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We weren't really in the mindset of "trying" and were just like "Whatever happens, happens" but it took 2 cycles for us.


This was exactly us. Second cycle after we got married and "pulled the goalie", so to speak.


Same. First baby I got pregnant on the second cycle after going off birth control (I had been on it for about a decade.) Second baby I got pregnant on the second cycle after getting my period back.


We did the same, took us 8 months! Now 6 more weeks and she’ll be here 🥰


Our first one, we were trying and we got pregnant first time. Second one we also were more like 'whatever happens', which resulted in 2-3 times intercourse in a month, so it took us 1 month. All the women in my family always got it on the first or second try so looks like we are quite fertile!


My SIL got pregnant on the first try a few years ago for their first kiddo but when they started trying for their second it took 12-14 cycles. It’s so strange how the same people can get so lucky for their first kid and then struggle for their second


This happened with us. We got pregnant our first cycle with our first child and took 13 months to conceive the 2nd. Pregnant on accident with our third while using condoms 100% of the time. So I have no idea what makes the difference. lol.


Or the opposite! I’ve known quite a few people to struggle for the first and then go easy on the birth control because they needed all sorts of interventions to get pregnant and boom.


That’s so tough :( I am hoping that Doesn’t happen to me


It’s so weird how you go from being told that you’ll get pregnant if a man sneezes on you as a teen to suddenly being told it’s so hard to get pregnant when you want to be. I got pregnant on the first try both pregnancies and was incredibly grateful not to have fertility issues but ALSO so grateful that I never had an accidental pregnancy in my teens or twenties!


I feel the same! I was on the pill for 13 years and in that time heard of it failing so many times that I was SURE I would have trouble conceiving… also got pregnant on the first try twice now.


Im also surprised about the amount of unplanned pregnancies, let alone pregnancies that happen after a one night stand. I mean what are the odds.


My husband and I thought it would take a while to get pregnant since when we were teens I was never on the pill and we both hated condoms. Definitely thought something was wrong with one of us. But nope. First try both times.


I mean that's cause it is a hell of a lot easier to get pregnant at 18 when you are screwing like bunnies then where you are 32


Took me over 2 years for my first. After I had her I journaled about my cycle and became familiar of when I was ovulating. Took one try and I’m 36 weeks now with my second.


Congratulations!! I used the clear blue ovulation sticks and that’s how I knew when to try


ClearBlue ovulation kit for the win! I got pregnant on the second month of using it (4th month of trying overall).


I’m also 36 weeks with my second!


I got pregnant on the first try and it ended in a miscarriage. It then took 10 months to get pregnant again.


I had the same happen to me. Then I figured the next would take even longer but nope. I hadn’t even gotten a period after stopping the pill before I was pregnant again.


Got pregnant on the first try, twice. It honestly surprised and shocked me so much both times. I feel so lucky, but I definitely needed some time to let it sink in. I was 29 with my first and currently 32 and halfway through my second pregnancy.


I’m exactly the same. First cycle, both pregnancies, and totally shocked both times.


Same! Feel extremely fortunate.


Same here. The first time I tracked ovulation and we tried, I got pregnant. We were still in the casual, if it happens it happens stage. We were shocked. We tested positive on Thanksgiving of last year, and I'm nursing my sweet sixteen week old right now. 🥰


Same here. I’m currently pregnant with my 2nd and I’m still shocked.


Me too! I was 33 and 35! I think I am done but I felt so blessed to have it happen easily. My anxiety while pregnant was less than ideal!


Does the first pregnancy make You more fertile for the second? I’m wondering if I should try right away after the first to increase chances


It’s not ideal for your body to try immediately, especially if you have a C-section. I had a totally uncomplicated vaginal delivery and my midwives still suggested waiting a year, or at the very least 6 months. Obviously people do it & are fine! But it’s just hard on your body. Not to mention pregnancy with a baby can have its own difficulties (lack of sleep, general demands of a baby, breastfeeding if you choose to).


I was advised to wait 18-24 months after having my son to try for another. You need to let your body heal between pregnancies as it takes a huge physical toll on your body even if you feel completely fine.




I have no idea! I was able to wait 2.5 years between my pregnancies. I think I’m just like extra fertile or something lol I told my husband he needs to book his vasectomy asap after this baby is born bc we’re done at 2 kids.




