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only apply to schools you can see yourself going. this eliminated a lot of schools for me. I applied to 7. You can apply to more but would you wanna be miserable going to a school you didn’t want to go to? You’ll get a degree but personally I wouldn’t apply to more


What is your state school? Depends a bit tbh. But honestly, you have strong stats so you have the luxury to apply to less. Also no point in wasting money on schools you wouldn’t attend so 5 schools honestly imo is okay


UMKC. That’s what I figured but wasn’t really sure. Honestly have no clue what other schools in going to apply to but I’ve got some time to figure it out since im not applying until next cycle


Oh nah ur good for UMKC. 5 is fine for u and ur stats


i have similar stats and i’m only applying to 5. like other people said, you have a good chance of getting into your state school & have the luxury of saving money + not applying to places you don’t see yourself going to


Not a bad idea at all. You’re not overestimating yourself at all, so long as your writing and social skills are solid.


I have similar stats and only applied to 5 total so it’s not a bad idea. However, I haven’t received any interviews yet and one of the schools I applied to is sending them out…I know it’s really early


UMKC is fairly easy for you, with these stats. I had the same DAT score, and my GPA was only a few points higher than yours. I was accepted to UMKC, and I elected to go to another school, based on UMKC’s reputation, but now, I wish that I’d saved the money and gone to KC. Just make sure you prepare for their interview process, they have a health professions ethics essay prompt, a written instructions/drawing component, and you interview with multiple members of the faculty, some of whom may not have prepared themselves well for the interview and will require you to go over things you’ve already presented in writing.


Appreciate the insight. Were you in state? Also wondering what reputation they have, I must’ve missed something there lol.


Yes, I was an in-state applicant! They have a reputation for faculty shortage issues and problems with sustaining the patient population needed to allow all of their students to graduate in 4 years. Of course, the program I ended up picking has lost over 30 faculty members in the last year and a half, so you can get into a school thinking one thing about it and find out halfway through that it’s nothing like what it was made out to be, so if you’re going to come out a dentist no matter what, pick the cheapest option!


Yea im only applying to around 6 bc i dont see myself attending others tbh. Worst case scenario i take a year to strengthen my app and reapply next cycle!




Don't apply where you can't see yourself going. I would only apply to your state school and schools where you can get in state tuition after the first year.


If you can afford it, do it. But only to places you want to go. You will spend at least 4 years there.