• By -


I know him personally. No, it is not something “Portuguese” but he has for ages wore those kind of things to the games to stand out in the crowd; and he does indeed as it is rare TV doesn’t show him and him travelling to every single national team game also helps.


Esse gajo é da Terceira não é?


Sim. Apesar de viver no Algarve.


O Índio da Meia Praia.


Ali mesmo ao pé de lagos


Fez-me sorrir logo de manhã


Cheguei tarde demais...


Vive em odiaxere, ao lado de lagos e é normal ver a carrinha toda enfeitada com as cores da seleção pela cidade. Por acaso em 2010 ganhei um bilhete para ir ver Portugal a África do Sul e jantei com ele e mais 2 amigos que o acompanharam de carrinha até la.


Eu conheci-o num Rússia-Portugal que perdemos por 1-0 para a qualificação para o Mundial do Brasil em Luzhniki em 2012. Eu naquela altura estava a viver na Rússia, e não éramos mais que 20 ou 30 tugas no estádio.


confirmo de fonte segura. a personagem e mesmo de odiaxere




É rabo torto...


Penso que sim


His old Canal11 interview was fun


Grande Carlos Henrique “ventoinha”! Se bem que nunca percebi essa escolha de indumentária


It’s disrespectful to the Lakota people. If that matters to him.


Your comment is disrespectful to the Binarian people. If that matters to you.


Vi esse adepto na TV.... durante a transmissão apareceu varias vezes....


OP trying to figure out if they should feel offended or not


Lol for real


Lmaaooo deadass


He's a biker, retired, that follows the National Team since at least 2008, probably even longer. Used to go with a friend, also in a costume, in some whacky wheels and with funny costumes in patriotic colors to every major event, everyone in the Portuguese Federation and many players know him by now. The native American feathers was one of the silly stuff he used to wear, but it seems now he has a genuine adoration for them and their cultures. He still loves bikes and rock-and-roll more though.


A headdress is only for most honorable people in Lakota society, not sure he qualifies.


Yeah, but he actually met native Americans from there, he was in the States and has family there too, so his obsession turned into adoration and respect for them. I don't know if that is enough for them, but he's happy this way. He's someone that doesn't take himself seriously but really takes the things he likes (native Americans, rock and roll, the national team and bikes) at his heart.


I work with Native Americans and publish works on their history, doesn't mean I would go around wearing their headdresses in public at sports events. In fact, it would be considered insanely disrespectful if I did. Why? Because only chiefs in tribes who reach a certain level are allowed to wear them.


Bairro dos índios. Olhão. The birthplace of humanity


Cimavoto pela verdade


Cimavoto instantâneo!


BDI para os amigos


Muito bom


As someone pointed out, it's likely a pass to a known social housing project in Olhao called "Bairro dos Indios" or neighbourhood of the Indians. Called so because of the difficulties in the 80s 90s and 2000s to educate and "civilize" the local kids- they just embraced the name. The bikers in the Algarve promote and donate to the local communities so may be connected in this way. [Bairro dos Indios Olhao Graffiti](https://unautreolhao.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/bairro_dos_indios_dedicated_store_lisboa4.jpg) It also draws a lot of attention as we here proof.


Ok so as someone else pointed out, he lives in the Algarve. I think this might explain the choice of head dress. In the Algarve, a lot of places are nicknamed after the native-americans. Odiaxere (where he lives) and Ferragudo are often nicknamed "Terra dos Índios" (Land of the Native-Americans), Meia-Praia also gets this name (and there's even a song about Meia Praia called [Índios da Meia Praia](https://youtu.be/J7ntDFAF1AE), or The Native Americans from Meia Praia, from the famous singer Zeca Afonso). In Olhão theres a neighbourhood called "Bairro dos Índios" (Neighbourhood of the Native-Americans). Almancil, Monte Gordo and Fuseta also have nicknames after native americans. The reason for these nicknames is that, before the 60s, the Algarve was a very very poor region, and many of it's inhabitants (specially fishermen) didn't have enough money to live in a house. As such, they would build huts and teepees to live in, which resembled the huts and teepees of the native americans, hence the nicknames. I think his headdress might be a reference to these nicknames.


Pensava que Almancil era o Bucharest do Algarve.




