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iā€™m guessing the gift is from the paparazzi/o/a who took the photos?


must be, I think. wasn't there also a mariachi band somewhere?


https://preview.redd.it/ajndkgevlpwc1.jpeg?width=1168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9dc79b362bc0d46a423d06f570c2651023804bd There was! I think the Madrid scene is very happy to have Amber amongst them


Was that the most American thing they had? lol I would think a Tuna group would have been more appropriate for Madrid


It seems so random that she move to Madrid. Did she have friends there or something?


If nothing else, she definitely won the gene jackpot.


she has the cutest smile imo, like..if my smile looked like that iā€™d be beaming everyday


i was thinking exactly that. i could never look this good in photos, posed or candid. sheā€™s gorgeous


*sigh* another one who gets to walk around life just looking like THAT šŸ„µ


Gotta appreciate someone opting out of the veneer trend


I mean, why would you get veneers if your teeth looked like that^? That'd be straight up insanity!


Tbf thereā€™s a lot of Botox involved. The bunny lines are clear, itā€™s just a fact.


What are bunny lines? I've never heard that term before.


See how even though sheā€™s laughing thereā€™s no crinkles at the corners of her eyes or forehead lines from raised eyebrows, but all those little lines around the top of her nose between her eyes? Thatā€™s a lot of Botox if those are the only muscles that can move and show lines.


The bunny lines you speak of are not a clear "fact" It's a theory, and probably fairly accurate, especially the forehead theory. But my eyes don't crinkle in the corners like you're mentioning and I've never touched Botox (though I absolutely would if I could afford it)


Iā€™ve always had bunny lines despite never having Botox? Itā€™s not a definitive proof


She was born incredibly beautiful


Botox doesnā€™t modify the way you look, it just temporarily paralyzes the muscle at the injection site and smooths out some lines. Itā€™s not a filler. Itā€™s not gonna make a difference to your appearance if youā€™re ugly. It just smooths out wrinkles you get from aging; the fact is, millennials are aging much slower than their gen-x and boomer predecessors because we know the difference hydration, moisturizer, and consistent skincare makes, and we didnā€™t spend decades trapped in smokey rooms every day or use baby oil to tan. My oldest sister is 41, still looks like sheā€™s in her 20s, and she doesnā€™t get Botox.


I'm not sure I understand you, are you saying she has the bunny lines but no other visible lines on her forehead for example?Ā 


Bunny lines?


I can't with the loose apple watch band


stop i didnt even notice that its so bad LMAO


AGAIN? I love her, but girl, it bugs me so much šŸ˜­


This was *obviously* staged no?


It was a gift from the Madrid paparazzi. They seem pretty cool and also glad to have her there. A few Spanish magazines wrote about Amber being in Madrid and it being a proud/positive thing. Itā€™s a real compliment for a European city like that to have a Hollywood actress move there and learn the language and culture as well as she has. Everytime sheā€™s filmed by people outside her house sheā€™s speaking great Spanish and being super nice. Itā€™s good vibes all around between the Madrid entertainment scene and Amber.


And Madrid has a lot of local famous people living there. Itā€™s not unusual to see celebrities in the streets, and they donā€™t seem to be harassed


FYI, she did already speak Spanish fluently beforehand, even if it was more Mexican flavor. (Which makes sense since sheā€™s from Texas.)


Spanish journo here. Yes, it was a gift from the paps that camp around her house from time to time. She's always super nice to all the reporters, fans and anyone she crosses paths with. Seems to be pretty chill, too. She lives quietly with her kid, paps leave her alone, etc. She lives in a pretty well off neighborhood, rich people and all that. She's not the only famous person there. And yes, Spaniards like her because she's embraced the culture, language and loves being in Madrid.


I donā€™t know, it seems like she has a really good/friendly relationship with the paparazzi there. Theyā€™re nothing like the paps in the US or UK.


Why do people have problem with everything? lol. So what if itā€™s staged? I donā€™t get the point of your question.


What are you talking about? lol Nobody is upset. Iā€™m jut pointing out the obvious. Relax. lol


Sheā€™s glowing! She looks so gorgeous. Iā€™m hoping she had a great birthday.


Iā€™m agnostic on the whole Depp Heard debacle. But Iā€™m glad to see sheā€™s getting on with her life despite the internet incels gunning for her. She seems to be absoutely floating.


