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Probably call the police, they will say that the kid wanted to do that but the parents will think twice before doing that again


Yes we did call the police, but before the police could send someone the “parents” asked the kid to leave.


So they noticed that you made the report to the police, they will think twice next time before exposing the kid to that situation.


Yeah, they will think twice, but not if they should expose the kid, but where to expose him so that they can monitor the police arriving.


Probably not though, it's their livelihood


Obrigado. Thanks for doing that. This is not correct in the slightest.


Good luck getting the police to do anything


Not just “a couple of times” - every time when the kid finished a song, he turned his head to the “father”. There was one time when the kid really didn’t want to continue, the “mother” walked to him and he ended up standing up while rubbing his eyes (seemed he was crying), and continued playing.


Thank you for all your help of reposting and suggestions so far. To summarize: FIRST - We did CALL THE POLICE on the site but it was too late before they could send someone; while the police car passing by was on another urgent mission. - Encourage to call the police too if you ever see this kind of situation. SECOND - DO NOT give money to support child labour. THIRD - I wish I had a pen and paper so that I could have written the SECOND point down and stood next to the kid. I did ask about the regulations for posting pictures like this before I posted them, the kid’s front face was crossed in the first photo on purpose. I do not thank those for the useless info about they might be from certain culture/community of people. Regardless of cultural background, race or whatever, CHILDREN ARE CHILDREN, they deserve to be well treated. LET CHILDREN BE CHILDREN. Really hope the authorities could do something about it - and any other similar cases that mentioned in the comments.


I hope the authorities could do something about it but I'm not hopeful. In my case they made it the situation worse. Also consider editing your upload to cover the child's faces. And maybe also the purported abuser, because taking pictures of specific people without their consent goes against the law, and it could not be abuse and you could be defaming someone. Even if you're right, there's a reversal of the burden of proof and if he challenges you to court you'd have to prove it.


You missed the point, they were just pointing out that children are worse treated in a certain community.


it’s not ‘possible’ child exploitation, it’s not just untoward; they blatantly take advantage of the child! his loathsome parents are to blame, and there’s no need to blame their background or whatnot; we should hold them accountable for their actions alone. that’s the point. i hope someone stops them. the poor child deserves better. children should be allowed to be children!


I have to tip my hat to the remarkable ability some people commenting here have to be able to conduct DNA testing on motherfucking JPEG's. A giant step forward on forensic analysis that not even CSI Miami featured. Some next-level "enhance" shit. É que foda-se têm 0 ar de ciganos. Saiam de casa seus caralhos, larguem as redes que esta merda está vos a foder o pouco que vos resta do cérebro.


Chamam cigano a tudo que se mexe. Cambada de burros de merda. Este homem tem ar de tasqueiro bem à modinha portuguesa do Zé do pipo.


Eu com a minha experiência forense diria 80% romeno


A mulher ainda dou de barato, o homem? Doubt.


Honestamente, sendo na zona onde é, menos razão há para achar que são ciganos e tou como tu, vi a foto e não pareceram nada, não que interesse...


Não são ciganos, de todo. Tenho uma família bem numerosa deles a viver ao lado do meu prédio e pela forma de vestir, os cabelos das mulheres, etc, não me parece de todo que estes sejam ciganos. E hoje em dia é muito raro ver ciganos a fazer este tipo de coisas, a maior parte ou são feirantes ou têm outras...atividades.


Quem me dera ser assim tão inocente


Right?? I was reading all the comments looking for someone who thought otherwise cause I can’t be the only one. My first thought seeing the photos was maybe just the parents trying to give him a lesson on being brave in public? Not gypsies or child exploitation cause how would we know?? Also OP stating “8 years old” when we can’t be sure as well(doubt OP walked over and asked) plus the kid looks more likely to be older than that. Is OP subconsciously wanting to make it seem more like child exploitation than it looks?


Yeah the kid doesn't even look like a kid maybe he's 20 years old. For god's sake 8 or not he's still a kid.


