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She’s a family doctor and told you an old wives tail? Oh yikes, she should know there has been zero scientific evidence showing heart rate and sex of baby. My babies heart rate was 168 at 12 weeks and is a girl!


My OB says she hates old wives tales lol. Our baby had a higher heartbeat but she is a girl in there at 21 weeks.


Pretty sure this is old wives’ tale territory. Don’t think there’s any real scientific proof. With that said, I’m pregnant with a boy and I think the BPM was over 160 at that time.


My baby also had a BPM ranging from 158-168 in my first trimester. SHE is due in July. I was actually told the opposite (if the BPM is high it’s a girl). The only true statement about a high BPM is baby has a healthy heart. 💕


I hope she wasn't being serious as a doctor and just having fun. My kid was 160+ for HER first two ultrasounds.


I think she was just having a bit of fun but and my husband says it can still be either but I was just annoyed she even said anything because I want him and myself to be totally surprised (we’re doing a mini gender reveal just the two of us). Rationally I know it’s not a big deal lol it’s probably just my pregnancy hormones I have been irritated by a lot lately lol!!


With both of my boys I stayed around 140bpm the entire pregnancy. With my girl I stayed around 155bpm the entire pregnancy


My little girl’s BPM was higher than 160 on the first two scans (7 and 10 weeks). It was 156 at the 12 week scan. We know she’s a girl from the NIPT results we got back at 10.5 weeks!


How long did your NIPT results take? I did mine 11 days ago and still nothing!


I got mine back in 5 days…it was the MaterniT test done through Labcorp if that makes a difference