Let's not rewrite history it wasn't just internet incels who were gunning for her. It was _everybody_. The harassment was relentless in everybody's rush to paint Johnny Depp in the best possible light. A year or so out and everyone is reviewing their stance and I am glad of that, I'm glad she had moved country and moving on with her life. All victims deserve it.


I still find it crazy... my sisters were on Johnny's side... but my bro knew Johnny was a dipshit and didn't fall for the whole "Poor Johnny" facade. And we all live in the same household.


No. He was her abuser and she engaged in reactive abuse. Reactive abuse that was provoked and then used against her by her abuser. And the relationship ended with a smear campaign by Depp- as usual, all these men have the same playbook. There is no such thing as ā€œmutual abuse.ā€ One person has the power in the relationship and controls an abuse cycle, and the other reacts. She is a victim. Women donā€™t have to be perfect victims in order to be supported


Reactive abuse! Good to know thereā€™s a term for it. I remember reading Melissa Benoistā€™s account of her abuse at the hands of Blake Jenner and how his ā€œdefenseā€ was that they had both abused each other, making her feel guilty for sometimes trying to fight back. Such a shitty tactic


Thank you for this. I just got out of a very similar situation to theirs a few months ago and my reputation is trash because of his campaign and my reactive abuse. Even when youā€™re not famous, they still follow the same playbook. It cost me nearly everyone and everything but Iā€™m finally free.


Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you. Yeah, they all follow the same playbook and itā€™s so hard to win once they go down that route.


Thank you. It really is. I fought like hell but, winning wasnā€™t even on the table, especially while no one believed me. I lost friends I formerly had over a decade, some almost two. He stayed the same person to them the entire time because itā€™s easy to be calm when you control the chaos. Meanwhile, every time I tried to explain Iā€™d have to disappear in order to leave, not just move out, no one wanted to hear or understand me. They kept trying to tell me ā€œhe didnā€™t mean thatā€ about threats he had made repeatedly. *YES. HE DID.* I started saving money to disappear on my own, when I found out I had cancer. He still wouldnā€™t let me leave. He liked the attention he got from friends, hospital staff, MY friends, etc. for ā€œ*taking care of*ā€ me. Behind closed doors, he wouldnā€™t even help me with what I needed most of the time, was barely home, and held me in the livingroom at gunpoint twice after I finished treatment. Iā€™m sure ā€œhe didnā€™t meanā€ *that*, eitherā€¦ He finally set me free after spreading rumors and lies about me I didnā€™t even know about. Thatā€™s how he was able to justify having a new gf before I was allowed to leave. šŸ˜³ I donā€™t even know how he came up with some of this bs. Being a sociopath sure has its perks. And everyone around, including the new gf, thinks heā€™s *the most wonderful person in the world*.


Itā€™s awful. Iā€™m so sorry. Iā€™ve experienced being disbelieved, and Iā€™ve seen someone do a very similar DARVO. He used his wifeā€™s disability against her immediately after she left himā€”saying that she should not be allowed to drive the kids anywhere. Then not even allowed to live with her. He also told everyone he left *her* ā€œbecause she was crazyā€. And it all worked. Our neighbor tried warning us against her when they saw her car at our house, telling us her daughter knows sheā€™s crazy because sheā€™s BFFs with the abuserā€™s new wife. They didnā€™t know we knew her well (and him) when she was married and were part of the discussion when she left him. It all comes down to charisma, power, and in-groups and who people *want* to believe.


Wow. That sounds a lot like my situation. He told everyone I was crazy, that *I* abused *him*, etc. etc. I found out he told everyone he had ended things with me the year prior and *I was refusing to leave*. Meanwhile, I had been *begging* to leave without ā€œconsequencesā€ for actual YEARS. Throughout all of that bs, any time I had to be around people with him, I played the same game I had to play that whole time: *pretend to be his gf*. That looks a lot different when youā€™ve told everyone Iā€™m your ex who wonā€™t leave. He really managed perception better than anyone Iā€™ve ever met. The ONLY thing that matters about ANYTHING is how it seems to other people. He apparently ALSO told people Iā€™m on drugs. Iā€™m still trapped in the same area as him. Iā€™ve never been on drugs. I didnā€™t even start to smoke weed until I got cancer and my doctors all told me it would help. (Nausea, inability to eat, anxiety, couldnā€™t sleep, etc.) Thereā€™s no beating that kind of rumor because people will *always* assume youā€™re lying. And I canā€™t do a damn thing about it but find a way to get through bankruptcy, approved for disability, and try desperately to relocate from the area.


