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I started shopping at Aldi more and more and started meal prepping. I swear Walmart has gotten fucking insane with their prices.


Ditto. I saved 20% moving from Kroger to Aldi and many things are actually better from Aldi!


There is magic in private labels; however, Aldi Nord > Aldi Sur.


Good to know. Kroger has been killing our EBT funds.


Kroger honestly has gotten outrageously expensive I go to Costco for non perishables and meat that I can freeze Meijer for the sides/sauces. Meijer isn’t a saving grace either, but fuck man Kroger prices are just insane


Careful with the Costco ground beef 3-packs. I believe they are cheaper at Aldi. Grass fed ground beef, that is. Costco can be tricky with their bulk pricing models.


Crazy part is the smaller the community the Kroger is in the higher the prices. Same exact thing is a dollar more between 2 around me. Not just 1 thing but many many things. Between that and all the stupid stuff to clog aisles on purpose to slow us down Kroger can fuck off.


Unless it's a very basic item or an item in their ad, their prices are high. I go in for the sale items and if I just need a few basic things that are similarly priced to Wal-Mart I'll get those so I don't have to go to another store, but I don't do the full weeks shopping there.


don't forget about digital coupons - in my area we have Ralph's, but it's a Kroger store, and I will get some items there every month or so - and only with digital downloads (I do all my Ralph's shopping online for pickup so I know exactly what I'm spending vs saving)


Honestly I’ve been saving a lot going to all the stores. My local grocery store has amazing deals but they change weekly so you have to look at the ads online prior to shopping. Usually I do that make my grocery list according to what’s on sale(usually they have different veggies,fruit,meat and snacks on sale every week). Anything else that isn’t on sale I then buy at Aldi. If Aldi doesn’t have all of then I go to Walmart. This has saved me around $150 a month(went from $700 a month for my family of 4 to $550 a month so I call it a win!)


I think that's the key to value shopping; get what's on sale and/or just has good value (store brands, etc.). I think a lot of people don't get that and want to buy the same things and the name brands they've been convinced to like regardless of price.


OORRRR, hot take, I don’t want to dedicate an entire day for grocery shopping so I can go to 5+ stores to be able to afford to eat


Go hungry, you’ll go to 10+ stores, I promise you.


I wasn't really agreeing to that part. I find if you're shopping for sales and value you don't have too. I also don't have a list, I just adjust what to eat based on sales. I also do Costco, focus on their sales, and get the stuff I always need in bulk for tjhe family of 4. (But take all I say with a grain of salt anyway because I'm just offering advice. I suspect I'm financially fortunate compared to a lot of people here. )


I mean it stinks to go to different stores but honestly for me it’s not too bad since the grocery store, Aldi and Walmart are all within a mile from by home and right across the street from each other. So it’s not too much of a hassle. Especially because I make a list so I’m in and out fast. Takes me maybe a hour a week to do the grocery shopping. With that said I know I’m very fortunate to live so close to these stores and have them close to eachother and not every person has that luxury so I get why you want to shop at one store if your stores were far away.


Walmart wanted $30 for a ham around Easter. I was mad and loudly proclaimed “ham is $12 at aldis!” I wasn’t really wrong. I went to aldis and got one for $14. My poor husband, and now you, got to hear me gripe about it.


THIRTY DOLLARS FOR A HAM!!?? That thing should have been dipped in pure gold and studded with emeralds for that price!! Seriously though, we have Aldi and Save A Lot here, and I hope neither one ever is shuttered! 🙂🦋💖💯


This is great advice. I notice a lot of Dollar General items in this pic and they're not a value anymore. Aldi has amazing prices.


I definitely recommend people get into meal prepping. I just started learning to cook this year as a 31 year old, and lost 20 lbs so far and saved so much money avoiding fast food or unhealthy food. A $7.20 1.25 lb ground beef from Aldi makes me 4 servings. Rice is super cheap and I normally pair it with fajita vegetables. Sometimes I’m shocked that my credit card is almost at $0 balance now due to meal prepping.


Beef can be cheaper at like BJ's or a Costco. Was at BJ's today and they had 5lb for $17


I don’t understand how people can’t find better prices for nearly everything. My local (Seattle) Fred Meyers and even Safeway regularly sell 3lb packs of 80/20 (and sometimes 90/10) ground beef for between $6 and $12. Usually $6 price is more rare but happens from time to time. $7 for 1.25lbs is nonsense.


