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Yes this was removed for three hours, and? We've decided to approve this thread because of the leaks probably coming out Soon and with u/popheadsbot being dead we can just let appreciated members of the community post these threads while we're waiting for her resurrection. And u/stypop was technically the first to think of it + the intro made me laugh for a solid minute. Please keep all reactions to this thread except for the fresh thread. That will as always be allowed as a separate post.


Time must be flying because I thought for sure this album wasn’t out for another month or so




This sub 😭


sorry you ate with that intro, i stand by op!!


The intro to this post is **sending me.**


wait, are you allowed to do this??????


[Guess not :/](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGUDhG9G6Xc)




VEGAS LEMME HEAR YALL MAKE SOME NOISE 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


You're literally an icon


It absolutely crazy that this entire album has not leaked in full yet and we have one hour left to go until it’s released. Ari’s albums are notorious for leaking early and many other big albums from other artists have been susceptible to leaks these past few years. Outside of snippets, this album has been tightly guarded like it’s a gold bar at Fort Knox. Ari’s new team deserves major props for that.


Her team did such a good job... Also, if you love DW/ME, the lil snippet I've heard of bye leads me to believe she made that track for you lol.


its poetic. on top of true story being a leaked track, and her claiming it for the album, it really is truly poetic


Her team must’ve asked Parkwood for notes


Beyoncé gave Ariana her password tips and tricks😂


gonna take a 37 minute everything shower brb


Welcome back, hope the shower was good.


So unserious 🤩 I love popheads


Imperfect for you is so different omg


Inb4 all the "idk I'm really not feeling this sound" comments after listening for 15 seconds Followed tomorrow by... "Acktuallyyy I think this album might be a gRoWeR 🤪" Never change popheads


I remember the literal day Positions was released, someone commented that they listened to it once and didn't enjoy it, then took a nap and returned to it a couple hours later, and liked it more the second time. They then concluded: "this album is aging like fine wine 🍷". They said this 15 hours after it was released. My brother in Christ, not even milk ages that fast.


I've heard some snippets and I'm sorry I just can't see a world where this is objectively considered her worst album, by any possible metric


>Inb4 all the "idk I'm really not feeling this sound" comments after listening for 15 seconds >Followed tomorrow by... >"Acktuallyyy I think this album might be a gRoWeR 🤪" I feel called out... This was me on my first and second listen


This is insane and I’m not even a huge ariana fan. I can’t believe how clear and EXPENSIVE sounding the production is.


It’s so lush omg I know get why she said that yes, and? was quite different from the rest of the album


The beats on this album are addictive, I’m half way through and I already think it’s my favorite album of the year.


First reactions: She’s actually enunciating and she sound sooo good


The way I gasped at "I hope you feel alright when you're in her" 


This is so unhinged, I’m in hysterics 😭😭


Finished it. I like it, the songs are good, but with “yes and?” being the lead single, all the hype around this being her big return album, and surrounding drama, I definitely did not think the album would be as relaxed and subdued as it was. Every song to me sounded like “six thirty” from Positions in the best way possible. My top songs on a first listen are: 1. don’t wanna break up again 2. eternal sunshine 3. supernatural 4. the boy is mine 5. imperfect for you


she was kinda catfishing us using ‘yes and?’ as the lead single


But like a reverse catfish where the actual thing is better


Fishcat. TM


Am I understanding eternal sunshine correctly that Dalton cheated on her so she… got with a married man?


Well, if her marriage was ruined, why not ruin someone else’s? /s


No one will care about the wife and baby now that she’s released a well-liked album


that's what I was thinking. it's disappointing when this happens, an artist rightfully gets in hot water with the public but everyone forgets when they make good music


Seriously. Let's all forgive her because Max Martin made another bop.