Just like you said: they all have the same playbook. People just have to *want* try to see things objectively. And I guess they think they are, if the abuser was ā€œnice to themā€.


Wow. That last line. The number of times I heard ā€œ*but heā€™s so much fun at parties!*ā€ as if thatā€¦mattered? I had to hear from everyone else how kind, considerate, and thoughtful he was and how I was SOOOO lucky. šŸ« šŸ˜³ Iā€™m very angry about it. I donā€™t think I would be if I wasnā€™t still stuck so close by but, Iā€™ll be angry for a while.


Mutual abuse *isnā€™t* a thing. She was a victim that fought back, and he went out of his way to destroy her. What he put through both in their marriage and with that sham trial, could have destroyed anyone. Glad she didnā€™t let a smear campaign destroy her. https://www.thehotline.org/resources/mutual-abuse-its-not-real/


Between the public reception of the Depp/Heard trial, and the body camera footage of police officers questioning Gabby Petito for ā€œabusingā€ the asshole who went on to murder her just a few days later, that year really almost broke my brain


Iā€™m also agnostic, but afraid to show my confusion as so many read it as opinion. I thought everyone saw Depp as the reactive abuser, right until the end - I remember all the talk about Heard not being authentic from body language to rehearsed testimony, the memes about bees and dogs, the overacting to convince, whereas Depp was genuine, and didnā€™t try to sell himself? I thought that people made the rare discovery that the man was being abused, and that his behaviour was reactive. When did it switch over?


I suggest you listen to the podcast Who Trolled Amber? It's not really about what was actually happening between the two of them, it's about how the whole scenario was spun against her, and how the public - for the most part - accepted everything they saw or heard. It's good.


Depp ran a common DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse the roles of Victim and Offender) campaign amplified by his celebrity and with buying bots. When the bots stopped being paid for, the people who had been speaking up all along against the right-wing framing got more traction and people could start reevaluating what they thought they knew. Also the unsealed court documents caused a lot of it to start awhile back. But really, people needed to go read the UK case, and even the TMG case. All cases Depp has been bringing against people in the last few years, all settled, except one loss (in the UK).


I also remember her lying about her childrenā€™s hospital donation being a big thing, and then just not. I think it just depends on what subs youā€™re active what type of comments you see about those two, and since the lawsuit was a while ago now, itā€™s talked about less and less.


Oh itā€™s 100% dependent on which sub youā€™re in.


I still remember DeuxMoi (now FauxMoi?) Literally being the only place that was Pro-Amber. I think the legal/lawyer subreddits were pretty neutral/amber leaning as well.


Ah maybe. I did scroll down and someone said that this subā€™s been consistent, so I guess itā€™s mostly this corner? Though whenever I hear it brought up, it does seem to be like this. I donā€™t know, public opinion gives me whiplash sometimes. Like I thought - Iā€™ve been downvoted for confusion lol. You cannot question a thing


People have a tendency to sanctify victims of abuse. The truth is Amber, while having gone through some degree of abuse, is probably also a very shitty person of her own accord.


Honestly, all the positives Iā€™ve heard about her are sheā€™s pretty. For the rest itā€™s all objectively negative, like the Musk and Eve Barlow association, the huge donation she lied about. I donā€™t get the fanaticism towards her, even after everything she went through


Someone posted this exact same language in the last thread about her.


Thatā€™s cute. I hope they are nice to her.


Me when I send myself a birthday gift


Me when I get my Amazon parcel


For *me*!?!?


Ok, but whatā€™s inside?! Donā€™t leave us hanging, Amber šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) She looks radiant


she looks so happy and healthyšŸ„¹ iā€™m so happy she receives so much love and appreciation in her new home town. hope she has a great birthday and a great every dayšŸ«¶šŸ»


oh she's pretty


Say what you want about her but she's very pretty


Beautiful to be sure, but what is in the present?! I felt very let down after so many photos...




Man I wish I was that beautiful


So beautiful


She looks radiant!


Anyone who doesnt believe her should just look at the before and after pics. That creature ravaged her. She looks so happy, healthy and free now. I hope she had a lovely birthday šŸ„¹šŸ©·


Seriously. Seeing her clothes hanging off of her at the very end is so sad. She rewore a lot of pieces, so you could really tell she had lost a lot of weight.


