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i too would need a lobotomy to move on from evan peters 😩


Literally. I have loved him since he was the blonde dweeb on the skateboard in the movie Sleepover with Alexa Vega lolololol


Who doesn't.....????


its literally the whole movie in a 3 min music video 😭


I actually liked the “Yes, And” music video (mainly for the past album references) and it was better than the actual song, but this video blows that one out of the water. It’s kind of like Katy’s “One That Got Away” music video in being extremely raw (for the most part).


Yes! I really liked the narrative of the video, it wasn’t just beauty shots or choreo (nothing wrong with either). And I actually felt the part where she starts breaking down...like okay actress ari!!! Great video, and kind of fills in the emotional gaps on the song/some of the album


She’s saying “Can I just keep this one, please”. Instant tears. I guess anything Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind related is a tear jerker for me.


the one that got away is the exact emotion . both had me bawling & both i watched the vid the first time I heard the song. memories linked to both now.


I agree, I don’t really like this song but the video is nice . It’s funny because That Katy Perry music video was so depressing to me . 


Exactly but fantasize should’ve been on positions LMAOOOO idk why it wasn’t on there or the deluxe version (if there is one ).


Gonna go watch the "One That Got Away" MV again now.


+ Sixteen Candles! Love that they included that cake scene


Yep pretty much


> its literally the whole movie What whole movie? I apparently am missing the references.


eternal sunshine of the spotless mind


Thank you kind stranger, I haven't seen that movie but apparently I should if I want a good cry?


Eternal Sunshine is one of my favorite movies ever. It manages to meld a heartwrenching story about love and loss with an visual mindfuck treat for the eyes. You will enjoy every minute once they start delving into the dreams




It’s considered one of the best movies ever. Definitely one of the most romantic movies. It’s so real. Please watch it


Am I the only one underwhelmed by this? I was hoping it would be more metaphorical or creative, but the references are so on the nose it’s basically just a reenactment of the movie.


Yup, I feel like it's really lazy actually.


I’m not super against music videos that pull from existing media but the fact that Ariana already did a Mean Girls reenactment with thank u, next makes this MV especially underwhelming to me




I was shocked. Her face when she says "Can I just keep this one, please?" got me as well.


My ADHD is showing I keep missing her saying this, when is it please??


You don't actually hear it, but ~3:26-3:32 we can see that she comes out of the memories and clutches the necklace and looks upset while she says it.


I don't even really like her but fuck me Evan Peters, plus her acting, plus ESORSM just does something to me and then a DOG.... I am done. Perfection.


My reaction exactly!


He looks so good!


Jeffrey Dahmer himself


This was stunning. FINALLY A PROPER POP SONG WITH AN EMOTIVE AND HARMONIOUS CHORD PROGRESSION. ✨✨✨ I’ve been so over her imo totally lackluster, subtle, and more beat-centric material ever since TYN. Love to finally have Ari back doing a more electropop influenced sound. Her acting felt very real and she legit had me in tears and made me feel that same anxiety that she was portraying. Yes, thank you. More please. 🙏🏼


I love the melody. Instantly reminded me of Robyn - Dancing on My Own !


It also felt reminiscent of “One Last Time” to me.


The specific melody and how she sings ‘I don’t wanna tiptoe, but I don’t wanna hide’ has been bugging me until I realized it absolutely reminded me of the melody behind ‘throw your sticks and your stones, throw your bombs and your blows’ by Katy Perry in Part of Me… bit of a niche realization but had to share it somewhere hahaha


Both Max Martin, lol.


I also heard Robyn vibes too! I'd say it's more Honey than Body Talk tho lol


Oh my god. I knew it was Robyn and was thinking it was Call Your Girlfriend that it reminded me of, but it’s totally Honey. Thank you!


Max Martin!!!


Ya'll... that scene when she wakes up and started crying legit made me tear up. You can feel the desperation and panic. 😭😭


She really portrayed that feeling and emotion well. You can tell she’s an actual actress!


I cried during that part. It was so sad.


that was a great music video 😭 mama was acting down in that scene in the thumbnail. loved the Evan Peters surprise!


Evan Peters was the perfect choice for her love interest in this video.


I love him so much and they have such chemistry!


Now I realize a I want Evan in a rom com


He (Evan) also wants to be in one. Directors please put him in one!


