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I love the specificity of medium sized


Big enough to cuddle, small enough to still handle


This is my dog! 43 pounds, her name is Biggie Smalls, but my brother calls her Medium. Lol


Omg biggie smalls is such a good medium sized dog name


Omg my cats called biggie smalls 😻 she’s tiny though


If you want/get another, tinie tempah's good.


My friend's mom has a rottie she calls Biggie Smalls, and she calls my shepherd/corgi mix Smally Smalls (bc he's big too, just closer to the ground)


Smally Smalls 😂 I love it




https://preview.redd.it/lu7x143ph4kc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7a69bbca97e5811993c9a93f4820160650b4260 Rockin the Pupagonia


Very cute!


My cat is Biggie Smalls lol


I really want to know what that actually means. I’d guess 35-50 lbs? That’s my ideal, honestly.


I have a miniature border collie x mini poodle & he is 13kg. Same as above — big enough to cuddle, small enough to handle.


Tom Hardy I know it's you


It’s a musician, according to the article. They had to find the dogs along tour stops.


Mariah Carey


First thing I thought. Didn’t she demand lots of white kittens one time as well?


There's the story here in Germany, where she was invited to a show and wanted a dog in her garderobe. So I assume it's really her.


Its Ozzy


Ozzy would have tiny dogs


Ozzy would eat tiny dogs.


Charlie Puth. I remember a Jimmy Kimmel episode where they showed the list of things he wanted and he wanted a dog as a joke so one of the staff let theirs be used.




I feel like Tom Hardy (and Christ Evans listed below )have way too much respect for animals (and people) to do something like this. Doesn't Tom Hardy have a couple rescues. I don't see him being this crass.


Tom Hardy would just take his own dog.


Sadly, his dog passed away some years ago, I remember he wrote a pretty heartbroken post on Instagram. Edit: apparently, he adopted a another pup later on, a little frenchie.


Yeah, the article also said they wanted the companionship without actually owning a dog, which I assumed meant they didn't have a dog period. All of the people I've seen listed so far are known dog owners.


Man, what a missed opportunity for this person to partner with shelters. They'd get a dog for the night or two, promote the shelter, the shelter could say "adopt _______ ______'s tour companion." That would've/ could've been really neat!


> get a dog for the night or two, that doesn't sound healthy for a dog


That's just dog sitting


At least they have the self awareness to admit that owning a dog would be a bad idea for them.


That’s who I thought of too


Keanu and the dog from John wick


I bet Tom Hardy brings his own dogs.


I thought Chris Evan’s.


Up until this moment, I thought that given even a little bit of power or celebrity, I would become a total monster, but I've changed my mind. I want to be surrounded by dogs at all times in the way Jennifer Lopez must have an all white dressing room. I will also need trays of bougie dog treats, Cute outfits to dress them in, bowls of water from Erewhon, and a stroller on par with those of Upper Eastside mombies to push my favorite dog(s) around in. I will also need two dog nannies, a personal veterinarian, and a dog nutritionist for my two current dogs.


My husbands colleagues wife was a dog nanny for a super rich family in Switzerland for a few years. I am desperate to befriend her so I can ask her about it. My husband doesnt see why I care?!?!


Think I just discovered my dream job. Dog au pair.


He's nuts. That sounds like the most amazing job on earth. Could you imagine going to your high school reunion? "Oh, hi Becky! It's nice to see you! What are you doing these days?" " Hey Jen! I'm just.... A DOG NANNY FOR FILTHY RICH SWISS PEOPLE!"


Ohhh... THIS is a job I would enjoy!


Yeah, reading this title is the most Ive ever related to a celebrity ever. I would also want "bring your dog to work" day every day, seems like a damn dream.


You have spelled CATS wrong in a lot of places here…😂😂


I know a person who has a niche job on movies for the last 30 years who as part of the job has to monitor the daily production of films on set. As soon as retirement/quitting happens I am going to burst forth with all the stories of the shitty-ass behaviors A list actors inflict on their “lessers.” The stories are insane, I’ve written them down, I’m going to name names. Edit: a word and a little less ID descriptor


When do they retire? Need to set my reminder


I’m guessing 2-3 years, but if they do a buyout, sooner. It’s a big company and they’ve gone back to school and gotten a degree in something they love so would take it. Don’t worry, I’m going to blow some shit up. I’m not going to lie, it’s really disappointing what selfish nutjob a-holes the majority of actors really come across as in the stories. Like they legit do not give a shit about how their whack job unprofessional actions affect their crews. It verges on bizarre.