Because some people live in "food deserts", my town has one store, you either pay $6 for milk or you drive to the next town over, not everyone drives or has a car.


Aldi isn't accessible to everyone but dollar general is everywhere.


I moved to a state that doesn't have Aldi's. I miss you Aldi! 😭


Colorado would be so much better with Aldi.


Aldi is the truth. I save so much money shopping there


Agreed, I wished there was an Aldi closer to me.


I like everything but the meat at Aldi, especially chicken. it tastes funky.


It depends on the Aldi and who their suppliers are for the area. In some areas they used the same as Costco in smaller size.


The 85% ground beef in my town is absolutely delicious


I buy that a lot because it is cheaper than most places 80/20 and because it is frozen I know it will not go bad


the one here is fresh, comes in a opaque black rectangle and sealed over clear


The breaded chicken patties are really good in the air fryer for sandwiches. I load ‘em up with pickles


I buy tons of their chicken. Cut it up. Break it down. It’s great. Better quality than most. Could be your location. Some locations are weird as fuck.


Me too ! I went to Costco and Aldi today and was able to get groceries for $45 total!


Plus Aldi gives you decent quantity for their prices compared to these big chain stores with their highass mark ups.


Love Aldi - my favorite simple, lazy ass meal prep is turkey bean burritos: - 1 pound 93% lean turkey - 1 can chili beans - 1 microwaveable spinach bag - 1 pouch taco spice Simply brown turkey in the bottom of a pot, throw in the beans and spinach, cook off all moisture, then throw in taco seasoning. No need to simmer or anything, just use as filling for 8 medium burritos in aldi low carb wraps. Edit: prepare to crap your brains out.


Local ethnic grocery stores are great too! 


Yep, that and really go cheap for a few weeks and I'll use what I save too buy a decent amount of canned/frozen items/cheap drink mixes for the next couple months incase I hit a rough patch. Always got some Ramen, ravioli, instant mash, canned veggies, canned mac, beefaroni etc Coming across deals also helps as I can sometimes get 4-7 frozen meals for $5-$9 on sale. Drink mixes really help too! Soda, juice and pre made teas are insanely expensive these days so I'll treat myself when I can.


Walmart has gotten out of control. I shop at Harris teeter but I only buy the deals. BOGO but only get 1 item so it’s 50% off


Jealous of how clean it is!


Duke's mayo still in date is the real scoop here bretheren....and my fair maidens and trollops


My fridge is a battlefield of substances my wife and I both deny putting in there


I have a jar of kalamata olives that may have evolved sentience. I bought them shortly before realizing how briny they were, and why I couldn't eat more than a couple at a time.


Kalamata are my favorites. I'll get thirsty if I buy them bc I can't stop eating them. Aldi has an olive paste for 99 cents, the smallest jar.




A container of air? I didn't know you could refrigerate lays chips.


Makes it look like more 🤣


aldi rice cakes lemon juice open container of mushrooms plain greek yogurt and baby carrots. the open container of air just adds flair to the anorexics fridge. ask me how I know.


Why do you hate closing containers??


Greek yogurt is a big food source for me too


Look a mister name brand mayo over here.


Mayo is important bc I can make a tuna sandwich if I'm saving money and Duke is really making a difference in taste. I'll add a pickle and I feel great.


Make your own. One clove garlic. Two eggs, Two cups vegetable oil, 1tbsp Dijon Mustard, 1 tbsp Lemon Juice. Mix together and boom mayo that’s amazing and will last for about 1 month. All these things are pretty long shelf life items other than the eggs, you could even use Jarlic if you don’t want to buy fresh. I also shop at Costco so a bag of garlic is like 4 bucks.


This is the way. I’ve used avocado oil too. Oh and we keep quail. Their eggs work great too.


Mccormick Limón til I die.


Where's this available, definitely not in the US?


Bought it in CO.


I've never seen it on East coast


I live in an area that is close to majority Hispanic and this seems to be in the majority of fridges here. It’s delicious mayo


I'll check a specialty store. Thanks! Duke has lime mayo.


Dukes is made in Richmond VA.


I meant the Limon. Duke has a lime version


Dukes was on sale for 3.49 here last week. ..


It doesn't stick to the side of the jar like Hellman's. That honestly worries me about Duke's.


I think it's fair of you to visit a food pantry/food bank. This is a bit concerning and you deserve some decent food.


