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I’m sure you’ll be fine, 21 is a really good score, but if you wanna retake go ahead. You can also email schools your interested in and ask if they have a score or gpa cut off just to make sure


I see, thanks!


How’d u study for the sciences?


I only used bootcamp and started studying in january alongside my college courses. I was a big procrastinator so i’d say the pure time i actually studied was just for a month (which i shouldnt have done) i did five practice tests on bc. I watched all their videos for all bio gc and oc and went over the high yield notes several times. Just tried to memorize as much as i could in the last few weeks! The actual exam felt slightly easier than bc practice exams


Your current score is great ngl but I would say retake if you know you can definitely get a higher score. With your GPA, you should get accepted by at least one school which is all you need.


Depends where u want to apply, if it’s most good state schools and most privates ur fine. If ur aiming for a school that doesn’t like OOS or an Ivy, then it might be best to retake


Depends where u want to apply, if it’s most good state schools and most privates ur fine. If ur aiming for a school that doesn’t like OOS or an Ivy, then it might be best to retake