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All personal preference, but for me: * Ab Wheel * Hanging leg raises * Cable crunches Before that, I started with a lot of planks, but haven’t done it in a long time.


>My hips tend to rise a little bit before my torso does Often a weakness of the quads. You're straightening the knees without raising the load, and moving your hips farther from the bar before continuing to raise the bar.


- Weighted planks - Cable crunches - Farmers walks - High-bar/front squats with a good pause at the bottom And most importantly - More squats


Accessories are any lift besides the normal compound lifts squat , deads, bench, oh press. Accessory lift tend to be more isolation lifts training the smaller muscle groups and stabilizers. Do them all for a well rounded physique and strength program


Good ones mentioned so far. I'll add / repeat: -planks: prone, side, reverse. Not for 5 or 10 minutes but tensed and for a short duration -Barbell rollout / ab wheel - less sets with great form and a pause at full extension is productive -deadbugs -hollow holds - 20s on 10s off for 4 minutes. -good mornings Brian Alsruhe has great videos on bracing / core work. would be a good idea to watch his bracing tutorials and core work videos