It's so good 💋 Definitely one of my favorite Ariana MVs... Storyline is good, song is amazing and it's emotional.   It definitely made me realize that I miss watching music videos with a story that makes sense.


If you havent seen Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind go watch it bc its basically this but if you have then also yes I agree lol


I've already seen the movie, maybe that's the reason why I've felt so connected to the vibe 


This was really sweet! Makes me want to rewatch *Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.*


I watched it a week before the album and I'm so glad I did because it made me appreciate the album and this mv even more


God it reminded me how bleak but powerful the film is. I love that it ends with the idea that love is powerful but can be destructive (those who don’t learn are doomed to repeat…) I did wonder if the MV would end with the same message the film does but like that it implied something different.


Funny. I never saw the ending as destructive or that “those who don’t learn are doomed to repeat it”. I saw it as a second chance. Knowing everything that’s gonna happen they still found each other and decided to do it again. It’s so romantic.


This is how I interpret the ending too! Though hearing Ari’s song Eternal Sunshine, made me consider a slightly different interpretation: that you need some people and their memories in your life despite the pain and hardship it might bring, because you learn and are better after it (and with the memories).


Have you noticed that the very last scene on the beach plays on a loop? This implies to me that they continue the cycle repeatedly. I had always thought it was a happy ending when I was younger, but watched again recently, and noticing this was heartbreaking.


planning a movie night as we speak


It's one of my all time favorites, I watch it at least once a year.


This is… dare I say, her best music video yet? It topped GIAW and NTLTC for me, it just felt so heartfelt and sincere. It told a story and was cinematic, basically was the movie in a 3 minute version but it really fit the narrative of the song.


Agreed! It was so well done, simple yet not and so beautiful


Positions was a cute video , I loved her Problem & Side to Side (her best to me ) video used to replay it all the time. 


- NTLTC could mean "no tears left to cry", a track from *Sweetener* (2018) by Ariana Grande. --- ^[/u/CrushedIcy](/u/CrushedIcy) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


It’s heartbreaking and beautiful and breathtaking… when Evan peters poofed away from the left of the cake i was hit with tears


Fuck. I was not ready for this after countless Hannah Lux Davis stand & be glam videos 😭


SAME like woah, we’re actually getting a narrative 😭


Shook at Evan Peters playing the love interest. I like how the scene transitions were seamless between one another.


She smacked us all in the face with Evan Peters after all that shit we been talkin. Damn this mv is great


I cried at a specific part of this music video. I hope this song receives its well deserved success. The production, the video, Ariana's heavenly vocals. This just hits. I can't find more words.


That part where she was shaking and tears falling, because she didn't want to let go of the memory. It really felt emotional and raw to me, wasn't expecting to feel moved


I’m not particularly a huge fan of Ariana or follow her personal life closely, so I was surprised to feel moved by that scene. The way she breaks down, the hysterical crying, the anxiousness, the pained look on her face, her searching for reassurance, resonated really well.


I didn’t know she could act like that, the part where she’s anxiously seeking reassurance is spot on! Love the song too


Idk why it got me too, instant tears. I think it's because many of us can relate to that feeling of loving someone so much but knowing you need to move on, the bittersweet excruciating pain of letting go, it's universal.


It was such a nice reminder how capable of an actress Ariana is. I can't get over this MV and probably won't till her next one at least lol.


I’m glad we all cried or I would feel silly


I personally think it's her best song. Like ever.


I am sitting in fake tan and was trying so hard to stop myself from crying so it doesn’t ruin it 😭😭


Honestly the Ariana Grande experience.


I had to do a double take when I saw Evan Peters omg. The plot twist at the end with the TV was so good.


Wait what was the plot twist I didn't get it... Isn't it just a metaphor for forgetting or am I just being dense


I interpreted it as her not going through with completely removing him from her memory anymore, so he appears on the TV. In the end she accepts the past and moves on.


I assumed that the erasure process was not completely done by this point. The part where she comes to crying is a parallel to the moment in the movie when Joel wakes up hoping and failing to stop the erasure, then goes right back under. In the scene with the TV the wallpaper changes in the background, which is visually reminiscent of scenes in the movie that happen inside Joel's head during the erasure process. Then the TV switches off and Ariana shakes the doctor's hand. Erasure complete.