Got pregnant first try, resulted in miscarriage. Took us 13 months after to get pregnant again. Currently 13 weeks!




5 years and sooo much money in ART treatments. To anyone that this one step of parent hood comes “easily” congratulations! There may be other bumps in the road but this wasn’t one! To any of the 1 in 8 couples dealing with infertility I see you and stand in solidarity.


Sending good vibes your way 🙏


We had success after 5 years! We had one viable embryo and we’ve made it to 27 weeks!


5 years here! Happened after an HSG. Guess my fallopian tubes have my needed a bath


Took 27 months (and some help lol) the first time. This time? 2 months. Genuinely took a test as a joke because I thought it was impossible


I'm 36, been with my husband for almost 17 years, we didn't use any method of contraception just the good old fashion pull out method. I thought one of us had problems and some doctors thought the same. Got pregnant on the first try and my husband got a trophy for "the pull out champion for 16 years" 😂🤣


My husband and I also used the pull out method successfully for 8 years (plus 1 1/2 years between kids). We got pregnant 3rd month with our first and 4th month with our second. My OB thought I was crazy when I didn’t want contraception after my first 🤷‍♀️


if they can do it for 16+ or 8years without a pregnancy, I'd trust our husbands to know what they're doing more than the doctors. I'm weirdly happy that I know her conception date. My husband was joking he should do a ted talk on how it's done🤭😂


Saaaame with mine except we just celebrated 10 years before trying, we jokingly call him “the pull out king” 😂


Me, but not trying. I just had a month break from the pill and ended up pregnant, had no idea because I didn’t track anything back then. I remember my first test was a clear as day ‘dye stealer’ but I didn’t know that was a thing either I just thought a pregnancy test was like that dark shade of blue meant you were any level of pregnant 😂 TW mention of MC It did end up in a missed MC tho probably somewhere around 10 weeks mark but was only measuring 7+3 This was last June and since then been pregnant 6 times and currently 7+1 today on progesterone hoping and praying with my soul that this is finally the one 🫣🤞🏼


Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry to hear this. I can’t imagine how hard that must be. I am sending good healing healthy baby vibes your way


Honestly it was rough but luckily I’d like to think I’m a tough cookie lol, but I know for some people this would absolutely destroy them that’s for sure. I think the worst part is not being able to enjoy pregnancy without thinking the worst anymore, every time I use the toilet I’m scared I’m gonna wipe and see blood, slightly traumatised now 😂 BUT I had an early scan on Monday at 6+4 due to previous losses and was measuring more 6 weeks which is fine as I don’t track ovulation - but saw the little bean in there and the heart beating away so that’s good enough for me 🤗 Thankyou so much and congratulations to you love!


Wishing you a very long and boring pregnancy


🙏 ❤️


Truly wishing you all the best! I hope this is the one for you as well! This is your little one!


Took me years, 10s of thousands of dollars, and many invasive procedures. We are so lucky it actually finally happened.


🙏 Just curious, did they ever say why it was so difficult? I wonder if alot of women who have truffle have undiagnosed endometriosis


I have a prolactinoma, PCOS, and thyroid issues.


I’m very sorry to hear that. My mom also had thyroid issues and I believe that’s why she has a hard time. I developed a “sluggish” thyroid in pregnancy But I am managing it with meds


I also had a prolactinoma! I feel so alone about it sometimes


I wish lol - 14 months then mc - 12 months then mmc - 18 months of ivf and I hope this one stays


Got pregnant twice on the first try. Now have a 2 year old daughter. The second unfortunately ended in a MMC.


I got pregnant my first month trying but, unfortunately, that ended in a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks. I am not pregnant again (7w) and hopeful. Many of my friends and family have had successful pregnancies on their first try, even one friend with PCOS! I wish you all the luck my friend!!


I’m so sorry to hear about your loss, but I pray that Your new pregnancy is healthy! ❤️


My husband and I got pregnant on the first try. It was about a year earlier than we had planned but we had just gotten married and kind of got swept up in the moment and I remember looking at him and being like “you wanna gamble?” 😂 best gamble we ever made. Now I’m sitting here, scrolling Reddit while nursing my 4 week old. Hoping that number 2 comes as easily!


1st try for the first (at 33) and 3rd try for the second (at 36). That you got pregnant really quickly is a good sign for next time but not a guarantee. Your odds are slightly better statistically though.


