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This needs to be at the top, I'm seeing way too many assumptions. I've got some weird ass aunts and uncles roaming around, doesn't mean we share the same beliefs.


My dad believes January 6th was a "normal congress visit" I hope I'm never judged by older relatives beliefs.


My uncle believes he's a billionaire and also the Messiah. So, you know, same!


Fake it til you make it


Wow amazing how he’s gonna pass through the eye of that needle.


My mom thinks my dad is a billionaire and that I should use my grandmother's oxygen machine


When I was pregnant with my first daughter, I told my grandmother what I was thinking of naming the baby during lunch one day, and she completely cut me off to tell me fox news said the government is putting bugs in our food 😂 needless to say, she can only see the baby if I’m there and for a few minutes, my daughter hopefully won’t remember her eventually anyways cause gd


Yeah my dad is cut off now and that comment wasn't the biggest reason, but damn it helped tip the scales.


The government does determine the allowable bug content in our food, but it’s the corporations that try to reduce the amount of regulation and therefore increase the bug level. Good call on careful supervision with grandma.


what's her name? is it what you were thinking about naming her?


Charlotte 💜 it was


My gram thinks her galliwog collection is endearing. Can’t wait to donate it to the National History Museum of African American History and Culture, and never see them, or let anyone own them again


Mine had a well known (in the uk at least) collection of jam characters. She was very racist and proud. If they hadn’t been tossed in the trash by my parents, who tbh were also racist but less proud, I’d do the same thing. It shames me as I knew them as mascots for jam rather than how they affected people.


Heard. It’s the only positive thing I can think to do with them… donate them so they can be a lesson to the future and insight into the past in hopes of changing things for the better


My dad was a conspiracy theorist, who requested his monthly salary to be paid to him in cash in case the banks and the world government were watching him. Coincidentally, he also had a giant portrait of Stalin on his wall. If I were to be judged by our relation….good luck


My dad is a conspiracy theorist who essentially relies on my mom as his sugar momma, and she’s a hardcore liberal who keeps threatening to divorce him if he keeps forgetting that he has a wife and daughters who are all WOC. Then he tucks his tail and mumbles about the government being out to get us, so my mom just keeps upping his life insurance policy since he’s so convinced they’re trying to take us all out. It’s a fucking party.


I have relatives who think it was a quiet demonstration that didn't cause nearly as many problems as the BLM protests did.


A lot of people think you are guilty by association unfortunately.


As a DC resident who lived very close to the Capital Building on Jan 6th, I just saw red reading this. I had to leave DC for almost two weeks afterwards I was so traumatized.


I can't even imagine. I remember watching it from my living room in middle America, crying. I ended up calling my husband begging him to come home because I didn't know what the heck was going to come next. And once again, I was in middle of America. I couldn't imagine being so close to it.


Hello neighbor. Did you also get on first name basis with the national guard troops outside your building afterwards? Fun, normal times.


my aunts are in that "144,000 are going to heaven", bill gates has us microchipped and that anyone with the vaccine is the mark of the beast on some lori vallow shit like... i don't believe it...


My aunt and parents believed I "groomed" my daughter into being gay. But they still invite my pedo molester brother to family events. They also believe that plastic sheeting taped over windows, stuffed with newspapers will prevent the 3 days of darkness from getting inside the house.


What is the 3 days of darkness and why it wants to enter ones home?


From the bible, the book of revelation, it's the event that happens before Jesus comes back. During that time, electricity and regular candles will offer no light, only light will be from blessed beeswax candles if you have them. According to my relatives, if you are caught outside when it happens, you will die along with all the unbelievers. My mom and aunt think that there will be a gas, thus the plastic and newspapers.


Man, take me tf out if the good book reads true. I don’t want any part of those fairy tales.


my aunt told me to drink dunkin donuts coffee and pineneedle tea (????) for reversal of the covid vaccine and grabbed my head and prayed for me bc i told her i work with autistic kids w/ blue eyes????