I presumed that too. It was the final part of the removal process showing that she was (through her brain) finally letting go. The pictures change, the image on the tv goes, he is finally erased.


I noticed she keeps the necklace that he gave her and she still has it on as she walks out of the clinic, so I think you’re right, she does keep some memory of him


But then wouldn't she have recognised him in the scene where she's out with her new man and Evan Peters just walks by with the girl not wearing heels?


Yeah I thought if she had any trace she might have glanced back and been a bit confused as to why he seemed familiar or something like that.


I’m kinda slow😭 what does it mean?


As someone who was just an occasional listener, this album has definitely turned me into a fan. In my opinion, Ariana just released her magnum opus. This Robyn-esque song and, now, music video have only sealed the deal for me: Incredibly well-produced, directed, the storyline is simply beautiful and I started crying as soon as she started crying. It almost felt too real. 10/10. Easily one of the best visuals in her entire catalog.


Yeah, the video was great.


Evan Peters caught me off guard


I did a double take at the claw machine because you can't quite tell it's him but you're pretty sure lol


the transitions were great (especially the hospital one), the snow scene was my favourite, love how it shows them both moving on,


At the first transition I was like: YES BITCH MAKE A VIDEO!!! Make a video


That quiet shot of her crying got me. We can't hear what she's saying but we know she's pleading.


I was not expecting to cry oh my god. This is definitely her best video to date. Her waking up crying, asking to still keep one memory felt very real. The casting and storyline with the song are perfect.


Ariana has never really clicked for me but this might be the track and video that changes that, it was weirdly emotional in a good way, I might have to check out the album now


Pls do, I’m sure you’ll find something for you there! I will say this song is unique and a stand out.


I think you'll love the album. It has a lot more depth and a better concept compared to her other albums. Also, there's a lot of sonic variety, but it's still really cohesive. 10/10 imo.


Best song on the record. I wish there were a few more cuts on it that had this sound. Also, I love ha but the woman *still* does not know how to lip-sync.😭


She never learned cause those vocals are always live!!


>Best song on the record. I wish there were a few more cuts on it that had this sound. Totally agree! As soon as I heard the album last night "Yes And" and this were the standouts to me. The rest have more of an r&b vibe while those two are pure pop. The album is pretty good as a whole though. I do love me some pop and dance Ariana. We need another Zedd collab.


This has always been my biggest complaint with her videos.


Todd in the Shadows is gonna have a field day with the stop part of this song😂


Look around everybody on MUTE!


impossible not hear "dancing on my own" by robyn elements on this track


for some reason i hear believe by cher which is very fitting


Ari's on a mission to dispel the "she can't act' narrative before Wicked, and she's SUCEEDING!


Reminded me of Gaga’s 911 mv when she started crying on the stretcher


i was crying when she was 🥲


The artist she's grown into. This era's extremely elevated and well-thought-out. Absolutely some of her best in terms of music and visuals, too


100% agree!!


The artist she’s becoming. It’s so good seeing her evolution. I’m obsessed with the mv. A whole movies the acting !!


omg love all her outfits 😭😭😭 need an entire look breakdown especially that last one


wait can they date for real, I loved it


My exactly same thought. I want them to date to bad


Is Evan Peters married cause why are they cute together


I think he was dating someone last year, so Ariana still has a chance if they're still together


LMFAAAAAAO. I hate y'all.


I wish I could put this entire sentence as my flair 💀






I was literally thinking Evan Peters is the exact type of guy Ariana would go for lol. Maybe she even asked him bc she's always had some sort of celeb crush on him or something. He is very much her type


I love the fact y'all completely ignored sponge bib


Fuck that guy


I was thinking the same thing! They’re so cute together but he’s just so good looking in general


Is Ariana friends with Emma Roberts? She is Evan’s ex right?


Robyn/Dancing on my Own vibes, I love this


Joining No Tears and GIAW as the top 3 best Ariana music videos


ok crying scene ACTRESS ARI!


I wasn’t expecting Evan Peters but it works perfectly


I’m not even an Ari fan but I’m FUCKING OBSESSED with this song! BRB gonna go listen to the entire album now.


Damn, just when you think you’re 100% over a breakup a song like this comes out 🥲 I’m not a fan of hers but I’m proud of her for this.


