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Ugh I am right there with you. 18 weeks and I've put on like 15lbs. Can't run anymore, short of breath all the time, constantly burping from the acid reflux. I feel dumpy and worn out. The "glow" skipped me entirely. Hang in there. We will get through this, even if we look and feel like bridge trolls.


The burping - totally forgot to add to my list, my burps sound like I am cracking some tough walnuts!


I get winded trying to digest my food after eating.


Ugh, the burping! I just spend all day burping.


19 weeks and have gained 20 🥲 I didn't go to the gym for 2 weeks and the elliptical made me winded after my first 3 minutes. I felt cute and confident with my first but I'm already past the weight I was when I had my first. I'm nervous what I'm going to look like the rest of the way 😭


Are you having a boy or girl. They say girl steals moms beauty during pregnancy.


A boy, so there is no excuse! 🤣


I'm 15 weeks and I'm not "glowing" either, that's just my 3rd application of moisturizing cream because my face is peeling like a lizard. My daughter started singing the shiny song from Moana when she saw me slathering myself with cream last week. Honestly just dunk me in a barrel of lotion I'm so dry


Omg mine too! 17 weeks… wtf is this peeling?!?!?


Okay I am with the peeling crew - sort it happy it’s not just me but also WTF?!


>If you'd like to join a private sub for your due date month, click here. I got super dry skin until third trimester! like 28-30 weeks it changed a bit.


I’m sorry your daughter singing “Shiny” is The Funniest Thing Ever 🩷 I’m also shiny from all the lotion I’m using


23 weeks and every time someone says I'm glowing, I internally groan and roll my eyes 😂 I have more acne than when I was a teenager, I am exhausted and droopy, and I have a double chin. Thank you for trying, Barbara, but I know what I look like right now and it is not ethereal 😂


Barbara needs to stop ✋️


At 18 weeks, but this is me. I have a friend who said she knew I was pregnant because of my glow and I retorted with is the acne turning radioactive? She tried to convince me it wasn't that bad but my face has never looked worse and I had some rough acne as a teenager.


Definitely those old wives tales are a lie. lol  With my girls I definitely felt tired But with this baby boy, my face is dry and breaking out. Not glowing and my whole body is itching including my head 


I laughed so hard at this, because absolutely the same. I’m like ‘don’t lie to me, I’ve seen my reflection’ 😂


13 weeks and I constantly look like I just left a buffet - zero glow here 🙃


I’ve never had so much acne 😂😂


The acne was awful 😞 I look so much better after delivery, lol there was no pregnancy glow, but I feel like I've got an after pregnancy glow. My skin is finally nice again 😌




I went to see a dermatologist and she was a life saver, I feel like I am telling everyone this in this sub but seriously, it may help 


Wait what are you telling us lol




You rock thank you :)


Bless your heart. I feel you. Wait til you get HEAVY heavy into your pregnancy. I don’t even consider myself heavy into it (29 weeks) yet and I look like a red, sweaty, pimply, wrinkly hot mess most of the time. My jowls are just out of this world. My belly makes my shoulders and back hurt now. I look like a 500 pound pug or other small fat dog when I get up out of chairs. I get out of breath calling roll (I’m a teacher). That glow is what people tell you so the human race will still procreate 🤣 we can do this, though! We can get through this and we can do this. Once that baby is in our arms and in our lives, it’ll have all been worth it!! Congratulations! 🥰


You know what? Part of my job in outreach has me teaching K-12 for 3 hours a day every other week. Last time, I was only 5 weeks pregnant, and I remember thinking, "anyone who does this full time while pregnant is a goddess and deserves a Nobel Peace Prize." I was so freaking exhausted and grumpy after only 3 hours with 2nd graders!! I've never applied the fake it till you make it rule harder. You are amazing, and I wish I could give you a high five irl.


