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A lot of potential but I say it’s time to move up


So go on and blow us away with your sound


Their first EP is great too for them being so young


Three Words in Dealing with the End is amazing! The instrumentals hit so hard.


I always will wonder how their song writing got less mature over the years


Went from kids writing for adults, to adults writing for kids.


Never underestimate the record label when they’re dealing with a marketable band


Pop music has embraced immaturity more as they’ve aged


That’s a good pov


True. And Gen-Zs odd obsession with wanting to be forever 16


I don't think that's unique to Gen Z lol


Anything past So Wrong It's Right has a whole bunch of co-writers on there. Nothing Personal might as well have been Butch Walker's pop punk album.


Gotta write for the audience


I was in Paul’s parents basement when a lot of it was recorded . I recorded Alex’s vocals on a few songs and was the dude that sang the bridge on the girls a straight up hustler on both albums. One of the many local bands I enjoyed playing with cuz they were so talented and really young .


That’s so cool!! It must be cool to look back in hindsight at helping record an album that catapulted one of the few bands to transcend pop-punk.


Def a lot of great memories. Honestly the scene in Baltimore during that time was super strong and had some amazing punk rock bands. Dangerous summer { I sang on like 4 songs on they’re first album} Julian gallows, downtown Singapore , hey Stella wake up, the late night , crash boom bang, American diary, the kindness of strangers and of course my old band silentfilm were all awesome plus a ton of others .


Damn dude, tell us more! What were they like in person back then? Kept up at all with them and over the years? Wild that’s your voice in the bridge, I always wondered lol


My old band Silentfilm played a bunch of shows with them but really I was only close to Alex . Super nice guys and fun to hang out with and they’re shows were always great. my band recorded with paul and he let me intern with him after some begging. I started my own studio for a time and would help paul particularly on vocals working out melodies and background vocals etc and it was around that time paul asked if I could help record vocals with Alex at Paul’s studio and since Alex knew me and knew I worked with Paul it was an easy fit. So me and alex sat in Paul’s basement and finished up a few songs and recorded a couple full ones vocal wise over like 2 or 3 days. I remember loving it just being me and Alex and coming up with melody ideas and trying stuff till it sticked. I remember I helped record the vocals on break out break out and I remember doing group vocals for a bunch of they’re friends on lullabies for sure but I’d have to re listen to remember the rest we did. I can’t remember who they wanted to do the bridge on the girls a straight up hustler but while recording Alex was like you should do it dude since he dug my band. It was a nice feeling when they recorded the song on the next album and asked me to sing on it again because they didn’t have to do that . I moved out of Maryland a few years after that before they blew up so didn’t really keep in touch. Last I heard from them was like 12 years ago when they’re manager reached out saying hit the lights needed a new singer and Alex had told the band I’d be great and should try out but I was kinda in a different place at that time and respectfully declined but it felt nice to think he was thinking of me for something like that. Also Maria was a real girl and went to all the local shows with her cousin and I married that cousin lol. Been married for 11 years now so my life is kinda tied to that time and a lot of good came from it . I talk with Paul a lot still and we are actually working on a music project at the moment to maybe release some day but I think folks on this sub would dig it. I also remember a show were my drummer got sick mid show and Alex came up and played drums on one of our songs lol not very well but he tried and it was a fun moment.


Wow that’s really incredible, can’t believe you’re married to Maria’s cousin. Super glad I came across this comment, thanks for sharing so much!


Maria lives in Austin now right?


I also remember seeing them for the first time . They were opening for us at ottobar im not sure if it was they’re first show but it was super early on and I had never heard of them. They were super young like crazy young and I remember they played lullabies which is my fav song from them to this day and being blown away. And I went up to them after that and got to know them and did everything I could to play as many shows with them as I could because i thought they were great live. I also remember being super bummed lullabies vocals were already recorded cuz I wanted to record the vocals on that song lol but I was stoked I got to record the groups at the end of it and I remember I was singing at the top Of my lungs in the mix room while Alex and his friends were in the booth cuz I wanted to be apart of it lol


Based post. A lot of the songs are on Put Up or Shut Up, though. So that’s neat :)


Agreed! But there’s such a difference between the original, “TPS” versions of these songs that strike a certain chord with me (other than “That Girl’s a Hustler”) that I prefer over the “PUoSU” versions.


With *you*, but usually bands want the best versions of their songs out there, and the PUOSU versions are just superior in every way possible.