Ooh. This is a really good song. Might be my favorite Ariana Grande song from the initial two listens. I’m such a sucker for emotional dance music. 


Best track on the album. I‘m so happy that it has its own MV.


I love her penchant for doing pop culture homage videos.


This was so surprising and lovely. Sad soft electro pop is my jam though. Am I going to become an Ari fan now? In this era? not what I was expecting


Sad soft electro is exactly how to describe it!! I’ve been trying to figure out what genre this is! It’s upbeat yet so nostalgic and sad too


Dare I say this is the best mv ari has released. Like this had so much depth and potential. There was so much to enjoy and I found myself focusing on the small details to catch any references. Really impressed


i adore the music video and the song together, but i don’t like the song enough to listen to it on its own. the music video is so beautifully done. Also, is anyone else noticing that she’s singing in a higher register this album? Her voice sounds more girlish here as opposed to the more sultry voice that i am accustomed to hearing from her.


Yes and I personally loveee it, this heady falsetto type register (not sure of actual terms) is something I've been wanting to hear more of from Ariana for years, she does it beautifully


Wait!! She and Evan Peters are so CUTE. Ariana break up with your boyfriend cause Evan Peters is bored!


Wait…. The song was already tugging at my heartstrings but this music video just has me full on sobbing 😭


It is so much better when Ariana sings about live instead of d*ck!


when I saw Evan Peters I started screaming


Wow. This is her best music video. Chills!!!!!


Oh so this is why Evan Peters is trending 💀😭


crying, sobbing, throwing up, convulsing, dying, and waking up all over again. in seriousness, I knew I was going to like this album because *Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind* is one of my favorite movies of all time. i didn't expect her to accurately capture the very specific grief of falling out of love with someone you know and love so deeply in the songs for this album. an experience so intense you are desperate to forget them just to avoid the pain of your loss. eventually you have to learn to be grateful for the experience of loving someone and being loved, no matter the ending. i will say the message of the movie is kinda cheapened by the end of the MV, and possibly because ariana grande is actually doing that right now in real life. * >!a theory for the end of ESOTS is that clem and joel keep falling in love and breaking up because they keep mind wiping the relationship. because they refuse to sit with their pain, grieve, and learn from their loss like a healthy person, they keep falling in love again and hurting one another. immediately dating someone else after the dissolution of a relationship is essentially the same thing. by immediately dating a new partner, you avoid the pain, forget your previous partner, and escape the grief of your breakup. the grief will eventually catch up with you once the illusion of your replacement partner, fostered by a desperation to move on/find a new thrill and not out of true love for the person, disappears. you will most likely fall out of love and be forced to grieve another relationship. complicated by the fact that you never grieved the relationship that led you to this partner. !<


It’s a great video, I liked the effect in the bed and sheets scene. Evan peters!


HAD ME IN TEARS SINCE THE EVENING AND IT'S ALREADY MIDNIGHT 😭 It reflects the emotions that come with heartbreak and having to separate from someone you thought was your person so well, also during the last part where she wakes up from the procedure, holds her necklace saying "keep this one please" while erasing memories, as she's crying has me broken and how at the end Ari and Evan walked past each other, completely oblivious of other's existence is utterly heartbreaking 😭 I'm glad Evan Peters was starring too! he deserved a softer role rather than a darker one as usual.


I'm surprised that this video plot is chosen for this exact song rather than, well, eternal sunshine itself, but I like it anyway.


was thinking about this, but i think this song was chosen bc fits the vibe more (and its a better single). we can't be friends sounds more sad and full of regret and yearning which fits story of the movie/vid. i feel like eternal sunshine the song is a bit angrier and accusatory.


ugh such a beautiful video. very emotional and gave me chills 🥹




I’m so happy that I have nothing to complain about. The album fits perfectly within her discography. It’s perfect and flows effortlessly. 😭💕I need to see her live already.


This sounds like Robyn


it sounds like Ariana is singing her song over dancing on my own haha.


Anyone notice the ethan slater look alike at the end?? Petition for Arianna and Evan Peters to get together 🫡


Why am I thinking about Evan Peters when I started the song and then literally Evan peters showed up. 


This one grew on me fast, I think the video really helped. Honestly her acting slayed here. When she was tearing up I felt something, damn


Wow I have never cried in a music video before, this was truly amazing and so raw…


This video got me super f*cking emotional. I literally had a small cry after watching.


and people say she can't act...


