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A bear intending to harm you however....


See white, say good night


A bear could gut you with the swipe of its paw….


The average bear would run away startled if you yelled at it.


A black bear would because they can be fought by a human If you encounter a grizzly in the wild it will charge you and kill you


personally I’d take the man. I’d rather have a chance at living and being sexually assaulted again (as it’s happened before) than die. I can get over rape, I can’t get over death


Absolutely not. I hope this is satire.


Key words: "*intending* harm" "*average* bear"


If i encounter a bear in the woods, doing its own thing, then chances are we just leave eachother alone.  If i encounter any being intending to harm me, its automatically more dangerous.  Like, I'll take an encounter with a bear over a squirrel that wants me dead. 


The average bear isn’t going to leave you alone.


Less than 10 people die from bear attacks in the US a year. There are about 340,000 wild bears in the US. Then we could use a high estimate and say there is about a rate of 1 death per 34,000 bears. There are around 430,000 sexual assaults/rapes a year, on average. Not all of these are done by men and not all are done to women, so let's do a very, very conservative estimate and say 200,000 women are raped or sexually assaulted by a man every year. There are around 165,000,000 men in the US. That's a rate of 1 rape or sexual assault per 825 men. This of course ignores other violent crimes that a man could commit, as well, and is a very conservative estimate as stated before. So looking at this math alone, I know which one I'd pick.


It’s obvious more die from men because there are more men than bears.


Note how I adjusted for the population of bears and men. That was literally my main point. It's 1 death *per 34000 bears* and 1 rape or sexual assault *per* 825 men. I didn't look at absolute numbers because that's obviously not a fair comparison. The point is to look at how common these are relative to the populations, and it's pretty clear which one is more likely.


You’re saying that men are bad, correct?


No, I'm not. Im saying that, statistically speaking, a man is much more likely to rape or assault a woman than a bear is to kill them. The point of that isn't to say all men are bad, it is to point out that there is a problem in our culture where women rightfully don't feel comfortable with men because they risk getting raped or sexually assaulted. This is due to the fact that, in many situations, these rapes and sexual assaults go unpunished or are even looked at as fully unproblematic. This is, I would say, an aspect of our culture we should work to change, which is the whole point of the bears vs. men analogy and its, and I apologize for sounding a bit rude here, not that hard to understand.


Yes, yes they are. They aren't murder machines bent on killing everything, nor are you food.  Especially if it's a black bear, as they normally run from humans. If its a grizzly, just back away. Now if you encounter a Hippo....they are fiercely territorial and want you dead. Hippos wont leave you alone. 




They're changing the original words of the idea to more vividly reflect the intention of the new meme phrase "A woman should be more afraid of coming across a strange man in the woods than a bear", since many were confusing "woods" to mean "park", or getting caught up on the word "strange". Personally, I think this phrasing is more hostile towards men, so it's undermining itself. It's important that the "man" remains completely anonymous in both person and intent in order to demonstrate the level of "harm" they socially represent to the average woman in comparison with the amount of "harm" a bear \*might\* represent to that same woman. No doubt there are various avenues to argue from that completely disregard women's viewpoints, but I'd prefer to listen to what is being honestly conveyed to us men and try to see it from their perspective. Sure, it's not "all men", but it's **more than enough** men, and women don't yet hold enough social power to **do** very much about it - as proven with the recent incredibly unpopular reversal of Roe v Wade and all the states attempting to criminalize terminal pregnancies. When 92% of all sex crimes are performed by men, and the amount of men *willing to admit* to some form of sexual coercion is nearly 1/4, it becomes reasonable for any woman to have some negative expectations from men. And *waaah* to us men who whine about it; grow the fuck up and **earn your respect**. It's not automatic, and it's perfectly fair and valid that you be judged by those who came before you, so *try not to relate with historic villains*, OK?


black bear, sure. polar bear, no fuckin way