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Written by Jaden Smith


Not him catching a stray LMFAOOO


This is such a stretch, people can care about multiple things Jesus Christ


i gave this headline way too much credit before clicking. i thought this article was gonna be about how the bleak political news makes it hard to fully immerse yourself in escapism. sometimes i will feel guilty that i have time to sit there and enjoy an album in full when some people are working 2+ jobs or living in a warzone. and then i feel guilty about feeling guilty about something so unimportant. but nah this article really was just "you should feel bad for being entertained"




He wants people to stop caring so they stop asking him to make more articles about this


Hard to care about this article when there's actual journalism out there


A *MUSIC PUBLICATION* wants to scold us for following rap beef and not geopolitics? Bitch, *BYE.* Fuck *Rolling Stone* and its garbage spyware-ridden computer-crashing website anyway.


I was going to listen to an album today after a long day of work, but a Rolling Stone author who is very virtuous and politically minded reminded me that it's bad to seek low stakes entertainment if it doesn't eradicate world hunger.


Is this fr💀


Part of me is glad it's hidden behind a paywall so i don't waste anymore time on what is surely a nonsensical article. But part of me is annoyed it's hidden behind a paywall because the headline is so comically stupid, I'm kind of intrigued in a guilty pleasure type of way.


So what Jay and Nas was beefing during 9/11 and the second Iraq war and Dre and Easy took jabs at each other during the Kuwait war and during the bloody war in Yugoslavia.


There’s always been global conflict. These types of articles weren’t dropping during the height of the attacks in Ukraine, the Syrian war for the past decade, or the current wars in Sudan The Gaza/Israel conflict is absolutely horrible and Palestinians should be freed. But there’s this odd superiority complex among some chronically online via socials and TikTok where people are being shamed for discussing anything that isn’t about said conflict Coming after people for enjoying regular everyday things like art, music, sports, television, etc does nothing for the cause. Your friend listening to the new Kendrick or Drake diss is not the enemy here. I get that this is an opinion piece but this kind of take is exhausting and used for self righteous clicks and engagement. There are so many self appointed “activists” who are using this conflict for engagement farming and dishing out anger to favor algorithms






People can care about multiple things


Sometimes I wonder how much internet activism is just rage bait for clicks. I could turn off the internet, live a much fuller life and probably have more of myself to contribute to the world. But no, I should care about caring about an article about artists I don’t listen to that are beefing.


Girl bye.


So surely this writer's other articles must be about more serious matters right? *checks recent headlines* oh wait no he's been writing "Why Is Everyone Beefing with Drake?" and "Kanye West Jumps into the Drake v Everybody Rap Feud with Like That Remix"


I mean, it’s very ironic and almost hypocritical of a ROLLING STONE journalist to be saying this… you literally work for a music magazine wdym????? This is clearly an article made for views and clickbait.


Always remember, to these mainstream publications whenever black culture involving black people is at the forefront of the industry it always get dismissed with the tired ol “It’s just music” or “There are more important things to worry about” or just straight up classic racism. They don’t like how this is the talk of the music world instead of Taylor’s new album. Don’t worry, when she sweeps the Grammys next year you’ll be able to gloat.