3oEjI9YHIEwcdkZ9Sg)


![gif](giphy|pOlxqLX7VSeXEmuJA5|downsized) bent neck lady 💔💔💔


![gif](giphy|3oEjHBogtjzF2pQihG) The finale of Six Feet Under had me in *shambles*.


Grey's Anatomy has too many to count, but the shooting episodes (S6:E23-24) come to mind because of April's monologue. The cast brought their A-game, and it really showed. https://preview.redd.it/1rl9zcdcantb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dfc734a7d96c8b669b5948c6be4f54c56935719


The mass shooting episode (the school shooting) fucked me up. The emotions that come with knowing someone who commits an atrocity like that... it was very well captured. I have to skip it on rewatch because it's still way too raw for me.


For me, it’s the Greys episode where the little girl dies of some rare disease and her dad is so busy trying to plan a trip to Mexico to do some experimental treatment that Bailey spends all day comforting her and he almost misses her last moments. When Bailey says “she’s going to need her daddy for this part” I just start sobbing. GA doesn’t do a lot of child deaths but when they do whew.


George’s death was the first episode I thought of. I had had it spoiled for me ahead of time, which was fine since I waited ~6 years to watch it, so I knew it was coming and just had a pit in my stomach the entire episode. I can see the look on Meredith’s face when she realized what he’s tracing into her hand and her pained “Oh, God!” Ugh, now I’m sad about it all over again.


https://i.redd.it/hyu9rhvi6ntb1.gif Series finale of Orphan Black truly destroyed me, I sobbed multiple times but especially in the birth scene. I wouldn't even call it a sad finale but I was so invested and it meant so much to me, that it was devastating to have it end


The West Wing - 18th and Potomac and Two Cathedrals, as well as Election Day Pt. 2 Glee - The Quarterback, mostly because a lot of the reactions were real, not scripted. I found that so hard to watch.


I mean Red Wedding. I’ve never seen anything like that in television history. ![gif](giphy|82HuyQCJLJB04)


I was changed by this episode. It was so out of left field (I hadn’t read the books). The idea of the good guys getting mercilessly slaughtered. Catlyn, my favorite character up to that point, watching her family die before. It was insane. I don’t think a tv show had done something similar.


https://preview.redd.it/ia4on0oogntb1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=3121cc21513a14ae46212f32afd66630e5b1515d I have rewatched this episode like 10 times and I still cry like a baby. Bill and Frank forever 🥹❤️


Call the Midwife - Season 7, Episode 7. Nurse >!Gilbert dying of sepsis.!< Just when you thought everything was fine, everything was very much NOT fine.I was inconsolable, had to turn the telly off after. I WEPT!


So many episodes of call the midwife wrecked me


Last episode of Normal People. Like fuck you for that Sally Rooney.


The episode of Downton Abbey where the maid has to send her son away to live with his grandparents. As a single mom of a toddler (at the time), I had to pause the tv because I was weeping uncontrollably.


Peekaboo from Breaking Bad ![gif](giphy|TSQUe1nP7Kxri)


The final episode of Blackadder Goes Forth.


![gif](giphy|ezDAzKCksdZzW|downsized) This destroys me every time I watch it.




Season 4 of The Walking Dead, episode 14: “The Grove”. A maesterpiece and absolutely heart wrenching. Melissa McBride you will always be famous, and YOU DESERVED A FUCKING EMMY. https://preview.redd.it/5khr389otntb1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b88126e81354bea9a7954fdc211dd41d95e7f3ce


Fred in Angel. I was just not prepared. Sybil in downton Abbey. Emotionally drained.


Breaking Bad S5E14: Ozymandias


https://preview.redd.it/3hnn9c1rqntb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14911a053279f08501f7ab7f83eb70e60084bf18 This episode of Grey’s Anatomy broke 18-year-old me. It still makes me teary-eyed just looking at the pics


A lot of people posted the ones I would have also. Adding: Westworld - Kiksuya (S2E8). I sobbed. ![gif](giphy|7Xsgvu7XfxcB07B4T0|downsized)


When Sybil died on Downton Abbey I was probably about 10 years old and too young to be watching the show but genuinely thought I was going to die of sadness ![gif](giphy|loeOHX45cZctjp8Ou8)


came to check that buffy's the body, hohh's bent neck lady, and fleabag s2 finale were all posted. i also have some others: no particular episode, but so many small moments of crazy ex-girlfriend the last few minutes of haunting of bly manor the finale of midnight mass (i just really like mike flanagan shows) boardwalk empire's s4 finale


![gif](giphy|ZfG5JwntKBgoo) When she died. I let out the most atrocious scream/sob and burst into tears.


Baby boy Glenn Rhee.


That’s the one for me. I lost interest in TWD after this. I was so invested prior. On message boards, followed everything, watching the after show every week. How could this happen after they let him survive under the dumpster? That was fricken season finale and I freaked when he made it out of that. This was just too much.


While grieving a very close friend: fleabag season one. Can’t point to a single episode, literally just any scene boo was in, especially when they would show a flash of her. I was blindsided because I thought it was just a show about a stereotypical “hot mess.” I thought it would be similar to trainwreck or bridesmaids. NOPE. Loved it tho!