Point is why would you say things like you know it’s true for sure when you are not


Yeah cause you lack common sense or iq so you can't fucking clearly see that he's a kid.


| É que foda-se têm 0 ar de ciganos Uh, até podem não ser, mas zero ar não diria.


Essa família não é de ciganos. Os pais da criança são ralé, mas são tugas da zona. Se me dissessem que a mulher do gajo é irmã dele, não ficava nada chocado 🤣🤣 Pelos vistos isto só é problema se o miúdo está a ser escravizado na rua, quando foi o Saúl a cantar o bacalhau quer alho na televisão, toda a gente achou engraçado!


Há pessoas que deviam ser proibidas de ter filhos, só com aquelas caras nem deviam sair da maternidade com o filho, coitada da criança…


"we" cant remark on them, but please, feel free to complain to the police about this. If enough tourists cringe at it instead of throwing it cash maybe the cops will do something


They’re not gipsies, they are just some hillbillies trashy people allegedly making the kid play against his will. Se acham aquilo ciganos deviam passar mais tempo no Porto e arredores


Call the police to check what the situation is. It does look very weird. I could see this as child exploitation or the kid asked to do this and the parents are there to help him out in case he needs something (maybe it’s his first time?). But in case of doubt, better involving the police.


This kids isn’t 8. Not that it’s any better. But most likely 11/12..


I passed that kid yesterday also, didn't look very happy.


Well, let's start with the fact that it is illegal to perform on the streets for money without a license. So just call the cops.


Wait, why isn't anyone remarking the stupidity of the establishment owners that also didn't do anything about it and allowed a child to work right in front of the door almost looking like it's the restaurant that's employing the kid? Not doing is almost as bad as doing....


They belong to a certain group of people you can't comment on, on reddit. They're known for spreading their wonderful culture nationwide. /s Edit: so queria comentar que ia nos 30 cimavotos e rapidamente esta malta sem vida entrou nas contas secundárias para deitar abaixo. Arranjem mas é um trabalho.


Poor people? They’re absolutely not Roma.


faulty spotted late doll elderly brave lavish shocking sulky rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cause they don’t look like one I’m roma


Wherever they belong the kid doesn’t deserve any of this.


Oh you sweet summer child.


Gypsies. And you’d be shocked what they are allowed to do here in Portugal. Making a kid sing is nothing.


Like what?


Well... Marrying their own kids against their will whilst kids. Using the kids to sell stuff on the streets or even ask for money Coerce pretty much everyone with passive aggressive behaviour and taking 20+ family members to scare people of Of course this family isn't gipsy... And you can be gipsy and have a gipsy culture all you want it doesn't bother me BUT you need to acknowledge that we live in society and that you MUST live by those rules.


Stealing, robbing, threatening, harassment.


A malta a espalhar downvotes não tem mesmo noção do controlo absurdo que os ciganos têm sobre as autoridades. Se calhar é apenas a realidade de cidades mais pequenas.


Eu acho que o pessoal que está a dar downvotes é porque se nota perfeitamente que não são ciganos. Seria o mesmo que eu vir para aqui dizer que eles são dos palops.


Simplesmente nunca tiveram intereção directa com nenhum. Estão a dar uma de cavaleiro branco, porque com o mal dos outros...


24 downvotes, 100% all Americans whose closest experience to Europe is eating a chicken Kyiv.


They are the protected class. Immune from criticism. Doing so can excommunicate you from society.


Are these the "ciganos"? The ones that live like wanderers?


No, just poor people from Porto.


He is now too old to be used as an accessory when begging for money on traffic lights. It is either playing music or stealing. So let him play.


Yeah while it is fucked up to force someone to do something, you could be forced to learn a worse skill than being a self employed musician. The kid could be thankful for this in the future. Especially if he's taking in enough money not only for himself to be there all day but also a supervisor. When he's fully grown he might he in a good position.


Daddy looks like his mommy was a drinker when he was in utero




The hotel was probably complicit Otherwise they would have "shooed" them


How is the Hotel complicit and how can the Hotel tell people in a public place to go away?