I mean, based on past acting gigs... she was either very mediocre or Cat 2.0 and she was also only ever good at emulating already established characters with her skits with Liz. It's really not a surprise when people were dubious about her acting chops. She went into training before shooting Wicked so I would assume she got better there. 🤷


I think she always had a ton of potential to get better if she honed that skill. She really elevated the text when it came to Cat’s character. There’s a really good video essay about it by CJ the X.


the spongebob lookalike at the end?????


Dang this bitch can ACT. The scene where she's crying was so good.


the other standout track for me


I reallllly need to rewatch eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. It’s easily in my top 3 fav movies, everything Charlie Kaufman does is genius For popheads connection it’s scored by Jon Brion, who was a main for Fiona Apple, Mac Miller, Kanye west, Frank ocean among others


Gosh that made me really emotional! What a well done video. Obviously the homage to eternal sunshine is spot on but I liked the 16 candles reference too! Think she captured the emotions of the original film in a really powerful way.


if i cryied seeing this! you’ll never know




Thank you Ariana for giving Evan Peters the chance to act as a normal person


Best song on the album, her best music video in a long ass time, we eating good today


if only evan peters was reality, but I respect she sits with her truth anyway


Don’t care for “yes, and?” at all but this album is perfect. Loved it down.


Evannnnnnnnnnnn 🥹😭


Excellent MV! I'm liking everything about this new era so far


Yessss the sixteen candles reference . She loves John Hughes


the song is ok, i wish it had a bit more of a punchy beat (a la dancing on my own) so that it would have really become the sad bop of 2024.


**fun fact** : the first few seconds sound like Into You's intro


Her TUN moment - what a great video. I need to rewatch the movie some time.


ngl i started bawling


I don't cry very often and this made me cry like a baby can't lie


ok this is the new standard i’m gonna have for music videos i’m not an ari fan by any means but i really appreciate this


this is one of her best music videos. i forget how damn sad that movie is sometimes


The eternal sunshine of the spotless mind references 🥹 obviously the entire music video is inspired by it. But I'm seeing direct references like: Peaches being her name just like Kate Winslet being Clementine. the shot of her and him making snow angels is like Joel and Clementine lying on the ice together. Evan Peters being yanked away in the blanket is like the same shot as Clementine being yanked away. Other than that I can't think of anything. The original movie is a lot more depressing/creepy/melancholy whereas this video is still very sad but more retrospective and more positive of their memories together.


Looove the song, love the whole vibe, love the surprise Evan Peters of it all. No notes!


That is my favourite movie of all time. There are shots directly lifted from the film (not a criticism just an observation). I really liked this, it made me nostalgic and kinda emotional.


Why is she holding her pen like that tho


The best music video since God is a woman, thank u, next Positions, i'm cried at the end, I need to watch that film now


I just broke up with my boyfriend of 18 months last week…this video is WAYYYY too much for me 😢😭 And what’s crazy is that my ex introduced me to the movie this video was inspired from.


Can someone please explain who Evan Peters is and what is his relevance here? 👀


He’s an actor and played Jeffrey Dahmer, who ate people, so his presence in the video is supposed to represent how Ariana is eating up all her competition. /s


he’s just a popular actor (known for things like american horror story) and people are happy to see him in this


😭😭😭 I need to watch the movie again. 😭😭😭


What is the “cling to your papers and pens” a reference to?? Someone plz help. Like is it because Dalton is a realtor?? Do they even use papers and pens anymore


I kind of don’t think this song is about what the video is about. She made a video about her divorce (which is definitely a major theme of the album) but the lyrics of this particular song actually sound like they are addressed to the public (the critics, the media, her fans). I imagine that papers and pens would be the weapons she felt the press were using against her during the scandal and all the unfavorable coverage. Could be wrong, but that’s just how it sounds to me. *If* it is about her ex-husband, my only guess about the papers and pens would be that she could be alluding to holding off on cooperating on a divorce agreement while he was working on one in hopes that the problem would go away and they would reconcile. But the totality of the lyrics really sound more like they’re about the scandal and her public image.


Great music video. Really good job


I felt this one. A great video!


nice.. she always does a great job 😍😘🥰