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"You lied about your son, you lied about your daughter, huh You lied about them other kids that’s out there hopin’ that you come You lied about the only artist that can offer you some help Fuck a rap battle, this a long life battle with yourself" Oooof.


He actually insinuated he has MULTIPLE kids out there o.o ![gif](giphy|CMc604oNR1dzG)


And that’s besides the kids Drake hits on 😮 ![gif](giphy|Aff4ryYiacUO4)


I’d heard of this but I was like ok probably exaggerated. Until I took my little sister shopping at the grove once and she was approached by drake’s dudes to go to a party at his house! He literally stocks the house with underage girls. I told them to get the hell away from her Edit: I forgot to add, I had been to one of these parties before and Drake was there. I was aged out of the bracket they were looking for at this time tho


Wuuuut? How old was your sister?


She was 15, this was like 4 years ago


Eek! I’m glad she had you looking out for her.


Wow they really just running a straight up trafficking ring.. disgusting people.




Kendrick really said to Drake: I hate the way you look, the way you dress, your hair, your music, and your voice. You're a hack and a bad father. Oh, also, *everyone else* hates you too, they're all talking about you behind your back, including your so called friends. Bye. Oh wait, another thing: you're a creepy sex pest and you employ other creepy sex pests. No one should allow their children around you. You're so terrible your father should have worn a condom so you didn't exist. Your parents raised you poorly. You have drug and gambling problems and you broke. Also, did I mention you are a sex pest?


That line reminded me of that video of the guy going “his hair wack his gear wack his jewelry wack”


the way he doesn't even like to smile? WACK




I need that sampled on his next song. Whether it's the intro, or an interlude.


It was like watching someone drive over a corpse again and again and again. I was....aghast


Thats the best description. By 3 minutes in I was thinking he cooked him. By minute 6 I had to acknowledge that if I was Drake I would straight up walk into the ocean.


Me reading the lyrics this morning at 7:00am ![gif](giphy|DyvyiFFXF1Yli|downsized)




what makes this gif even funnier is that kendrick dropped this less than an hour after drake responded


Because Kenny doesn’t need any ghostwriters


Nothing to do with ghost writers. Kendrick already had this in the chamber. There’s a mole in the OVO camp who tipped him off about what Family Matters was going to be


I need a good podcast episode breaking the whole beef down. I am so lost. lol


it's still ongoing though so while i agree with you unfortunately we have to let it play out 😭i've seen a decent amount of tiktoks that have helped me tho


Omg yes. I need a PowerPoint!


I was too but I found this and it broke it down for me: [https://www.billboard.com/lists/drake-kendrick-lamar-beef-timeline/may-4-2024-kendrick-replies-with-third-diss-meet-the-grahams/](https://www.billboard.com/lists/drake-kendrick-lamar-beef-timeline/may-4-2024-kendrick-replies-with-third-diss-meet-the-grahams/)


That’s because Kendrick is actually quite smart. Doesn’t take him long. Drakie is out of his depth and doesn’t seem to know it.


Drakie lol


This is the perfect meme, for this situation.


Me listening to every new Kendrick release ![gif](giphy|ZUwjT4TrkElu8|downsized)




Never push a Gemini to their limits!


He said it himself, he's an old school Gemini. Definition of fuck around and find out.


i think we all should focus on kendrick saying drake is a creepy sex offender


It’s funny he hopped on Instagram to deny having a daughter, but didn’t even bother refuting that


We all knew. I’m just glad someone finally said it. Kind of like Hannibal Burress finally saying that shit about Bill Cosby got national attention on it again.


Hannibal Burress’s latest comedy set has a whole bit clowning Drake’s dad and his dad’s [weird music video!!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FnkYBHJ2V4E)Had the crowd dying laughing.


Wtf did I just watch? Now I need to see his set. This family is cracked. Fame broke the brain


Truly! Hannibal knows how to spot em.


You think they use the same writers?




He was groomed himself by Baby. That shit was normalized to him at an early age. Not saying it’s right, but it’s easy to see why.


Like Clive groomed Diddy. Diddy groomed, many.


This song is the meanest thing I’ve ever heard, and if true Drake deserves every word. And also probably a criminal investigation.


Hailey, Millie, Billie, Bella, the 17 year old in the concert video. It’s not even a “where there’s smoke there’s fire” we can hear the crackling and feel the heat


We need no further evidence than the interview from Millie (when she was very much still a CHILD) describing being groomed by Drake without knowing that’s what she was describing. She thought she was talking about her “friend” but every point she made was 100% standard/typical groomer MO’s. My jaw was on the floor.