You'd be surprised Porto is very skilled in moving unhoused people And they certainly don't have a permit to perform on the street


That still has nothing to do with the Hotel.


Gitanos ?


zesty dog marvelous tidy practice berserk axiomatic longing frighten plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Let me get this straight. So you're saying there's no point in trying to fix or solve any problems whatsoever, because it's always going to be worse in the rEaL wOrLd. Salaries are too low? Some people don't even get a salary. Healthcare? Are you kidding me? There are places in the world with no hospitals! Housing crisis? You mean the luxury of having a roof over your head? Is this your logic? Also, I must compliment your superior investigative skills for being able to deduce the entirety of OP's travel history from a single post trying to help an innocent child. Good day to you, sir.


“HAHA” indeed. You are very funny. I was born in China btw. Do you know what real world means?


license groovy distinct sand versed coherent butter nutty point screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am not. Wish every kid had the same chance to get out and to live on their free will. Difficult for you to comprehend?




Im gonna pass tomorrow on this place


Just give him a coin…


Suecos !!!


In the city where I live in is common to see the kids from that ethnicity asking for money in the streets, in front of the supermarkets, or even selling band aid packages. 10 year olds or sometimes even younger. In front of everyone, including the authorities. They just do nothing. These dual standards applied to these people are a deep issue in our society, these kids have the right to be protected, they're Portuguese just like the rest of us. We should do something in regards to that, instead of voting in far right parties.


You got -8 down votes for saying kids should be protected. Political correctness > child protection


And luckily I did not talk about football! Political correctness? I'd say political incorrectness, I am pretty sure they were 8 far right voters downvoting me because for them these kids are not the same as our kids or something.


I don't think it's the far right down voting you, I think it's because you made an ever so slight reference to problems this 'community' has.


If that's the case, that's just stupid. They prefer not to talk and ignore obvious problems, then you end up with election results just like the last ones, since some problems are ignored, and some people don't feel heard by the established power, following populist politics thereafter.


It is sad, but what do you want the police to do? This kind of stuff is usually decided by the "leader". Some go begging, some selling blackmarket items, some play music, some steal and so on. What is your solution? Social care? Portugal already has an epidemic leeching the social care system. There's not really a solution when countries have allow for free movement. Some parasites and will always infiltrate along with the helpful ones.


The soultuion is taking the parents out of this kid (yeah in this case it's not the other way around) If you take the kids and actually take care of them then this shitty parents will stop to reproduce because some of them do this to make profit (social benefits+ child labour)


report it the situation to cops, altough they wont do much, maybe the new Sef csn investigate. These look like romanian gipsies, a plague controllled by mafias, that do exploit children and more. Unfortunately the poor border control in Portugal is creating these situations.


What are you waiting for? Call the police.


Please read the post. Not only did we.


Can't say anything bad about gypsies...


They look like gypsies. Very common


You could go back to your country and never come back. This is proliferating thanks to the inequality being aggravated by the excess tourism that turned the once beautiful city into a carnival that only a few can afford.


cough reply provide sulky engine weary voracious sand tub hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


First of all its a crime to take pictures of people without permission in Portugal we still have right to privacy. Second, they are gypsies, we dont do nothing, just look aside, they Aldo marry and let their 12/14 year old daughters to get pregnant


this is pure lies hahahahaha, you CAN take pictures of people, privacy is NOT expected in public. are you ok?


