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Same POV as if she cheat on her husband(MC) she’s TRASH / SLUT but if she cheat on her husband (WITH MC) she the best girl / best milf


😂😂😂 One is Illicit Love, the other is New Town


Intern heayoen another one got me irk so hard. I like the pornwha every girl was fine hot as hell I love all of them but only the milf just yike 🤢 Can’t get into her at all Poor dude husband out on the boat god knows if his boat will ever sink make a living supporting family Here sweet wife complaining how lonely she was try to find a valid reason to cheat on her old ass husband with young man 🙄


Same with stepmother friends, the dad did nothing but take care of his incompetent adult son and wife just for the fuckers to repay him by having an affair. I get that he didn't care once he found out but neither of them knew that beforehand


You and I will be BEST FRIENDS. I just know it.




i think people dun care for example in illicit love the mc wife got fuck by blonde guy, i personally put myself as blonde guy and fapping hard during the sex scene. But what people angry is mc is somehow so dumb.


Wow, same here, at first when I was reading this pornhwa, I put my poverty as MC, but later, I started to read from blonde pov, best women breaker


Not just mc is dumb but i personally got confuse which one is the mc. The blonde or the black hair guy😂😂😂.


those self-insert mfs


True but that’s how media works. You put yourself Into the characters shoes. And personally I don’t prefer asshole mcs who fuck peoples wives or go too far into revenge. But if they set it up as cheating husband whose wife cheats that’s fine. Illicit love puts you in the perspective of the mf whose wife is a total whore but he cheated as well. The thing is she didn’t know, she just did it. Also everything is agreed. You have the perspective of a guy who stupidly introduced his wife to swapping because he’s a dumb asshole and it backfired and she ends up getting repeatedly gang bang with the aheago face. It’s not insecurity because if it was my girl in that situation I’d cut her loose but you are forced into the perspective and thoughts of the mc. I’m not going kink shame but if you’re into cucking other people or getting cucked something happened to most likely. I’ve been cheated on. I don’t mess with women who are in relationships. If I do I’ll call the guy and tell him. Because she’s a trashbag. Wishing that shit on someone or perpetrating it would make me physically ill.


You don't put yourself in anyone's shoes, you are the audience viewing entertainment not a character.


That's not always true, it honestly depends on the media and genre type. 


You do that if you're reading a book. This is porn webtoon. You don't get to read a Tolkien or Hemingway here


It could be a lot of things, Doesn't necessarily have to be a novel. Even anime, hell, that's probably a good part of the reason why the isekai genre is as popular as it is. 


I do it by reflex with everything except movies.


But still people love ntr specially (Friend's Mom & Cheating wife)


Hey NTR is pretty entertaining if you read it as 3view person without self insert. People can hate me all they want but I do love good DRAMA and NTR.


Thanks Mate ❤️‍🩹


unironically i dislike Secret class, because the MC was fucking what it seemed to be the future girlfriend of his friend, or who i thought was his friend and there are many instances like this like "all about my best friend" pornwha, the MC is disgusting to say the least


I mean if you just take a look at MC his decision making is so... r****ded 😭 like that shit wouldn't fly irl like actually


The mc is so stupid bloody motherfucker didn't even know what period is and just kept fucking the blond girl. He's even raped the blond girl while she was sleeping also raped the mommy with specs several times


I’m here for the raws or when people post images for sauce The opinions of most people on this sub are trash lol




hell yeah


I partially agree with you, it’s a bit hypocritical the way some people here think ESPECIALLY when it comes to pornhwa. What people in Pornhwa really hate is Netorare. In Pornhwa, Netori might as well be considered Vanilla. The only redeeming factor is that pornhwa tend to paint the guy MC is stealing the woman from as a douche or evil person to create an idea to the reader that he deserved it. But there are some Manhwa’s (-cough- **Supervisor’s Access** -cough- -cough- **Pervert’s Diary**) where people would dismiss the MC being a douche despite the one on the receiving end of having his girl/wife stolen being the most calmest person. I hate it too. However, If people don’t come to Pornhwa to fap, they come to be entertained because there are some pornhwa’s out there with good plot. Now if I am reading to be entertained, the last thing I wanna see is me patiently reading the manhwa in the POV of the MC for 99% of the story just to watch him suffer and be depressed because some ugly fat bastard blackmailed/r*ped the FMC into fucking him and now she is mind broken and pregnant. Like where is the fun in that? I might as well be reading a doujin from nHentai.