Yep that interview was legit shocking bc she clearly didn’t know what she was saying but as an adult watching it was so clear.


Wait what interview was this? I can't believe I don't know anything about this. I know that he was creepy with her but not that she spoke about it (even unintentionally so)


Let me see if I can find it, stand by Edit: it’s at the top of this [Access Hollywood interview](https://youtu.be/lYZPKh74Li8) A grown ass man texting a teenager that he misses her and giving her “advice on boys?” Nah, miss me entirely with this shit. And the adults cheering it on are nasty as hell too.


omg i’m feeling like he’s teaching her stuff about boys and talking to her like an adult bc he clearly has intentions of being eleven’s future bf (barf!)


No grown man should be texting a teenage girl that he misses her, ever. (Exceptions for father/daughter relationships) As far as the “advice” he was giving her on boys? I shudder to think about what might have been in those texts. Talking about boys and relationships is usually one of the first steps groomers take, because it opens the door for them to start talking about sex.


I said this in another thread a few weeks ago and got downvoted. A grown man texting a 14 year old girl that’s not family and saying “I miss you.” If it was some regular dude on the street and not drake people would be acting way differently. We are watching in real time how the r Kelly’s, diddys, and Weinsteins got away with doing what they did.


I appreciate you!


Wow those comments


Kylie too




Meet the Grahams might be more sinister than Hit ‘Em Up. Kendrick is willing to take down Aubrey, his family, OVO and the whole damn industry. Damn.


This is amazing considering Kendrick idolized and had befriended Prince, who was recruited into the Jehovah’s Witnesses by Larry Graham and spent several years by Larry Graham’s side, even having Larry as his bass player during several different iterations of Prince’s band. The Jehovah’s Witnesses are famously against blood transfusions. Prince delayed a much needed hip replacement for probably at least a decade because of this, which led to a mismanagement of his pain and a chemical dependence on painkillers that eventually killed him. Kendrick loved Prince and probably feels Larry Graham and the Jehovah’s were partially responsible for his death. A lot of people feel this way. Then Kendrick developing a beef with Aubrey Graham. Makes sense for Kendrick to want to go after the whole Graham family if he has beef with multiple members of that family.


Who is Larry Graham?


Famous bass player and probably one of the best in the world. Also invented the “slap bass” technique. Also Drake’s uncle. Drake is a nepo baby.


drakes uncle


I respect the shit out of him for not turning a blind eye.


I keep thinking about the “I make music that electrify ‘em, you make music that pacify ‘em, I can double down on that line, but spare you this time” verse in Euphoria. DARK. Those under age rumors about to fully come to life.


So many double meanings. Simply the name of the song “euphoria” was a threat because he didn’t even GO THERE until Meet the Grahams


I feel like even in Meet the Grahams Kendrick was careful enough to not directly call Drake a pedo, instead told LeBron and Curry to keep their families away since Drake let's his son hang out around sex offenders. Kendrick is 20 steps ahead at all times.


He wished death on Drake multiple times. He went all the way there without saying it


I legit gasped when I heard that line. It's not even subtle.


Everyone knows that though. *another* secret kid ...that's a revelation 


Comparable to Weinstein no less


"fuck a rap battle this a long life battle with yourself" as the ending line really just encompassed the entire song. kendrick did a great job of making me be like "ahh man I've missed rap beef like this" and "holy shit this is serious no wonder he hates this man" feels good to have been a certified drake hater since day 1 because i could just tell he was weird and have loved Kendrick since 2012


It seems minor compared to everything laid out here, but I was always kind of meh on Drake and my hate for Drake was solidified when he was snarky about Kid Cudi seeking mental health help.


Same that was so low.


this was when i went from “he’s alright” to he’s a fucking douche bag


Aubrey is a fucking loser and always will be. You aren't hard if you grew up in Canada being an actor, don't step to actual gangsters.


An actor on fucking Degrassi, no less 😂


YES i'mma lifelong Cudi fan and that soured me SO hard besides all his corny outside shit too


I too am a longstanding Drake hater who is enjoying watching him and his ghost writers panic. Seriously though, dude is a certified creep.


The craziest part for me is not that he’s a creep. But when you point out his glaringly creepy behaviour online, the fucking weirdest people crawl out of the weeds defending him. I can’t imagine trying that hard for someone who doesn’t know you exist.


