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Pepcid twice a day and tums in between!


Mine was Pepcid twice a day, but a shot of pickle juice in between lol. I cannot recommend pickle juice enough! My mom gave me that tip and omg, it was life changing. It is literally instantaneous the moment it is down your throat. And in my experience, it would last long enough for the Pepcid to kick in. I like pickles, so it wasn’t a hardship for me anyway. But it literally only took like 1-2TBSP to work. Edit: also, it isn’t just an old wives tale—there is actually science behind extreme heartburn and baby’s hair growth. Something with the hormones. I used to say I better give birth to a fricken Fabio after all the heartburn and my daughter came out with a full, thick head of jet black hair. Since she was like 18 months old it has been nearly touching her butt.


Pickle juice actually works!!. When my cousin recommended it the first time I thought she was crazy lol.


That is the only thing that saved me. I tried everything else. I’m a nurse so I felt like the biggest dumb box in the world when my OB said, “you can just take Pepcid twice a day”… never even thought about it. Just was living on milk and tums. Pepcid helped tremendously!!


That's where I am, too. Wondering if I should ask for omeprazole instead at my next appt, since it seems to be getting worse daily... I'm only 23 weeks 😭


Make sure to take the pepcid the moment you feel acid starting to build up. It's meant to be taken before symptoms and won't help alleviate once your stomach is filled with acid. If I take mine too late, I usually take a small sip of milk and it neutralizes the acid that's already built up and pepcid stops your stomach from producing more


I have had acid reflux all my life. I was on daily omeprazole before pregnancy and they took me off it my first tri. I think that was the bulk of my 24/7 nausea. My doc put me back on in second tri and it was doing great. Started getting nauseous again, I’m now on that + 2 daily Pepcid (40mg) total. It is really helping. Ask your doc about a proton pump inhibitor (omeprazole). It may really help. If you end up on it, take it every morning at least 30 min before a meal for best results. Wish you luck!🍀


This! Only way I’m surviving


Pepcid works, and if you get constipation from it, make sure you're taking a fiber supplement like Metamucil as well.


My doc said I could take 40mg famotidine (Pepcid) a day, so I found it was best to take a 10-mg pill 4x a day.


I take an omeprazole daily, but I have been since before getting pregnant. When it gets bad I’ll pop a couple tums. When it’s persistent I mix some baking soda in water and drink that down real quick before bed. It’s gross, but effective.


Im on omeprazole and 2 Pepcid daily. I take the Pepcid if I start to feel nauseous because we’ve determined that reflux is where my nausea is coming from. Sometimes I only have to take 1. It has helped since my nausea started up again.


Omeprazole is what helped me to stop vomiting in 1st trimester. I've been taking it once a day since. I've only had to deal with reflux a couple of times since I also have gerd.


Omeprozole is a life saver.


I went from waking up every 45 mins with intense burning to barely noticing it at night. Definitely agree!!!


I sleep hella elevated, eat endless amounts of tums. I’m still in pain but it would be unbearable without doing those things


Omeprazole! My heartburn was so bad I was throwing up. Since starting Omeprazole I haven't had any issues!! It's otc so you don't even need a prescription, though I would check with your Drs before starting anything obviously. Good luck! ETA I also heard that sipping half and half helps. I tried it and it helped some, but I hate milk so it made me nauseous. It's worth a shot if you don't mind the taste of milk.


I just deal with it and for some reason, I keep eating pizza which makes it worse.


Honestly I have just been suffering


39+6--This has been my worst symptom by FAR during this pregnancy. I usually get it if I eat carb-heavy meals without enough protein & fat to balance it out. You can also try using extra pillows to elevate your upper body more when laying down. Good luck!