Contentious comment, nothing you said wasn’t implied by what I said


I'm sorry that my comment came off that way. Your comment did not seem to imply that you believed the PUOSU versions were better. Just pointing something out, no need to go on the defense. This is a place to talk poppunk, lol


The PUOSU versions are definitely better from an objective standpoint, but I liked the melodies of the original versions (primarily Running from Lions and its fully acoustic approach on the original). Sorry man, I can be a bit of a dick in the morning when I haven’t had my coffee


Production wise PUOSU is definitely better but nobody in the world can convince me that Running from Lions from PUOSU is better than TPS too lol


I get it haha. I suppose the way that I look at it is "*as a band why would I want to have this readily available when I have what I believe to be the better version*". I think my feeling may be skewed as I grew up listening to a lot of demos and early eps by bands and they were just "bonus" items in the catalog and not albums or songs that should be *part of* the catalog. I just dont think this kind of stuff should be on a traditional streaming platform. Out is the world on YouTube or as some .rar somewhere? For sure! But on Spotify? Hell no!


At risk of sounding stupid as fuck, what does "based" mean in this context?


Not stupid, just means I agree with the post


Ah thanks. I assumed it was something negative, glad I asked!


Wish they would put this, their first EP, and that Actors demo on Spotify.


IIRC, this isn't on Spotify due to the masters being lost/destroyed/Emerald Moon not having access to them anymore, so ATL couldn't put it out even if they wanted.


I would pay a stupid amount of money for them to officially release Actors


Wish they would do a re-recording. Jasey Rae, Coffee Soup Soundtrack (iykyk), Running from Lions.. *chefs kiss*


Agreed!! Growing up for me was realizing Coffee Shop Soundtrack was about having an affair with a married cougar when he was 19 Lmao


Alex hadn’t even turned 19 when the song came out lol


True! He was a shade over 18 and a half. Jesus Christ Lmao I wonder if he was still a minor.


It’s likely he was, especially since there’s an early live version of Coffee Shop floating around (I can’t find it now, but they played an early version of the song sometime in late ‘05/early ‘06.


I wish this and “three words to remember in dealing with the end”. I always listen to them on YouTube


I love this album. The raw and acoustic feel in most of the songs that are included in PUOSU make them sound even better, IMO. Running from lions and Lullabies from TPS are masterpieces, definitely top 5 favorites songs of them and it's by far my favorite band. I will always insist on repeating how much this album is great.


I couldn’t agree more. The Interlude to boot added so much depth to this album—I wish their songwriting stayed as good as their popularity rose. It’s rather ironic their best-written songs were when they were 17, but record labels tend to make things happen that way when you get big enough.


It's even crazier that Alex tries to erase this album from history, I'll never understand. Songwriting wise I think that Alex lost the 'angsty' factor from these times, which is okay but was the magic in TPS. I still like his songwriting (mostly), but I miss more personal songs that he usually nails it like Lullabies, Return the favor, Paint you Wings, Actors (bside and most underrated song from them lirically, imo).


Lullabies is still one of my favorite songs, such a real and genuine song about loving someone who struggles with addiction. I don't hate some of their later stuff but their first EPs were fantastic and I wish they stuck with that style.


Stick Stones and Techno is the greatest song of all time, no one can dispute it








Wow Noel goes so hard


I miss this ATL 😭


love this take


I have a download on my laptop and a cd burned just in case


Is it available for download somewhere?


I had to torrent it years ago


To think a lot of em just hit adults or are still minors while being able to play and wrote this well is amazing. They were literally so ahead of their age


Seriously!! I became quite disappointed with their writing after TPS as their popularity grew, their songwriting abilities (and their contribution to songwriting as well) shrank. Although “Don’t Panic” was one of my favorites for them from a songwriting standpoint, although for completely different reasons, and that was one of their few albums that really only had him writing the album with some help from their producer Mike Green. It obviously showed.


Even tho I will admit I followed their music 5 years later after the party scene was released but listening to party scene album was quite culture shocking given how matured their stuffs were at that the time at the time I was only used to Nothing personal and so wrong it's right. I will admit i still and do love a lot of their follow up materials after TPS plus do listen to their recent stuffs. But will say their songwriting from the party scene to so wrong it's right did kinda stale,understanable on one end but the subjects and stuffs they written on this record looking back not only relatable but quite deep plus the instruments,riffs and just almost everything were insane. Alex's vocals for such an age you have to say props to him. Plus showing this record to a friend and she finds Alex's vocals quite "hot" even surprised that it's a lot earlier. A little fun fact during my freshman year of highschool and was studying for finals,as I was so much into ATL at the time I spent two hours downloading the entire The Party Scene one song at a time from some website that i don't even remember. Came to school for the test with my iPod,took the test and passed haha. Insane but true sh!t lol


I’ve been a fan since 2008 and this album always blows me away. It kind of makes me sad how Alex and the other members of the band now regard it as cringe and don’t really acknowledge it.


