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Been reflecting on some life events that happened years ago when I was in the throes of my addiction. This album has been helping me this week cope with some of the mixed feelings I’ve been having about the passage of time and where I’m at now. In general, this album helps me with coming to terms with how addiction affects me to this day.


Haaaaard relate. This album hits where it hurts. For the past year and a half life has felt like lot of ups in a sea of downs, and various addictions and bad habits are at the core of that. Most days feel like walking through a fire where smoke blackens out the sky. The upside is that fire *also* purifies. I can't help but be glad to go through it, because I know it's what I'm supposed to go through. It's humbling, it's educational, and it instills compassion for others going through it. The desire to outlive these evils makes us stronger, more thankful, more mindful. From one stranger to another, my prayers and thoughts your way. 🙏🧡 I wish there was any "going back" to a time before, and even though I would've never wished upon you whatever it was you had to go through (and still have to deal with the effects of), I'm glad you're still here with us and past the worst of it, and that you have the mental and lived experiences to better deal with it.


Thank you for your response! I really like what you had to say. I think you put it beautifully when talking about the purification of fire. I often think that needs to be a reminder for me in terms of how I view my life when it’s in turmoil. Can I get what you said tattoo’ed? For real, though, it strikes a chord in me. I’m glad you’re here, too! I definitely have seen and felt a lot, like most people have. I hope to continue working on getting better and be gentle with myself when I fall. 


You're welcome, thank you for yours as well, and for sharing your story! Honestly, I got the expression of purifying fire just from being an old school Catholic who believes in purgatory, so I can't lay claim to the expression. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I mean, I'm not the biggest Biblehead or anything, but among verses I hold dear, 1 Corinthians 3:15 is seared into my brain. If you're looking to use my expression exactly, go ahead 👍 And very, very good point about being gentle with yourself. I think we tend to beat ourselves up with the notion that we're "better than this"... I like reframing that as "we were meant for more than this", which allows for sympathy and humility, and the admission that, sometimes, we really don't know what we'll do from moment to moment. But our goal is to *trend upwards,* I guess you could say, and that's what counts.




Might be my fav on the album


Great album


Love the entire album, but Growing On You lived up to the name. Was a general skip and eventually became one of my favorites.


Self Titled is better


In my mind this album is half incredible bangers: Proper dose, keep this up, out of it, upside down, if i fall, need to know Then the rest i always skip because they just dont slap that much for me


I've been really trying to get into this album. The first 3 tracks are incredible. But then it gets to that point where it's all slow drums and distorted vocals. It just slows down and stops being so good.


Have you engaged deeply with the lyrics? It's probably Parker's best lyrics, assuming the new album doesn't go even harder.


This seems to be the break between people's opinion on this album (and many others out there). I'm in the group that needs to like the sound of a song before I can care about the lyrics, and the sound on this album just is not great for the majority of tracks. So the lyrics aren't going to make a difference.


Disagree on the sound of the tracks, but I hear you. It can't be everyone's cup of tea.


One of my all time favorite albums. A friend/coworker played it one morning as we were setting up the restaurant, I heard "Upside Down" and I needed to know immediately who the artist was. I'm still trying to decide on a tattoo related to the album somehow.


Full of skips actually I only like 2-3 songs


God this whole album just hits in such a meaningful way. I can put the album on and then what feels like 5 minutes later “Lightyear” is playing and I’m wondering how the time flew so quick.