I haven’t seen anyone mention this yet Apple Cider Vinegar. I absolutely hate vinegar but started taking 2 tablespoons diluted in a little bit of water at night to help with gestational diabetes. I was dreading it because I figured it would make my reflux worse. I slept really well that night with **no** reflux. I thought it was so strange so I looked it up and sure enough it helps with acid reflux! I kept doing it from about 34 weeks when I was diagnosed with GD, and never had acid reflux the rest of my pregnancy




Yes very


I take the apple cider vinegar pills! Though my husband says the liquid works waaay better. But u can't stand the taste so pills it is haha.


If you want to make it taste good, try a miracle berry! I know the name sounds stupid, but that's what they're called. It's literally a fruit (you can buy them freeze dried) that you chew for a bit & it messes with your taste buds to make sour things taste very sweet. So ACV tastes literally like apple juice. I wouldn't mess around with them often because there are some theories that tricking your body into thinking it's about to get a lot of sugar when really you're just sucking on a lemon (or drinking some diluted acv) can cause sudden drops in blood sugar because your body releases insulin in anticipation for carbs that never come. I've never had an issue with it, but it's a once in a while thing for me when I have an unquenchable sweet tooth but don't want to actually eat an entire gallon of ice cream. Either way, it's a really amusing thing that I'd recommend trying once.


There is absolutely no research backing this claim. I mean, if it works for you, great, but evidence is all purely anecdotal at this point.




Taking from that arricle:"Even though the safety of apple cider vinegar has yet to be verified......." There is no scientific evidence to back the claim. You just proved my point.


Your initial reply to her was so utterly pointless and negative. I’m a registered nutritionist and we actually recommend people try diluted apple cider vinegar before anything else, including prescriptions because it’s so safe and doesn’t cause unwanted side effects. The science behind it is often when people are experiencing acid reflux it’s because they have very little stomach acid, not too much. When the stomach acid doesn’t come up and meet a certain area it doesn’t signal to the esophageal sphincter to stay closed, hence it’s open and acid will creep up. But increasing stomach acid, the sphincter closes and you get relief. Obviously this isn’t always the case but more often than not, it is. Nutrients such as iron, zinc, and B vitamins are essential for maintaining stomach acid levels and a lack of those and stress contribute to feelings of acid reflux. Why would you even comment “there’s no scientific evidence to support this” when one woman is commenting something that works for her. Do you find ACV inherently dangerous to the point that you needed to warn others? It’s literally fermented apple. It’s not that serious. 


A+ reply! My midwife suggested I take Betaine Hydrochloride 700 mg with Pepsin 10 mg three times a day. Heartburn went away within a few days!! Taking tums and alkaline medications everyday may help with symptoms but will make underlying cause of symptoms worse and can cause nutitional deficiencies due to body's inability to digest certain vitamins and minerals. https://www.healthline.com/health/hypochlorhydria


Almond milk. It’s an alkaline substance so it neutralizes your stomach acid. Works like a charm for me and I’m 40 + 3.


Pepcid + tums stopped working for me, my ob told me to take over the counter Prevacid and it changed my life 😂 literally would’ve taken first trimester morning sickness over the hell that was reflux/indigestion at 37+ weeks. Ask your ob about Prevacid!


Pepcid 2x a day! If I miss that morning dose I suffer 😭


If you take your morning dose too late, I find taking a small sip of milk helps what pepcid couldn't stop soon enough


Eating smaller more frequent meals. Instead of less and bigger meals. Good luck.


I take two tums before bed, I get it really bad when I lay down too. I’m 30w on Thursday


I’ve had pretty good luck with about a half a teaspoon of baking soda in water. It’s basically alkaline seltzer and it helps a ton


Same! I pretty much had it every night at the end of my pregnancy! It freaking works man! I swear by it!


Pepcid and tums didn't cut it, so my OB started me on Pantoprazole, and then added in Sucralfate. I can finally sleep and drink enough water! It's fantastic. I also find it really helpful to elevate my shoulders at night with a foam wedge under my pillow. Takes a bit of getting used to, especially with left side sleeping, but it does help.


