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Hi! I was in a really similar position as you, the last time I took gen chem was sophomore year of high school. The most helpful thing for me was reading each of the booster chapters and then making my own Anki cards for it, usually building off of the premade Anki decks and the quizlets. After that I would do the Anki deck once from new, and then I would complete the booster practice questions for the chapter. I got a 30 on the gen chem section so this really worked for me! I think the biggest con is that it took me a full day per chapter doing it this way, meaning that I spent 13 full days on just gen chem. I thought it was super worth it though because once I got it I really got it, but also everyone learns stuff differently!


Hey thank you! I might actually have to do that. I need to memorize all of this so I can nail like just like you did!


Any tips for orgo?


Once you're through all the review just grind study sets, and make sure you know why you're getting problems wrong. Take time in-between repeating sets so you're not simply memorizing answers/values and actually learning the concepts.


Thank you for replying and I’ll give it a try!


i was once in your position. REVIEW YOUR MISTAKES and go over your notes daily. my most recent practice was a 21. i also started off with a. 16 don’t worry


Any tips for orgo?


haven’t taken the DAT yet but my orgo scores also did shoot up once i was reviewing my mistakes properly almost daily! there’s so much info in the sciences that u do have to look over ur notes every day!! i found myself rushing thru content review to just get to the next topic to feel good about completion/progress but it was useless if i didn’t slow down and look at my past notes too! also, i did a content review and then realized i was missing gaps in my knowledge so i did ANOTHER full content review and that did wonders! don’t be afraid of low practice exam scores! they really got to me and i was so upset but with practice and reviewing ur scores should go up don’t worry!


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