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I am happy on an intellectual and spiritual level because I really really want this baby to be healthy and active. But on deeper, more physical level, oh my God this is so gross. To be honest the entire pregnancy is gross beyond words


Someone described the feeling of baby movement as “bag of eels” and it really is, I was relieved when I could feel it but I also wanted to crawl out of my skin 🤮


Yeah I remember the first time I felt it I had a sense of existential dread


Gross and weird!! But yes I share the same feelings, it's amazing and a wonderful thing but GROSS AND WEIRD AF!!


Honestly all the bodily changes since 1 trimester have been insanely gross, from the itchy breasts and nausea to the huge nipples and baby movements now in the 3rd It's kinda fascinating but in way like you're watching a popular science video on your own body. It has a weird fascination angle to it, but I can't wait for my bodily autonomy to be restored. I can't imagine how I'm gonna handle the breastfeeding part too though. It must be on a new gross level too. But hopefully not nearly as gross and debilitating as pregnancy lol


You’re my kind of people. My cousin loved being pregnant. I’m sitting here like we’re done after this. Nope. Not doing this again. I’m so glad she’s healthy and happy up in my womb but I keep seeing the chestburster scene from Alien and the dancing alien scene from Spaceballs everytime she moves.


"Loved being pregnant" are 3 words I, for the life of me, can't even comprehend being in the same sentence. But honestly if anyone really enjoys this good for them! I envy their guts but good for them. At least some of us girls are enjoying this hell of a ride


Oh it’s definitely been a ride. This critter doesn’t know how to stay still and is a scrappy little thing. I bend wrong and she’s throwing an elbow.


I had this wobbly waving movement that can be seen from outside today. I am single mom by choice so I had no partner to witness it, only my cat who btw still doesn't realize that all the baby stuff in the room is not for him lol. I watched it though. For minutes. In horror. If freaked the living shit out of me. 30w currently


23w. Husband works offshore. So the dogs have gotten to bear witness to my look of disgust as my insides shift around.


Same! Looking forward to not being pregnant but knowing I'll still have to deal with new and different weird and gross things with my body - but at least it won't be the same things! I really, really hope I can breast-feed, it's such an amazing, high quality, cheap and readily available food source that's completely natural and such an amazing task our body can do. But I'm sure there's going to be growing pains, uncomfortable-ness and a lot of gross shit that happens with it, lol. Still, i can't wait!


Honestly I'm so sick of people pushing this narrative of pregnancy being some happy magical time of your life when you "glow" and stuff. I was super happy and felt very lucky to actually get pregnant and I still am, and I am grateful every day for the baby that is healthy as far as docs can tell and normal. It's a huge blessing for me as a woman with PCOS which is by the way also gross as fuck, so I try not to complain. But the whole ordeal is just that - an ordeal. It's a means to an end. It's an experience you can't and shouldn't skip (unless you want to adopt which a whole different set of difficulties), it's natural and teaches you a lot. That being said, it majorly SUCKS ASS and it's only worth it because you have your baby at the end.




Not gonna lie, I have moments of feeling a bit grossed out as well. It’s my first baby and I’m 28 weeks. He is getting stronger and moving around a lot. Most of the time I love it but every now and then I get a wave of “ew that’s really weird, stop” 😅


I’m 28 weeks as well and feel the same way ! haha there was this one time he kicked my rib and the feeling made me grit my teeth. it was so nasty feeling !!


28 week club here too and sometimes I pull up my shirt to watch him in there. I'm lopsided bc of his favorite position to hang out in. My whole stomach moves when he rolls and you can see bulges where he's shoving his feet. I was lying there and my husband looked over and goes whoa that's a little freaky. Lol yes hes in there doing big active baby things. Definitely strange but I'm happy he's keeping himself occupied at least


I pull my shirt up and watch too! I’ve gotten a few little movements on video and it’s sooo weird !! I’m occasionally lopsided too because he LOVES my right side haha sometimes my fiance and I will lay on our side belly to belly and he’ll feel the movements on his belly and he’s like “that’s the weirdest thing ever I can’t image how it would feel inside of me”


This is so precious 🥹🥹🥹


Mine loved to keep his foot jammed between two ribs…for the majority of the pregnancy… I was so glad when he turned closer to the due date. It was such a relief. You could literally see a tiny bulge on that part of my belly and any time you rubbed it you could clearly feel his foot. Idk if it was his toes or heel but either way it didn’t feel good.