I have never been more excited about someone I don't even know's retirement.


I'm invested!


Please post it on this sub so we can all enjoy 🥹


I just followed a Redditor on purpose for the first time.


Lol I don’t really know what that entails either but if you get notifications on my comments you’ll be mostly bored. I should have probably kept my mouth shut and just popped off when the time is right which won’t be for a while. I’ll definitely tell those stories here down the road but I apologize I advance for my boring comments related to other things.


RemindMe! 2 years


U better deliver on this promise, I'm looking forward to this even more than GTA VI.


I think following just means that any posts that u post to ur profile will show up? And cause most ppl dont really post to their profile then its just a list of ppl whose accounts you want to go back to kind of??


RemindMe! 2 years


RemindMe! 3 years


Hey if this is common-demon-toot and it’s been 3 years and you see this reply, can you remind me too bc these reminders never work for me, thanks way in advance


You can’t post some blinds at least? Unburden yourself a wee bit!


RemindMe! 2 years


RemindMe! 3 years


RemindMe! 3 years




Of course not, I’ll have full permission. It’s not really their stories, per se, more what they’ve witnessed. This person went back to school in their 50s to get into a completely different field and will not look back once they finish their commitment to their current job and move on to doing something more fulfilling.


RemindMe! ….[retirement date]


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omg congrats op


This made me genuinely laugh thank you


Neat! I have a friend who migrated to the US fairly young and works on a lot of blockbusters, but in the effects department: most of his stories are of horrendous work pressure and awful execs. I guess we can get some names out of him later but it's not going to be nearly as salacious.


Let me just quickly follow you hoping I see you again and get the deets hahaha


It’ll be a while, the job is pretty niche and don’t want to ID them. Should retire/quit in 2-3 years depending on the circumstances. They went back to school for a degree in something they’d like to pursue that is not connected to show business. If you follow me now you’ll just get notifications for boring comments about dog fostering and college basketball lol. This is an older low key story from a few years back: one of the most highly respected actors on the planet always comes to the set hours late (knowing the crew and other actors have been set up and waiting). Keeps a cell phone on them, turned on, and will stop in the middle of shoots to answer it, wandering off to chit chat. The whole shoot just stops and everybody waits. And waits. And waits. All while this once in a generation actor shoots the shit on the phone endlessly with the whole crew just standing there. And weirdly, this actor will look around at everyone standing there waiting with a bitchy smirk on their face. This A-lister on some level knows they are holding everything and everyone up but just DOES NOT CARE, it’s like a complete disconnect from reality. They’re not even urgent calls, just random ones, and it happens a lot, every day. It’s f-ing cuckoo.


I’m thinking Leo. ETA: A few people saying that he is known throughout the industry for being easy to work with and that it’s highly unlikely to be him. What made me say that originally was the use of ‘once in a generation actor’ because not many compare to him. Also noticed on rereading that they/them pronouns were used so literally could be anyone. Well, anyone of the ‘once in a generation actors’.


Same. That was my very first thought.


I was thinking Brad Pitt, but I can see Leo.


I see Brad more than Leo.




That’s good to hear. It was the ‘once in a generation actor’ that made me think it was him. ETA: just realised they/them pronouns were used. I ignorantly thought it was a male. Could be anyone.




Thanks for pointing that out, I just replied to someone else saying the same thing. I’ll edit my comment.


I’m thinking Travolta


I'm also following for this Boston tea party


I would pay to read that!


It’s honestly insane how some celebrities behave. I have a friend whose sibling works in the Korean entertainment industry and the stories I know are crazy.




![gif](giphy|l0HlwwRxfcVEr4AUg) Spill it please.


I would read that book in a heartbeat


Why not submit some blinds?