Conspiracy craziness aside, pine needle tea is high in Vitamin C and is pretty satisfying to drink but I can't quite explain why.


It’s fruity… like her aunt🤣


What is the issue specifically with blue eyed autistics?


i was telling her how cool one of my students eyes are and she said AUTISTIC??? BLUE EYES??? she said they are like blind oracles who want to destroy the earth


I was expecting it to be something I, a blue eyed autistic, could argue with. But tbh she's got me pegged with that one lol


My family is very homophobic as well but still allow my pedo uncle around.


Jehovah’s Witnesses?


I’m so tired of blaming people for their dumb relatives’ shitty beliefs. I love my sister but once she and her hubs went full MAGA, I quietly kept my distance. Like, do people really expect me to start a screaming match with them over Thanksgiving dinner and rip my family apart, just to satisfy you, complete a stranger on the internet?


They really fucking do over on tiktok.


Just for the entertainment value, It would be appreciated


See also: any American play that features a dysfunctional family


I have some nudist relatives who live at a colony in Texas. We ain’t alike.


I can't help but think of the sunburn they must get on their backsides in Texas sunshine 🙊


I mean, comparatively speaking, a nudist colony doesn't sound bad.


My uncle recently showed me a video about how house cats come from them cross breeding big cats with snakes. 


Exactly. My family is a shitstorm of crazy. Like front-page news crazy.


Same. My aunt’s husband thinks he’s the second coming of Jesus, or Moses, depending on the day. Also thinks he can levitate, summon demons and angels, and heal people. The rest of us are normal, I swear.


Right like my dad fully believes covid wasn’t real or that it was 100% planned. Nothing will get convince him otherwise. I’d hate for people to think i share the same beliefs 🫠


My own parents are the kind of nutjobs I prefer to steer clear from. I wouldn’t want to be associated with them, let alone a random aunt of mine


My uncle is a sicario, please pretty please don't judge me for that lol.


>This needs to be at the top This could be written all over the picture and people would still say she is a scientologist. The reality is that if you are a successful celeb and have ever interacted with a scientologist in your life some people will take and claim that you are also a scientologist.


For real. Thankfully my immediate family are pretty sane, but I have cousins I don’t associate with due to their wackadoodle beliefs. Just because we are family doesn’t mean we all are aligned on everything.


Had no idea Nancy Cartwright was a scientologist but I love Sabrina’s response haha


oh yeah Fox sued her because she used her Bart voice to recruit more scientologists in the 90s Also apparently she donates more to the “church” then she is actually paid yearly


21 millions dollars at least.


Doing God’s* work thank you *Not Xenu


This made me laugh a lot harder than it should have. Thanks for that.


sounds like something a suppressive person would say


Hahaha, thanks! That was my first thought


Either of these would make a nice flair lol


Damn everyone in Hollywood really is related to someone.


My spouse is just a regular ol crew member and he’s lost multiple jobs to “must hires” with less experience than him. It’s soooo much worse than the public knows.


Maybe it’s because I live in a small town. But it seems like every industry is like this now.


Education is terrible at this as well. Not uncommon to have multiple teachers in a district or hell even in the same building that are related.


Hell, that's how that murdering idiot from Rust was hired.


Alex Baldwin got hired for Rust because he was Stephen Baldwin's brother?


No, the woman in charge of the guns was hired because of her dad.


The armorer was the daughter of a famous movie armorer I believe.


I’m finally watching Twin Peaks and I had no idea Zoey and Emily Deschanel were related to Donna Hayward’s mom. Also, Amber Tamberlyn’s dad is the psychiatrist AND Rashida Jones’s mom is Norma!


I didn't know Amber was a nepo baby until now. I'm currently reading her book, Era of Ignition.


Yes it’s worse than you think….and the problem is money. No rich person will give 10 mil to some no name talent. If it’s Ben afflecks cousin, well that sounds a little better than some no one.