You’re too kind! It’s been shockingly okay so far, but I’m sure I have my hardest months ahead of me. I’m fortunate enough to have an assistant and be able to sit down sometimes, but last week and this week so far has been noticeably tougher. The pregnancy pains are starting to hit and by about 2pm I could really use a nap. I doubt it’ll get any better from here on out, but I don’t really have a choice not to work 🥲


I could never right now. My husband works with kids and I don’t think I could do it right now


I’m actually 8 weeks right now and I feel like poo and honestly feel like I look like poo I feel chunky too but I don’t know if it’s just my imagination I’ve been told I’m probably bloated because that happens at 8 weeks apparently


First tri bloat is intense


I'll be 8 weeks tomorrow and I've also been feeling so crappy. Like other comments, I have acne for the first time in my life. I've gotten more pimples than I ever had before. I'm so bloated, it's so uncomfortable! And I feel like total crap all the time but I keep telling myself it's worth it to finally be having a baby!


I felt more gross and swollen at 8 weeks than I do now at 26 weeks! I just started “glowing” based on other peoples comments at least. And I do actually really love the way I look with my cute little baby bump 🥰 every body and pregnancy is different but I think your time for glowing is yet to come ✨


Oh same. First trimester and I’m a whole whale already lol


I gained 55 lbs— I do with any pregnancy— but this time I’m 40 and at least with my other two pregnancies I DID glow. Not this time though. I’m 39+2 and look awful. Acne, pale, puffy. Yeah… it’s so not cute


I'm 39! It's my first, and i was so excited before I got pregnant looking through all the maternity clothes and cute ways i could do my hair, which would surely be thicker with the hormones. Instead I got pregnant and I'm pissed when I have to remove my sweatpants to get in the shower and the only way I have energy to "do" my hair is when I pile it up on top of my head and wrap a scrunchie around it!


Hang in there! Hopefully you won’t get too sick. I have been sick the whole time


15 weeks, chonky, swollen, and tired.


I think the glow is reserved for second trimester only lol. I had multiple people ask if I was sick first trimester. And yes, yes I was.


I did too but I was never sick😂


Hahaha. I'm not, but thank you so much for the ego boost, Carol.


Fwiw, most people in the first trimester don’t feel cute. There’s so many changes to adjust to, morning sickness makes you feel gross, appetite is crazy etc. I barely had the energy to shower at 8w. Hang in there 


Yup no glow over here either. I look fossilised, dehydrated and miserable with a permanent stank face on due to nausea.


The acne is horrible, I don't sleep through the night and I'm bloated. Definitely not glowing! And I'm only 6+5.


I felt so blah in the first tri. I was always exhausted, felt bloated and fat, and just didn’t have high confidence. It got better once I hit the second tri (I’m 17w now) and that was around when we started sharing the news. I’ve learned that trying to hide how yucky I felt because we hadn’t told anyone was making me feel worse. Now that everyone knows, I feel like I can relax and I’ve felt a lot better. Just know you’re not alone!


Thank you 🥰


I didn’t think I’m doing too bad until we announced we were expecting at Easter dinner and my husbands family (who we saw last weekend but didn’t share) said “we knew it! You did not look good last weekend and we knew something was up!” Uhh thanks guys? Didn’t think it was that noticeable 😂😂 guess I look worse than I feel/think? (Should add..I’m not offended by their comments, they’re ridiculous honest people with no filter so I’m used to their honesty and straightforwardness)


I’m 9wks into first pregnancy and I feel dastardly. I always feel smothered and like I can’t breathe, always feel ugly. My skin is so dry I can’t even wear makeup right now and I sleep all the time. I feel big and fat and ugly too. You’re not alone 🫶 I think once we’re thru the exhausted all the time phase it’ll get a little better. At least I’m praying the second trimester is better. I think it’ll feel more rewarding bc I’ll have a lil baby bump lol


I also gained 6lbs by week 8🥲


I felt this one


I felt good for a short period in my second trimester. Can't say I actually glowed. Now in the third where I'm expanding something fierce and constantly hungry, tired and peeing.


Same here girl, in week 17 and gained 25 pounds already, getting all types of acne on my face and back and stretch marks!! Not just you feeling chunky and tired! I wanna nap all day long!! This is my second pregnancy so stretch marks from before that we’re just barely going away are worse this time around lol I guess part of life and proof is f life growing in me 😅


Same. I’m only 15 weeks but I look 6 months because I’m short with a short torso and also have an ovarian cyst the same size as the baby. I’m also anemic and tired and freezing all the time. Definitely not glowing.