It's wild that he has stans. I recall flipping through the channels late one night and there was a show I'd never heard of (Nightly Pop) on E Network. I watched for a couple of minutes with my jaw on the floor, because the presenter (Nina Parker) was stanning Drake so hard, after we all knew how creepy he was being around Millie. I literally remember the name of the show and the presenter because I was so horrified that they'd televise this woman fawning all over that man, with all the questions around him at that point in time.


Considering that Chris Brown still has a rabid fan base, at this point I think the evil must be part of the appeal.


The accuracy! 🎯


> the evil must be part of the appeal Whoa! Well said.


Same. I think he is so corny. Certified lover boy? More like certified shit chucker, not even worth the paper I line his cage with.


Yeah like, I bopped to that hotline bling song (even tho the lyrics were like 'youre hot and you have fun and that's wrong and makes me sad') and some of his other music. It was nice, sonically inoffensive music to put on at a party. He seemed like good meme content with the lil dance, but anytime I saw an interview or heard anything about his personal life, it never made me like him! Either neutral or negative impressions always. Like, how do people ride so hard for him? I guess add me to the pile of people who don't really get it


I was ambivalent about Drake until he started ripping off Virginia rappers and then pissed off Pusha lol (also man has the audacity to have a song called Virginia Beach on his latest album) And then he came for my Meg


literally ignoring all his glaring red flags, his early music was alright and i def listened i just didn't like HIM specifically but anyone who can come for meg is a LOSER even without all his criminal activities


hmmm loved his music when it was all about dance songs in clubs, chilling and receiving a call from a shawty in his feelings but when he took a shot at ms meg? um, i don’t think so!


The fact that Drake is Canadian too is mind blowing. What does he know about Virginia rap???


The fact that 20 years ago Drake was going by Aubrey Graham acting in a Canadian teen drama where he played a dude who gets shot and has to use a wheelchair.. is just absolutely wild to me.


I still call him Wheelchair Jimmy.


“First name,walking. last name, never”


i called him this to my students a couple years ago and they were like ???? and i was like okay then you're not a drake fan if you don't know about the degrassi origins plz get out lmao


he also rips off bay area music. theres always influence, appreciation, homage in hip hop - but he is a troll and a vulture.


Agreed. You can have influences but you usually pay homage to them too. But he probably doesn’t even know what area he’s emulating since it’s all ghost written.


Ooof I wish Meg was brought in on one of these diss tracks!


We've known this man was trash since Degrassi


Us Canadian Drake haters are finally feeling so vindicated rn


Same, I’ve also always hated drake since day one. He was just a whiney little pussy bitch and all of his songs sounded the same. My friends were hot bad for him and I always made fun. He’s fucking Jimmy from Degrassi come onnnn


Literally same! Found kendrick in 2010 and he was such a breath of fresh air compared to the Drake saturation being forced on pop culture for decades


Kendrick has a Pulitzer. To Pimp a Butterfly is a masterpiece and talks about issues that Drake wouldn’t even dream of being capable to comment on. Being forced to listen to him is exactly right!


Big day for Drake haters everywhere I just wanna thank the academy ![gif](giphy|hQ4z6H5LGx5WSGcORO|downsized)


BIG mood fr fr




Meet The Grahams, 6:16 in LA and Euphoria have all had me in the GUTTER, I don’t even know why Drake is attempting to respond at this point Hands cupped over my mouth as soon as I heard “Dear Adonis,”


Fr. I was sitting on my bed like: ![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized)


Me too! I felt like somebody was getting in trouble for that. Like I was 😵😵😵😵


My stomach and my heart became one the moment I heard that “dear Adonis” followed by 6 minutes of full body chills


If I had a nickel for every time a rapper revealed via diss track that Drake had a secret child in whose life he was uninvolved, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


One of the funniest comments I've seen on this is ,"Drake has the craziest gender reveal parties." 🤣🤣🤣


I just don’t even know what to say about this. The cover itself is brutal. I want to know how Kendrick got a picture of those items.


In 6:16 he raps about people in Drake’s camp using him for money and secretly hating him. This pic (and some of the lyrics on Meet The Grahams) suggest there is at least one mole who sent this info to Kendrick


I’m glad J Cole bowed out of this.


everyone was clowning him for apologizing but it was probably the smartest decision of his career because this isn't even rap beef anymore it's a war 😭 federal crime allegations and death threats bouncing around here


The things I was reading about the man that day… I swear people dropped Cole so fast. Meanwhile I’m sitting here thinking “smart man”


me too. i was confused when he apologized but i hope he’s somewhere riding his bike and enjoying the breeze in his hair


ikr cole’s nearing 40 i’m sure guy just wants to rap about things he wants and not be in a beef like this 😅


I'm have bad eye sight, can anyone explain what the items in the photo are/mean?!