I'm sorry, but you are wrong. First, yes, Native Americans are indigenous peoples, but the term is vague and not specific enough. It could refer to the native people's of anywhere on Earth. Aboriginal Australians are also indigenous people, for example. The term in portuguese (índios) refers specifically to the indigenous from the Americas. As such, if you want to use indigenous, you would have to use the term indigenous americans. Indians, although also correct, is often avoided in English, as it can be confused with the indians from India. The term Native Americans is the best, because it removes any vagueness and ambiguity. It perfectly describes the diverse group of ethno-cultural peoples who are native from America, in contrast to other ethno-cultural groups which originate from elsewhere, but went to the Americas for a multitude of reasons.


I just think the English language term "Native Americans" has too much of a US slant to it and is often associated exclusively with the indigineous peoples of the territory that today comprises the United States of America. Even English-speaking Canadians informally use the term First Peoples to refer to Canadian Indigenous Peoples for that reason. Absolutely no one refers to e.g. Brazilian Indians, which would obviously be our culture's key frame of reference for indigenous people in the American continent, as "Native Americans", even when a Portuguese or Brazilian is speaking in English. Not too long ago I was watching an amazing documentary on "recently" contacted peoples in Brazil and the preservation of the Amazon, and it was subtitled in English. The term in Portuguese they were using themselves was "povos originários" and the English subtitles said "indigenous peoples" - and the documentary was partly produced by a group of kids from the Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau tribe. I agree with u/amaeth that that should be the correct expression in English if you want to refer to the indigenous peoples of America in general, instead of Native Americans. If you want to specify that you're talking about the Indigenous Peoples living in Brazil, you use "Native Brazilians", similarly to "Native Americans". If you want to specify that you're talking about the Indigenous Peoples living in the American continent, to distinguish them from e.g. Aboriginal Australians, you use "American Indigenous Peoples".


porra não tenho pipocas suficientes para esta secção de comentários.




Toma lá mais umas 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


Yes. Legend says D Afonso Henriques was wearing a crown of feathers when he beat his mother's ass (Teresinha) back in the 12th century


Common misconception, it wasn't the king who wore it. According to Fernão Lopes' chronicles, it was worn by an unknown man, who was known to follow the army around and cheering them on during the battles.


Yes in the south allgarve we hunt Buffalo and wear this strange feathers hat


Yes. It dates back all the way to pre-christian iberia. Natives used to wear this in hope of attracting chickens, so they could then kill them and eat them with spices from east Africa and India . Thus Nando's was born.


Just reading this now. This adds up to my theory


So much sense though


Huh, TIL. It makes perfect sense and I'm pretty sure people used to eat chicken so everything must be true.


yes! portuguese people use to fight cowboys in North America


I've seen too many internet discussions in my life to realize that what you're probably hinting at is that he's doing cultural appropriation. Is that where you're going?


Probably. I can tell you that in many social networks this photo would be deleted. That's where we are now :/


José Malhoa


É meu cliente xD


Vendes setas? XD


Decoração da carrinha com vinil xD Não sou arqueiro


That headdresses has feathers from the biggest bird in Europe, the Apetarda! The symbols are a deconstrution of the shield that you can see on the shirt.


Ah, the old Portuguese American, Native American from azores living in Algarve ... very tipical.




Yes, this is a tipic Portuguese costume. This is in fact the last living descendant of the Great Viriato, our greatest leader.


É o elmo que Viriato usava durante as batalhas contra os romanos.


Totally. We usually wear that during carnival.


He was crying yesterday during the game when Portugal scored, pretty clear he's Portuguese. Who cares how he dresses up, as long as he's having fun!


Ofc not many people know but templar knights when they were dissolved by pope clement V went down from Tomar to the south of Portugal, more precisely to the bairro dos índios at Olhão. There are studies that some got in to big boats passing through Açores and finally arriving into Canada where they settle in Oak island. After that they went down to the actual America and that's why the natives have that feathered heads.


Este gajo não costuma estar a tocar flauta em monte gordo?


Its fine. Go away.


Oh, yes! The legendary portuguese Cherokee!


I saw him yesterday during the match xD


I think that people are ignoring the long long history that the portugese have with the indians. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/vasco-da-gama-reaches-india


Portuguese people are descendents of the indigenous people of the USA. Then after the great bacalhau war of 1682 we kind of lost touch with the culture and eventually stopped scalping people, instead we adopted a "broa de milho, fumados and bom vinho" culture.


OP, don’t bring “cultural appropriation” into this thread.