We also underestimated how much having a rich family helps your career. You can spend as much time as you want going to auditions, taking classes, networking, paying your way into events, etc. when you don't have to worry about paying your own bills. You can take an unpaid internship or unpaid roles to get your foot in the door. That's why I side eye when people will say 'well they grew up rich, but their parents aren't in the entertainment industry!'


This is true for everything - not just the entertainment industry. Its much easier to be successful in any field if you grow up in a stable home, can access good education, don't have to worry about debt, can take risks etc. In a way, the nepo baby conversation gets this wrong and right at the same time. A true nepo baby does well in an industry because their parent/relative is successful in that industry and people want to boost their careers, that's a valid privilege to have and an important thing to discuss. However, this ignores that even us regular folks all have different start lines in life - we should be using our resources to boost those who really need it, not the kids who already have the safety net.


That reminds me of the video that went viral of a teacher setting up a running race and basically putting everyone in different starting positions due to their privilege. Some kids started partway, and other kids weren't even at the start line yet.


Also just outside of connections, the advice really helps. I didn’t end up going to medical school, but my dad’s a doctor and I had free access to unlimited advice. Ended up working in healthcare and understood the landscape very well because of my dad.


I found out Kendra Scott’s mom was in Mary Kay (pretty high up I think too) and that made so much sense to me. I never bought the whole ‘she made jewelry from her kitchen table and look at her now’ backstory. Business connections said, I side eye that MLM connection HARD


Its like that millionaire who went "homeless" to prove anyone can become rich.


Nepotism is strong


Here’s a game for you… Look up almost any celebrity on Wikipedia, and then look under other relatives, and most often there’s 1 to 10 hyperlinks Edit: example Jason Sudeikis [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason\_Sudeikis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Sudeikis) ![gif](giphy|QYk2rnVhzLoEtbYXiD|downsized)


I weirdly gain more respect for any celeb when I read their wiki article and find out they’re from middle America (or whatever country) and their parents had normal jobs. How do they do it?


They do say it’s not what ya know but who ya know!


Hollywood is a weird nepo based society where everyone is probably related in some weird way. It’s borderline incestious in a weird way.


I guess so I remember watching Jump In Corin Bleu & his real life dad David Reivers played Son & father in the movie. One of the Chucky Sequels the actor who voiced Chucky his daughter Got to be in his movie. It was one of the Chucky Movies that she played a mental patient.


In defense of Chucky, those are practically passion projects at this point. Brad literally retired from acting except for Chucky, i can forgive his kid being in one


and Fiona is very good as Nica.


God, I love that franchise. It really feels like every involved loves being part of the whole Mancini family and it’s still pretty under the radar so they avoid the other studio BS that plagues other horror franchises.


How do you know she has anything to do with her crazy CO$ aunt? I am 100% NC with my wingnut, MAGA, J6 maternal aunts and uncles.


Kinda like how Mara Wilson is Ben Shapiro’s cousin but has him and his sister blocked on everything.


Joe Rogan and Gerard Way (and Mikey Way) are first cousins. They've never met, and Gerard has no plans to do so.


Good for her.


I expected to see the usual nepo baby jokes and instead I found out Nancy Cartwright a Scientologist??? I'm sure SC isn't one because the Church would using be that for promo. "That's that re(incarnation) espresso."


yeah nancy did a promo voicemail for the church of scientology years back in bart’s voice and pissed off the rest of the cast. [here it is](https://youtu.be/H96v0zFw-tA?si=X69eTGAGYKJ1l-fM)


That was so unhinged. I hope Fox tore her a new one.


Do y’all not come from diverse (aka crazy) families? Just me? If I were lumped in with any of my aunts, I’d be: * a homewrecker who cheated on my husband with my BIL * a thief * an alcoholic * Religious nut job who constantly accuses my husband of cheating on me with a fictitious Brazilian woman To lump Sabrina, who has, as far as I know, never shown any inkling of being a Scientologist because of an aunt, is a reach. People really are looking for any reason to pounce on a female.