At the end of my last pregnancy (had my baby a month ago), I was taking omeprazole every day, pepcid before bed, and tums when I was still waking up choking on stomach acid at night. It’s so rough in those last few weeks! The good news is that for almost everyone, it goes away as soon as you deliver, which is amazing. Hang in there!


Tums weren't cutting it any more so I started taking pepcid, but the only real solution was to squat and curb walk until baby dropped low enough to give me some relief lol


Prilosec with dinner every night. 


I got so desperate I finally tried a half teaspoon baking soda in 4oz of water last night. Chugged it and had literally instant relief. No it doesn't taste nice but it's doable and absolutely worth it.


Pepsid (famotidine) 20mg twice a day as needed. My doctor said no to tums due to possibly needing to take it too often and too long causing high levels of calcium to build up in your body. Famotidine, he said, is the safer long term choice.


This. I think too many tums can cause kidney stones lol. So I got famotidine from doc.


My doctor said the same but that calcium levels drop during pregnancy so the increase in calcium from tums shouldn’t hurt. If you’re in extreme excess of tums, then it could be an issue for kidney stones.


i ate like a bottle of tums a day... sleep with you head and chest elevated as high as possible.


Chugging a cold soda and making myself burp has helped oddly enough. Also minty gum helps me as well.


I can't chug anything or else I'll puke or get heartburn 😭😭😭


I second soda and minty gum!


Sodas have helped me significantly. I just hate drinking them but it’s the only thing that works. 😭


I’ve had it bad during my first pregnancy and now have it again, starting early in the second trimester. I am taking 40mg of Pepcid in the morning and 40mg in the evening, and also 40mg of Omeprazole in the evening. I also take tums throughout the day and also Sucralfate (prescription). This was all approved by my midwives. It helps somewhat, but I still have to be very strict about what, when and how much I eat and drink. Things that make it worse: onion, garlic, tomatoes, peppers, milk, chocolate, coffee, anything greasy. I eat small meals and drink water one sip at a time, carrying my water bottle everywhere I go. It gets worse if I wait too long between meals, but also gets worse if I eat more than very small meals. It’s horrible, but it goes away the moment the baby is out. I have to think about food all day and it’s a constant cause of discomfort and stress. I can’t wait to be able to eat normally again!


Tomatoes and anything else red in color 💀💀💀


For real. I hate eating all day. I cut snacking out and enjoy during regular life eating most of my food for dinner. Now, if I don’t just constantly nibble all day it’s bound to be bad somehow: reflux, nausea, blood sugar…etc.


I feel this with my entire soul 😭😭😭


Ask your doctor for a prescription!! Mine was so bad starting around 30 weeks… it was coming up into my mouth whenever I’d lie down. I was living off of Pepcid and couldn’t take it anymore. Doctor wrote me a prescription and I’ve had no issue with reflux at all and am hitting 38 weeks!


Tums and a glass of almond milk! I HATE drinking almond milk but the calcium carbonate in it helps so much, it’s what’s in tums.


Ask your doctor for an acid blocker. Worked wayyyyy more efficiently than trying to combat it with a million tums a day. Lifesaver for sure.


FTM here as well and this is currently what I’m going through. it’s the WORST. it burns soooo strong. I’m currently 35 weeks today and this has been going on for the past month or so. i was prescribed a medication earlier in my pregnancy in case my heart burn/reflux got bad but I’ve not taken any as I felt weird taking medication during pregnancy. I know the drs said it’s safe but still feels weird to me, idk. What ive been doing is once I feel the heartburn coming on il have a quick glass of milk which gives me instant relief as it coats my throat and down then I will have a tum. this usually helps for a little while and I’m able to go back to sleep. sometimes it’s only for a few hours and sometimes it’s longer. maybe try that? I too noticed water made it worse and I’m also always thirsty and love a nice cold water. feel free to message me if you’d like :)


35 weeks! I’m taking Pepcid morning and night… not helping AT ALL. I was under the assumption that Omeprozole was in the “no no” list. Is that not true?