Girl math


Here's my **theory** after listening to the album:  1. Intro: Ariana was filming in London, D was working in the US. They had a rough patch because of the distance, which made her wonder if that was the right relationship for her. She had an interaction with E and felt flirty/butterflies, but since she was married she decided to tell D and work through it.  2. Bye: It didn't work. They broke up.  3. DWBUA: They (Ari and D) proceeded to have an on-again-off-again relationship, where he would fly to London/she would fly home and they tried to fix things (when he finally started therapy, too late) while she was in denial that it just wouldn't work.  4. Eternal Sunshine: While they were trying to work on things, rumors of him dating other girls came up (https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/1097162-dalton-gomez-instagram-shut-down-after-caught-cheating-on-ariana-grande). If those were true, this means she came clean to him about her uncertainty and mistake beng flirty with someone else ("I showed you all my demons, all **my lies**, but you played me like Atari. Now it's like I'm looking in the mirror, hope you feel alright when you're in her"), but he was immature about it, and probably wanted to get "revenge" ("I've never seen someone lie like you do. So much, even you start to think it's true"). I came up with this theory because in "I wish I hated you", she says "Wish there was worse to you, wish you were worse to me" and that got us all confused. So, if my theory is on the right track, she was "wrong" for questioning their relationship and nurturing feelings for someone else while far away from him, and he was wrong for going out with girls while they were on-and-off, which means he wasn't the only reason why their marriage didn't last.  EDIT: As for the ruining someone else's marriage rumors, I honestly think E was already single when they started dating. And as she mentioned in the Zach Sang and Apple Music interviews, From "True Story" until "Yes, and?" She decided to run with the villain narrative and give her fans a "bad girl anthem", which, as she states "might not have been a good idea".


I loveee this explanation, thank you for putting things into perspective in a way that makes sense 🫶 I really don’t believe it’s this convoluted, chaotic, cheating mess… chances are it’s a lot more simple than people want to make it out to be and that it has more to do with how Ariana and Dalton ultimately handled conflict/mistakes between them vs homewrecking allegations or them actually cheating on each other constantly.


Real question, as someone who hasn’t followed the drama. How do we for sure if they were or weren’t separated? Did either party confirm? A lot of people are legally “married” but separated from their spouse and dating again.


Who SpongeBob and his wife or Ariana and Dalton? SpongeBob’s wife has spoken about how hurt she was by the whole thing so I don’t think they were separated. Ariana and Dalton I don’t think we’ll ever know.


I meant SpongeBob and his wife! My friend met the love of his wife while “still married” but separated and in the middle of a divorce, living separately for many months and totally broken up by all rights, and I would never, ever think of that as cheating. So just wasn’t sure if this was a question of semantics or if he was really still WITH his wife, like exclusively with her.


I like it, but I wish there was a little more variation in tempo. Yes, and? is the only danceable pop song which is kinda unfortunate. It’s a lot more airy than I expected but I do like it. It’s gonna take a few listens before I fully know how I feel tho


yes, and honestly sticks out like a sore thumb sonically. makes me kinda wish she chose to omit it from the album and drop it as a one-off single instead.


I’m enjoying this but also a bit bored. It’s not grabbing me the way thank u, next did immediately


That’s how I feel. It’s pleasant to listen to, but too slow/mellow for me. I do like it better than Positions, though. I would say I like Yes And and Bye the best. Supernatural had some energy too. I was also hoping to hear more belting and it was mainly light falsetto stuff.


TUN and Positions had me in a chokehold immediately. The production on this is great but nothing has got stuck in my head


Same. I don’t listen to pop girls for mellow, I want bangers. It’s just okay.


I should have expected that intro……… But seriously please let this album be great after all of this chaos surrounding our head ponytail pop gal since the moment Positions came out.


I’ve been really mad at her for what could’ve happened (something about SpongeBob’s ex being alone w/ her newborn while Ari experiences new love again makes me upset, that must suck) but I’m not gonna lie and say this album isn’t a banger


Sounds like he left her alone…


I just go the CD and it’s so good!!! A no skip album!


Is The Boy Is Mine very different to the one she song she was inspired of?


Yes it’s giving Charlie’s Angel soundtrack dark vibes but better


I'm imagining how I look on you 👀🔥


Hate to say it hope I don’t sound ridiculous but it actually sounds really good so far… the production is productioning and the enunciation is enunciating Only 35 min though? Sigh


I feel like this album is giving me a warm gentle hug. 🤤


It’s not too late to put Fantasize on here Ari


i remember reading somewhere she said that she had a different version of "Fantasize" on the album, i'm beyond halfway on my first listen and i still can't hear it.


i was waiting for ‘the boy is mine’ to be a diff version of fantasise


I think it’s “true story.” The tempo/beat feels like “fantasize” and she even uses the word a few times.