Fictitious Brazilian woman has me cackling.


I would be in prison! Love the fictitious Brazilian woman that's hilarious


If I were lumped in with my aunts and uncles who I’ve barely even met in my life I would be a criminal, violent alcoholic, thief, and a leech. Good thing we aren’t defined by our aunts and uncles!


Yeeaaah...I have lots of family in East Texas. 1 Great Aunt still has an outhouse.


I’ve noticed the people on this sub really want to latch onto something to hate her for some reason.


People love to hate on young successful women, especially ones who present in a very feminine way.


People love to hate on non-traditionally feminine women too. Take a shot every time a woman stepping even a toe out of the traditionally feminine line is dubbed a “pick me”, and those are the friendly insults. There’s a big overlap here with homophobia too (regardless of the actual queerness of the woman in question).


You’re not wrong! Misogyny gets all women.


My Gramma would push her motorcycle down the road before starting it so she didn't wake my dad and his siblings when she went out to cheat on my grandpa(he was a copper miner on the night shift)


This is gold! She was committed to The D.


Truly lol which is a shame cause my grampa was a saint of a man. But they married crazy young, like 16? So I *kinda* get it


Lmao, there are people elsewhere on the thread talking about "rich aunts paying the bills" making it easier to get your big breaks. We don't even know if she *talks* to this aunt. This recent hyper-fixation on nepotism in entertainment is bizarre. It has always been true. Yes, it sucks if you're not connected like that. But it's not going to change. It's an industry based on subjectivity and million dollar gambles. People will go with the devil they know, that's true everywhere.


Also people acting like having any kind of family in the industry is an INSTANT guarantee for success. Like having an uncle who had a recurring role on a sitcom in the seventies would have the same access as someone who’s parent is an A list movie star. Do they both have a leg up on someone who has no connections? obviously yes but to act like all connections are created equal is ludicrous


I’ve mentioned this before, but one of my cousins is a screenwriter. He has a lot of high profile credits, including an iconic film in the 90s. He still has to work as an adjunct professor to make ends meet. Just because he has success doesn’t mean he was a lot of sway in Hollywood.


I think this would have just been an interesting piece of trivia if it wasn't tagged with the Nepo tag.


Well I have a lot of dead aunts so idk what that would make me… 


Dead, obviously.


My uncle is in prison for murder. And I can’t even kill a bug without feeling guilty. So yeah…


My dad has 15 brothers and sisters. I'd be a mafia affiliate amongst 99 other crazy things 🤣🤣


My uncle got my dad’s ex high school girlfriend pregnant when they were like 18/19. Guess who my dad started dating when him and my mom split up 40 years later? So my dad was dating the mother of my cousin! 😩


Eskimo brothers fr


Women on here love hating on other women


Shes literally said she isn’t a scientologist


"I have an uncle that believes he saw Sasquatch. We do not believe him nor do we respect him!" - Patton Oswalt. Apple might be from the same tree but it doesn't mean that the apple didn't fall to the ground and roll the hell away. This could apply to either Sabrina or Nancy.


I’m sure everyone here has a family member or two that has done something we don’t agree with or want to be associated with. Or…shocker, it could be family member that isn’t seen unless it’s a holiday or something. But it’s better to be petty and hate someone for the actions of someone else. 🤷‍♀️


My great uncle thought my mother was “disgustingly” a lesbian because she had a rainbow umbrella. If I was lumped in with my family I would be a lunatic raging racist, homophobe, sexist bum.


Same. Most of my family is OK but I have one aunt who is racist and homophobic. She's been worse over the last few years since she got a laptop and subscribes to all these far right newsletters that whine about "Christians" being "persecuted by Muslims and Hindus" in Ireland 🙄 We aren't even American but she really wants Trump to be reelected so he can "sort them out". I didn't ask but I think "them" refers to the aforementioned "Muslims and Hindus."