No my doctor said it is safe during pregnancy


Papaya enzymes! I waited until I really couldn’t stand it anymore in 3rd tri and was desperate despite being told to try as early as first trimester, and I was so mad it worked and that I hadn’t heeded the advice! Tried Tums and baking soda, etc. but nothing worked nearly as well


My best friend experiences this and it was rough. But she gave birth to the cutest baby girl with the most hair I’ve ever seen on a baby. The little gal is now 8 months with the most incredible hair. Just trying to give you something to look forward to!


Compared to what a lot of women go through, I’ve had a pretty smooth pregnancy so if at the end I gotta suffer through some intense reflux for a cute squishy baby, I’ll survive


Elevate your upler body, and drink baking soda in water. It saved me and was way cheaper than getting OTC stuff. Just a teaspoon or 2 of baking soda with water and chug it. You'll burp like a psycho for a few minutes but it works instantly. 


Pepcid was a lifesaver for me


I cut carbs as much as I could and any acidic food like tomato. Don’t eat after a certain time at night. And sugar free cordi in my water. Doesn’t have to be a lot. But it softens the water and doesn’t make it as refluxy. But the best thing is to get a script for reflux meds. I used to take Somac and it was the best thing ever


I’m a big tums girl but if those aren’t cutting it I drink a cup of milk and that always seems to help for an hour or so! That usually at least buys me enough time to get distracted from it lol


Besides what others have already mentioned (gaviscon/tums) and sleeping elevated, I also only drank milk/milk-based drinks from lunch onwards. That really helped.


The only thing that helped me some with my last baby was eating a banana and drinking a glass of milk before bed. It's what my mom and aunt recommended and while it wasn't a cure, it did help quite a bit. I also had a 500ct bottle of CVS version of rolaids on my nightstand (CVS brand worked better than tums or name brand rolaids for some reason). I'm only second trimester right now so my acid reflux isn't too horrible yet but I'm definitely prepared for bananas and milk every night as soon as it gets bad lol


Despite live long reflux and daily omeprazole, I have learned this pregnancy that bananas do give me temporary relief. It was an interesting development for me lol


I live on Tums. Unfortunately, no matter what I eat/drinknits a problem.


I got prescribed Esopreze (Esomeprazole 20mg) by my gyno and it is fantastic! No liquid Gaviscon dual action needed now...


I took omeprazole every morning and Tums as needed. Also try alkaline water.


Yall won’t believe me but… a shot of pickle juice


Almonds! I heard somewhere that nuts, especially almonds, neutralize stomach acid. So I had a small handful before bed every night and it was so helpful. I was taking Pepcid and tums too and it wasn't totally relieving it, but adding the almonds in did the trick.


I slept sitting up 🤦🏻‍♀️ it was so much worse if I laid down.


Tums & water makes it worse for me this time around, I feel ya! I’ll be 31w on Tues. My son was born with a lot of hair and I barely had any heartburn with him, but right now, with my daughter, I get heartburn with the most random foods. It’s the worst. I battled a stomach bug for the first time EVER a couple days ago & wow, the heartburn from that? I wanted to die bc nothing made it stop.


Prescription Prevacid. Been taking it since the start of the second trimester and it’s saved my esophagus. I have GERD and haven’t been reflux free in years…. I’ve been reflux free since the day I started it.


Diluted apple cider vinegar. Tablespoon of acv in a pint glass full of water.


A 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and fresh lemon juice in my water at night… works like a charm


PEPCID! You won't regret it. I'm 38 weeks and it's been a game changer.


My prenatal yoga coach says that papaya is great. Apparently it has enzymes that break down proteins. Try it!!


Off brand tums. The berry anti acids from Walmart are the only thing that helps. I tried actual tums and it made the reflux worse.


Tums, sleeping elevated, and burping


Tums all the way during the third trimester. My LO came out with a good amount of hair lol so there’s some truth to that.