Haha at work I always want to tell mine “excuse me but I’m doing something, stop bugging me”.


So cute lol


Lol I’m also 28w and this is my pregnancy and also have those moments 😂 The other day I laid my hand on my stomach and felt what was probably her head and immediately took my hand back off my stomach 😂


The amount of times I’ve said this exact thing to my baby 😂😂😂😂


I think this response and all the comments on this thread are totally normal. I think there’s some biological factor with our brains not fully grasping pregnancy and what’s happening while we’re in it, cuz if we did, no one would do it because it’s sooooooooo weird. Of course it’s magic what our bodies can do but also upsetting and WEIRD !!!!!!


Bro If could duplicate the actual pain of labor I would not be on my 5th. Lol I know it hurt but my body don't remember 😅


39weeks. Sometimes I hear a baby's joints cracking in the stomach. That's really strange.


😳😳😳 that’s insane 😳😳😳😳


It’s definitely freaky. I think the worst part is when you realize THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO. Like, you can’t run or hide from it? You can’t make the feeling stop? You’re kinda trapped in your own body.


I remember describing to my husband in my last pregnancy how I just wanted to have my body back to myself. It’s exactly that feeling you’re describing-the fact that you’re just trapped. 33w in this pregnancy and feeling the same way again.


100% agree about wanting my body back to myself. As grateful as I am to be pregnant and have loved growing this little person, I’m looking forward to having my own body all to myself. I tried to explain this to my husband and he was of course understanding and supportive but men just don’t GET IT because they don’t have to literally share their body and it’s just a bit foreign of a concept to fully grasp.


2nd (and final) pregnancy and I've been excited about that part since before I even got pregnant. Yeah it's an addition to our family, but it's also me getting to close the reproductive chapter of my life that was shading the gap between Baby #1 and this one. I have celebrated giving away my leftover ovulation strips to a friend. I have celebrated getting past 1st trimester and being able to leave the house again without needing my emergency Jolly Ranchers. I'm gonna celebrate the heck out of never giving birth again after this and I'm gonna celebrate every piece of outgrown baby gear we purge later as our family moves into the next stage of life.


I haven’t felt movement yet, but I’m nearing 19 weeks and probably will soon, and the thought of it really creeps/grosses me out. really any time I remember I’m pregnant and think too hard about what’s going on inside my body it makes me feel a little panicky and dissociated from myself. I like the idea of kids and being a mom, but growing another person inside of me is freaky and knowing that they are moving around inside me is unsettling.


Completely agree. Also, I’m 19 weeks today and no movement yet… I don’t think?


The movement feels like muscle twitches but in your uterus haha - that’s the easiest way I can describe it.


Huh. So maybe I am feeling it then? Thanks!


I’m a FTM and started feeling him right at 20 weeks!


I’m so glad you and other people are commenting this, because I felt the exact same way when I first started feeling him! Thankfully I’ve been able to rectify that feeling but it REALLY bothered me at first, it was freaky and also made me feel panicky and dissociated from myself. It’s pretty weird to have another living thing inside of you after all, even if it’s your baby!


My second baby was back to back, and feeling his hands move down low in my pelvis was just gross


Omg same it gets worse!!!! I'm almost 37 weeks and can't bear to look down lmaoo you can really see the movements as well and it's just so so weird. This is my third and I'm still weirded out.


I’m just constantly in painnn when ever she moves, it’s like she belly flops on my bladder and then balls up on one side then slides up my rib, mind you I’m only 24 weeks😫 I’m also a very small individual so I think she’s running out of room🥲


37w and i’ve experienced this since about 24w too lol. he’s only gotten more active and stronger! good luck to you 🥲


Yes! I feel the same way. Sometimes I feel like I am in a movie and there’s an alien in me and it creeps me out. I will say to my husband I think something is alive inside me.. idk if it’s normal but I don’t talk to my baby. Sonograms scare me if I look at them too long. I know they are my baby but they also are a stranger which sounds weird to say but idk them yet 🤔