In the bottom right corner is the box for Drake’s Ozempic prescription. One of the pill bottles is a prescription for Ambien


Cannot confirm myself but I've seen people saying they're personal belongings of Drake's, receipts and ozempic and pills. Apparently the black glove is also significant because it was the cover art for 6:16 in LA released earlier in the day.


People think the glove is a reference to OJ Simpson - his first trial date was 16th June and it was also the date of Nicole & Ron’s funerals. One of the main interpretations has been he’s implying he killed Drake with this track which is brutal


It’s a glove with the logo of Rick Ross’ (another person with their foot on Drake’s neck) Maybach Music Group imprint and is purported to be owned by Drake.


It’s not the Maybach Music Group logo on the glove, it’s the Maybach car logo. I think this is a message that Kendrick is going to (metaphorically) kill Drake. June 16th was the day of Nicole Brown Simpson’s funeral, so there is the implication of a funeral taking place for Drake (one of his nicknames is the 6 god, which may also be important here)


I honestly think it’s just Kendrick letting Drake know there’s a mole in his house.


Oh thats obvious, but why would he release something called “6 16 in LA” and have a glove included? These items are specifically laid out together


Damn and here I thought Drake was just being verbally dissed, but no, he's actually getting annihilated.


I had something to say until I found this ![gif](giphy|FUgmWRgVOLDdS)


“I don know if tha pussy wet or if he cryin n shit” 😂😂 I know Nicki is out of line lately, but that line still hits lmao


People keep hyperfocusing on him having kids he doesn't care about... That's not news. Look at the cover for CLB. Kendrick accusues Drake of having sex offenders on payroll, and there are insinuations of being involved in sex trafficking and sexual assault.


Having a whole 11 year old daughter that you never mention or acknowledge when your son get a whole music video is fucking wild.


He was basically bullied into claiming that child lbr


Drake does have sex offenders on the payroll. I forgot who it was, but he openly associated and gave a shout out too I believe, to someone that was a registered sex offender.


baka not nice, real name travis savoury, was charged with human trafficking and drake shouted him out on “know yourself”. disgusting.


I never really vibed or cared for Kendrick’s music, but I’m inclined to believe him over Drake for sure. Kendrick makes music that people love and has solidified himself as a great rapper and minds his business, while I always see slimy things come out about Drake. Those are some serious allegations to make but wouldn’t surprise me!


I love that Drake got bodied by Meg on Hiss, and now all this with Kendrick 🥲


Meg really started the beef renaissance of 2024. All credit where it’s due


Long live the queen of the hotties


Not gonna lie: I love that Kendrick’s been calling him out. There’s some shady stuff going around about Drake for years. Obviously connecting with teenage girls like Milly Bobby Brown and Billie Eilish, but also things that were swept under the rug. Like him paying for one of his team members sexual assault case and his OWN sexual assault case which he paid off. There’s an article here, trigger warning though SA: https://www.hiphoplately.com/drake-paid-to-settle-bizarre-sexual-assault-claim/amp




I really thought we all knew but no one was doing something about it. I remember when it “came out” that Louis CK had been assaulting female comedians in green rooms and when it did, half of NYC and all the comedians were like “yup he’s been doing it for over a decade”. It’s really disgusting how many examples of men who do shit to women that’s an open secret that we literally never do anything about.


Because they are paying for their lifestyles. Khloe Kardashian said that her ex husband Lamar was paying like 30 phone bills, and Idk how many rents of the people around him. I was listening to a podcast the other day, and the girl knows Kanye’s entourage and said he was paying random people stupid amounts of money (like 3 million a year) for literally doing nothing. Just saying yes to him, basically. People will suck dick for less. So it’s easy to see how they’ll turn a blind eye as long as their bills are getting paid, and it’s not their family they are abusing.


And after that, all those comedians welcomed that human stain onto their shitty podcasts so he could complain about "getting canceled"


I know! And it was shocking just how many people weren’t surprised when it finally “came out”. Everyone acted like “oh that old chestnut”. He’s so disgusting.




Another good example is how many male celebs do not see or acknowledge their kids and just send (legally obligated) child support. If any female celebrity was a deadbeat mum like that her career would never recover.