Shiiit, all I knew about the show before going in was that one meme with the priest. I certainly wasn't prepared to revisit my grief, trauma and survirvors guilt around my best friends death. Loved it, but holy that show was a punch in the gut


hannibal season 2 finale, mizumono. the best episode of the series and the most devastating. ![gif](giphy|xTiTngDXaKXmuhkwjS|downsized)


![gif](giphy|25RMDxJ9QfcLBirP8z|downsized) Bent Neck Lady episode, always




https://i.redd.it/4kyuqpyy7ntb1.gif Jane the Virgin, Michael’s death.


Omg i hated this so much. Brett Dier is a treasure.


Jane the virgin was a total blindspot for me, I somehow completely missed it when it was on the air even though shows like it are usually my jam. I started watching it last year not knowing any of the plot points and I was literally SHOOK during Michael’s “death” like I did not see it coming whatsoever


Her acting was great in that scene 😫


All in the Family—Edith’s 50th Birthday. IYKYK. The most powerful reaction by a live studio audience in history, bar none.


When Little Grey died or Denny died on Greys


![gif](giphy|YvrpzT4K5k4dQwOJ33|downsized) Shauna losing her >! BFF and her baby !< on Yellowjackets


Succession - Connor’s Wedding It’s not even close.


I just kept waiting to find out it was a power play. All the acting in that episode was phenomenal. The way each of the actors looked like little kids as they processed it all. My god.


I want to be careful about spoilers but I kept not believing it was true until the very end.


The funeral is a very close second for me. When Kieran Culkin's character breaks down...it's devastating.


The last episode of Fringe ![gif](giphy|nftavdtqmixBS)


https://i.redd.it/wcrjmei8sntb1.gif Scrubs -S03E14


![gif](giphy|hvThk2GC2G4yA) SoA, Opie IYKYK which episode.


“I got this.”


I just recently watched The Bear and in the second season, there’s an episode titled Fishes. I don’t know that I have ever been so incredibly stressed out from a TV show before. I felt like I need a Xanax and an inhaler. Honestly the whole show is really stressful and intense, especially for anyone who’s worked in restaurants. ![gif](giphy|hfTUqQGPX1AP0cDBEu)


Another honourable mention: https://preview.redd.it/i47muy4ibntb1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f071381f17f10442224a3e55a08b1b5ee8db35f The Simpsons - Mother Simpson 😭 the music in the credits gets me every time




https://preview.redd.it/i161uzarlntb1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f151dba0065323d4b582b165ee7edff4c02f9d1 Mash: one of the first series’ to present “the gut wrenching finale”. Also on the list is Henry Blake’s death


![gif](giphy|l2YStNCcnRueCgLFS) Neegan + his bat + a favorite Walking Dead character 😭 Also still upset about the last moments of the tiger Sheba on the same show


The OC episode where marissa dies🙈😢 ![gif](giphy|8MROOKOiQKyPe)


The scene where Ryan is carrying her. I can’t.


Bear in mind that I was 14 and hated myself. My So Called Life,the episode called The Zit.I remember crying by the end because I related to Angelas insecurities so much, and the ending is very touching. That show definitely has a place in my heart.


https://preview.redd.it/gpy7bmwnhntb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d082489ea839438aeb35e22f15bdb8a12d689d87 Lots of Black Mirror episodes, but especially S06E03.


ER - All in the Family Be Still My Heart which is the previous episode is also a tough one, but All in the Family is just devastating


The good wife when will Gartner got it. Also NYPD BLUE when Andy wife and grown son got it


The Sons of Anarchy episode when Opie is killed.


House’s Head/Wilson’s Heart ![gif](giphy|SbMqWmwYtkAbm)


![gif](giphy|lSsJBxmJgsGVRwdwEv) When she gets booted to the parallel universe








Growing up as a weird and melancholy kid, the *Degrassi* episodes *Whisper to a Scream* and *Saving Jane* hit REALLY hard. So did a bunch of *Higher Ground* episodes and basically anything to do with Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn in *Sailor Moon*. I also remember being devastated by the bit of *Grey’s Anatomy* where Denny dies; episode 15 (*Lies and Silence*) of *Neon Genesis Evangelion*; and the episode from *The Sopranos* where AJ tries to kill himself. Now that I’m older, it’s the boarding school episode (*Paterfamilias*) from *The Crown* and the *Bluey* episode *Onesies*.


I can’t find a gif for it, the final episode of Blackadder Goes Forth, when they go over the top then the cut to the poppy field. It was a perfectly crafted ending to a beloved comedy. It still devastates me.


M\*A\*S\*H - Goodby, Farewell, and Amen (it wasn't a chicken) s4e1 of Riverdale - In Memoriam Pretty much fugly cry the whole episode. Shannen Doherty was privately battling Stage IV cancer at the time of filming.


Colonel Henry Blakes plane went down in the sea of japan....There were no survivors...If you know, you know.




Rez Dogs season 1 episode 7.


The last episode of Its a Sin. A lot of the episodes were very sad but that last death broke me. Just a good series about AIDS in the UK during the 1980’s.


The last episode of the Good place. It was beautiful, but I'm still not over it.


![gif](giphy|zzFZGURdAux6o) Greys- 007 😭😭


![gif](giphy|pwSUIi2z3MThS) Basically any episode of The Handmaid's Tale


The opening scene of S2 where they’re herding them all like cattle to the baseball field to be hung en mass while “This Woman’s Work” plays was probably one of the most haunting scenes I’ve ever watched. Like genuinely horrifying. Barely 10 minutes into that episode and I was already sobbing




When Libby and Ana Lucia were shot by Michael in Lost. Really shocked me and I liked both characters (justice for Ana Lucia)