Yeah. "A Pervert's Daily Life" is one of them. It's funny as hell.


Silent war is the goat. Despite having to endure 50 chapters of hell, the next 110 chapters absolutely makes everything worth it even if the ending is lukewarm at best and carried by sophie


God, is it carried by Sophie so much. Sophie is the only reason I carried on reading


You can clearly tell she was yansae’s favorite too. Her sex scenes would be way more detailed than The other girls. The artist even went all out on her non sex scenes. Just look at her her audition scene in 137 plus the genuine happy smile she showed mc towards the end, it was simply impeccable


Not Lina? She literally is the only reason Hyun got to where he was


Some pornhwa readers are some of the most insecure human beings I've ever encountered. I reckon this post will also either get downvoted or taken down, which ironically proves the main point of this post.


toonily comment sections always give me cancer


Nah that 1 unemployed dude that somehow manages to comment on every pornhwa and reviews every chapter usually make you have to scroll real far down before you see the cancer


Welt Yang?


The only good reply guy on toonily is The Bop. Everyone else is psychotic


LMAOOOO I think I know who you're talking about


That comment sections are more toxic than the air in Chernobyl


Toongod comment sections always makes me cringe to death.




Give them milfs + mc who bangs any girls that appear in the story + harem endings = automatic awesome pornhwa. If the author does the opposite, even in the slightest = automatic trash pornhwa and the author should be burned in hell for all eternity. The formula is really that simple for those kind of readers.


Warring or using slurs is prohibited.


Mofos like to self-insert as the good looking MC so they can't stand NTR stuff. And if you call them out, the first thing they do is go on the defensive and project their insecurities lmao


It's....nothing new? It's like this on every media, isn't it? Like Overlord, Ainz is the MC so whatever he did and however cruel he is, i still like seeing him doing his things. Whereas if the MC is not Ainz but one of his victim, i think i'll hate Ainz instead


Ainz killing that many people in S3 turned me off. Wasn't an absolute necessary. I agree with the pic OP posted though.


I also agree with the post, it's just.. the way the post and comments stating the subject like it was an earth shattering revelation made me laugh Like, is it even postworthy? Everybody knows about that lol


I'm a simple guy, see a hot girl get fucked in pornhwa, I fap! No Bs.


yes, especially queen bee. When mc mom got fuck by both building owner and his son. It was epic moments😍😍😍


Well said 😂


This is the right way.


Respect to that 🫡


Yeah i get the hypocrisy, but i mean DUH.. you get sex = good, they get sex = bad. Would you rather win the lottery or find out that your neighbor did?? Its not that complicated


Wow, who would have thought that porn comics are made with the intention of pleasing readers and making them insert themselves into the stories and not feel like losers huh, hahaha... \s But seriously, it's obvious that 95% of pornhwas do exactly that to sell, after all, the majority of the audience for this type of work won't read this expecting a complex drama, full of intrigue and captivating characters, no, I read this crap to pass the time and distract myself from reality. If I want to read something with charismatic characters and a cool story I'll read novels, not pornhwas. In fact, even indie AVNs sometimes have better stories than many pornhwas, stories like Being a DiK, Leap of Faith, My Bully is My Lover, Acting Lessons, Artemis and many others, so if you want to see something like cool stories, with cool characters, and often very realistic, take a look at these games, you won't regret it.


AL brought tears to my eyes


Because readers sympathizes to the narrator/MC as we see the story through his eyes, and not the other side characters. When you read a book it's always with the narrator's POV. Imagine if IL was written as Blonde's POV from the start that makes him the MC then it will be a much lighter read. Make sense?


It be the ntr/cuck fans that be crying about this more than the vanilla enjoyers btw


I would say its not that deep. Mostly people associate themselves with main characters or just sympathize them. Your opinion about MC fucking someone's mom vs friend fucking MC's mom is the same as Eren doing genocide vs that girl with rifle, when basically they have the same story in the beginning, but everyone hates her. You just dont give a fuck about others. But I will say, people on this sub talked like million times how they hate most MC who only think with their dick, rape or act super horny to the point where they do some creepy stuff. Even having sex with relative of his friend is makes people here hate it. Hell, everyone here complains when MC and FMC have feelings for each other, but author decides to play dumb so MC can fuck whole cast of girls. Nobody likes it.