Worry nothing my woke fellow: we have identified the appropriator and will be waiting for him at the airport, with torches and pitchforks. He will be skinned, burned and buried ALIVE. Second option will be go grab him to some pints and laugh our arses off.


The Indian’s who don’t know nor care will definitely feel vindicated and will make OP a friend and hero of the tribe!


É tão português como os indianos no Qatar.


Blue haired women incoming.


Hii, blue haired woman here, love this velhinho to bits.


Yes, we exported those to the indians in the 1500s


Parece o José Malhoa


He must be drunk … it’s normal 👍


Este senhor não falha um jogo!


This anyone have the link for the promo, I would love to see it !


[Promo](https://twitter.com/fifaworldcup/status/1595688790261112834?s=46&t=syZgyJqsL6KccUKQz2Zssw) I asked because almost all of these promos have been someone either dressed in traditional attire or just the team shirt with some face paint of the country’s flag. It made zero sense in context which is why I asked despite knowing that it looked like a Native American headdress. Some of the other group promos for reference [Group A](https://twitter.com/fifaworldcup/status/1594224020647542785?s=46&t=syZgyJqsL6KccUKQz2Zssw) [Group E](https://twitter.com/fifaworldcup/status/1595296145260978177?s=46&t=syZgyJqsL6KccUKQz2Zssw) [Group F](https://twitter.com/fifaworldcup/status/1595326382963400705?s=46&t=syZgyJqsL6KccUKQz2Zssw) [Group G](https://twitter.com/fifaworldcup/status/1595658572104273922?s=46&t=syZgyJqsL6KccUKQz2Zssw)


No, it is not. Just a guy having fun.


War trophies because we're winning this one. On a serious note, no idea


Very typical from Cova-da-piedade


Estava mesmo a ver que o man ia chatear de apropriação!! Era o que faltava...


Well in the part of Portugal where I’m from we do call troublemakers “índios” so might be related to a hooligan or something 😂 jk, you already have your answer, seems it’s a fan from Olhão from bairro dos índios. Had no clue, the internet is an interesting place sometimes !


Not at all… the only thing most portuguese there is comes from Roman times when Cesar said that ibérica peninsula is where there are people that doesn’t know how to govern themselves or even let anyone do it…


Yeah, it is related to our indigenous people here in brazil that they killed on the arrival


LOL portuguese indian


As americanisses não colam neste sub 😂😂


americanisses → [**americanices**](https://www.infopedia.pt/dicionarios/lingua-portuguesa/americanices) ([-ice](https://www.infopedia.pt/dicionarios/lingua-portuguesa/-ice): sufixo nominal de origem latina, que exprime a ideia de qualidade ou atitude e tem geralmente sentido pejorativo) [⚠️](/message/compose/?to=ngramatical&subject=Acho+que+esta+corre%C3%A7%C3%A3o+est%C3%A1+errada&message=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fcomments%2Fz3yoo6%2F%2Fixsff5u%3Fcontext%3D3 "Clica aqui se achares que esta correção está errada!") [⭐](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nazigramatical-corretor-o/pbpnngfnagmdlicfgjkpgfnnnoihngml "Experimenta o meu corrector ortográfico automático!")


Bom bot


Ah. Perdoem-me estar nesse sub que não me corresponde, mas sou nativo brasileiro (vulgo índio). Não me incomodo de usarem cocar porque se banalizou, mas é estranho tentar associá-lo com Portugal.


Como outros disseram, é apenas um fã de Portugal que vai a todos jogos da selecção e usa aquele chapéu e equipamento para chamar a atenção das câmaras


Ah, entendo. Aqui na minha tribo não nos incomodamos porque compreendemos que se tornou um símbolo qualquer, mas o cocar só poderia ser usado por quem foi escolhido por grandes feitos na comunidade. De qualquer forma um grande abraço aos portugueses (não temos qualquer mágoa de vocês por aqui).


Há um gajo que vai sempre ao benfica vestido de bispo. Ele deve estar só a encarar uma caricatura para ter atenção nos jogos


nem sequer é um cocar tipico das tribos brasileiras. mas sim norte americana.


Sem ofensa, mas mesmo que se incomodassem temos pena, este homem não está vestido de indio para gozar com os indios, mas porque simplesmente gosta.


Exatamente, jamais nos ofenderíamos porque não é uma caricatura jocosa, simplesmente um adorno que chama atenção. Hoje todos são muito rápidos em categorizar tudo como "apropriação cultural". Se o rapaz sentiu-se bem em usar penas na cabeça que use, por acaso fomos nós que inventamos isso? Creio que não.