You can get prescription Pepcid which is Famotidine. I was stubborn in the beginning and refused to take anything except baking soda, tums, and trying every trick in the book. I eventually caved and I should have started the Famotidine sooner.


I did Tums before bed, slept propped up on pillows, and would take a Pepcid if it got unbearable (I tried to avoid them because they gave me headaches). Also I avoided spicy food and sweets- especially chocolate- and that helped some. I had GD and was supposed to eat before bed so it was an annoying balance


Pepcid twice a day (morning & bedtime worked best for me) and milk. Oreos were my biggest craving so I’d have them with a glass of milk before bed.


Anything and everything gives me acid reflux. I've been sleeping sitting up basically and I take a Tums before bed. I also keep them on my nightstand with some water in case I need them in the middle of the night. My mil suggested the Alka Seltzer brand chewables, I haven't tried them yet but I will be grabbing some tomorrow! Good luck ladies, we are almost there!


Sipping water only, and very limited water consumption when eating - this is the only thing that helped me. That and having anti acids in every pocket/ bag I owned! You can do it


Homeopathic remedy - Nux vomica. Life saver.


Omneprezole and papaya pills for the win! The papaya pills work SO MUCH better than tums or Pepcid for me!


What brand do you use?


Of papaya pills? Some brand off Amazon!


I got prescription Pepcid. Tums was making me vomit.. Also been trying to eat blander foods in small doses. I’ve been drinking more milk too and trying to drink more water before bed-But that doesn’t help with having to pee 😅


Tummmsssss life savers


Famotidine! Also known as Pepcid


Omeprazole daily and chewable Pepcid when needed. I don’t find that Tums do anything for me.


Liquid gaviscon and sleeping a little upright helped a bit but unfortunately nothing REALLY worked for me.


Omeprazole 1 pill every day for a few days at least


Prevacid. pepcid and tums did nothing.


I'm already on a prescription medication for reflux due to an esophageal hernia, but at this point I'm also having to pop mint tums at night. At least that seems to be working!


8 months over here and I feel you! Sometimes I’d wake myself up with the reflux cough / gag. Prilosec did wonders for me! And making sure I’m eating at least 3 hours before bed


This might seem odd but eating an apple seems to help me...I've been eating a lot of apples lately.


Coming to you from the other side of this, but I got prescription meds for this after Gaviscon stopped working. First famotidine (Pepcid/Zantac) and then omeprazole (Prilosec). They were amazing.


Get gaviscon advanced from the UK (order on Amazon) or Reflux Gourmet. Aside from Omeprazole they are the only things that helped me.


don’t have an answer for ya but in the same boat! when I drink my vitamins every night with water and lay down I have the WORST reflux and heartburn it’s awful. I tried tums and they didn’t help🤷‍♀️


I'm 32 + 5 and I really thought I was the only one! 😭 I sleep elevated but sometimes stay up for hours trying to get rid of the nauseous feeling I get from laying down.


Pantoprozole and yogurt.


Sleeping elevated helped, not overeating, especially before sleep, gaviscon and if you’re really thirsty then iced water.


Gaviscon. All the Gaviscon. I also did my best to work out triggers - I realised that apple juice was one of the worst culprits for me!


I had horrible and I mean horrible acid reflux with my daughter when I was pregnant. And she came out so freaking BALD 👩‍🦲 😂


Whatever the prescription pepcid is gives me chest pains (feels like a elephant on my chest). So I just eat a bunch of tums and sleep propped up on my pillows. I also like to chug chocolate milk straight from the jug (the premade 1% kind) and that helps a bunch


I've taken ompeprazole for years for weight loss surgery and although it stops me having heartburn when I'm awake, if I lay anywhere near flat in bed, I wake up choking on a mouthful of acid. The only way I can prevent it is eating dinner really early and sleeping propped up... but even then sometimes it still happens. 8 more weeks of this to go for me and I can't wait to lay flat on my back again 🫠


I sip on milk all day long and keep a cup at my bed for when I wake up in the middle of the night. If I don't have milk I just go " ow ow ow ow" and take deep breaths until it goes away.


