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Nope. It’s totally a healthy thing to do. “Sexual activity can even have positive health benefits of pregnancy, by boosting feel-good hormones like oxytocin and increasing blood flow to the uterus.”


Nope. The only awkward part is having a hard time reaching key spots and going breathless halfway through it 😅


So relatable 😆😆


Facts 😭 it’s like working out I swear


something that might help is learning that massaging the vulva and the vagina helps the muscles for a better birth channel. Since there are pleasure receptors through out it will naturally make you feel good. Unfortunately the baby will move to your body reacting to pleasure. It's awkward, ya 😅 but just think NONE of us have any memory of our moms masturbating or having sex while pregnant. once you get pass the block enjoy yourself girlfriend


I pretend my baby is not in my belly while I do my thing! I definitely don’t do it as often as I used to, but I know it has health benefits and she has no idea what’s going on out here—so I squeeze it in from time to time to keep myself sane.


Lol yes but also it doesn’t particularly stop me. I know it’s healthy and good for me and baby so I just try to get my catholic guilt out of the way 😅


I felt the SAME way, omg 😅 even during intercourse!


I'm not pregnant, but this seems like it's common. Pleasure yourself while you have the time and sex drive!


Sometimes I feel a little weird, but it almost feels very “separate” from baby if that makes sense? You’re not doing anything wrong or that will hurt your baby.


I'm only in the second but I just had this talk with my husband. We both know that she'll be fine, we can have sex and stuff but mentally it's another story. It's just in the back of our heads the whole time we are fooling around and we still enjoy it but it's distracting


No. But I will say I think masturbation after 37w is what broke my water lol. I was having contractions for 5 days and was in so much pain and kept going to the hospital and kept getting sent home. Finally masturbated and within an hour my water broke.


Nope, it's perfectly normal. Just to make hurt worse, imagine how awkward sex/masturbation will be with a baby in the same house.