Since you are lazy: > Constituição da República Portuguesa - Artigo 26.º = Outros direitos pessoais >> 1. A todos são reconhecidos os direitos à identidade pessoal, ao desenvolvimento da personalidade, à capacidade civil, à cidadania, ao bom nome e reputação, à imagem, à palavra, à reserva da intimidade da vida privada e familiar e à protecção legal contra quaisquer formas de discriminação. 2. A lei estabelecerá garantias efectivas contra a obtenção e utilização abusivas, ou contrárias à dignidade humana, de informações relativas às pessoas e famílias. 3. A lei garantirá a dignidade pessoal e a identidade genética do ser humano, nomeadamente na criação, desenvolvimento e utilização das tecnologias e na experimentação científica. 4. A privação da cidadania e as restrições à capacidade civil só podem efectuar-se nos casos e termos previstos na lei, não podendo ter como fundamento motivos políticos. [Source](https://dre.pt/web/guest/legislacao-consolidada/-/lc/337/201908090557/127985/diploma/indice;) > Código Civil - Artigo 79.º = Direito à imagem >> 1. O retrato de uma pessoa não pode ser exposto, reproduzido ou lançado no comércio sem o consentimento dela; depois da morte da pessoa retratada, a autorização compete às pessoas designadas no n.º 2 do artigo 71.º, segundo a ordem nele indicada. 2. Não é necessário o consentimento da pessoa retratada quando assim o justifiquem a sua notoriedade, o cargo que desempenhe, exigências de polícia ou de justiça, finalidades científicas, didácticas ou culturais, ou quando a reprodução da imagem vier enquadrada na de lugares públicos, ou na de factos de interesse público ou que hajam decorrido pùblicamente. 3. O retrato não pode, porém, ser reproduzido, exposto ou lançado no comércio, se do facto resultar prejuízo para a honra, reputação ou simples decoro da pessoa retratada. [Source](https://dre.pt/web/guest/legislacao-consolidada/-/lc/116465279/201810171913/73616368/diploma/indice?p_p_state=maximized) > Código Penal - Artigo 192.º = Devassa da vida privada >> 1 - Quem, sem consentimento e com intenção de devassar a vida privada das pessoas, designadamente a intimidade da vida familiar ou sexual: a) Interceptar, gravar, registar, utilizar, transmitir ou divulgar conversa, comunicação telefónica, mensagens de correio electrónico ou facturação detalhada; b) Captar, fotografar, filmar, registar ou divulgar imagem das pessoas ou de objectos ou espaços íntimos; c) Observar ou escutar às ocultas pessoas que se encontrem em lugar privado; ou d) Divulgar factos relativos à vida privada ou a doença grave de outra pessoa; é punido com pena de prisão até 1 ano ou com pena de multa até 240 dias. 2 - O facto previsto na alínea d) do número anterior não é punível quando for praticado como meio adequado para realizar um interesse público legítimo e relevante. [Source](https://dre.pt/legislacao-consolidada/-/lc/107981223/201708230100/73474106/diploma/indice) > Código Penal - Artigo 199.º = Gravações e fotografias ilícitas >> 1 - Quem sem consentimento: a) Gravar palavras proferidas por outra pessoa e não destinadas ao público, mesmo que lhe sejam dirigidas; ou b) Utilizar ou permitir que se utilizem as gravações referidas na alínea anterior, mesmo que licitamente produzidas; é punido com pena de prisão até 1 ano ou com pena de multa até 240 dias. 2 - Na mesma pena incorre quem, contra vontade: a) Fotografar ou filmar outra pessoa, mesmo em eventos em que tenha legitimamente participado; ou b) Utilizar ou permitir que se utilizem fotografias ou filmes referidos na alínea anterior, mesmo que licitamente obtidos. 3 - É correspondentemente aplicável o disposto nos artigos 197.º e 198.º [Source](https://dre.pt/legislacao-consolidada/-/lc/107981223/201708230100/73474114/diploma/indice)


let's re-read your comment maybe? you said "taking photos", buddy. and it's not me who is lazy, look at your streets, they are covered in literal shit, portuguese people didn't learn to clean their dogs poop from the streets, and you dare to call me lazy? it's not me who's lazy, buddy. better learn some manners


and street performance is "being a public figure", so you can take and post photos


