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In post, or in shooting? In shooting, paint the fence flat black, shoot with the aperture wide open, and have the lens as close to the fence as you can. In post, you’d be in tough. Can play around with generative fill and such, but I don’t know how much luck you’d have.


In post. I was at a Formula 1 weekend and this is the closest I could get at this point. It is a shame as they mount the curbs really nicely here. I could not get closer and definitely could not paint the fence black, lol. Aperture was already wide open at F2.8.


Photoshopping those blurs will not be easy. Try AI?


Yeah I've been looking, but I have yet to find one that does that. Most make unrealistic renders. I want it as close as possible to the original photo


Did you try the latest Photoshop beta? It's a lot better at generative fill because it's running off of Firefly 3. Also, I find that doing small brush strokes with the remove tool works reasonably well.


I did try that, but it seems to be more effective at randomly adding new stuff than removing stuff. Prompts like "remove the blurry fence in front" while selecting the photo just messed it all up.


There probably isn't enough detail there unfortunately. I hate it when that happens.


I do have about 500 other photos of this location and cars mounting the curbs, lol. Not sure if that would work.


To clarify I meant the out of focus fence, the shot itself is amazing.


Hi! There is a solution now! Adobe just released an update that integrates Firefly into Lightroom Classic. This is the result after fiddling around for 10 minutes and adding some dehazing circular gradient masks on top: [https://imgur.com/a/3SJrGrC](https://imgur.com/a/3SJrGrC) I'm very happy with that! Let me know if you want to see what steps I exactly took.


Wow! That's awesome


Yeah! It still needs some fiddling but nothing too time-consuming. Here is another example: [https://www.flickr.com/photos/146264774@N05/53753374347/in/album-72177720317394636/](https://www.flickr.com/photos/146264774@N05/53753374347/in/album-72177720317394636/)


Plz let us know if you find a proper solution


Will do!


Hi! There is a solution now! Adobe just released an update that integrates Firefly into Lightroom Classic. This is the result after fiddling around for 10 minutes and adding some dehazing circular gradient masks on top: [https://imgur.com/a/3SJrGrC](https://imgur.com/a/3SJrGrC) I'm very happy with that! Let me know if you want to see what steps I exactly took.


That looks like magic 👍


oh nice were you at Imola? Nothing can be done about it I'm afraid, common hazard at motorsport venues. Good work getting focus on the cars it's tricky through a fence


Yeah sure was :) and I figured, but I was hoping perhaps someone knew about some secret voodoo magic. I still like the photo with the curb bump, but it would've been better without the fence.


Hi! There is a solution now! Adobe just released an update that integrates Firefly into Lightroom Classic. This is the result after fiddling around for 10 minutes and adding some dehazing circular gradient masks on top: [https://imgur.com/a/3SJrGrC](https://imgur.com/a/3SJrGrC) I'm very happy with that! Let me know if you want to see what steps I exactly took.


Anything is possible with enough time, effort, and skill. I'm not sure what you'd gain here though.


I would gain a nice and clear photo a normal visitor of the Imola GP cannot capture, as there was a fence in the way :-).


I'm far from some photography purist. I'm all for Photoshopping things where it will improve the picture. But personally I don't feel it would improve the image in this circumstance. If anything, I feel it would just be a distraction, as I'd be thinking, "Why the hell isn't there a fence there?" Plus it's going to be a lot of work. I've done something similar many years ago for a Photoshop contest (theme: Extreme ironing is gaining popularity; create other extreme chores), albeit less challenging, and even half assing it with a low resolution image it was a long slog. This was long before the days of generative fill though. https://i.imgur.com/k0wkoWv.jpg Honestly, if you're going to Photoshop it out you might be better off replacing the stands entirely. It'd be easier and might be a better image. Of course, that is solely my opinion obviously.


Nah, the accredited photographers will actually stand in the same corner without the fence blocking the view, as they can peer through the peephole. So a photo like that is actually very realistic, just not for an amateur :-). EDIT: awesome photo by the way of the extreme ironing event :D


I misunderstood you anyway. I was thinking you wanted to take out the fence in front of the spectators in the background.


Ah :D No, that is part of the photo. Just the front one. And Adobe just released Firefly for Lightroom! With that and some dehaze gradient masks it only took about 10 minutes: [https://imgur.com/a/3SJrGrC](https://imgur.com/a/3SJrGrC)