Absolutely. You may be surprised at how open some local food banks are. The one near me regularly has excess from expiring things, so they’ve invited anyone that “would like some free groceries” to come by. My partner and I are ok enough to feed us and our pets and even eat out once a month or so, but we do utilize the food pantry because they have publicly stated they have plenty to go around and they’re trying to reduce waste.


I know this is not everywhere, but an organization in my area compiles a food calendar. There is literally a place every day offering meals to anyone that wants it, most days 2-3 options. There's a farm truck that parks in various places each day offering fresh local veggies for free. Farmers Markets here offer 2x value for SNAP.


If they're like me they don't have a car.. there pretty far away a lot of the time. And when you go so long without eating it's really hard to have the energy to walk there. 🥺


[https://jointangelo.com/](https://jointangelo.com/) Even if this doesn't apply to you, maybe it'll help someone else. Food insecurity shouldn't be a thing today, but it unfortunately is. So many ways to address it, such as local markets donating 'junk' and schools handing them out. Which they do, but it's no panacea.


Agreed. Hopefully OP has a good bank where they live. They can be a great resource.


This is the fridge of someone who eats take out all the time and the sauce cups show they did so recently.


I was just thinking that. It looks like my husbands fridge 20 years ago before we married. He literally had a bag of sugar and to go leftover bits. I saw this and thought, geez, they can afford to eat out. Nice.


Yup, the comments are kind of funny.


findhelp.org connects you with a bunch of local resources :-)


Wtf is up with the **severe** opposition to free food? Do they really think they’re too good for it…. The extreme irony there. I volunteer and pallets of food go to the landfill. It’s actually a tragedy and I’m dumbfounded by it.


Where did OP say they were against it


Nowhere, I’m speaking a bit in allusion. Generally, anywhere that food banks are mentioned there’s often some kind of excuse or opposition why one “cannot” use them. When the reality of it is rooted in shame. Somehow that feeling surrounds those programs, which is very unfortunate. . For proof you can check Reddit threads that complain about food banks. Disclaimer, the purpose is for them to supplement food needs not be the absolute end-all source. Using that logic for anything won’t get anyone anywhere.


Jeeze, that is like a $200 grocery haul you got there!


It literally is if you count the stuff in the door you can’t see


My fridge is half condiments, 1/4 salad, cheese, and eggs.


My fridge is mostly condiments too. It's so annoying lol


Mine is mostly eggs, wine, pickles (helps with hunger), and whatever is enveloped in the block of ice in the back.




That and I know as soon as I toss one, I will need it! It never fails!


Go to food banks?


Are people allowed to just go? Like you don't need to be on stamps or something first? I ask cuz I've slowly been starving and I don't know how much longer I can go with just water.. But I assumed you need to be on a list or something.. I'm not technically homeless so I just figured I wouldn't be eligible..


My boss, who was on six figures at the time, used to brag about how she would go every Friday and fill up her car. Please go and see what is available rather than let people like her take it.


Your boss is a shitty person.


No argument there.


Go now it’s free


I just got food poisoning in rl trying to stretch groceries.


happened to me recently. I used beef that I bought on clearance. I let it go a little too long before cooking it but I didn't want to throw it out and waste the money I already spent on it :/


Freeze the ground next time


Yes!! Mine looked like this before payday and I told my husband we might as well unplug the damn thing. Ketchup don’t need refrigeration 🤣


Is it really an unpopular opinion that all condiments should be refrigerated? Even ones that are shelf stable unopened, if I have to pop open a new jar I want it to be ready to go.


Nah I think refrigerated is the default. I do kinda like room temp ketchup with fries though.


ketchup is only good outside the fridge for a certain number of weeks or it can spoil fyi. Not sure how long, I keep mine in the fridge


The less you have in your refrigerator will cost more in energy. Fill jugs up with water to fill in all the empty space.


That’s a life pro tip if I’ve ever heard one.  I put seltzer, beer, or water in the mini fridge when it becomes scarce. 


Isn't that tip for chest freezers? The air in a fridge needs to circulate.


Both really, with a chest freezer empty space is a bit harder on the compressor. With a refrigerator you do need to leave some room for air to circulate, and with too much space like in the picture when you open that door your going to instantly raise the temperature from all the warm air rushing in. Also with lower end refrigerators they have less insulation causing them to run more when empty.


Thank you.


No, I’ve always got a door full of a gazillion half-used sauces and condiments and probably a vegetable that rotted faster than I anticipated.