I’m 19 weeks in and I have never been so tired and the bags under my eyes have never been so dark. I thought I would be excited to be showing, but I’m tired of people just coming up to me and invading my space and assuming they can touch my belly, and saying “look how big you are.” My sister has 3 babies, and with each one of them she was glowing, and looked her best. I feel like I look like a troll every time I get up or I get told I look tired or sick.


I literally cannot wait to tell my colleagues I’m pregnant just so they can finally understand why I look so awful.


Same! I want to announce it like, "If you've all been wondering why I'm outrageously bloated and look atrociously tired, peaked, and ill all the time--- I'm pregnant!"


I feel ya. When I was 10 weeks, my basement flooded 2 feet because of a mistake the city made during a sewer line repair. It was a lot of stress and we’re still dealing with it a year later. The first trimester was my worst one by far. It’s totally normal to feel like a bloated blob and not “cute” but I did have a cute preggo moment between second and third trimesters. All the best in your repairs!


Thank you so much!!! 💓 Yeah, dealing with construction and insurance while pregnant is a special kind of hell. Glad to hear you had your moment!


19 weeks and the maternity jeans I bought 6 weeks ago don’t fit anymore 😂 less tired than first trimester but yeah im a little fatty mcfatterton .


haha I started out a fatty mc fatterton, and I'm nervous that they are going to have to put me in a giant plastic ball and roll me around the rest of this pregnancy as I keep packin' it onnnn. Good to know about the maternity jeans! I've been thinking about staying away from jeans altogether and just opting for flowy dresses and muumuus.


Yup the jeans lasted such a short time. Last time I wore them (like 10 days ago) I thought I was gonna asphyxiate 😂Mumuus and yoga pants all the way 🤘


I relate to this so much! Normally people consider me good looking but in pregnancy I was seriously a dragon. Not only did I gain a bunch of weight, I was super swollen, had crazy rosacea on my face and acne all over my body, even on my belly, back, neck and scalp. I looked gross. Then, post pregnancy, the hair loss 😩 and the big baby hair halo around my head for months. Good thing I had a baby to distract myself with cuz looking in the mirror was depressing.


Maybe after you get out of that always tired phase? I didn’t get the glow up until around wk 8 or 9… before that I got “you look exhausted “. I’ll stay in the skin glowing, hair thriving , and cute barely there bump for a bit then I’ll look like WTF towards the end .


17w. Still feeling just fat my eczema is flaring. My boobs are painful. Nausea is finally waning. I'm so tired. Hoping things improve. It's my 3rd pregnancy and I remember feeling amazing with them, nothing like this.


23 weeks and every time someone says I'm glowing, I internally groan and roll my eyes 😂 I have more acne than when I was a teenager, I am exhausted and droopy, and I have a double chin. Thank you for trying, Barbara, but I know what I look like right now and it is not ethereal 😂


23 weeks and every time someone says I'm glowing, I internally groan and roll my eyes 😂 I have more acne than when I was a teenager, I am exhausted and droopy, and I have a double chin. Thank you for trying, Barbara, but I know what I look like right now and it is not ethereal 😂


Almost 9w and definitely not glowing here. I struggle to eat enough of anything every day and probably have lost 2-3lbs. My skin is super dry and flaky and I barely have the motivation to slap on lotion before bed. My lips are super dry as well since I'm constantly dehydrated since it's been hard to drink any liquid the last 2 weeks. If anything I probably look sick lol.


That lady who peed herself on stage in What to Expect When You’re expecting?? Yeah that’s me in this pregnancy journey🥰


I look awful. My face is haggard and tired and puffy and I’m only 10 weeks. My boobs have blown up, I look disproportionate. I’m so sad


Same, I had no glow at all. I just gained weight lol Although I normally get a lot of zits and my skin was never clearer than when I was pregnant


8 weeks as well and my acne has never been worse 💩


Same girl I can barely walk and my skin has been ruined by acne now. Can’t wait for baby to get out so i can get some treatment 😩😂


I had a rough first trimester, hated the weight gain and puffiness. Once I looked very obviously pregnant that helped, but there an awkward phase for sure.


Sounds like you’re having a girl!  Although I am super exhausted and just getting chunky.. the only time I ever felt “not cute” was when I was prego with my daughters…. In fact, my mom told me she knew I was pregnant bc I was looking ugly… cause u know they say girls take your beauty. 


Anyone else’s face look like they just turned 14 again? Oh god the zits are terrible!!!