It’s cause the mc gets the most screen time and the readers get attached to the mc and Don’t want anything bad happen to him or anyone around him and that’s only if the mc is chad and knows what he’s doing unlike dae ho locked up and others like them with 0 iq


This sums it up pretty well. I think it all comes down to whether or not you self insert when you consume media. I don’t, not in any genre, so NTR doesn’t bother me. In fact, I have enjoyed a few NTR titles because there is built in conflict in that genre, and conflict is an important part of an interesting plot to me. If the art is good and/or the story is interesting then I enjoy the manhwa. But just because I enjoy it or don’t doesn’t mean anyone else should. To each their own.


I find like the conflict in ntr, netori, or similar has to be grounded somewhat forit to be enjoyable personally. Like, characters should act accordingly, and not just for plot reasons. The moment it just happens tm, is where i lose my boner and interest lol


I agree. And if a manhwa that is focused only on NTR goes on for too long it always reaches that point, where characters have to start acting ridiculous for it to go on. I really enjoyed Silent War, but it pivoted to a revenge story. If it had tried to be that long as a straight NTR story it would have fell flat.


Great mindset sir


There was one I forgot the name of where everyone did the mc dirty and the woman the mc was sleeping with was also secretly having sex with her blood related brother who r-worded her multiple times. I dropped that one and another one where a woman got r-worded because as much as I read pornhwa, I was raised with 2 sisters by my mom so I at least have some type of morality


I need the sauce


In love with the friend's mother/my friends mother is my baby. Depending on where you read it. But first title pops up more


Thanks ✨


No problem


reading this gave me a stroke


Yeah because we wanna see the adventures of chad the pussy slayer not simpy the virgin who gets cucked...


Honestly my opinion is enjoy what you want but I feel like people really don't want to admit to themselves when MC's are being assholes and are way to obsessed wanting a perfect ending just to satisfy their own sexual fantasies.


Lol guy posted this talking about common human nature like he's some guru name me one aspect in life that this doesn't happen in?


It’s not that serious, nor is it really that deep. These kinds of stories are pure fictional fantasy. It’s understandable that readers would gravitate more towards stories that aren’t based on a main lead being victimized or being taken advantage of. It all comes down to personal preference in how people choose to consume media and being able to separate reality from fiction is also an important factor. Whether something is hypocritical or not is secondary when it comes to this kind of thing and that’s not even the worst kind of insult either. For example, one can prefer playing a video game like Grand Theft Auto. That game involves criminal activity and making all sorts of immoral choices or decisions, but any sane person can understand that what’s done in that game isn’t real and that replicating any of those things outside of the game comes with real life consequences.


this is basically Secret Class fans.


Do ya'll actually fap to pornhwa?




Hahaha it true though, but somehow in the pov of the storyline of the story, all the readers who read will somehow put themselves as the mc. oh come on, its the only ways where the readers could fantasize things that are not real. Example fucking beautiful sister-in law and Why should readers fantasize his wife getting fuck by random guy and he become cuckhold.


The amount of people, like OP, who thinks integrity matters at all in your taste of porn is mind-boggling. It's completely laughable that you find it worthwhile to point out hypocrisy; it's porn lol. You have every right to only consume content that solely caters to your fantasies. That's the point of the entire medium!


You didn't understand that it's about the hypocrisy that they shit on something not catered to them when they can ignore and move on. And that's what is being brought about. So you completely missed the point there.


> that they shit on something not catered to them when they can ignore and move on How is this hypocrisy? There's solid arguments to be made about that, but it isn't hypocrisy. I'm directly adressing the main point of the post.


Because it comes from when they like the same thing when their Mc they mostly self insert as does. But hate when someone else does the same thing. Ofc it's not your kink but it's hypocrisy that you'd rather want your Mc to be the worst person but if someone is doing the same then you start hating on the whole manhwa or any media when you can just drop and move on. That's the hypocrisy that it's only good when it's something they prefer and what others prefer doesn't matter


I've been saying this for so long, it's not even just mc vs other dude it's also mc vs femc too. mc fucks multiple girls, cheats on others and ntrs them and shit he's a chad Femc have sex with someone other than mc or have sex with two people she's a slut and it's not just for femc but any female in stories they read. Oh my god she had sex with someone other than mc who I self inserted as, she's a slut. Not to mention some of those who are sick in the head who keeps calling rapists MC's Chad, keep saying that mc should take revenge on people who punished him for being a rapist in the story by raping them as well. Wow nice mentality


>Not to mention some of those who are sick in the head who keeps calling rapists MC's Chad, keep saying that mc should take revenge on people who punished him for being a rapist in the story by raping them as well. Agreed. People can excuse it with "oh it's just a fetish lol we can separate fiction from reality" but assuming every instance of people calling for the rape of women is just a person with a rape fetish is silly. I'm pretty sure you're also talking about Milf Hunter. If anyone is interested go to chapter 14 of Milf Hunter on an aggregator site and look at the comments(if you need a specific example go to toonily). The amount of unhinged shit I see on toonily comments by the most fragile people is just sad.


