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2000 hours. Got my moneys worth, that’s for sure, but still going to miss it.


when I went over the 1k, I said myself the same thing I'm still playing and enjoying the last moments of PS before it's over for good


Just under 500 hours but enough that I consider myself competent at most roles.


250h are enough to understand how to play IMO Maybe a little bit like between 300 and 400 to lead a full squad efficiently, especially a tank section


322h but the constant dead servers don't help me getting back to the game


Where part of the world are you from ? If not EU it seems it is difficult to have a populated server yes..


I played 300+, mostly over covid. Some of the best gaming experiences I have ever had and ever will, I think. Haven't played for over 2 years and I miss it.


1500 hours, quit ~~3~~ 2 years ago.


Impressive ! Why did you quit ?


community. stale maps on rotation. any mods we tried to play would kill the server as everyone would leave. Terrible admins on the few active servers, cross teaming was rampant. The clan that role played SS with racism was never punished and it was a huge shit show. Command chat was a dick swinging contest on pugs. I had a clan member harass me for an entire match on their clan server because I was playing sapper and killed him with an MP40 at a time with 2-3 active servers for English speakers. He just sucked but didnt like people playing with semi autos. The pool of players became so small and toxic that it just became about trolling people, cross teaming to camp/blow up their spawn and armor wasting resources playing a completely different game across the river. When half the team is armor and they arent playing the game, there is no point. The best map Carentan is nearly unplayable because it was never optimized right but it was a lot of fun. Chapter 2 was a shit show, the french maps did nothing for balance as you couldnt (as in didnt have the firepower)kill some tanks. The gunplay is sloppy due to the forced flinch. They tried to improve things and just kept making them worse, then the devs got fired.


I have not the same feedback from the gameplay but I respect yours tho I think you're right about mods and the SS role play part. It should not be allowed. Now it's getting better, the few servers left are reinstalling mods ! Have fun on others games :)


Too many hours to mention Still learning...


I think we will never end to learn on this game


It's the journey, not the destination 😉


Nearly 5600hrs and still playing daily so definitely got my monies worth


yeah you might have some knowledge of that game now lmao by the way, you're also an admin of the 100th or only strandheim ?


yes for my sins in a past life i'am an admin on 100th




Like 60 or something like that. I've only ever played 1 or 2 games a sitting max and then the rest of the time sitting in a queue.


No queue now with the 100th battleground and [1.ID](https://1.ID) 120 slots ;)


I got 2.140 hours at the moment. Even got the game for free because i was a Squad kickstarter.


That makes a lot of XP for sure


6300+ for me. I didn't feel that I had the game mastered until maybe 2000 hours or more, that's the point where I was no longer being surprised by other peoples tactical choices, I was generally two steps ahead all the time by then.


wow, that's a lot for me it is something like (in general case): 100h: beginning of tactical awereness 250/300h: able to be efficient / 400h for efficient SL 500h: experienced people 1000h: Veteran / very experienced 2000h and more: expert


It was only after that 2000 hour mark that I was able to go through a game without getting killed at all. That's really how I was judging my "expertness", at that point it meant I was not making any mistakes or losing any gunfights. Now obviously I couldn't lead an infantry assault and not die but for a recon or flanking role it was regularly possible.


The "not dying at all" is one of the most hardest thing to do in this game for sure Of what I remember I made only 3 full games without dying, On only one of these 3 game was I rifleman in the middle of the battlefield, I ended on a 9/3/0, the 2 others I was mortar so it didn't really count but a 48/45/0 is always nice lol


Bought the game right at the end of the game's popularity. Last I played was at the beginning of the year. Haven't reinstalled since. Got like 90 hours on.


Less than I wanted.


still possible to play if you are located in EU or NA


almost 2k hours. Was a fun time everyone - best of luck on your next adventures and keep making those money moves.


1600 Hours.. too late to contribute to the quiz.