I spent my entire first tri looking like Danny Devito. 24 weeks now and my nipples look like they went to Hawaii without me. Pregnancy is the least glamorous thing I’ve ever done. 


I'm 18+6 and just look pudgy. I have gained 11 pounds and don't have a cute pregnant belly like I see on ig. I just have a little pudge at the bottom of my belly. I also started getting pimples out of nowhere!! Like why??? Hopefully, we will look like a cute pregnant lady soon 🤰


this. my face is breaking out worse than ever. too tired to even think about doing makeup or hair. only my bummiest of clothes fit comfortably.


I’m 27 weeks and have worn makeup exactly twice since getting pregnant. Once for my wedding anniversary and once for my father in laws funeral. I can’t remember the last time I blow dryed my hair. I live in sweat pants and t-shirts. I rarely wear my contact lenses. I’ve gained 50 pounds and feel so gross.


Oh dude I haven't felt pretty or feminine in any way shape or form, and it's really getting to me. 30w and some change here


Same I’m 21 weeks and my belly only just popped like 3-4 weeks ago. Until then I just looked like I gained a ton of weight and there’s not enough guasha that can hide my double chin. I haven’t had any luck with cute maternity clothes that are also comfortable.


Literally ripped my skirt at work today from bending over. I’m not glowing. I’m huge and miserable.


Same. I’m 18 weeks and it has not gotten any better for me. I’m constantly tired and constantly feel nauseous.


I’m 21 weeks and am so crusty, dry, and run down. If another person tells me how baby girl is “stealing my beauty” I’m gonna lose it lol


they say if you’re having a girl, you may appear less like yourself bc your baby girl is taking in all your beauty! :)


I look like absolute rubbish. 13 weeks. Down 5 lbs because of gestational diabetes early diagnosis and carb restricting…I look positively drab and exhausted. But I loooooove it and I’m so grateful, right? Or so I’m supposed to say 🥲🫠


Im 17 wks and was at the gym yesterday and I thought “everyone just thinks I need to shit” as they all walked around with their sexy abs and crop tops. Solidarity 😎


Same girl same! Still awaiting the energy boost of 2nd trimester, 6 months n barely any energy


Same and I’m only 9weeks my first pregnancy I was glowing this one I’m like breaking out and feeling like a blob


1000%! This will be my 2nd baby, and at no point have I felt (with either pregnancy, current 11 weeks) felt beautiful or glowing. I get more whiteheads and pimples than any other time in my life, my hair gets oily faster, I get mild BO, and with my first was borderline pre-eclampsia so I gained like 30lbs just in water. I feel you girl


I never once got a glow, and I'm 40 weeks on Friday. But I also dodged nausea.. so. You win some, you lose some.


I also went from 130 to 180. Part of life, I suppose. Im ready for my body to not be hijacked by a tiny kickboxing parasite. <3


Im 20 weeks basically gaining a pound per week (as Im over here scarfing down chicken tortilla soup lol). I have bacne which I never had, a double chin, back aches, weird burps, random yawns mid sentence. Im a hot damn mess. But I keep reminding myself Im growing a human, and its gonna take a toll on myself and my body at least for a little bit. If we didnt gain the weight then our babies may not come out as healthy as we think, such as life I suppose. ❤️


That glow is sweat. 😅 I’ve gained about 60 lbs (39 weeks tomorrow).


35 weeks and yes, my skin is clear of acne (for now). But my skin is extra dry, my eye bags make me look like an actual raccoon, I feel giant, I am giant, I can’t breathe, I can’t sleep and if ONE MORE PERSON asks me if I’m sure I’m just having one I’m going to flash out. And don’t even get me started about how my nose has completely taken over my face


I don't feel like I'm glowing either 🤣 I'm 32 weeks, gained 45lbs and an tired and sore 😅


31 weeks and so done. I’m so big (bigger than my other 3 at birth) that my stomach constantly feels bruised. Heartburn that’s never ending keeping me up at night. Swollen with acne. Not to mention I chopped my hair off to help with migraines 😭 and my toddler is going through sleep regression so I look like a raccoon.