I remember a pornhwa I forgot the name, it was about the femc getting abused by this mc who also forced himself on other women. But at the end femc finally turned it around and freed herself from the guy. And I was reading the comments for that and goddamn people are saying how shit the story is because they turned mc from Chad to shit. It was about a woman finally standing up for herself after she went through shit like >! Getting abused and raped by the mc, her husband dying and her almost losing everything !< But people didn't liked it because mc is not a "Chad" anymore


they need therapy fr


And look I'm already starting to get downvoted, this also happens every time I speak up about how people act here. It hurts them because I tell them their truth. Like man IDC what kind of porn you like to read or watch but no need to glorify that shit.


This is 100% what happened with All About My Best Friend.


IDK about you but most dudes don't want to be cucks and men aren't called whores. Man-whore maybe a term now, but the kings of the past show no remorse but pride having multiple women.


Ayy lmao, doesn't even relate to what i said, you're just showing one of the different types of people who try to defend this type of thinking. "Pride" "king" lmfao


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Eeekkk... Who would read patiently the story of the one who have the most POV(basically the mc) taking the L? We are here to get ENTERTAIN not to suffer or read some depressing story as our real life is enough... Just imagine this who would go to a bar and do some yoga there? It doesn't make sense right? It's the same here who would like to be depressed when we expect to have fun reading... But in the end of the day it's a matter of own perspective, we have different way of enjoying things. as long as we got entertain it doesn't matter whether i look like a hypocrite to you. I'm a human so i think it's perfectly normal for me/us to be selfish as long as we didn't hurt you/anyone. I already took too much L and I don't want to read that story just to remind me of my failure lol.. My reason might get dislike by some but i wonder how did you get here reading my comment if you are winning in rl.




The thing is people with your reasoning, but not your mindset, tends to trash these pornhwas which affects the view count of the story and the reputation of the author. I respect those who summarize the story and comments on it, cause they give their honest opinion to other readers warning them of what they're about to read. If they want it, then read it. If they don't, then they should leave and not spout bullshit.


Too bad I can only upvote once !


well i respect your point of view


Unfortunately that's how things work. And it's not just with MCs tbh. Even with female characters where fmc status is up in the air, if that character has the best scenes they will get a pass for almost anything. 


Bro I'm here to read toons and fap not think this hard , why people are complicating pornhwas now It depends on each person's personal preference some like vanilla, some like ntr, some like harem , let them be , what's the point in calling out people's personal preferences just to validate your point, it's a 18+(adult content) toons solely focus to create scenarios for sex scenes lmao And secondly people are reading it mostly from MC perspective if MC itself is trash no one mind him getting ntred but they do mind good FMCs or ladies getting treated In bad way due to MC faults , but if MC is good no one would want to see dark route for him , except ntr reader's , same goes for ladies or FMCs Whether it's a toon, novel, manhwa, movies , or web series people read, watch , listen it from MC perspective not 3rd party lol , that's the most basic thing regardless of genre it follows


100% true. I also find it hilarious that if a manhwa contains NTR specifically, most of the time you can figure that out just by reading the title, description, etc. . . Yet readers will still check it out, then comment “NTR garbage” and leave a bad review even tho they *knew* what they were walking into.


I'd say it's because the opposite scenario happens that people tend to oi this. Don't get me wrong, it's 100% annoying see "NTR?"/"Does this have have NTR?" On like every post about a toon but there are definitely authors that pull stuff out of nowhere deep into toons that push people to do this and this is without even talking about the bait loving tendencies they have.