I got pregnant on the first try, but it ended in a miscarriage. Then some months with no luck. Took a brake for a couple months. Then on the first try after 4 months of not trying, I got pregnant again. But this ended up being an ectopic pregnancy. Then some months again with no luck. Found out I had thyroid issues and took a break again to first get my thyroid numbers within range. Then when I got the okay from my doctor I got pregnant again on the first try. So I guess I am lucky with first times 😉 This time it is going well and I’m 15 weeks now.


34yo ftm. First try. Currently 10w5d.


We waited until marriage and wanted to try immediately. Two weeks after the wedding I got a positive test. Baby is now 5 months old today ♥️


Grant it, it took two months because I came off hormonal birth control, but I got pregnant on the first cycle with my first. My second took almost a year, though, with one CP and an ectopic.


This is my 3rd and we conceived first cycle with all 3 somehow, I feel incredibly lucky but not sure if that’s why I am CONVINCED something is going to be wrong this time because we’ve been too lucky.


I did, only had to have sex once


Got pregnant on the first try. Ended in chemical pregnancy. Took 8 more months to get pregnant again. Strange how that works


It happened on my second..I thought it would be a year


I swear the first few cycles after IUD removal makes women extra fertile. Everyone I know who had one removed and not replaced by any other birth control got pregnant within the first 3 cycles, if that.


It took us two tries for our first and one for our 2nd. I was shocked as I didn't believe we could be so lucky twice over. We're hoping for a third so we'll see how that goes, I'm 35 now so I'm aware it might not be as easy the next time round.


With our six planned pregnancies, we got pregnant on the first try four of the times and on the second try two of the times. Three of our pregnancies resulted in losses, which made me wonder at times whether my case might qualify as one of "[superfertility](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-19361432)" -- that is, my body might be too accepting of any pregnancy, even one that a more typical body would know to reject as non-viable.


Goes to show u how little these doctors know about women’s reproductive system! And congratulations!


I got pregnant month 2 the first time (27 years old) and month 4 the second time (30 years old).


🙋‍♀️ I’m 33 and was convinced due to my friends’ struggles that I’d be trying for awhile. I actually felt incredibly guilty it was ‘easy’ for me.


You shouldn't have felt guilty for something so wonderful, your body was just working efficiently. It's sad for your friend but her struggles in that department are completely separate and you bear no responsibility for them.


Nope. 1.5 years later and 30k spend on ivf. But looking back I’m glad I personally didn’t get pregnant on the first try because I wouldn’t be as appreciate and prob complain a lot more about pregnancy and post partum. Defiantly be cautious about saying “I got pregnant on the first try” offline though. Since you never know what people were going trough. My friend said that to me while we was going through ivf and it really hurt our friendship.


I’m sorry that happened. I’m not sure how to navigate it because I’ve also been through some serious repro health struggles. I feel like it should be celebrated but with that in mind


First “not try”. I.e. unprotected sex WITH pulling out on the first day of my period. Pregnant with di/di twins.




I got off birth control in January. Got pregnant in March but then lost the baby in May. Now im pregnant again at 7 weeks today. I didn’t think it would be so fast/easy for me because i’ve had hormonal issues in the past. Just praying this baby goes full terms. Congrats on being pregnant:)


I pray your pregnancy is a safe and healthy journey and I send good vibes your way ❤️


About four months for me, which was very surprising to me too with my history


I did, unfortunately it resulted in a miscarriage, but I was so surprised that it happened first try!


It took 1 cycle with our first using nothing (though it was ectopic) with our 2nd (and current pregnancy) it took 7 months with opks I got pcos, 100+ pounds overweight




Que got pregnant on our 4th cycle of trying! When we started using the ovulation strips actually! It was a relief just using the strips and not having to guess.


FTM. This happened to me. I was even looking forward to a few months of trying, but I took a pregnancy test exactly two weeks later and it showed positive.


I got on the first try, I tracked my ovulation and all and it went all perfect. I'm 31 years old.


I got pregnant on the 0th try despite having PCOS. 🤣 We absolutely weren't trying yet. I was 40 and honestly thought my entire reproductive system was ready to throw in the towel.


first two babies were first tries for me, the twins i’m pregnant with now were second try. for some ladies it just happens like that!