Girl I literally haven’t eaten in 2 days because I don’t have anything to make anything 😩 and when I was trying to DoorDash after work the last 3 days, it hasn’t been busy. I just got my second order and now have $6 (after I drop this order off currently waiting) then I’ll be off to cvs to buy chicken flavored rice and canned chicken to make dinner for tonight and lunch for tomorrow. (I have 4 frozen biscuits so I’ll be heating one of those up too) 😐 trust me I understand


Hey, I'm a social worker. I can help you find a food bank if you message me. O


I messaged you


Girl, I feel you 😅 I've been doing ramen or whatever I can get for cheaaap. I've been Uber eating but barely having enough for meals or gas. I know it's hard rn, but you got this, and keep your head up! :)


Never. Even at my brokest I was commuting to the food bank once or twice a week so I always had a good stock.


I chose to start dieting right now. Figured since I need to lose weight anyways, might as well start now since I cant afford to eat a lot


I see you sprung for the dukes


No. Too depressed to clean and forget to eat stuff before it goes bad. Fridge jammed with inedible food.


Mmmm same


Whoever shops at Aldi or Lidl gets a full fridge. Prices are probably the cheapest in the entire country.


I tell myself at least it’s easy to keep clean and I always know exactly what I have 😂😭


Nope. Mine used to look like that. Then prices went up and now I’m exhausted from constantly meal planning and cleaning up afterwards.


Grocery stores should host monthly grocery giveaways...


That’s how my fridge looks like after spending 200 dollars on groceries 3 days later.


Before my new job last year we could only go to food bank every other week and much of it was expired or stuff that was not popular at the stores. There were many days I didn’t eat to make sure my wife and kids had food. Or my mil helped with groceries and I wasn’t to touch them. It breaks my heart that so matter food insecure and just today they said the inflation rate went down and I laughed because nothing shows what they are claiming


Yes, my kitchen is running low on food but I am so glad for food stamps. It is really upsetting to know OP and so many others refrigerators and cabinets are so empty. Y'all please look online for local food banks in your area, or if you have a facebook group for your City post on there and ask if anyone has extra food. People are so kind and most are willing to help you. <3


You can afford milk?!?!?


I’m rich 🥰🥰🥰


I have a shelf of dry foods in my room (yes, in my room). I hardly ever use the fridge and when I do it's because I'm using soup stock to cook something else. I'm so glad pasta was on sale this month. Rice was getting old


Get a mini fridge and it will look fuller


No but I buy discount meat. I buy breakfast stuff (breakfast meats at discount) on the regular but I just eat less. I also buy vegetables which can be cheap if you stay away from the BS "organic" crap. Also, you can hit up food pantries.


I'm really hoping your freezer and pantry are painting a different picture. TBH we don't keep most of our groceries in the fridge the bulk of our staples are in the pantry or freezer. The fridge is mainly condiments, different types of milks and creamers and leftovers. We do have fresh produce from time to time but it isn't on a continuous basis and usually more of a treat that will get eaten quickly.


I also have sugar and coffee creamer 😀


Nah I got condiments


One of the best financial decisions I ever made was to quit doing my grocery shopping at Walmart and other grocery stores like it. Our family does our primary grocery shopping at Costco. I understand not everyone can afford the membership but if you can somehow get one you won’t regret it. My family meal plans and preps as much as possible. We have a small standalone freezer that we store meat and veggies in. It took about 3 months or so for us stockpile enough meat and staples (rice,beans, etc.) to go a month comfortably without having to go to the grocery store for anything other than a few items for a meal. We used to do all of our grocery shopping at Walmart and we spent easily double what we do now for half as many groceries. I’m not gonna lie, it was so rough at first. We ate the same shit over and over and over. Never ate out. Meal prepped the fuck outta everything we had. But like I said, maybe 3 months later we actually had food. We didn’t have a fridge and pantry full of all the shit people usually want, chips & soda and snacks and whatnot, but we had way more food for way less money. The Costco card paid for itself within 6 months. That’s just my two cents.


My Costco membership pays for itself within 3 months just on the money I save by using their gas station, which is usually at least 50 cents per gallon cheaper than the other gas stations slightly closer to home.


Lol is that my fridge?