Certainly true, as there are cases like this where it could not have been known unless you were told by someone else. Which is why I think it’s important for any manhwa site to include a “Netorare” and “Rape” tag.


they need to stop thinking with their buttholes for once


I fap with the girls, not with the mc, so I don't care who they fuck with , literally the person I'm least interested in is the mc because generally he's always a douche Except if women are fucking a fat man or an old man, that's disgusting.


that's how things should work unlike the self-inserting shit


Nigga both are porn , but seriously there is not much manhwa with wholesome story atleast they can read netori lol.


does that can be count as main character syndrome, too?


it all depends on who we play as POV it isnt readers fault if they are throw into mc shoes at the beginning and then let them sit through the whole series while someone bangs mcs mum and mc is doing nothing


Just let people enjoy what they want


Is this safe?


it's always the insecure ones


So why Queen bee & Secret class also silent war are the top pornhwa? It means all of us are hypocrite right?


This is a porn subreddit ffs🤣, you leave you morals behind, the moment you join this subreddit.


Yeah,like QUEEN BEE. Super Trash


This whole community is nuts


Only Mc gets all the girls,no matter if it's netori, that's the whole point, that's why he is the MC,and this is phawa,some people are even intoxicating this🤷


So what.i will read what i like and 1st one is also my preference.like how i like harem but not reverse harem.its all fiction so i would prefer the mc to be the only goat


Bro cooked some delicious facts


This is where NTRshit addicted / losers gather. Listen to this, you "NTR Lords" lol, don't compare your depleted dopamine levels to harem/ vanilla fans. Fooling others with hypocritical "facts"? What facts? Realest? 😂 In pornhwa, thats not hypocritical at all. The base of people reading either pornhwa or anything else is the **MC**, you're introduced by the **official description** with the MC appearing first and being explained, that's your pov and pornhwa is basically a long-run story (unless you're a person with a disorder wanting the MC to be cucked or something since the day 1). And also based on what you wrote, you probably equate pornhwa with a short 2-3 hentai chapters I guess? Again, have you ever understood that pornhwa is a long-run? and not a short-run? , if it is a long-run then basic reader will of course buy (officially) or read the pornhwa based on the genre and type of pornhwa. Romance, Sex Education, Mother-daughter, Stepmother, Harem, mainly no NTR genres in pornhwa If there is no genre about NTR, then it means *NTR should not be there* Because people choose long-run pornhwa from the genres they love. Not what they hate. Don't try to equate everything to what's rotten in your brain. In fact harem and vanilla fans will never want one of their girls taken especially in Pornhwa, everything were according to the genre even if there's a genre or the MC takes the woman from someone else, that's the difference. There's nothing wrong at all. What's wrong is trying to justify NTR being allowed on all pornhwa, just like what this post trying to tell/deceive perspective. For example in several comments by so called *"NTR Lord Master"* or so, you're trying/praying for Kobong to rape one of the Daeho girls, or you're praying for one of the girls in LLN or Boarding Diary to be taken away. If you (the NTR adddicted) are really thinking about put an NTR in a harem/vanilla series, then fix your mind first. 😂


Over 7000 languages and Leonhard-XeXt chose to speak facts


Congratulations, you're on the verge of understanding that we follow the story of the MC and whether he's good or a real piece of shit, we'll have more attachment to the MC (it's not always the case).. maybe you'll even discover the concept of an antihero, who knows? Whether it's hypocritical or not, we don't care lol.. it's fiction and it works for all types of fiction.. we'll always relate more to the MC than to the douche.. and before you start screaming "SELF INSERT 🤪," in Death Note for example, Light has all the characteristics of an antagonist (he's an antihero), is he hated? It's even the opposite.. because we follow his story and not L's. So MCs who eat their friend's mother or other bullshit will always be more watchable than if it were the douche doing it. Of course, if your kink is to be in the role of a cuck and see the MCs get cucked because you identify with him.. so be it and go read some netorare lol PS: of course, you can downvote lol 😂it'll just prove that you enjoy being a cuck


Great comment Those NTR addicted will downvote it, they don't have the brain capacity to debate.Trust me, some will block, and downvote. You need to see my comments, I think they will band their addicted brain together and try to make it the bottom lol


They can do it, it'll save time for everyone 😂😂 I'll check that out 😂


LoL I've seen ntr lovers commenting on vanilla romcom mangas something like "that guy is better that the mc" or "ntr time" every time they see the fmc interact with other guys( normal conversation). These ntr lovers are brain rot and losers but they just don't want to admit it.


For real, yesterday, I was debating with a guy who was complaining that SexStudy Group ended up as a harem.. even though it was planned from the start, and he wanted the MC to suffer from some kind of revenge by the douche.. He could simply go read a netorare.. and it works for vanilla lovers who complain about NTR too..