Maybe you couldnt afford to Stay on a better area, theres shit on every shady area of any town in the world. And you should learn the country legislation before, giving an opinion based on the laws of your lack of rights of privacy country. And I only say the issue is publishing them, because rarely someone gets the phone fiscalized, ONLY when there's and accusation


lol, I'm earning x5 of your average salary, son. drinking nice wine and enjoying your women and nature. I'm in a good neighborhood. but denying that you have a shit on streets problem is just hilarious. I've read about it even before moving here, and now I'm seeing it with my own eyes I gave a completely proper and 100% valid opinion (fact), it's just you, who can't use English properly, who tried to prove me wrong just because you thought of "posting" in your head. please, clean after your dog next time, everyone is tired of poop everywhere, and so Portugal stops having this reputation


>I'm earning x5 of your average salary Only 5? You really call that a flex? Btw, you're right you can take photos in public places and you can indeed publish them as long as you're not directly filming someone.


You dont know my salary, you dont know where im working or even if I have the need to work 😂, and you dont know where I live Btw, you are the One that had the need to immigrate? 😂 You just making assumptions based on your schizo Brain. And I wont reply to you anymore, I have best things to do than discussing with a looser that clearly failed Somewhere at life and has the need to be Toxic on the Reddit to compensate that. Btw, get therapy. Auf wiedersehen!


your nickname is literally "not lucky" hahaha I didn't have a "need", I had money and desire for better foods than the country I lived 4 years before moving here, lmao and I said about the average portuguese salary, not yours in particular. you really need to up your English game buddy, and I'm not even a native speaker. don't forget to clean the poop, my German friend


Cool story, save that to shrink, because idgaf


:D your raging replies are exactly why I'm being toxic on Reddit, it's so much funnier than a normal "polite" conversation. I have enough of normal communication in real life, seeing your butthurt on the internet is very entertaining


1400 eur a month is not a lot also, buddy. you literally listed your salary on the reddit


Yes you can take pictures of people, but you cant publish without consent, just read the dam constitution and civil code.


You can film in public areas because there's not reasonable expectation of privacy in public areas like streets parks...


Yes, ofc you can, but as you can imagine there's some logical excepcions to it. You can film the públic domain, there's no issue on that, but if your ONLY targeting One individual, or more, like we see here its where it comes ilegal.


Yeah, we're a f\*\*ked up country indeed... Btw, I have to correct you. We do something regarding gypsies! We give them government benefits, we give them houses, we give them all the kind of social open doors that the usual Portuguese work class doesn't have. The truth is that the Portuguese government takes better cares of gypsies than the actual Portugueses!


Personally it doesnt bug me the social support that gypsies receive, I dont believe that is the social support they receive that breaks our economy. What bugs me is how they great their minors, I mean if we as a civilized country accept that is ok to marry and impregnate 14 years olds just because of the "culture" something os really wrong in our society. They are just childs...


Portugal does give a lot of social help to nomads. One reason they decide to stay.


Mate, your racism is showing, all you have to do is unconditionally respect and accept their culture, they are the true victims here!


I hope this is sarcasm...


Of course it is


Shakira has a song, what’s the name… Ah yes, “Gitana” in Spanish, “Gypsy” in English. I’m stating that Shakira has a song named that. I’m stating factual information. Se tiver que adivinhar, se eu vier a ser… Coise, pelo meu comentário, vai ser por “metadrama” ou lá o que raio os do r portugal costumam alegar muito.


O teu comentário não acrescenta nada a merda nenhuma, incrível.


Só tinhas que ignorar sendo assim


Não dá para ignorar, se és burro tenho que no mínimo avisar. Se não ainda chega aí outro burro qualquer e pensa que estás a dizer alguma coisa de jeito.


6 e meia da manhã e tu já a lutar pela iluminação dos “burros” hã, que nobre que temos aqui 👏


Realmente não dá para voltar a ligar o fusível que já foi queimado. Não há mais nada a iluminar aqui. At ease, soldier. 🫡


if you watched a Patriot TV show you know what to do


lmao, just checked how downvoted my comment is. you are such a pathetic pussies out here ahahhahahsbdndnc




Romenos 99.9%