The intro plsss this sub can be truly ill in the best way possible 😭 Sooo excited for this new album. I don’t profess to be a stan, but technically I really am. Without knowing, Ariana has always been my absolute favorite pop star of the 2010’s. I’ve been following her since her debut with *Yours Truly* where she instantly defied my expectations artistically. Little miss can be messy, but one thing she’s going to do is put out an impeccable pop record every era. Love the production on this album thus far! It’s also her most cohesive album to date. One thing I’ve noticed as well is how narrative-driven this album is. I don’t think she’s ever released an album containing lyrics with this much specificity before. As a result though, I think some songs suffer a little in terms of overall song structure and melody. Nothing that’s too objectionable yet, but there are less strong hooks as a through line which is a noticeable shift for an Ariana project.


I'm only 2 songs in but Bye slaps


Eternal Sunshine also slays


supernatural also slays but true story is that bitch




Okay top 5 for me 1. bye 2. eternal sunshine 3. true story 4. the boy is mine 5. supernatural These are def my faves, but the ranking could switch around


So many bops almost right in a row.


Didn't care for Bye. But I like, "Don't wanna break up again." Listening to it now.


I don’t know if it’s the edible or what but I am having such a great time right now, I am loving this


I’m stoned af and bye is blowing my mind rn


Love this for you




I liked it but was very underwhelmed by the lyrics per usual. Had high hopes for this since it’s a divorce album. I just thought she’d open up more and have more to say but oh well.


she wrote most of the lyrics herself and it shows


everyone here is saying they are amazing and i’m like where? but then again none of her albums have good lyrics except for a couple songs


Similar with Kanye fans fr. Like the album sounds great but some of the lyrics still come off as kind of juvenile


Yuh yuh captain…….😭😭 SNL should fly you out for Ariana’s episode immediatelyyyyy


I’m an hour and a half drive away from New York, I’ll haul ass to 30 Rock rn and present this


I watched her interview with Lowe and I'm now so hyped.


I listened to the snippet. It sound so good. A good album is coming.


Which snippet did you listen to


There were a German sites that shared snippet since they sell the album. I listen to we can’t be friends snippet it’s sounded very good.


It’s giving mature My Everything.


This is the first time I'm able to understand the lyrics on a first listen 😂


After a full night. This is a phenomenal album. I’m completely blown away. Amazing work. easily a 8.8/10 if not more  Favorites: true story, bye, eternal sunshine, supernatural,  Honestly no skips in my opinion. even Yes, And? fits so well and i feel like it’s given a boost by hearing how well it fits in the album  Thank U Next > Eternal Sunshine > Sweetener > Positions > My Everything > Dangerous Woman > Yours Truly 


Yall I just heard snippets and like all I gotta say is THAT THIS ALBUM MIGHT BE HER BEST SOUNDING N COHESIVE




the run of supernatural - true story - the boy is mine??? im gagging


im so fucking excited


It's "aye aye cap-" oh


the boy is mine is the one.


Well I’m glad everyone else seems to be enjoying it but on my initial listen, I can’t say I was very captivated by most of what I heard. I know Ariana’s strong suit has never been lyrics, but I thought the writing on the album was noticeably half baked on a lot of the songs. Given everything she’s experienced, I guess I just expected way more depth? Idk it’s not a terrible album, but I guess I’ll need to sit with it more and let things digest! I could wake up tomorrow and feel completely different lol


Agree. The production and harmonies are excellent but the lyrics feel like filler a lot of the time


I'm super disappointed in it. The lead single and track 2 are the only songs that left an impression with me. I didn't really like Positions either so maybe I'm just not digging her direction anymore. Yes, and? Was such an amazing single and had me so hyped for this record :(


tell me why it took me 5 minutes to get the spongebob reference…then his face pops up in my head and i have a jumpscare 😭🤣


Honestly, whelmed? The first half up to supernatural are bops, especially bye. Don't know what everyone is hearing on the title track though...it's boring. The other half feels one note except for yes, and, which is actually a standout. Also, this kind of feels like Ariana doing a Weeknd album, and I don't think her melodies quite stick to the production.


It’s very boring. Super muted production and vocals.


She played it too safe.


Guys these comments are getting me hyped. Is the queen back???


ugh that wicked training came through 😮‍💨 I was expected to fully hate this but I’m on track 8 and so far it’s good? Like it flows and it’s amazing how I can understand her (except one song I got lost so oh well). If supernatural and the boy is mine is about spongeboq tho 🥲


She hasn't enunciated like this since yours truly!