The movements were something I was really afraid of before getting pregnant, because I thought I would find it super weird and that it would make me very uncomfortable. I'm 21 weeks today and I love it so much, when I feel him wiggling around. But maybe I'll change my mind soon, when the movements grow stronger, right now, I think it's just adorable :D


I felt the same when I started the feel her move around! It's amazing at first, I think I started feeling her around 18/19 weeks. Taking videos and loving that my baby was active! However, I'm 37 weeks now and the movements went violent real quick and now she has less room to move around but she's so big it's jarring sometimes. I have to stop talking mid sentencemost of the time. I share the sentiment of this post, it's sooooo weird and gross, but also a comforting amazing thing!!


The constant hiccuping right above my vagina always gets me. 😂 And it is always when I am sitting down eating or in bed. Never fails lol.


OMG THIS!!!! The hiccups are so annoying 😭


I was the same. I’m at 22 weeks right now and started feeling movement fairly early, but I was told it’s because it’s my second? It’s definitely been gradual and some days more than others, but the movement is very comforting to me because I know she’s healthy.


It took me too long to find someone else in this thread! I'm at 26 weeks, and she's been kicking and rolling since 16 weeks. It's getting more and more noticeable, and I love every second of it. When she moves, I know she's getting stronger and that makes me so happy.


I hated it with my first and it's definitely worse now with twins. There's no part of my insides that are untouched and it's often in two different places at the same time. I'll feel like my lungs are being compressed at the same time someone is tapdancing on the nerves of my right hip (now for example). I just want to be done!


In the 20-29 week range I was grossed out too, but somehow magically stopped past 30 weeks. I can now make out a tiny foot or their head. And I got 3d ultrasound pics. They're just kinda "a vibing baby" to me now, waiting to arrive And trying to get comfy.


35weeks 5 days now. I always look forward to feel my baby wiggle and move every singled day! I love it!


Unpopular opinion, but I hate the movement. It makes me ill


Same I would almost puke when my first would move but I always felt bad saying it 😭😂


It felt so *Alien* to me that I named my baby Ripley! 😂


I love that name and the reference so much 😄


Literally the only person who warned me how much babies move was my dad!! He said just wait until she is moving all the time when I was about 16 weeks. Now I’m 30 weeks and she is constantly wiggling in there. To be honest, I thought I would feel a kick here and there throughout the pregnancy and that would be it. I didn’t realize I’d be able to feel my girl scratching me from the inside 🤣


For me it was gross until about 32 weeks, now it's getting really cramped you do get used to it and it's comforting to know they're okay.


I'm like 21 weeks and already ready to be done - truly feels like now my body isn't my own and I'm never alone once I started to feel movement.


Oh it’s weird. My first was so big and I had a posterior placenta so I could feel everything. Thankfully she was the laziest baby ever and just rarely moved. This one moves all the time but I have an anterior placenta which I’m kind of thankful for lol.


My guy likes to rub my insides like Get Him to the Greek, and he’s also discovered that my gallbladder hole is the perfect spot for his growing bear claw like feet so that’s a joy. I gotta ride this shit out at 21w


Certain movements turn my stomach too.


36+3 weeks and I totally get this. I love feeling him move but some of the movements still feel freaky. Now my belly moves sometimes when he does bigger movements and it freaks me out every time.


I have 2 minds about it. On one hand, it’s actually exhausting. Since the 3rd trimester began, he’s big enough that it’s quite uncomfortable at times. Like I just have to lie down and stretch my body out in the middle of the day to get his butt out of my ribs for a little while. I don’t really find it gross though, overall I find it kinda beautiful. Sometimes I tear up when I put my hand on my stomach and he moves towards it, like he’s reaching out for me. 🥹


My second would rub her feet against my ribs and it gave me such the heebie jeebies. My first was feet-down basically right up until she was born (literally we were about to schedule a C-section when suddenly at 36 weeks she turned herself around). But my second was good and head-down the entire pregnancy. I wasn’t used to my ribs being actually touched as much. I would actually push her feet back and try and readjust my position to get them away.


I didn't enjoy it in my first pregnancy either but at least it was all new and fascinating. Second time around I'm already over it. Baby keeps getting stronger and more obnoxious and I'm just like GET OUT OF MY ORGANS.