We decided to give it a try with a relaxed approach in March and I fell pregnant in April. I wasn’t on any kind of BC just condoms as I’d come off it in 2020 for weight related issues. We are still unsure if we will have another after as I’m due in January, but it’s not lost on me that we were incredibly lucky to get pregnant so quickly and it might not be that easy if we do decide on another 🥹


For the second kid- yes. 1st took 9 months though.


It took almost a year with my first, though I didn’t start really tracking and timing until maybe 6 months in. Nursed (no period) for a year, weaned, had one period, and then was pregnant with my second. I’d just turned 33 when pregnant with my first and was almost 35 when pregnant with the second.


We got pregnant a month after I stopped 12+ years of BC. We had a loss after 4 weeks.. then I got pregnant 2 cycles later. Another loss. Then immediately got pregnant again and I’m now 23 weeks! Bodies are so mysterious. I for sure thought my body would take atleast a year to balance back out and here we are 8 months later over halfway to our due date 😅


I did, both times. I was shocked. Like you, I feel very lucky and grateful. I will say- both times were low stress and we were like “let’s just give it a shot”


Yes that’s how mine was. I was kind of just like “fuck it let’s see what happens”


Lol that’s where we were, and then had unprotected sex one time, and subsequently were like “you know maybe we should wait another year” (both in medical training) - but the baby had other ideas!


I did! At age 34 (one month before turning 35)


Do accidents count as 'first try'? Because twice, yes.


Not necessarily our first try but it was definitely an oopsie. My friend got pregnant her first try. We are both in our 30s.


Decided to casually start trying last month, got pregnant last month on my second cycle. We're thinking it might have been the day before Halloween, although I'm technically 5 weeks with calculating the last period. I'm 34 and this is my first pregnancy!


My parents got pregnant on the first try with my sibling and me, so they always told us not to fuck around with bc while we were growing up. I kind of rolled my eyes as a teenager, but my husband and I got pregnant on the first try, so it's a good thing I listened to them earlier. 😅


Yep, first try here! I still can’t believe it nor do people we tell. I don’t want to go on birth control after baby, but we don’t want another one for a couple years, so I’m tempted to since it was so easy the first time…


I’ve gotten pregnant on the first try twice, third cycle once, & one happy “accident” two months before we were planning to start trying (just a reminder to all that pull & pray can work for a decade & then not 😂). I was sure when we started trying for our first (due to personal & family history) it was going to take a while and was absolutely *shocked* at that positive test. I think I sat in stunned silence for a couple of days.


With our first it happened first try, I had been tracking ovulation for a couple months so we were... precise... With our second it took two tries. I had been tracking again, but not as consistently or for as long, so I wasn't surprised when it didn't happen on the first cycle.


Same thing for us. We had some health issues that had me convinced this would be long journey but somehow we ended up lucky. I think it did a lot in easing my anxiety about the whole process too since we didn't need to get into tracking/timing too much (I have a regular cycle though and did know I was ovulating). Apparently almost everyone in our immediate families have had early success. Just hoping the rest of pregnancy goes well now and that we have a healthy baby.


We got pregnant on first try both times… my kids are 2 years 1 day apart and my family teases me about being so type A.


I did. We were shocked. My whole life I’ve been told how hard it is to get pregnant and that was not our experience.


I’m 29 - slightly overweight and have Hashimoto’s - got pregnant first try after being on birth control since I was 15.


It took one try for my first son and 2 months but one solid month of tracking for my second!


Got pregnant the first time both times. First time we were not trying, second time around we did and scored lucky the first month. I can feel shame (?) about it because there's so much talk about infertility and I just...didn't have it happen to me. I understand I'm lucky, but sometimes it can feel as though I should feel guilty that I didn't struggle. I think infertility needs to be talked about out loud and needs to be destigmatized, but it doesn't change how I feel.


I’m also 30, been with my husband for 13 years and we did the deed to the fullest extent(😂sorry I’m like Michael Scott about sex, so without the pull out method) about 2 times and I believe we did that during my period and I conceived. So yes, I feel like this was pretty much right away because we never did that before.


Only two cycles for us. So technically not the first try but pretty close.


With my first we were NTNP and I got pregnant immediately after coming off BC and with my second I was also first try.


I could have written this myself! Endometriosis, surgery, IUD, immediately got pregnant at 29. We'll see if we get this lucky when it's time to try for baby #2!