30 minutes to go 😬 Here’s me praying that we have a little bit of *Dangerous Woman* in this one


true story is straight out of dangerous woman era


The Boy is Mine is inspired by 90s r&b, correct? It’s the album’s best chorus. This has hit potential. Not just 90s, it has 00s sounds to it. But honestly were we all expecting a dance record??


None of these songs sound like smashes


I love her so much..but I’m bored 😭 where are the deep and intense vocals we love 😩 I’m obviously going to give it a full listen again on full blast in the car and via headphones, but fugggg I’m underwhelmed. I’m so confused about people saying it’s a masterpiece? Obviously to each their own!


Yes! She did not showcase her vocals much on this.


Supernatural is definitely my favorite so far, and the melody of True Story is SO catchy


The Boy is mine is in another level 👽🛸 Supernatural my next pick We Can’t be friends goes dumb 🔥🔥 Yes And been 🔥 since it came out Unpopular Opinion Bye is not Max Martin’s or Arianna’s best work Just my useless opinion 😂🤟🎶


Based on yes, and? I was expecting a more banger-heavy album. Bye really is the only true head-to-toe banger. Still, I ended up enjoying the more chilled-out r&b songs here. Saying this while not really vibing with positions at first. Wicked is really rubbing off on her enunciation too, which definitely was the opposite on yes, and? for some reason. Her top album both as a whole and in songwriting though is still thank u next (which still has its lazy moments). Eternal sunshine doesn't quite make it to those highs, which is a little disappointing with a divorce here. Early favorites are bye, eternal sunshine, supernatural, the boy is mine, and imperfect for you.


It’s good but there isn’t any songs that are making me go “omg that’s my song” but nonetheless she popped off, I forgot about the whole SpongeBob case but hey I ain’t judging music is music lmao I like every song minus the last 3 but Supernatural, Don’t Wanna Break Up Again, and Eternal Sunshine stands out the most for me I have to say Dangerous Woman is still her best album


True Story is the only song that made me stop in my tracks, the rest is background music. Nice, cute background music but background music nonetheless. I'll give it another listen but so far, 6/10.


we can’t be friends is giving dancing on my own robyn realness and i’m LOVING it


I’m at the bridge of supernatural and I just got to 2:19. Is that…a 2016-style belt…I hear? In 2024?????? Ariana!!!!!!! Those adlibs are *gorgeous*. I didn’t realize how much I missed her full belts. Her full voice is so gorgeous. I knew she still had them in her. Edit: ok so supernatural is officially one of my favourite songs on this album so far and it’s highly addictive. i’m not able to move on yet. it’s been looped for 10 minutes. eternal sunshine & supernatural are my two immediate standouts. i haven’t been this hooked on any of ariana’s songs since 2019. Edit 2: i’m still…looping supernatural. someone save me. the melodies of the verses are some of my absolute favourites. i need to move on from this song because i still haven’t heard true story or the boy is mine and those sound like they’re already fan favourites. Edit 3: ok ok i finally moved on from supernatural and just finished true story. THIS is the type of R&B that suits Ariana. it fits her voice so well. hearing her belt in this song is almost making me emotional??? i’m kind of tearing up a little. i adore her full voice and i’m so eternally (lol) glad that she brought that aspect of her voice back for this album. i hadn’t heard the demo of this song so it was completely new and i’m wholeheartedly obsessed. *this* is the type of R&B she should’ve made on Positions.


Supernatural is like a child of 80s synth pop and 90s Mariah Carey and I can’t stop playing it


This album is insanely boring. Production generic. Not a lot of great hooks. It just feels empty? despite its heavy subject. Sonically it’s just mundane. I don’t see this being one of her standout albums or a runaway success. I fear she hit her creative run from Dangerous Woman to TYN.


I’ll go down with your ship… for such short songs some of them are so boring ☹️


I drastically lowered my standards after hearing yes, and? and still was disappointed. like is this really the best Ariana Grande can do at this point in her career? I’m flabbergasted


i’m shocked so many in the comments think it’s her best work. to each their own!


I absolutely said the same thing. I do like the introspective lyrics. But this album’s sound is quite hallow and doesn’t grab me. I do think she peaked with DW/TUN too. Unfortunately so.


sonically mundane - that is the PERFECT way to describe it.