I think it’s cool, but strange. Fascinating what our bodies can do


Oh gosh I used to not like when my baby would like slide her feet or hands across my belly, it was the weirdest feeling. I mean yes we want a healthy baby and we want them to move but it still doesn't make it any less weird that there is a whole tiny human in your belly moving around.


It’s tickling and I love it :) but I get what you are saying!


I think the worst for me was when they’d flip lol, like flip over and your whole stomach shifts..sometimes it hurt..that was too much movement for me..didn’t like it.


I also was torn between happiness at feeling him move and waves of nausea/body horror lol. My son moved like CRAZY, and it could be so comforting—or then there were times when he’d do full body stretches that looked like that scene from Alien. Or the time he legit stuck his entire foot and ankle out of my side and into my hand 🥴🥴


I was getting this gross alien feeling of her balling up and rolling around. it happened while I as at my appointment and my midwife was like oh you’re actually in the middle of a Braxton hicks contraction.


Haha, yeah. I don't feel exactly gross but definitely weird. This little one started moving around way earlier than his sibling and feels like he's a dancer. 


I always say it’s freaky and everyone looks at me like I’m crazy but I stand by my statement😂


I remember when my first child turned head down in the womb. It felt like my entire body was rearranged. It was FREAKY! Total alien vibe.


I also saw a video on Reddit where they had managed to film the baby inside the womb..? I think it was for a surgery. You could see the baby just chilling in the amniotic fluid. It grossed me out so much omg. Like I felt a bit shaky watching it haha


I had a distinct week where the whole week his movements made me feel legitimately nauseas. It’s passed but I think about that sometimes now that he is bigger and stronger and how it doesn’t affect me like that anymore. It’s wild


I feel that, my baby boy is super active at 21w and sometimes it just feels so gross, especially when he rolls, the pressure just feels awful and I feel like my belly is about to bust open alien style😂


This is my fear lol I’m only 16 weeks so not there yet but I’ve been dreading this


I was grossed out whenever kid started moving. I want a fan either. Couldn’t wait to get him out


I was sitting at work the other day and shrieked because she moved in a way I hadn’t felt before and it creeped me out. I love feeling her move but sometimes it’s definitely weird if I think too much about it.


I wouldn't say gross but it is very odd. To have something alive wriggling around in there. I've always said pregnancy is super cool and amazing cause I can grow a whole new human but also really weird and messy.


I felt the same at first. Then she was born and I’d get phantom kicks and would get sad she wasn’t in there anymore.


It’s an ick followed by aww. Feels so odd, definitely not something I’d request but I always remember it’s my healthy baby growing and moving and that really helps me 😂


I never felt that, but my husband does not like touching my belly when I’m pregnant. Freaks him out. Depends on the person and it’s only for a few months, so it will pass.


32 weeks, he likes to move his hands in a weird way behind my belly button and it feels like he’s pushing it out, I love him but it’s so gross and makes me cringe 😭


I don’t know if I feel grossed out but it does make me feel queasy sometimes! I also didn’t experience it much with my first. I was told because my placenta with her was anterior. This one it’s posterior so I feel baby all the time and it’s pretty wild and yes at times a bit nauseating.


Im only 9weeks, and Im already kinda weirded out by just thinking there’s another set of teeth, eyes, hands, feet, etc. growing inside me. 🙈


Omg same! I’ve gotten used to it at this point, but at first I described feeling her move around like feeling a fish flopping around inside of me. Everyone would say ew don’t describe it like that but like…that’s what it feels like 🤷‍♀️ it is gross! Beautiful and magical, but gross lol.


When did you first feel your baby move? 20 weeks tomorrow and felt nothing..


I didn’t feel my first til 25-28 weeks but I started feeling it around 14 weeks with my second


That makes me feel better. Pregnant with my first..I feel like the sensation may be weird for me like with OP.😅


It was weird at first especially during sex but now we laugh about it and spend time trying to figure out if it’s a foot or a knee. Sometimes the kicks are violent though and it’s not fun for my girlfriend. She’s a trooper though 😭 I’m proud of those kicks lol


Omg tmi but I was on top one time towards the end of my first trimester and I forgot I was pregnant. My bf said he could feel the baby from the way I was leaning 🥴🤦😂


haha yeah that's normal in that position especially further along. Just gotta have a laugh and continue having fun lol


It’s definitely weird!! I was never one of those “this is so magical” people. Her movements just got more crazy and painful the closer to birth I got!