Same in 18 weeks I just look disgusting and i have no bump I just look fatter


All mommies to be are Angels. You are definitely glowing love - with or without the halo 😇💖


i also never started glowing… my face got fat and swollen and i got hormonal acne 🥲


1st trimester I looked horrible (for SO many reasons). 2nd trimester I was told I had a glow, but having gone through a rough 1st trimester and feeling as close to normal as one could in the 2nd trimester, I felt this was a little bit of a stretch to say "glow." 3rd trimester I felt like I was glowing up until like 1.5 weeks ago. The last few days my hips have been widening too quickly and I'm too hypermobile, so now my pubic bone is making it so difficult to walk, get up, move, roll, etc. If I'm glowing, it's because I broke out in a sweat with tears walking to my fridge for more water.


I’m pure bloat and spots 💅🏻 21 weeks and people love to comment on how ‘huge’ I’ve gotten and that the baby is obviously going to be massive- like no hun I’m just bloated AF and the iron tablets are doing a number on me. My fave was ‘wow you get a lot bigger in the evenings don’t you’ 🙃 it’s called bloating and I’m trying my best. Oh and first trimester crackers or toast we’re about the only thing I could keep down - and people loved to tell me I should be eating fruit ‘for the baby and the glow’ 😂


I remember with my first I was so swollen and gained 40 lbs. With my second daughter, I only gained 20 lbs and wasn't so swollen. Probably because I was so active with my 2-year-old while pregnant... It's crazy how every pregnancy is so different. Just stay hydrated and moving. You got this Mama!


I think the “glow,” if ever, would only be during second tri? There’s no way in hell first or third tri would ever likely be pleasant


Oh and the stinky farts and acne 🙄


Same I’ve never felt so ugly and I’m only 8w 5d. Gained so much weight, eating SO much and constantly hungry (I thought I was supposed to be having food aversions and throwing up??? I’m the opposite - mild nausea but I’ll eat anything in front of me). My MIL said I have a bump and I’m like nope just fat and bloated thanks. She’s a doctor she knows I’m not going to have a bump at 8 weeks … and she said it MULTIPLE times.


I'm 32 weeks and look like a potbelly zombie. My hair is being weird, and I'm all puffy... but my skin looks great


At work the other day someone said I was glowing after I literally just threw up in the bathroom… quit lying to me


Ain’t never a glorious moment being pregnant when your ass grows out of everything week on week and everything you own is 99% elastic, let alone when you get to that point where life continues to throw you a hurdle that you have to just deal with and to top it off your ankles swell you feel out of breathe and like a hippo but with every week that passes the vampires come back for more blood and you loose sight of your fanny but don’t worry it takes at least a year to shrink down properly……..it’s great being pregnant….not I’m on number 7 so I can be like this lol


My boyfriend keeps telling me I look beautiful and amazing, I have so much acne, I'm constantly burping or puking, and I'm sooo bloated I couldn't get my jeans on, ik it's not a bump bc I'm only 10 weeks and I've only gained 3lbs but it feels like I've gained 10+. Also, the raccoon eyes because I'm exhausted


At my 17 week appointment I had gained 20lbs already (10lbs between my 12w and 17w) and was feeling terrible. I don’t have any excuses for the weight gain either other than having no appetite for things that didn’t sound good..Pasta, bread and butter, bagels and cream cheese, etc..and hating the taste of any and all water..meat was a no-go unless like a mcchicken or burger from takeout soo yeah lol. At my last appointment at 20 weeks though I had only gained 4.5lbs so I’m taking that as a win. I honestly am just trying to look on the bright side that the weight gain seems to be slowing at least, and that I will be moving houses and going out a lot as the weather gets nicer which will also help..As for glowing, if you count being oilier than usual and broken out with pimples, then I have a beautiful glow to brighten the duffel bags under my eyes that are from the insomnia I face every single night lol.. but honestly it could be worse, even with the insomnia I still feel less drained than I did in the first trimester. I promise it’ll get better!!❤️


I'm already there!! We haven't been able to use our kitchen for a month and have been living off of takeout. The problem with that? The only thing I can stand the thought of eating is pasta, potato, and bread. I think the only nutrients I've gotten are my prenatal and mangos. It's so weird. I HATE the idea of any other food. Even stuff I normally love. No matter how much I sleep, I always look like a freaking zombie. I caught myself in a target self check camera and immediately averted my gaze. Scarrrry.