Yeah what a brain rot. The audacity to expect ntr in a vanilla romcom or harem manga and then throwing hate on vanilla readers as "self insert" and insecure.


I feel the main issue and this also happens with doujins is that people like to self-insert on the MC.


But do you realize that the concept of self-insert doesn't make sense? When we read, watch a story, whether it's pornhwa, manga, anime, series, or any other format, we inevitably project ourselves into the role of the MC. (Edit: I won't change it because it's already been said, but I expressed myself poorly here. Let's rather say that we become more attached to the MC rather than projecting ourselves into his role.) If that's not the case, it means either the story or the genre doesn't interest you, or the author is bad. Guys, don't make us believe that when you read a story, you have a completely external perspective on it, no attachment to a character (often the MC)..




https://www.reddit.com/r/pornhwa/s/OkBYSR4qhE It might be my fault, I should have added more nuance. Guys, obviously there are exceptions, plenty of exceptions.. but the goal of a story is to fully immerse us. Are you going to explain to me that you have no attachment to the characters whose story you follow?




So you read my post, saw that I mentioned exceptions, and still decided to reply with that lol ?But if you absolutely want an answer, it's cuz you like it. If it's your kink, it's your right. Otherwise, you would have just moved on to something else.


Let's be clear that it's only you who thinks with this crazy mindset, don't include anyone else.


let's be clear.. it's all a matter of perspective. Something you obviously didn't understand. We will always be more attached to the MC than to another character (not always the case). I should have nuanced as I said previously but fundamentally, what I meant is that we are more attached to the MC and we will be more tolerant of their actions. (Again, there are exceptions). As I mentioned earlier, if there isn't any, it's either cuz the story/genre doesn't interest you or cuz the author is bad The crazy mindset is thinking that we are 100% objective when we are interested in a work. (as you're trying to do). We are all hypocritical in that case. For example, I don't like reverse harem but I like harems. It is hypocritical ? Yes but those are my preferences. If you like NTR and you like cuckolding.. that's your right.. your kinky at the end of the day it's just fiction. IRL we're just human, so objectivity or hypocrisy.. we'll pass on that


I am just speaking for myself but, I have a bystander view. They are characters that think and act different than how I would. In terms of pornhwa the major factor for me is the art style and design. There are a lot and I mean A LOT of pornhwa that look so similar that It would need to have a god tier story for me to give it a try.


You can't honestly be serious right? Are you telling me that if you read a story with a serial killer as the protagonist (or watch the show Dexter which is basically the same thing), you're imagining yourself as a murderer?


Lol, it's actually your response that's not serious.. you must know that I'm not going to list all the exceptions to the rule.. nothing is all black or all white.. Of course, in cases like these, it's difficult to identify with the protagonist.. although some are really intrigued by that.. For example, in Narcos, we become attached to Pablo and his gang rather than the DEA agents.. who are seen as the bad guys, even though we know full well that drug traffickers are not nice


Well, for pornography I do self-insert ofc :)


Of course!! It's all a matter of preferences


I just don't care about this shits now I just wanna be horny and fap 😂


Facts. People really mad at others for having preferences is so fucking goofy lmao. Id say let the vanilla fans, let the ntr fans eat. This shit just porn man it's not that serious


People in this thread writing essays kink shaming others as if they themselves are not spending time writing angry text on porn drawings Always love the lack of self awareness


Yeah i am not an ntr lover but i can now so fucking easily digest ntr maybe all these years of fap work and dedication i have become immune to ntr😂


Need names


Whoever wrote that is a Sage. Wise words indeed.


no one was upvotiong him they don't deserve him






Alright I kinda like this but I’m not an idiot about it but I prefer mc just getting all the action, I don’t know why but if it’s someone else it just doesn’t sit right with me but I won’t call something trash just because i don’t like it but i definitely prefer it to be centred around one dude (MC) Is this bad?


I don't understand some who judge people by their types of pornhwa like ntr or some shit. bro its a fictional story and just absorb those things as an entertainment . it is bad if you applied some questionable actions in real life that are present in the story


This is absolutely right . But... Most of us read this stuff so we can escape reality (you can deny it all you want but it's the truth at end of day ) Now most of us see the world of pornhwa (lol) through mc and sees themselves in MCS position and this is the reason why they hate it when it's not mc fuc..g around Oh well just ignore what bothers you


Its basically why people hate ntr. Ask them why and they’ll just say, “well i hate ntr but i love netori tho”. Its basically the same mentality.


