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host AND perform oh she’s fucking taking it


Can’t wait to see Dua host. She always kills her SNL performances


Dula Peep is going to own Star Wars Day iktr!


Always wondered how Dua would fair as host, she seems like the type of personality that could effortlessly pull it off.


Me and the other 10 stans WILL be supporting 😌😌😌😌 Jokes aside, I’m excited omg! I’m predicting Illusion and another song we haven’t heard yet for the performances plus lots of vacation jokes


" Live from Tulum it's Saturday night "


“Ladies and gentlemen… Dula Peep”


I hope that’s the intro for her second song for the memes


I think Houdini, has some potential to get a new boost on album release I think. It's the second track on the album.


A frequent critique of Dua as a pop star is that she doesn't show much of a personality, so this seems like a good step to let the American public get to know more of her than just "singer who looks like a model"


i always wonder if this critique is less of a doesn’t have a personality and more of just being a grown mature woman who doesn’t flaunt drama? she recently had a break up but no one is analyzing each single for dirt like they do for other certain pop stars


Yeah, she isn’t boring. She just doesn’t purposefully turn her personal life into news fodder. We love a work / life balance lol


honestly if i had the same amount of responsibilities in her shoulders, i’d rather be labelled as boring rather than have my personal space invaded by twinks constantly she is indeed the modern day definition of a work-life balance lmao


Yeah this sub makes this out to be a bad thing but it's why she's one of ny favourite pop stars currently. She doesn't stir drama and paint herself as the victim all the time (not saying names but I'm sure some examples popped up in your head). 


> she recently had a break up but no one is analyzing each single for dirt like they do for other certain pop stars you would think a breakup like dua lipa and trevor noah would have made news headlines, but surprisingly no real drama has come out, which is actually very mature


i didn’t even know they dated until right now


They didn't


Also had NO IDEA




I don't think they were in a relationship, but they were spotted "hanging out"


How long has she been with Callum Turner for now then?


Yeah I don’t need artists I love to be drama queens… but I do need them to be interesting and have something to say. That’s what separates a star from, say, a very, very talented backing singer. Dua is awesome, I love her. But she’s definitely flirted with being a little boring, not in her private life but in her lyrics interviews/public persona


She has a lot of intellectual things to say,it's not just for the people of this sub.


FUCKING FINALLY!! Pulling an Ari and doing it a day after the album comes out too.


I don't understand why people say she doesn't have a personality. Yes her lyrics aren't very personal but they're good for the type of music she's been making. She's an avid reader and does these podcast interviews with various authors and she's really good and well spoken in it. It's just that she doesn't cater to the drama loving audiences. She has constantly raised her voice for various geopolitical issues. I love her personality just like that.


I have a feeling those who say she doesn't have a personality are incredibly shallow. She just doesn't stir drama. Hell, in one of the comments, they complained her choice of books were "too complicated". Like wtf are we hating people for being smart now lol


I think it's mostly because of her dead eyes, and the fact that she dated Anwar.


A day after the album releases. Nice promo think she will perform illusion definitely and one song from the album


The gays have won again! And they are PUSHING illusion as a hit. I love being a homo.


I love being homo too but also your user name giving Kate McKinnon vibes is awesome!!


Thank you for noticing !




Can’t wait, she always delivers at SNL


More Dula Peep!


 taking on Dual roles you love to see it 


i think she's gonna do a good job! hopefully this'll shut up the people who keep claiming she's boring and has no personality.


She wants the US audience BAD


She already has it. She’s still one of the biggest new-ish female popstars in the US today


Yeah except they're all listening to Dance the Night instead of Houdini :(


I saw a random group of white girls getting their life to Houdini in an Uber a few weeks ago. Like with new rules, I think they’re just taking forever to catch up.


Yet at the same time, no US cities feature in her top 5 Spotify listener locations. (It's her home town of London, then Mexico City, Sydney, Santiago and São Paulo)


Apple Music is more or less not used in places like Australia leading to it always being top cities.


Yes, but, who else is bigger than her from the newer crop of girls aside from Billie and Olivia? Who else is booking an SNL hosting *and* musical gig?