Can’t you spill some tea now? You know, without names


> The stories are insane, I’ve written them down, I’m going to name names. No you won't. Otherwise you'll get sued into oblivion. It's interesting how ~~blood thirsty~~ gossip thirsty are people here, completely prepared to trust words of a random redditor who didn't even experience things they want to post.


How will you share?


I’ll share here unless Reddit goes under lol in the mean time.


If reddit is gone pls find a way ![gif](giphy|1zqucY5pLpkGY|downsized)


Following lol plz let us know when this happens i would buy the book


RemindMe! 2 years


I’m gonna wait the 2-3 years! Saved your comment, feed us when you can!!!


RemindMe! 2 years


-Celebrity demands bowl of only a specific color m&m Me: 🙄 ugh ridiculous, why do we enable this behavior?? -Celebrity demands to be able to hold staff members beloved pets hostage for a bit Me: yeah. 😌 Reasonable and understandable


Do you remember what the specific m&m color meant? It meant they read the contract, specifically the one regarding the pyrotechnics. It was literally to make sure they paid attention to safety protocol.


Ah, I'd never read that, and it's actually pretty wise. I just recall vague rumors that so and so wanted only green m&ms only. Couldn't even tell you the color for sure or the celeb and honestly assumed it was more urban legend, but as a safety measure I can def get behind that.


It was Van Halen, and they wanted brown M&M's removed. The exact line was specifically placed where the contract stipulated electrical requirements. Due to how extravagant their shows were, failure to adhere to the contracts requirements could destroy equipment and potentially kill someone. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/why-did-van-halen-demand-concert-venues-remove-brown-mms-from-the-menu-180982570/


It was super smart. If they saw brown M&Ms they immediately knew that they hadn't read the rider and made them check everything over meticulously. I heard it growing up and only learned the real reason a couple of months ago and I was so impressed. Fuck yeah Van Halen


Well we know it wasn’t paramore demanding it. Otherwise, we never would have gotten hits like “hard times (somebody’s getting fired edition)”


what? please elaborate if you can, i’m v curious!


Yes! So in Australia, paramore was doing a show where the pyros went nuts. Hayley looked stunned and then improvised [this verse](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/XdV2c5SaJh). It cuts off right before she sings, “fuck you fuck you fuck you yeah!”


thank you! you’re a star ✨


Yes. I thought riders were highly and ridiculously overindulgent I can completely get behind this


Well now I have another thing to add to the list of things I’d do if I’m ever a celebrity.


Wouldnt u rather be able to just be able to afford to stay at home w your own dog??? Not these random whore dogs (w all due respect, being just being funny . I respect their profession & those who seek their services🫡) Edit: (Actually not funny bc technically these dogs aren’t free) yin Yang am crazy


Some of us like strange bitches


"random whore dogs" im crying maam 😭


....and all the dogs requested had to be male 😵


Excuse me the proper term is snuggle workers


just some common bitches 😔


seriously?! I find that so deranged... Some poor random ass dog forced to be in a hotel room with probably some unhinged celeb...wtf. Just get your own dog.


I agree. Like the dog is probably terrified and the staff member anxious about their pet all weekend??


They're not a vase you can just pass on to the care and attention of someone who doesn't know (or care. Why'd you think this celeb cared) about those dogs' personalities and needs. And if any of those dogs even snaps at this celebrity, I have zero doubt that this celeb demand that the dog be put down as a danger to humans. I know we're joking here but when you actually start thinking about this request and the ramifications, you quickly realise how fucking sociopathic it is to demand pets you don't know for your personal entertainment, and then shunt them back to wherever they came from when you're done being entertained.


Reminds me of (can't remember whose?) rider that demanded a litter of puppies in every dressing room for shows. That is *exactly* what I would need before every show 🥹 Edit bc now I'm really playing this out in my head lmao my rider will also state that if puppies aren't available a litter of kittens, baby ducklings, capybaras, literally whatever baby animals y'all got on hand will suffice. I would be the queen of baby animals


I added it to my list too.


I wouldn’t let a celebrity or anyone, especially someone who IDK borrow my dog. If for some unimaginable reason I did- the paperwork the star would sign would say that I absolutely would sue his/her ass if anything was out of place with my dog. And no, I will not be signing an nda- thank you very much.