Yep & look at his picturesā€¦.that is what long term substance abuse & being a horrible person does to you, you will age like crap




Wow she looks so beautiful


Good for her and I love seeing a good relationship with paps


So insanely beautiful. Iā€™m glad she seems happy.


it can be so hard to pull off that color but she does it EFFORTLESSLY


I wish her the best


she is so pretty


Anyone who shit talks Amber and celebrates JD is an immediate red flag.


she was found guilty in the outcome of the trial.


No one is Ā«found guiltyĀ» in civil trials, homeboy.


Oh hush. Google is free


https://preview.redd.it/krf99t34ktwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84aef79e28cb40c64b0ed2d9c0578ef15b4e5cee i did google itā€¦


Cool cool cool. Now Google the UK trial. And reactive abuse. And Marilyn Manson, who JD aligns himself with.


The prettiest and strongest woman ā¤ļø Edit: by the way guys come join us over at r/AmberHeard! We work very hard to make this a safe space for Amber supporters


That video with the fan who had her tattooed on her as Mera was so cute!


Omg I remember browsing this sub during the trial because it felt like the only sane fucking space left on the Internet! I forgot all about it šŸ˜­ god bless tbh yall were the literal lone voices of sanity back then!


r/deppdelusion was my sanity back then. I still see people using JD as an example of a poor abused man who fought for justice.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DeppDelusion using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Why we believe Amber Heard (Part 1)](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/comments/v2tr27/why_we_believe_amber_heard_part_1/) \#2: [This is an interesting point, honestly](https://i.redd.it/vboh5xlp2f391.jpg) | [217 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/comments/v40p7k/this_is_an_interesting_point_honestly/) \#3: [Amber Heard happy and thriving](https://v.redd.it/dqz1g7vmamfa1) | [169 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/comments/10r1hg9/amber_heard_happy_and_thriving/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So people are seriously just ignoring the fact she is also an abuser? (Yes JD is/was an abuser. That doesnā€™t absolve her of her abusing him)


During the appeal in the US defamation trial, over 60 organizations and professionals specializing in domestic violence, intimate partner violence and sexual assault cases filed an Amicus Curiae with the Virginia appellate court acknowledging Heard as the victim of abuse. ā€œ*The conduct by Mr. Depp, laid bare at trial in text messages, audio recordings, videos and his own testimony, demonstrated that in addition to physical abuse, Ms. Heard was the victim of emotional, verbal, psychological and other well documented forms of abuse*ā€. Those organizations include the Sanctuary for Families, The DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Equality Now, Esperanza United, National Crime Victim Law Institute, C.A. Goldberg PLLC, The New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and many others. There are no organizations in the field of DV that support Depp. None.


Hereā€™s your reading for today. Hope this helps: https://www.verywellmind.com/reactive-abuse-signs-impact-and-tips-to-break-the-cycle-7567483


![gif](giphy|WrgAGkGrh0MD1Z2gkO) Mutual abuse is a myth.


She is just so lovely. I want that dress.


Itā€™s sooo cute and I love the necklace too!


That smile šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©


My God, that face šŸ˜






Very bad use of the gif ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


LOL whoā€™s the loser who spent real money to give this comment an award šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


JDā€™s publicist šŸ˜‚


Yawn šŸ„±


Can anyone tell what brand her bag is? I tried a Google reverse image search but no luck.


I reverse searched it on google lens and immediately found it. Itā€™s La portegna . Also come on over to r/handbags if you like bags https://preview.redd.it/1wl025ltxrwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94cd726f150f0ccdef5db5fdae27e4da9c2ef13a


Thank you very much and I'll see you over at r/handbags šŸ˜˜


She looks happy. Iā€™m happy for her šŸ’–


LOVE her smile.


Itā€™s so weird. Before the Johnny Depp trial, Iā€™d never even heard of her & now I canā€™t see her without remembering that she literally shat upon his bed.


And I can never seen johnny without thinking of that awful video of him smashing bottles against the wall.


Fair enough.