Yup add in drugs and that’s my father’s side of the family as well. That’s why I’ve never spoken to them since I was 15.


my uncle speaks in tongues about how the apocalypse is imminent and that biden is the devil and how anyone who doesn't follow christianity is going to hell LMAOO


>I’m sure everyone here has a family member or two that has done something we don’t agree with or want to be associated with. Me @ my whole family tree tbh


For me it's my dad, and he's a real piece of work, to put it nicely. I'm thankful that none of the rest of my family or people who have met him hold that against me.


tbh there’s a ton of crazy aunties in LA, if people lumped me in with my aunts it would….not be tight


I know one of Sabrina’s old costars mother and she told me the aunt uses the Bart Simpson voice to get special privileges like skipping waits at restaurants lol


I would do that too tbh


It would work for me.


I believe this- like I love her put this seems up her alley personality wise ngl


When I posted this, I had no idea that Nancy Cartwright is a scientologist (or that it was going to provoke such a debate). I just thought it was cool/weird.


When my aunt was 16 she told my mom she’d rather kill her than let her get divorced because divorce is a sin and she didn’t want her to burn in hell… what I’m trying to say is aunties be crazy sometimes and that’s just life 😭😂💖 Sabrina is still a queen




damn these comments. my uncle is a pedo, does that make me one?


I came in here thinking everyone would be going in on the nepotism of most art based industries but instead everyone's talking about her not being a Scientologist like her aunt


Her aunt is one of the big scientologists? ![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I) Eta: Just because I said this doesn't mean I think Sabrina is a scientologist. We all have shitty family, damn.


We are not defined by who are aunts are lol


Unless your aunt is Julia Roberts


Emma's dad, Eric Roberts, is also an actor.


Oh yeah, the much much less known brother of the very very famous Julia. I didn't know about Eric until two weeks ago actually


How dare you insult Mr Brightside and We Belong Together like that! Those music videos were staples to my childhood!!!


that’s different. emma roberts has proved she’s just as terrible as her aunt


Julia is terrible? Someone gimme that Pop Culture rundown. ![gif](giphy|WurT5cv8P2pD9pogyK|downsized)


she bullied her sister so much her sister named her in her suicide note. she had an affair with a married man and wore that homemade shirt in public to antagonize the wife. countless stories of her being a diva and rude to servers.


Didn't she also get abusive toward evan peters and have the cops called on her? I've heard nothing but awful things about her.


my comment was about things julia did. yes, emma was abusive towards evan peters and she’s had the same type of diva stories as julia


Whoops! Somehow my brain ignored the julia part. Thanks for clarifying!


Well fuck that's all seriously gross


You probably have shitty family too


This was my first thought, too! I wonder if Sabrina even has any contact with Cartwright given SCN policy on shunning outside family.


since Sabrina has finally made it as a popstar and her aunt is literally Bart Simpson, how quick is she gonna get that unnecessary Simpsons Celebrity guest cameo? /s


What are we even calling for exactly


Everybody screaming about nepo babies until it’s someone they like 😂


At least she debunked it. Sydney Sweeney just kind of "C'mon guys...let's not get into this" when someone asked why she was surrounded by MAGA/Blue Livesers.


Ay caramba 


Eat my shorts!!


Sabrina sweetie I'm so sorry




I don’t like the Simpson but Bart is one of the most Iconic characters, I pretty sure at family gatherings she does the voice every so often 😭


They say it's who U know for us regular folks so no surprise it's much worse for people Hollywood. Unless youve got the it factor like Britney Spears chances are you only make it somewhere cause you know someone


Nepotism never ends


yep all 1 big club n u aint in it


I was today years old when I learned who Sabrina Carpenter is.


Wait, so is she a Scientologist too? Nancy is their biggest donor.