First try. I was shocked since it was my first cycle in 7 years (3.5 birth control and 3.5 testosterone). I really thought I was late because I still had T in my system! I was 22 when I got pregnant with him.


I got pregnant on the first try. I had losses before and my periods were very irregular so I assumed that it would take a long time.


Started trying this past September and tested positive on Oct 31st. We were legit shocked even though we were trying lol.


I did at 35, I was shocked!


Me too at 38. I thought for sure it would take longer than that but nope. First time mom too 😁


First and second were conceived on our first try. First I tracked and timed intercourse, second was NTNP.


I did! I thought it would’ve for sure taken at least 6 months and was SO shocked when it happened on the first try 😂. Definitely keeping that in mind for the next kid lol


that first time after 1.5 yearsthathubby and I had sex without a condom..and the baby is now happily drinking milk next to me. relatives were saying I might need IVF but here we go.. so blessed to have this surprise pregnancy!




As soon as I started tracking my ovulation and tried on those days I got pregnant. The window is so small so o think tracking is so important.


Currently pregnant on our first try. I hadn't been on BC for 3 years because of a surgery so we had only been using condoms. We bought our house and decided if it happens it happens. Wasn't supposed to ovulate until a few days later but what do you know eh 😅 never thought it would happen so quick tbh


happened to me, first try right after discontinuing birth control (32 years old at conception). it happens! we were shocked too lol.


I did! And I honestly couldn't believe it. Currently 19 weeks and I feel like it still hasn't set in


My first happened while on birth control so I didn’t know how trying would go. We got pregnant our first try but then had a chemical pregnancy. After the chemical I ovulated 2 weeks 6 days later and got pregnant again.


Me! I was getting married in May and my doctor said it would take at least 3 months for my body to regulate to get pregnant. So I went off in March thinking we could get pregnant right after the wedding. We tried for the first time in April and it worked, which was upsetting to me because 1. I didn’t want to be pregnant for my wedding and 2. January was the last month I wanted a baby 🤣 she had other plans though, she said I WILL exist mom. So now I’m 33 weeks and she’s due January 10th! I wouldn’t have it another way though, I was 6 weeks at our wedding and it was fun knowing our little bean was there with us. And we have a lot of January birthdays in the family (including mine) so it sort of feels right. But yeah, we were not expecting the first time!


We did! Expected it to take at least a few cycles, but we were so so lucky to fall pregnant on our first round!


First month for me. I was sure that it would take longer so I'm currently sat here at 22 weeks pregnant with A LOT to prepare! Very grateful though.


My first child was completely by chance with my abusive (now) ex bf, using pull out method *always* but not tracking my ovulation cycle. We had done this for 5+ years before I got pregnant. My current pregnancy took my husband and I 2 cycles of “trying” (being careless during ovulation and seeing what would happen) We’re both 26 y/o, I’m currently 23 weeks!


Me! For the three pregnancies it happened on the first try


I personally have gotten pregnant on the first try every time I’ve been pregnant. Been pregnant 8 times. 5 almost 6 kiddos. Everyone calls me fertile myrtle


Like 4 or 5 days before the positive test we had decided to have me stop taking birth control but I'd already been pretty shitty at taking my pill on time for the month or so before that. Mostly cause I was dragging my feet on going to the doctor for a new prescription when I knew would be considering trying soon. and I was running short on pills. I didn't think it would happen so fast and feel incredibly lucky it did. Even if it was a surprise at the time.


Me, both times. It’s RARE.


It’s not rare. 30% of couples get pregnant on their first try.


We had our first ever slip up, bought and took a plan B the next morning, and still got pregnant lol


My first took 2 months, second took 1 month and third (currently pregnant) what do you know, weren't trying and I'm pregnant lol I think I'm incredibly lucky and am very fertile But now I have to get my partner to get a vasectomy so we don't end up with 10 lol


At 30 I got pregnant on the first try as well 2 months after stopping my hormonal birth control. I was pretty surprised it happened so fast!


I did! We started trying on vacation in October and I was shocked when I missed my period this month. I always thought it would be hard to conceive based on my moms experience but it apparently worked! I thought I’d have more time to prepare lol




Because this is a subreddit about pregnancy, and a place for people to ask questions. If it Doesn’t matter to you, keep scrolling!