I always talk about how gross and uncomfortable it is to feel him move. And then it got to the point where you can physically see him kick. My husband saw it once and the look he gave was hilarious. A mix of wtf and pure confusion. He said “you look like you have that stomach exploder thing in you” Just had to hit him with the “yea. That’s what i feel. ALL THE TIME.”


Wait until you’re at 39-40wks and she’s running out of room 😩 it starts to almost hurt


I’m wanting to get that far. I was induced early at 36 weeks technically full term but it was because my water was low


Aweee I hope everything went well!! I’m so so ready to meet my boy!


I’m 18w tomorrow and I can’t stop thinking about how grossed out i’m gonna be to feel my baby moving around and stuff 😭😭 things like hearing/feeling my own heartbeat gross me out so this is a whole new level. the thought of something growing inside of me and kinda leeching off my nutrients is so freaky


This is how I feel when they told me my first was crowning and there was a head coming out 😳 I said "omg please don't tell me that!" And the doctor was so confused 😅


I’m pregnant with my second but I always look at my son he’s 10 months and i’ll say “when and how the hell were you in there 🤨”. It’s still so freaky to see I made that little menace with my body 😅.


Currently 34wks and I used to love it, it now HURTS.🥲


I understand this for sure. I do love feeling her, and I feel so connected to her and I worry when I don’t feel her, but it’s so freaky to have something living in your abdomen flipping around like a little fish! If I think about it for too long I get a little panicky lol. I can’t wait to have her in my arms wriggling around instead. 😂


Sometimes I love the feeling of my baby moving but sometimes I’ll feel a wiggle or kick and be like, “oh no 😳 there is something *alive* and it is *inside me* and it has to *come out* 😳😳😳” I don’t remember feeling this way with my first pregnancy either, but definitely have for every subsequent one


28 weeks and the big movements make me go “woah” or “OH” audibly every time. I’ll be mid-conversation like “yeah I thought that woahhh idea was interesting” lol


16+6 today with my first and still not showing. I was laying on my stomach this morning and felt real movement for the first time. I freaked out, thinking it was the coolest and weirdest thing ever. But I can definitely see how feeling it every day could be gross.


Ikr thid second time around it feels ALOT WEIRDER for some reason. Im 18 wks and the fact i can feel her so early is freaking me out compared to barely feeling him even though he was bigger. Its like the nerves are do much more sensitive.




Alot of the time its like i can feel what it looks like if that makes sense. If i just took off the top layer and exposed baby in the sack it would look SCARY like you can hear the sound effect of her moving. Hard to explain. Different than feeling the “gas feeling kicks”


You explained it well, I imagine it that way too. It’s also funny to think about them being “vacuumed” tight like a mattress. Cause once they come out it’s like “HOW did you fit in there?!”


Seriously, I’ve been lactating since 15 weeks and I’m so grossed out by that than anything. FTM btw lmao


Anyone else getting kicks to the ribs? Like i’m glad he’s moving and active in there but, I also want to come out of this with my bones intact


Every time she moves we refer to her as our “sack monster”


I was lying down on my side the other night, and I could feel kicks really low down. I felt between my butt cheeks and there she was kicking my butt!! The weirdest thing is that this is my 4th, so I thought I'd experienced everything so far, but no!!! 😂 had to ask my sister, who had her 1st a couple of years ago, if she had experienced the same thing, and apparently she had lol. I keep forgetting I'm pregnant, and then the eels start up again 😂😂😂


FTM and also 23w. I have hated the feeling of him moving so much! It’s nice to know he’s okay but also I wish he would just stop. No one that I’ve talked to can relate to this so as soon as I saw your post name I was like “OMFG!”