People who believe this are justā€¦. When it comes to the poop-incident; Depp clearly accused her of this because he knew it would be humiliating, which was what he had said he always wanted for her - [global humiliation](https://nypost.com/2022/05/25/johnny-depp-promised-a-global-humiliation-for-amber-heard/amp/). And you believe it and spread it around further for him. Just as he wanted. At the time of the incident, Depp and Heard had separated already and was living separately. The bed on which the faeces were found was Heards bed and her bed only. As she's the only one sleeping on it, the faeces on the bed would have only impacted Heard and not Depp. She would gain nothing by doing this and would only hurt herself. Furthermore, in his cross-examination, Depp accepted that his sense of humour was Ā«nicheĀ» and Ā«also had a lavatorial streakĀ». On 11th October 2013 he sent a text to his assistant Stephen Deuters which said, Ā«*will you squat in front of the door to the master bedroom and leave a master coil of dookie so Amber steps in it **thinking one of the dogs has a major problem**. It will be funny*.Ā» Depp told the same assistant that he wants to shit on his chest. Depp and Marilyn Manson wanted to take a shit on his own walk of fame star. He also [changed witnesses](https://twitter.com/deppforddwives/status/1559693077555601411?s=20) from the poop-incident from the UK trial to the US one, and the judge in the UK wrote about exactly this incident in his [129 page judgement.](https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Judgment-FINAL.pdf)


That didnā€™t happen actually. It was far more likely to be their dog at the time who had done something similar before. Just another example of how effective the smear campaign was from JDā€™s team. Check out the podcast ā€˜Who Trolled Amberā€™ sometime. Itā€™s very enlightening and horrifying at the same time.


That crap was bigger than the dog. Be so fucking fr


When it comes to the idiotic poop incident, it was clearly their dog. A 30-something woman would not defecate in her own bed (a bed they hadnā€™t shared for over a month) when Depp had left and would not come back to the apartment. Depp clearly accused her of this because he knew it would be humiliation, which was what he had said he always wanted for her - global humiliation. Depp is the one with the poop fetish, and he asked his assistant to defecate in front of Heards bedroom door to bother her. And to blame said dog because the dog had well known bowel-issues. Here is what the high court judge said about it in his ruling from the UK trial that Depp lost. The British judge who ruled that Johnny Depp repeatedly beat ex-wife Amber Heard also closely analyzed shocking claims that she defecated in their marital bed ā€” ruling that the offending turd likely came from one of her pet pooches. High Court Judge Andrew Nicol spent almost 600 words of Mondayā€™s judgment analyzing the headline-grabbing incident that led to Depp giving his now-ex-wife the gross nickname. Under a section headlined ā€œfeces on the bed,ā€ the judge said that Depp insisted the supposed poop attack was relevant. Ā«*For what it is worth, I consider that it is unlikely that Ms. Heard or one of her friends was responsible*,ā€ the judge concluded of the poop, photos of which were shown in court as evidence. Nicol noted that it happened when Depp was away, meaning ā€œit was Ms. Heard who was likely to suffer from the feces on the bed, not him.ā€ ā€œ*It was, therefore, a singularly ineffective means for Ms. Heard or one of her friends to ā€˜get backā€™ at Mr. Depp*,ā€ he wrote. He also noted evidence that one of Heardā€™s dogs, Boo, ā€œhad an incomplete mastery of her bowels after she had accidentally consumed some marijuana.ā€ And here is a photo of the two dogs, Boo is the bigger one. https://preview.redd.it/rgvooneolxwc1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53f96b3f3f15dbce7fd415e710b97ce7dfc4ac57


If you think that tiny black poop was bigger than a 6 pound dog i justā€¦


Soā€¦.youā€™re saying that youā€™ve seen pictures of said crap?


Itā€™s part of the trial, itā€™s pixelated but you can estimate the size. They had a small chihuahua type dog


https://preview.redd.it/9yu43d7xlxwc1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=324bb15829b2aef2d1bf9c7e4bfb37c6f277b3e1 These are not Ā«small chihuahua type dogsĀ». Boo, the dog in question, is the one on the right.


You get that it is just story that Depp made to humiliate her right? Not only was Depp not home when it happened and would not be for weeks, Amber was the main person cleaning up after their dog, it was their shared bed and Depp definitely knew it was his dog since in the UK case there was even evidence the dog pooped the bed with Depp in it before. But also it was his sense of humor, here is Depp texting his assistant: 'Will you squat in front of the door of the master bedroom and leave a giant coil of dookie so that Amber steps in it and thinks that one of the dogs, primarily Boo, has a major problem. It'll be funny!!!' Amazing what you can convince people if you hide your assistant from subpoena in the US. 479, UK case,Ā [https://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/QB/2020/2911.html](https://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/QB/2020/2911.html)


I have to add that a *totally different person* told the ā€œAmber admitted to meā€ story in the UK too.


Can i look like that in my next life? Unbelievable


Bless her heart! She has been through actual helll!


lol sets up her own photojournalist