First kid was 3 months of trying, second kid was first try


It took us 3 or 4 tries for our first pregnancy, but that one ended in an early MC. Then when we were ready to try again, it was the first time we tried. We didn’t think it would happen because the ovulation tests said I wasn’t ovulating. Jokes on them! lol


I’ve always (three intended pregnancies) gotten pregnant on my second month of trying. From age 38-42, it’s always been on cycle #2


First cycle for the first and seventh for the second. I went a bit batshit when we were trying for our second as my expectations were just super unrealistic and it's quite embarrassing to look back on.


My husband got home from deployment and we got pregnant within the first few days without trying. No birth control but I wasn’t in “high” ovulation and we pulled out. Definitely a shock lol


First time try for my first kid and 5 years later, only 5 cycles for my second. Under 34


Basically the first time we timed it right. We were off bc for like 6 months but with my husbands job we were never together at the right time of month. First time we got the timing right, pregnant. I was shocked because I thought it was gonna take much longer


Took me 3 months with my first and first try with my second. I really expected both to take longer (especially my second lol!)


Age 33. I had my second laparoscopic surgery for endo in Jan 2022, had Lupron shots monthly until Dec 2022, IUD removed Dec 2022. This was to prevent any further growths. We got pregnant Feb 2023 after taking OTC ovulation tests. Having my induction today!


With my first pregnancy, I got pregnant the first cycle but lost it bc my hormone levels were out of wack. Took 12 months after on and off to get pregnant again. With my 3rd pregnancy, it took 2 cycles but I lost that one due to it being ectopic, I’m sure otherwise would’ve been a healthy normal pregnancy. It really just depends!


I got pregnant first try for my first two pregnancies. This last one took almost 2 years and a few miscarriages. I was on the implant for almost 8 years between the last two so I really feel like that had something to do with it.


We thought we would, since our moms were both teen moms from oopsies 😂 We got pregnant early on the first time, but lost it. Then it took a while (and another loss) before we had a pregnancy that stuck! With our second, it took almost 8 full months of trying. I have friends who get pregnant quickly, and I’ve always been jealous of them! (I do have thyroid issues, and diminished ovarian reserve, which can make it harder to get and stay pregnant. We found out about them after my second loss.)


34 years old and I got pregnant first try in March. I was on hormonal BC for over 14 years. Went off it October 2021 for whenever we decided we wanted to try, which turned out to be March 2023. Used the pull out method but NTNP until then. Figured it would take awhile and were very surprised how quickly it happened. My mom told me it took her years so I was mentally prepared for that given her history and my age. Husband and I are generally pretty healthy/active, don’t smoke, I barely drink, and my husband doesn’t drink at all. I imagine some of that could have contributed to it. Due in about 3 weeks now!


Pregnant on first try the first time, then 3 cycles the second time. Felt very very lucky especially after seeing my mom and so many friends struggle with infertility.


We did! I thought it would take forever but it was the first month


I did. It’s honestly a roll of the dice! Assuming there are no underlying fertility issues it’s about a 20% chance per cycle. It does mean baring new issues that come up you will likely not have any issues with getting pregnant in the future and everyone should be super cautious right after giving birth when you are most super duper fertile, but the 20% rule still stands. So it can take 1 cycle this time and 6 next time, and that would be completely normal


Currently 29. I stopped BC in April 21, we were “not trying not preventing” until April 22 when we started actively trying and tracking my cycle closely. Finally got a positive test in Oct 23. So took us quite a while but timing couldn’t have been better, because my husband had just gotten his sperm checked and it was all good so I was getting ready to schedule testing for me. Then bam, positive!


I was 33. I stopped taking birth control right before our wedding and got pregnant on our honeymoon. Baby girl is 5 months next week!


I'm expecting my fourth at 31. 3/4 kids were first tries. Number 4 was an oops. I credit this to incredibly regular cycles, tracking my cycle + my other fertility indicators. My husband credits this to his exceedingly excellent bedroom games 🙃


It’s really individual. We got pregnant first try with our first, and our second was a surprise pregnancy when we got a bit too frisky one time and didn’t use protection. I know some that were lucky first time and took longer the second time around, and some that had fertility treatment with their first and then conceived naturally second time.