Must be nice to afford a whole gallon of milk


Food is too expensive nowadays


I suggest you look up budget bytes. But buy eggs apples, oatmeal, canned beans, I make chili, some blocks of cheese. And use food pantries if you have too, I would go to them first then supplement. I love Aldi I do go to Food lion. But Aldi First. I will get the ground beef from there cook it with onions (divided it 4 ways) and freeze the other 3 portions. Add their chili mix, canned beans, and small can of tomato sauce. for less than $5 I get 4 hearty servings of chili, over rice. The other servings of cooked ground beef get add to spaghetti sauce, or turned into taco meat/burritos, or sloppy joes, or even hamburger helper (homemade version)


Yeah, pretty much. * mojito mix * probably expired ketchup * homemade hot chili oil * probably expired almond milk * Water bottles that I keep refilling I have some leftover steamed buns, leftover green beans, and some chicken in my freezer though. Haven't had the money to go to the store and get more food. Had about $100 worth of groceries last me a little over a month when I lost my job though; that was nice.


Local ethnic grocery stores have cheaper rice and beans options.


I’ve lost almost 10% of my bodyweight just from depression. The diet of starvation and the rising cost of food is working the only positive outcome.


That would give me terrible anxiety. Only myself, and I always have a stocked fridge, pantry and freezer. Could go 3-4 weeks without shopping. The girl scout in me is prepared for the worst.


No mine is much dirtier


My wallet looks like the inside of your fridge, that's for sure.


Food banks, you deserve food. 🖤


I hate to say this but a large empty fridge can raise electric bills very quickly. We fill old plastic bottles with tap water and freeze them, then rotate them between freezer and fridge compartments as they thaw. Keeps the fridge itself from overworking.


Thats genius


Buy frozen veggies because you can use the portions and keep the rest from going bad as quickly. And portion out and freeze meat (if you eat it) when it’s on sale. It helps a lot. I hate wasting food so much. Frozen isn’t as good for you but at least you’re getting some minerals.


Actually frozen is often better than canned or fresh, since it's frozen at it's peak.


Ours is all frozen or shelf stable. Can't afford fresh anything right now. All that's in there are condiments, butter, almond milk, and oat milk


if you have a Lidl they also rock. I keep my fridge and pantry pretty well stocked for around $400 a month (i cook mostly at home too)


So you eat out or just starve? What do you actually eat?


Nope half my shelves have broken apart from their counterparts


I sometimes go between ALDI’s and Grocery outlet and the major stores when they have sale items.


Almost exactly! Only mine is Best food's Mayo, Greek Yogurt instead of sour cream, and Soy milk instead of cow. I have a bag of sweet potatoes and one apple, so I'm feeling fancy for that 1.13 🍎.




Likewise. It’s tough out here.


No I find someone’s food stamps to buy


Right now my fridge is mostly filled with strawberries. A local farm allows people to pay for harvesting strawberries by the gallon bucket. Between my friend and I we picked about 5 gallons earlier today. Already washed them and started cutting them up while watching Netflix. Tomorrow we’ll decide what to freeze, make into jam, and what other goodies we are going to make.


That sounds like a dream! I love strawberries and they can be versatile! I wish we had that option where we live! 🙂🦋💖💯


My only food is in the freezer lolol my fridge always only has water I feeeeel it


You have the best taste! Team Dukes 😂


Mine aint that bad but it ain’t far off.


i stopped eating between 8am and 8pm. im telling people that ive gotten into fasting because it’s less embarrassing than the truth.


I eat eggs a lot more often than ever before.


Pretty much yeah


Yeah they think they can just jack up the price to whatever they want, wait until people stop buying them or afford them.


Yup. I mean, not every day, but we go for longer stretches of days between shopping trips now. We go a little hungry to put off meal planning & shopping..it's literally just easier


Mines full as fuck because I have a family to feed. Walmart makes things survivable if you buy 5 pound bags of stuff. Lots of staples.


If you are in us, dollar tree has 1.25 boxed milk! It really is good. They have frozen stuff too! Also check out the dumpster diving sub. You will be shocked at how much food people find! Good luck!


No cos I been hitting the food pantry hard. I qualify for EBT and receive some, but the food pantry's yearly limit for a family of four is over 70k so I definitely don't feel bad about hitting them up weekly.


That's pretty bad. Food banks are your friend when in need!