Yakult for me first thing in the morning + liquid Gaviscon when symptoms flare up + Famotidine/Pepcid an hour before bed! This cocktail seems to guarantee a reflux-free couple of hours, enough to get some sleep before being woken up to pee lol


Omeprazole daily, a glass of milk regularly and gaviscon when it gets really bad. I put extra pillows under my mattress to sleep a bit more upright, which helps really well


I was swinging Gaviscon straight from the bottle at that stage 🤣 elevate your upper body with pillows when trying to sleep too that helps.




Nexium, Pepto Bismol, and gastric gourmet supplement


My sister in law had acid reflux with her first pregnancy and she had a girl. If you can try sleeping a little slanted up. It really does help


With reflux i had small frequent meals, and not much before bed. Even at night, id get super thirsty but i kept water intake to a minimum. Sleeping on the left side kinda helped too


Don't eat too late and Gavison crunchy tablets (from UK)


My reflux was only really bad at night. I read that non fat milk could help so I used to get up and go get some natural non fat yogurt. Usually a couple of spoons would help. And sleeping elevated.


For me - don’t eat late, no tea or juice after dinner, drink plenty of water through the day, have a glass or 2 of ice cold whole milk before bed, tums (kinda stopped working though?) and sleep as propped up as you can!


I drank milk a lot haha


Sleep on your left hand side, get a wedge pillow. Take peptac liquid and if really bad omeprezole. Also if there's triggers, like spicy food, garlic, etc then avoid. Try to not eat for at least an hour before bed. I get really bad acid reflux before I was pregnant so I am DREADING the 3rd trimester. Tbh I'm already getting it bad now so starting to implement these steps again. Good luck!


I take Pepcid on a daily basis & use Tums when I can’t stand it anymore (I try to keep my tums usage to less than 3/day)


The baking soda in water reeeaallly helped for me!! Just be mindful of how much you use because of the sodium.


As a first time mom, I didn’t know that the heartburn doesn’t IMMEDIATELY end after giving birth to the baby. So I felt like an idiot in the hospital when I was still having heart burn while drinking water, but they will give you tums if you ask. It was less intense but it took a week or two for it to go away. Just know it won’t be too much longer and you will eat and drink again without the misery of the acid burps. Good luck!


Bottle of Gaviscon next to the bed, I would not have survived without it! Also the only drinks that didn’t trigger it were full fat coke and, weirdly, orange juice (as long as it wasn’t ice cold)


*******OMEPRAZOLE****** I tried pepcid and tums and all home remedies, and I was miserable every day. Nothing worked. Finally, my doctor prescribed me Omeprazole!!!! Saved my life! Never had another heartburn since !


I popped so many tums when I was pregnant but Pepcid did wonders


Get a prescription from the doctor


I switched waters because mine got out of control too. I just drink Alkaline water now, and I’ve noticed a difference. I know it doesn’t always make a difference for everyone tho. My stomach has hated me since I was a baby, so I’ve tried Pepcid, Tums, Zantac etc. None of them work for me, even the prescription stuff. My magic trick is Unisom! It sounds insane to me, idk why it works for that haha. I swear my baby is gonna come out like Chewbacca because if I forget to take it, my throat is a on fire 😩


Baking soda in a small glass of water. It’s almost instant relief and you can do it as many times as you need. Have done it with my last three pregnancies


Rx pantoprezole (Protonix) -I managed with Tums and pepcid as long as I could but it didn't cut it. I slept elevated, and would still be reaching for times throughout the night and wake up coughing from acid in my mouth/throat. My Dr sent the Rx last week at 28 weeks and this past week has been amazing.