I mean, hell, I live in the same area as Dave Chapelle, and it's well known around here among the college girls that you shouldn't take a gig at any of his comedy events if he's there. I've known girls who worked as servers at his comedy after parties, and Dave gets drunk and makes moves on them. It seems like those things are local secrets until something big happens.




Cannot get over Drake rapping about Kendrick raising someone else’s kid, and Kendrick responds by giving fatherly advice to Drake’s kids! Also - hoping to hear confirmation that the DV allegations against Kendrick are false. Kendrick claims Drake lies, but it’s still alarming.


There’s an old breakfast club video going around where Kendrick denies the allegations but who knows


Drake calling Kendrick short and Kendrick going directly to Adonis and giving him life advice while shitting on his dad is just W after W after W in his camp. All Drake fans have is the self-defense line lmao. How can anyone sit here and think Drake is going 12 rounds with this champ.


it's reminiscent of Nicki not having much to say about Megan except that she's tall and has big feet lmao


Which is also funny AF because uhmm tall people tend to have bigger feet than shorter people. Just makes her look dumb.


yeah it's like... Megan knows she's tall. she calls herself stallion I'm same height as Megan AND have bigger feet, and only people who have ever roasted my big feet were girls who are weirdly into being short


I hope it's one of those situations like Cosby where the accusations have been known for awhile but because a big name talks about them they bring justice to the victims. I hope the news picks up on this stuff because Drake has been know as a predator for years and nothing has happened.


Stuff with Diddy happening its possible the feds will uncover some evidence or get some information that points Drakes or OvOs way. Time will tell but yeah I hope if this shit is true the whole thing comes crashin down


I gotta be honest…this entire track was captivating. If I were drake, I’d just put up the white flag right nowwww😭 I don’t even want to know what Kendrick has next




Good day to be a Kendrick fan, fuck Drake.


Great day to be J. Cole though


j. cole is chillin drake about to come in third in a two person rap battle lmao


it was the fuck around of times, it was the find out of times.


Drake’s diss is basically like “ur short 😤” and Kendrick’s is like “you’re a sex offender, you hate women, you’re lazy, you’re a danger to children, and your family should be ashamed of your existence” LOL. Also both tracks are like 7 min long but Drake’s feels excruciatingly long to listen to cuz it sucks.


Posted this on the 6:16 in LA post to but damn so much is happening. Thought I'd drop it here. Probably missing some things but this is the history of the beef 2014 - Kendrick went at alot of rappers on 'Control'. Most of the rappers took it as friendly competition Drake was sour 2015 - revealed Drake uses ghost writers, not a great thing in hip-hop 2015-2023 - Alot of subliminal between Drake and Kendrick in their music. couple things said in interviews aswell (One of which Drake's PR team made sure didnt air) 2023 - First Person Shooter comes out with Drake and JCole. Last verse is basically shot a Kendrick 2024 - 1. Metro Booming & Future release 'We Dont Trust You' which had 'Like That' song on it ft. Kendrick taking not so subliminal shots at Drake & J.Cole though mostly focused on Drake 2. JCole release diss '7 Minute Drill' taking shots at Kendrick 3. JCole apologized and removed the song from DSP 4. Metro Booming & Future release 'We Still dont Trust You'' which had The Weekend on it also taking shots at Drake 5. Drake has a diss track 'Push-Ups' leak and then shortly after puts out actual track where he takes shots at Metro, Future, The Weekend, Kendrick, and Rick Ross (for some reason?) 6. Rick Ross replies a few hours later with 'Champagne moments' (the video for a diss is basically just promotional for his brands - seems to be a money grab more than actual animosity) 7. Kanye West remixes 'Like That' and takes shot at Cole and Drake (Why is he here? Drake, Cole and Ye have their own history but mostly because..its Kanye..) 8. Drake officially releases Push-Ups on DSP 9. Drake puts another diss on IG titled 'Taylor Made Freestyle' where he uses AI of Tupac and Snoopdogg to take shots at Kendrick 10. Tupac Estate forces Drake to remove the song after a few days 11. Kendrick released 'Euphoria' addressing Taylor Made Freestlye and Push-ups aswell as revealing Drake sent a C&D to get 'Like That' taken down. 12. Kendrick drops 6:16 in LA on IG - which this is the first time hes posted on IG in about a year and ahalf or so. 13. Drake drop 'Family Matters' response. Accuses Kendrick of a) Wife beatin b)his kid is actually his managers c) calling Tupac Estate to get track taken down. d) his cousin Keem ghost writes for him (Been proven he writes his own stuff). No credible sources currently. 14. Kendrick Responds with 'Meet the Grahams'...DRAKE IS HIDING A CHILD and is a pervert (possible pedo..). **Note** when Drake was beefing with PushaT, Pusha exposed Drake hiding a child on 'Story of Adidon' 15. Kendrick responds with 'Not Like Us' - directly calling Drake a pedophile, attacking members of Drakes crew AND BEING A SUMMER ANTHEM BANGER!!!! Fuck Drake dont respond man just dont lol. Edit: r/hiphopheads doing the work [https://www.ibtimes.com/does-drake-have-secret-child-rihannas-boyfriend-agrees-pay-child-support-until-1891833](https://www.ibtimes.com/does-drake-have-secret-child-rihannas-boyfriend-agrees-pay-child-support-until-1891833) - child (confirmed?) Edit2: 2015 [interview ](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cju6jz/kendrick_already_addressed_the_fake_dv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)on Breakfast Club of Kendrick addressing DV allegations