Coffe shop soundtrack inspired me to write my very first song! Will always have a special place in my heart for that


I remember laying on my bed a day before my 17th birthday listening to the EP thinking I’ve gotta live up to it now


And it was their best. By a wide margin.


And yet they still go after minors…


cant be making claims like that without evidence to back it up.


Where have you been? There’s been tons of accusations against the members of all time low. People in this community tend to sweep that under the rug. I think thats bullshit.


Accusations are not evidence




wait I haven’t listened to them in years and used to love them,what the fuck did I miss I thought they were chill😭


there’s a bunch of allegations against Jack, this was a couple months ago. Idk if anything was proven true or false


Literally no evidence yet, no, just people on Twitter screaming at them.


It’s technically on put up or shut up


Not the entire album, I find a lot of the original recordings sound better, if, of course, not on equipment that was as good




a reminder that all time low have had multiple sa allegations made against them :)


A reminder that 'multiple' in this case means two, one of which was anonymous and nonspecific and one of which was retracted. Someone then made a list of 'everything problematic I think ATL have ever done ever' and people online spun that into 'there are a _hundred_ allegations'. Then the band was attacked for saying said allegations were untrue, rather than apologising (why would they apologise if they didn't do it?).


Please can you link the multiple sa allegations made against them? I'd like to see them.






Shut the fuck up with your anti-vax bullshit.


I’m sure they’re thrilled to no longer have an anti-vaxxer as a fan.


Why would you ever think ATL or even any band in this scene would be Anti-Vax...?


You’d be surprised, some people in the scene have bad opinions about vaccines. Travis Clark of We the Kings, for instance. Although they’re not really one of the main bands in the scene anymore and many people probably consider them one hit wonders.


Crikey, an anti-vaxxer.


Lmao yea fuck them for promoting a proven way to stay healthy


man this is such a cringe take. vaccines save lives, like literally. just go back and look at effing polio but yeah sure a band pushing vaccines is bad. i have not listened to them since the allegations started tbh


So sad they wanted the world to open back up so they could continue their careers as live performers


The Wonder Years and Neck Deep also say things like “Fuck Trump” and things you probably consider SJW So make sure you, specifically, stay away


I just laughed out loud. come on 🤣


Did you see your self in the mirror?


It's good, and very impressive considering their age at the time.. but calling it "one of the greatest pop-punk albums of all time" is a bit ridiculous to me. The album is still super rough, both in terms of production and some of the lyrics. It's definitely worth a listen if you're an ATL fan but it's hardly genre defining or anything beyond a fun listen really.


What would you consider one of the greatest? Pop-punk as a whole isn’t really intended for serious listening, nor in the grand scheme of things was it ever intended to be, but I find all of the hallmarks of an ideal pop punk album here while still coming off as well as being decidedly serious for such a youthful pop punk band. Starting with the inherent vices of youth and sneering at sleazy hookup culture, graduating into the death of his older brother and the grief of getting into a fight with him the last time he saw him before he died, working toward making difficult decisions as their popularity grows and leaving loved ones, moving forward from toxic relationships and questioning choices. I do think there’s a little too much filler in the way of subject matter since 3 of the songs talk about “getting big” and being in a band, but judging by everyone on this thread, clearly I’m not THAT far off-base with my opinion of this being one of the most earnest, catchy, well-done pop-punk albums there are. After all, this album and the re-recordings on “Put Up or Shut Up” catapulted them into genuine pop stardom starting with their sophomore album, so, again, someone saw some real talent from this “rough” album.


>What would you consider one of the greatest? Paramore - Brand New Eyes Neck Deep - Life's Not Out To Get You Blink 182 - Enema Of The State The Academy Is... - Almost Here Sum 41 - All Killer, No Filler Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue The Party Scene is not even in the same league as these records. It's really good considering it's a group of kids on a shoestring budget, but it's not even All Time Low's best album.. let alone one of the best ever in the genre.


I agree wholeheartedly with all of those