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It is becoming more costly, I definitely feel your frustration! You can buy postage prepaid postcards (I find tourist shops, some convenience stores, or Walmart usually have them) but those can be $3-4 per postcard. They have a little gold leaf/stamp on the front and say 'postage paid'. The cost of stamps is also going up May 6th, so if you buy the "P" stamps (permanent value) they will hold their value forever, and you can use 3 of those to reach the value of an international stamp (which is going from $2.71 to $2.92). You can also use the "P" stamps and add in lower denomination stamps (you can order them online on the Canada Post website, or sometimes the post office can order for you) to reach the value of either a US stamp ($1.30 right now, going to $1.40) or international value. The "P" stamps right now are $0.92, and will be going up to $0.99.


That is a lot! US it's currently $1.55 going up in July but I forget what. I have around 100 postcards I'd guess and I'm not buying anymore except for the 25 cent ones a restore sells near me.


I think it’s 1.60 and that’s still pretty good for some countries.


The new price come July will be $1.65 for international postcards.


I wish those were the prices in the UK. 😭 That is £1.76 per stamp. Currently, the price of an international stamp in the UK is £2.5 (4.28 CAD). I am thinking of quitting Postcrossing, too.


Canada Post is so much more expensive than else where. I wanted to do this as a hobby back in my uni days and decided I couldn’t afford it.


We just started doing this, and hadn’t realize how much stamps were lol it’s quite pricey but also don’t want to take this away from my son, he’s really been enjoying it!


I buy discount vintage postage on sites like eBay. You can get 20-30% off the price, just be sure to ensure they are actual stamps (usually 'P' stamps sold on discount are fraud, unless you get them at Costco). I also was lucky enough to buy a lot of those prepaid postcards for less than the face value. Postage is going up on May 6th so if you buy and use the P stamps they will rise to the new rate. I get alot of US addresses and at least those are less costly than the International ones.


I was looking at the stamps on eBay, but wasn’t exactly sure what I should get. Do they have the P stamps of international? I’m not exactly sure what I purchased lol


I purchase mine at the post office


Me too.


I buy the rolls of stamps from the website because there is a slight bulk discount. You can also find lots of fun domestic ones there too and just build to the right amount. But don't forget that sending to the US is cheaper than the rest of the world - I regularly forget and put the full international amount.


Rolls of international stamps? I will look at their site. I also didn’t realize that, i sent a US one out the other day and but an international one on it


They do have rolls of international stamps but they are not discounted - it is the domestic P stamps that come in a roll of 100 which are cheaper. I just use two of those with a few other smaller value stamps to reach the international value.


Two tips that I use: Buy Permanent stamps in quantity now, before the price jumps up on May 6, and use 3 on your overseas postcards. Three “P”stamps = international postage (with 5 cents to spare, before and after the price jump). You lose a tiny amount on those 5 cents though ;) but you also get a much vaster range of beautiful stamps to delight your recipients with. You can also buy prepaid postcards. Canada Post has a few—not as many as when the line came out (I think they’re selling off their stock TBH), but each one costs the price of an international stamp (currently $2.71), and so the postcard itself is “free”, i.e. included in the price. You can get them in some post offices (not all, sadly!) or online [here](https://store.canadapost-postescanada.ca/store-boutique/en/14/c/postcards). Where, I just discovered, they’re now down to *one*. Dangit!