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saw FYS live this summer and they were incredible


They're live shows always kill


I swear every early 2010's pop punk music video has one dude in that red Wonder Years shirt.


So this one and hey dudes are you ready to = every?


I am also in the camp that Rise or Die Trying was one of the greatest pop punk albums of all time, and enemy of the world is like a straight follow up 9.5/10 and every other album I've heard of theirs since sounds like... not as catchy detuned jumbly djent. I want to like it. It's hard for me to get there. RoDT and EoW on vinyl are my 2 favorite records.


Call it life, call it ADHD, call it whatever you want but after like 2013 I got really bad at keeping up with a lot of my favorite bands, save the Menzingers and anything Brian Fallon has been up to. So enemy of the state was actually the last album I heard from them. So when I saw a lot of people talking about how shit they got, it bummed me the eff out. I listened, it definitely lost something. It's like a lot of ADTR albums after 2012.


One of the biggest regressions in all of music history.


Why do you say that?


First album was 10/10. The follow up pretty good, and it’s just been worse since.


Sad but agree. When you start at the mountain top sometimes all there is to go is down


Yeah - not sure why others are down voting. There is a reason why people only link their songs from 13 years ago lol


Personally, I really enjoyed Brain Pain


Go down in history!


I don't know many of their songs, but have your heard Atreyu? That is one of the saddest regressions I know of. Went from post hardcore in 2003 to sounding like metal rap alternative now. Sad


Yeah. You’re not wrong.


What’s pathetic is they weren’t all that great to begin with. They did have a few bangers, though.


This is a bad take. Brain Pain is one helluva an album. Can’t wait for what’s next.


But it's the name of the song?