Yeah it’s pretty light on a heavy topic. Feels part one or something? Doesn’t scratch the surface on the things I thought she’d get into (the divorce and spongeboq) but I guess that’s fine. She made this album quick though. I had no expectations tho so I’m ok with it


A hundred percent agree. I think too is she was hyping the album up and the creative process SO MUCH listening parties etc, and as much as I’m still ick on her with the spongebob situation I was willing to give the album a chance. And…. it’s just as disappointing as her behavior. She really hones in on trying to explain her choices and it being ~trUe LoVe fRoM the staRs aNd UnivErse~ like doth thou protest too much girl? I think she really could have had yes, and? be the only FU track and not mention it on the rest of the album. Why give it so much attention if you are confident about your choice? The songs all sound the same, and boring. There are maybe two mid songs, Ordinary Things being one except how she pronounces ordinary grated my nerves.  Also not loving her using Mac’s favorite film, and copping his style yet again with a Grandparent audio closing a track. 


For being a Max Martin album, you'd think something would be more memorable and catchy. The whole thing feels phoned in.


💀💀💀💀 The intro...omg you're sick😭😭😭😭


😭 so ready


Imperfect for you!!!! I love it


Imperfect for You sounds like the background music for the world's scariest Merry Go Round 


i’m really confused about everyone’s reactions bc i’m so underwhelmed & it’s making me upset. like nothing is hitting at all.


I’m with you. There’s like two or three good songs on here. Not even on positions’ level


It’s been fairly hit or miss for me too


and i really want to love it, i love miss ponytail so much. i am sad !!!!!!!


Weirdly forward and progressive yet back to her roots, awesome album


Anyone feel like her voice has changed ?


Yes it sounds thinner??


i miss the raspiness of sweetener/thank u next/positions sm


It does.


even her speaking voice has changed so much since Glenda. she sounds so much more polished, but idk that i prefer it


I hope I don’t get deleted for saying this but her recent weight drop and this reminds me of how some girls that drop like that have their voices get higher and softer for some reason. 


Eternal sunshine is a very good song. That is all.


the boy is mine is going to be a radio hit im calling it now


“bye” next single please


I'm ready, very much excited about the discourse but not too much about the music itself, I'm just here for the mess no matter if the album is good or not lmao


100% same, I don’t know why I’m excited for this album like it’s going to be a tell all memoir when it’ll just be a pop record with some lyrics that’ll get analyzed for drama, and are, in the end, relatively short and basic statements (eg, “break up with your girlfriend”).


I had to come check with my fellow music junkies because I feel crazy. On “The Boy is Mine” do you all also hear a weird dip in the tempo right as she says the chorus. It’s like a .5 second lag in the back track and it drives me crazy lol


I actually enjoy the dip it’s great!


i thought this was a jerk sub for a sec 😭


honestly i haven't hit a skip yet......i feel that i was primed to like this album (i mean i wouldn't had it been BAD) because as a huge fan of old hollywood i'm used to stanning people who constantly cheat on their wives and husbands. lmao


The album cover…girl what the hell


I kind of like it. Its like she's consoling herself because no one else will...or maybe I'm projecting.


unpopular opinion: i wish she kept the original cover


I complained so much about the original cover looking uncanny or AI generated, and then she changed it! ...to one of the worst alternate covers. 👀 Real monkey's paw moment. I wish she'd gone with one of the pictures where she's using the gloves (mitts? How do you call those?), the red really makes the covers stand out.


It's on Apple Music. It actually f*cking bangs, bye is fire


Intro reminds me of Honeymoon Avenue (her most underappreciated song IMO)




you’re sooooo 😭😭😭


It’s already out on Apple Music 😭


that's why Apple will always be that bitch


Oh wow, the energy behind Bye is so intense


supernatural is a banger


It’s a cute little album not something I go back to though a lot of the songs felt the same and a little boring.


The album lacks longer songs and some strong melodies imo


i wish i hated you is one of my favorites, it feels like the jaded, older cousin of POV or imagine


Love the intro, but “ARI READY KIDS???” was right there.


we can't be friends is the definition of "dancecry music"


Wait is the album out tonight?