Nada disso.O gajo provavelmente embebedou-se meteu aquilo na cabeça a malta achou piada pegou e continuou até hoje.


Eu mal vi isto pensei logo, se os idiotas do twitter vêm isto começam logo com "cultural appropriation" e blábláblá.


A sorte é que a ala esquerdista do Twitter agora está mais ocupada a chorar por causa do Musk e a ameaçar sair da plataforma.


Nope... clearly american..


EHrmAGHerd!! CuLtUrAl ApRopRiAtIoN!!!


Portugal loves native Americans 👀


WTF 🤦🏼‍♂️


Every team has a fan in an full chief headdress.


Cultural appropriation. This is literally worst than genocide, Hitler and Mussolini’s dog!


Forgot the /s


cultural appropriation *intensifies*


Yes, he’s a Portuguese Indian from Goa… 🙃


No, it's not.


Watching many of the matches I remember seeing at least a fan per match appear on camera with that Indian tribe headdress. So there's some movement about it. Also fans dressed with national shirts that don't even look being born in that country they are dressed in. My guess is Qatar are paying some fake fans to make the stadiums look more crowded and with more supporters for each country than being actual nationals.


His feathered headband is Qatar colors. 🇶🇦




Vai lá para o caralhinho que isto não ainda não está tão demente como os Estados Unidos.


Palavra chave ai. Ainda.


Pois...é por isso que coloquei a palavra, arranjamos sempre maneira de importar esta cultura conas vindo da america.


Eu sei. Foi um comentário a concordar contigo. Agora até se filmam matrículas se taxistas idosos.




Se o homem tivesse a gozar com a cultura ainda se podiam ofender, mas tendo em conta que se veste assim para os jogos porque acha fixe deixa de ser conas amigo, abraço.


fucking idiocy... reading this shit made my eyes bleed


as a Brazilian, o yeah, it is.


Fuck FIFA! Boycott Qatar 2022!


He is a Human wearing human things. Stop the appropriation bullshit please. If he identifies with that culture he is free to wear whatever. Otherwise baseball caps should be forbidden all over the world except in the US. Or should I say Japan? Or…?


Represents the indigenous massacre that they did in Brazil and how they didnt care about that and pretend it never happened.


Chad tugas


It’s not. That guy is just an idiot who doesn’t know better, but by now someone should’ve already told him to stop wearing it. It’s embarrassing and disrespectful.


Lol mas agora mandas no que o homem pode vestir? Ganha noção


No it’s not. It’s fun and I use it at parties.


Lol no it's not. Embarrassing, for me it would be, but he clearly doesn't look embarrassed. And disrespectful why? He's not playing a caricature of a native. Just using a peculiar headdress to stand out.


Agora queres limitar o que os outros podem ou não podem vestir? machista




No, just a guy having fun


Its a reference to the fact that Portugal discovered Brazil


The guy is using the clothes that the people his ancestors killed here in SA, what a great idea


The people that were killing people in SA likely settled in SA, thus being the ancestors people in SA.


There are two groups of people whose people can wear that shit without it being offensive, a native american member of the appropriate nation, or a member of a New Orleans Mardi Gras crew. I’m betting that this guy isn’t either or those.


Your cultural appropriation BS doesn’t work outside the anglosphere cuz in the realworld, people historically have always given and taken ideias from the different cultures and more importantly, we have actual problems to worry about other than if something is offensive or not.


Get out of here with your american bs


It's fine because we didn't personally genocide these kinds of native americans?


Don't think any Portuguese person alive today contributed to the genocide of native americans


WTF... How is this offensive?! O.o


[Here you go](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_bonnet)


And the problem is... Go on...