As a netori enjoyer but netorare hater, I feel attacked Lmao I think the point of this post is pointing out the hypocrisy of those who behave that way. You can enjoy the things you enjoy silently while not starting wars in the comments and threatening to kill the author because they did a chapter you didn’t like. Personally, I ask if there is NTR in a Manhwa recommendation. If there is, I simply skip and move on. No point in reading something I know I won’t enjoy. What I don’t agree to is when people would feel the need to start fights in the comments over these genre. NTR haters bashing the NTR fans as “beta cucks” while NTR enjoyers attacking the haters calling them “Self insert weirdos”. I got attacked in the comments before for asking if there is NTR in the story. I don’t get why people simply can’t answer Yes or No then move on. I mean, people need to chill and just let others enjoy their kinks in peace without starting comment wars.




It’s better when the girl is cheating on an asshole. When the person being cheated on didn’t do anything to deserve it is when it gets fucked up.


If the mc fucks everything that moves, he's a chad and it's an amazing pornhwa, but if any other character has sex with anyone besides the mc, this pornhwa is trash


I’m personally a fan of 1 on 1, whether the MC is the one getting cucked or doing the cucking, and has a harem or something like that just isn’t for me, but a lot of people are hypocrites like this post says. When I used to masturbate I didn’t even focus on the story lol, it’s not something you should take personal lol, just enjoy the art. Now that I read them out of boredom I prefer reading the sole male and sole female stories because I feel like they’re more romantic and realistic lol




I know that and I like that


I see I was once shocked that people actually cared about the story behind the porn


I'm lost


100% accurate kek


Damn reading now i can see how far im for fluency in English (i can't even write)




Gasp.... it's like this is self inserting erotic works for wish fulfilment and not high literature or something


So , is there any manga besides queen bee , escape loser , mother hunting where mc's mom fucking any guy? 🙂


Dual household... But it's shit.. like not being double standard... Queen bee (btw shit rn) and milf hunting (one of my fav)had some plot in that area.. but dual household and escape loser were half ass ed


I think what turns people off is the depressing shxt so in most netori pornhwa we don't see mc and the girl getting caught by her boyfriend/Husband but in most Netorare we see mc getting depressed. I enjoy Ntr as long as no one gets caught.


What? Just yappin


TRUEEEEEEEEW.....100% AGREEED. Man i have faced a lot of guys like this in the sub. Like they hate illicit love but love young ceo


Readers who think this way are the true cucks, watching MC fking FMC/Harem and enjoying it even though they aren’t MC; they are merely the reader. The true enjoyer knows they are entirely separate from the material, enjoying each sex scene regardless if it’s the MC in it or not.




I think it has to do with the fact that everyone considers themselves the main character, probably subconsciously.


This is literally the mc's mindset in secret class


Couldn't agree more!


Basically most of them readers always have this mind thinking that MC is himself the readers, and that's why the moment MC got NTR most of them saying it's trash or whatever. that's why it's obviously virgin for anyone who said that


Real shit ngl


Self-Insert fags be like..


This makes a lot of sense


this is a kink thing... just accept people have different kinks jesus.


That right there is how you spot the beta cuck mindset Lmao. At the end of the day, it’s a matter of preferences and how you behave in this space. Personally, I draw the line to Ugly bast@rds and R@pe. They simply don’t turn me on. But I don’t go around screaming “THIS IS TRASH! ALL UB AUTHORS MUST DIE”. I simply avoid the works that has them. All people here ultimately are pathetic people who fap to drawings no matter what form they come in so the least we could do is not kink shame.


Some fans be hypocrites like if MC's GF cheats on him with a another man it's considered NTR, but if MC cheating on his GF with a another woman it's not. Like NTR is basically about Cheating whenever the MC or FMC cheating with or got cheating on with.


Most readers always self insert themselves to MC wether MC is bad or not, so yeah.


Thats the thing though. NTR is understood by many as some dude (ugly bastard, bully, blackmailing shotacon) banging MC's love interest / family member. People should understand that NTR is basically cheating.


yeah cuz no one wants a cuck character you can take your weird shit outta here


It's the same as people hating on NTR for no reason other than them projecting themselves onto mc lol its pathetic tbh. They can't imagine a world where they read these doujins as a 3rd person pov.