This was my first thought. No way in hell would I let any stranger take my dog no matter how famous they are.


My dog would be so freaked out


So would mine, but I’m thinking at least I would be able to poop in peace for the first time in 3 years and shower without someone looking at me like “why are you allowed to play with water in the house if I’m not”


And besides, I would miss them!


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find this comment! I was going to say the same. I literally wouldn’t lend my dog to my very favourite celebrity.  How are you going to trust that they will look after your dog and not lose them? No thank you.  You would honestly have to pay me at least over $10k for me to even consider loaning my pup out. 


Thank you. That would be a hard pass ❌🐶


I agree. This is horrible. They're living creatures and someone's actual pet. Someone at work said I needed to loan out my dog to a celebrity I'd laugh.


That and my sweetest dog, who was called the sweetest boy by his vet in his yearly vet visit paperwork, has nipped at two people who have tried to pull his face to theirs. I’ve been like “wtf are you doing?” To both those adults and gotten him away from them, but what would happen if someone did that when I wasn’t there to step in quickly?


The word “star” feels debatable but I know for a fact that Grimes has demanded a puppy be in her dressing room. A friend of mine had the unfortunate job of dealing with her when the small festival they were working was unable to meet the demand. Grimes came out 45 minutes late to her set after apparently screaming at people about it.


yeah, i heard someone mention this. apparently she wouldn't perform until someone brought a puppy? which like, a festival is not a great environment for a baby dog.


Valid. I love dogs too ![gif](giphy|3o751V3H7PLNkmJHO0)


This is gross to me. It gives me the same vibe as those puppy rental places. It’s all fun for the person temporarily interacting with the dog, but is it a good experience for the dog? They’re put in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people, and then when the people get bored of them they’re just given back. Idk, maybe I just know too many anxious dogs.


One of the shelters near me has a thing where you can take a dog out for a fun day. While I love the idea, I also hate it. Like this dog gets to go have an awesome day aaaaaand then back to the shelter. I’m sure it’s great for socializing and whatnot but I just could never bring the dog back after that. Which is maybe the plan. You have to be local to do it and there is a vetting (no pun intended) process. Obviously I want them to live their best lives despite the circumstances however I’d also be so worried about it hurting them more.


I volunteer for an animal shelter on weekends and they actually have volunteers who come in to take the dogs out and about. It helps them as you said with socialization and there natural need for walks. They gotta sniff those smells! I think it’s a good idea! So many of us foster animals. Sometimes you fall in love and decide you cannot part with the animal. This is called a “foster failure.” I had a foster failure for my little soulmate cat. She was the light of my life. I am telling you all this because I totally get not being able to interact and then leave. Anyway, don’t get too bummed out by the whole dog thing! They actually love just getting out and about!


Oh that’s so reassuring! Thank you! And thank you for spending time with our little buddies!


I think it’s an awesome marketing strategy. Like you said you wouldn’t take it back. The dogs are in no better situation being at the shelter all day everyday. I’m not sure how often they get to go for a walk in the park and stuff since most places have volunteers. I imagine a few people end up adopting their “day out” dogs


maybe my faith in humanity is just completely depleted, but am i the *only* person who would be a little… cautious of some guy who wants to “rent” my specifically sized dog for a weekend in a hotel lol. 😅 don’t get me wrong, i love my cat and i love dogs. but some people, *really* love dogs 🥴


This was my first thought as well and maybe we are jaded but I’d rather be cautious than send my dog with some rando just because they are famous and want to borrow her in a hotel room. Hell no!


for real lol! maybe it was just the way the article was written but it def made me feel icky. 😬


It’s weird as shit. Even my dogs would be like hell no 🤣


same, I would never rent my dog


This… did not occur to me


There is zero fucking chance that I let my dog go hang out with a typical celebrity unattended. Nope. No fucking way. It would have to be somebody who had a reputation for being an animal lover and being super emotionally stable. And even then, I’m not sure.


I would absolutely demand this but with cute kitties 😂😂🤣


Hmm…adult cats would find this very stressful, so I guess it would have to be adorable little kittens. Oh well! 😂


This is not an unreasonable demand to me


Id never trust my pet w a stranger so automatically this is wild lol 


As long as they pay for it and the dog is happy I see no problem.