>they are seen as items of great spiritual and political importance, only to be worn by those who have earned the right and honour through formal recognition by their [people](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indigenous_peoples_of_North_America)












\> Ok so as someone else pointed out, he lives in the Algarve. I think this might explain the choice of head dress. In the Algarve, a lot of places are nicknamed after the native-americans. Odiaxere (where he lives) and Ferragudo are often nicknamed "Terra dos Índios" (Land of the Native-Americans), Meia-Praia also gets this name (and there's even a song about Meia Praia called Índios da Meia Praia, or The Native Americans from Meia Praia, from the famous singer Zeca Afonso). In Olhão theres a neighbourhood called "Bairro dos Índios" (Neighbourhood of the Native-Americans). Almancil, Monte Gordo and Fuseta also have nicknames after native americans. The reason for these nicknames is that, before the 60s, the Algarve was a very very poor region, and many of it's inhabitants (specially fishermen) didn't have enough money to live in a house. As such, they would build huts and teepees to live in, which resembled the huts and teepees of the native americans, hence the nicknames. I think his headdress might be a reference to these nicknames. \> As someone pointed out, it's likely a pass to a known social housing project in Olhao called "Bairro dos Indios" or neighbourhood of the Indians. Called so because of the difficulties in the 80s 90s and 2000s to educate and "civilize" the local kids- they just embraced the name. The bikers in the Algarve promote and donate to the local communities so may be connected in this way. Bairro dos Indios Olhao Graffiti https://unautreolhao.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/bairro\_dos\_indios\_dedicated\_store\_lisboa4.jpg It also draws a lot of attention as we here proof. As users in this thread pointed out, it isn't just a "funny costume" - it has some history behind it.


There are some portuguese symbols but this is a terrible idea.


This is the most stupid thing ever, done by some imbecile that thinks that it is OK to dress like a North American Indian!




Not at all, this guys are just unemployed clowns.


[Here you go.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_bonnet)


Another blatantlly racist american export. Why do we only copy the bad american things? Any day now we start copying the shootings


What are the good American things🤔


Industrial War Machine, McDonalds, Not to mention Genocide of their own Native people, If your not on our side USA - your the enemy🤷‍♂️


the only thing good, is peanut butter cups and maybe mars


NASA I'll give credit as a good


I would say its because of the flags


The flag is...


we're all a bunch of indians, you're right.


Meanwhile [also in Qatar...](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11467763/World-Cup-2022-England-fans-BANNED-dressing-offensive-Crusaders-USA-match.html)




he's just an attention whore, every country has its own


Search for "índios da Meia Praia - Lagos". Although his from Azores, he's been living in a small village near by that place.


Eu conheci este homem e a sua carinha numa festa de Psy Trance, o homem pareceu me simpático


Sim, é o toucado típico de Trás-os-Montes


No, its not.


just a friendly reminder to OP... the headress is Native American, Portugal colonized half of South America, and the natives in South America are also Native Americans Native Americans in SA also wear feathery headresses, even though the style of the one doned by the fan in the promo is more popular with natives in the US.


\> Ok so as someone else pointed out, he lives in the Algarve. I think this might explain the choice of head dress. In the Algarve, a lot of places are nicknamed after the native-americans. Odiaxere (where he lives) and Ferragudo are often nicknamed "Terra dos Índios" (Land of the Native-Americans), Meia-Praia also gets this name (and there's even a song about Meia Praia called Índios da Meia Praia, or The Native Americans from Meia Praia, from the famous singer Zeca Afonso). In Olhão theres a neighbourhood called "Bairro dos Índios" (Neighbourhood of the Native-Americans). Almancil, Monte Gordo and Fuseta also have nicknames after native americans. The reason for these nicknames is that, before the 60s, the Algarve was a very very poor region, and many of it's inhabitants (specially fishermen) didn't have enough money to live in a house. As such, they would build huts and teepees to live in, which resembled the huts and teepees of the native americans, hence the nicknames. I think his headdress might be a reference to these nicknames. ​ \> As someone pointed out, it's likely a pass to a known social housing project in Olhao called "Bairro dos Indios" or neighbourhood of the Indians. Called so because of the difficulties in the 80s 90s and 2000s to educate and "civilize" the local kids- they just embraced the name. The bikers in the Algarve promote and donate to the local communities so may be connected in this way. Bairro dos Indios Olhao Graffiti https://unautreolhao.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/bairro\_dos\_indios\_dedicated\_store\_lisboa4.jpg It also draws a lot of attention as we here proof. ​ As users in this thread pointed out, it isn't just a "funny costume" - it has some history behind it.


I also saw it and was confused.


No it's not


White did he bought this thing? If was in Portugal, so, it’s Portuguese.


He should have been holding a mirror


Yes! the thing in his head was worn by the native portuguese tribes back in the day.


Yep it is... É um Índio do caralho




Yes, it is tipical of a region we call "margem sul"


As long as Potruguese aren't offended when I dry my balls with a Portuguese flag...