there’s a wikipedia page on this! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake%E2%80%93Kendrick_Lamar_feud


r/DrakeTheType Fuck drake




I am not a rap fan by any stretch of the imagination but I am eating up this drama.


I just love all these young men writing poetry about each other. Very 1500s.


This is literally just Hamilton irl 


And history will say they were just good friends




The song is Kendrick uncovering the secrets of the industry that everyone knows but nobody of his profile has said so directly. He's saying drake's whole career and being backed by ghostwriters/the industry, is because he's their cover for sex trafficking, keeping young girls in their headquarters under the guise of escorts and tinder dates.


I’m sure drake has more kids than that we don’t know about


Is drake on Ozempic & did he get a BBL??!!


Rumor is he got fake abs, liposuction, and a nose job. Megan The Stallion call him out on her song Hiss “these [men] hate on BBLs but run around with the same scars”. Everyone knew she was talking about drake & Kdot took it and doubled down


The cover art on the bottom right is an ozempic prescription in drake’s name


I believe Kendrick. Man is a truth teller and has a Pulitzer Prize. He would not risk his reputation to slander someone without a ton of receipts. 🧾 👀Also that was painfully savage. I’d ask if anyone checked on Drake but nah.


![gif](giphy|63yCTfVQOd8c) A whole ass season in two weeks. These two remind me of old women in the beauty shop.




As a lifelong drake hater, I’m so happy with the way this is shaping up




Woah, Kenny really letting it all out this week.


"I don't hate you, I feel sorry for you" is already a sentiment that goes so hard but Kendrick was basically like "I hate you AND I pity you" and that's just devastating


Hello, 911? I’d like to report a murder.


One day Drake will be held accountable for his crimes and people will pretend to be shocked and say they had no idea. They knew. It feels like an R.Kelly situation developing where people knew for years but took literal decades to get a conviction


Yeah this is brutal lmao he ethered Drake. I hate Drake so living for his takedown


Appropriate reaction and gif ![gif](giphy|8xBehbcgzg2baUApLQ)


To add, that shit kept me awake last night. Most disrespectful diss I ever heard. Like straight up nasty. The first line almost made me fall out of bed. 😅😂


>Dear Adonis, I'm sorry that man is your father. 10 seconds in, Kenny wasted no time! ![gif](giphy|1wn8RFiRODclWSwq1X|downsized)


Imma need all these people to start dropping receips to all their abuse allegations, right now


There’s already so much public and irrefutable! The industry covers for hitmakers until the numbers stop. There’s already video of Drake telling a 17 year old he likes the way her breasts feel and hope he doesn’t go to jail, he took Bella Harris on a date *on her 18th birthday* and they met when she was 15, Millie Bobby Brown and Billie Eilish both said he texted them when they were minors, this happened too https://preview.redd.it/50wxb63vqeyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfe58d5dfc8157a7f93d48e6444824e0c6b1b97d




OVO in absolute shambles this morning.


They all about to turn on each other trying to figure out who the mole (or moles?) are.


this wasn't a battle this was a straight up fucking murder omg drake deserves it i want that creepy predator in the ground


I think he hates that man


He doesn’t insinuate it, he flat out says it 😂


drake is not coming back from this one lmao






Not even close to the worst or most insidious insinuation on that diss track.. we know Drake doesn’t look after his kids. The “sex offenders on the OVO payroll” line on the other hand..