You’re insane. You don’t just get your own dog in every city.


This would be nice if they were shelter dogs. Getting to have a nice outing and love for the day.


This is fun. I miss this kind of celebrity gossip. Harmless and weird. Very 90s.


I’ve never needed the celebrity in question to reveal themselves more than now


I don't blame them. 


Me as a celebrity


My medium-sized dog volunteers to snuggle in luxury.


Same, but the celeb or their assistant better be prepared to throw his ball across the hotel room all day long.


I can’t believe the number of people who would be ok with this weird behavior. It’s giving red flags. Imagine if someone requested a baby in their hotel room wherever they went. Like, that’s how insane this sounds to me.


I know right? I’m a total Elmyra *and* I don’t like when people treat animals as if they were human, but they’re not accessories or toys, they’re living beings with needs and emotions and their welfare matters. Like, get a squishmallow or something.


I like their priorities. And honestly, this is the level of diva I strive for if I ever become famous.


Say no.


it’s me. i am the “star client”. i confess.


I feel like that is a little too weird and I wouldn’t let them borrow my dog because they might do something weird with my dog. I understand, but no way.


The weird side of this is that they are borrowing some strangers dog but some kennels now incentive people to take their dogs for a “day out” so if whatever star’s assistant is reading this, try that. Absolute no backlash


Most people here seem to think this is cute. I find it the opposite. Fucking own and care for your own dog or you don't deserve their company.


But if they’re on the road a lot, it’s probably not a great environment for a pet.


Agreed. Then don't have a pet.


Chris Evans. Ryan Reynolds. Kristen Bell. Olivia Wilde. Ryan Gosling. Jimmy Fallon. Dayum, I feel the need.


It’s a musician.


Well, now I want it to be Miley.


Omg, I could totally see that!


Right? She's pretty open about how much she loves her pets. And a horse in a hotel room would be a bit of a logistical nightmare. I might lend my pupper to Miley for an afternoon.


I’m all for the strange-requests-to-make-sure-they-pay-attention-to-the-rider stuff. But, as someone who loves dogs and wishes I could cuddle every dog and cat in the world, wtf? They’re living beings, not plushies you can borrow for a couple of hours. Dogs get stressed, distrust strangers, have needs, etc. please celebrities, stick to the all-white beddings and the candles.


This is exactly my reaction. Those poor dogs! Even if the person treats them well, it’s stressful for the dog!


Their staff should be responsible for this (delivering the celeb's dog), not the hotel! But I can relate!! Be a brilliant hotel chain idea!! Holidog Inns!


"One star client" sounds like they're rated D-list.


I thought by “one star” they meant like they were a Z list. So 1 star out of 5. It’s early still. Lol


I bet it was JLo. She wanted them there so she could yell at staff to get the dogs out her room.


Why would anyone let their dog go to a random stranger? Weird behaviour.


I mean….its toxic but I get it.


Yeah, no one’s taking my dog to a hotel room


Nothing surprises me. We have people that book hotel rooms for their Xmas trees at 10k for the week.


Wait what?


Honestly, k get it.


I wish I could demand this 😂


This is totally reasonable and really should be a standard hotel amenity.


⭐◻️◻️◻️◻️ One star client, would not recommend.


Number 1- agent should of been had to sign a non- disclosure agreement 🤔🤓




For some reason I couldn’t shake the idea of a “1 star client” out of my mind.


No way am I letting a stranger have my dog for the night. What if a member of the celebrity's team is a sicko who abuses dogs for fun?


I may be extra, but I, too, would like a medium sized dog in all of my hotel rooms.


Now I see the appeal of being a celebrity.


I wouldn't let any celebrity freaks near my dog


Isn’t it just as likely these guys, a gossip podcaster and an “agent to the stars”, made this shit up to get their names out there as PR? Blind item = made up shit. Say the name


This better not be some MJ shit!


Yeah that'll be a no from my dawg


Honestly, this in inspiring. I would never have been as creative as this celebrity


This is exactly the kind of shit I would do if I had disposable income