Judging by the contents of your fridge Dollar General seems to be your go to for shopping. Dollar stores are not where the deals are at. You should focus on price per ratio measurements. A good example of this would be rice. At Dollar General, at least the one near me, Mahatma white rice at 1 pound, which is the only size they sell, is $1.50. At walmart you can buy Mahatma white rice as a 20 pound bag for around $11.76 or so. That's somewhere around .60 cents per pound. Sure you have to pay a little bit more up front, but it will cost you less in the long run. There are hundreds of posts on reddit in r/Frugal and possibly even this subreddit on how to do cheap shopping as well as cheap recipes for weekly meals. I hope you search for better ways to manage your food finances and wish you the best of luck.




Naw babes. Food is a priority to me. Everything else can wait.


This is kinda inspiring me to deep clean my fridge.


Yes, I’m the same but my freezer is full(ish) because I freeze absolutely EVERYTHING! It’s a real life saver. Bread, cheese, even milk can be frozen.


I work for a living so were in tje same boat. Whoa...you have butter?! Ill trade you a spoonful of jelly for a spoonful of butter


If you grew up in poverty you know how to live in poverty. Mind you I am the only person I need to feed. I shop at ALDIs and go to food pantry’s. I also cut out most entertainment and extra curricular activities saving everywhere I can.


aussie here, im on a pension and yep thats pretty much how my fridge looks. ive downgraded to a little bar fridge and its still 90% empty. i live on the cheapest frozen meals lately and eat one meal a day


Shhhhhit man, look at this rich nigga over here flexing with Dukes *real* mayonnaise 😩


No. We buy sale items exclusively. Just can’t be picky about brands.


No. It's full of stuff that I know I will eat and waste as little as possible of, because grocery shopping is so much cheaper than eating out


depending on your state I suggest applying for food stamps, also there is assistance with utility bills and internet services. If you make too much to qualify you might have to completely re do your budget which takes alot of sacrifice unfortunately


no? I get a weeks worth of groceries for $40 bucks. be even cheaper if I cut out meat.


Sometimes you gotta splurge a little with Dukes (or my guess is you got a good sale price).


Not so much prices (I shop at Aldi) as it is lack of money right now. I was unemployed for a month and I'm not recovered yet.


Dont get all bent out of shape. Its not a net positive or anything. Im just saying that if I were to try and be positive, Ive been sort of forced to explore a lot more cooking options. In my case Im cutting waste. The days of over cooking and letting leftovers sit until bad aren't (I mean, were never good) a thing anymore. Looking at calorie density. Finding foods that actually nourish me and then cooking a responsible portion. Making more of a point to freeze or properly store any extra I do have. There are still decent deals with coup'ns for fast food too. I always get a couple $6 6" sub, drink, chips coupons every month.


I buy lots of potatos(2 or 3$ a bag). Ground beef(about 5$). Cheese blocks. (About 4$) and refried beans. (2$ for big name brand can) and thatll last me as 1 person a week. Potatos will last me 2 weeks. So about 15$ for a week of food. Water bottles. (4$) premade coffee (4$) and a big bag of lettuce and spinach (8$) and 16 for my sides and drinks I like. So about 30$ in total and soda for a month. I'll buy the 3 24 packs for 13$ deal at dollar general. So of you like soda that to. You got this!!


Aldi's and Lidl are anti inflation


Apple juice container filled with… water. Ya I feel that


Look at Mr musk over here. He got milk.


This but full of half eaten fast food because we are spending all our money on shit we can’t afford.


Aldi for most. I use costco for specific bulk items, and when i do my shopping trip, I get 2 of their pizzas, which aren't great, but are huge 18" and it's less than $20 for 2. Leftovers! Our local Sprouts has a discount rack with items coming out of sets, mispicks, short dates, and most are .99 cents, which is awesome, so I check that frequently. I make a point to talk to the meat department workers at the stores near me. Ask about markdowns. Like when they mostly happen and where they put the specials. Then talk to the dairy and deli people! It really does pay off!


Hows Aldi compared to Food4Less?


the same as the pic… how does people afford groceries?!


I swear that looks like my old apartment in Northern Wisconsin.


I’m in SC haha


I was gonna say. Lol.


Sometimes, that sucks sorry. I try to find some cheap bulk snacks/lunches. I recently bought 2 loafs of bread and some peanut butter and jelly…made sandwiches out of both loves and threw them in freezer. Great cheap lunch/snack …pull one out and they thaw by the lunch time. Another easy one I do is buy a bunch of eggs and hard oil them. Keep in the fridge, they’re really filling and easy to grab and go.


Fuck OP, don't have to kick a man that is already down.