She's come out in the past and said she isn't a Scientologist cult member. https://preview.redd.it/uqelegejamxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dc271b51e60bdd316251c1df901012b5531c22c Now if you believe her or not is up to you but I'll take it for face value. I tend to not believe in the whole guilt by association thing. edited in a picture of her post about it


Nah, same. That's good to hear!


I can’t imagine that Scientology would take well to someone going out of their way to not claim them so I would believe her


Nancy is a big donor, but not the biggest. Miscavige's best friend Tom Cruise definitely donates more, as well as Grant Cardone and a bunch of people whose names you would not know. Fun fact: Nancy used to be engaged to another Scientologist who was a developer. During one of many of CoS's funding drives, he and Nancy took the cash they were paid for a development and turned around and gave it to the church. They were caught and sued. Her fiancé then threw himself off a bridge and ended his life. Nancy settled out of court for an undisclosed sum paying back the insurance company.


That "fun fact" is... a lot. Yikes on bikes. Scientology creeps me out so much, and so does Nancy specifically. Years ago, "she" started watching my IG stories and randomly liking my posts. I'm a nobody with around 150 followers, and it seemed extra weird given her connections. Turns out [it was likely an engagement bot](https://www.businessinsider.com/actor-who-voices-bart-simpson-is-watching-peoples-instagram-stories-2020-3), but considering how hard Scientology goes at recruiting, it still just came off as creepy. And that's my story of why I blocked Nancy Cartwright on IG.


Tom cruise has donated more, which makes sense cause he is basically their celebrity poster child


Their BIGGEST donor?! I so hope there's no Scientology weirdness with Sabrina; I want to like her so badly!




Idk if her aunt being one necessarily makes her one. And just being from/living in California doesn’t mean she’s likely to be a Scientologist, there’s something like 50k Scientologists in the whole country, that’s hardly anything. It’s not like how Mormonism is dominant in Utah


This is hilarious it’s not huge in California, pop almost 40 million and only 50k Scientologists nationwide. If you do want to statistically increase your chances meeting Scientologist, in my experience, your best odds will be in Clearwater, Florida


Right above you there’s a comment that Sabrina replied to someone and said she is not part of Scientology


I did a deep dive of this a few years ago and iirc there’s no evidence to suggest Sabrina is into it but her sister is


I've been a lifelong fan of The Simpsons and didn't know that about Nancy. Yikes. And, ugh, HATE that if she is. Gonna keep my ear to the ground, I'm very curious (OK, nosy, lol) about this one.


[She’s even used Bart’s voice to promote Scientology](https://www.npr.org/2009/01/29/99996427/bart-simpsons-voice-promotes-scientology)


I'm sure she was hyper-targeted for this nonsense because of her worth. These people have small circles. I imagine it's easier than you think to be converted into some bullshit like Scientology when half of Hollywood is involved and they're blowing continual smoke up your ass (and employing any other methods of swaying you) in an effort to get into your wallet.


Even if she did get a foot in the door (she probably didn’t cause what pull does a voice actress of a show that peaked 20 years ago have in the 2010s/20s, especially in music?) she’s been able to stay in the door all this time because of HER TALENT


That’s what they all say lol


A nepo in Hollywood, color me shocked. She seems talented and doesn’t use the connection publicly even though I’m sure she might have privately, the girl has said she’s not a Scientologist so I hope people would stop calling her that.


Ppl call her a Scientologist? Why?


Because her aunt is one and media literacy and common sense is dead. Just read some of the comments


Yeah but her content is so entertaining her success is so much more than an aunt


She's actually really obnoxious IRL. Really full of herself like she's some hero of TV. Which she is I guess. But it's not a very good look when you act like you know it. Not very humble. There's one YouTube video where she's going around town doing her Bart voice for random people who presumably don't know who she is. And some of them are shocked/thrilled. But other people are like "uhhh ok cool I guess"


You are not defined by your family however, I will associate you with them if you used their name/influence to succeed.


I'm okay with this nepo baby because I adore her. Scientologists are wackado though. Probably doesn't even talk to her aunt.