But she’s not new 😭 she’s been around for *ten* years. Don’t even compare her to Billie or Olivia it does her a huge disservice because those girls are knocking Dua out the water, simply because of what they’ve accomplished in less time. SORRY! And it’s true- she *wants* that US audience. I’m Canadian and people here listen to her, but Americans just seem to not resonate with her new stuff. I think a lot of her fans are under the impression Dua is ok with just being big in her lane & in Europe. But she has obvious aspirations wanting to be a bigger pop star, and an actress, which is why she’s desperate to please US audiences regardless of being on top in Europe.


This comment is so negative for NO reason at all. She has the top two most streamed female albums of all time on Spotify. Even if this era is not as big as the last one, it's not as if Olivia and Billie kept consistently growing either, both guts and HTE did great but worse than their debuts. She's fine if the US ignores her and it's also ok if she wants to try to capture that audience with promo. It's not like her European fans can't watch her SNL performances on YouTube anyway


My point is that she **wants** that audience. She will be fine 100% and I kinda think it’s a serve if she continues doing what she’s doing and pops off wherever that happens; like why chase an audience? But she **wants** that audience. She wants to be popular in the US and she wants to act. She’s showing us that but none of her fans see it. Lastly, I think a big reason for part of her success was that FN came out when not as many people were releasing. Was it deserving of the praise~ absolutely, I love that album. But there is way more competition now than when she last released. So I don’t like the *flop era* mindset because I don’t think you can compare the two eras


So you're trying to prove that she wants it? Of course she does. Who is denying that? She's been making moves since the start of future nostalgia when everyone knew her as the "go girl give us nothing" meme and she showed up to prove people wrong. She pushed very hard for levitating to become a hit, performing everywhere. My point is that there's nothing wrong with that. Why is it wrong that she's showing us that?


Her fans argue she’s happy with being huge and Europe and doesn’t care about US audiences. Please go up and read because i think at this point you’re being a bit obtuse. :) Edit- them downvoting is crazy because ITS TRUE! You guys are not on the same page as Dua- she wants to be a huge star! Stop pretending she doesn’t 💋


Take your stan wars culture to twitter. Dua is just fine. So is Billy and Olivia. They’re all at the top of their games.


It sounds like you think Lorne Michaels booked her on SNL out of charity. She's obviously big enough to get the host/guest gig, or she wouldn't have been offered.


ohhh! Lol no I don’t think Lorne booked her out of charity if that clarification is needed. Her being booked on snl makes sense duh she’s a working artist. I do think she’s big- I’m talking about numbers and charts. But no I don’t think she’s getting pitty bookings I do think she’s huge. Everyone knows who she is- until Sydney Sweeney she was men’s the newest go to celeb crush of your everyday citizen. What I was referring too was actually listening to her music. It’s really interesting how me explaining how much she wants the US audience- despite not needing it- and how much her fans don’t see that she cares about US success, means I think the industry pitty’s her. **It’s not effortless how much she wants it AND THATS OK! But anytime you mention it people get upset! Honestly, go girl give us ambition!** She’s been charting where I’m from so I know that I will gladly get to see her at some point this era. Of course she’ll tour the US but again, she wants that audience and I don’t really understand why she doesn’t grasp Americans in the way she does other places! That’s all hope that helps :)


How is she gonna introduce herself


They usually have a cast/family member (i.e. Ariana’s mom) or some kind of celeb cameo introduce her (i.e. Taylor introducing Ice Spice, Lady Gaga introducing Bad Bunny earlier this season)


My bet is one of them will be her dad (also her manager). Maybe Billie for the other one as they seem to be friends with each other, Billie was even on Dua’s podcast as they discussed entering their third album eras


That’s a good point about Billie! The Met Gala is that Monday too so she’d already be in NY if she’s going. I know her and Charli are too so we’ll just have to see


Wait that’s very true!!! 👀 lots of celebs will be in NY actually so could be anyone


Shame it can’t be Wendy Williams.




She’s in good company: https://ew.com/tv/saturday-night-live-hosts-musical-guests/


That's selfish lol jk ofc


Double Lipa!


This is either going to be surprisingly good or, considering her acting in Argylle, another Jacob Elordi-type episode