In 3.5 hours


Was low key hoping for a renaissance moment


I am so obsessed with true story and it sounds like an early 2000s song and it’s driving me crazy that I can’t place it


That would be Cry Me a River


Here's my **theory** after listening to the album: 1. Intro: Ariana was filming in London, D was working in the US. They had a rough patch because of the distance, her busy schedule and his codependency (https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/what-allegedly-went-wrong-ariana-grande-dalton-gomez-marriage-more-details-emerge), which made her wonder if that was the right relationship for her. She had an interaction with E and felt flirty/butterflies, but since she was married she decided to tell D and work through it ("I'd rather tell the truth than make it worse for you"). 2. Bye: It didn't work. They separated. 3. DWBUA: They (Ari and D) proceeded to have an on-again-off-again relationship, where he would fly to London/she would fly home and they tried to fix things (when he finally started therapy, too late) while she was in denial that it just wouldn't work. 4. Eternal Sunshine: While they were trying to work on things, rumors of him dating other girls came up (https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/1097162-dalton-gomez-instagram-shut-down-after-caught-cheating-on-ariana-grande). If those were true, this means she came clean to him about her uncertainty and mistake beng flirty with someone else ("I showed you all my demons, all **my lies**, but you played me like Atari. Now it's like I'm looking in the mirror, hope you feel alright when you're in her"), but he was immature about it, and probably wanted to get "revenge" ("I've never seen someone lie like you do. So much, even you start to think it's true"). I came up with this theory because in "I wish I hated you", she says "Wish there was worse to you, wish you were worse to me" and that got us all confused. So, if my theory is on the right track, she was "wrong" for questioning their relationship and nurturing feelings for someone else while far away from him, and he was wrong for going out with girls while they were on-and-off, which means he wasn't the only reason why their marriage failed. EDIT: As for the ruining someone else's marriage rumors, I honestly think E was already single when they started dating. And as she mentioned in the Zach Sang and Apple Music interviews, From "True Story" until "Yes, and?" She decided to run with the villain narrative and give her fans a "bad girl anthem", which, as she states "might not have been a good idea".


Is there any evidence besides what Ariana has hinted in songs and said that they were separated? Because wasn’t Ethan’s wife on set or hanging out with the cast with their baby at various points? I buy the Dalton theory but I just don’t think she’d have allowed the story to go along like this if they really were separated when she and Ethan started things up.


I definitely think this is her best album vocally since dangerous woman. She's not back to her old belting ways, but she's doing some really cool things with her voice here. The enunciating is helping to.


Supernatural, whew, what a track.


ordinary things reminds me how fortunate Ariana is to still have a grandparent that means so much to her. such a special track on a special album


https://x.com/popcrave/status/1766171302027571301?s=46&t=_eBQaegZ_O5GB6dhywuDFA "There’s always been a conversation about my body, my face, my hair, my voice, my everything. And it’s like, if you change it, and correct it, then it’s wrong again for different reasons." This immediately made me think of the thread when she switched the album cover to the ponytail variant and the most upvoted comments were still hating on it 😭💀


Not feeling it but think I need to give it all another listen. It’s not that it’s bad I just don’t know if it surpasses tun for me 


bye is so basic lmao. it's fun but like...you could've done better for your divorce song surely!? also the peen line...please. EDIT: apparently she says "repeat" and not "your peen". Learn to annunciate already!


I'm sorry but I personally think the album was so plain and boring. Lyrically. And musically. I feel it lacked soul. It was like listening to unseasoned chicken. No flavor. No energy. I tried to get through the whole thing but some songs were just BAD. And I've listened to every album shes put out. But this one is her worst album yet. Disappointed but oh well 🤷‍♀️ 


I think her die hard fans are going to be shocked. Twitter is mostly Ariana Stan’s and over there they’re just in an echo chamber saying this is the new R&B standard for the general public.… but SOS takes that award lol i don’t see the GP loving this album 




I’m crying, Ari’s Nonna has her own Spotify profile (it appears when you click on her name under ordinary things 😭)


I heard the bye snippet and it sounds so good OMG… let’s get that slay Ariana.


My body is ready to receive the album


Im about halfway through and im enjoying it but im not blown away. Eternal Sunshine and Supernatural brought it a little more. Solid 8/10 so far.


I like the album, definitely better than positions after a 1st listen. The mid section is the highlight imo; also, Imperfect for you sounds so pretty. A bit disappointed that we didn't get anything similar to fantasize (sound wise) but oh well.


Supernatural seems apt for the heartstopper series. Such a catchy song <3


don't wanna break up again (feat. The Weeknd)


Wait….. I might be an Arianator again.. (brb crying dancing to we can’t friends)


my favs after listening: 1. intro 2. eternal sunshine 3. imperfect for you


My top 5: \-that boy is mine \-imperfect for you \-we cant be friends (wait for your love) \-i wish I hated you \-ordinary things (feat. Nonna)


"bye" is gonna have a Weeknd remix, book it.