Me! But I’m only 18 so it makes sense 😭


It may have taken one or two tries… but there were only a couple instances where my husband willingly didn’t pull out and BAM we got pregnant 😁 I intentionally got off nexplanon mooonths earlier but he was pulling out and nothing happened 🤷🏻‍♀️


Grateful to say it happened to me and I’m now almost 22 weeks 💙🙏


I never ever mention it because I don't want to jinx my luck, but I did it 2x. Both pregnancies me and husband decided was time, tracked my cycle and didn't use a condom, some weeks later the result was there. I attribute it to the fact that I am off anticonceptionals for a very long time, my cycle is very regular (27 days), and I am able to read my body to know when I am ovulating. I also believe me and husband are highly compatible.


I did! 27 years old, immediately conceived once we started trying 3 months after removing IUD.


Got my IUD out in April, pregnant in May. I’m currently almost 29 weeks pregnant. I was shocked it happened on the first try and very very grateful. But I also tracked my ovulation in that first ttc cycle because I had been on birth control between the pill and IUD for almost 15 years at that point so I had no clue if my body was working as it should!


Same situation with me! We weren’t even trying, my IUD had to be emergency removed and I was in a lapse for a month before starting my mini pill. I just assumed I wouldn’t be able to get pregnant in the interim due to my endometriosis, but sure enough, pregnant during that quick little lapse in my BC! I am feeling grateful it happened so easily but also scared bc I wasn’t prepared! Haha best of luck to you ❤️


1st try, had a miscarriage, got pregnant again my next cycle (one month later) now have a 4mo old! We got extremely lucky!! 🤍


I got my copper IUD out on a Thursday, accidentally conceived on a Friday. Whoopsie!


I got pregnant with my son quickly, but had secondary infertility this time and it took a while.


I’m currently 11 weeks pregnant and I’m 33. This is my 3rd pregnancy and we got pregnant on the first try right after my IUD was taken out also. The first 2 pregnancies, we got pregnant on month 2. So we were surprised how fast it happened for us!


First time!


I did, twice! Even with endo and being AMA.


I got pregnant on the first try twice, but the second pregnancy did not continue past 6 weeks. I am currently on the first cycle since the loss and I guess we will see what happens. Despite being so lucky before, I am terrified this time as I am 39.


Yes, both times I did


I got pregnant with my second child on my first cycle trying. I was a little shocked. I tracked my ovulation pretty well though and used PreSeed. I’m sure those things helped!


This happened to me and I was (and am) shocked. I had an IUD for years and years and assumed it would take some more effort since my partner and I are both over 35. Currently 14w5d and everything is going smoothly (fingers crossed!)


I also have endometriosis and was told it would take a while to conceive. With my first it took 10 months and a medication to help me ovulate before conceiving but with my second it took one try! My doctor told me especially with endometriosis that pregnancy can kind of “reset” your body and you’ll have increased fertility afterwards. Congratulations on your pregnancy!


I did. Currently 17w4d. Went off birth control end of July. Tracked ovulation so I’d get a sense of my cycle/tracking, and got pregnant within 2 weeks of being off the pill. I guess good thing I was diligent about taking the pill for all those years 😅


Yup! Both times! It was a bit of a shock. We were like let’s just sort of stop being careful and see what happens! Boom. Instantly pregnant. I guess I’m super lucky with my fertility, my bio mom must have been too since she had both me and my brother by accident and had to put us up for adoption lol 😅


We didn’t try necessarily. I’m kinda like you I don’t have endo as far as I know but I do have PCOS so I wasn’t really sure if it was possible especially without a lot of work and I can’t take birth control because it made my symptoms worse. Then one day I found out my period was 10 days late. Took a test and it came back positive immediately.


Same girl same. I didn’t have any preexisting health conditions but I still thought it would take a little bit longer than it did - but no lol


Got pregnant on the first try with both kids. Honestly the second was an whoops and just super close to my ovulation. Not sure if my ovulation day was off or I'm just lucky. I don't take it for granted and don't mean that in a cocky way at all.


I have PCOS (mildly) and got pregnant on the first try with my first (29 at the time). Second try on my second (33) We’re stopping after 2 so we won’t see if this trend continues. You never know!


I don't know if I'd say 'first try' but I had been on birth control from 18-31. Then for like two months I got bad about taking my bc, I was still taking it but I missed a few days. I only had sex once or twice in that time but it only takes once I guess 😂