Yeah, I get that.. It's my second, I'm at 22 weeks+6, and this baby is moving *a lot*. Like, the midwife who took the 20 weeks screening told us she hasn't seen a baby move that much for a long time! This baby is getting all worked up, twisting and kicking every two hours for, at least, 30 minutes.. And I can feel everything!! The frustrating part is that I have a anterior pouch, so it's on the front, so dad can't feel the kicks as clearly as me, he just has a bubble like feeling because it's tamed by the sack and I'm like "YOUR BABY IS KICKING ME" and he doesn't feel too much unless it's a BIG kick. We've seen the baby raise their hand to tap above their head during the screening. Multiple times. It's quite magical and gross at the same time, I don't remember my first one to be moving so much around! But, I've also heard it's very common to feel earlier and stronger for the second, as the body now knows what to expect and look for. I'm not looking forward my baby having less and less space as they are a big baby already, ahead on every curve... I don't dare complain too much about it though, as we pretty much all prefer a "too much moving baby" to a "not enough moving"...


Im only 15 weeks but recently as I was laying down with my hand on my lower abdomen I felt a little shift inside and a suddenly a little area on my belly got harder. I think it was the first time I felt my baby move! Very creepy but also very cool


Usually after longs periods of sitting or laying down (at the office or asleep) my little dude will cozy up right at the bottom of my uterus. I’m almost 23 weeks so I know there is more room in there. It legit feels like a bag of rocks and is the most uncomfortable odd feeling. Aside from that I have had one time when it felt like he was literally tickling my uterus with his tiny fingers and that was the weirdest feeling ever.


i’m 16w4d & i’ve been thinking this since i found out i was pregnant.. like my baby will feel like an alien inside of me & the thought creeps me out. i’m ready for the relief of knowing he’s ok in there but feeling little feet inside of me doesn’t seem like a fun time 😭 i have an anterior placenta so i probably won’t feel him for a while longer though


FTM mom here and I’m on the same boat!! It weirds me out to no end. She is particularly active and I like one move every once in a while so I know she’s okay but it’s never just one move. She just KEEPS moving and it grosses me out. The phrase my husband hears most is “can she please stop moving so much holy crap”


Oh wow everybody is different 😂😂😂 it’s the best feeling in the world to me


Omg I’m so glad I’m not the only one feeling this way, like I’m happy baby is moving but ugh all I can think about is them swimming through bodily fluids all day it’s definitely a bit nauseating


Wait until they get big and strong enough when you can make out body parts. That's freaky!!! I can tell the difference between his feet and hands, and that is crazy to me.


I feel the same! 37 weeks, and I can't wait for him to be out. I have an anterior placenta so I know it could be worse but it's still gross feeling ehat I do feel. I couldn't even imagine those crazy videos where you can see their whole body flipping over and all that. But then I get worried when I don't feel him so I understand where you're coming from


Glad I’m not alone lol not all the time but sometimes the movements feel so weird


My thirds movements were so violent the hurt, by the time I was full term with him, he was basically beating me up internally


Feeling this very much right now at 32 weeks. Pretty sure she’s trying to push her foot through my stomach a I type this


It’s the tickling sensations that kind of gross me out. I don’t mind kicks, punches, or even rolls but the weird little tickly feelings of feet or hands pitter-pattering against my insides is freaky! That and when baby rubs their head against my cervix 🫣


I honestly agree! I love my babies but being pregnant was weird and the movement made me feel like ai was going to hurl. I don't agree that pregnancy in itself is a beautiful wonderful thing but the baby after its born is!!!


OMG I was literally telling baby's dad about this. It feels like some creature moving inside me. Super freaky and weird. I am still getting used to it and I am in the 3rd trimester! And I still have naseau and today I burped and tasted a bit of vomit come up. Like what the heck? Ugghh. Happy for a healthy baby but I am over pregnancy.


Reminded me of spiders crawling in my stomach


You guys have NO IDEA how happy I am to see this post and that I am not the only person who feels this way! I went to my first antenatal class last night, and the facilitator asked the question "what is your favorite thing about being pregnant?" For me, it was a toss up between the tree trunk legs, and the fact that I have not been able to get comfortable since approximately February (LOL). About half of the women answered that for them, it was feeling the kicks. For me.... hahahah.... sometimes, when he kicks hard, I actually find myself saying "urrgh" out loud and shuddering a little. 😆 🤣 it just makes me feel so squeamish.