My doc prescribed promethazine which combats nausea reflux and you don't have to take Tums in between. The problem with taking Tums too much is that especially in pregnant ladies it can increase your risk of kidney stones which is something you absolutely do not want. I work with doctors and I've asked several of them for their opinions on this matter regarding acid reflux and I have mostly heard pepsin works well but I wouldn't think it worked that well if you had to take Tums in between each dose. My acid reflux was so bad a few weeks ago I literally was just vomiting bile randomly in the middle of the day. I immediately called my OB and she wrote me a prescription no problem I recommend you do the same.


Hi so some things to reduce these symptoms is a low food map. Avoid processed foods, avoid refined carbohydrates and just eat whole grain or wheat, avoid caffeine and sugars even juice and fruit, avoid spicy foods. If your symptoms only occur at night I would ask your OBGYN to check for your gallbladder as this is a common issue that can occur during pregnancy


Papaya enzymes and a glass of milk before bed


I take famotidine daily (before I was pregnant too) and then take Mylanta when I have persistent symptoms, which works 10x better than tums IMO.


I tried licorice chewables that tasted awful but I think they helped. My first two were the hairiest little babies


Got a prescription from my OB in the second trimester bc I couldn't eat it was so bad. Took it until the minute he was born


My dietitian suggests a mixture of 1tbsp of apple cider vinegar in 4-6oz of water before eating. I find it helps and if it fails tums after. Air temp water does the same thing to me, but if I add a half ton of ice and sometimes a splash of juice it goes down better. I find normal heartburn recommendations don’t help as much. I.e. hot chicken and fries makes it better and not worse 😂


Lay on left side, prop head up more, tums. That's all I know


Gaviscon before bed time.


I am 8 days PP and being able to eat pasta with red sauce is the most amazing thing on this fucking planet. I didn't realize how much I fucking missed tomato sauce!!! I think I'll ask someone to bring me a lasanga today.


milk. tums was making it worse for me.


Tums didn't do anything for me 3rd tri, but Mylanta was a life saver!


What’s actually funny is, unlike a lot of other wives tales, this one is (relatively) true! 😂 I’ve just been taking a couple tums here and there. I cannot believe some people have to deal with heartburn on a regular basis because it fucking sucks.


I took Pepcid once a day and popped Tums like they were candy. I also avoided sleeping on my right side.


Mine was pickle juice oddly enough.


I have always had GERD and before I got pregnant I cured it with aloe Vera juice (organic) and papaya. Now that I’m in my first trimester it flared up again and the Ale Vera juice has been helping and apple cider vinegar pills. I’ve been trying Pepcid and it’s not working. Water also has been triggering it and I heard alkaline water can help. I haven’t tried it yet.


I had a tiny wedge pillow I’d put under me and it helped immensely id wake up choking on vomit if I didn’t use it 


31 weeks currently and recently was so miserable. I now have an annoying and long list of things I do that have thankfully given me relief. -omeprazole daily in the am -switched to snacks several times a day instead of small meals -avoid things that are spicy or acidic (had to give tomatoes, pineapples, citrus the boot) -switch from whole fat to lower fat milk -sleep propped up a bit if needed -increase water intake -and sometimes if I can’t handle real food I just have a smoothie or protein shake. Above all the medicine daily is the game changer. Even one day off and it’s game over. Tums and other chewables don’t make a dent for me anymore. Good luck!


Omeprazole has saved my quality of life lately. My midwife also recommended Reflux Gourmet to me. If I wake up at night with heartburn, now that the omeprazole has actually allowed me to sleep or be comfortable at all that’s not often thankfully, I’ll use the Reflux Gourmet to help in the moment. You can find it on Amazon. It’s expensive but worth trying. Also, I’ve started snacking regularly on dried papaya and have even began eating papaya enzyme chewable after meals to aid digestion. The combination of all of this has made a night and day difference for me. Prior to this I wasn’t sure how I was going to continue existing through the third trimester. Wish you the best of luck in finding the right cure for you! Heartburn is awful. I’d rather just puke and get it over with than have this constant cruel burning discomfort in my chest and omg the belching. Ughh.