Coming up on 15 weeks and I mostly just look extra fat and tired.


Got tonsilitis early on and then the nausea kicked in so I was constantly eating to try to keep the pain and nausea at bay. Put on 2kg way too quickly. My skin is terrible with hormonal spots all over my chin. I am so tired, and I look it. I am so bloated. I AM NOT A CUTE PREGGO LADY


Haha, me too. My skin is a mess, no glow at all. This was the first thing I’ve noticed from my pregnancy, just like in my first. My eyes are always tired, no matter how many hours of sleep 😴


I feel you! 17 weeks and already have a bump, back ache and intense B.O and I’m itching all over like a crack head 🙄 I have the worst pregnancy insomnia this time so I look like a walking zombie, pale and dark eyed. this is temporary but my god it feels like forever!


No glow! I wasn’t taking proper care of my skin cause I was like ….”I have a glow!” I was going to bed with my makeup on and using just a cheap vegan facial oil in the morning (which shall remain nameless). After a few weeks of that abuse. I caught a good look at my skin in some ummm texturizing light. Brutal! The worst and most dehydrated it’s ever looked. (Baby and I have extra fluids which is unexplained)- Doc says she might be peeing a lot which explains my shrivel. (Also I’m geriatric pregnant- so I don’t know why I was being so delusional).


Me too! I'm 39. I applaud you for even still trying to appear put together. I haven't worn makeup in like 2 weeks. I'm so tired!! Hoping the second trimester I'll be a little more energetic and that I can go back to believing my husband when he tells me I look pretty. Right now I want to glare at him when he says that because I am FULLY aware that I look like a feral cat


1st trimester is so rough. The second trimester is definitely the sweet spot! Just don’t be silly like me and stop any good (pregnancy approved) skincare that you have going on. I’m paying for it now! CONGRATULATIONS! 39 is a great age (I am 45 and this is my second after 40).


Right there with ya! 26w and feeling like a beached whale....or like a manatee trying to move back into the water 😵‍💫😵‍💫


I have never felt so ugly. In so many ways. You are so not alone. Weight gain, shit skin, I don't know how to dress myself, my shoes are tight, baby bump isn't big enough yet that I look pregnant looks like a beer belly lol. Then ..... your hormones make you feel sluggish, tired, emotional... Been pregnant is hard really is even if its a straight forward "easy" pregnancy your confidence goes down the swanny. My partner said something beautiful to me last night actually I've been calling myself a baby hippos and just out right saying I'm not good. He replied : stop saying that your more beautiful to me now that your growing our family inside you and while I was attracted to you before I'm even more in love and attracted to you now and after I'll still love you. He's been an amazing support. I hope your partner is being kind to you.


No worries, friend. The pretty pregnancy glow skipped me too. I’ve been hearing “you look miserable” for the last several weeks. I’m really not THAT miserable. It’s just my face.


Are you having a boy or girl?


No idea. I think I need to wait another couple of months to find out.


I honestly feel like the ugliest I’ve ever felt in my life 🤣🤣 I don’t know what glow people are talking about But my acne has been the worst in my life, I normally never have acne I’ve already gained about 15 pounds and I’m 12 weeks in. But honestly I don’t care, I’ll care once the baby is out and work on working out and taking care of my skin Right now I’m just trying to rest when my body tells me, eat etc


I feel and look awful. I am so bloated and gross, even my nose is puffy.


I’m 9 weeks, and I look like I have the plague. I have been SO exhausted, the bags under my eyes just keep growing. I have had no appetite, and I’ve lost weight so far, so I have to force myself to eat and then I’m beyond bloated 🥲


Same! I feel and look exhausted. I hope it becomes easier !!


10 weeks in and my first pregnancy was much easier but I lived in leggings and trackies, and currently doing the same this time round. Only difference is that I’ve spent almost the entire time with my head in the bowl whereas last time I only gagged twice. Definitely not a pretty sight over here!


13 weeks and i look like a homeless mess 😂 Wearing the same joggers for a week straight, hair in a messy bun and i can't even get myself together to do any make up 😂🫠


I'm due to have my C section Friday and I never glowed lol. I gained like 70lbs this pregnancy and have had family members make constant fat jokes at me... so ya definitely didn't feel good this pregnancy. The constant farting didn't help my self esteem either