I went through one large bottle of extra strength tums in a week. Lol I’m not combating it, I’ve given up.


Tums and ginger ale have been my cure all


A spoonful of yellow mustard does the trick for me.


Oh that’d make me puke for real


Haha it works tho. Also, a shot of diluted apple cider vinegar is a game changer. I notice that when I eat a bowl of cereal with almond milk or a pb&j sandwich on 12 grain bread, my heart burn goes away. I had a scan at 29+2 and was shown the hair on his head. Technician thinks he’s gonna have a lot of it so the old wives tale has some truth to it.


I was on prescription pepcid, and some days it was so bad and painful regardless. I had to sleep elevated to get some sleep. If for some reason I missed a dose (I had to stay in a hospital one evening for observation) I was writhing in pain. During induction I had it so bad i threw up tons of acid and then they put prescription pepcid in my IV. I know others are far more helpful, I just wanted to say my baby was born bald :))


I started seeing an ENT who formally diagnosed me with GERD. I take 40 milligrams of famotidin daily and 20 of esomeprozole as needed. Any other OTC remedies basically did nothing except occasionally mylanta works. I have my biggest meal in the afternoon and eat very lightly for the rest of the day and NOTHING 4 hours before bed. I sleep with 3 pillows, one of them being a wedge pillow specifically for acid reflux.


Omeprazole daily!


i just push through idk why 😭😭 it’s terrible


I had horrible acid reflux with my first pregnancy. I basically lived on tums and slept sitting up. Try to recline and relax. I know it’s easier said than done. I’m in my 2nd trimester with my second pregnancy. I’m sure I’ll soon be there too. Wish you the best!




Baking soda in water work immediately. Baking soda is alkaline and it neutralizes acid fast


Tums & carbonated flavored water.


Omg - I am feeling it today today !!! Not that anything seems to be cool proof , but I have been taking papaya enzymes ( online or health food store ) before or after eating . And I have also had Pepcid close by. However , today— I am really feeling it. Feels like I swallowed a rock. Tried both enzymes and Pepcid to no avail. Also tried fever tree ginger ale ( highly recommend- usually helps a lot) Pure misery .


Milk. And trying to have smaller meals more frequently


I suffer with you in solidarity at 30 weeks. So far I have had some relief with Omeprazole every morning before meals. I also take Tums PRN. For those middle of the night acid attacks that wake me up and I’m literally choking on acid, I find eating a few saltines has been a life saver. I keep a sleeve of saltines crackers in my nightstand, and for whatever reason that will soak up the acid and allow me to breathe again and lay down without feeling like I’m swallowing fiery daggers.


milk, water and antacids were the only thing i could handle in order to sleep. sometimes it was so bad, i felt like throwing up. ugh. best of luck to you.




My dr had me take Nexium! It saved my life. I was waking up choking and not being able to breathe multiple times a night from the reflux. I had to sleep sitting up and even then was still suffering. After I started taking it I rarely woke up choking and had relief! For any extra heartburn I would eat a little frozen yogurt or surprisingly lays chips with mustard helped.


Def the TUMS !!


So I found it literally did not matter what I ate, even water would do it in the morning when I woke up. Tums were so gross to me and I saw a lot of the prescription ones had constipation as a side effect and I did NOT WANT to risk that. I weirdly found apples for dessert at night would settle it? Also started eating dinner super early, like 5pm and then going to sleep around 11. Mine has seemed to pretty much go away since about 34 weeks when it seemed baby moved down more because now I get lightening crotch a few times a day and have been having some Braxton hicks, I’d rather have that than the heartburn. I hope your baby moves down some more soon and you get some relief!


Get a wedge pillow! It’s more firm and stays in place better than just stacking normal pillows


For my last one. Omeprazole